Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Translation (2014 haiku) in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
See YouTube video (SCG) of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Translation (2014 haiku) in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 w/ HA!Man of South Africa music
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” (of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” (of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” (S crop, of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” (S crop glow, of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length poem “Translation (2014 haiku)” from Scars Publications’ 1/17Down in the Dirt v141 issue “Ice King” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/12/17 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video from a Sony camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading |