Tag Team Poets
Janet Kuypers
They say a person goes through
Five stages of grief after the loss
of a
Loved one.
Losing a god is not the same thing,
So I’m not sure how much longer
I’ll be stuck in this anger stage.
I’ve fought through my entire life.
You think I’m kidding, but I’ve
Fought sexism and rape
From first-hand experience —
Because I’ve wrestled through
Evil in this world, I feel that I can
Handle just about anything.
It may tear me apart,
But that’s what we fighters do.
We fight. We win.
So after meeting my sun god
Up close and in person,
And then after nearly losing my life
That’s when this sun god
The one who’s supposed to give us light
I think he gave up
On telling me his struggles
And instead
Knew what I wrestled through
And offered me a matching wrestling belt
I doubt it matched
Was Luscious Leslie Love
Wore in his wrestling days,
But —
You don’t question these things
When a god hands you a wrestling belt
To say he knows your pain
But back in the day,
Before I discovered that He was a god,
He came to me as a poet —
And that’s the important part —
Because when this wrestler
when this sun god
Gave me this wrestling belt
He said,
He very specifically said
That we
Are now
Tag team poets
Like we were poets,
Taking turns,
Sharing our pain,
Letting the other come in
To carry the load
So we don’t feel
Like we have to battle the world
You know,
I never wore that belt before
That would be sacrilegious
But now,
Now I think I have to leave this belt,
Keep it behind my desk
Where I’m always working,
Looking for inspiration.
I’m not a religious person.
I’ve always relied
On my mind
Because we poets don’t have much else
But what I can tell you
Is that we can all be tired
Of our heart breaking
With pain and anger after loss
And as I said,
I still don’t know
How long I’ll be stuck
In this anger phase
But anger is one of those things
That’s supposed to make
Us write, to make us
Poets thrive, that help us
Make sense of the world
to the world
But the survival instinct
In each and every one of us
Even us poets
And even, I thought, for the gods
Is supposed to make you
Fight against the odds
Against all odds
So, I have to wonder
Not knowing what a god goes through
What kind of pain
A sun god must suffer though
To decide when
Enough is enough
So maybe this is me
Bargaining, the
Stage after anger,
To try, like Bill Clinton,
To feel his pain,
To be too depressed
To make a difference
Before I accept my loss
Of my sun god.
I suppose I can
Rationalize this all away,
At least superficially,
But as I said,
Us poets seem to
Thrive on that anger,
So... maybe, as cruel
As this sounds,
Maybe we have to
Always remain
Just a little angry,
Because life is always
Just a little unfair,
But oddly enough,
It’s just one
Painful way
To remind us
That we’re still alive.