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Judging the Chicago SevenJanet Kuypers10/9/19, on the day of the beginning of the 1969 trial against the Chicago Seven
When things seem to go terribly wrong,
Don’t take it from me, take it from Abbie Hoffman,
“I didn’t particularly think that politics in America
So what did they do? All they wanted
march, and camp in Lincoln Park,
“what we were presenting was an alternative life style...
Yes, people were against President Johnson,
between Chicago police and protestors,
for a trial to start against the select seven.
that he was bound and gagged in court,
before he was separated from the seven.)
of a reporter for the Chicago Tribune
you need to know are that Abbie Hoffman,
they decided that if this trial seemed like such a joke,
After Judge Hoffman first said Abbie Hoffman’s
Which is when Abbie said aloud,
Hoffman and Rubin went to trial wearing judge robes;
When they were told to remove the robes,
The defense brought up musicians
but when poet Allen Ginsberg, when on the stand
the madness, but not before Ginsberg
So, back to my reporting, from The Daily Chronicle
to bring some peace back to the trial,
Hare hare
which is where judge Hoffman stopped the poet
“The language of the U.S district court is English.
Judge Hoffman said of the song, which
And to this the judge actually responded,
you must have an interpreter.” And no,
Okay, I’m reporting again, this isn’t fair...
may be this. People can protest things
even if the actions of the protestors
after a while, you have to laugh
to be ludicrous, because at times that insanity
I mean, look at your choices. Sane or not,
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