Genesis Six-Nine:
an Apocalypse/
Prepper’s Take
Janet Kuypers
Everyone’s been seeing the signs.
People who believe in global warming
are screaming that tornados, typhoons,
hurricanes and tsunamis are on the rise —
and you know, they’re probably right.
I mean, whatever you think is the cause,
somethin’s most definitely up. And if
nature’s not the culprit, then it’s the evil of man.
You think I’m wrong? Then hear me out...
floods may destroy the U.S. eastern coast,
and sure, that sucks, but if humans weren’t so
stupid to build so close to shore they’d be fine.
And California wildfires destroy tons of trees
and homes, but if the Government would allow
brush clearing, those fires wouldn’t spread
so damn fast. But if it’s not humans and weather
then it’s humans taking religious sides and attacking
each other for it. Muslim terrorists want to
destroy Christianity because of their wealth,
Christians want to bomb abortion clinics,
then throw some anti-Semitism into the pot —
and trust me, there’s a lot of hatred there —
mix it in with past burning of witches (translation:
hatred of women because they were smart)
and it amounts to the hatred and evil in all mankind.
I can remember the paranoia starting with nuclear
bomb shelters (and don’t forget the insane duck-
and-cover mentality to appease the ignorant).
I mean, Japan’s Godzilla was even a metaphor
for nuclear weapons, to show ultimate destruction —
no matter who started it — that man couldn’t control.
Listen to this: school shootings are happening about
once every ten days now. Do you really need me
to argue that the planet’s goin’ down the tubes?
I mean, I know that now we may be living
longer and longer, but the wickedness of man
grips at my heart, and I fear the end is near.
I truly believe my only option for real grace
in these times is to prepare myself for the end,
so I can survive it, and we can start this world anew.
I mean, I can’t repent for what others have done,
for the violence, for the corruption; I can only
try to be righteous, and try to help the ones I love
to save us — and even wildlife — from total destruction.
I’ll build a shelter. I’ll use gopher wood, or cypress wood,
I’ll waterproof it — think of my covering this shelter
as atoning for all we may have done, so we can
survive, so we can start anew in a barren new world.
So now, okay, I’ve stockpiled, I’m ready, with MREs
(meals ready to eat), water rations, basic first aid,
even stuff saved to make fire, or to preserve stuff too.
We’ll be happy to wait, days, months, to be free again.
And don’t call me crazy, but if you do, that’s fine too.
It’ll be me saving humanity, and all animals on earth.
And when I open my shelter, the birds will fly free,
and every creeping thing can creep upon the earth again.
I will build again, because I have been delivered.
I have learned that cold and heat, summer and winter,
day and night, shall not cease, but what will cease
in my heart is the killing of man. When I shed human
blood, I shed my own, and if I love life, I love all life.
This is my covenant with me and man and the earth.
I will plant again, make my family — and the world — grow,
until I die.