Fuming in the Morning
Janet Kuypers
When I wake up every morning,
unlike everyone else,
I rip the blankets off of me
because I’m boiling hot.
Been trying to figure out why.
When I wake up every
morning alone,
I wonder if my missing you
manifests itself
by leaving me tossing and turning
in my dreams,
until I wake up in a sweat.
These must be my red-hot thoughts
percolating up inside me
in the middle of the night,
leaving me fuming in the morning.
This is what I wonder.
Is this what being without you
makes me do.
I think I run to you all night long.
When I go to bed at night
after a day without you, I’m ice cold.
But my brain spends hours
throughout the night in my sleep
to think about us together.
To think about trying to find you.
To spend hours thinking about
what being without you means.
And I wake up,
like I do every morning,
after feeling like I’ve mentally
run a marathon,
and I go about my day, alone.
Life makes me cold again.
And I wonder what it takes
to get back to you again.