Ornaments from my
Janet Kuypers
12/7/19, on National Christmas Tree Day,
expanded from “ Christmas at the old house”
The one thing you cannot forget is the tree —
when I was just a little kid,
we would sit around the tree in the front room.
That Christmas tree looked so tall, so powerful,
monstrous, made out of metal
metallic green with hints of blue through it —
it glittered just standing there all by itself.
Still, we put all sorts of lights
on the tree, and we had all of these old silk-spun
beaded ornaments that my sisters made back
in the day, and this tree,
no matter your religious affiliation — was beautiful
in the huge window in the front of the house
with snow falling, making an annual
postcard moment. To this day I put up a tree,
artificial (I know, I know, but it’s all I know)...
people may like the smell of a
fresh-cut tree in the house, but I never understood
wanting to be festive by cutting down a tree —
I’d rather let things live,
this is a season of giving and sharing — and to me,
destruction has no place here — or anywhere.
Now I fill my tree
with white lights and glass ornaments —
it almost looks like a sparkling bubble bath —
but I kept some of those
old silk spun ornaments from my childhood,
to remember what the holiday was,
but to also remember
that for some reason, no matter your
religious affiliation, the Christmas tree
will always glisten,
and will always mean so much to me.