Most responses and 3rd party topics are in the Janet Kuypers facebook page. (This links page also contains additional relevant links that do not exist on the Janet Kuypers facebook pages.) |
or the July-Dec. 2024 Facebook posts or the Jan.-June 2024 Facebook posts or the July-Dec. 2023 Facebook posts or the Jan.-June 2023 Facebook posts or the July-Dec. 2022 Facebook posts or the Jan.-June 2022 Facebook posts or the Sep.-Dec. 2021 Facebook posts or the April-Aug. 2021 Facebook posts or the Jan.-March 2021 Facebook posts or the July-Dec. 2020 Facebook posts or the Jan.-June 2020 Facebook posts or the July-Dec. 2019 Facebook posts or the Jan.-June 2019 Facebook posts or the July-Dec. 2018 Facebook posts or the Jan.-June 2018 Facebook posts or the July-Dec. 2017 Facebook posts or the Jan.-June 2017 Facebook posts or the Sept.-Dec. 2016 Facebook posts or the May-Aug. 2016 Facebook posts or the Jan.-April 2016 Facebook posts or Facebook years 2015, or 2014, or 2013, or the 2012, 2011 & 2010 |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers in Georgetown, Texas. 20190630 Hmmm... Not sure why these didn’t post yesterday. |
Janet Kuypers 20190630 Thank you to Thom for posting group photos from the Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX at the Georgetown Public Library last Saturday, but since the group photo was flipped I thought I’d flip it around so it wasn’t backward. Thank you again to everyone for reading poetry at the Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX, and thanks for giving me the chance to share a few poems that will appear in my upcoming book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry” that will be released from Scars Publications next month - in August 2019! https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10157680555850362 &set=pcb.1575787615887526 &type=3&theater&ifg=1 |
Janet Kuypers, via Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190630
Check out the Janet Kuypers 6/29/19 poem “Kept my Eye on You” (written on National Camera Day): http://kuypers/poems/2019/kept-my-eye-on-you.htm
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20190630
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Poke House (Round Rock). 20190629 Swung by Poke House for a late lunch. Nothing like deconstructed sushi for a healthy, easy eating meal. Although the person helping us had trouble understanding Janet’s request for tofu. |
Janet Kuypers is attending Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX with Thom Woodruff at Georgetown Public Library. 20190629 Had a wonderful time today guest-hosting Poetry Aloud, hearing poets and musicians, and sharing poetry from my upcoming book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”... thanks to everyone who attended! |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Georgetown Public Library. 20190629 Janet decided to get fancy with some new signs for the open mic. |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190629 Today is the big day! Come to the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX” that I am guest-hosting on June 29, 2019, from 12:30 - 2:30 PM on the 2nd floor of the Georgetown Public Library (402 W 8th St., Georgetown, Texas - once inside there will be signs to direct you to the 2nd floor and the room for the “Poetry Aloud” open mic). Check out the Facebook event page for the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX”, and join us for round-robin poetry readings (of 3 poems at a time; 1 song could be substituted for a poem in the performances too) - and I’ll see there! |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190628
Tomorrow is the big day! Come to the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX” that I am guest-hosting on June 29, 2019, from 12:30 - 2:30 PM on the 2nd floor of the Georgetown Public Library (402 W 8th St., Georgetown, Texas - once inside there will be signs to direct you to the 2nd floor and the room for the “Poetry Aloud” open mic). Check out the Facebook event page for the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX”, and join us for round-robin poetry readings (of 3 poems at a time; 1 song could be substituted for a poem in the performances too) - and I’ll see there! |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Five” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Five” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Posterize filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Five” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Hue Cycling filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Five” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold filter). |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190627 Now less than 2 days away, come to the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX” that I am guest-hosting on June 29, 2019, from 12:30 - 2:30 PM on the 2nd floor of the Georgetown Public Library (402 W 8th St., Georgetown, Texas - once inside there will be signs to direct you to the 2nd floor and the room for the “Poetry Aloud” open mic). Check out the Facebook event page for the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX”, and join us for round-robin poetry readings (of 3 poems at a time; 1 song could be substituted for a poem in the performances too) - and I’ll see there! |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Four” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Four” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Hue Cycling filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Four” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Four” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Posterize filter). |
Janet Kuypers shareda memory. 20190627 Oh, it is cute that Facebook made a collage of my “spring memories” - it is cute to see that an image of John and I with Rylan is in there, but it tells you something when my spring is spent mostly reading poetry from Scars Publications books at feature readings (like “the 2019 Literary Review date book”, or the Down in the Dirt May-June 2019 ISBN# issue/book “The Deep Woods”, or the cc&d v290 May-June 2019 26-year anniversary issue/book “a Rose in the Dark” - one of the photos included even shows my showing off the inside pages of that book, with my Instagram image and poem “Ominous Day”). And so you know, I did a bunch of other things this spring - & yeah, I read at a bunch of different features & open mics too. |
Janet Kuypers 20190627 You know, Sabrina, I was so swamped yesterday that I didn’t get a chance to send you happy birthday wishes... But I look forward to seeing you when I visit potentially in mid-August, and the week following Ed’s wedding Labor Day weekend. So, forgive my lateness, but Happy Belated Birthday, but I’m sure it was the best with Joel and Lucy and Rory! I look forward to seeing everyone soon! https://www.instagram.com/p /wkKtpymvKk/ |
Janet Kuypers 20190626 Yesterday was George Michael’s birthday (no I did not forget, I also remembered that June 25th was the day Michael Jackson died too), so since I have been writing a poem every day in 2019, I thought I would write this poem the occasion yesterday, "Voice and Word". http://scars.tv/kuypers/poems/ 2019/voice-and-word.htm |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Hitler-themed haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and then it was given a Hue Cycling filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and then it was given a Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and then it was given a Threshold filter). |
Janet Kuypers 20190626 Join us for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) on the first Sunday of every month at Recycled Reads for the “Poetic License open mic 7/7/19”! Janet Kuypers hosts this monthly event at Recycled Reads, and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (since children can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome in each reading to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs), and micro-prose is also welcome. There is a Facebook event page for this event, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter). |
Janet Kuypers 20190625 Holy cow (You may think that’s a Harry Caray reference, but I can think of a reference to India), Facebook just generated a “The Moments That Bring Us Closer” video of “everyday things that bring friends together”, and sampled images from open mic readings at Recycled Reads and Community Poetry and Poetry Aloud - plus a cover image with John on guitar for our ~2-hour South by Show (during SXSW at a SXSW vendor). There is even photos of us visiting Cindy and Dave (which we’ll get to see in PA in August). There are shots of me and Carol, and even a Devotional Room photo before one of my poetry shows at the Austin Baha’i Faith Center for Expressions! - how fascinating to see which get-togethers Facebook decided to share in this “video” release. |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190624 Now less than 1 week away, come to the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX” that I am guest-hosting on June 29, 2019, from 12:30 - 2:30 PM on the 2nd floor of the Georgetown Public Library (402 W 8th St., Georgetown, Texas - once inside there will be signs to direct you to the 2nd floor and the room for the “Poetry Aloud” open mic). Check out the Facebook event page for the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX”, and join us for round-robin poetry readings (of 3 poems at a time; 1 song could be substituted for a poem in the performances too) - and I’ll see there! |
Thom Woodruff shared a memory. 20190624 POETRY ALOUD!Sat 29 June from 12.30-3pm@Georgetown Library-Hosted by Janet Kuypers |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (written on Nature Photography Day) “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” (written 6/16, the day in 1940 when a Communist government took over Lithuania), and “Learning More (2020 edit)” (edited on Father’s Day), live 6/16/19 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee in Austin (Panasonic L T56). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (written on Nature Photography Day) “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” (written 6/16, the day in 1940 when a Communist government took over Lithuania), and “Learning More (2020 edit)” (edited on Father’s Day), live 6/16/19 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee in Austin (Panasonic L 2500). |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20190623 Janet is thinking about old times as she takes a break on working on the bar shelves and has some Giordano’s deep dish pizza. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Circle Brewing Company. 20190623 Janet thought it was funny to see her album up on the wall. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Circle Brewing Company. 20190623 I think it’d be cool for Janet’s first album was on this wall. I just wanted to see how it would look. |
Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20190623
Wendy Chasteen Janet Kuypers. 20190622 Happy birthday. Hope you have a great birthday weekend. |
Trevor Wainwright Janet Kuypers. 20190622 Belated Happy Birthday Janet |
Em Jay‎ Janet Kuypers 20190622 |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Adelbert’s Brewery. 20190622 Flyin’ Monks on you birthday anyone? Janet thinks it’s a good idea. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse (10515 Mopac Expressway, Austin, TX). 20190622 Hmmm, this ones a little out of sequence. I was enjoying a Diet Coke since I’m the designated driver. Janet is enjoying her Janet’s Patented Hefe-Burst. BJ’s Hefeweizen with their Berry Burst Cider poured over top since the birthday girl is the designated drinker. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse (10515 Mopac Expressway, Austin, TX). 20190622 Janet is enjoying her free triple chocolate birthday pizookie at BJ’s Brewhouse. They have other types but we don’t know how those ones taste. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden. 20190622 Holy cow! Brittany’s birthday is today too. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden. 20190622 Stopping by Banger’s for Janet’s birthday lunch after the Gem & Jewelry show. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20190622 Janet is hanging the tag on her car. She can now show off that she’s from Chicago and a us a poet. |
Gregorio Zaino 20190622 |
Carol Ann Raftery Trisko is with Janet Kuypers. 20190622 Happy birthday to my beautiful friend Janet! Love you! |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Circle Brewing Company. 20190621 We’re out for Janet’s birthday eve and her plates finally arrived from the state. Now she can put the CHI POET tags on her car. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Circle Brewing Company. 20190621 We’re out for Janet’s birthday eve and she finally got her plates from the state and she can put her CHI POET tags on the car. |
Janet Kuypers 20190621 How awesome is that, seeing all of the gorgeous baubles around her neck... how perfect for a birthday girl! Happy Birthday, Kiley!!! |
Janet Kuypers 20190621 How excellent-cool to see a Facebook “Friendversary” with Jeffery Wayne Helgeson. Granted, this display only shows the (recent annual) Bloomsday and the Gallery Cabaret (I really like that my open mic is continuing with Dave Gecic, and Jeffrey reading regular specialized readings there - and I hope to see everyone when I feature at “Poetry at the Gallery Cabaret” 8/13 - and visit Chicago the week after Labor Day! It is also splendid to see photos here when Jeffrey read the intro to my short story “Crazy”, with Francois Le Roux playing music (it makes me sad that visa problems will keep the HA!Man of South Africa and family away from the States for another 4 years). It is a shame I am not around for more memories (like seeing the plays in Chicago he wrote and directed), but I look forward to seeing and hearing from everyone when I visit! |
Janet Kuypers added 20 new photos to the album: Janet Kuypers’ future “pheromemes” poems 6/5/19, Community Poetry. 20190620
