See a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Futility” (written for Psychic Day, the 1st Sunday in August) and “Earthrise” (written 8/23, the 1666 day the first photo of Earth taken from the Moon), read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” on 7/23/20 during the Virtual Austin Poetry Society New World Poetry open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Futility” (written for Psychic Day, the 1st Sunday in August) and “Earthrise” (written 8/23, the 1666 day the first photo of Earth taken from the Moon), read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” on 7/23/20 during the Virtual Austin Poetry Society New World Poetry open mic (Samsung S9 camera).
See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “One Would be Chosen”, “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Katie”, “Know they are Loved”, “Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen”, “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the v188 8/21 Down in the Dirt book “Skeletons” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “One Would be Chosen”, “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Katie”, “Know they are Loved”, “Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen”, “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the v188 8/21 Down in the Dirt book “Skeletons” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this live video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book anthology “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem |