Listen to the CD recording from the
CD Rough Mixes, by Pointless Orchestra
Listen to this from the CD release
from the first performance art show
(08/14/97) Seeing Things Differently
Listen to this radio recording
from WZRD Radio (in a 2 CD set)

Watch this YouTube video

(1:54) from Living in a Big World

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(1:53) 07/17/07 from Living in a Big World
You can also see the above video
on Yahoo

Watch the YouTube video
(3:29) 10/15/07 practice for the A Foot Fantasia show, Chicago

Watch the YouTube video
(3:08) 10/15/07 practice for the A Foot Fantasia show, Chicago

Watch the YouTube video

4:22, during the performance art show A Foot Fantasia on the 1st day, 10/16/07, with additional instrumentals, at the Peter Jones art gallery in Chicago
Watch the YouTube video
3:31, during the performance art show A Foot Fantasia 10/17/07, the Peter Jones art gallery, Chicago
Listen to this with the DMJ Art Connection off the CD Chaos In Motion

Watch the YouTube video

05/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from her ISBN# book Close Cover Before Striking)
Watch this YouTube video
of the intro to the 05/31/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus her Close Cover Before Striking poems
See YouTube video (19:36) of Kuypers 05/31/11 at the Café reading her writing:The Carpet Factory the Shoes, Taking Out the Brain, Tell Me, All the Loose Ends, Filled with Such Panic, Leaving for Work, Accounts for the Need of Gun Control, January 1995, Me or Him, Gun Dealers and Gas Stations, and Domestic Violence in America Nashville TN (stick)
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Carpet Factory, the Shoes from the book Drowning live 12/18/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Carpet Factory, the Shoes from the book Drowning live 12/18/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ July 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poem “I Want Love”, her prose “Dandelions for a Passing Stranger” and “Scars”, her poems “the State of the Nation”, “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “the Carpet Factory, the Shoes”, all from the “Letters to the Editor’ section of the re-release of cc&d v79 May 1996 retro-release titled “Poetry and Prose”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ July 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poem “I Want Love”, her prose “Dandelions for a Passing Stranger” and “Scars”, her poems “the State of the Nation”, “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “the Carpet Factory, the Shoes”, all from the “Letters to the Editor’ section of the re-release of cc&d v79 May 1996 retro-release titled “Poetry and Prose”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opens the Way”, “Other People’s Worlds”, and “I Want Love”, her prose “Dandelions for a Passing Stranger” and “Scars”, her poems “the State of the Nation”, “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “The Carpet Factory, The Shoes”, in set 1 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opens the Way”, “Other People’s Worlds”, and “I Want Love”, her prose “Dandelions for a Passing Stranger” and “Scars”, her poems “the State of the Nation”, “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “The Carpet Factory, The Shoes”, in set 1 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).