Vagary to not only
Janet Kuypers
9/25/19, World Dream Day
When life turns you on your head
take a moment to stop and dream
maybe dreams of that beach front
dig your toes into the sand, hear
the waves lapping and feel warmth
from the setting sun. Who knows,
if you think about dreams enough
you may realize that was from your
past, and you are merely reliving
good times — so instead then dream
bigger: about the world now being a
better place, with everyone at peace.
It’s lofty like this, to give yourself a
day to dream like this. You deserve it.
But look around at your life now, and
look at all the things you do now —
you may find that in your life, you
do give to other people, and others
do the same for you, and when you
think about it, there is no real conflict.
If you don’t see that peace in your life,
allow yourself this vagary to not only
dream, but also to make your dreams
come true, Because yes, it’s beautiful
to dream, but if in your own life you see
that peace with the ones you know,
then realize that you are already
living the dream. So dream... and enjoy.