See YouTube video 9/21/17 of Janet Kuypers in her show “Seasons Change”, with her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Knew I Had to be Ready”, “Original Snowbirds” (in her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”), “Autumn (2017 Dripping Springs / Bahá’í Faith Center edit)”, “Marry you in Autumn”, “Sepia Leaves”, “Quell the Vibrancy”, “Seasons 1998”, and “Death Takes Many Forms” (video filmed from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
See YouTube video 9/21/17 of Janet Kuypers in her show “Seasons Change”, with her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Knew I Had to be Ready”, “Original Snowbirds” (in her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”), “Autumn (2017 Dripping Springs / Bahá’í Faith Center edit)”, “Marry you in Autumn”, “Sepia Leaves”, “Quell the Vibrancy”, “Seasons 1998”, and “Death Takes Many Forms” (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

Download all of these songs & poems in the free PDF file chapbook
“Seasons Change” with “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Knew I Had to be Ready”, “Original Snowbirds”, “Autumn (2017 Dripping Springs / Bahá’í Faith Center edit)”, “Marry you in Autumn”, “Sepia Leaves”, “Quell the Vibrancy”, “Seasons 1998”, and “Death Takes Many Forms”.
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 10/8/17 (S) singing and reading her poem “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, then reading her poem “Every Street Corner” from her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, and then singing the Bree Sharp Song “America” with John on guitar at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry.
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 10/8/17 (L) singing and reading her poem “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, then reading her poem “Every Street Corner” from her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, and then singing the Bree Sharp Song “America” with John on guitar at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry.

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers saying her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)” live 6/4/18 at Buzz Mill open mic (S. Galaxy S7).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers saying her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)” live 6/4/18 at Buzz Mill open mic (S G S7; B&W).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers saying her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)” live 6/4/18 at Buzz Mill open mic (S G S7; E.D.).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers saying her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)” live 6/4/18 at Buzz Mill open mic (S G S7; Post.).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers saying her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)” live 6/4/18 at Buzz Mill open mic (S G S7; S. T.).

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers saying her poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)” live 6/4/18 at Buzz Mill open mic (S G S7; Thr.).
See YouTube video live 9/26/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Poem About This”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit)”, “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, “Other Souls”, “yearning to break free”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)”, from her show “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” with chapbook “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” performed during the feature performance at In One Ear in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video live 9/26/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Poem About This”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit)”, “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, “Other Souls”, “yearning to break free”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)”, from her show “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” with chapbook “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” performed during the feature performance at In One Ear in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; B&W).
See YouTube video live 9/26/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Poem About This”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit)”, “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, “Other Souls”, “yearning to break free”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)”, from her show “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” with chapbook “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” performed during the feature performance at In One Ear in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56; Sepia Tone).
See YouTube video live 9/26/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Poem About This”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit)”, “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, “Other Souls”, “yearning to break free”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)”, from her show “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” with chapbook “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” performed during the feature performance at In One Ear in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video live 9/26/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Poem About This”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit)”, “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, “Other Souls”, “yearning to break free”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)”, from her show “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” with chapbook “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” performed during the feature performance at In One Ear in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix 2500; Threshold).
See YouTube video live 9/26/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)”, “Poem About This”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)”, “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit)”, “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, “Other Souls”, “yearning to break free”, and “I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)”, from her show “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” with chapbook “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” performed during the feature performance at In One Ear in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix 2500;n Edge Det.).

See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quenching Anybody’s Thirst”, “Human Construct of Time” and “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)” from her book “Chapter 48 (v2)” live 10/20/18 at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).

See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quenching Anybody’s Thirst”, “Human Construct of Time” and “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)” from her book “Chapter 48 (v2)” live 10/20/18 at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ March 2019 Book Release Reading 3/6/19, where she read her haiku “dreams” from the Down in the Dirt issue book “Ornament”, then her “In Autumn, Love is in the Air” show poems “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and your Girlfriend”, “The Way you Tease Me”, and “True Happiness in the New Millennium (an extreme Sestina variation)” from the cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ March 2019 Book Release Reading 3/6/19, where she read her haiku “dreams” from the Down in the Dirt issue book “Ornament”, then her “In Autumn, Love is in the Air” show poems “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and your Girlfriend”, “The Way you Tease Me”, and “True Happiness in the New Millennium (an extreme Sestina variation)” from the cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Posterize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ March 2019 Book Release Reading 3/6/19, where she read her haiku “dreams” from the Down in the Dirt issue book “Ornament”, then her “In Autumn, Love is in the Air” show poems “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and your Girlfriend”, “The Way you Tease Me”, and “True Happiness in the New Millennium (an extreme Sestina variation)” from the cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ March 2019 Book Release Reading 3/6/19, where she read her haiku “dreams” from the Down in the Dirt issue book “Ornament”, then her “In Autumn, Love is in the Air” show poems “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and your Girlfriend”, “The Way you Tease Me”, and “True Happiness in the New Millennium (an extreme Sestina variation)” from the cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ April 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku “of his thirst”, then her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” show poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Spring edit)”, “Violations Tested”, & “Poem About This”, all from the cc&d 3&4 2019 v289 book “Equal”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ April 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku “of his thirst”, then her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” show poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Spring edit)”, “Violations Tested”, & “Poem About This”, all from the cc&d 3&4 2019 v289 book “Equal”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow