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Most responses and 3rd party topics are in the Janet Kuypers Facebook page. (This links page also contains additional relevant links that do not exist on the Janet Kuypers facebook pages.)
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facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250303 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I’m glad so many “like” & “love” & commented nicely about this YouTube video from 8/14/24 of Janet Kuypers in the finalé poetry feature from ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250303 globe (this video was for public notice)

This Just In - poems from Janet Kuypers The poem “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams” was performed in Janet Kuypers8/22/17 poetry feature and released in the “This Just InScars Publications cc&d bonus chapbook, now free online!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
In the 8/22/17 poetry feature, chapbooks were given to attendeess, with B&W images inside and on the covers (not color, like online for free)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250303 globe (this video was for public notice)

title The Janet Kuypers poem “Andrew Hettinger” appears in the book “Sing Your Life” from Scars Publications, which is now available only as an ebook from the Lulu printer at a low, low price:
https://www ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250303 globe (this video was for public notice)

Rough Mixes The Janet Kuypers poem “Andrew Hettinger” appears in the book “Rough Mixes” from Scars Publications, which is now available only as an ebook from the Lulu printer at a low, low price:
https://www ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250303 globe (this video was for public notice)

100 haikus The haiku “Arsenic and Syphilis” (+ 99 more) all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry mini-book “100 Haikus” from Scars Publications. This book is on sale at a VERY LOW price on Amaz ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250302 globe (this video was for public notice)

Stop. The Janet Kuypers poem “Holding My Hand” is a bonus poem in the 5/3/02 poetry show book “Stop.” from Scars Publications, which is now available only as an ebook from the Lulu printer at a ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250302 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join us (and always on the first Sunday of every month) for ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250302 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I’m glad so many “like” & “love” & commented nicely about this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers’ poetry from the Scars Publications ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250302 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet After wearing my “Big Fun” Heathers t-shirt last night because it’s Mardi Gras weekend (that shirt was from my favorite Halloween costume in New Orleans one year), I spent ye ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Jays potatoes I was so excited to carry this potato chip bag out to show John that potatoes were growing...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250301 globe (this video was for public notice)

cc&d I don’t know if it’s Mardi Gras, March Madness, or the love of Spring — or the love of literature, but we’re all thrilled that March 1st welcomes a brand-new Scars Publications book release! The March 2025 v355 issue of ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Down in the Dirt I don’t know if it’s Mardi Gras, March Madness, or the love of Spring — or the love of literature, but we’re all thrilled that March 1st welcomes a brand-new Scars Publications book release! The March 2025 v229 issue of ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250301 globe (this video was for public notice)

It might sound strange to roast spent grains after homebrewing, but they are packed with protein and fiber and can be added to an ... see more

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers (via Instagram). 20250301 shared with friends

Janet “She’s dressed in black again...” my goth girl Janet was pulling the grain for the Proto Gothinator out of the wort, but I don’t know if it’s very goth for her to have gold glitter on her eyelids.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20250301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day! Join us (and always on the first Sun ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20250301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy March... Nine years ago today and four years ago today I updated my profile picture to this image of John and I (at my favorite Austin brewery, may Circle Brewing Company rest in peace — in a photo that became my author photo for the Cyberwit book “Eternal Never Ending Now”). This was my profile photo until his birthday this month (when spring begins). Maybe I’ll do that again this year, because my birthday boy is worth it. updated profile picture

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250228 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “The Universe is in Your Hands” poetry book “Beach ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250228 globe (this video was for public notice)

Tag Team Reading - poems from Janet Kuypers The “Tag Team Reading 5/18/13 chapbook” is a free cc&d chapbook from Scars Publications of Janet Kuypers’ poetry on a wide variety of subjects, all read in Nashville at our first Tag Team Reading ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250228 globe (this video was for public notice)

Haiku on the Fly - poems from Janet Kuypers Haiku on the Fly”, the free chapbook from Scars Publications of Janet Kuypers’ haiku “bruised”, “bruised”, “blood”, “choke”, “can’t get you”, “bear”, “fit”, “defenses”, “feel”, “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “oceans”, “drowning” a ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250228 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Got any plans this weekend? Join us (and always on the first Sunday of ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250228 globe (this video was for public notice)

Partial Nudity The Janet Kuypers haiku “mister” (+ many more) appears in the large Scars Publications Janet Kuypers poetry book “Partial Nudity”, now on Amazon with a new price drop of OVER 20%!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250227 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I’m glad so many “like” & “love” & commented nicely about this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem from the CyberWit book “The U ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250226 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “The Moment” & “Periodic Table Poetry” book poems “T ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250226 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just under a half week away (and always on the first Sunday of every mon ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250225 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “The Universe is in Your Hands” poetry book Chicago- ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250225 globe (this video was for public notice)

I just watered my potato roots growing inside my Jay’s potato chip bag... and all is good in the universe.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250224 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Down in the Dirt 5-8/24 “A Library of Collabor- ation” & ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250224 globe (this video was for public notice)

