writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


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Life on the Edge

this huge volume is available for only $2395
Life on the Edge
Order this writing
in the collection book

Rising to the Surface

download: only $8.95
paperback book (with b&w interior pages): $14.95
paperback book (with color interior pages): $59.95
Rising to the Surface
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in the collection book

It All Comes Down

download: only $595
paperback book: $1395
It All Comes Down
Order this writing
in the collection book


available for only 895
Order this writing
in the collection book

Living in Chaos
6" x 9" ISBN# book
based on the 2007 collection
book “Chaos Theory”

order ISBN# book
cc&d v171.5 - Living in Chaos
Order this writing
in the collection book

Survive & Thrive

(original list price was $14.22)
now available for only 995
Survive & Thrive
Order this writing
in Kuypers’ first poetry book

Hope Chest in the Attic

available for only 1095
Hope Chest in the Attic
Order this writing
in the 25-year poetry collection book


now on sale! for only 995
Order this writing
in the book

Chapter 38 (v1)
This volume is available in two forms,
with Slightly different contets:
as a 6"x9" supplement book and
as a digest-sized 5.5"x8.5" book.
This writing is in one - or both - books.
Chapter 38 (v1)

the 6"x9" paperback book: $15.95
the 5.5"x8.5" paperback book: $14.95
or as a e-book/PDF file download: $4.95

Order this writing
in the book

Chapter 38 (v2)
This volume is available in two forms,
with Slightly different contets:
as a 6"x9" supplement book and
as a digest-sized 5.5"x8.5" book.
This writing is in one - or both - books.
Chapter 38 (v2)

the 6"x9" paperback book: $14.95
the 5.5"x8.5" paperback book: $14.95
or as a e-book/PDF file download: $4.95

Order this writing
in the book

A Wake-Up Call
From Tradition

This is the 2nd of a 3 volume 2009 set.

A Wake-Up Call From Tradition

the 5.5"x8.5" paperback book: $14.95

Order this writing
in the book

finally, literature for
the snotty and elite (v1)

This is volume 1 of a 2 volume set,
6"x9". Most of this book
is also in the 5.5"x8.5" book.

finally, literature for the snotty and elite

the 6"x9" paperback book: $21.95

Order this writing
in the book

finally, literature for
the snotty and elite

This is the 1st of a 3 volume 2009 set.

finally, literature for the snotty and elite

the 5.5"x8.5" paperback book: $14.95
or as a e-book/PDF file download: $5.95

Order this writing in the 2010 book
Janet and Jean Together
of Janet Kuypers poetry with
Jean Hellemans Finnish translations

order ISBN# book
Janet and Jean Together

This writing was accepted for publication
in an issue of Down in the Dirt magazine:
Issues slated for future release can be ordered from the printer as soon as the issue is released (in the beginning of their release month), and a link to ordering the issue will be available here when the issue is available.

high roller

I long to see you sitting again
cigarette in hand
walkman on the table

I want to be able to walk up behind you
rest my hands on your shoulders
lean my head next to your face

I long to have my cheek near yours
not touching
but so close
that I could still feel your warmth
your desire

our skin wouldnąt touch
but I would still feel the rush
from your presence

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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