You Have No Idea
Janet Kuypers
started 20200821, completed 20200823
we try to understand the details
we research, we study the core of the matter
and we believe we understand it all...
until we find out that we’re missing
pieces; we’re only seeing a tiny fraction of what
makes things work the way they do
astrophysicists & science philosophers
have tried to unravel the key to the Universe
and only now speculate a theory...
& these science types live on theories
I mean, that’s why we call it the Big Bang Theory
we may have evidence, but no proof
so in this effort to understand
why the pieces don’t all seem to fit into place
they make a theory they can’t know:
for if something controls the physics,
controlling things in ways we don’t understand,
maybe we’re not meant to see
what controls it all
if there is something
these science types don’t understand
the don’t turn to a god
for it’s their thing to come up
with theories they can try to prove or disprove —
so they came up with Dark Matter
they research & look for evidence
so they can hypothesize about this magical stuff,
this theoretical stuff we can’t see...
and the only way they could find proof
is if in their experiments they found nothing
because a lack of anything
is the nature of their theory —
for it’s impossible to even see their Dark Matter
“theory” in the first place
so after all this guesswork,
if things still don’t make enough sense to them,
they hypothesize then about
something called Dark Energy —
something else they can never actually prove —
maybe, they think, maybe this
impossible theory number two
is the force driving everything in the Universe
apart that would make sense
look at these puzzles, look
at the preposterous nature of the lack
of a preponderance of evidence
and imagine that this is how
these science types formulate theories
the rest of us are supposed to
blindly believe
you think you know me
you see the pieces I spoon-feed you
you say you understand
but you have no idea