Approaching Front

v251, Sep./Oct. 2014
Internet ISSN 1555-1555, print ISSN 1068-5154

Note that in the print edition of cc&d magazine, all artwork within the pages of the book appear in black and white.

the passionate stuff

Blue 88’s
Mike Brennan
The German shells are still
Rocking the steel plank
I clutch as I roll backwards.
Stomach scorched, the fire
Behind my half-mast eyes.
A Medic gives me blue pills,
The ones that could kill
The Fatigue, Kraut 88 clank,
A sweeping left flank
I can’t dream away.
How many days have I been here?
All the while still being there?
Arriving back and forth
To and from the Front, every few hours,
With the first night being a full day
And the second, a shrieking half.
2nd L.T. barks that we need to get all our gear secured,
“We are heading right back to Hell in the morning.„
Private Richardson tries to disagree, while wiping
A string of drool from parted, parched lips.
“You’re not blind. You’re not dead.
You still have all your limbs.
You’re going back to Bedlam soldier.„
Richardson whelps like an undisciplined pup but doesn’t say anything of sense.
I stare out at the unscathed countryside through snow white windows.
Asides from their accents the nurses remind me of Ashford, Connecticut.
Their whiteness of all the Christmases I missed.
There’s one who I dreamed I asked to the homecoming dance.
2 seconds before I was forced right back into the war.
I know everything I’ve been issued is still stuck in my locker
But I can’t bring myself up to my feet to either check nor clean.
I flip through a deck of cards until the medic makes another pass.
“Can I please have another Blue 88?„
He shakes his head arrogantly and hands me the pill.
I thank him with a nod and swallow it straight down.
Later I jerk awake with all my cards
Scattered across the floor. . .
I breathe shallow and soundless since
At the very least, I know- there are still 4 more hours until morning.

George Gott
There is
And there is
Have you learned
this too?
The something
thy enemy.
The nothing
thy gun.
is something.
And there is
nothing else

Untitled (tree)
Becky Grush
A gnarled and naked tree
silhouetted against the darkening
dusky sky
alone and stiff
and cold,
or is it just me?
A student at The University of Massachusetts,
Becky Grush passed away from cancer at the age of twenty-five.

Deadlines amongst Movement
David Hernandez
The clock strikes eleven,
the document on the screen
waits for words from the writer
but the computer shifts to black,
the writer lacking a dictionary and a thesaurus,
subjects and verbs, complete thoughts,
two to three syllables, letters,
punctuation, numbers, an alphabetic soup.
The document,
watching from the dark,
sees writer filling his ashtray
with cigarette butts and burnt out matches,
music only obstructing his concentration,
his pacing growing faster and faster.
He opens a window to let fresh air in,
that doesn’t stop him
from seeing the moving minutes.
The clock strikes twelve, time for lunch,
a ham, lettuce, and bacon sandwich.
Writer pours coffee from his thermos into a cup.
It’s now colder, from his mouth to his throat.
The document sees the writer return to his desk,
hoping he would present her with words,
only he presses his arms against his head,
close to one,
no words only stress.

I’m the Example
David Hernandez
My right side strikes the left wall,
while the left side strikes the right wall.
My arms, tied to my chest,
struggle to budge from their restraints.
I’m locked in a confined cell,
free to roam, never to leave.
I try to be a good role model
and here I am in a mental institute,
praying for the day I can hold my daughter
and never let her go,
keep her as tight as this strait jacket.

Ode #4 to St. Jude,
Patron Saint for Lost or Impossible Causes.
Kenneth DiMaggio
Does your poetry bleed?
And if it doesn’t then here
is a wasted life along with
a razor to salvage whatever
dignity is left to it in a more
classical suicide because
when I lay down for my
final sleep I pray not to
the lord but all my
failed relationships
and friends and editors
who had to read my poetry
and above all to St. Jude
patron saint of lost
causes who like former
friends editors and lovers
found me impossible
(and rightly so!)
because anyone
trying to be a
poet from a red
white & black eyed
America has
to be a son of a bitch
(at least against himself) and
for anybody else whom
I was cruel and unfaithful to
I was just too impossible
even for myself
—and if such impossible
people can never become
regular folks (much less complete
a successful suicide) then we
can at least become
poets of questionable
talent but never without
a blood and passion and
from time to time an
apology to all editors
lovers and friends

