Keep Our Country
and Save Ourselves
Janet Kuypers
I try to remember to thank veterans when I see them
and we’re supposed to even have a day to remind us
to be thankful for their service — they do things
the vast majority of us wouldn’t think to do, would
hate to do — what they need do to keep our country.
So when Veterans Day rolls around, we thank more
people wearing military hats, the same way we say
“happy holidays” or “Merry Christmas” in December;
we make a coin donation from our pocket and wear that
plastic poppy and feel we’ve accomplished something.
What if you drive down the street after paying for breakfast
at some diner where you’re a regular and they know
your order. Driving, you see a sign on a homeless person
saying they’re a veteran, please, anything will help.
And you start to panic because you don’t know if this guy,
a regular beggar at this corner, is actually a veteran
or just trying to pull on someone’s heartstrings, and,
wait a minute, it’s Veterans Day, maybe you should
stop this one time, hand him your leftovers along
with a little money. It’s cold out. And then you wonder.
Are you giving because it’s Veterans Day? Do you panic
because you don’t know if they’re a veteran or not?
Is it because this day forces you to remember, and to care?
Maybe the point is that you should care for veterans
every day of the year. Help them from their nightmares,
and help them get back to being in the real world again...
whatever that may be. Because you suddenly wonder,
everyone you know is on this trek, on this cycle,
and it’s sometimes a cycle that can drive you insane.
So maybe it’s time to save the veterans... and ourselves.