Down in the Dirt,
Murder by Burger
(v228, Feb. 2025)
Down in the Dirt,
Brutal Architecture
(v227, Jan. 2025)
Down in the Dirt,
(v226, Dec. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
Shadows of Sanity
(v225, Nov. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
Fall Rituals
(v224, Oct. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
(v223, Sep. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
A Night Shadow
(v222, Aug. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
Mind Pebbles
(v221, July 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
Finding Refuge
(v220, June 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
Book Idolatry
(v219, May 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
The Unbridgeable Canyon
(v218, Apr. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
The Darkness Within
(v217, Mar. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
Where Icarus Went
(v216, Feb. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
(v215, Jan. 2024)
Down in the Dirt,
Wintering Over
(v214, Dec. 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
(v213, Nov. 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
The Beach at Night
(v212, Oct. 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
All the Stories
(v211, Sep. 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
At the Zoo
(v210, Aug. 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
Lonely Visitor
(v209, July 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
Some Things Are Universal
(v208, June 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
I wrote this in the dark
(v207, May 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
Floating Island
(v206, April 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
My Homeland
(v205, March 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
(v204, February 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
The Gravity of Imagination
(v203, January 2023)
Down in the Dirt,
The Cool Cold
(v202, December 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
Reaching for the Stars
(v201, November 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
How to Become an Octopus
(v200, October 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
(v199, September 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
My Name is Equality
(v198, August 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
History, Banners and Flags
(v197, July 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
(v196, June 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
In Plain View
(v195, May 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
(v194, Apr. 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
Just a Few Butterflies
(v193, Mar. 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
And I Disappear (v192, Feb. 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
Impeccable Warriors (v191, Jan. 2022)
Down in the Dirt,
Lifeboat (v190, Dec. 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
A Door is A Door is A Door (v189, Nov. 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
(v188, Oct. 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
Roman Remains
(v187, Sep. 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
Three Things
(v186, Aug. 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
Desert Bloom
(v185, July 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
Sprung from Grief
(v184, June 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
Alone Time
(v183, May 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
i am not alone
(v182, April 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
Prayers and Bullets
(v181, March 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
(v180, Feb. 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
a Stretch of Highway
(v179, Jan. 2021)
Down in the Dirt,
(v178, Dec. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
