three minutes for three dollars
Janet Kuypers
when the economy is down
and women are expected
to get ahead on their own
the men go off to war
and women are suddenly alone
trying to make ends meet
in Honolulu, during World War II
the women saw fleets of men
sailing in and out of their ports
the police would condone it
it’s good for the military’s morale
prostitution became legal
and suddenly all the women
were finally needed for something
but when the ladies of Hotel Street
saw literally hundreds of men
standing in line around the block
well, they had to come up with a system
this was a business, you see
put your morality on the line
offer three minutes for three dollars
this is a business, you see
call it a bull ring or a bull pen
but have three rooms in a circle
one for the men to undress and wait in
one for the three minutes
and one to get dressed in before leaving
over a hundred a day is no problem
when you check your morals at the door
but you have to keep up the pace:
you only have time off for menstruation
and they’ll ship you back to the mainland
if you don’t follow the police rules
don’t live outside the brothel
don’t shop in the well-known stores
or frequent well-to-do restaurants
don’t date anyone, don’t buy property
and don’t mind the disrespect,
don’t mind the vulgarity or abuse
and don’t mind the broken heart
or broken body
because even though this is a busy time
for women these days,
someone will come along to take your place
if you ever even think of complaining

Copyright © 2010 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.