show #82
November 11th through November 24th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: A live reading at The Green Mill (in Chicago, where the slam poets are chosen for the annual National Poetry Slam) of a poem called True Happiness in the New Millennium; “Duality in G”, a song by Athena Reich; “Calling On Your Love”, a piece by Mikia Vera; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads Sept. 11 2001; a piece by Michael H. Brownstein read live at the Cafe in Chicago on 04/20/04 called “1939: Exiction Day”, which also appear the the cc&d sounds page and also appeared in cc&d magazine’s April 22 2004 issue; Chicago Poetry Fest’s 2004 reading at Weeds by David Hernandez; and a book reading from the book Moving Performances, which includes the poems You Would Know If You Were Here, My Father, Shooting an Animal, and the short story Crazy. Background music is of sampled music that was also sampled from the DMJ Art Connection of a piece read by Jared Smith called Everything Was Alive and Dying.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #81
November 4th through November 10th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson, with the piece Holding My Skin Together (which was written in 2000); Shelley Nation reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “Rainy Night”; The Second Axing with Realistic Dreams, which was written in 1995 and was performed live at the music/poetry open mic Sing Your Life on July 1st; a practice session of poetry reading for the perofrmance art show A Foot Fantasia of the poem Your Soul Is Shaking (originally written in 2006 and read while in art gallery spaceat the Peter Jones Gallery with background music (really lightly) of music from the HA!Man of South Africa with “MAKANA battle scene”, off of the CD “Soundtrax”, while a computer laptop tried to play a thumb drive as an audio device (and produced a strange set of computer noises); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Night Beat”; THEN a little bit of a radio show interview with The Second Axing with ArtistFirst.com Internet Radio, where they are interviewed briefly on 11/06/03 — ending with their three pieces from when they played in concert live in Alaska, including Too Far, the Burning, and On An Airplane with a Frequent Flyer; a studio recording of Key To Survival (written in 2005) from the performance art show {Stripped} live in Chicago 06/07/05; the studio release of the pieces Elvira Doe, the poems Someone Give Me The Answers (originally written in 1998) and Sometimes It’s Not (originally written in 1998), then Hallucinations, Imagining Friends and Loved Ones and the poem
Will Be Just Fine (originally written in 1998), from the February 2003 Chicago performance art show Death Comes In Threes; and finally the book reading this week, from the book Seeing Things Differently from Scars Publications, with the poems Andrew Hettinger, Communication, and Conversations a Day of Grieving, 1/22/94 Two. Background music is the instrumental music from David Michael Jackson of The DMJ Art Connection with rthe music behind Holding My Skin Together, which is Pod 3 Trance.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #80
October 28th through November 3rd “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson, with the piece I Dreamt About You Last Night (which was written in 1998, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Holly Smith reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “D.U.S. Muzik”; The Second Axing with I Want, performed live at the music/poetry open mic Sing Your Life on August 19th; a practice session for the perofrmance art show A Foot Fantasia of the poem Yeah (originally written in 1989, and had Peter Bartels dancing throughout the performance, as well as the HA!Man of South Africa playing the cello); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Black Party”; THEN a little bit of a radio show interview with The Second Axing with ArtistFirst.com Internet Radio, where they are interviewed briefly on 11/06/03; C Ra McGuirt reading Young Wives Tales at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/13/02; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Bobbi Dykema Katsanis called the Buddha Will Not Fit Inside Your Briefcase; then it’s book reading time with a book reading from the collection book Rinse and Repeat, which includes the poems I Don’t Want To, Against My Will, Like My Motto, and You Would Know If You Were Here. Background music is from Jake and Haystack off their CD “Right Like It Is,” called Genesis.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #79
October 21st through October 27th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: is one extremely long performance art show that was held in Chicago October 16th and October 17th called A Foot Fantasia. This radio show contains the entire first performance on Tuesday, October 16th. The events took place at the Peter Jones Gallery (1806 W. Cuyler, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60645) at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 16th and Wednesday, October 17th 2007.

Featuring the musical genius of Francois LeRoux (a.k.a the HA!Man of South Africa) and Peter C. Bartels with video shot by Francois LeRoux (aka the Ha!Man of South Africa) and Cathleen Schandelmeier, this event features the amazing artistry of Donna Pecore, Tekki Lomnicki, Janet Kuypers, and Ed Roberson (whose work will be performed by Michael C. Watson - the Word Shaman of WordSlingers). You can also check out a chapbook of material from a number of the performers, or a Janet Kuypers chapbook of show poetry (plus additional dance-related writings) collected for this show. Background music is “GUMBO card game” off the CD Soundtrax by HA!Man.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #78
October 14th through October 20th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads A Finding Woman Once; a studio recording of the entire DvA Art Gallery performance in Chicago of the show ConflictContactControl, including the poems Kurt Irons (it’s Just A Girl), The Men At The Construction Site, Women’s Very Existence, White Knuckled, And What I Want To Know, And I’m Wondering, The Way You Tease Me, Military Police, Too Far, and Communication ‘05 (with the majority of the background music by the DMJ Art Copnnection; ElektroNarkoz working with a WZRD radio live performance reading and developing Taking Out The Brain; from the CD Seeing Things Differently, the poem Philosopher at the Blue Note; an Aqua Velvet reading live at the open mic Mad Bar; Maureen Flannery reading “Coming Into Color”, live at her at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; a musician’s recording live at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing; a Coffee Chicago live poetry reading of the poems Burning Building and Worn Out; and a recording from Pointless Orchestra’s CD Rough Mixes, with the piece called Christmas Eve. Background music is of sampled music that was also used for the Seeing Things Differently CD track of Philosopher at the Blue Note, originally sampled from the “Kaboom” CD for Wild and Wacky Sound Software.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #77
October 7th through October 13th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Jason Pettus reading “Out There” live at an open mic in Chicago; the reading of a Marie Kazalia poem (live at The Cafe in Chicago) called “Out Of A Language Of A Thousand Fears”, which had been previously accepted in Children, Churches and Daddies magazine; Belinda Subraman, the editor of Gypsy Magazine, reads the poem “Alice”; the song “Why,” performed by The Second Axing; Artvilla’s David Michael Jackson performs “Out There”; the music band Feedback, performing “Eric Don’t Care”; a reader live at the 09/28/04 Chicago Poetry Fest, reading at Weeds; a poem by Cheryl Townsend (interpreted through Pointless Orchestra); Right There, By Your Heart, as performed on the Six One One compact disc turned book Change/Rearrange; then readings from the book Six Eleven, including the poems Looking for A Worthy Adversary, Work Journal One, Work Journal Two, and The Effects of Nine One One. Background music is of a droning rhythm, along with a bass drum march intro, sampled from the “Kaboom” CD for Wild and Wacky Sound Software.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #76
September 30th through October 6th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: The Second Axing with Headache, performed live at the music/poetry open mic Sing Your Life; Ward Kelley, with “Joan”; Belinda Subraman, with a piece called “A View Of Self Release”; Feedback, with the song “Dead Valentine’s Song” from the album “Gigantes de Pop”; Erika Mikkalo reading live at the 08/29/04 Chicago Poetry Fest, at Weeds; a piece by Mikia Vera called “Beautiful”; Lina Ramona Vitkauskas, recorded live at The Cafe in Chicago on April 20, 2004, the poem “You Are The Sperm Whale of my Life”; a poem from Cheryl Townsend (interpreted through Pointless Orchestra); a readings from the book The Entropy Project, including A Retired Policeman Talks About Suicides He’s Seen, Odd How Things Turn Out That Way, Salamander, Ranting, and September 11, 2001. Background music is different pieces of suspense music, along with a drum high hat rhythm, sampled from the “Kaboom” CD for Wild and Wacky Sound Software.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #75
September 23rd through September 29th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with into the piece A Stand-Off (which was written in 1994); Amy Stewart reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “F***”; a song/reading from the Cafe on 05/29/07 of a a song and a poem, derived from the song What We Need In Life and the poem Fantastic Car Crash; then the studio tracks of the 08/05/07 Beach Poets Feature (with a large amount of material which is in the e-book/PDF file chapbook called Sun, Sand & H2Poetry), including All Men Have Secrets (written in 1990, Children, Churches and Daddies (written in 1993, Dive (written in 1994, Freedom Just Past the Fence (written in 2002, I Just Waited (written in 1990, I’m Thinking About Myself too Much (written in 1997, And I’m Wondering (written in 1997, Last Before Extinction (written in 1994, Moonlight (written in 1983, Philosopher at the Blue Note (written in 1995, Precinct Fourteen (written in 1995, Slate and Marrow (written in 1993, The Beach at Night (written in 1986, Too Far (written in 1995, To The River (written in 1987, Under the Sea (written in 1980, Writing Your Name (written in 1988, and You Once So Confidently (written in 1999; then two prose pieces that were used in the performance art show 6/11 called Work Journal One and Work Journal Two, then followed by the prose piece The Effects of 9/11; C Ra McGuirt reading Ticket at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/13/02; Penn Kemp, with the piece Cogito Ergo Sum; Nina Corwin, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 13, 2004, reading the poem Love in the Double Bass; the poem High Roller (written in 1990) from the CD Change/Rearrange; and finally a poetry reading from Joel live at the open mic Yammer. Background music is the instrumental music from Andy Derryberry of The DMJ Art Connection, with Andy 12.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #74
September 16th through September 22nd “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with into the piece The Apartment (which was written in 1991); and then we have selections from the Artist First Internet Radio show interview with The Second Axing on 09/22/03, which includes not only extensive interviews but also the interviews with the songs What We Need In Life, What I’ve Been Through and In Love I Abide, and interviews with the poem (set to music) Headache; then... Bradley T. Egner reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “A Reason Now”; and finishing off the show is a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Cocktail Hour”. Background music is the instrumental music from Andy Derryberry and The DMJ Art Connection called “Strat blue 8.”
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #73
September 9th through September 15th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background guitar by Andy Derryberry and background guitar and bass by John Yotko, with into the piece Indian Flux (based on the writing Dreams 12/24/05: Aeon Flux Crawl, which is also on the CD release Indian Flux); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine (who also has a plethors of poetry readings set to music), reads the piece Lady Punk Talks; Batya G. Hernandezreading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “Paper Chasin”; a reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem about pregnancy and motherhood; then a poem from the feature UNcorrect on 06/21/07 from the Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called Being God (which was originally written in 1998, and which you can even see a video for here); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Blue Delilah”; then a live performance of the poem Athena on 08/19/03 at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing (written in 1997); Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Futile (with musicians including Cheryl Townsend with Voice, Mike Hovancsek with Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian with Gongs and metals, along with Jim Cole, Sharen Baker and Allan Dow with Harmonic vocals); the poem Gears Get Caught in the Mud (the final mix) (written in 2000) from the CD Change/Rearrange; Maureen Flannery reading The Farmer’s Widow Speaks, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004. Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems I Know It’s Not Going To Happen, I’d Laugh More, Sometimes It’s Not, Not For Me Yet, My Height Any Longer, For My Car Or My Life, Well, Someone Is, the prose piece The Effects of 9/11 (written for the show 6/11), the poems Want That Too You Know, To Get To That Point, Not Getting Better, Slow Painful Death, and Is To Blame For It. Background music is the instrumental music from the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Blue Delilah.”

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #72
September 2nd through September 8th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with into the piece The Way You Tease Me (which was written in 1997, which is also on the CD release The DMJ Art Connection Disc One); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine (who also has a plethors of poetry readings set to music), reads the piece Miracle; Larry Sawyer reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “A Little Too Gangsta”; a reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem about a movie class, and creativity; then a poem from the feature UNcorrect on 06/21/07 from the Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called Grab The Other’s Neck (which was originally written in 2000, and which you can even see a video for here); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Let’s Get Goin’”; then a live performance of the poem New To Chicago on 06/24/03 at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing (written in 1997); Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Eminent Domain (with musicians including Cheryl Townsend with Voice, Mike Hovancsek with Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian with Gongs and metals, along with Jim Cole, Sharen Baker and Allan Dow with Harmonic vocals); the poem Why Do You (written in 1997) from the CD Change/Rearrange; Maureen Flannery reading falling, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; then a series of prose pieces: After 7/11 One, Two, and Three, as performed on the Six One One compact disc turned book a book, which is available for sale on line for only $7.95. Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poem Needy Person, the prose piece Seven Miles, and the poems Good Things Have Happened To Me Too, First, On The Flip Side, Short-Term Advice, All My Problems Disappear, and I See More. Background music is the instrumental music from the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Let’s Get Goin’.”