Pipe Dreams
(v177, Nov. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
The End of the World
(v176, Oct. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
In the Singularity
(v175, Sep. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
Drowning in the Darkness
(v174, Aug. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
Gone Fishing
(v173, July 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
Existential Threats
(v172, June 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
(v171, May 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
(v170, Apr. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
(v169, Mar. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
(v168, Feb. 2020)
Down in the Dirt,
Why Peace Will Forever Elude Us (v167, Nov.-Dec. 2019)
Down in the Dirt,
Climate Change (v166, Sep.-Oct. 2019)
Down in the Dirt,
Gasmask Anthem (v165, July-Aug. 2019)
Down in the Dirt,
The Deep Woods (v164, May-June 2019)
Down in the Dirt,
Parallel Universe (v163, Mar.-Apr. 2019)
Down in the Dirt,
Fallen Kingdom (v162, Jan.-Feb. 2019)
Down in the Dirt,
Hurricane Katrina (v161, Nov.-Dec. 2018)
Down in the Dirt
10/5 chapbook
A Regimented Post-Apocalyptic Society
Tom Ball PDF
Down in the Dirt,
(v160, Sep.-Oct. 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
The Last Guru,
(v159, July-Aug. 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
The Painting,
(v158, June 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
The Church,
(v157, May 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
My Name Is Nobody,
(v156, Apr. 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
Dear Reader,
(v155, Mar. 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
Renegade Winter,
(v154, Feb. 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
Farewell to Seafaring,
(v153, Jan. 2018)
Down in the Dirt,
the Lighthouse,
(v152, Dec. 2017)
the 2018 literary review date book
cc&d/Down in the Dirt 2017 poetry collection & weekly calendar book
Down in the Dirt,
(v151, Nov. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
a Finch in the Window,
(v150, Oct. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
(v149, Sep. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
Ancient Colors,
(v148, Aug. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
On the Rocks,
(v147, July 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
Embracing Shadows,
(v146, June 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
Hands that Hurt,
(v145, May 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
(v144, Apr. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
What Remains,
(v143, Mar. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
(v142, Feb. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
Ice King,
(v141, Jan. 2017)
Down in the Dirt,
v140 the Bridge,
(Nov./Dec. 2016)
Down in the Dirt
10/20 chapbook
Alain Marciano PDF
Down in the Dirt
10/14 chapbook
Chris Butler PDF
Down in the Dirt,
the Relic, the Effort, the Yell, v139
(Sep./Oct. 2016)
Down in the Dirt,
Suicidal Birds, v138
(July/Aug. 2016)
Down in the Dirt
6 ‘16, The Hive, v137
(June 2016)
Down in the Dirt
5 ‘16, 6 Feet Under, v136
(May 2016)
Down in the Dirt
3/4 ‘16, New Moon, v135
(Mar./Apr. 2016)
Down in the Dirt
the Breaking, v134 1/2 2016
(Jan./Feb. 2016)
Down in the Dirt
Planets Apart, v133 11/12 2015
(Nov./Dec. 2015)
Down in the Dirt
10/22 chapbook
Chris Butler PDF
Down in the Dirt
“hello goodbye goodbye hello”, v132 10/2015
Oct. 2015
Down in the Dirt
“Path of Least Resistance”, v131 9/2015
Sept. 2015
Down in the Dirt
“Too Many Miles”, v130 7/8 2015
July/Aug. 2015
Down in the Dirt
“a Bad Influence”, v129 5/6 2015
May/June 2015
Down in the Dirt
“Black Cat”, v128 3/4 2015
Mar./Apr. 2015
What Must be Done
July-December 2014 Down in the Dirt” collection book
Down in the Dirt
“Treading Water”, v127 1/2 2015
Jan./Feb. 2015
Down in the Dirt
“a Creative Journey”, v125 9/10 2014
Sep./Oct. 2014
