Ultimate Connectivity:
aches and pains
Janet Kuypers
Had a really heavy workload;
months went by,
the workload piled,
the boyfriend was bringing me down
and I’d wake up every day
in so much pain,
shoulder, elbow, back and knees —
the pain drove me to a doctor
and after the blood tests
they found nothing wrong,
but they guessed it was arthritis
and give me really strong pills.
They’d make me dizzy,
they’d knock me out,
but they didn’t relieve the pain...
So after four months I got away —
got away from the work,
got away from the boyfriend.
Enjoyed the sun and the sand
and felt at peace again.
And that’s when I realized
I didn’t need that boyfriend,
and I can handle the work
so... I didn’t need the pills.
And the aches and pains,
they went away —
and it only happened
when I brought peace back again.