Janet Kuypers 20190620 I am glad someone took a snapshot of me when I was about to read my poem “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams” from the Scars Publications the 2019 literary date book review (since that happens to be the poem listed this week in that datebook) live during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books in my June 2019 Book Release Reading... |
Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko, via Instagram. 20190620
Laura and Scotty, say happy birthday to Rylan for us!!! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her Scars Publications the 2019 literary date book review poem “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, then her poem “Precariously Balance” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her “This is a Poem About” poetry “Quiet for a While”, “Under Your Total Control”, “Hollow for so Long Already”, “Push Your Button”, and “Good Escape”, read from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her Scars Publications the 2019 literary date book review poem “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, then her poem “Precariously Balance” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her “This is a Poem About” poetry “Quiet for a While”, “Under Your Total Control”, “Hollow for so Long Already”, “Push Your Button”, and “Good Escape”, read from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56). |
Janet Kuypers 20190620 John, I just saw your post from three years ago today, when the seed was planted in your head for your Halloween costume this year. Your costume is going to take a lot more work than mine (all I really need is a tutu, and then to figure out how to mount that nails cross you made onto a chain), so I hope you are starting to look into suit clothes and a hat for your costume. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=1059655960782890 &set=a.269141523167675 &type=3&theater |
Janet Kuypers 20190620 At memorials for Brian, people talked about how he would go around with a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist (and it made people wonder, what does he have that is so important that he handcuffs it to his wrist). And I just saw that four years ago today I posted photos from my Chicago poetry feature Rap Sheet, including photos like this (where I wore handcuffs and read Vent, among other poems). I don’t think I own a briefcase worthy enough of handcuffing to myself, but I still think that’s a great idea. |
Janet Kuypers added 61 new photos to the album: Janet Kuypers w/ “a Rose in the Dark” 6/5/19 for Community Poetry. 20190619
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read 2019 Tiananmen Square poem Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom” she wrote on 6/2/19, then her poem “Ever Felt Safe” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her cc&d v290 May-June 2019 26-year anniversary issue/book “a Rose in the Dark” poems “Ominous Day”, “Bamboo” and “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read 2019 Tiananmen Square poem Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom” she wrote on 6/2/19, then her poem “Ever Felt Safe” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her cc&d v290 May-June 2019 26-year anniversary issue/book “a Rose in the Dark” poems “Ominous Day”, “Bamboo” and “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers added 65 new photos to the album: Janet Kuypers’ “The Deep Woods” poems 6/5/19 @ Half Price Books. 20190619
Janet Kuypers 20190619 Enjoy these photos of Thom Woodruff hosting the Community Poetry at Half Price Books 6/5/19... |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her poem “Outsider” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her Down in the Dirt v164 May-June 2019 issue/book “The Deep Woods” poem “Poetry on a Stick”, and her haiku poems “mirror”, “keyboard” and “our differences”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “Philosopher at the Blue Note”, “She was a Woman”, “Too Far”, and “Transcribing Dreams Three”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ June 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her poem “Outsider” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her Down in the Dirt v164 May-June 2019 issue/book “The Deep Woods” poem “Poetry on a Stick”, and her haiku poems “mirror”, “keyboard” and “our differences”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “Philosopher at the Blue Note”, “She was a Woman”, “Too Far”, and “Transcribing Dreams Three”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190618 It is cool to open Facebook this morning and see two people interested in the Facebook event page for the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX” that I am guest-hosting on June 29, 2019, from 12:30 - 2:30 PM on the 2nd floor of the Georgetown Public Library (402 W 8th St., Georgetown, Texas - once inside there will be signs to direct you to the 2nd floor and the room for the “Poetry Aloud” open mic). Check out the Facebook event page for the “Poetry Aloud open mic 6/29/19 in Georgetown TX”, and join us for round-robin poetry readings (of 3 poems at a time; 1 song could be substituted for a poem in the performances too) - I’ll see there! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vortex Sucks Us In” (that she wrote that day, starting for Flag Day 6/14, then morphing into friend Thom’s birthday get-together on the same day), live 6/14/19 at Full English Café (iPhone camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vortex Sucks Us In” (that she wrote that day, starting for Flag Day 6/14, then morphing into friend Thom’s birthday get-together on the same day), live 6/14/19 at Full English Café (from an iPhone camera, then given a Hue Cycling filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vortex Sucks Us In” (that she wrote that day, starting for Flag Day 6/14, then morphing into friend Thom’s birthday get-together on the same day), live 6/14/19 at Full English Café (from an iPhone camera, then given a Posterize filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vortex Sucks Us In” (that she wrote that day, starting for Flag Day 6/14, then morphing into friend Thom’s birthday get-together on the same day), live 6/14/19 at Full English Café (from an iPhone camera, then given a Sepia Tone filter). |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Café. 20190616 Austin Janet read poems she wrote this weekend, her Fathers Day poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, her poem she wrote about Russia taking over Lithuania 69 years ago today, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and her Nature Photography Day poem “Orange Clouds and Blood Red Sunsets”, which is the poem she read while displaying multiple nature book covers. #kickassatkickbutt |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190616 “Poetry Aloud” is the round-robin poetry open mic that runs 2 Fridays of the month. During the 2nd “Poetry Aloud” in June 2019, guest-host Janet Kuypers invites everyone in the greater Austin area to meet up with us on Saturday, June 29th. Join us in a room on the 2nd floor of the Georgetown Public Library (402 W 8th St., Georgetown, Texas - once inside there will be signs to direct you to the 2nd floor and the room for the “Poetry Aloud” open mic), because starting at 12:30 we will begin round-robin poetry readings (of 3 poems at a time; 1 song could be substituted for a poem in the performances too). So check out the Facebook event page - and I look forward to seeing everyone there |
Janet Kuypers is with Louise Gail Richardson and 2 others at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190615 Had a great time today at Recycled Reads! |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Circle Brewing Company. 20190615 Getting some healthy organic vegan food and washing it down with some healthy organic locally sourced beer. |
Janet Kuypers 20190615 Happy Birthday, Joe! https://www.facebook.com /photo.php?fbid=10212 282312946982&set=a. 1601561992956&type=3&theater |
Janet Kuypers shared a post. 20190615
Happy birthday wishes to Joel! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts/ 10208888342699847 |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers and Thom Woodruff at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190614 Had to snap a photo of “Poetic License” Austin open mic host Janet with birthday boy Thom the between-worlds poet. |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers and Deborah J Cano-Roadie Chick and Laine Thompson at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190614 We found the Spoken and Heard crew at Thom’s birthday party. |
Janet Kuypers with Christina M Jackson at Full English Cafe.. 20190614
Glad I got to see Audrey Hepburn at Thom's birthday greet-together... |
Janet Kuypers with Nancy Fierstien at Full English Cafe.. 20190614
I wear a shirt Thom gave me, but Nancy’s shirt rocks! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, attending Remembering Brian “Doc” Lamont, talking about Brian Lamont and reading her poem “Outsider”, as well as the start of her poem “Extra Blade” 6/13/19 at Austin’s The Grackle (this video was filmed from an iPhone). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, attending Remembering Brian “Doc” Lamont, talking about Brian Lamont and reading her poem “Outsider”, as well as the start of her poem “Extra Blade” 6/13/19 at Austin’s The Grackle (from an iPhone recording with a Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, attending Remembering Brian “Doc” Lamont, talking about Brian Lamont and reading her poem “Outsider”, as well as the start of her poem “Extra Blade” 6/13/19 at Austin’s The Grackle (iPhone video with an Edge Detection filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, attending Remembering Brian “Doc” Lamont, talking about Brian Lamont and reading her poem “Outsider”, as well as the start of her poem “Extra Blade” 6/13/19 at Austin’s The Grackle (from an iPhone recording with a Threshold filter). |
Janet Kuypers 20190614 Happy Birthday, K a t e! ! ! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts/ 10215311194267122 |
Janet Kuypers 20190614 Happy Birthday, Thom! ! ! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts/ 10215311189066992 |
Janet Kuypers is attending Remembering Brian “Doc” Lamont with John Yotko at the Grackle. 20190613 Glad we made it in time to get here for Brian... |
See YouTube video of open mic host Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Opportunity to Share Globally”, and “Such a Surreal, Ephemeral Feel”, at the ending of the first “Poetic License” open mic she hosted at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 6/2/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of open mic host Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Opportunity to Share Globally”, and “Such a Surreal, Ephemeral Feel”, at the ending of the first “Poetic License” open mic she hosted at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 6/2/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers Inga Johnson 20190612 Happy Birthday, Inga! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /10215296429858021 |
Janet Kuypers 20190611 What an Internet bargain! Scars Publications just released the 6"x9" perfect bound ISBN# paperback BOOK of ‘poems of pain’ by Chris Butler, “Montage of Madness”! Grab a copy of Chris Butler’s 2019 book “Montage of Madness” while it’s brand-new at Amazon, for sale throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan and Australia! https://www.facebook.com/ scarspublications/photos/ a.1480263802085381/19785561 22256144/?type=3&theater |
See YouTube video of open mic host Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Outsider” in honor or Brian Lamont, her instapoem “Hide from the World”, then her poem “Became a Circus”, during the first “Poetic License” open mic she hosted at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 6/2/19 (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of open mic host Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Outsider” in honor or Brian Lamont, her instapoem “Hide from the World”, then her poem “Became a Circus”, during the first “Poetic License” open mic she hosted at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 6/2/19 (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190611 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Elaborate Exaltation” (with photography of mountains at Deception Island in Antarctica).... http://scars.tv/kuypers/poems/ 2019/elaborate-exaltation.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
See YouTube video of open mic host Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Eternal Never-Ending Now” in the intro for starting off the first “Poetic License” open mic she hosted at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 6/2/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of open mic host Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Eternal Never-Ending Now” in the intro for starting off the first “Poetic License” open mic she hosted at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 6/2/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers 20190610 Happy Birthday, David Buddha-Hargarten! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10200644507889129& set=a.10200644503449018 &type=3&theater |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190610 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Over the Lives”... http://scars.tv/kuypers /poems/2019/over-the-lives.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20190610
Janet Kuypers, via 20190609 Okay, Laura said to me yesterday that she put up a breakfast photo of beer and candy that said “breakfast of Champions”; we agreed that we do not drink in the morning, but the French Open final is an exception. I even had to use the jeweled ball champagne glass (prettier than a tennis ball) for this French Open spacial occasion. #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstennis #janetkuypersinstagram |
Paul T. Hopper 20190608 It could make a person angry, even a poet. Poem by Janet Kuypers: http://scars.tv/ccdissues/290may-jun19/a_Rose_in_the_Dark.htm#nothing |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers and Laura Kretchman at Adelbert’s Brewery. 20190608 |
