My Memorials To You
I see the ring youve given me
when you were ready to die
I have no choice mow,
whenever I go out
I wear this ring on my middle finger
with this big blue topaz stone
I wear it like a badge of honor
I wear it like its your tombstone
I wear it like Im some sort of martyr
but I also see the ring I got from you long ago
its a ring from dad of an ankh
with a small diamond in the center
signifying everlasting life
and mean to signify
his everlasting love for you
Ive had that ankh ring
for I dont know how many years
I even remember once wearing it
when I was in California
meeting with Joes religious parents
and I tried to make the right impression
but after the visit
Joe told me that hes sure they noticed
the pagan symbol on my finger
and I was furious, I tried to explain
that ring was a symbol
of my fathers everlasting love
for my mother
but I dont think he cared
and Im sure his parents didnt care
and looking back,
Im sure people always
carry all their baggage around with them
and think whatever they want to think
its funny,
I dont wear that ankh ring so much now
mostly because Im afraid
that Ill get that loop on top of the ankh
or that point at the bottom of the ankh
caught on something, anything
and maybe break the ring
I dont know,
I guess its funny
how differently
I can treat
my memorials to you

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.