Our Waste in Space
Janet Kuypers
11/12/19, the 1984 first attempt to
salvage errant satellites from space
it seems that when we humans
lay claim to any space
the first thing we instinctively do
is clutter it up
because it seems to be our nature
to claim something
by then leaving our trash all over it,
we can’t help it
as humans come to dominate
a whole new space
we leave our waste behind to show
how we leave our mark
the footprint on the earth with
big cities are more
than merely streets and buildings
and cars, but clutter
for when fast-food chains take hold
we humans forget
how to clean up after ourselves
and we toss wrappers
and Styrofoam cups, plastic straws,
plastic silverware,
and even those unrecyclable tops
for fountain drinks
see the mess so-and-so left behind
that is our way
to say “so-and-so was here”, it’s
how we leave our mark
if you think I’m kidding, just try
to fly
amongst all of the satellites now
orbiting earth,
with a good portion of them now
not even working
but we don’t have to worry about
debris in outer space
do we?
because to fly something into
outer space
just to try to retrieve something
lost in space
seems way too expensive, and
if we don’t see it,
why would we need to worry
about it anyway
because we humans have gotten
too used to
pitching our old equipment after
we get something
better, and what do we need
that old junk
for anyway — we’ve spent our lives
overflowing landfills,
but outer space, hey, there’s like
a ton of space there,
I’m sure if we leave a few more
satellites spinning
out there errantly, no one will know
the difference,
and as I said, that is just what
we humans do
we want to build something bigger,
faster, stronger,
we want to build something better,
and when we do
we can just let that old stuff
float away
because... what do we need all that
old stuff for anyway