Janet Kuypers, via , with John Yotko and 2 others at Celis Brewery. 20190608 Stop #2 had a ping pong table, so Rylan was pleased... Scotty even thought a shirt at Celis. |
Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 2 others at Pinthouse Pizza - Round Rock. 20190608
Great to see each other at stop #1 today! |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190607 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Quickly, Life Can Turn”... http://scars.tv/kuypers/poem s/2019/quickly-life-can-turn.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190607 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Quickly, Life Can Turn”... http://scars.tv/kuypers/poem s/2019/quickly-life-can-turn.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Zap My Will” (then showing the Instagram image highlighting it), “Dreams 2/3/19”, and her haiku “after” (then showing the Instagram image for it), live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Zap My Will” (then showing the Instagram image highlighting it), “Dreams 2/3/19”, and her haiku “after” (then showing the Instagram image for it), live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers 20190606 Oh, Universe, why (in my case) does poetry conflict with vegan events? During the next Poetry Aloud in Georgetown, there is also the Vegan Fest 6/15 (the Circle Brewing hosts call it a “Summer Party”, but summer technically starts a week later, though in Austin I think summer started over a month ago). I already got tickets for John and me to attend, and I know I should be there early, because the closing hour or two of an event like this is hotter and more crowded because of its popularity, so I should get there early for lunch. But I should at least come (late) to the 6/15 Poetry Aloud, since I will be guest-hosting Poetry Aloud on 6/29... https://www.facebook.com/events /345444516164813/? notif_t=event_calendar_ create¬if_id=1559843228773852 |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Quiver in Thought”, “Unlocking History, One Asteroid at a Time” (written on the date of the discovery of the 2nd asteroid), and “Video Killed the Radio Star”, live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Quiver in Thought”, “Unlocking History, One Asteroid at a Time” (written on the date of the discovery of the 2nd asteroid), and “Video Killed the Radio Star”, live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20190606
Janet Kuypers For the French Open... |
Janet Kuypers is attending Community Poetry with Kristiana Karlin and Thom Woodruff at Half Price Books (North Lamar). 20190605 I had a wonderful time today hearing poetry from poets today at Community Poetry... I’m glad I got to share poetry from the books from SScars Publications, including “2019 Literary Review date book” poem “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, 3 poems for Brian Lamont (that will appear in the August 2019 book release “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, poetry from the cc&d 26-year anniversary issue/book “a Rose in the Dark” and the Down in the Dirt May-June 2019 issue/book “The Deep Woods”, plus my 6/2/19 poem “Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom”. Thanks to everyone who participated, and I’m glad we got to share Brian poems with each other again - thanks again! |
Janet Kuypers 20190605 Today is the big day! I am really looking forward to “Community Poetry” with Thom today (that’s Wednesday, June 5th, 2019, or 6/5/19, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX). I have Scars Publications books to read, but I plan read poems I wrote for Brian Lamont at this get-together that will appear in the NEXT “pheromemes” book Scars Publications will be releasing in the beginning of August 2019, titled “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry” of new poetry, including lots of accompanying “Insta-poem” photos, to poets & shoppers at this feature reading event in Austin! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Understanding Terrorism’s Interior”, and “Victory Day, After Midnight” (written on Victory Day), live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Understanding Terrorism’s Interior”, and “Victory Day, After Midnight” (written on Victory Day), live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Janet Kuypers shared a memory. 20190605
It’s cool to see some of the May 2019 reflection Facebook shared with me this morning... Like my guest-hosting Poetry Aloud (with photos when I wore a wig hosting “Poetry Aloud 4/27/19” and reading from my 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, though I also guest-hosted “Poetry Aloud 5/18/19”), and even photos of me when I read Instagram poems (like “Poetry on a Stick”) at Recycled Reads (and I am TOTALLY loving that I am now starting to host the first Sundays open mic there with “Poetic License”). I also like that John occasionally takes me to different vegetarian places for dinners (all along the vegetarian food truck row) - you know, I’m not fond of restaurants being food trucks (i.e., no indoor seating or washrooms), but I can’t complain if I find a place in Texas with a bunch of vegetarian restaurants all together. |
Janet Kuypers 20190604 Tomorrow is the big day! I am really looking forward to “Community Poetry” with Thom on Wednesday - 6/5/19, or June 5th, 2019, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX). I know I will read poems I wrote for Brian Lamont at this get-together, but Scars Publications just released the v290 May-June 2019 26-year anniversary issue of cc&d magazine as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “a Rose in the Dark”, and if I’m lucky I might be able to read poetry from this BRAND NEW BOOK RELEASE to poets and shoppers at this feature reading event in Austin! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Poetry on a Stick” (written for National Something on a Stick Day), “Queueing in Line and Shaping Your Life”, and “Unchecked Electricity”, live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Poetry on a Stick” (written for National Something on a Stick Day), “Queueing in Line and Shaping Your Life”, and “Unchecked Electricity”, live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers 20190603 Wednesday is the big day! I am really looking forward to “Community Poetry” with Thom on Wednesday - 6/5/19, on June 5th, 2019 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX). I know I will read poems I wrote for Brian Lamont at this get-together, but Scars Publications just released the v164 May-June 2019 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “The Deep Woods”, and if I’m lucky I might be able to read haiku from throughout the book, and maybe even poetry from the performance art feature “Seeing Things Differently” from this BRAND NEW BOOK RELEASE to poets and shoppers at this feature reading event in Austin! I hope to see you there! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Bolt of Lightning”, “Overtake Me” (written during National Anxiety and Depression Week), and “Out of Wedding Dresses”, live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 poems “Bolt of Lightning”, “Overtake Me” (written during National Anxiety and Depression Week), and “Out of Wedding Dresses”, live 5/18/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20190603
Janet Kuypers 20190602 Summer is just around the corner, which makes it a perfect time for Scars Publications to release the v290 May-June 2019 26-year anniversary issue of cc&d magazine, now available as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “a Rose in the Dark”, which is available online anywhere, and from Amazon in the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Australia and Japan (and yeah, they ship to India too) - grab a copy today! (Writers and artists in this book include ayaz daryl nielsen, Charles Hayes, David J. Thompson, DC Diamondopolous, Don Stoll, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Erren Kelly, Fiona Wagner, Greg G. Zaino, James Mulhern, Janet Kuypers, John F. McMullen, John Kojak, John Maurer, John Yotko, Lawrence Pratt, Lewis Horwitz, Lily Fields, Linda M. Crate, Marc Livanos, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Gullickson, Michelle Howard, Oz Hardwick, Roger N. Taber, Rose Hollander, Scott Thomas Outlar, Seward Ward, Thom Woodruff, Allen F. McNair, David J. Thompson, Kyle Hemmings, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, & Wes Heine.) |
John Yotko is attending Poetic License open mic with Janet Kuypers at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190602 After “Poetic License” host Janet Kuypers read her poem “Outsider” after round 1 today at the open mic, she showed off her Instagram photo from the intro to her 4/23/17 Crazy feature, where Brian Lamont read for the perfect show intro (thanks again to Deborah for taking the photo). |
John Yotko is attending Poetic License open mic with Janet Kuypers at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190602 After “Poetic License” host Janet Kuypers read her poem “Outsider” after round 1 today at the open mic, she showed off her Instagram photo from the intro to her 4/23/17 Crazy feature, where Brian Lamont read for the perfect show intro (thanks again to Deborah for taking the photo). |
John Yotko is attending Poetic License open mic with Janet Kuypers at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190602 After “Poetic License” host Janet Kuypers read her poem “Outsider” after round 1 today at the open mic, she showed off her Instagram photo from the intro to her 4/23/17 Crazy feature, where Brian Lamont read for the perfect show intro (thanks again to Deborah for taking the photo). |
Janet Kuypers is attending Poetic License open mic with Louise Gail Richardson and Robin Barratt at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190602 I had an absolutely wonderful time hosting the first “Poetic License” open ic today at Recycled Reads, where we all heard so many good regulars and new readers... it was a perfect opportunity to honor Louise Gail Richardson for her years of hosting open mics in Austin - and I look forward to seeing everyone at the next “Poetic License” on the first Sunday of NEXT month, on July 7th from 3:30-5:30 PM at Recycled Reads! |
John Yotko is attending Poetic License open mic with Janet Kuypers at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20190602 Janet sharing one of her poems at her inaugural hosting of the open mic on the first Sunday of every month at Recycled Reads. |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190602 Today is the big day! Join me as I host of the “Poetic License” open mic from 3:30-5:30 PM, for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) on the first Sunday of the month! “Poetic License” is at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd., Austin, Texas 78756), with host Janet Kuypers honoring previous first Sundays at Recycled Reads open mic host Louise Gail Richardson, and all are welcome at this monthly open mic for this all-ages reading. All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome - check in on the Facebook event page, and we’ll see you there! |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Posterize filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Threshold filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Edge Detection filter). |
Olivier Schopfer 20190602 Great to have my photograph “Williamsburg, New York, USA” in issue 164 of Down in the Dirt magazine, edited by Janet Kuypers. Kyle Hemmings is in the issue too: dirt/dirt164may-jun19/The_Deep_Woods.htm |
Janet Kuypers shared an event — with Louise Gail Richardson and 2 others. 20190601
Tomorrow is the big day! Join me at the open mic “Poetic License” 6/2/19, on Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 from 3:30-5:30 PM, for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) on the first Sunday of the month! “Poetic License” is at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd., Austin, Texas 78756), with host Janet Kuypers honoring previous first Sundays at Recycled Reads open mic host Louise Gail Richardson, so come to this monthly event where all are welcome for this all-ages reading. All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome - check in on the Facebook event page, and we’ll see you there! |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190601 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Hide from the World”... http://scars.tv/kuypers/poems/ 2019/hide-from-the-world.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers 20190601 Summer is just around the corner, which makes it a perfect time for Scars Publications to release the v164 May-June 2019 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, now available as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “The Deep Woods”, which is available online anywhere, and from Amazon in the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Australia and Japan (and yeah, they ship to India too) - grab a copy today! (Writers and artists in this book include Aleks Pandyra, Alexander Wijangco, Allan Onik, Anita G. Gorman, Annin Brothers, Armine Zohrabian, Bobby Horecka, Charles S. Manuel, Chery Speaks, Christine Blaisdel, Christian Fennell, Christine Seery, Corrina-Corinna, Cristina Bresser, David Estringel, David Francis, David Rodriguez, Doug Hawley, Iftekhar Sayeed, Janet Kuypers, John (Jake) Cosmos Aller, JD Langert, Joseph S. Pete, K. Shawn Edgar, Kyle Shultz, Linda Wolff, Lino A.K Lino Arop Kuol, Lydia Flores, Marlon Jackson, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Schneider, Natalie Aydin, Rhiannon Bird, Sam Evans, Sam Provenzano Samuel, Sarah Conklin, Scott Thomas Outlar, Shamar English, Sharon Frame Ga, Taylor Stuckey, Thom Woodruff, Tom Ball, Travis Green, Denny E. Marshall, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Bennett, Fabrice Poussin, J. Ray Paradiso, Kyle Hemmings, Olivier Schopfer, and Westley Heine.) |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Posterize filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Threshold filter). |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190601 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Know Completeness”... http://scars.tv/kuypers/poems /2019/know-completeness.