Know What Planet
She’s From
Janet Kuypers
3/25/19 (written on the anniversary
of the discovery of Saturn’s moon Titan)
On this date
in one six five five,
Christiaan Huygens discovered
a satellite around the planet Saturn —
that is what we now know as
the moon Titan, discovered
today by the lone
Also back then,
in two oh one five
a Dutch girl had discovered the
intricacies of the Taj Mahal in India with
a friend and a tour guide; she
circled around and walked
ahead, and when the
tour guide saw
the Saturn car logo
on her back-pack purse,
the tour guide then said,
“At least we know what planet she’s from.”
And when the Dutch girl thinks of
this still, she laughs
about it to
this day.
I’ve always loved
astronomy, so years
ago, when I bought my first
car, I researched it, and I chose the Saturn,
then in its second year of production.
I deduced the make, model, color,
went to the dealership,
made my choice —
all without even
going for a test drive.
Because when you love
Astronomy as I do, you don’t haggle.
You know this giant will give
you everything you need
for as long as you
want it.
That’s how
the Universe
works. Everything will
be in in order; making perfect sense.
So after I, when stopped on the road
in my Saturn, was hit by two
cars and almost killed,
respirators kept me
alive. But
my sister swore
that if I was in another
car, she was sure I’d be dead. Not
unlike the way the gas giants
like Saturn and Jupiter
protected planets like
Earth from rocks,
comets, death.
And I could go
on and on about my
love affair with Saturn, but
the real key for astronauts today
when it comes to
the earth’s
is actually in
learning about Titan.
Because this one moon, one
of only two moons in this solar system
larger than our moon —
it is so much like
our own Earth in
its early history.
Get a load of
this: Titan is the only
other body in this Solar System
that we know of that has hydraulic cycles.
Translation: is has evaporation,
condensation, and the all-
important precipitation.
It rains on Titan,
just like Earth.
it doesn’t matter
if it rains nitrogen
versus water, you’re missing the point.
It has weather patterns. This
moon has weather
patterns. Other
moons do not.
And you may
laugh at me when
I put emblems from my
Saturn car on my purse as a fashion
statement. But maybe my love
affair was for far more
than an American
car. Maybe,
just maybe,
it was for more
than that... maybe it was
for the love of the solar system, the
gas giants that kept our planet
alive, and maybe it was for
their moon, not so much
unlike us. It was
all that, with
in this solar
system, how all of the
pieces seem to fit together to perfectly.
We can see our history in Titan,
discovered today so long
ago, and that alone
can make us fall
in love again.