The Unreligious, Non-Family-Oriented Literary and Art Magazine
Some of these back issues have been on line for a while. For years, actually. So some of the features may not be up-to-date, and the e-mail addresses on some of these files may be old. So if you want to contact us, use the links on this page to our e-mail address. Thanks.
You can go here to submit writing to cc&d, and you con go here to enter the contest to get into the collection book as well.
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
E-mail us about details on ordering print copies of the 2004 through the current issue of cc&d via check.
Only print copies of the 2004 through the current issue of cc&d can be purchased.
Click here for CC&D magazines inclusions in the
the 2006 Scars Publications and cc&d Poetry Wall Calendar is now also available as a 2007 calendar!
the 2005 Scars Publications and cc&d statue calendar and the bicycle calendar are now also available as 2007 calendars!
the 2004 Scars Publications and cc&d Poetry Wall Calendar is now also available as a 2007 calendar!
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the January 2007 release...
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the February 2007 release...
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the March 2007 release...
This release contains the 2006 collection book writing from Kuypers (including writings from cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt plus some of The Boss Ladys Editorials, plus 4 performance art show listings and the cc&d supplement Singular Endings). This collection is available for Internet sale only as a paperback book.
Click here for the April 2007 Issue (v171) of cc&d
This release contains the 2005 collection book writing from Kuypers (including writings from cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt, poetry as well as poetry translated into more exotic languages plus some of The Boss Ladys Editorials, plus 2 performance art show listings. This collection is available for Internet sale only as a paperback book.
Click here for the May 2007 Issue (v172) of cc&d
Click here for the June 2007 Issue (v173,
Click here for the July 2007 Issue (v174) of cc&d
Click here for the August 2007 Issue (v175) of cc&d
Click here for the September 2007 Issue (v176) of cc&d
Click here for the mid-September 2007 Issue (v176.5) of cc&d,
Click here for the October 2007 Issue (v177) of cc&d
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
E-mail us about details on ordering print copies of the 2004 through the current issue of cc&d via check.
Only print copies of the 2004 through the current issue of cc&d can be purchased.
...which is also now available for the 2007 calendar year!
Click here for CC&D magazines links for January 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for Late January - February 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for March 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for April 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for May 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for late May - June 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for late June - July 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the August 2006 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the September 2006 release...
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the supplement issue, a mid-September 2006 release, of a collection of the editors poetry leading to the 08/31/06 death of her mother, called Singular Remembrances
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the October 2006 release...
Happy birthday, mom. I love you.
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the November 2006 release...
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the December 2006 release...
This release contains the 2006 collection book writing from Kuypers (including writings from cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt plus some of The Boss Ladys Editorials). This perfect-bound book also contains the supplement cc&d issues Singular Remembrances and Singular. This collection is available for Internet sale only as a paperback book.
Paperback book for sale:
and ready early...
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
E-mail us about details on ordering print copies of the 2004 or 2005 issues of cc&d via check.
Only print copies of the 2004 and 2005 issues of cc&d can be purchased.
You can also order the statue calendar or the bicycle calendar, which were 2005 calendars, right now fo the 2007 year as well!
Click here for CC&D magazines links for January 2005,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for February 2005,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for March 2005,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for April 2005,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for May 2005,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for June 2005 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for July 2005 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for August 2005 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for September 2005 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for October 2005 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for November 2005 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for December 2005 installment,
Click here for CC&D magazines links for January 2006 installment early, in late December 2005,
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
E-mail us about details on ordering print copies of the 2004 or 2005 issues of cc&d via check.
Only print copies of the 2004 and 2005 issues of cc&d can be purchased.