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190531 Join me at the open mic “Poetic License” this Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 (6/2/19) from 3:30-5:30 PM, for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) on the first Sunday of the month! “Poetic License” is at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd., Austin, Texas 78756), with host Janet Kuypers allowing tribute space for Louise Gail Richardson, so come to this monthly event where all are welcome for an all-ages reading. All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome - check in and get all the details at the Facebook event page, and we look forward to seeing you there! |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Outsider”, “Precariously Balance”, and “Ever Felt Safe”, all in honor of Brian Lamont/Grosz live 5/25/19 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Outsider”, “Precariously Balance”, and “Ever Felt Safe”, all in honor of Brian Lamont/Grosz live 5/25/19 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; with a Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Outsider”, “Precariously Balance”, and “Ever Felt Safe”, all in honor of Brian Lamont/Grosz live 5/25/19 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Outsider”, “Precariously Balance”, and “Ever Felt Safe”, all in honor of Brian Lamont/Grosz live 5/25/19 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; with a Sepia Tone filter). |
Janet Kuypers 20190531 Edward, I hope you have the BEST birthday!!! https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10215200179051811 &set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190530 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Outsider”... http://scars.tv/kuypers/ poems/2019/outisder.htm (And thanks to Deborah for the “Crazy” photo!) #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers 20190530 I am not only honored to start hosting the open mic “Poetic License” this Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 (6/2/19) from 3:30-5:30 PM, but I am also thrilled to give the open mic host Louise Gail Richardson feature space for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) on the first Sunday of the month! Join us at “Poetic License” at the Recycled Reads bookstore (5335 Burnet Rd., Austin, Texas 78756). With Janet Kuypers for a host and a great tribute for Louise Gail Richardson, this is a perfect way to spend your Sunday afternoons! Come to this monthly event where all are welcome for an all-ages reading. All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library. Check in and get all the details at the Facebook event page, and we’ll see you there! > https://www.facebook.com/ events/839146569781064/ |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading a large number of Brian Lamont haiku poems from his book “Squalor” as a tribute at the Spoken and Heard poetry open mic in Austin, TX (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading a large number of Brian Lamont haiku poems from his book “Squalor” as a tribute at the Spoken and Heard poetry open mic in Austin, TX (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Janet Kuypers is with Louise Gail Richardson and 2 others. 20190529
If anyone is interested in coming out to share their poetic thoughts about Brian Lamont, that is all the more reason to join us, less than one week away - on Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 (6/2/19) from 3:30-5:30 PM for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for the first Sunday of the month (and every month) for the “Poetic License” open mic I am proud to host at the Recycled Reads bookstore (5335 Burnet Rd., Austin, Texas 78756). With Janet Kuypers hosting this month... |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, and “I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well (Future Imperfect edit)”, all read from the ∂ September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books in Austin, TX (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” poems “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Jumping, Flying”, and “I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well (Future Imperfect edit)”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books in Austin, TX (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190528 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers poem “Dance Among the Ashes” (written 5/26/19 about the Chernobyl disaster)... http://scars.tv/kuypers/poems/ 2019/dance-among-the-ashes.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her Life and Death and everything between poems “Echo in my Mind”, “Erasure Poem: ‘One of the most Hated Women in America’”, “Being God”, “Evolving, Connecting and Cofounding”, and “Only Voice He Could Hear”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her Life and Death and everything between poems “Echo in my Mind”, “Erasure Poem: ‘One of the most Hated Women in America’”, “Being God”, “Evolving, Connecting and Cofounding”, and “Only Voice He Could Hear”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Stephanie J Morrissey shared a memory. 20180528 Smooches Janet! |
Janet Kuypers shared a photo. 20190528 C l a i r e , it is not fair that I am in Texas (and when I visit in August it will only be on weekdays in Chicago - but we ARE planning on going to Ed’s wedding, so I hope to see your whole family there) but I hope you have a GREAT birthday today ! ! ! https://www.facebook.com/janet kuypers/posts/10215178773236679 |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190527 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 5/26/19 poem “Xtc from Found “Candy””... http://scars.tv/kuypers/poems /2019/xtc-from-found-candy.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her haiku “fought”, then her Life and Death and everything between poems “Violations Tested”, “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much”, “Only Half the Story”, and “Build Your Own Cross”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her haiku “fought”, then her Life and Death and everything between poems “Violations Tested”, “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much”, “Only Half the Story”, and “Build Your Own Cross”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Janet Kuypers is at Kick Butt Café. 20190527
John, I have no idea why your smartphone Facebook app was giving error messages last night and this morning for these photo uploads, but thank you for sharing them with me, so I could thank you for taking photos while I read my poems “Outsider”, “Precariously Balance”, and “Ever Felt Safe”, for Brian at the poetic Brian Lamont / Grosz memorial last night for Spoken and Heard at Kick Butt Coffee last night in Austin. |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190526 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 5/25/19 poem “Killing Women for Healing”, written for Memorial Day. http://scars.tv/kuypers/ poems/2019/killing- women4healing.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190526 Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 5/24/19 poem “Just Names”, written for Memorial Day. http://scars.tv/kuypers/ poems/2019/just-names.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Posterize filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Threshold filter). |
