the Kuypers Center
Performance Art

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October 6, 2024 (Sunday, from 3:30-5:30 P.M. CST)
the “Poetic License” 9/1/24 global open mic (Zoom meeting)

Since Austin’s Recycles Reads bookstore, the original home to
Poetic License, is closed for open mics post-/COVID19...

    Recycled Reads is open to the public but has chosen to remain closed to gatherings for open mics for added safety after this pandemic, so this monthly open mic is not at the bookstore, but this event has a Facebook event page for monthly Zoom meetings fr the “Poetic License global open mic”. Event pages appear the week beforehand to let people know about the Zoom meeting for this open mic.
Poetic License 20210307 group 20210404 Poetic License group group Poetic License group Poetic License group Poetic License 2/21 group photo
    Since July 2020, there has also been a Zoom meeting, and since September 2020 the Zoom meeting has been for the full time of the open mic (thanks to Zoom meeting host John F McMullen, and the Zoom link will also be on the Facebook event page). You can email Kuypers to ask for an invitation, but check the Poetic License open mics web page, and check the Facebook event page for the upcoming month, which will be open to the public for a get-together from your home. Janet Kuypers will read poems from new books in live Facebook video streams, and her readings will also be video recorded for later posting on YouTube (we do not record other people’s readings to protect their privacy, but anyone reading can ask the Zoom host to record them, and anyone attending is welcome to record their own readings to share online).

   Check out Janet Kuypers’ performances at the Café Gallery    
for past recordings to see Kuypers reading poetry & prose   
@ her open mics and poetry shows from 9/03 through 8/15.

Check out Janet Kuypers’ performances at “Poetic License
for past recordings to see Kuypers reading poetry & prose
(and singing songs) at her monthly open mic (starting 6/19).

Also go to the Scars at Artvilla page for a massive (and always growing) video listing of Kuypers.

Janet Kuypers video, at Scars with Artvilla

Kuypers performing the work of others...
see Kuypers videos of her reading poems from the magazines
she edits, as well as additional additional readings
(from most recent events to oldest recordings) at the

Kuypers reading the works of others page.

Miscellaneous performances...

Enjoy Janet Kuypers with percussion
and singing back-up to Ron Kewin playing his acoustic guitar song adaptation of the Janet Kuypers poem “Shared Air”.
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See YouTube video 7/28/16 of Janet Kuypers singing back-up & playing percussion to Ron Kewin playing his acoustic guitar song adaptation of Janet Kuypers’ poem “Shared Air”, + his 1st song he ever wrote, “Hainesville, Illinois” during Poetry Aloud (video by Ron Kewin).
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See YouTube video 7/28/16 of Janet Kuypers singing back-up & playing percussion to Ron Kewin playing his acoustic guitar song adaptation of the Janet Kuypers poem “Shared Air” for Georgetown’s Poetry Aloud open mic (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 7/28/16 of Janet Kuypers singing back-up & playing percussion to Ron Kewin playing his acoustic guitar song adaptation of the Janet Kuypers poem “Shared Air” for Georgetown’s Poetry Aloud open mic (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 7/28/16 of Janet Kuypers singing back-up & playing percussion to Ron Kewin playing his acoustic guitar song adaptation of the Janet Kuypers poem “Shared Air” for Georgetown’s Poetry Aloud open mic (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 7/28/16 of Janet Kuypers singing back-up & playing percussion to Ron Kewin playing his acoustic guitar song adaptation of the Janet Kuypers poem “Shared Air” for Georgetown’s Poetry Aloud open mic (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Threshold filter).

Janet dancing     On Sunday, August 13th 2017 (8/13/17), at the beginning of Kick Butt Poetry, Thom (with improvisational poetry) was accompanied by people joining him on stage. Kuypers joined them on stage for a humorous haiku challenge, where she said the lines from the theme song for the show “Different Strokes”.

Kuypers with Thom
Kuypers with Thom
    On Sunday, August 14th 2016 (8/14/16), at the beginning of Kick Butt Poetry, Thom, with improvisational poetry accompanied by people joining him on stage. Kuypers and others join him (Kuypers danced for a few minutes of this performance.

Janet dancing     On Sunday, July 31th 2016 (7/31/16), at the beginning of Kick Butt Poetry, Thom, with improvisational poetry accompanied by people joining him on stage. Kuypers was there to share that Tom had an Expressions Peace show that Saturday (and she has a feature in that show).

Kuypers with Thom
Kuypers with Thom
    On Sunday, July 17th 2016 (7/17/16), at the beginning of Kick Butt Poetry, Thom, with improvisational poetry accompanied on acoustic guitar from Magic Jack, asked people to join him on stage. Kuypers and others joined him - Kuypers danced and talked for a bit, and John filmed a few minutes of this performance.