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #71
August 26th through September 1st “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with into the piece God (which is based on the poem “Being God” and was written in 1998, which is also on the CD release The DMJ Art Connection Disc One); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine (who also has a plethors of poetry readings set to music), reads the piece We’re Bound to Tangle; Scott DeKatch reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “321 (The Crowd Goes Wild)”; a reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem about love; then a poem from the feature UNcorrect on 06/21/07 from the Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called Weren’t Even Married (which was originally written in 1998, and which you can even see a video for here); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “August Moon”; then a live performance of the poem The Measuring Scale and A Socially Accepted Target on 07/01/03 at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing (and the Measuring Scale was written in 1997, and A socially Accepted Target was also originally written in 1997); Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Lost In (with musicians including Cheryl Townsend with Voice, Mike Hovancsek with Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian with Gongs and metals, Jim Cole with Harmonic vocals, Sharen Baker and Allan Dow with Harmonic vocals); the poem Praying To Idols (written in 1997) from the CD Change/Rearrange; Maureen Flannery reading her second poem, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; then a reading (from another Chicago poet) at the Cafe on 06/22/04 of a poem called Worn Out (originally written in 2004); then finally The Battle At Hand (written in 2000), as performed on the Six One One compact disc turned book a book, which is available for sale on line for only $7.95. Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems Grab The Other’s Neck, And Flowers And Funerals, Fantastic Car Crash, The Third or Fourth Fourth of September, What Do You Do, You Know It (fish), New To Chicago, Feel So Much, Which I Like, They Tried, and Getting Used To Something New. Background music is the instrumental music from the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “August Moon”.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #70
August 19st through August 25th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with into the piece What The Hell Is She Complaining About (written in 2005, which is also on the CD release The DMJ Art Connection Disc One); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine (who also has a plethors of poetry readings set to music), reads the piece When The Rice Runs Out; Eneek Eneri reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “Coming To Break You Off”; a reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem about her children; then a poem from the feature UNcorrect on 06/21/07 from the Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called The Battle At Hand (which was originally written in 2000, and which you can even see a video for here); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Hey Hey Big Boy”; then a live performance of the poem Once Wanted You as my Friend on 08/19/03 at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing; Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Beck Center (with musicians including Cheryl Townsend with Voice, Mike Hovancsek with Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian with Gongs and metals, Jim Cole with Harmonic vocals, Sharen Baker and Allan Dow with Harmonic vocals); the poem Why I’ll Never Get Married (written in 1997) from the CD Change/Rearrange; Maureen Flannery reading Poetry Writing Workshop, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; then a reading (from another Chicago poet) at the Cafe on 09/23/03 of a poem called I Dreamt About You Last Night (originally written in 1998); a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by David Lawrence called I’m No Adviser;. Then it’s a long book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems Pressure On Me Again, Given A Warning Early On, How Many Times I’ve Done It, Touch, Seasons 1998, I See The Scene, Late For A Class, Princess Diana, One Year Later, Transcribing Dreams One, So Many Lies, Making Sense Out Of The Insane, the prose piece Soybeans, and the poems When I Am Weak, After the Bomb, and Have a Friend in Me. Background music is the instrumental music from the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Hey Hey Big Boy”.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #69
August 12th through August 18th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Fun Lovin Mattie”; then the live 08/05/07 Beach Poets Feature (with a large amount of material which is in the e-book/PDF file chapbook called Sun, Sand & H2Poetry) with these pieces (where here you can either get the mp3 file of watch the YouTube video), including
Under the Sea (written in 1980, as an mp3 file or as a video), Last Before Extinction (written in 1994, as an mp3 file or as a video), Precinct Fourteen (written in 1995, as an mp3 file or as a video), Slate and Marrow (written in 1993, as an mp3 file or as a video), Philosopher at the Blue Note (written in 1995, as an mp3 file or as a video), I’m Thinking About Myself too Much (written in 1997, as an mp3 file or as a video), Freedom Just Past the Fence (written in 2002, as an mp3 file or as a video), Children, Churches and Daddies (written in 1993, as an mp3 file or as a video), Writing Your Name (written in 1988, as an mp3 file or as a video), You Once So Confidently (written in 1999, as an mp3 file or as a video), The Beach at Night (written in 1986, as an mp3 file or as a video), All Men Have Secrets (written in 1990, as an mp3 file or as a video), To The River (written in 1987, as an mp3 file or as a video), I Just Waited (written in 1990, as an mp3 file or as a video), Moonlight (written in 1983, as an mp3 file or as a video), Too Far (written in 1995, as an mp3 file or as a video), Dive (written in 1994, as an mp3 file or as a video), and And I’m Wondering (written in 1997, as an mp3 file or as a video), a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Harold Skelton, mixed into the piece Women’s Very Existence (written in 1997, which is also on the CD release ContactConflictControl); then a reading at the Cafe on 01/13/04 of the poems Athena (originally written in 1997), New To Chicago (originally written in 1997), and Barbie (also originally written in 1997); a studio recording of Outsourcing the American Dream (written in 2005) and also used in the performance art show {Stripped} live in Chicago 06/07/05; portions of the CD recording created for the live performance art show “Changing Gears — covering materials from the poem
The Bridge to New Orleans (1994), the prose New Orleans part one (2003), the poem Jackson Square/Bourbon Street (1994), and the prose New Orleans part two (2003). Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems a New Life, Kill Yourself, a Diamond, and a New Idea Pretty Quick. Background music is the instrumental music from a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Fun Lovin Mattie”.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #68
August 5th through August 11th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with the piece Grab the Other’s Neck (written in 2000, but also keep in ming that this musical piece fom the DMJ Art Connection is also on the CD release Indian Flux); Dave Gecic (founder of Puddin’Head Press) reading his poetry at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “Here We Go’”; then a reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem about race; then a poem from the feature from the open mic from Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called Communication (which was originally written in 1997 but also has additional changes to a version in 2005, which you can even see a video for here); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Sugar Daddy”; then a live performance of The State of the Nation on 08/05/03 at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine (who also has a collection of published performance art at Scars Publications), reads the piece Sensations; Ruan Wright reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; C Ra McGuirt (from Penny Dreadful press) performing the piece “Walk Among The Stars”; a studio recording of We Listened (written in 2005) and also used in the performance art show {Stripped} live in Chicago 06/07/05; then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems Here’s Your chance, As I Recovered, Telling What you Want And Hearing What You Want, This May Sound, Everyone Else Does It, Simple Things, and Wrong Attention. Background music is an instrumental from Joanne Powers.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #67
July 29th through August 4th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, and vocals by Jared Smith, the piece Last Before Extinction (written in 1994, but also keep in ming that this musical piece fom the DMJ Art Connection is also on the CD release Indian Flux); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine (who also has a collection of published performance art at Scars Publications), reads the piece We Are All Part Of; Kwame Pitts reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a portion of the Jared Smith feature live at the Cafe 07/10/07, wich seems more like a farewell feature performance since Jared just found out he was going to be moving away from Chicago (to Colorado); then a track from Smokey da Bandiot, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “F**K Wit Me’”; then a reading at the Cafe on 07/10/07 of a poem called Because This Is What We Do (originally written in 1997); and then another reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem about when she dies... and dancing; then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Yo Mamma”. Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems An Innocent Glance, Good Bye, Do You Know, Trapped, Men Are Dogs Is True, Driving Car Into Ditch, Love Poem, Make Me, Changing Garments, Nothing Colorful in my Sight, Weeping Willow, The Place, and You Will. Background music is the instrumental music from the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” with instrumental music from the beginning of “Yo Mamma”.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #66
July 22nd through July 28th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with Andy 17, mixed into the piece The Carpet Factory, the Shoes (written in 1995)... And it’s funny, the poem “The Carpet Factory, the Shoes” is also in the live performance art show we have next for you. On 07/17/07, there was a live performance art show at the Cafe (5115 North Lincoln Ave. in Chicago) called Living in a Big World. Poems that are included in this live performance include
Paranoia (with music from the Bastard Trio),
Fighting I Can Do (with music from ,
(with music from 5D/5D),
I Want (with music from Seeing Things Differently),
A Retired Policeman Talks About Suicides He’s Seen (with music from Order From Chaos),
The Carpet Factory, The Shoes (with music from Pointless Orchestra (with Mike Hovancsek playing the modified piano),
Private Lives 2005 (with music from C Jam Blues, a Duke Ellington piece played by Rose E. Grier’s son Ben Grier on the tenor sax & John Binello with bass piano, originally recorded at Seahound Studios),
In The Air (written in 1993, with background music of LIVE19SYNTH by David Michael Jackson of artvilla, with the full version also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something), and On An Airplane With A Frequent Flyer (with music from Square Waves and originally performed 09/20/02 with Kuypers Live In Alaska). But after that live performance, we figured that since the prose pieces between poems was not listed in our listing, we would include the studio releases of the prose pieces after the live show. So after the live show ion the radio, we listened to the prose piecesMan Who Talks Loud... Say Nothing (with music from elektroNarkoz, originally used for Taking out the Brain), Adjusting Your Beliefs (with music from from Lem Roby, performing music behind Kuypers’ live reading of The Writing of my Life), Technology and Communication (with music from Mark Clayton Graham for Kuypers’ poem Tribal Scream), Differences in China: children & trains (with music from In Love I Abide, by The Second Axing, though the song was originally created by Mom’s Favorite Vase, or “MFV”), the studio release of the poem Private Lives 2005 (with the music of original music C Jam Blues by Duke Ellington, played by Rose E. Grier’s son Ben Grier on the tenor sax & John Binello with bass piano, music originally mixed at Seahound Studios), the final radio show prose piece Passport To Outer Space (with music originally from the tracks New To Chicago and Packing, both off the CD Seeing Things Differently), and the studio release of the poem In The Air (with music originally from the DMJ Art Connection, off the CD Manic Depressive or Something).
So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry (a select few poems, actually) from the book Seeing Things Differently, including Transcribing Dreams 3, He Told Me His Dreams 1, He Told Me His Dreams 4, He Told Me His Dreams 9, and Conversations (a day of grieving, 01/22/94) Two. Background music is LIVE19SYNTH by David Michael Jackson of artvilla.

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #65
July 15th through July 21st “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece New Line; Dan Hansen reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Lee-Kitzis reading his poetry at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a track from Smokey da Bandit, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “F**K Wit Me”; then a reading at the Cafe on 06/19/07 of a poem called High Roller (originally written in 1990); and then another reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem for Vincent; then a poem from the feature from the open mic from Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called God Eyes (which was originally written in 1994, and which you can even see a YouTube video for here); an original poem by Chris McKinnon (who has just released the book Thomas at Tea available for sale for only $10.21...); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “The Mystery of Love”; Hassan reading poetry at The Note in Chicago; poetry read by Jason Pettus called Does She Like Me? for the show for Shappy, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; then a portion of the Jared Smith feature live at the Cafe 07/10/07, wich seems more like a farewell feature performance since Jared just found out he was going to be moving away from Chicago (to Colorado). Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including an untitled poem from 1986, and the poems Nights, Religion, Sometimes the Light, Have To Ask, The Joshua Tree, A Smile on my Face, Supposed To Make Us Laugh, and Supposed To Be Done. Background music is instrumental music from Joanne Powers, recorded 04/19/07.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #64
July 8th through July 14th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Soldier Artist; Dan Stafford reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Jan-Bottiglier reading his poetry at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a track from Smokey da Bandit, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “Last Laugh”; and then a poetry CD recording from the well-known poet UnSpoken1 (you can learn more about this poet toward the south side of Chicago at unspoken1.com); then a reading at the Cafe on 06/19/07 of a poem called Ending a Relationship (originally written in 2007); and then another reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading The Lake is Closed (which she says with everyone every week during the summer at her “Beach Poets” open mic which she runs on Lotola Beach in Chicago; then a poem from the feature from the open mic from Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called Looking For A Worthy Adversary (which was originally written in 1998, and which you can even see a video for here); an original poem by Chris McKinnon (who has just released the book Thomas at Tea available for sale for only $10.21...); then a song by the Penthouse Playboys, off their CD release “Bourbon Street Burlesque,” called “Brooklyn Bombshell”; Bonnie reading poetry at The Note in Chicago;. Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems Suspend My Beliefs, So To Speak, Well, What About Me, and Transcribing Dreams Two. Background music is instrumental music from Joanne Powers, recorded 04/19/07.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #63
July 1st through July 7th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with LIVE18SYNTH, mixed into the piece Rings Like Gravestones (written in 2006, also published in cc&d magazine’s v165.5 (October 27 2006) called Singular Remembrances, and in the books the Beauty and the Destruction, which is for sale for only $8.95, the Kuypers Edition (only Kuypers writing) of Writing to Honour & Cherish, and the collection book Writing to Honour & Cherish (paperback and hardcover), but also keep in ming that this musical piece fom the DMJ Art Connection is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece The Man; Molly Mcinerney reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Tony Trigilio reading his poetry at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a track from Smokey da Bandit, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “Drop It On Da Flo’”; and then a poetry CD recording from the well-known poet UnSpoken1 (you can learn more about this poet toward the south side of Chicago at unspoken1.com); then a reading at the Cafe on 06/19/07 of a poem called Tall Man (originally written in 1990); and then another reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading a poem about her mom; then a poem from the feature fro mthe open mic from Jesse Oaks’ Politically UNcorrect Open Mic/Poetry Slam (hosted by Billie and Jacqueline) at Jesse Oaks Bar & Grill, 18490 West Old Gages Lake Road, Gages Lake (Lake County) Illinois, with a poem called Andrew Hettinger (which was originally written in 1997, and which you can even see a video for here). Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poem Pool Together Our Money, then the prose pieces that were used in the performance art show 6/11 called On 7/11, all the way through to conversations about learning how to eat, then lastly the poem Think of It. Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with LIVE18SYNTH.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #62
June 24th through June 30th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with Window, mixed into the piece Fantastic Car Crash (written in 1998, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Speaking in Tongues; Allison Liefer reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Jared Smith reading his poetry at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a track from Smokey da Bandit, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called “U Want Beef?”; and then a poetry CD recording from the well-known poet UnSpoken1 (you can learn more about this poet toward the south side of Chicago at unspoken1.com); then a reading at the Cafe on 06/19/07 of a poem called I’m Sure We Killed It (written 05/24/07); and then another reading from the Cafe on 06/19/07 of the feature performer, Cathleen Schandelmeier, reading Looking Through The Sale Papers. Then it’s book reading time... So we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading with more poetry from the book the Elements, including the poems What It All Means, Someone Give Me The Answers, Prepared for the Worst, and Get It Over With. Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by Andy Derryberry, with Window.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #61
June 17th through June 23rd “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show.. there’s a lot of material from the Bastard Trio as well as music set with poetry from WSUM Radio’s weekly show WordSalad by with DJ Paul Baker (who is also the drummer in the Bastard Trio). We’ll start with two poems set to music from the Bastard Trio — the first is of the poem Poam: Militant Man With Schizophrenia (where the original song is A Prairie Home Combustion off the CD Survival of the Fist, and the poem was written in 1994); the second is of the piece Paranoia (where the original song is Bastard Seconds off the CD Survival of the Fist, and the poem was also written in 1994). Now we’re taking a break from the Bastard Trio to give you a few live songs from the Second Axing (recorded 01/27/07). The first song is called In Love I Abide (a song originally performed and created by Mom’s Favorite Vase, or “MFV”), and the second song is called What We Need In Life (a song originally performed and created by Mom’s Favorite Vase, or “MFV”). then we hear a set of poems read to differrent pieces of music from the radio station WSUM with the weekly show WordSalad... Thef irst poem was from the performance art show How Do I Get There? (performed 02/15/05) called Generic Symbols of Love (originally played on WSUM Radio 01/25/07); the next poem set to music is called Running Toward Your Demise, which was also used separately in the perofrmance art show SIN (Scars Internet News), performed 09/20/05 (though this version was originally played on WSUM Radio 01/25/07); the next poem is called Dreams 02/10/06 (Hank) (written 02/10/06, and originally played on WSUM Radio 02/10/06); the next poem is called The Flashback (written in 1993, and originally played on WSUM Radio 4/26/07); and the last piece in this radio show from WSUM Radio is the poem The Page (also written in 1993, and originally played on WSUM Radio 4/26/07). Wow, after that we have a few poems read live at Jared Smith’s book release 05/19/07 in Chicago at Corosh, the poems are Too Far (written in 1995), Headache (written in 1996), and the Burning (written in 1992). After that we have two live recordings from the Cafe — the first is the 12/13/05 recording of the poem (also turned into prose) Gary’s Blind Date (written in 1997), and we’re rehashing the Second Axing with a 11/04/03 recording of (once again) What We Need In Life. And we’ll close off this radio show with a book reading from the book the Elements, including the poems Each Morning, How I Imagine You, and Death is a Dog. Background music is the instrumental music from the Bastard Trio, with Bastard Seconds. Background music is the instrumental music from the Bastard Trio song A Prairie Home Combustion off the CD Survival of the Fist.

Now Available: the 2 CD 2007 audio set Chaotic Elements from the book reading sections of Chaotic Radio (from shows 61-65, 67-73) — of the book (and supplement set of chapbooks) readings for the collection book The Elements. This extended (almost 160 minutes!) radio audio CD set (with a 3 poem tracks bonus from the expanded 2007 release of the CD Seeing Things Differently) is available for only $995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order.

show #60
June 10th through June 16th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with burntheartinstrinG, mixed into the piece Know How The Truth Is (written in , which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Projection; Frank Eannarino reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Jared Smith reading his poetry at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a track from Smokey da Bandit, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called E.S. Rollin’ On E; and then a poetry CD recording from the well-known poet UnSpoken1 (you can learn more about this poet toward the south side of Chicago at unspoken1.com); then a reading at the Cafe on 11/18/03 of a poem called The Burning (written in 1992); then Jason Pettus and Kate Cullan reding live at the Cafe 05/19/04; and finally a book reading from the book The Entropy Project, with the poems What I Would Ask, and We Listened. Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by Andy Derryberry, with burntheartinstrinG.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #59
June 3rd through June 9th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla and Andy Derryberry, with a live track from Dave and Andy, mixed into the piece Harder to Burn (written 09/06/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Punctuated Lives; Lane Falcon reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Jeff Helgeson, a playright with a play scheduled for performance in New York this spring, reading a part of his play at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a track from Smokey da Bandit, off their CD “a Whiff of Smoke,” called Who You F**kin Wit?; and then a poetry CD recording from the well-known poet UnSpoken1 (you can learn more about this poet toward the south side of Chicago at unspoken1.com); then a reading at the Cafe on 04/27/04 of a poem called the State of the Nation (written in 1995); a studio recording of What the Hell is She Complaining About (written in 2005) and also used in the performance art show {Stripped} live in Chicago 06/07/05; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Nita Karpf called Burial Mounds; and finally a book reading from the book The Entropy Project, with the poems Get Me Out of this Cage, A Great American, Marry Me... Whatever You Are, and Tall Man. Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla and Andy Derryberry, with a live track from Dave and Andy.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #58
May 27th through June 2nd “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Strat Blue 81, mixed into the piece The Messenger (written 08/31/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Truth In Image; a poet reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Jeff Helgeson, a playright with a play scheduled for performance in New York this spring, reading a part of his play at the Jared Smith book release event 05/19/07; then a reading at the Cafe on 04/27/04 of a poem called Precinct Fourteen (written in 1995); a studio recording from the performance art show The Other Side (later done live at a performance art show in Chicago 10/21/03 and put onto a CD) called On An Airplane With a Frequent Flyer (written in 1996); then a poem from the CD Seeing Things Differently called Medication (written in 1992); a studio recording of a poem from the performance art show Questions in a World Without Answers called Content With Inferior Men (written in 1997); and finally a book reading from the book The Entropy Project, with only one piece (trust me, it’s a long one) — the 2005 poem called Fitting the Mold. Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Strat Blue 81.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #57
May 20th through May 26th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Pod 2 Trance, mixed into the piece Life Can Slip Away (written 06/18/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Spirit; Gene Stephens Connoly with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; AmJaz, of Artvilla (who have two CDs released: “BC” and “Cosmos”), performing Dave’s Jam; Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Melt In Your Mouth (with musicians including Cheryl Townsend with Voice, Mike Hovancsek with Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian with Gongs and metals, Jim Cole with Harmonic vocals, Sharen Baker with Harmonic vocals, and Allan Dow with Harmonic vocals); Janet Buck, with the piece Botticelli Bottlebrush; Laura Longon, performing the fast version of I’ve Felt This Way Before of the CD “I’ve Felt This Way Before” (available for sale through Artvilla); a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Michael Ceraolo called Coffeehouse Sonnet (12); Krystal reading Susan Ross’ poetry at The Note in Chicago; All Your Fault, a poem written in 2000 from the Tick Tock CD, performed by 5D/5D; a poetry reading from Maria McCray live at the open mic Yammer; A Dog Named Ditto, with the music Carla’s Song; How Do I Explain It (written in 1999) from the CD Stop.; and finally, the poem What I Would Ask (written in 2005) as the final piece in the 09/20/05 performance art show and CD SIN (Scars Internet News). Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Pod 2 Trance.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #56
May 13th through May 19th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Proof3, mixed into the piece Manic Depressive or Something (written in 06/15/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Laundromat 3; Kim Berez with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then a series of live readers at the Cafe (when hosted by David Rubin, 09/23/03), including a poem by David Rubin, a second poem by David Rubin, a poem by Nicole (in a piece called “White On White”), another poem by Nicole (founder of The New Venue Chicago Art Press), a poem by Shelley (of a piece called “I Have Told You”), a poem by J. J. Jameson of the poem “Puttering Penis” (who was actually an escaped prosoner/killer named Norman Porter who was living in Chicago for about 25 years under the assumed name), a poem by Andrea, a poem by Ron, an additional piece by Ron called “Autumn is Lyz’ Season”, a poem by Charlie Newman (in a piece called “Walking Through Heaven” Version Two), an additional poem by Charlie Newman, a poem by Michelle (in a piece called “I Know Exactly What You Mean”), an additional poem by Michelle (in a piece called “Gas Food Lodging”), a poem by Dina, and finally an additional poem by Dina ;
and finally a book reading from the collection book Close Cover Before Striking, which for this book reading only includes the short story I Remember (written in 1997). Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Proof3.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #55
May 6th through May 12th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Spring Rain, mixed into the piece Whether Or Not It Is From Religion (written in 1999, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Like Warm Milk to Media Babies; Charlie Newman with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then portions of the studio release of the performance art show Death Comes in Threes, including the pieces Dave was Death Number One, the poem Death Takes Many Forms (written in 1998), Princess Diana Was Death Number Two, the poem Princess Diana, One Year Later (written in 1998), Death Comes in Threes, The Morning of July Eleventh, After the Accident, In Every Accident, There Are Three Crashes, the poem Their Crutches (written in 1998), Fences and Straight Jackets, and Wrapping Up The Harness; Joel reading a second poem live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; Laura Longon, performing the fast version of Hear It In Your Eyes of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips” (available for sale through Artvilla); material by Dennis doing HipHop, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; Brian Daly reading a poem originally by Mad Dog titled cell block babysitting made easy at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/13/02; then the poem from the CD Seeing Things Differently called Transcribing Dreams Three; and finally a book reading from the collection book Oh., which includes the poems Fire Alarms, Never Did The Same, I Have My Dreams, Now I’m Strong, Here Is Me, More Whiskey Sours, See You Crawl, Who Is At My Side, I Must Believe, I’m Always The One, and Saving Myself. Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson of Artvilla, with Spring Rain.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #54
April 29th through May 5th “Chaotic Radio” 59:59
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry, with Wave 69, mixed into the piece Death Sentence (written in 2006, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Sensing; Marvin Tate with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Laura Longon, performing Too Late of the CD “I’ve Felt This Way Before” (available for sale through Artvilla); Kevin, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; C Ra McGuirt reading Cricket Wish Me Luck at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/13/02; Janet Buck, with the piece Swinging Doors; Summer Breeze, with the piece Come Play With Me; portions of the CD recording created for the live performance art show “Changing Gears — covering materials from Nevada, through portions of the poem In The Air, through the reading for California (Part One), the poem On The California Streets, the poem Ways To Spend Your Money, through the reading for California (Part Two), and through the prose reading of Type A Person; Maureen Flannery reading the following poems live at her at The Cafe, April 27, 2004: Vocabulary Downsizing, Thoughts of the Dead, Commitment, and Cry Havoc; Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing monotonous (with musicians and instruments including: Cheryl Townsend - Voice, Mike Hovancsek/B - Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian/B - Gongs and metals, Jim Cole/B - Harmonic vocals, Sharen Baker/B/B - Harmonic vocals, and Allan Dow - Harmonic vocals; and finally the book reading this week, from the book Seeing Things Differently from Scars Publications, with the poems More than we Should Have, My MotherMy MotherMy Mother, Philosopher at the Blue Note, and She Was a Woman. Background music is the instrumental music from Andy Derryberry’s Wave 69 used in the piece Death Sentence.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #53
April 22nd through April 28th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of Passenger Creek, mixed into the piece Coquinas (written in 1993, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Military; Jose Bono with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; then you can listen to a slew of pieces by Jake and Haystack work off their CD “Right Like It Is”, including the pieces Mandolin Dreams, Bass Runner 1, Brooke, Chicken Scratchings, Five String Shuffle, Genesis, Right Like It Is, Spanish Steel, and finally Ukelele Sunrise; then the poem from the CD Seeing Things Differently called She Was A Woman (written in 1997); a live recording of Outsourcing the American Dream (written in 2005) from the performance art show {Stripped} live in Chicago 06/07/05; and finally Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Seduction Almost (with musicians and instruments including: Cheryl Townsend as Voice, Mike Hovancsek/B on Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian/B on Gongs and metals, Jim Cole/B on Harmonic vocals, Sharen Baker/B/B on Harmonic vocals, and Allan Dow with Harmonic vocals. Background music is the instrumental music Passenger Creek by David Michael Jackson of artvilla used in the piece Coquinas.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #52
April 15th through April 21st “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with Strat Beat, mixed into the piece God Eyes (written in 1994, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Samarai Romeo Juliet; Maggie Rubin with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Dennis (Jose) reading poetry live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; Laura Longon, performing Don’t Call Back of the CD “Cotton Candy” (available for sale through Artvilla); C Ra McGuirt reading “Another Misplaced Weekend” and “Sorry Guys” at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/13/02; Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Sharing (with musicians and instruments including: Cheryl Townsend - Voice, Mike Hovancsek/B - Gongs and metals, Paul Guerguerian/B - Gongs and metals, Jim Cole/B - Harmonic vocals, Sharen Baker/B/B - Harmonic vocals, and Allan Dow - Harmonic vocals; David Rubin reading at the Beatsville Cafe poetry show at DvA art Gallery 09/12/03 a poem including the introduction and his first poem; the poem The Way You Tease Me (written in 1997) in the performance art show ConflictContactControl; Nina Corwin (who has done work with The Guild Comples in Chicago) performing a poem live; Burn It In (written in 1997), as the final poem of a performance at the 2006 Society of Professional Journalism Expo’s Chicago Poetry Showcase of “A Celebration of the First Amendment” on Saturday, August 26, (this show took place at around 4 PM, at the Hyatt Regency, 151 E. Wacker Drive, in Chicago), which was sponsored by the 2006 Chicago Poetry Fest; and finally the book reading this week, from the 2005 book Duality with two authors, including the poems (that were converted to prose for this book): gary’s blind date, afraid of telling the truth, and i don’t care, at least that’s what i hear, and i’ve done that, so have you. Background music is the instrumental music Strat Beat by David Michael Jackson of artvilla used in the piece God Eyes.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #51
April 8th through April 14th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with LIVE16SYNTH, mixed into the piece Death Takes Many Forms (written in 1998, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Judgements II; Jim Coppoc with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; the piece What We Need In Life (a song originally performed and created by Mom’s Favorite Vase (“MFV”) and preformed on August 19th, the final day in 2003 of the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing; Jason Pettus reading poetry live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; Laura Longon, performing Everything Avout You of the CD “I’ve Felt This Way Before” (available for sale through Artvilla); material for the show for Shappy, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; King of the Universe (written in 2000), which was read at the 6/11 performance live in Chicago 06/11/02; Krystal reading “Bad Day at the Beauty Salon” at The Note in Chicago 03/11/02; John Taylor reading a poem originally by C Ra McGuirt titled elegy for Ellen at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/13/02; Penn Kemp, with the piece Shoulder Pads; and finally the book reading this week, from the 2005 collection book Chaos Theory from Scars Publications, with the poems the Fourteenth and Ten Minutes. Background music is the instrumental music LIVE16SYNTH by David Michael Jackson of artvilla used in the piece Death Takes Many Forms.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #50
April 1st through April 7th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with LIVE19SYNTH, mixed into the piece In The Air (written in 1993, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); the studio version of the entire performance art show The Other Side (later done live at a performance art show in Chicago 10/21/03 and put onto a CD); Martina Menendez with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; and finally (no book reading this week), the poem Will Be Just Fine (written in 1998) from the CD Change/Rearrange. Background music is the instrumental music LIVE19SYNTH by David Michael Jackson of artvilla used in the piece In The Air.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #49
March 25th through March 31st “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Lady of Uncertainage; Tom Gossett with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with Strat Wonder, mixed into the piece Really Physically Heal (written 08/01/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); the piece Accounts for the Need of Gun Control (written in 1995) on August 19th, 2003, at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing; The Bastard Trio (with the 2006 CD Survival of the Fist) performed this live track in 2006; Tom Henkey reading “‘cuz I like to dress in DVC” live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; Laura Longon, performing Picture On The Wall of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips” (available for sale through Artvilla); listen to a reading with some hip hop, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; Right There, By Your Heart (written in 1992), which was read at the 6/11 performance live in Chicago 06/11/02; Stephanie reading her second poem at The Note in Chicago; A piece by the Entropy Project (with music from Order From Chaos) of a piece called Too Much Light (written in 1997) — which was also printed in a 2006 book release with the same title; Shag (the host) reading material at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing on 05/14/02; C Ra McGuirt (from Penny Dreadful press) performing the piece “Jamie’s Song”; and finally (no book reading this week), the poem Lost in the Breeze (written in 2000) from the CD Change/Rearrange. Background music is from a live recording by The Bastard Trio.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #48
March 18th through March 24th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Mickey Minnie; Andrea Change with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with Fender Merry Go Round, mixed into the piece Wanting to Touch a Corpse (written 09/05/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); the piece Scars 1997 (written in 1997) on August 5th, 2003, at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing; The Bastard Trio (with the 2006 CD Survival of the Fist) performed this live track in 2006; Greg Gillum reading a poem live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; Laura Longon, performing Every Single Sign of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips” (available for sale through Artvilla); John, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; the NASA Project (written in 2002), which was the actual instroductory piece read at the 6/11 performance live in Chicago 06/11/02; Trooper Ture putting a poem of his mother’s (Maria McCray) to hip-hop music, live at The Note in Chicago; A piece by the Entropy Project (with music from Order From Chaos) of a piece called Salamander (written in 1997) — which was also printed in a 2006 book release with the same title; and a live recording of Marry Me... Whatever You Are (written in 2005) from the performance art show {Stripped} live in Chicago 06/07/05. Background music is from the radio show live recording by The Bastard Trio.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #47
March 11th through March 17th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: the piece Andrew Hettinger (written in 1997) on August 19th, 2003, at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Spirit II; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with Spring Rain, mixed into the piece Whether Or Not It Is From Religion (written in 1998, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Dina Stengel with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004;The Bastard Trio (with the 2006 CD Survival of the Fist) with the track Hardly it Ends; Kate Cullan, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; John reading live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; Laura Longon, performing Fools Gold of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips” (available for sale through Artvilla); Looking for a Worthy Adversary (written in 1998), from the 6/11 performance live in Chicago 06/11/02; and Dave reading poetry live at The Note in Chicago. Background music is from Hardly it Ends off the CD Survival of the Fist by The Bastard Trio.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #46
March 4th through March 10th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece My First Death; Susan Cherry with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry with Serene Beats, mixed into the piece David (written in 1992, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); The Bastard Trio (with the 2006 CD Survival of the Fist) performed this live track in 2006; Krystal reading “‘cuz I like to dress in DVC” live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; Laura Longon, performing I Just Want A Kiss of the CD “Cotton Candy”; the intro material for the show for Shappy, live 02/26/01 at the open mic Mad Bar; Death Takes Many Forms, from the 6/11 performance live in Chicago 06/11/02; Tim reading poetry live at The Note in Chicago; A piece by the Entropy Project (with music from Order From Chaos) of a piece called Ranting (written in 1997) — which was also printed in a 2006 book release with the same title; and Party Line and My Love For You Will Stay the Same from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase. Background music is from the radio show live recording by The Bastard Trio.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #45
February 25th through March 3rd “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Ken Green reading poetry live at The Note in Chicago; a reading by Jane on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; Curtis reading a poem at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/23/01; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Thanksgiving; Frank Marafrano with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with Strat_Beat, mixed into the piece God Eyes (written 09/01/06, and mixed 1994, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Maureen Flannery reading Inspection, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; Liz Harper reading material by someone else at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing on 05/14/02; Paul reading poetry live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is a double-book-whammy, because we chosen to firstinclude one piece from the book Blister and Burn. That collection book was released and was sold out in the mid 1990s, but a Kuypers version of that book (with only some of the pieces) was released in January 2007, and is available for sale as both as a paperback book (for $12.95) and as a hardcover book (for $26.95). Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were released in the releases for the CD The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include See You Crawl, Saving Myself, Who Is At My Side, Never Did The Same, and I Must Believe. We are also including extra book tracing tracks from the collection book Sulphur and Sawdust. Like the recordings from the book Blister and Burn, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show, but these poems are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were also released in the releases for the CD The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include I Seem to Know Animals, Screaming, Hard of Hearing, Philosopher at the Blue Note, Over My Skin With Such Ease, Hurt/Cold, People’s Rights Misunderstood, Where To Go, and last (but never least) The State of the Nation. Now Holy cow!!! We can’t believe it, but even after reading all of those poems from two different books, we still had time to cram one more bonus track in there... And that was from the studio recording of Terrorism Intelligence (written in 2005) from the performance art show SIN standing for “Scars Internet News”) performed live in Chicago 09/20/05. Background music is the instrumental music from David Michael Jackson of artvilla with Strat_Beat.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #44
February 18th through February 24th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Aaron reading poetry live at The Note in Chicago; a reading by Maria McCray on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; C Ra McGuirt reading My Roots, Black and Blue at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/23/01; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Wayward Wind; Nissa Holtkamp with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with Spring Rain, mixed into the piece Whether Or Not It Is From Religion (written 1999, and mixed 12/12/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Maureen Flannery reading The Poet’s Wife, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; Shagreading a poem replacing the word “gold” with the name “thax” at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing on 05/14/02; Beth W. performing a poem live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by William Wright called Britney Has Herpes;
and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Sulphur and Sawdust. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but this one piece was released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added this additional piece from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. The long pieces we’ve added to this radio show is
I Remember. Background music is the instrumental music from David Michael Jackson of artvilla and The DMJ Art Connection with Spring Rain.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #43
February 11th through February 17th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Anachron reading poetry live at The Note in Chicago; a reading by Joel on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; C Ra McGuirt singing a song his father originally wrote at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/23/01; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Weather Witch; Dan Claevy with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry with Window, mixed into the piece Fantastic Car Crash (written 1998, and mixed 12/13/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Maureen Flannery reading Undocumented (which was published in the April 2004 issue, v135, of cc&d magazine), live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; a Singer performing a song at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing on 05/14/02; a reading by a poem live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01; and finally... The Cycle of Life — this is the studio recordings of that live performance. The performance art show was at Dva art gallery, live in Chicago 09/12/03 — including the poems My Mother My Mother My Mother, After The Wreckage, My Dead Daughter, Last Before Extinction, Everything Was Alive And Dying, Weren’t Even Married, Death Takes Many Forms, and I’m A Record Now.
Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by Andy Derryberry with Window.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #42
February 4th through February 10th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Billy Tuggle reading poetry live at The Note in Chicago; a reading by Joe Roarty on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; C Ra McGuirt performing a song at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/23/01; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Winter_Solstace; Jeanne Miller with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with LIVE16SYNTH, mixed into the piece Death Takes Many Forms (written 1998, and mixed 12/12/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Maureen Flannery reading Women Becomes Hardwood, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; a musician performing a song at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing on 05/14/02; Kurt performing live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01;
and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Blister and Burn. That collection book was released and was sold out in the mid 1990s, but a Kuypers version of that book (with only some of the pieces) was released in January 2007, and is available for sale as both as a paperback book (for $12.95) and as a hardcover book (for $26.95). Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much, Russians at a Garage Sale, I Have My Dreams, I’m Always The One, The One At Mardi Gras, This You Don’t Hate, More Than We Should Have, Chances Two: Here I Am, and Masquerade.
Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson with LIVE16SYNTH.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #41
January 28st through February 3rd “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Pasquali reading poetry live at The Note in Chicago; a reading by Dennis on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; C Ra McGuirt reading Two For Ringside at the Lake Demented Poets live 03/23/01; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece You said Yes; Joel Brussel with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson of artvilla with LIVE19SYNTH, mixed into the piece In The Air (written 09/01/06, and mixed 12/12/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Maureen Flannery reading Sleepwork, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; Todd McClain performing a song at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing on 05/14/02; Nina Corwin (who has done work with The Guild Comples in Chicago) performing a poem live at the open mic Yammer on 02/21/01;
and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Close Cover Before Striking. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include The State of the Nation, People’s Rights Misunderstood, Over My Skin With Such Ease, Where To Go, Hurt/Cold, Philosopher at the Blue Note, Hard of Hearing, Screaming, and I Seem To Know Animals.
Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by David Michael Jackson with LIVE19SYNTH.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #40
January 21st through January 27th “Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Gregorio Gomez with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; David Michael Jackson of artvilla, with “Standing on the Shoulders”; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Judgements I; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberry with missyouinstrinG, mixed into the piece Coping With Her Leaving (09/01/06, and mixed 12/15/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Penn Kemp, with the piece Bass On The Grass; Steve reading “Show and Tell” by Armando on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; Lisa Hemminger reading a poem 02/21/01 at Yammer;
and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Slate and Marrow. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include
Age, Praying To Idols, Moonlight, Medication, The Burning, Tall Man, I Wanted Pain, Writing Your Name, Done This Before, High Roller, There I Sit, Children Churches and Daddies, and David; and as an additional bonus, the piece The Deep End (written in 1997) from the CD Stop.
Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by Andy Derryberry with missyouinstrinG.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #39
(2007) January 14th through January 20th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music byAndy Derryberry, mixed into the piece Harder to Burn (written 09/06/06, and mixed 12/15/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Into the Prayer Wheel; Jeanette Green with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; And I’m Wondering (written in 1999), performed for the performance art show conflict contact control; two readings of separate poems from Maema),on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; a book reading from the book Changing Gears, which includes the poem Everything Was Alive and Dying (written in 1995), two different pieces about Utah and a piece about Nevada, and the poem God Eyes (written in 1994); Kate Cullan reading a poem where she tells the high school jock that he will die, read at her feature live at The Cafe; the studio release of the talk about New Orleans and the poem The One At Mardi Gras (originally written in 1996) from the February 2003 Chicago performance art show Death Comes In Threes;
and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Slate and Marrow. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but this poem was not read for that radio show. This was set up without titles in the radio show, and it was released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added this additional poem from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. The one poem we’ve included in this radio show is Right There By Your Heart (written in 1992).
Background music is by The DMJ Art Connection, with this instrumental by Andy Derryberry.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #38
(2007) January 7th through January 13th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by David Michael Jackson with fender_merry_go_round, mixed into the piece Wanting To Touch a Corpse (written 09/05/06, and mixed 12/15/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Imagination; Tom Roby with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; two readings of separate poems from Lola (and yes, the second piece is even called Testosterone),on 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; Changing Woman, written and read by Janine Canan; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Eric Bonholtzer called Change;
and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Slate and Marrow. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include the apartment (a prose piece, written in 1991), In The Air (written in 1993), I Am The Woman Who Loves Pain (written in 1995), Women’s Very Existence (written in 1997), Who You Tell Your Dreams To (written in 1997), Helping Men In Public Places (written in 1995), Why Do You (written in 1997), Communication (written in 1997), and Too Far (written in 1995). But then there’s an added bonus... Because there’s room, we’ve also included a poem written and read by David Rubin reading at the Beatsville Cafe poetry show at DvA art Gallery 09/12/03.
Background music is the instrumental music by David Michael Jackson with fender_merry_go_round.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #37
(2007) December 31st through January 6th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Shappy, reading about being a sensitive poeton 02/26/01 live at the open mic Mad Bar; a piece by The DMJ Art Connection, with background music by Andy Derryberrt with burntheartinstrinG, mixed into the piece Know How The Truth Is (written after a near fatal car accident in 1998, and mixed 12/13/06, which is also on the CD release Manic Depressive or Something); Maureen Flannery reading Sainthood, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; Nina Corwin, live at her feature at The Cafe, April 13, 2004, reading the poem Faith Healer of the Western World; Night Orchestra, by Penn Kemp; Lisa Hemminger reading " target="blank">Definition 2000 at Yammer; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece The Visit; Jacqui Wolk with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Slate and Marrow. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include Coquinas, and Scars (the prose poem), and The Way You Tease Me, and And What I Want To Know, and And I’m Wondering, and Wedding Lost.
Background music is the instrumental music from The DMJ Art Connection, the music is by Andy Derryberrt with burntheartinstrinG.
...And Happy New Year!!!
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #36
(2006) December 24th through December 30th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: A piece by the Entropy Project (with music from Order From Chaos) of a piece (with the voice altered a lot) called A Retired Policeman Talks About the Suicides He’s Seen (written in 1996) — which was also printed in a 2006 book release with the same title; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Yuletide with Winos; now, we feel weird that weve got this reader, but we have readings from J. J. Jameson — he was a Chicago poet, and on the run from the the law on the east coast, because he eaceped prison (his mane is Norman Porter, and he was convicted of shooting a clerk and killing him suring robbery at a 711-type convenience store, then he tried to escape once and killed a prison guard, before he actually successfully escaped, and was “hiding out ” in Chicago as the poet J. J. Jameson) well anyway, because we at Chaotic Radio try to support all of Chicago’s history, we have J. J. Jameson with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; David Michael Jackson of Artvilla performs the piece Turn Us Over, We Are Done; Laura Longon, performing The Tree of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips”; Janet Buck of Artvilla performs The Cueball Strikes; AmJaz, of Artvilla (who have two CDs released: “BC” and “Cosmos”), performing Oh Baby; and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Slate and Marrow. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in earlier show (because parts of this book were read a long time ago), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the radio show (think of them as bonus tracks, they were released in the releases for the CDs Chaotic Radio Week 2 and The Chaotic Collection #01-05 — a 5 CD set) So we’ve added these additional poems from this book reading, because there are so many good selections to choose from for poetry and prose readings. These pieces include One Summer, the prose piece Type “A” Person, the poems God Eyes, and Kurt Irons (it’s Just a Girl).
Background music is the instrumental music from the Entropy Project (with music from Order From Chaos) of a piece (with the voice altered a lot) called A Retired Policeman Talks About the Suicides He’s Seen.
...And Merry Christmas!!!
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #35
(2006) December 17th through December 23rd
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a piece by of artvilla studios, called First Time; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Vessels; a reader with a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; the piece Lost in the Breeze (which was written in 2000), from the performance art CD Tick Tock (with music from 5D/5D); Hard-Core Del, performing Waukegan Freak”; A Dog Named Ditto, with the music Crazy; Laura Longon, performing Can’t Say Enough of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips”; The Only Reason, written and read by Janine Canan; Poet Down, written and read by David Rubin reading at the Beatsville Cafe poetry show at DvA art Gallery 09/12/03; the poem Timing Is Everything (written in 1998) from the CD Change/Rearrange; and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Hope Chest in the Attic. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in show #01 (April 23rd through April 29th), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the live show (think of them as bonus tracks), though we’ll let you know right here that the poems included are: I Wanted Pain, Medication, Moonlight, David, the prose piece age, and the poems Writing Your Name, Tall Man, the poem that cc&d magazine is named after: Children, Churches and Daddies, There I Sit, and the Burning.
Background music is the instrumental music from the piece Lost in the Breeze (which was written in 2000), from the performance art CD Tick Tock (with music from 5D/5D).
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #34
(2006) December 10th through December 16th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: The DMJ Art Connection, with the piece New Millennium and True Happiness (which is also on the CD The DMJ Art Connection - Disc 1; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece I Cannot Go Back; David Michael Jackson, with the piece “Expedition”; Mars Caultonn reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; C Ra McGuirt (from Penny Dreadful press) performing the piece “Poor Little Pisces Moon”; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Arthur Gottlieb called The Lonely; the band Feedback, with the song TV Graveyard; Adam, reading at Yammer; Todd McClain performas with song at Shag’s Little Thing (the open mic); and finally a reinstallment of a book reading... This is from the first book ever read at Chaotic Radio, of the book Hope Chest in the Attic. Now, the background music will be similar to the music that was in show #01 (April 23rd through April 29th), but none of these poems were read for that radio show. These are set up without titles in the live show (think of them as bonus tracks), though we’ll let you know right here that the poems included are: Right There, By Your Heart, Photograph, Nineteenth Century, the prose pieces Clay and Done This Before, and the poem High Roller.
Background music is music from The DMJ Art Connection, with instrumental music from the piece New Millennium and True Happiness.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #33
(2006) December 3rd through December 9th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: The DMJ Art Connection, with the piece The One At Mardi Gras (which is also on the CD The DMJ Art Connection - Disc 1; David Michael Jackson, with the piece “Stone Corridor”; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Hunger Storm; Ken Green reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; C Ra McGuirt (from Penny Dreadful press) performing the piece “The New Messiah”; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Lisa Flaherty called Dead Stare; the band Feedback, with the song I Got You — That’s All I Need; Lola, reading at Yammer; Hard-Core Del, performing Pillow Talk”; Todd McClain reads at Shag’s Little Thing (the open mic); Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing Closed Waiting Menu; and AmJaz, of Artvilla, performing AD2, off their CD called “BC”.
Background music is music from The DMJ Art Connection, with instrumental music from the piece The One At Mardi Gras.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #32
(2006) November 26th through December 2nd
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: The DMJ Art Connection, with the piece The Battle At Hand; David Michael Jackson, with the piece “Hello”; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Holidays; Bob Raskaw reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; ; C Ra McGuirt (from Penny Dreadful press) performing the piece “Valley of the Dead”; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Michelle Greenblatt called All That Damns You; the band Feedback, with the song Weatherman; Liz Harper reads a poem at Yammer; Hard-Core Del, performing Farther”; Liz Harper reads (twice in the same show!) at Shag’s Little Thing (open mic); Cheryl Townsend (with music from Pointless Orchestra) performing poetry; Janet Buck of Artvilla performs Assumption; then you can listen to Jake and Haystack work with some Strings (1) off their CD “Right Like It Is”; Youssef E. Smith reading live at the open mic Mad Bar; and Janine Canan reading (live) the poem What Woman Wants.
Background music is music from The DMJ Art Connection, with instrumental music from the piece The Battle At Hand.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #31
(2006) November 19th through November 25th
“Chaotic Radio” 59:30
In this show: The DMJ Art Connection, with the piece Everything Was Alive And Dying (with music from DMJ and vicals from Jared Smith); David Michael Jackson, with the piece “Why Wait”; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Flattery; Dave Barr reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004 (at the indoors all-adult performance at Weeds); Mikia Vera of Artvilla Studios, reading Sugar Blues; A Dog Named Ditto, with the music I Am The Light; C Ra McGuirt (from Penny Dreadful press) performing the piece “Social Graces”; a piece from the Scars Publications collection CD String Theory (with music by The DMJ Art Connection, that had material appear in a section of the book Chaos Theory), of a piece by Shari O’Brien called Oh You Men Of Desperate Hour; the band Feedback, with the song John’s Problem Rap; Lisa Hemminger (the host of the no-longer open mic Yammer) reads a poem at Yammer; and Hard-Core Del, performing Das My Song”.
Background music is music from The DMJ Art Connection, with instrumental music from the piece Everything Was Alive And Dying.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #30
(2006) November 12th through November 18th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: The DMJ Art Connection, with a piece by A.D. of the piece Knelt and Cried; a triage of pieces from the CD Change/Rearrange (poetry read over previously sampled and released music), including the pieces Holding my Skin Together (written in 2000), Fantastic Car Crash (written in 1998), and All Your Fault (written in 2000); Whitney Scott reading a set of poems live at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004 (at the indoors all-adult performance at Weeds); Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece High Adventure; Mikia Vera of Artvilla Studios, reading Make Love To Me; Cheryl Townsend with Pointless Orchestra performing Chasing Down Rainbows; and it’s “book reading” time, we’ve got the second half of the poems considered for the cc&d magazine special edition issue (v165.5) called Singular Endings (which will later be put into the 2006 collection book Writings To Honour & Cherish from Scars Publications), which are also slated to appear in the November “book of the month” servies as the book The Beauty and the Destruction. The poems included in this final reading are Harder To Burn, Wanting to Touch a Corpse, Story Telling, A Little Angel Inside, and Just Let Her Rest.
Background music is music from The DMJ Art Connection, with a piece by A.D. of the instrumental of Knelt and Cried.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #29
(2006) November 5th through November 11th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a live reading of the poem Fantastic Car Crash at the poetry open mic Yammer (and here is the live recording...); The DMJ Art Connection, with a piece by A.D. of the piece Seven Ten, Seven Twenty; The Second Axing performing a song live 01/27/06 of a song originally by Mom’s Favorite Vase, called In Love I Abide; the Not Mute live performance at Weeds on 06/25/03, of the poems Right There By Your Heart (written in 1992), Headache (written in 1996), Gears Get Caught In The Mud (written in 2000), New To Chicago (written in 1997) and the State of the Nation (written in 1995), followed by a few haikus about not being mute by assorted artists — including these Two Not Mute Haikus that were written for the show; two poems from the CD Change/Rearrange (poetry read over previously sampled and released music), called Against My Will (written in 1999), Two Minutes With Ayn Rand (written in 1997), and I Don’t Want To (written in 1999); and it’s “book reading” time, we’ve got the first half of the poems considered for the cc&d magazine special edition issue (v164.5) called Singular Endings (which will later be put into the 2006 collection book Writings To Honour & Cherish from Scars Publications), which includes the poems Coping With Her Leaving, Letting Time Tick By, The Power To See Her, Everything Lives With Her, The Good Ones, Knelt and Cried, We’re Not Making Any More Appointments, Clouds Over Blue Sky’s, It Hurts in the Bones, and More Painful to Experience.Background music is music from The DMJ Art Connection, with a piece by A.D. of the instrumental of Seven Ten, Seven Twenty.

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

show #28
(2006) October 29th through November 4th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: A Live reading from the Spot (in Chicago) of the poem True Happiness in the New Millennium (written in 1998); The Second Axing recorded this song at the Lake Demented Poets, which was originally by Mom’s Favorite Vase, called What We Need In Life; THEN a little bit of a radio show interview with The Second Axing with ArtistFirst.com Internet Radio, where they are interviewed briefly on 11/06/03, and talk about turnout for larger performances
... and it’s “book reading” time, we’ve got the second half of the poems considered for the cc&d magazine special edition issue (v164.5) called Singular Remembrances (which will later be put into the 2006 collection book Writings To Honour & Cherish from Scars Publications), which includes the poems Pain Is Weakness/Pain Is A Crutch, A Happy Ending To Everything, Really Physically Heal, Rings Like Gravestones, She’s Going Home, The Last Time He Sees Her Alive, This is What You Leave Me, This Is What It’s Reduced To Now, Wither Away, We’re Your Children, My Memorials To You, Your Soul is Shaking, Seven Ten...Seven Twenty, The Messenger, Final Rally, and Death and a Diamond Ring.
Background music is music sampled from The Second Axing’s original creation, 09/20/02 when they were live in Alaska.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #27
(2006) October 22nd through October 28th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: A Live reading of 5 poems from the Lake County Poets Society in Waukegan for later television airing on Comcast Cable channel 17. The poems include
True Happiness in the New Millennium (written in 1998), Death takes Many Forms (written in 1998), Too Far (written in 1995), The Burning (written in 1992), and The State of the Nation (written in 1995)... and it’s “book reading” time, we’ve got half of the poems considered for the cc&d magazine special edition issue (v164.5) called Singular Remembrances (which will later be put into the 2006 collection book Writings To Honour & Cherish from Scars Publications), which first includes the poem My MotherMy MotherMy Mother, which is about when the woman Singular Remembrances is written about, when she first went through successful rounds of cancer treatment (for breast cancer and cervical cancer). That poem was not a part of the collection Singular Remembrances (we just had to include it as a preface to these poems in this collection). This poem was read before you hear poems from Singular Remembrances, including Death Sentence, If She’s There, Life Can Slip Away, I’m Tired, Listening to the Cancer Ads, Manic Depressive or Something, She’s Made Her Choice, So Don’t Worry, We’re Trying, This Isn’t Fair, I’ll Push The Cart, and My Memorials To You. Background music is music sampled from The Second Axing’s original creation, 09/20/02 when they were live in Alaska.
The woman the writings in Singular Remembrances is written about’s birthday is October 27th. Happy Birthday...
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #26
(2006) October 15th through October 21st
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
(after this week, Chaotic Radio has completed 6 months of radio shows...)
In this show: a live recording from the open mic Cafe Aloha with two people reading, of the poems Isn’t It Amazingg (on 03/12/02) and In The Air (on 04/23/02); Mom’s Favorite Vase during their final live concert, performing the song What We Need In Life; mix #2 of I Am The Woman Who loves pain, by by The DMJ Art Connection (with music by DMJ and Andy Derryberry); the piece Being God, from the CD Change/Rearange; a “rockabilly” version of the song In Love I Abide by The Second Axing. THEN we get into a broadcast of parts of a previous radio show interview, on Artistfirst.com, where they discuss Scars Publications, books published - including the epic novel The Key To Believing, performance art, the literary magazine Children, Churches and Daddies (the UNreligious, NONfamily-oriented literary and art magazine), then even read a few poems, like Under the Sea (written in 1979) and Too Far (the first poem from them ever read at a live open mic, and now it also has a cool video from the poem too), ending with talk about women’s issues and how they relate to writing. We didn’t have time for a book reading this week because we replayed an excellent past radio show interview, but we here at chaoticarts.org hope you've enjoyed the past 6 months of Chaotic Radio... Background music is music sampled from The DMJ Art Connection’s track I Am The Woman Who loves pain.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #25
(2006) October 8th through October 14th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
(The “stripped down” Aloha show)
In this show: a live recording from the open mic Cafe Aloha of a poem called Burning Building; a piece called Farmer, from the CD Change/Rearange; I Wann Be Like Jesus by The DMJ Art Connection (with music by Harold Skelton); a live 06/07/05 recording at the Cafe, 5115 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, of the entire performance art show {stripped}. This show is of Spring 2005 poetry that is more political, and this show is called “Stripped because it will not contain the usual background music that is prevalent in these performance art shows, and the images in her projected displays will be more limited than past shows. The writings in this live show include Key To Survival (the poem of “J”), Get Me Out Of This Cage, What the Hell is She Complaining About, Your Minions Are Dying, We Listened, Marry Me...Whatever You Are, and Outsourcing the American Dream; a book reading from the book Live at Cafe Aloha (which originally was derived from a CD o of the life show), which includes the poems The One At Mardi Gras, What It Felt Like, Burning Building (yes, you first heard it live at Cafe Aloha, and then you could listen to it read from the published book from Cafe Aloha...), and Isn’t It Amazing. That is then followed up by poem from the book that we don't list the title of, including Wedding Lost and I Dreamt About You Last Night. Background music is music sampled from The DMJ Art Connection’s track I Wann Be Like Jesus.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #24
(2006) October 1st through October 7th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
(The Society of Professional Journalists show)
In this show: a live reading at the Burgundy Room in Waukegan of the poem New To Chicago; Susan Mandel reading the poem I Am The Woman Who Loves Pain by The DMJ Art Connection (the original poem was written in 1995); a piece called What Do We Say, from the CD Change/Rearange; the reading of the poem More Than We Should Have on August 5th, 2003, at the music and poetry open mic Sing Your Life, sponsored by the band The Second Axing; and another live reading at the Burgundy Room in Waukegan of the poem True Happiness in the New Millennium (written in 1998). We separated these live tracks from the Burgundy Room because this latter poem was used in part for the final poetry feature at the Society of Professional Journalists Expo in downtown Chicago... Because the next thing in this playlist is a “practive session” of the final poet’s reading the final show (before it was further edited) at the Lake County Poets Society on August 22nd, only six days before the scheduled final feature of 15 poets with over 10 minutes of poetry at the 2006 Society of Professional Journalism Expo’s Chicago Poetry Showcase of “A Celebration of the First Amendment” on Saturday, August 26, (this show took place at around 4 PM, at the Hyatt Regency, 151 E. Wacker Drive, in Chicago). This was sponsored by the 2006 Chicago Poetry Fest, and at this show, while thousands of professional journalists from around the country are attending this Journalism Expo, anyone could attend this free poetry showcase, which included portions of the poems People’s Rights Misunderstood, Everything Was Alive And Dying anf True Happiness in the New Millennium, the entire poem The State of the Nation, and for the ending, part of the poem Burn It In. After the SPJ live show, is a live recording from the open mic Cafe Aloha of a poem called I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much; then the poem from the CD Seeing Things Differently called I Want; and finally... a book reading from the collection book Warm and Fuzzy, which starts with the poem What It Felt Like, but continues with the two poems Whether Or Not It Is From Religion and The Battle At Hand. Background music is music from the Warren Peterson solo from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase. Behind other minor parts of this show is also separate guitar playing from John Yotko.

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

show #23
(2006) September 24th through September 30th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Charlie Newman reading at the Beatsville Cafe poetry show at DvA art Gallery 09/12/03 the poem I Am The Whole Fucking Show; Cheryl Townsend with Pointless Orchestra performing Options; performers at the once weekly open mike Cafe Aloha, including works by Hugo and a number of poets and musicians, ending with the poems What It Felt Like, Praying To Idols, Wedding Lost, and The Battle At Hand; the piece Hank, from the DMJ Art Connection; the poem The Burning, from the open mic at Molly Malone’s; a studio recording of the political talk from the Chicago performance art show 10/05/04, which was held at The Cafe, at 5115 North Lincoln Avenue — just south of Foster) called Questions in a World Withough Answers; the poem For My Car Or My Life and the talk about Life in 1997 from the February 2003 Chicago performance art show Death Comes In Threes; a live recording at the open mic the Cafe on 09/28/04 of the poem You Would know If You Were Here; and a book reading from the book Changing Gears, which includes the poems One Summer, The Bridge To New Orleans, and In The Air.
Background music is instrumental music sampled from Hank from the DMJ Art Connection.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #22
(2006) September 17th through September 23rd
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Cheryl Townsend with music from Pointless Orchestra, reading Analiese; Mikia Vera, reading I’ll Know; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads Fire Ice; David Michael Jackson of Artvilla performs the piece “Hopi”; David Rubin reading at the Beatsville Cafe poetry show at DvA art Gallery 09/12/03 a poem including Perspective; a poetry reading live at Yammer by Krystal, reading I Like To Dress In PVC; a 2004 Chicago Poetry Fest 08/28/04 reading (9:04), including the poems Too Far (1:56), The Burning (1:38), I’m a Record Now (1:23), New To Chicago (1:44), and Fantastic Car Crash (2:33); Gene Pool from the DMJ Art Connection, which is derived from writings from the performance art show How Do I Get There? about Generic Symbols of Love; the poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century read live at Molly Malone’s; Two Not Mute Haikus read by two people at the Not Mute CD release at Weeds in Chicago 06/25/03; the studio release of the poem True Happiness in the New Millenium from the February 2003 Chicago performance art show Death Comes In Threes; John Yotko reading the poems Brugess Shale and Whether Or Not It Is From Religion, and another live reading at The Cafe 10/28/03 of the poem Praying To Idols; My Dead Daughter read on the sampling CD Change/Rearrange (that was later turned into a book); and a book reading from the book Changing Gears, which includes the poems One Summer, and The Bridge To New Orleans.
Background music is instrumental music sampled from Gene Pool from the DMJ Art Connection.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #21
(2006) September 10th through September 16th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: the entire studio performance of the February 2003 Chicago perfformance art show Death Comes In Threes. This includes the poem For My Car Or My Life, the reading Life in 1997, the poem True Happiness in the New Millenium, the reading Talk about New Orleans, the poem The One At Mardi Gras, the reading Dave was Death Number One, the poem Death Takes Many Forms, the reading Princess Diana Was Death Number Two, the poem Princess Diana, One Year Later, the reading Death Comes in Threes, the reading The Morning of July Eleventh, the reading After the Accident, the reading In Every Accident,There Are Three Crashes, the poem Their Crutches, the reading Fences and Straight Jackets, the reading Wrapping Up The Harness, the reading Elvira Doe, the poem Someone Give Me The Answers, portions of the the poem Sometimes It’s Not, the reading Hallucinations, the reading Imagining Friends and Loved Ones, the poem Will Be Just Fine, the reading Don’t Need To Eat, the reading They Wouldn’t Trust Me With a Razor, the reading No one Gave Me Flowers, the reading As I Recovered, the poem Any Help At All, the poem Get It Over With, the poem What Do You Do, the poem Like My Motto, the poem Isn’t That What It’s All About, the reading Indoctrination into Religion, the poem Being God, the reading Seizures, Reactions and Drugs, the poem Medicantion , the reading Drastically Change, the reading This Is What I See, the reading Drunk Driving, the reading Letting My Car Go, the reading When Do You Recover, the reading What The Third Death Is Like, and the poem I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well. Also included in this show is the DMJ Art Copnnection, with the track Drawing Him, which is derived from the written piece There I Sit; the poem Farmer read live at Molly Malone’s;
and a book reading from the book Autumn Reason, which includes the hand-written journal entries from this mini novel in letter form:
09/07/82 at 7:30 PM, 11/06/82, an undated entry, and 02/17/83 at 10:55 PM. We’ve also added a bonus track at the end of this show: the poem Most Accurate Metaphors, writing mixed on the CD Change/Rearrange.
Background music is sampled from the Death Comes In Threes show.
Because this show concern overcoming near-death tragedies, we dedicate this show to a woman who lost the battle against a like-ending disease. We love you, Lucille, and our hearts will always be with you.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #20
(2006) September 3rd through September 9th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Electrical Events, by Penn Kemp; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Calcutta; Laura Longon, performing Heart For Heart of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips”; a live recording of Indegenous Gina, reading poetry live in 2001 at Mad Bar; Arthur Holland reading at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Lina Ramona Vitkauskas reading the poem Virtual Scenario Recounted; the poem communication (written in 1997) in the performance art show ConflictContactControl; the DMJ Art Copnnection, with the track Get It Over With (with music from Andy Derryberry); the Feedback songVintage Wine, covered by the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase at their last live Chicago concert; The Second Axing performing at ove of their live open mics at Sing Your Life a piece called Me Or Him; a reading the poem The Colonel by Carolyn Forsche, live at the now defunct open mic Yammer; Holding My Skin Together, a poem from the Tick Tock CD, performed by 5D/5D;
and a book reading from the book Oeuvre, which includes the poems Writing Your Name, The Joshua Tree, An Innocent Glance, Because This Is What We Do, When I Am Weak, Pressure On Me Again, and This You Don’t Hate. Then there are additional poems read, without titles, after this original reading, and all of these poems also appear in the book Oeuvre. They include: High Roller, I Don’t Want To, Joy, The Bridge To New Orleans, Moonlight, Domestic Violence in America, Nashville, Tennessee (the poem that involves a nose), Being God, Lambs To Heaven’s Gate, and Venture to the Unknown.
Background music of guitar sampling, by John Yotko.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #19
(2006) August 27th through September 2nd
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this (music-centered) show: a song by A Dog Named Ditto called “Blind Man”; Dave And Andy, performing You Boiz Ain’t Hopin’ Me None; the band Feedback, performing the song Roadtrip to Pakistan; Laura Longon, performing Our Recent Agreement of the CD “All That And A Bag Of Chips”; Jake and Haystack, performing Belly Full Of Whiskey, off the CD “Sun’s Gonna Explode”; Hard-Core Del, performing “Rudy-Poo”; C Ra McGuirt of Penny Dreadful Press, performing off his CD the song “Prece Country Woman” (off the CD of the same title); and the original song “What We Need In Life)” (which was even done in video clips - both as a finished video and live from their last concert — and they may be large videos if you want them, so it may be best to download them instead of trying to view them live. even if you do have a high connection speed...) by Mom’s Favorite Vase. We finalize this show with a book reading from the book (woman.), which includes the poems Coslow’s (written in 1994), Gasoline (written in 1988), Photograph, Nineteenth Century (written in 1991), Trying (written in 1995), and I Want Love (written in 1995). But... Because you missed out on a book reading last week (and because this show was otherwise all music), we added some tracks of poetry from the book (woman.) to this performance, these poems are untitled and just flowing into one another, but these additional book reading poems are: Content With Inferior Men (written in 1997), Domestic Violence in America, Nashville Tennessee (the poem about the nose, written in 1995), At Least I Have This (written in 1995), The Burning (written in 1992), The Fourteenth (written in 1993), Here It Goes Again (written in 1995), I Am the Woman Who Loves Pain (written in 1995), That’s Not What I’m Here For (written in 1995), They Never Ask Me (written in 1995), and The Martyr and the Saint (written in 1991).
Background music is of sampled music from the Second Axing from one of the original pieces from their show Live in Alaska, 09/20/02.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #18
(2006) August 20th through August 26th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a long studio recording of the entire performance art show (based on the Chicago performance art show 10/05/04, which was held at The Cafe, at 5115 North Lincoln Avenue — just south of Foster) called Questions in a World Withough Answers... this show was conducted live with a voice-altering effects mixing board, with stories and poems, and poems that were included in this conversational performance art show, but this expanded studio version contains full (not edited, like the live show) versions of all of the poems used, which include: squid (written in 1995), on the california streets (written in 1997), part of right there by your heart (written in 1992), russians at a garage sale (written in 1996), all men have secrets (written in 1990), content with inferior men (written in 1997), part of burn it in (written in 1997), private lives one (written in 1994), part of private lives 4 (written in 1994), part of scars 2000 (written in 2000), after the wreckage (written in 2000), part of people’s lives were at stake (written in 2000), part of true happiness in the new millennium (written in 1998), and part of communication (written in 1997). The only other thing in this radio show (because the studio show was so long) is Chicago poet Wayne Allen Jones, reading live at the 2004 Chicago Poetry Fest, sponsored by ChicagoPoetry dot com.
Background music sampled from the Questions in a World Withough Answers performance art show, whic is music samples from assorted songs by Laurie Anderson which were small segments of songs as instrumentals, played backwards for the continuous beat. There is more information about the music at the Questions in a World Withough Answers web page.
And we’re sorry that this week does not have a book reading for you... We’ve been told by a few that the book reading section is actually a real highlight in the radio show, but because the studio release of the performance art show was so long, there was no room for a book reading this week. Stay tuned for (possibly more expanded) book readings in future weeks, though...
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #17
(2006) August 13th through August 19th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: a studio recording of the entire performance art show {stripped}, with writings including Key To Survival (the poem of “J”), Get Me Out Of This Cage, What the Hell is She Complaining About, Your Minions Are Dying, We Listened, Marry Me...Whatever You Are, and Outsourcing the American Dream; John Yotko reading the poem Why I’ll Never Get Married live at the now defunct open mic Yammer; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Between Hurricanes; Gerbil, a poem from the Tick Tock CD, performed by 5D/5D;
and a book reading from the book Contents Under Pressure, which includes the poems Scars 1997, New To Chicago, All These Reminders, Masquerade, Never Did The Same, and and extremely short prose piece titled Ranting. Background music of guitar sampling, by John Yotko.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #16
(2006) August 6th through August 12th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Dreaming of The End Of March, by Penn Kemp; Somara Zwick, reading live at the 2004 Chicago Poetry Fest, sponsored by ChicagoPoetry dot com; Lisa Hemminger reading “Exhiumation” at Yammer; Passion of Georgia O’Keefe, written and read by Janine Canan; Kate Cullan reading a poem about the virgin Mary at her feature live at The Cafe; Cheryl Townsend with music from Pointless Orchestra, reading In Just A Flash; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads the piece Bengali Mistique; a reading by Shappy at Mad Bar, reading about the butterfly; the poem Once Wanted You As My Friend read on the sampling CD Change/Rearrange; and a book reading from the collection book Survive and Thrive, which includes the two poems Morning Will Be Kind and Holding My Skin Together. Background music of guitar sampling, by John Yotko.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #15
(2006) July 30th through August 5th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: AmJaz, of Artvilla, performing Clearly Chaos; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads from Scars choices the piece Two Poets; a live reading at The Cafe in Chicago of a poem published in the April 22, 2004 issue of Children, Churches and Daddies by Jan Ball called Return to Cloves and Cinnamon; Alexes Griffin, reading live at the 2004 Chicago Poetry Fest, sponsored by ChicagoPoetry dot com; the live performance art show of The Other Side; and a book reading from the collection book Torture and Triumph, which includes the one (very long) poem Andrew Hettinger.
Background music of guitar sampling, by John Yotko.
version #1
version #2
Now Available: Week 15 has just been released as a CD, and now it is even available in two different versions! The one with the entire show has 13 tracks - it comtains all of the week’s radio show plus the bonus tracks for the Torture & Triumph book reading for Holding My Skin Together, Being God, and God Eyes. The second version of this radio show release contains one more track from the Torture & Triumph book reading, with the long short story reading for
Crazy. But since this is a n 18 minute long track, this 2ndCD version does not contain AMJAZ or the Poetry Fest live reading. Both of these extended radio show CDs with bonus tracks is available for only $622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here — just choose the version you’d like...