Janet Kuypers 20190526 Thom, thank you for posting this photo from 5/25/19 at “Poetry Aloud” when I was about to read a haiku from my v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” on your “Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians” page. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10157586454 835362&set=pcb. 1002655689929510&type=3& theater&ifg=1 |
See YouTube> video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Twenty-Three” on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Twenty-Three”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Twenty-Three”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter). |
See YouTube video 4/21/19 on Easter of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Twenty-Three”, on the last day the restaurant “Opal Divine’s Marina” was open in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold filter). |
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Georgetown Public Library. 20190525 Janet reading not only haiku from her cc&d book “On the Edge” but also new poetry, plus the first poem she wrote about Brian Lamont, “Outsider”, today at Poetry Aloud. |
Janet Kuypers is with Joyce Gullickson and 2 others at Georgetown Public Library. 20190525
Had a great time listening to poets today (& reading my 2017 poetry, including poetry for Memorial day, and haiku poetry from my cc&d v5 poetry collection book “On the Edge”) at Georgetown’s Poetry Aloud! |
Janet Kuypers shared an event. 20190524 Join us on June 2nd, 2019 (6/2/19) from 3:30-5:30 PM for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) on the first Sunday of the month (and every month) for the “Poetic License” open mic at the Recycled Reads bookstore (5335 Burnet Rd., Austin, Texas 78756). Janet Kuypers hosts this monthly event at Recycled Reads, and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (since children can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library - come to the Facebook event page and let us know you’ll be there - and I’ll see you there! |
Janet Kuypers 20190524 Looking forward to going to Poetry Aloud on Saturday, May 25th from 12:30-2:30 at the 2nd floor of the Georgetown Public Library... |
Janet Kuypers 20190524 Thom, thank you for posting this group photo from 5/5/19 at “Recycled Reads” on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page. This is from the last day of the 1st Sunday “Recycled Reads” Austin open mic before I take over as host - so get ready for the “Poetic License” open mic on June 2nd. An event page is coming, so I hope to see you there 6/2/19 for their “Poetic License”! https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10157566721525362 &set=pcb.1539239042875717& amp;type=3&theater&ifg=1 |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Sepia Leaves”, “And I’m Wondering”, “Marry you in Autumn” and “Just by Holding His Hand”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ May 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Sepia Leaves”, “And I’m Wondering”, “Marry you in Autumn” and “Just by Holding His Hand”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers 20190524 See YouTube video of Thom Woodruff reading his poem “How to be Invisible” (because it appears in the cc&d v284 23-year anniversary issue/book “Shining” as well as the May-August 2018 cc&d issue collection book “Across the Wall”), read during the Community Poetry @ Half Price Books reading (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers 20190524 See YouTube video of Thom Woodruff reading his poem “How to be Invisible” (because it appears in the cc&d v284 23-year anniversary issue/book “Shining” as well as the May-August 2018 cc&d issue collection book “Across the Wall”), read during the Community Poetry @ Half Price Books reading (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Janet Kuypers 20190524 See YouTube video of Thom Woodruff reading all of his poetry phrases from his “Yes or No”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, for Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
Janet Kuypers 20190524 See YouTube video of Thom Woodruff reading all of his poetry phrases from his “Yes or No”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, for Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Avrom Litin shared a memory — with Janet Kuypers. 20190524
fond memories with Oz Hardwick, Robin Fine, Janet Kuypers, and John Yotko |
Janet Kuypers 20190523 What an Internet bargain! Scars Publications just released the 6"x9" perfect bound ISBN# paperback BOOK of poetry by John Sweet, “A Flag on Fire is a Song of Hope”! Grab a copy of John Sweet’s 2019 book “A Flag on Fire is a Song of Hope” while it’s brand-new at Amazon, for sale throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan and Australia! |
Janet Kuypers 20190523 Thom, thank you for posting this photo from 5/5/19 at “Recycled Reads” when I was at the mike to read poetry from my v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” on your “Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians” page. This is the last day of the 1st Sunday “Recycled Reads” Austin open mic before I take over as host - so get ready for the “Poetic License” open mic on June 2nd. An event page is coming, so I hope to see you there 6/2/19! ttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10157535560960362&set=pcb. 990563991138680& type=3&theater&ifg=1 |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Xenogeny” (written during Lent), “Zinsky’s Manifesto” (written the calendar day Ted Kaczynski was arrested in 1996), and “Zouk or Xibelani” (written on International Dance Day) 5/18/19 while she hosted the “Poetry Aloud” open mic (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera). |
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Xenogeny” (written during Lent), “Zinsky’s Manifesto” (written the calendar day Ted Kaczynski was arrested in 1996), and “Zouk or Xibelani” (written on International Dance Day) 5/18/19 while she hosted the “Poetry Aloud” open mic (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera). |
Janet Kuypers , linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. 20190523 Enjoy Janet Kuypers’ 5/22/19 poem “Exude more in Black”, written on and for World Goth Day. http://scars.tv/kuypers/poems/2019 /exude-more-in-black.htm #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstagram |
Janet Kuypers, via Twitter Instagram and Tumblr. 20190523
Janet Kuypers’ 9/2/17 “Energy with poetry and Music” Austin Bahá’í Center show now has an Artvilla web page! Poems & songs “Victim”, “There I Sit”, “Tight Top Affair”, “Knew I Had to be Ready”, “Writing Your Name” & “What We Need In Life” w/ pics & a video playlist are there! https://www.artvilla.com/janet-kuypers-9-2-17-energy-with-poetry-and-music-austin-bahai-center-show/ #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow |