Table of Contents
John Ragusa
The Mysterious Matter of the Running Water |
Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz
Aghast art |
Mike Rader
Kill Me If You Can
Bio |
Scars Publications
Austria, 016 (Copyright 2003-2021 Janet Kuypers) |
Mike Rader
Sinister Syndrome
Bio |
Michael Lee Johnson
Showers & Rain
Jasper (V4)
Bio |
Kenneth Canatsey
Diogenes on How Democracies Die
Should I Let the Spider Live?
Luddite |
Ronald Charles Epstein
The Ultimate Food Fight |
Neil Flory
apparatus |
Doug Hawley
Some Who Wander |
Christopher Strople
Split Trees art |
Doug Hawley
Newport |
Aimee Nicole
Submission #&2035;
Bio |
Susie Gharib
In the heart of a lie
The Squalor of Her Words
Bio |
B.W. Carter
Overlord |
James Bates
Manganese |
Janet Kuypers
Manganese Growing (+ image)
Manganese can cure us all (+ image)
See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “One Would be Chosen”, “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Katie”, “Know they are Loved”, “Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen”, “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the v188 8/21 Down in the Dirt book “Skeletons” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “One Would be Chosen”, “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Katie”, “Know they are Loved”, “Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen”, “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the v188 8/21 Down in the Dirt book “Skeletons” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this live video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
Bio |
Richard K. Williams
Patriotism the Last Refuge for Scoundrels?
The Harrison Avenue Trail |
Thomas Elson
Adding Sand
Bio |
Scars Publications
Beach at las Bachas 1062
12/23/07 at the Galapagaos Islands (Copyright 2007-2021 Janet Kuypers) |
Thomas Elson
Daddy’s Stories
Bio |
Kyle Hemmings
Prison 30 photography |
John Hewitt
Truculent Mars Rovers Are Getting
Snarky With NASA Controllers
Bio |
Sherry Shahan
Bio |
Helen Bird “inksanity”
Earth and Air ink drawing |
L.B. Sedlacek
Just Jack
Bio |
John Farquhar Young
Bio |
Fabrice Poussin
Happy Hour photography
Bio |
Susie Gharib
Bio |
Bob Moses
The Old Boys Book Club
Bio |
Eleanor Leonne Bennett
Get Back Better one lb photography
Bio |
Jamie B. Granger
Walk Away |
Conjeevaram J. Nandakumar
Chickens Come Home to Roost |
Charles J. March III
A Dirty Habit art
Bio |
Paolo Maria Rocco
Poem from “I Canti”, Bastogi Editions, 2016, in Italian
Poem from “I Canti”, Bastogi Editions, 2016, in English |
Tamoha Mukhopadhyay
Incapacitated |
Sean Ferrier-Watson
Ghosts |
Janice Arenofsky
Cinderella’s Emails to Lost and Found
Bio |
Drew Nacht
House full of family |
Edward N. McConnell
Forging A Monster
Bio |
Riley Winchester
On the Side of the Road
Bio |
Daniel de Culla
“Daniel de Culla Spai” art
Bio |
Holden Zuras
The Black Stain |
Elena Botts
digital art 12 |
Ahan Basu
The Golden Statues |
Scars Publications
golden Statue 90 and Statue 90
photographed in Visakhapatnam, India 1/15/15 (Copyright 2015-2021 Janet Kuypers) |
Harrison Linklater Abbott
Historical Scars
Bio |
Rani Jayakumar
The Cat and the Raccoon |
Scars Publications
Raccoon (Copyright 2011-2021 Janet Kuypers) |
Scars Publications
Zach jumping past Johnny (Copyright 2005-2021 Janet Kuypers) |
ayaz daryl nielsen
Untitled (crusade)
Untitled (reminiscence) |
Judith Partin-Nielsen
So There
All The Way Home |
Gil Hoy
Bio |
John Yotko
Lunar Eclipse & Milky Way photography |
Ian Mullins
At The End Of The Day
Dream On
I Don’t Need Your Names |
Millicent Eidson
Bio |
Scars Publications
Hot Springs, 1998 Wyoming (Copyright 1998-2021 Janet Kuypers) |
Zach Murphy
The Most Beautiful Things Could End Us
Bio |
Janet Kuypers
One Would be Chosen
Every Day is Sweetest Day
Katie (+ image)
Know they are Loved (+ image 1 and image 2)
Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen
You Don’t Expect It
Undulating Nexus
See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “One Would be Chosen”, “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Katie”, “Know they are Loved”, “Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen”, “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the v188 8/21 Down in the Dirt book “Skeletons” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “One Would be Chosen”, “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Katie”, “Know they are Loved”, “Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen”, “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the v188 8/21 Down in the Dirt book “Skeletons” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this live video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
Bio |