Any Help At All
I don’t know when the bad stuff
is supposed to end and when
the good stuff is supposed to begin
maybe I’ve been failing in my efforts
to find some good stuff, I don’t know
I’ve been hoping for that happiness, though
and I don’t know where to look any more
I’m tired of doing things myself
and I’m tired of looking for my own answers
for all the troubles I experience
I’m tired of looking
I want someone to help me out on this one
I don’t know where I’m going to
find that help, though
maybe people kept seeing me
with my head on my shoulders
and they got tired of looking
in my direction
to see if I needed anything
but I always want
what others don’t expect me to want
and I still don’t know where I’m
going to, to find any help at all

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.