Janet Kuypers

TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY! Join mer Monday might down in Austin to Stephanie’s “Fort to Famous” weekly open mic at The Buzz Mill, because I am thrilled to be the feature with poetry and music in my show titled “Eleven” live 6/11/18 at ~9PM! Get ready for my eleven-themed poetry that is accompanied by full music and sound effects (I’m even doing a song in this show too), because this is bound to be a great one-of-a-kind night at The Buzz Mill on 6/11/18, so I hope to see you there!
Janet Kuypers

And even though I own a clay court t-shirt, I (OF COURSE) had to wear my custom-made “Legends are born in June” t-shirt with a photo I took of Nadal on it for the winning match.
Janet Kuypers Today marks the 11th time Raphael Nadal won the French Open, and tomorrow, June 11th, I’ll be doing my p
poetry & song feature titled “Eleven” at Stephanie ’s Fort to Famous open mic night at The Buzz Mill in Austin! 20180610
Janet Kuypers

It was excellent-cool (OF COURSE) to see Nadal win the French Open this morning...
Janet Kuypers

I am so freaking out watching my American Sloane in the French Open this morning - they keep talking about her strength, and how she has the south side of Chicago mentality, so go Sloane!
Janet Kuypers

Hey, after the weekend’s over if, you don’t have any plans Monday might, come on down in Austin to Stephanie’s Fort to Famous open mic weekly at The Buzz Mill, because I am thrilled to host a feature with poetry and music in a show titled “Eleven” 6/11/18 at The Buzz Mill at 9PM! Get ready for poetry accompanied by full music and sound effects, because this is bound to be a great one-of-a-kind night at The Buzz Mill on 6/11/18, so I hope to see you there!
Janet Kuypers

Some people may be working or listening to music while poetry is going on, some people may close their eyes to enjoy listening to the poetry, and some may watch the action... Thom, thank you for posting this photo during Community Poetry @half PRICE BOOKS 6/6/18 on the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
>https://www.facebook.com /photo.php?fbid=10156608989175362 &set=pcb.1256825564450401 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

You would think we were playing some sort of weird hand game or something, but I think he was just handing me a pen so I could sign up for a chance to share my poetry at Fort to Famous. Thom, thank you for posting this photo before the open mic at The Buzz Mill 6/4/18 on the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com /photo.php?fbid=10156603920885362 &set=pcb.1255656201234004 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

But wait a minute, automated gif files of my readings also appear from some horizontal photos of my readings.
Janet Kuypers

When enough photos are taken at readings, automated gif files of my readings crop up too...
Janet Kuypers

I hear a lot of music played at Stephanie’s Fort to Famous open mic weekly at The Buzz Mill, so I am thrilled that we will not only be playing a song (that we’ve performed in 11 states) during my “Eleven” feature 6/11/18 at The Buzz Mill, John is also orchestrating piano music to bring original piano recordings to join his live acoustic guitar through most of my poetry readings too! So if you think you’ve heard me performing poetry before, you’ve never heard it with way, accompanied by full music and sound effects! This is bound to be a great one-of-a-kind night at The Buzz Mill 6/11/18, & I hope to see you there!
Janet Kuypers

Less than one week away, come to the Fort to Famous open mic at The Buzz Mill in Austin MONDAY NIGHT, 6/11/18 starting at 8:00 PM, and stay for the Janet Kuypers feature, starting @~9:00 PM, aptly titled “Eleven”! In this Janet Kuypers ~1/2-hour long poetry feature, hear poems — and a song — related to the number 11, all performed with background sound effects and acoustic music. Get there for them distributing select copies of the Janet Kuypers chapbook of poems (and song) performed during this feature, and make sure to not miss this one-of-a-kind event!
Janet Kuypers

June is finally upon us (what a great time of year), & Scars Publications just released the June 2018 issue (v158) of Down in the Dirt, now available as the 6x9 paperback ISBN# book “The Painting” - available online anywhere, and in print, in Amazon sales throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe! (Writers and artists in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Abbey Faith Serena, Allan Onik, Ana Vidosavljevic, Andy Schenck, Beau Sherman, Cathy Porter, Cecilia Kennedy, Christina Basher, Donald Hubbard, Edna C. Horning, Elizabeth York Dickinson, Erin Farias, Francis Raven, James Mulhern, Janet Kuypers, JD DeHart, Kyle Cisco, Marc McMahon, Marcus Vance, Milton Ehrlich, Mitchel Montagna, Rae Monroe, Roger G. Singer, Ron Richmond, Suki Litchfield Kristin Litchfield, Teneale Moyer, Tom Bal, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Bennett, Fabrice Poussin, J. Ray Paradiso, Kyle Hemmings, Lavren Le’Clore, and Olivier Schopfer.)
Janet Kuypers

