Photograph, Nineteenth Century
that woman that picture
the images of beauty and softness
of something that shouldn’t be touched
that couldn’t work that can’t work
the sepia toning oh how ancient
oh the dependency oh the degradation
my mind has been cluttered
society’s a bastard
I can’t see the women
I see the hat the feather
the adornments of beauty
the preposterous impractical way
she has been made to be seen
and not heard
she’s only an image
she was forced with an image
is it a shame is it a sin
and now I’ve been tainted
with the knowledge of society
with the knowledge of it’s motives
and now I can’t even see the beauty
I can only see the oppression
oh, it’s not like that anymore they say
as I wipe the make-up off my eyelids
and wonder who I’m trying to impress

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.