Down in the Dirt
9/9 PDF chapbook
Major Arcana
Allan Onik
Down in the Dirt
7/24 PDF chapbook
The Girl Next Door and Other Poems
Ralph Monday
Down in the Dirt
“Spiraling”, v124 7/8 2014
Jul./Aug. 2014
Down in the Dirt
“Home at Last”, v123 5/6 2014
May/June 2014
Down in the Dirt
“am I really extinct”, v122 3/4 2014
Mar./Apr. 2014
Down in the Dirt
“I Pull the Strings”, v121 1/2 2014
Jan./Feb. 2014
don’t forget it 2014 date book
cc&d/Down in the Dirt 2013 poetry collection book calendar
Down in the Dirt
v119 9/10 2013
Sept./Oct. 2013
Down in the Dirt
8/13 PDF chapbook
Gregory Liffick
Down in the Dirt
v118 7/8 2013
July/Aug. 2013
Down in the Dirt
v117 5/6 2013
May/June 2013
Down in the Dirt
v116 3/4 2013
Mar./Apr. 2013
Down in the Dirt
v115 2/13
February 2013
Down in the Dirt
1/15/13 PDF chapbook
a Petal Under Pavement
Mike Brennan
Down in the Dirt
v114 1/13
January 2013
After the Apocalypse datebook
cc&d/Down in the Dirt 2013 poetry collection book calendar
Down in the Dirt
v112 11 2012
November 2012
Down in the Dirt
v111 10 2012
October 2012
Down in the Dirt
v110 09 2012
September 2012
Down in the Dirt
07 and 08 2012
July-August 2012
Down in the Dirt
v107 06/12
June 2012
Down in the Dirt
v106 05/12
May 2012
Down in the Dirt
v105 04/12
April 2012
Down in the Dirt
v104 03/12
March 2012
Down in the Dirt
v103 02/12
Febbruary 2012
Down in the Dirt
v102 01/12
January 2012
the 2012 Literary Datebook
2012 poetry spiral datebook
Down in the Dirt
v100 11/11
November 2011
Down in the Dirt
v099 10/11
October 2011
Down in the Dirt
v098 09/11
September 2011
Down in the Dirt
8/25/11 PDF chapbook
Ghost Dancers Leaping from a Tome
Peter Magliocco
Down in the Dirt
8/25/11 PDF chapbook
Brandon S. Roy
collection book
Prominent Pen (dirt edition)
Down in the Dirt
v097 08/11
August 2011
Down in the Dirt
v096 07/11
July 2011
Down in the Dirt
v095 06/11
June 2011
Down in the Dirt
v094 05/11
May 2011
Down in the Dirt
04/15/11 PDF chapbook
Cat People
Kyle Hemmings
Down in the Dirt
v093 04/11
April 2011
Down in the Dirt
v092 03/11
March 2011
Down in the Dirt
v091 02/11
Feb. 2011
Down in the Dirt
v090 01/11
Jan. 2011
11/25/10 Enriched Poetry
July-December cc&d and “Down in the Dirt” poetry collection book
11/25/10 Enriched with Dirt
July-December Down in the Dirt prose collection book
Down in the Dirt
v088 11/10
Nov. 2010
Down in the Dirt
v087 10/10
Oct. 2010
Down in the Dirt
v086 09/10
Sept. 2010
Down in the Dirt
v085 08/10
August 2010
Down in the Dirt
v084 07/10
July 2010
Down in the Dirt
v083 06/10
June 2010
Down in the Dirt
v082 05/10
May 2010;
Down in the Dirt
04/16/10 chapbook
Watershed PDF
Gregory Liffick
Down in the Dirt
04/13/10 chapbook
the War of Art PDF
Chris Butler
Down in the Dirt
v081 04/10
April 2010;
In Your Heart, the Apostrophe’s Teardrops of God
2010 Mark Fleury poetry book
Down in the Dirt
v080 03/10
March 2010;
Down in the Dirt
Feb. 2010; 02/10
Down in the Dirt
01/06/10 chapbook
A Marble Nude Pauline Borghesewith a Marble Apple in her Marble Hand PDF
Duane Locke
Down in the Dirt
Jan. 2010; 01/10
Down in the Dirt
Dec. 2009; 12/09
Down in the Dirt
11/20/09 chapbook
The Breathing Room: Spirit Light Naming Sound PDF
Mark Fleury
Down in the Dirt
Nov. 2009; 11/09
Down in the Dirt
Oct. 2009; 10/09
Down in the Dirt
Sept. 2009; 09/09
Down in the Dirt
Aug. 2009; 08/09
Down in the Dirt
July 2009; 07/09
Down in the Dirt
collection book
Crawling Through the Dirt
January-June ‘09
Down in the Dirt
June 2009; 06/09
Down in the Dirt
May 2009; 05/09
Down in the Dirt
April 2009; 04/09
Down in the Dirt
Mar. 2009; 03/09
Down in the Dirt
Feb. 2009; 02/09
Down in the Dirt
Jan. 2009; 01/09
Down in the Dirt
collection book
Layers of Creation 07-12 ‘08
Down in the Dirt
Dec. 2008; 12/08
Down in the Dirt
Nov. 2008; 11/08
Down in the Dirt
Oct. 2008; 10/08
Down in the Dirt
Sept. 2008; 09/08
Down in the Dirt
Aug. 2008; 08/08
Down in the Dirt
July 2008; 07/08
Down in the Dirt
collection book
Decrepit Remains