Thom, thank you for posting this photo of me reading from my poetry performance art book “Chapter 38 (v2)” during the “Poetry Aloud” open mic 5/26/18 on the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10156580440340362&set=pcb. 1250188395114118& type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

Wow, cc&d has been alive and kicking for 25 years... I am thrilled to share today that Scars Publications just released the v284 6/18 25-year anniversary issue as a 6x9 ISBN# paperback book titled “Shining”, with not only poetry, performance art, the boss lady’s editorial, prose, the lunchtime poll topic, and philosophy monthly sections, but ALSO a #metoo section for this anniversary issue! This book is now available for sale through Amazon in the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe, but all lovers of Scars and cc&d living in Austin, TX who want to SEE a physical copy before they buy the book themselves, I’ll be reading from this book at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) on Wednesday, June 6th from 1-3 PM for a feature reading! Check out great writing and artwork with contributors including Allen F. McNair, Arthur Ford, ayaz daryl nielsen, Brian Looney, Charles Hayes, Christina Jackson, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Eric Burbridge, Greg G. Zaino, Hareendran Kallinkeel, Janet Kuypers, Jenean McBrearty, Laura Hudson, Linda M. Crate, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Gullickson, R. N. Taber, Rae Monroe, Retta Lewis, Ronald Charles Epstein, Russell Licciardello, Sandra Cobb, Thom Woodruff, Xanadu, David J. Thompson, David Russell, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Kyle Hemmings, Patrick Fealey, Rose E. Grier, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, & Westley Heine in “Shining”.
Janet Kuypers

Ah, getting ready for the readings... Thom, thanks for posting this photo of me and Michael before “Poetry Aloud” 5/26/18 on the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10156580442395362 &set=pcb.1250188395114118 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

The English professor at Sacred Heart University just sent me a copy of the front cover of the upcoming book “Unlocking the Word: An Anthology of Found Poetry,” coming from Lamar University Literary Press on July 1. As far as I know, this is the world’s first major anthology of “found poetry” and I am THRILLED to be one of the 54 contributors from across the country in this book with 4 poems - “found poem”, “found haiku”, “Quoting Twitter with a found haiku”, and “erasure poem: One of the Most Hated Women in America”. As the professor stated, a “found poem” works because the poet who discovers it is able to find poetry in ordinary language from non-literary sources, and discovers the aesthetic possibilities of all words - no matter where they originally appear. Look for this book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ABE Books, Powell’s, and more by July 1.
Janet Kuypers

Edward, I can’t believe it has been since before the total eclipse since we’ve seen each other, so I have to say this from afar... I hope you have the BEST birthday!!!
Janet Kuypers

It’s good to take group photos like this to prove that a poetry event actually happened... So Thom, thank you for posting this group photo of all of us at the “Poetry Aloud” open mic 5/26/18 on the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10156580436315362 &set=pcb.1250188395114118 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

Okay, Suzanne, this is usually how our dinners go when we are at home. When we eat at the dining room table, Zach sits in the chair tucked in under the table and puts his paw on John’s leg. Then I look to my right and I see Mynx do this.
Janet Kuypers

Yay for wearing my clay court tennis shirt (since the French Open is going on now on Paris’ clay courts), and I also wear my tennis ball necklace charm that even HAS clay on it from the US Men’s Clay Court Championship in Houston. So Thom, thank you for posting this group photo of all of us at the “Poetry Aloud” open mic 5/26/18 on the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10156580436920362&set=pcb. 1250188395114118& type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

Thom, thank you for posting this photo of me reading from my poetry performance art book “Chapter 38 (v2)” during the “Poetry Aloud” open mic 5/26/18 on the “The Austin Poets Association” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10156580455610362&set=pcb. 1727871370625230& type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

John explained to me that because Brady was in the Navy, he can salute with his left hand (I was trying to understand the reason for a left-handed salute to my marine...) but Thom, thank you for posting this photo from the Poetry Aloud open mic event 5/26/18 on your “Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10156580428515362 &set=pcb.774294146099000 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

Thom, thank you for posting this photo of me from when I was reading poems from my poetry performance art book “Chapter 38 v1” at the Recycled Reads open mic 5/19/18 on the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10156563666505362 &set=pcb.1246030282196596 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

Thom, thank you for posting this group photo at the Recycled Reads open mic 5/19/18 @ the “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10156563667995362 &set=pcb.1246030282196596 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

Thom, thank you for posting this photo during one of the times I was up to read from my performance art collection book “Chapter 38 v1” during the Recycled Reads open mic event 5/19/18 on your “Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10156563649715362 &set=pcb.771392489722499 &type=3&theater&ifg=1
Janet Kuypers

Robin, thanks for posting this group photo from Recycled Reads 5/19/18 - it’s great to see this!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10156563667995362 &set=pcb.1246030282196596 &type=3&theater