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Nepotism from the Bad

Janet Kuypers

Nepotism now runs rampant with our newly re-
Elected U.S. President (then again, our last
President’s son wasn’t so spot-on with the
Law anyway...), and I actually thought that
Nations only dealt with this when it came to
Royalty ruling their countries... but here in the
States I thought we’re supposed to be smarter.
But in this millennium the entertainer-in-chief
Screams that presidents they don’t like are from
Kenya (because when it comes to exploiting
Fear, everyone hates anything not like them).
So many children have been haunted by their
Daddies; now we’re all stuck with one bad dad.

Dislike of the other means the right will hate
Anything that could be construed as helping
Planet Earth, and understanding the political
Spectrum makes it far too easy to connect
Fascist dots from any right-leaning leader to
Hitler. Which rights are taken away, as the
Pendulum sways from one direction oh so
Violently to the next. Obama was the one who
Caught Bin Laden, shot him and left him out
To sea, but this millennium will remain known
As republicans starting wars, picking fights,
Thinking they’re the leaders who can impose
Their moral will. And where does that leave us.

Because if you don’t know a leader (of a free world
Or otherwise), nepotism’s not going to save you.
Which is why my head has been swimming —
Not because my family’s not in power, but because
It’s in the hands of people who jumped onto theĀ 
Chain of that pendulum, and have been pushing,
And swinging, seeing how high they could really go.
And that’s the thing: politicians have become giant
Children abandoned at the playground, and no
One is watching to see what trouble they’ll cause.
And that’s the thing: back in the day republicans
Didn’t make waves, but now they’ve Trumped you,
Jumping on this “I must fit in with him” mindset.

And I still keep asking: where does that leave us.
Where does that leave the children, who feel they
Could do a better job of ruling the country, but
Know better than to step in those rancid waters
Expecting to rise above the governmental waste—
Versus merely floating or even sinking to the
Bottom, unable to hold your breath in the putrid
Stench you can’t escape. Because that’s what
Happens when the pendulum swings to high:
So many people trying to get so high, they keep
Throwing too much shit as they swing that they
Don’t care where the shit falls. That’s the thing:
It’s falling everywhere, and it’s falling on us,

Copyright © Janet Kuypers.

All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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