January-June ‘08
Down in the Dirt
June 2008; 06/08
Down in the Dirt
May 2008; 05/08
Down in the Dirt
April 2008; 04/08
Down in the Dirt
March 2008; 03/08
Down in the Dirt
Feb. 2008; 02/08
Down in the Dirt
01/17/08 chapbook
Long Gone Blues PDF
Sam Martin
Down in the Dirt
Jan. 2008; 01/08
Down in the Dirt
in the 2008 Poetry
Down in the Dirt
collection book
Revealing all your
Dirty Little Secrets 07-12 ‘07
Down in the Dirt
Dec. 2007; 12/07
Down in the Dirt
Nov. 2007; 11/07
Down in the Dirt
Oct. 2007; 10/07
Down in the Dirt
Sept. 2007; 09/07
Down in the Dirt
Aug. 2007; 08/07
Down in the Dirt
07/25/07 chapbook PDF Troubled Men
Sam Martin
Down in the Dirt
July 2007; 07/07
Down in the Dirt
collection book
Unlocking the Mysteries
January-June ‘07
Down in the Dirt
06/12/07 chapbook PDF Troubled Women
Sam Martin
Down in the Dirt
June 2007; 04/07
Down in the Dirt
May 2007; 04/07
Down in the Dirt
April 2007; 04/07
Down in the Dirt
March 2007; 03/07
Down in the Dirt
Feb. 2007; 02/07
Down in the Dirt
Jan. 2007; 01/07
Down in the Dirt
in the 2007 Poetry
Down in the Dirt in poetry book
Distinguished Writings
Down in the Dirt
Dec. 2006; 12/06
Down in the Dirt
Nov. 2006; 11/06
Down in the Dirt
Oct. 2006; 10/06
Down in the Dirt
Sept. 2006; 09/06
Down in the Dirt
Aug. 2006; 08/06
Down in the Dirt
July 2006; 07/06
Down in the Dirt
June 2006; 04/06
Down in the Dirt
May 2006; 04/06
Down in the Dirt
April 2006; 04/06
Down in the Dirt
March 2006; 03/06
Down in the Dirt
Feb. 2006; 02/06
Down in the Dirt
Jan. 2006; 01/06
Down in the Dirt
Nov. 2005; 11/05
Down in the Dirt
10/21/05 chapbook PDF Shortcut to Emptiness
Linda Webb Aceto
Down in the Dirt
Oct. 2005; 10/05
Down in the Dirt
09/22/05 chapbook PDF The Tormented Wive’s Lamen
Valerie Howard
Down in the Dirt
Sept. 2005; 09/05
Down in the Dirt
08/24/05 chapbook PDF Shades Before Your Life
Brandi S. Henderson
Down in the Dirt
Aug. 2005; 08/05
Down in the Dirt
Summer 20005
The Waning Moon
Down in the Dirt
July 2005; 07/05
Down in the Dirt
June 2005; 04/05
Down in the Dirt
05/24/05 chapbook
PDF Why I Return
Ashok Niyogi
Down in the Dirt
May 2005; 04/05
Down in the Dirt
April 2005; 04/05
Down in the Dirt
March 2005; 03/05
Down in the Dirt
Feb. 2005; 02/05
Down in the Dirt
Jan. 2005; 01/05
Down in the Dirt
Nov. 2004; 11/04
Down in the Dirt
Oct. 2004; 10/04
Down in the Dirt
09/08/04 chapbook PDF Euclid Creek: A Journey
Michael Ceraolo
Down in the Dirt
Sept. 2004; 09/04
Down in the Dirt
08/11/04 chapbook PDF Undercurrents
Ashok Niyogi
Down in the Dirt
Aug. 2004; 08/04
Down in the Dirt
07/19/04 chapbook
The Untitled Doorway PDF
Vadim Bystritshi
Down in the Dirt
July 2004; 07/04
Down in the Dirt
June 2004; 04/04
Down in the Dirt
05/19/04 chapbook
the Faces of Death PDF
Victor Cerda, Jr.
Down in the Dirt
05/19/04 chapbook compilation
Somebody Hurt Me PDF
Down in the Dirt
05/19/04 chapbook compilation
Soap Box Monologues PDF
Down in the Dirt
05/04 chapbook
Conversations in a Car PDF
Ashok Niyogi
Down in the Dirt
May 2004; 04/04
Down in the Dirt
04/07/04 chapbook PDF Slim Volume
Ashok Niyogi
Down in the Dirt
04/07/04 chapbook PDF Slim Volume
Ashok Niyogi
(with no images)
Down in the Dirt
April 2004; 04/04
Down in the Dirt
03/04 chapbook
Other Worlds PDF
Ashok Niyogi
Down in the Dirt
March 2004; 03/04
Down in the Dirt
02/22/04 chapbook
Death and the Angels PDF
Tim Krzys
Down in the Dirt
Jan. 2004; 01/04
Down in the Dirt
08/11/03 chapbooks
The Omen Triad PDF
Vadim Bystritski
The Cats PDF
Vadim Bystritski
The Nails PDF
Vadim Bystritski
The Omen PDF
Vadim Bystritski
Down in the Dirt
07/29/03 chapbook
The Mountain PDF
Vadim Bystritski
Down in the Dirt
07/23/03 chapbook
(untitled) PDF
Vadim Bystritski
Down in the Dirt
2002 poetry calendar PDF
with no images
Down in the Dirt
supplement 2001 #4 PDF
Down in the Dirt
supplement 2001 #3 PDF
Down in the Dirt
supplement 2001 #2 PDF
Down in the Dirt
supplement 2001 #1 PDF
Down in the Dirt
supplement collection PDF