Surmising the Semblance
(dreams 4/14/20)
Janet Kuypers
I don’t know who the man was
I could only surmise that he had not eaten
for he was so thin
that all you could see
was a paper-thin caricature
of what a human should be
you could not even define arms and legs,
there was barely a semblance of a face
I don’t know who the man was
but there was one child there, maybe two
wondering if
what I could only assume was their grandfather
would be okay
if he spoke, he yelled
but then again,
I can’t remember a thing he said
what I do remember
is that there was some sort of a hand-maid
or a servant, someone there to take care of him
and I remember seeing her pick him up
like a loose piece of paper
to move him to another couch
that reminded me of a therapist’s chair
and I thought,
the way she moved him seems so careless
like she was a woman who hated her job,
or maybe a woman who hated this man
but I can’t remember asking her
why she was treating him with no regard
so I turned and left the room,
entered another room
with one child in the far corner
and this is when I then heard
a child in the room with the paper-thin man
echo from what seemed miles away
“tell them he just died”
and I looked over at the child in the corner
that’s when I discovered the look
of abject
slide across his face
and I saw him exhale
for he was crying deep inside
but outside,
this was all the energy
he had left to expend
witness to this macabre horror scene,
I didn’t even know who this man was
looking back,
I knew I didn’t belong here
no one should be witness to this
so I had to leave here, now