Just Made the Choice
Janet Kuypers
10/1/19, on and for World Vegetarian Day,
the 1st day of World Vegetarian Awareness Month
on Facebook and Twitter
Just read an article in the Wall Street Journal today,
on World Vegetarian Day, the first day
of World Vegetarian Awareness Month,
and the article explained that there was
an excess of eggs produced this year.
The article then explained that efforts to
curb this excess egg production include,
in part, sending birds to slaughter, to bolster prices.
Anything to boost sales for the bottom line.
Some may now wonder what the big fuss is all about,
about eating plants versus enjoying a steak,
pork chops, ribs, veal or even Thanksgiving
turkey or Easter ham, or enjoying a Rueben
on St. Patrick’s Day. That’s what we humans do.
And you’re right, we’ve got the mandibles
to prove it, especially when we were evolving to
scavenge and hunt to survive. Since then we evolved,
but nobody learns. We just kill. That solves everything.
But that is the beauty of evolving, that is the beauty
of no longer needing to hunt to survive.
With our globalization and specialization
of all our abilities and resources, we all
no longer have to kill to survive. We don’t
need that much protein on our sit-down
lives, we don’t even have to kill one animal
so we have enough food for our family for the winter,
like our ancient ancestors. But what did we learn.
We learned the beauty of Capitalism is that we can pay
someone else to do the dirty work for us,
while we sit in our office chairs with our big
brains and think of how we’ve got it made.
And we do, if we choose to eat meat with
our oh-so-strong mandibles, and we pay
someone else so we don’t have to get our hands dirty.
But in this system, we do get blood on our hands.
To feed more and more people with the cheapest product,
companies have turned the farmhouse into
a mass-marketing slaughterhouse, where
mass-produced animals are too fat to mate,
or even walk, and they contract diseases
which transfer to humans, who think this is
a great system for fast food, or else it’s the
only system, not knowing the difference and just wanting to eat.
People say they care, but nothing ever changes.
I wonder if corporations not allowing people into their plants
keeps the truth hidden from the masses. Because
torture chamber or not, I once made the choice
that, even though I could pay someone else to kill
for me, I’d rather not be a part of that. Since then,
I’ve visited India, not for the oppression of women
but for the freedom of eating whatever I wanted
without worrying if some living animal was killed for my next meal.
Because... after you choose peace, the rest is easy.
If your workday is bothering you, if the news of racial tensions,
bombings and killings shatters your senses, then
start with the choice for peace in your own meals.
People get together and talk about peace among
people, but they forget that people aren’t the only
living creatures on the planet. Even the religious
know plants were the only food in the Garden of Eden...
And once you realize how to remove killing everywhere in your life,
that is when you will finally truly feel at peace.