Blister and Burn, the Kuypers Edition, 2007
the Kuypers Edition of Blister and Burn
Order the book today!

    Blister and Burn was originally published by Scars Publications as a 1997 collection book with writing from assorted artists. Portions of this book (of only Kuypers’ writing) were used (with a new ISBN number) in the 25 year poetry collection book Oeuvre in 2004.
    Since a new ISBN number was used for Kuypers’ writing included in the 25 year poetry collection book Oeuvre in 2004, the Kuypers Edition of Blister and Burn was created for release in 2007, now available as an ebook (while this was previously the first new book release from Kuypers available as both a paperback and as a hardcover book). This Kuypers Edition of Blister and Burn contains all of the writings from Kuypers in the collection book of Blister and Burn, but also new and new writings from theartwork and new writings from the same time period for this 2007 volume.
On this page you will see a listing of all of the writings included in this collection, plus all of the art work in the book (and as an added bonus, on this web page you’ll see all of the images in color, even though the inside pages in the Kuypers Edition of Blister and Burn appear in black and white). We have also included a select few rare translations in this volume, as well as select artwork of the period as well.

Order the book today!

    Blister and Burn was originally published by Scars Publications as a 1997 collection book with writing from assorted artists. Portions of this book (of only Kuypers’ men

Writing included in the 25 year poetry collection book Oeuvre in 2004, the Kuypers Edition of Blister and Burn was created for release in 2007, now available as an ebook. This Kuypers Edition of Blister and Burn contains all of the writings from Kuypers in the collection book of Blister and Burn, but also new artwork and new writings from the same time period for this 2007 volume.
    On this page you will see a listing of all of the writings included in this collection, plus all of the art work in the book (and as an added bonus, on this web page you’ll see all of the images in color, even though the inside pages in the Kuypers Edition of Blister and Burnappear in black and white). We have also included a select few rare translations of poems included in this book (which also do not appear in the book). Enjoy! translations of poems included in this book (which also do not appear in the book). Enjoy!

Blister and Burn, stitches

part one (original writings)

before i learned better

anyone good enough

use what you had

burn through me

saving yourself

i’uypers/poems/1988/the-hammer-falls.htm">the hammer falls

prose: Kids Can be Cruel: The Effect o8217;m always the one

the hand

a woman talking about her rapist friend



content with inferior men

i’m thinking about myself too much

chances two: here i am

russians at a garage sale

they tried

i have my dreams
Internet Bonus:
i have8217;s Full Potential


part one (original writings)

before i learned better

anyone good enough

use what you had

burn through me

saving yourself

i’tv/kuypers/poems/1996/the-things-warren-says.htm">the things warren says


the hand

a woman talking about her rapist friend

i have my dreams
Internet Bonus:
i have my dreams - in ="0"Braille
i have my dreams - in Greek

i must believe
Internet Bonus:
i must believe - in Braille

shiny new again

see you crawl
Internet Bonus:

the hammer falls

prose: Kids Can be Cruel: The Effect of Peer Pressure on One’s Full Potential




marilyn monroe’s sex life

pocket knife

the nightmare

only a year

prose: The Purpose of the State Through the Nature of Political consent

can’t answer that one

chances two: here i am

russians at a garage sale

they tried

i have my dreams
Internet Bonus:
i have my dreams - in Braille
i have my dreams - in Greek

i must believe
Internet Bonus:
i must believe - in Braille

shiny new again

see you crawl
Internet Bonus:
see you crawl - in Japanese

the things warren says


shame on me

didn’t know what it was


the one at mardi gras

who you tell your dreams to

prose: Victim Blaming

more than we should have

the one you always loved

prose: a dream about murder.

this halloween

you feel more

finest feeling

who is at my side
Internet Bonus:
who is at my side - in Russian

why i’ll never get married


chances one: yes, it’s yes

no regrets together

ice cubes


Blister and Burn, stitches

art section

Brad farm road dreams Claire with Smartees dead sunflowers Doug painted church on Wright Street inverse flowers by a black light head1 head2 solarize inverted E photo Jan forest Sequoia in a bowl Laure Palmer, pencil Joe on the beach scars bruise make-up the Quad Vicki touch - crackallure Sheri bridal Sheri bridal Sheri bridal Sheri bridal scanner Nick in Illustrator

Blister and Burn, stitches

part two

ants and gods

deity discipline

the mind of john

he’s an escapist

two not mute haikus


each morning

raking leaves

the house of the forest


how to do the impossible

how to please a woman

i want

hiding vices

the cycle

the page

the flashback

nothing colorful in my sight

weeping willow

the muse, the messiah

the carpet factory, the shoes

Blister and Burn, stitches

art section

Brad sitting by a tree Brad sad Claire looking away Claire, hand laying on carpet om carpet Arian with outstretched arms Ariane, pointing Sequoia, stretching David on the beach David on the beach Vicki with wind, at a tree

