a phone as a purse
that matches my shoes
(dreams 09/24/05)
I don’t know what we were doing,
but we were out on a street,
I don’t know what street it was,
and you had the back seat of the car pulled out,
it was a big car, it wasn’t my car,
but you were looking for something,
I don’t know, but I noticed
that there were peanuts and junk
where the seat was.
I don’t know, it looked like something was
wrong with the car, but
I don’t know what that had to do
with pulling the row seats out
of the car. Anyway,
I was standing there, leaning against the car,
I think I was wearing shorts,
I think it was summer,
I think once group of guys drove by
looking at me,
but I really didn’t care,
and eventually you said we could go.
I looked in the car and saw the seats there,
and I asked if you got rid of the peanuts
that were under the seat,
and of course you didn’t, so I was
just thinking that he put the seats
on top of the food left there.
But then I said to stop, because
there was a yard sale along the street,
there was a ton of stuff
crammed into this little
Chicago-styled yard,
so you pulled over for me to get out,
and you said you’d drive to park the car.
So I looked at all of the crap
they had for sale,
and they have a telephone
that was styled to look like
a really cool old chrome toaster,
it needed to be cleaned, but
you could see the buttons for the phone
in the front, and there was a rest area
on top for the ear piece. But
the ear piece was missing,
so I was trying to ask about the ear piece,
if you could just use another phone ear piece
and plug it into the toaster-phone.
It’s not like I’d be using a toaster-phone,
it just looked excellent cool
and was dirt cheap, like two bucks.
Then, while I was waiting for an answer,
I saw a phone that was designed
like a big purse, and I was looking at it
thinking that it matched a pair of shoes of mine,
like a faux brown eel skin leather.
Like I’d buy a phone because it was a purse
and matched my shoes.
I think I might have looked up
and saw you waiting in the car.
Like you like garage sales.
You knew better than to join me.

Copyright © 2005 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.