Emphatic One
Janet Kuypers
9/23/19, Equal Pay Day
After working so hard
and doing so well at work
I couldn’t take my low pay anymore
I knew it was wrong
I knew it wasn’t fair
and I had to do something about it
I took a deep breath,
set up a meeting with my boss —
the owner of the company
I don’t think he knew
what this meeting was really about,
so I started my speech
no, wait, it wasn’t a speech
it was more like a conversation,
an emphatic one at that
and when I explained
that at this company
I do the work of two people
I think he thought I was
going to ask for double pay
(and really, I didn’t make much,
but I didn’t want to lose my job
over asking for a raise)
but after I talked,
after I reasoned, and
after he may have realized
that he had nobody else
that could do all this work
by the deadlines, and do it well,
that knew, suddenly, paying me
reasonably, seemed...
reasonable. But uphill battles
for us woman are the norm...
You may want to think
that if women work hard,
women would earn
the pay they deserve,
but here’s the newsflash,
we women work harder
than men for less than
equal pay, and shouldn’t we be
happy we’ve even got jobs?
I mean, what are these women
complaining about when they’re
supposed to take care of the house
and raise babies for men anyway
(and don’t forget, that’s after
taking the man’s name too,
because women can claim
nothing for themselves anymore).
Because the one thing I learned
is to take the reigns and win
every battle, only so women
can be treated as equals.
It’s just a shame that each woman
has to take this fight on, because
just because one woman does well,
that doesn’t mean all of mankind
(yes, you heard me, “man”kind)
will make the connection
that rights for one woman
might actually mean
rights for all women. So...
I know it’s an uphill battle,
but I just want you to remember
that I’m always in your corner.