Blister and Burn, stitches

prose: growing up female

prose: how you looked then

prose: fish

prose: scars

prose: an outline to the apex or rites of passage

prose: fireflies

prose: kafka’s metamorphosis and the social implications for the handicapped

prose: prom ‘97... or doing things right

prose: salesman

prose: dreams turned into nightmares

prose: guilt

accounts for the need of gun control, january, 1995
Internet bonus:
an art file for accounts for the need of gun control


chicago, west side

all the loose ends

chess game again

filled with such panic

domestic violence in america, nashville, tn (stick)

domestic violence in america, nashville, tn (nose)

prose: leaving for work

prose: tell me

gun dealers and gas stations

me or him

taking out the brain

no consequences

still no answers

resurrecting the dead

this is what it means

this is my burden

top of the mountain

realistic dreams

was immune

the measuring scale

the men at the construction site

in the projects


make people think

prose: seeing things differently

prose: letters from war time

prose: paint a suicide picture

prose: the twin within

last before extinction

Blister and Burn, stitches


Designed using QuarkXPress v6.5, images were photographed using a Minolta Maxxum 5000 35mm camera and a variety of flatbed scanners in Chicago. Images were then edited in Adobe Photoshop v7.0, or altered in Adobe Streamline v4.0. Fonts in this collection include AGaramond (and Bold, BoldItalic and Italic, for body copy), ITC Fenice Light (for the title, plus Bold and BoldItalic and RegularItalic for the table of contents), Helvetica Ult Compressed (for the Scars logo), Janet Big Cheese (for the icon of the man with the weights next to the Scars url on this copyright page), and Trajan Bold (for bullets). Images were photographed in Naples Florida, Champaign, Urbana, Palos Park, and Chicago Illinois, New Orleans Louisiana, as well as at a beach in central California. The front cover image is of Kuypers photographing (09/17/04) stitches in her wrist after surgery.

JK chair


laura palmer - penciled

scar bruise make-up

head2 solarize inverted

Jan Forest

About the Author

    Janet Kuypers has a Communications degree in News/Editorial Journalism (starting in computer science engineering studies) from the UIUC. She had the equivalent of a minor in photography and specialized in creative writing. A portrait photographer for years in the early 1990s, she was also an acquaintance rape workshop facilitator, and she started her publishing career as an editor of two literary magazines. Later she was an art director, webmaster and photographer for a few magazines for a publishing company in Chicago, and this Journalism major was even the final featured poetry performer of 15 poets with a 10 minute feature at the 2006 Society of Professional Journalism Expo’s Chicago Poetry Showcase. This certified minister was even the officiant of a wedding in 2006.
    She sang with acoustic bands “Mom’s Favorite Vase”, “Weeds and Flowers” and “the Second Axing”, and does music sampling. Kuypers is published in books, magazines and on the internet around 9,300 times for writing, and over 17,800 times for art work in her professional career, and has been profiled in such magazines as Nation and Discover U, won the award for a Poetry Ambassador and was nominated as Poet of the Year for 2006 by the International Society of Poets. She has also been highlighted on radio stations, including WEFT (90.1FM), WZRD (88.3FM), WLS (8900AM), the internet radio stationsArtistFirst dot com,’s Poetry World Radio and Scars Internet Radio (SIR), and was even shortly on Q101 FM radio. She has also appeared on television for poetry in Nashville (in 1997), Chicago (in 1997), and northern Illinois (in a few appearances on the show for the Lake County Poets Society in 2006). Kuypers was also interviewed on her art work on Urbana’s WCIA channel 3 10 o’clock news.
head 1

bar mirror (v)

jkchair 2 hands

    She turned her writing into performance art on her own and with musical groups like Pointless Orchestra,” “5D/5D” and “Order From Chaos,” and starting in 2005 Kuypers ran a monthly iPodCast of her work, as well as an Internet radio station (JK Radio) — she even manages the Chaotic Radio show (an hour long Internet radio show) through and She has performed spoken word and music across the country - in the spring of 1998 she embarked on her first national poetry tour, with featured performances, among other venues, at the Albuquerque Spoken Word Festival during the National Poetry Slam; her bands have had concerts in Chicago and in Alaska; in 2003 she hosted and performed at a weekly poetry and music open mike (called Sing Your Life), and from 2002 through 2005 was a featured performance artist, doing quarterly performance art shows with readings, music and images.
    In addition to being published with Bernadette Miller in the short story collection book Domestic Blisters, as well as in a book of poetry turned to prose with Eric Bonholtzer in the book Duality, Kuypers has had many books of her own published: Hope Chest in the Attic, The Window, Close Cover Before Striking, (woman.) (spiral bound), Autumn Reason (novel in letter form), the Average Guy’s Guide (to Feminism), Contents Under Pressure, etc., and eventually The Key To Believing (2002 650 page novel), Changing Gears (travel journals around the United States), The Other Side (European travel book), The Boss Lady’s Editorials, The Boss Lady’s Editorials2005 Expanded Edition, Seeing Things Differently, Change/Rearrange, Death Comes in Threes, Moving Performances, Six Eleven, Live at Cafe Aloha, Dreams, Rough Mixes, The Entropy Project, The Other Side (2006 edition), Stop., Sing Your Life, the hardcover art book (with an editorial) in cc&d v165.25, and the Kuypers edition of . Three collection books were also published of her work in 2004, Oeuvre (poetry), Exaro Versus (prose) and L’arte (art).