show #14
(2006) July 23rd through July 29th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads At The Grocery Store; Dave Gegic reading at the 2004 Chicago Poetry Fest; Laura Longon, performing Miss America of the CD “Cotton Candy”; a woman singing at the once weekly open mike Cafe Aloha; David Rubin reading at the Beatsville Cafe poetry show at DvA art Gallery 09/12/03 a poem including Basic Individual Combat Tasks (accoprding ro Mr. Rubin, taken from a Marine training manual) and World War Three poems; a live recording of Dave, reading poetry live in 2001 at Mad Bar; Dave And Andy, performing Coffee Man Blues;
the poem Gears Get Caught In The Mud (the whisper mix) from the CD Change/Rearrange; a reading of a series of “recovery” poems (written after the author went through a near fatal car accident) at Lake Demented Poets, hosted through Penny Dreadful Press (with C Ra McGuirt) in Hendersonville (outside of Nashville) Tennessee, which includes the poems Changing Garments, Supposed To Be Done, Making Sense Out Of The Insane, Someone Give Me the Answers, and portions of Feel So Much; the Second Axing, performing Accounts For The Need Of Gun Control in studio; portions of an interview with the Second Axing, previously recorded on ArtistFirst dot com Internet Radio on 09/22/03, leading up to their performang the Feedback song (with Feedback’s permission) “Vintage Wine”; and a book reading from the book Side A/Side B, which includes only one poe (but it’s a long one...) called Burn It In.
Background music of guitar sampling, by John Yotko.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #13
(2006) July 16th through July 22nd
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Charlie Newman, reading “My Children Render Me Obsolete,” from the Beatsville Cafe poetry performance art evening at the DvA Art Gallery in Chicago September 12, 2003; “Back To Canada,” a song by Athena Reich, who also has a few tracks on line at Scars Publications; Todd Heldt reading at ChicagoPoetry dot com’s Poetry Fest in August 2004; Mikia Vera, reading Have Some Fun Tonight; Michael H. Brownstein in this live recording of the poem “Sound If You’re Late”; Lina Ramona Vitkauskas reading the poem Round People; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads Merlin at Night; David Michael Jackson of Artvilla performs the piece “Foggy Morn”; Ward Kelley reads Death Does Not come Humble; a reading at Cafe Aloha by David Rubin; Cheryl Townsend with Pointless Orchestra performing five poems set to fascinating music; Laura Longon, performing Cotton Candy of the CD “Cotton Candy”; John Yotko reading the poem Farmer live at the once-open Chicago poetry open mic The Note; the band Feedback, performing the song Someone Blew Up Prom; and John Yotko reading the poem written by Jack Dylan called Distance live at The Cafe, April 20, 2004. Background music sampled from an organ bridge with a drama accent, accompanied by relatively discordant temple block rolls, from the Kaboom! CD.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #12
(2006) July 9th through July 15th
“Chaotic Radio” 59:59
In this show: a studio recording from the performance art show 08/14/05 of the Beach Poets Feature (live at Loyola Beach in chicago), which includes the poems and short prose pieces Burn It In, David, I Dreamt About You Last Night, Coquinas, A Child In The Park, Freedom Just Past the Fence, In The Air, Age, and Clay; a recording of Expecting the Stoning from the sampled CD Change/Rearrange; the poem Tall Man, as performed on the performance art CD release The Entropy Project; and a book reading from the collection book etc., which includes the poems I’m Not Sick (But I’m Not Well), Joy, Fighting I Can Do, Panther, Chances Two: Here I Am, The Hunter and the Fox, and Holding My Hand. Background music is of edited guitar strumming from John Yotko.

Now Available: the 2 CD release of the 2007 audio recordings from the book etc. — the background music from this “Chaotic Radio” show (#12) was used for background music for all of the poetry tracks from this 2004 book release. This extended radio audio CD (with a bonus track of 1 poem to fill out the 160 minutes of audio in this 2 CD collection) is available for only $995 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here.
audio book etc. iTunes album link:

Now Available: Chaos in Motion, a 6 CD compilation of the DJ’s materials in a series of radio shows from Chaotic Radio. Show #12 contains the Beach Poets 08/14/05 performance (as well as bonus studio releases of those poems). Show #29 contains material from the Not Mute live Chicago show 06/25/03. Show #24 contains material from the Burgundy Room, the DMJ Art Connection, the CD Change/Rearrange, Cafe Aloha 4/23/02 readings, the Lake County Poets Society performance 08/22/06 , and material live at the Poetry Fest 08/26/06 at the Society of Professional Journalists convention. Show #61 contains poetry with music from the Bastard Trio, music from the Second Axing, poetry originally played on WSUM Radio, the book release Chicago party readings 05/19/07. The Cafe Chicago recordings exist in shows #61 through #63, and show #64 contains material from the Uncorrect poetry feature at Jesse Oaks (as well as bonus tracks of the Sigular practice session). Show #66 contains live studio recordings of the show Living in a Big World, as well as book readings from Seeing Things Differently. Show #69 also has material from the 2007 Beach Poets show 08/05/07. This collection (6 full CDs of material!) is available for only $1995 (+ s&h in the continental US).

show #11
(2006) July 2nd through July 8th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Chicago Poetry Fest’s 2004 reading at Weeds by Miguel Onteneros; a song by A Dog Named Ditto called “Happy Again”; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads The Edge of Silence; the music band Feedback, performing “Devotion”; the live Chicago performance art show 10/05/04 called Questions in a World Withough Answers, which was held at The Cafe, at 5115 North Lincoln Avenue (just south of Foster) — this show was conducted with a voice-altering effects mixing board, with stories and poems, and poems that were included in this conversational performance art show included: squid (written in 1995), on the california streets (written in 1997), part of right there by your heart (written in 1992), russians at a garage sale (written in 1996), all men have secrets (written in 1990), content with inferior men (written in 1997), part of burn it in (written in 1997), private lives one (written in 1994), part of private lives 4 (written in 1994), part of scars 2000 (written in 2000), after the wreckage (written in 2000), part of people’s lives were at stake (written in 2000), part of true happiness in the new millennium (written in 1998), and part of communication (written in 1997); and Civil War, from the CD “Change/Rearrange”, which is also available as a 2006 book, available on order from CafePress.com.
Background music is of sampled music from the Second Axing from one of the original pieces from their show Live in Alaska, 09/20/02.
...And happy 4th of July! If you’d like to see some fireworks, we even have some fireworks photography for you....
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #10
(2006) June 25th through July 1st
“Chaotic Radio” 59:57
In this show: Chicago Poetry Fest’s 2004 reading at Weeds by Laura VanProoyen; a recording from the Scars Publications CD String Theory with the DMJ Art Connection music of the poem Fitting The Mold; and (last but not least) the novel release feature on 12/10/02 of the book The Key To Believing.
Background music is of sampled music from the DMJ Art Connection piece called Fitting The Mold, which was also in this show.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #9
(2006) June 18th through June 24th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: A live reading at The Green Mill (in Chicago, where the slam poets are chosen for the annual National Poetry Slam) of a poem called True Happiness in the New Millennium; “Duality in G”, a song by Athena Reich; “Calling On Your Love”, a piece by Mikia Vera; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads Sept. 11 2001; a piece by Michael H. Brownstein read live at the Cafe in Chicago on 04/20/04 called “1939: Exiction Day”, which also appear the the cc&d sounds page and also appeared in cc&d magazine’s April 22 2004 issue; Chicago Poetry Fest’s 2004 reading at Weeds by David Hernandez; and a book reading from the book Moving Performances, which includes the poems You Would Know If You Were Here, My Father, Shooting an Animal, and the short story Crazy. Background music is of sampled music that was also sampled from the DMJ Art Connection of a piece read by Jared Smith called Everything Was Alive and Dying.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #8
(2006) June 11th through June 17th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads A Finding Woman Once; a studio recording of the entire DvA Art Gallery performance in Chicago of the show ConflictContactControl, including the poems Kurt Irons (it’s Just A Girl), The Men At The Construction Site, Women’s Very Existence, White Knuckled, And What I Want To Know, And I’m Wondering, The Way You Tease Me, Military Police, Too Far, and Communication ‘05 (with the majority of the background music by the DMJ Art Copnnection; ElektroNarkoz working with a WZRD radio live performance reading and developing Taking Out The Brain; from the CD Seeing Things Differently, the poem Philosopher at the Blue Note; an Aqua Velvet reading live at the open mic Mad Bar; Maureen Flannery reading “Coming Into Color”, live at her at The Cafe, April 27, 2004; a musician’s recording live at the open mic Shag’s Little Thing; a Coffee Chicago live poetry reading of the poems Burning Building and Worn Out; and a recording from Pointless Orchestra’s CD Rough Mixes, with the piece called Christmas Eve. Background music is of sampled music that was also used for the Seeing Things Differently CD track of Philosopher at the Blue Note, originally sampled from the “Kaboom” CD for Wild and Wacky Sound Software.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #7
(2006) June 4th through June 10th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Jason Pettus reading “Out There” live at an open mic in Chicago; the reading of a Marie Kazalia poem (live at The Cafe in Chicago) called “Out Of A Language Of A Thousand Fears”, which had been previously accepted in Children, Churches and Daddies magazine; Belinda Subraman, the editor of Gypsy Magazine, reads the poem “Alice”; the song “Why,” performed by The Second Axing; Artvilla’s David Michael Jackson performs “Out There”; the music band Feedback, performing “Eric Don’t Care”; a reader live at the 09/28/04 Chicago Poetry Fest, reading at Weeds; a poem by Cheryl Townsend (interpreted through Pointless Orchestra); Right There, By Your Heart, as performed on the Six One One compact disc turned book Change/Rearrange; then readings from the book Six Eleven, including the poems Looking for A Worthy Adversary, Work Journal One, Work Journal Two, and The Effects of Nine One One. Background music is of a droning rhythm, along with a bass drum march intro, sampled from the “Kaboom” CD for Wild and Wacky Sound Software.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #6
(2006) May 28th through June 3rd
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: The Second Axing with Headache, performed live at the music/poetry open mic Sing Your Life; Ward Kelley, with “Joan”; Belinda Subraman, with a piece called “A View Of Self Release”; Feedback, with the song “Dead Valentine’s Song” from the album “Gigantes de Pop”; Erika Mikkalo reading live at the 08/29/04 Chicago Poetry Fest, at Weeds; a piece by Mikia Vera called “Beautiful”; Lina Ramona Vitkauskas, recorded live at The Cafe in Chicago on April 20, 2004, the poem “You Are The Sperm Whale of my Life”; a poem from Cheryl Townsend (interpreted through Pointless Orchestra); a readings from the book The Entropy Project, including A Retired Policeman Talks About Suicides He’s Seen, Odd How Things Turn Out That Way, Salamander, Ranting, and September 11, 2001. Background music is different pieces of suspense music, along with a drum high hat rhythm, sampled from the “Kaboom” CD for Wild and Wacky Sound Software.
Order a one-track CD copy of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show for only $495 (plus shipping & handling) here. For check ordering & mailing information, contact the DJ, and include which show you’d like to order... Or if you would prefer, you can order this via credit card (PayPal) below.

show #5
(2006) May 21st through May 27th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: Live readings from three Urbanation book poetry performance shows (the book originally available from The New Venue Chicago Art Press), with two shows in 2004 and one show in 2005 for Urbanation II, including the poems New To Chicago (read live 02/17/04), What Women Want (read live 02/17/04), Too Far (read live 02/22/04), True Happiness in the New Millennium (read live 02/22/04), and The Battle At Hand (read live 02/22/04); the recording from AmJaz, from Artvilla, of “Aftermath WTC”; Michael H. Borwnstein reads “This is my Kora” live at the open mic The Cafe; Belinda Subraman, host of Gypsy Magazine, reads For john of the Netherworld; a live recoprding at the open mic Yammer, of someone reading Carolyn Forsche’s prose poem “The Colonel”; Lisa Hemminger reading a set of poems at the second day of the Chicago Poetry Fest, live at Weeds, in August 2004; the song “What I’ve Been Through” written by J. Yotko for The Second Axing; the song “Brother With an Empty Head” by Feedback; After The Wreckage, from the CD “Change/Rearrange”; and a poetry book reading of the book Sulphur and Sawdust, including the poem Everything was Alive And Dying. Background music is the Space Full Mix of noise, sampled from the “Kaboom” CD for Wild and Wacky Sound Software.

And hey, in November ‘06 we’ve released the first five shows in an edited collection of material from just the DJ, in The Chaotic Collection #01-05. See what tracks are in this 5-CD collection (and what bonus tracks from book readings)... If you’d like to order a copy of this 5-CD set, The Chaotic Collection #01-05 is available for only $1622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here. You’ll also be able to order tracks from The Chaotic Collection #01-05 at places like iTunes in early ‘07...

show #4
(2006) May 14th through May 20th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: “To The Universal Soldier”, poem by Belinda Subraman of Gypsy Magazine (with music by Ken Clinger); Blowin’ Chunks (the hungover remix) by Feedback; an 08/28/04 Poetry Fest reading from Jessica Belle Smith; The Cycle of Life live performance art show at Dva art gallery, live in Chicago 09/12/03 — including the poems My Mother My Mother My Mother, After The Wreckage, My Dead Daughter, Last Before Extinction, Everything Was Alive And Dying, Weren’t Even Married, Death Takes Many Forms, and I’m A Record Now; a poetry reading from Tom Henkey live at the open mic Yammer; and a poetry book reading of the book Close Cover Before Striking, including the poems Packing, Hancock Suidice, Chicago, December 1994, Helping Men in Public Places, Squid, and Precinct Fourteen. Background music is music from the Tick Tock CD, performed by 5D/5D, played over a cacaphony of poems (read allat once).

Now Available: the 37 track CD of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show (plus bonus book reading tracks of the pieces Domestic Violence in America, Nashville, Tennessee (the poem about a nose), That’s Not What I’m Here For, Too Far, They Never Ask Me, Here It Goes Again, On An Airplane With A Frequent Flyer, Trying, I Want Love, Philosopher At The Blue Note, I Am The Woman Who Loves Pain, Headache, God Eyes, and At Least I Have This. This extended radio show CD with bonus tracks is available for only $622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here.

And hey, in November ‘06 we’ve released the first five shows in an edited collection of material from just the DJ, in The Chaotic Collection #01-05. See what tracks are in this 5-CD collection (and what bonus tracks from book readings)... If you’d like to order a copy of this 5-CD set, The Chaotic Collection #01-05 is available for only $1622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here. You’ll also be able to order tracks from The Chaotic Collection #01-05 at places like iTunes in early ‘07...

show #3
(2006) May 7th through May 13th
“Chaotic Radio” 59:53
In this show: A studio recording of the live feature at The Cafe at 5115 North Lincoln Ave. in Chicago on 02/03/04 of the performance show called “Dreams”, containing the poems He Told me His Dreams 4, Realistic Dreams, The Dream, He Told Me His Dreams 5, Transcribing Dreams 3, Dreams (01/19/04) 3, He Told Me His Dreams 9, A Dream About Murder, and People’s Rights Misunderstood; the Feedback song “Devotion” by Mom’s Favorite Vase, the Live in Alaska poetry track Too Far from The Second Axing; Mark Graham performing the piece Tribal Scream; the performed poem Andrew Hettinger on the sampled CD (poetry read to sampled music) “Change/Rearrange”; “Across the Room” (originally from the poem Tall Man), from The DMJ Art Connection; and readings from the book Blister and Burn, which includes the poems Anyone Good Enough, Burn Through Me, Before I Learned Better, A Woman Talking About Her Rapist Friend, Content With Inferior Men, The Things Warren Says, Infallible, Who You Tell Your Dreams To, Can’t Answer That One, and Why I’ll Never Get Married. Background music is original music from the Dreams performance art show and CD.

Now Available: the 45 track CD of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show (plus bonus book reading tracks of the pieces I Have my Dreams, I Must Believe, I&’m Always The One, I&’m Thinking About Myself Too Much, Masquerade, More Than We Should Have, Never Did The Same, Russians At A Garage Sale, Saving Myself, See You Crawl, The One At Mardi Gras, This You Don&’t Hate., and Who Is At My Side. This extended radio show CD with bonus tracks is available for only $622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here.

And hey, in November ‘06 we’ve released the first five shows in an edited collection of material from just the DJ, in The Chaotic Collection #01-05. See what tracks are in this 5-CD collection (and what bonus tracks from book readings)... If you’d like to order a copy of this 5-CD set, The Chaotic Collection #01-05 is available for only $1622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here. You’ll also be able to order tracks from The Chaotic Collection #01-05 at places like iTunes in early ‘07...
...And happy wedding anniversary (05/07) to John Yotko, who is the guitarist in The Second Axing, whose Live in Alaska track Too Far appeared in our radio broadcast this week, and whose instrumental made the background music for the radio show of April 30th through May 6th.

show #2
(2006) April 30th through May 6th
“Chaotic Radio” 60:00
In this show: A live feature at The Cafe at 5115 North Lincoln Ave. in Chicago on 04/17/05 of the performer “Danny Boy” (Daniel McKeever); Laura Longon’s song “Don’t Let Go” off the CD “Cotton Candy”; portions of the CD recording created for the live performance art show “Changing Gears — covering materials from the beginning of the show through Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Boulder Colorado, the poem ‘a Match’, Denver Colorado, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming; readings from the book Slate and Marrow, which includes the poems On An Airplane With a Frequent Flyer, Headache, and My MotherMy MotherMy Mother. Background music originally from John Yotko.

Now Available: the 33 track CD of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show (plus bonus book reading tracks of the pieces Moonlight, Why Do You, Who You Tell Your Dreams To, Praying To Idols, I Am The Woman Who Loves Pain, The Apartment, Thee I Sit, Women’s Very Existence, All Men Have Secrets, And I’m Wondering, Wedding Lost, And What I Want To Know, and The Way You Tease Me. This extended radio show CD with bonus tracks is available for only $622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here.

And hey, in November ‘06 we’ve released the first five shows in an edited collection of material from just the DJ, in The Chaotic Collection #01-05. See what tracks are in this 5-CD collection (and what bonus tracks from book readings)... If you’d like to order a copy of this 5-CD set, The Chaotic Collection #01-05 is available for only $1622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here. You’ll also be able to order tracks from The Chaotic Collection #01-05 at places like iTunes in early ‘07...

show #1
(2006) April 23rd through April 29th
“Chaotic Radio”
In this show: “Of Gods and Dogs” by Summer Breeze, “Anarchy” by Athena Reich, Gerald” (originally from the poem Running Toward You Demise”) from the DMJ Art Connection, Carol Anderson live at the Poetry Fest At Weeds 08/28/04, “Infectious Boy” which is a cover of a Feedback song by Mom’s Favorite Vase, Jason Pettus reading “Out There and Billy reading “Karmadelic” at the Mad Bar Chicago poetry open mic, Three Poems from the 09/20/05 Performance Art show CD “SIN (Scars Internet Radio)”: Japanese Television, Bizarre Sexual Stories in the News, and the Good ‘Doctor,’ poetry from Cheryl Townsend with music by Pointless Orchestra, “After the Wreckage” from the CD Change/Rearrange, Joel reading “Telling Signs of a Wandering Spirit” at the once weekly open mic in Chcaigo called Yammer, and poetry readings from the book Hope Chest in the Attic, with poems including Wedding Lost, Coquinas, and All Men Have Secrets (there’s even a Finish translation of this poem by Jean Hellemans here). Background music originally from 5D/5D, from the piece Fighting I Can Do.

Now Available: the 31 track CD of the hour long “Chaotic Radio” show (plus bonus book reading tracks of the pieces I Wanted Pain, Photograph, 19th Century, The Burning, Children Churches and Daddies, Moonlight, Done This Before, Tall Man, David, High Roller, Age, and Writing Your Name. This extended radio show CD with bonus tracks is available for only $622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here.

And hey, in November ‘06 we’ve released the first five shows in an edited collection of material from just the DJ, in The Chaotic Collection #01-05. See what tracks are in this 5-CD collection (and what bonus tracks from book readings)... If you’d like to order a copy of this 5-CD set, The Chaotic Collection #01-05 is available for only $1622 (plus shipping & handling to anywhere in the continental United States) here. You’ll also be able to order tracks from The Chaotic Collection #01-05 at places like iTunes in early ‘07...