Click here for CC&D magazines links for January 2004,
The February Web release
The March 2004 Web release
Click here for the May 2004 installment
Click here for the June 2004 installment
Click here for the July 2004 installment
Click here for the August 2004 installment
Click here for the September 2004 installment
Click here for the October 2004 installment
Click here for the November 2004 installment
Click here for the December 2004 installment
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
Click here for CC&D magazines links for January 2003
Click here for CC&D magazines links for February 2003
Click here for CC&D magazines links for March 2003
ISSN 1068-5154Children, Churches and Daddies Archives
Choose the year to choose your issue.
additional choices: { special editions & supplements }
{ sounds } { art files }
Important Technical Information On Past Issues:
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the United States may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the U.K. may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
2007 Poetry Wall Calendar!
the January 2007 Issue (v168) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the January 2007 v168 release of cc&d.
the February 2007 Issue (v169) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the February 2007 v169 release of cc&d.
the March 2007 Issue (v170) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the March 2007 v170 release of cc&d.
cc&d v170.5 (Distinguished Writings) the Kuypers Edition
later March 2007
Paperback book for sale:
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the April 2007 (v171) release of cc&d.
cc&d v171.5
Living in Chaos
later April 2007
Living in Chaos
Paperback book for sale:
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the May 2007 (v172) release of cc&d.
the 14 year anniversary issue) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the June 2007 (v173) release of cc&d.
Click here for the Silent Screams, (v173.22, the editors additions to the January through June 2007 issues of cc&d, v168-v173
which is also available as a
paperback book: $11.95
You can also download the e-book/PDF file here: download: only $3.23
Click here for the Breaking Silences, (v173.5, a collection book containing the January through June 2007 issues of cc&d, v168-v173
which is also available as a
paperback book: $16.50
You can also download the e-book/PDF file here: download: only $9.95
Click here to order The Drive, (v173.75, the Kenneth DiMaggio novel that was printed in issues of cc&d, from 2006 through June 2007
which is available as a
paperback book: $12.95
You can also download the e-book/PDF file here: download: only $4.95
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the July 2007 (v174) release of cc&d.
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the August 2007 (v175) release of cc&d.
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the September 2007 (v176) release of cc&d.
with a collection of stories by Pat Dixon
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the mid-September 2007 (v176.5) release of cc&d.
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the October 2007 (v177) release of cc&d.
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the United States may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the U.K. may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
which is the December 22, 2005 Issue (v155) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the December 22, 2005 v155 release of cc&d.
which is the January 22, 2006 Issue (v156) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the January 22, 2006 v156 release of cc&d.
which is the February 22, 2006 Issue (v157) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the February 22, 2006 v157 release of cc&d.
which is the March 22, 2006 Issue (v158) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the March 22, 2006 v158 release of cc&d.
which is the April 22, 2006 Issue (v159) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the April 22, 2006 v159 release of cc&d.
which is the May 22, 2006 Issue (v160) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the May 22, 2006 v160 release of cc&d.
which is the June 22, 2006 Issue (v161) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the June 22, 2006 v161 release of cc&d.
which is the July 22, 2006 Issue (v162) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the July 22, 2006 v162 release of cc&d.Issues were always relerased on the 22nd of every month. So to catch these issues up to the beginning of the month release date...
Click here for CC&D magazines links for the 08/18/06 release of...
the August 2006 Issue (v163) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the August 2006 v163 release of cc&d.
the September 2006 Issue (v164) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the September 2006 v164 release of cc&d.
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the mid-September 2006 v164.5 release of cc&d.
the October 2006 Issue (v165) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the October 2006 v165 release of cc&d.
Download the e-book for only $4.90
or order a hardcover copy for only
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the October 27, 2006 v165.5 release of cc&d.- Janet
the November 2006 Issue (v166) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the November 2006 v166 release of cc&d.
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the November 21, 2006 v166.5 release of cc&d.
the December 2006 Issue (v167) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the December 2006 v167 release of cc&d.
