Have You Ever Had
Janet Kuypers
1/7/10 edit
Have you ever had a bug sandwich before?
I’m sure that your answer is probably no,
even though there have probably been a few
bugs in your fast food sandwiches you bought
But don’t think about that
I know when you’re in the military
you have to be prepared for
doing things like eating bugs,
but that dosn’t mean anyone
wants a bug sandwich
But one year, at Christmas
a friend of mine gave me a bug sandwich
because she thought I had quote unquote everything,
but I probably didn’t have a bug sandwich
it wasn’t technically a real sandwich,
it had three plastic bugs inside
plastic or rubber slices of bread
I kept the bug sandwich on top of my fridge
for a few years
Now after the rubbery, plastic bread fell apart,
I put two of the plastic bugs,
well, maybe three,
at the bottom of my fish tank
So in a way, I tried to keep the memory
of the bug sandwich alive
So... If you’re ever wondering what to get
for someone for Christmas, if you have to buy
a gift for the person who has everything,
go to a trick shop
and get then a bug sandwich
In a strange way, they just might like it
Have You Ever Had
November 12, 1998
Have you ever had a bug sandwich before?
I’m sure that your answer is probably no,
even though there have probably been a few
bugs in your fast food sandwiches you bought
But for now, don’t think about that
I know when you’re in army training in the
United states you have to be prepared for
doing things like eating bugs, so I know that
some people have emotionally or mentally
prepared for eating a bug sandwich, I suppose
That doesn’t mean that anyone wants to buy
one, and that doesn’t mean that anyone likes
the idea
So one year
when it was Christmas
time, a friend of mine gave me a bug sandwich
Only because she thought I had quote unquote
everything, but I probably didn’t have a bug
So it wasn’t technically a real
sandwich, it had three plastic bugs inside a
plastic or rubber slice of bread sandwich.
I kept the bug sandwich on top of my fridge for
a few years
Not two plastic bugs, well, maybe
three, are at the bottom of my fish tank
in a way, I still have kept the memory of the
bug sandwich alive
because now the plastic
bugs are hanging out with the fish under water
So... If you’re ever wondering what to get
for someone for Christmas, if you have to buy
a gift for the person who has everything, so to
speak, then go to a trick shop
and get then a bug
In a strange way, I’m sure they’ll like it

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.