Only find our Roots
Janet Kuypers
9/27/19, Ancestor Appreciation Day
it is one thing
to say you can make it on your own,
you’re an independent person
and you don’t need anybody
it is another thing
to find a record of your grandfather, who died
before you were born, a man who fled four countries
before entering the U.S., who worked with the mob...
it is another thing
to find a copy of his birth certificate and discover
what his middle name was Rommel
it is one thing
you pick yourself up by your bootstraps
and use your brain to get ahead in the world,
all on your own, self-reliant you
it is another thing
to discover that when the Astronomical Union
decided to demote Pluto from its planet-hood; it’s now
from an ice ring in the sky named after your ancestor
it is another thing
to now look up into the night sky
and now see how you are linked to everything
it is one thing
to collect names from a relative, listing your family
to your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather,
but really, it’s just a list of names
it is another thing
when a coworker asks your husband for his family tree
and they find out that his cousin was the EMT saving me
minutes after I was almost killed
it is another thing
to not only find our roots to our past, but to also see
how we are all so interconnected in one giant family tree