Writings To Honour & Cherish (the Kuypers Edition)
December 2006
Click here for CC&D magazines inclusions in the
2007 Poetry Wall Calendar!
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the United States may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the U.K. may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
which is the December 22 2004 Issue (v143) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the December 22, 2004 v143 release of cc&d.
which is the January 22, 2005 Issue (v144) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the January 22, 2005 v144 release of cc&d.
which is the February 22, 2005 Issue (v145) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the February 22, 2005 v145 release of cc&d.
which is the March 22, 2005 Issue (v146) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the March 22, 2005 v146 release of cc&d.
which is the April 22, 2005 Issue (v147) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the April 22, 2005 v147 release of cc&d.
which is the May 22, 2005 Issue (v148) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the May 22, 2005 v148 release of cc&d.
which is the June 22, 2005 Issue (v149) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the June 22, 2005 v149 release of cc&d.
which is the July 22, 2005 Issue (v150) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the July 22, 2005 v150 release of cc&d.
which is the August 22, 2005 Issue (v151) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the August 22, 2005 v151 release of cc&d.
which is the September 22, 2005 Issue (v152) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the September 22, 2005 v152 release of cc&d.
which is the October 22, 2005 Issue (v153) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the October 22, 2005 v153 release of cc&d.
which is the November 22, 2005 Issue (v154) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the November 22, 2005 v154 release of cc&d.
which is the December 22, 2005 Issue (v155) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the December 22, 2005 v155 release of cc&d.
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the United States may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
via credit card:
If you would like to purchase a print version of any of these issues via credit card, anyone from the U.K. may do do by clicking on the link for ordering copies below.
HOWEVER, you MUST e-mail us to let us know WHICH issues youre ordering (as this link is only for generically purchasing an issue of cc&d, but not a specific issue).
Get the 2004 Poetry Wall Calendar!
which is the December 21 2003 Winter Solstice Issues of cc&d
You can also click here for the PDF file of this issue...
of the January 22, 2004 release of CC&D (v133)
web page link
e-book (PDF file) link
of the February 22, 2004 release of CC&D (v134)
web page link
24 meg e-book (PDF file) link (with all art)
of cc&d - the April 22, 2004 issue (v135) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the April 22, 2004 v135 release of cc&d.
of cc&d - the May 22, 2004 issue (v136) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the May 22, 2004 v136 release of cc&d.
of cc&d - the June 22, 2004 11th Anniversary issue (v137) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the June 22, 2004 v137 release of cc&d.
of cc&d - the July 22, 2004 issue (v138) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the July 22, 2004 v138 release of cc&d.
of cc&d - the August 22, 2004 issue (v139) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the August 22, 2004 v139 release of cc&d (10.6 meg).
of cc&d - the September 22, 2004 issue (v140) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the September 22, 2004 v140 release of cc&d.
of cc&d - the October 22, 2004 issue (v141) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the October 22, 2004 v141 release of cc&d.
of cc&d - the November 22, 2004 issue (v142) of cc&d
Click here to download the PDF file e-book
of the November 22, 2004 v142 release of cc&d.
Future print issues of Children, Churches and Daddies (Quarterly release dates March 21, June 21, September 21 and December 21 of 2003) will be available at this site after the release date (at the beginning of the next month).
Purchases of the issue on line (or also the print version) can be made when you e-mail Scars Publications/cc&d for payment information. (Issues are available for $5.00 American, plus $1.00 shipping and handling - e-mail us for the address for the check).
Click here for CC&D magazines links for May 2003
Click here for CC&D magazines links for June 2003
The June 21 2003 issue of cc&d contains news you can use, AIDSnews, HEMPwatch, Eye On The Sky (astronomy section), prose, poetry, performance art, art work and philosophy monthly. Click here for the web issue of the June 21 2003 10 Year Anniversary issue, volume 130. Click here for July 2003s edition: the June 21 2003 Summer Solstice Edition of cc&d e-issue/PDF file, 8.5" x 11" electronic edition (v. 130, 10 meg). Click here for the huge (no compression on images) high-res v130 e-issue/PDF file (15.5 meg, color images, 8.5" x 11", cover, 100 pages and back cover).
Click here for the August 2003 Edition of cc&d...
Click here for the September 2003 Edition of cc&d...
The September 23 2003 issue of cc&d contains news you can use, ADDinfo, prose, poetry, performance art, art work and philosophy monthly. Click here for the web issue of the September 23 2003 issue, volume 131. Click here for September 2003s edition: the September 23 2003 Autumnal Equinox Edition of cc&d e-issue/PDF file, 8.5" x 11"
Click here for the November 2003 Edition of cc&d...
Click here for the December 2003 Edition of cc&d...
Click here for the ScarsPublications/cc&d 2004 Wall Calendar!
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
Enjoy the mammoth 400-page book of the collection of cc&d, Torture and Triumph.
You can also come here for the Torture and Triumph E-Book
The Book Oh. is finally ready for you to download:
click on the image, you can view the web-based version of this ground-breaking book...
for an e-book, download the new spring 2002 collection book Oh. (1.3 meg)
or the High-Res version (12.5 meg)
CC&D magazines links for May 2002
CC&D magazines links for June 2002
CC&D magazines links for July 2002
CC&D magazines links for August 2002
CC&D magazines links for September 2002
CC&D magazines links for October 2002
CC&D magazines links for November 2002
CC&D magazines links for December 2002
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
or the e-book - for Survive anf Thrive
or the e-book - for Warm and Fuzzy
Survive and Thrive was released in the beginning of 2001. Warm and Fuzzy was a special private printing of springtime 2001 acceptances of cc&d, released in June 2001.
from cc&ds 2001 collection book 5.5" x 8.5" pdf file e-books...
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 1 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 2 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 3 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 4 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 5 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 6 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 7 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 8 e-book
cc&d 2001 special-edition supplement 9 e-book
from cc&ds 2001 collection book 8.5 x 11 inch standard-sized pdf file e-books...
cc&ds april 2001 special-edition supplement 1 e-book
cc&ds april 2001 special-edition supplement 2 e-book
cc&ds april 2001 special-edition supplement 3 e-book
December 2000 - v128 - tastes great ... less filling
November 2000 - v127 - thank you, easter bunny
October 2000 - v126 - cheap and easy -better than a date
September 2000 - v125 - great pate but i have to motor to the funeral
August 2000 - v124 - whats my thanks? i got paid in puke!
July 2000 - v123 - i dont patronize bunny rabbits
June 2000 - v122 - the 7th anniversary issue
May 2000 - v121 - something is sweating...
March & April 2000 - 119 & 120 - All audio - all the time
February 2000 - v118 - the first audio issue
January 2000 - v117 - play our reindeer games
Rinse and Repeat - for all of versions 105-116!!!
November 1998 - v104 - (untitled)
September 1998 - v103 - (untitled)
July 1998 - v102 - (untitled)
May 1998 - v101 - crap
March 1998 - v100 - love, hate and death
January 1998 - v99 - good-bye
December 1997 - v98 - cool stuff
November 1997 - v97 - foot fetishes
October 1997 - v96 - vile acid
September 1997 - v95 - now fortified with iron, magnesuim, talent and intelligence (on chair with hands)
August 1997 - v94 - the one thing the government still has no comtrol over
July 1997 - v93 - poetry & prose: two great tastes that taste great together (sheri, wedding photos)
June 1997 - v92 - liquor in the front, poker in the rearsheri, wedding photo
May 1997 - v91 - first you get the money... then you get the power... then you get the women... (show girls)
April 1997 - v90 - its meatless, its delicious
March 1997 - v89 - women are from Mars and men are from Uranus
February 1997 - v88 - brad (chock-full of heddy goodness)
January 1997 - v87 - laura palmer colored
December 1996 - v86 - cc&d can turn the word on with her smile
November 1996 - v85 - you got your cc&d in my peanut butter!
October 1996 - v84 - Poetry. Urgh, Good God. What is it good for? Absolutely nothin'.
