Quignogs: make Someday
Janet Kuypers
9/15/19 , on a holiday for “Someday
Someday I’ll walk in a rainforest.
Someday I’ll swim with sharks.
Someday I’ll jump out of an airplane,
wait a minute,
someday I’ll fly an airplane,
I’ll be at the controls
guiding my flight through the sky.
Someday I’ll be on the radio,
wait a minute,
someday I’ll be on tv.
Someday I’ll trek the globe.
Someday I’ll retrace Darwin’s steps.
Someday, I’ll drink German beer
in München’s quaff-tide* Octoberfest.
Someday, I’ll run with the bulls,
scared out of my life, but I’ll do it.
Someday, I’ll skip Christmas Island
and go to Easter Island to cold chill
with those giant Rapa Nui statues.
Someday, I’ll finally get to Tibet,
I won’t know the language,
but it won’t matter,
I’ll just spend weeks there to sit,
meditate. Maybe I could
finally for once feel at peace.
We all keep talking about bucket lists,
and we all keep saying “someday...”
wistfully never acting on our dreams.
Of course it’s nice to dream,
but your pipe-dreams are not quignogs**,
and every once in awhile,
we need to make someday... today.
* Quaff-tide: “The season for drinking,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.
** Quignogs: An old Cornish word for pipedreams, or ridiculous thoughts or ideas.