Ode #5 to St. Jude,
Patron Saint for Lost or Impossible Causes.
Kenneth DiMaggio
The money I stole from the wallet
of a friend who let me pass out
on his futon or the near library
of books I took from public schools
I was a substitute teacher in yes
I am guilty but students would have
only inked or ripped the pages
of King Lear and while Larry
was a good friend he was
also spending all his money
on cocaine and when he could
not afford it then: Crack
which like so many other drugs
crimes or vices
— I never acquired a taste for
but— coward liar book thief yes
And so I surrender
to Jesus Mohammed Buddha
Bill W and most of all St. Jude
patron saint for lost causes
—at least when I pray to him
he already expects and I think
accepts my inevitable failure
And if I am no longer welcome
at any AA or NA meetings
in Hartford I will still keep
coming back to a saint
whose name so often
gets mistaken with that
of a traitor
—or are saints more like
the sinners they pray for?
—just like the sinners
are possessed by the same
love and suffering
that possesses a saint

Ode #6 to St. Jude,
Patron Saint for Lost or Impossible Causes.
Kenneth DiMaggio
So drunk I did not realize
that the sudden turn I just
took was on to a frozen
pond which is what I did
failing again to get laid at
a cocktail lounge where all
the beehive haired divorcees
made a trophy of every punk’s
virginity except mine
—that will still try
to find some other
vice or misdemeanor
or other act of cowardice
to help lose my innocence
—which will still take refuge
in the prayers to a saint
who was the patron for lost
—prayer that is sometimes
genuine like a two year old
who has yet to learn how
to lie and sometimes like
a forever losing twenty year
old whose pick-up lines would
not even score with women
with false teeth
—but who at one time
were young and had smiles
that made young men
fall in love
—what a saint never falls
out of
—the same way
a punk can always drive
his car onto a frozen pond
—but not drive away
his love for all women
no matter how much
they might have to
reject him

A govt & business collaborate
Fritz Hamilton
A fascist is when govt & business collaborate/ God is
love, which is straight Christian, hence God & fascism
collide, & money supplants love, & business becomes
God/ a capitalist can never be a Christian/ money supplants
love, & Christians are left hanging from a tree, but they don’t
know what’s happening until they’re dead/ a songbird is all
love; so we shoot & eat him & make money from his feathers,
calling it art in order to up the price tag, replacing love with
money, which is all we worship/ it’s worth is what it gets from
Sothebe’s, & after it’s measured & sold at Sothebe’s, the art can be
be thrown away, because all we care about it is in the bank/ so
why commit suicide?/ we’re already dead. . .

He’d be rich & famous if
Fritz Hamilton
He’d be rich & famous if
he hadn’t got his head macheted off in
Mogadishu, &
he’d be rich & famous if
he hadn’t been disembowled in
Khartoum, &
he’d be rich & famous if his
brother hadn’t poisoned him in
Asmara & taken over the kingdom, &
he’d be rich & famous if
he & his entire family hadn’t been
executed in Vladivostok & left to be
eaten by wolves, &
he’d be rich & famous if he hadn’t been
shot down in a driveby when he was five &
left to die in a nearby sewer . . .

Art walks out of MOCA
Fritz Hamilton
Art walks out of MOCA proving that
Art isn’t dead/ Nietzsche says God
is dead proving that Art isn’t God/ we
kill God on the cross, & a lot of Art is
made about it, both statues & paintings &
other images of Christ being murdered on
the cross, depicting the slaughter of God by
man made in God’s image, all manifestations of
man’s guilt for murdering God, & Nietzsche says
we have to recreate God after killing him if we’re
to have any God at all; so we recreate him as
money, which we all worship, &
Nietzsche GOES mad ...

I p u t t h e g a t o r i n m y m o u t h