September 1996 - v83 - the hardest working lit mag in show biz
August 1996 - v82 - a wake-up call from tradition
July 1996 - v81 - a closer look at literature
June 1996 - v80 - joe at the brick wall
May 1996 - v79 - gun clock, and typewriter
April 1996 - v78 - mfv poetry issue
March 1996 - v77 - staff collage
February 1996 - v76 - joe on the beach
January 1996 - v75 - jocelyn
in december 1995 v74 - (untitled)
in december 1995 v73 - joey
in november 1995 v72 - city woman
in november 1995 v71 - ellen mirror
in november 1995 v70 - rich
in october 1995 v69 - lori h. laying down
in october 1995 v68 - claire in kitchen
in october 1995 v67 - air plane
in september 1995 v66 - sheri portrait
in september 1995 v65 - disintegration of ellen
in september 1995 v64 - light bulb
in august 1995 v63 - black light and flowers (color cover)
in august 1995 v62 - jay and eric
in august 1995 v61 - mirror
in july 1995 v60 - ice (photograph)
in july 1995 v59 - finally - literature that doesnt suck
in july 1995 v58 - doug painted (computer art)
in july 1995 v57 - kitten (photograph)
in june 1995 v56 - (untitled)
in june 1995 v55 - welcome to the next era
in june 1995 v54 - good to the last drop
in june 1995 v53 - cat throwing up
in may 1995 v52 - (untitled)
in may 1995 v51 - industrial
in may 1995 v50
in may 1995 v49 - addictions
in april 1995 v48 - darkness; its art
in april 1995 v47 - dreamlike state
in april 1995 v46 - smoke
in april 1995 v45 - prepackaged
in april 1995 v44 - with Moms Favorite Vase insert
in march 1995 v43 - special issue - sexism
in march 1995 v42 - nick in illustrator
in march 1995 v41 - (untitled)
in march 1995 v40 - travels
in march 1995 v39 - a caffienated way 2 stay awake
in february 1995 v38 - (untitled) - with a blend for the cover image
in february 1995 v37 - (untitled)
in february 1995 v36 - electric
in february 1995 v35 - screw
in january 1995 v34 - the "fashion issue"
in january 1995 v33 - spring
in january 1995 v32 - rodeo
in january 1995 v31 - masquerade
from december 1994 v30 - love letters
from november and december 1994 v29 - fiesta
from november 1994 v28 - disintegration
from october 1994 v27 - its art, its a classic
from september 1994 v26 - (untitled)
from august 1994 v25 - (untitled)
from august 1994 v24 - trapped
from july 1994 v23 - here is the house
from june and july 1994 v22 - the animal in you
from june 1994 v21 - the first anniversary issue
v20 - (untitled)
from April and May 1994 v19 - Chocolate
from April 1994 v18 - Minute, Millenium, Eon
from April 1994 v17 - New Orleans
from March 1994 v16 - Jerry and Cake
from february 1994 v15 - influx
from february 1994 v14 - private lives
from january 1994 v13 - art style
from january 1994 v12 - Sadness
from december 1993 v11 - Prose
from december 1993 v10 - Human Behavior
from november 1993 v9 - Things are Not As They Seem
from november 1993 v8 - body politik
from october 1993 v7 - we all have secrets
from october 1993 v6 - art is not meant to be touched
from september 1993 v5 - nick: the book
from september 1993 v4 - construction time again
from august 1993 v3 - pink & orange flowers
from july 1993 v2 - scars 1993
from june 1993 v1 - hope chest in the attic 1993
Special Editions:
electronic online collection one
electronic online collection two
collection book 3s e-book
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
or the e-book - for issue 117
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
or the e-book - for issue 104
or the e-book - for issue 103
or the e-book - for issue 102
or the e-book - for issue 101
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
or the e-book - for issue 74
or the e-book - for issue 73
or the e-book - for issue 72
or the e-book - for issue 71
or the e-book - for issue 70
or the e-book - for issue 69
or the e-book - for issue 68
or the e-book - for issue 67
or the e-book - for issue 66
or the e-book - for issue 65
or the e-book - for issue 64
or the e-book - for issue 63
or the e-book - for issue 62
or the e-book - for issue 61
or the e-book - for issue 60
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
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or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
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or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
clicking on this image or type will get you back to the choice of years.
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or the e-book for this issue (as a pdf file)
collection book 4s e-book
collection book 5s e-book
collection book 6s e-book
collection book 7s e-book
collection book 8s e-book
collection book 9s e-book
collection book 10s e-book