Only Man on Earth
Janet Kuypers
9/21/19, written on the
International Day of Peace
I took the expressway
this guy comes down the on-ramp
comes right across into my lane in his pickup truck
I’m looking out my passenger window
right at him and he is staring straight ahead
I hit my horn
I slam my brakes
I swerve to the left
as this guy in his pickup truck
drives right across three lanes
like he owns the highway,
like he’s the only man on Earth
I got off the expressway
and on this side street
another guy coming the other way
turns left right in front of me
I slam on my brakes
so does he
but he stops in my lane
gives my that dopey,
“Oops sorry, I’m an idiot” smile
gets out of my way so I can actually go on
I finally stop my car
walk to a door
step inside
the room is quiet
but for one woman
singing an Italian Opera
suddenly, I could breathe again
suddenly, I felt peace
after the woman finished singing
I thanked her
then asked her what she was singing
she told me she had no idea
well, okay,
either way
I thanked her again
turned away
started to hum
it is possible to feel peace
on this one day
I started to smile