[the Writing of Kuypers]    [JanetKuypers.com]    [Bio]    [Poems]    [Prose]

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See YouTube video from 7/8/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Internet Chainsaw Relationship”, “the Perils of Lovemaking” and “The Self-Knifing?” in the Georgetown “Poetry Aloud” open mic (Lumix).
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See YouTube video from 7/8/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Internet Chainsaw Relationship”, “the Perils of Lovemaking” and “The Self-Knifing?” in the Georgetown “Poetry Aloud” open mic (Sony).

Internet Chainsaw Relationship

Reflecting on the movies “You’ve Got Mail”
and “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,”
this story was reported in Maine on July 5th.
The now-deceased James began an Internet
relationship with Beth. James lived in
Missouri, but moved to Topsham, Maine
on June 23 to be with Beth. When he arrived,
Beth abruptly ended their relationship.
After spending thousands of dollars on calls,
email, computers, and moving to Maine,
James had even helped Beth pay her bills,
so James was very distraught.

Beth didn’t know that James had attempted
suicide 5 years earlier. Debra, James’ friend,
received a phone call from him where he begged
for her forgiveness, though she did not know
for what. Hours after that phone call, James
drove to Beth’s house on River Road, knocked
on the door, and asked her adult son to get his
mother. He refused and locked all the doors.

At this point James pulled a chainsaw from his
trunk, stood on the lawn, and severed his own
neck, to showcase to Beth the depth of his love.

Police found him barely alive. “There was blood
all over. I couldn’t see where the wound was,”
explained William Robbins of the Sagadahoc County
Sheriff’s Department. James died in the hospital.

James has two brothers were contacted after
his death. Both of his brothers were also
named James, but had different middle names.

Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair

Kuypers at Artvilla

scars publications

Kuypers writing