(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry The Janet Kuypers haiku poem “earth” appears in the book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” by Scars Publications in a larger typeface (& w/ many poems including acco ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20250223 globe (this video was for public notice)

John John is out walking the cat.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with David Buddha-Hargarten 20250223 globe (this video was for public notice)

Testament After this Chicagoan moved to Texas, I saw firsthand the oppression that led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which stopped abortions in some states but also stunted women’s right TO children through IVF clinics, & drug restrict ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at Prost Alehouse. 20250223 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John After walking over 10,000 steps while John Yotko was playing disc golf, I stopped for a beer at Prost and caught this great film on my iPad of our last trip to New Mexico and Arizona...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250223 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I’m glad so many “like” & “love” & commented nicely about this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers her poetry from the Scars book “In Lo ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250223 globe (this video was for public notice)

white roses and U.S. map Okay, since I didn’t get Thomas Paul Althaus anything for his birthday yesterday, this goth girl thought she could give him some wilting flowers... but then it occurred ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250222 globe (this video was for public notice)

(pheromones) 2015-2017poems The poem “x-raying metal under my skin” appears in one of the first Scars Publications books of Janet Kuypers writing after moving to Austin, TX, “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” — so ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250222 globe (this video was for public notice)

Fusion Scars Publications isn’t only about books... the poem “Medication” by Janet Kuypers is set to music as a track on the 4-CD set “Fusion”, now available on ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250222 globe (this video was for public notice)

veg poster installed It is accomplished! After years of saving boxes from fast food restaurants of vegetarian products that they no longer sell or labels from vegetarian ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250222 globe (this video was for public notice)

Fusion Fusion” is a project with poetry from Chicago-based Janet Kuypers mixed with music from Madison, WI-basedmusicians Paul Baker, the Bastard Trio, & the JoAnne Pow!ers Trio. The poem ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250221 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “The Universe is in Your Hands” poetry book “Beach P ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250124 globe (this video was for public notice)

Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: September-December) The poems “(Less Than) Two Minutes With Ayn Rand”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, and “We Didn’t Start the Fire” all appear in volume 1 from the Janet Kuypers poetry ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250221 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I’m glad so many “love” & commented nicely about this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers during her “The Universe is in Your Hands” book feature 1-hour+ inte ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250221 globe (this video was for public notice)

Dark Matter: the Mind of Janet Kuypers, 2009 I have just been reading articles that dark matter does not exist, that it’s actually how time is sped by the clustering of galaxies, explaining the inflated acceleration of the Universe (a theory I’ve supported before scient ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250220 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her v354 2/25 cc&d issue/book “The Moment” & the Cyber- Wit Janet ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250220 globe (this video was for public notice)

Burn Through Me Before it was a book, it started off as music... “Medication”, “Death is a Dog”, and “Fantastic Car Crash” appear in the 3-CD-set “Burn Through Me” of Jan ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250220 globe (this video was for public notice)

Burn Through Me Medication”, “Death is a Dog”, and “Fantastic Car Crash” appear in the poetry book “Burn Through Me” from Scars Publications, which is a large volume of Janet Kuypers’ poetry that has been released on CD with music fr ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Brian J Grano. 20250220 globe (this video was for public notice)

Gudenteit Now living in Austin, I don’t get a chance to enjoy my favorite beer from the oldest micro brewery in Illinois — Gudenteit, ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250219 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “The Universe is in Your Hands” poetry book Chicago ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250124 globe (this video was for public notice)

Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: September-December) The poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Valentine’s Day, Every Day” all appear in volume 1 from the Janet Kuypers poetry book set ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250219 globe (this video was for public notice)

the Periodic Table of Poetry Before the elements all had names, I wrote poems for every element of the Periodic Table, and are now in the Janet Kuypers book “The Peri- odic Table of ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250218 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her cc&d 5-8/24 “The Lives We Deserve” bonus book poems ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250218 globe (this video was for public notice)

The Universe is in Your Hands Terrorism Intelligence” is a poem representing Iraq that appears in the CyberWit 2024 Janet Kuypers poetry book “The Universe is in Your Hands”, with poetry about locations around the world and even space. This global book is ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250217 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I’m glad you “love” & commented nicely about this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the book “The Limits of Language” to close her ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250217 globe (this video was for public notice)

I swear that it’s becoming like a hothouse inside my office (which happens to be the hottest room in this house because it’s right above the garage and all the ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250217 globe (this video was for public notice)

I found the Jay’s bag and fresh dirt, I found the potatoes with huge eyes growing, and I’m getting ready to plant for my next miniature potato crop. growing potatoes in a bag

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250217 globe (this video was for public notice)

(pheromones) 2015-2017 show poems The poem “Years, Centuries, Eons” appears in one of the first books from Scars Publications of Janet Kuypers’ from Austin, TX, “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems” — sold not only from Lulu ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20250216 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John John and I have had champagne every day on Valentine’s Day weekend this weekend. Friday night we had champagne ... see more

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20250216 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I’m glad you “like” & “love” & commented nicely about this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 2 poems from her CyberWit ... see more

See the top of this listing for expanded facebook listings.