Janet dancing     On Sunday, July 10th 2016 (7/10/16), at the beginning of Kick Butt Poetry, Thom, with improvisational poetry accompanied on acoustic guitar from Magic Jack, asked people to join him on stage. Kuypers) and others join him - Kuypers led a few group dance moves, and John filmed a few minutes of this performance.

Kuypers reading James Ulysses restaurant scene
Kuypers reading James Joyce Ulysses flower scene
    On Tuesday, June 16th 2015 (6/16/16, or 20150616), Janet Kuypers read portions from “Ulysses” by James Joyce in Bloomsday in Chicago, including a flower shop scene (left) and a restaurant scene (right).

Janet Kuypers post on Vine     On Sunday, December 7th 2014 (12/7/14), after 3:00 p.m., Janet Kuypers HAD to stop by the Journey Church in Kenosha WI to create a Vine video (a 6 second long video that repeats itself on line) of her singing a Journey tune in front of the church sign.

video     On September 10th 2014, Janet Kuypers talked at her 9/10/14 Chicgo the Café Gallery open mic about the death of Joan Rivers in this YouTube video...

    On Saturday, February 5th 2011 (2/5/11), starting at 10:00pm), Kuypers attended the Cousin Bones show at Gallery Cabaret (2020 N. Oakley Chicago IL), who had a show with musician Mike Sviokla. Because Cousin Bones was performing live music for Kuypers’ March 5th show in Lake Villa (in the “Visual Nonsense” show letting it all out), Cousin Bones asked Kuypers to start their show with her reading “Death Takes Many Forms”, while Mike Sviokla performed impromptu blues guitar music (and his music sounded great). It is a shame all recorders were in use at Gallery Cabaret that evening, or we would have video from this live impromptu performance to share with you. But the poem “Death Takes Many Forms” is be one of the pieces performed in the 3/5/11 show letting it all out show, so you can check it out there...

CAN TV video stills     On Sunday, January 30th 2011 (01/30/11), from 1 to 3:00 p.m., Kuypers danced at the recording of a Tuesday February 22nd and Wednesday February 23rd episode pof CAN TV’s “Chic-a-Go-Go” for a number of music performers (including Sid Yiddish)...
    If you missed that that live taping of many musicians for the TV show, see Kuypers dancing in the backgrounds during Youtube video of Treehouse Flavors on Chic-A-Go-Go, Youtube video of Sid Yiddish on Chic-A-Go-Go, Youtube video of Percolator on Chic-A-Go-Go, or even Youtube video of Super 8-Bit Brothers on Chic-A-Go-Go...
    If you do not live in Chicago to see the show live (on cable channel 19), check out youtube for video links to all parts of this show. (In the Bay Area you can watch Chic-a-Go-Go on a different schedule than the Chicago schedule, thanks to 9th Floor Radio every Saturday from 11pm-1am on cable station 27 [Berkeley] and 28 [Oakland]. And you can even watch online through
    Kuypers upload a Sid Yiddish raw video shoot from the show to her facebook page, but most videos were dance footage and were used during the intro for backgrond video footage in her 3/5/11 Visual Nonsense show “letting it all out”.

Kuypers reading Andrew Hettinger at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Champaign     On Friday, May 27th 2011 (5/27/11), although this is her original writing, it is not at a reading or show event... Kuypers wrote the poem Andrew Hettinger years ago, and wrote in the poem that should would like to find the gravesite... A friend of his brother found the poem a year ago and contacted Kuypers, and when Kuypers was able to get to the town (May 27th 2011) they met up and went to Andrew Hettinger’s gravesite at St. Mary’s Cemetery. The friend even asked to listen to her reading the poem, so there is now YouTube video of her literally reading the poem Andrew Hettinger to him at his gravesite.

Don’t Cry For Me     On Monday, January 10th 2011 (01/10/11), Kuypers was in the video Don’t Cry No Tears from Universal Slim and the Blues Kangaroos (video produced by Fallen Son Entertainment, which was released on youtube Monday, January 10th 2011, 01/10/11), with Janet Kuypers acting in the female role in this music video (filming for this video was finalized Sunday, October 24th 2010 in Elgin, Illinois).

Let’s Have Some Fun     On Saturday, October 23rd 2010 (10/23/10), afternoon, the day before filming for the video Don’t Cry No Tears was finished, Kuypers sat in for a live performance from the band “Universal Slim and the Blues Kangaroos” of the song “Let’s Have Some Fun” — for filming for their live video performance. Check out release number one from their latest album in this video on youtube!.

Have You Seen Kuypers Join the revolution — Kuypers has had CD track sales in the USA, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Uganda, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.