
Get the poetry book
of Janet Kuypers’
Every Event of the Year
(Volume Two: July-December)
“Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” is this second part of a 2-volume series of the writing from Janet Kuypers highlighting poetry reflective of not only annual holidays, but also major events throughout the calendar year. In an effort to show the history, richness and diversity of this planet, Janet Kuypers not only found poetry from past years about different holidays, but also worked throughout 2019 to find things to celebrate and commemorate nearly every day of the year. Because this much material is a large undertaking, this year-long highlight of events and holidays throughout the calendar year is broken into two volumes (“Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)” is also available for the first half of the year in this set), so now is your chance to enjoy these poems and events truly worthy or remembrance.

Order “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” as an 7½"x9¼" ISBN# paperback book online at Amazon.com!

The above link leads to U.S. Amazon, but this book is online at Amazon printers for retail delivery in the U.K., Europe, Australias and Japan.
Below are the titles of the writings that appear within this volume with links to online images (from Twitter and Instagram and Tumble) with links to the writing; video links to all readings from the book Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December) appear under the poem titles.
You can also visit the “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December” poetry book readings Facebook event page for a listing of all of Janet Kuypers’ Facebook live video streams (from oldest to newest) of poetry readings (most on the event dates) from this book.
