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Most responses and 3rd party topics are in the Janet Kuypers facebook page. (This links page also contains additional relevant links that do not exist on the me facebook pages.)
facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
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or the Jan.-June 2017 Facebook posts
or the Sept.-Dec. 2016 Facebook posts
or the May-Aug. 2016 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-April 2016 Facebook posts
r Facebook years 2015, or 2014, or 2013, or the 2012, 2011 & 2010

Facebook stopped sharing Vine posts; posts here should include the original Vine post. If you are interested in seeing inactive image links, contact Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube> video from 8/28/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems “Step”, “One Summer” and “John” at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (and this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/15 I saw that camera #2 feed of the 6/22/10 Janet Kuypers poetry feature at the Café (with musicians and actors and video) was damaged, so I just RE-released it to YouTube on 8/31/15. It is fun to see so many musicians and different pieces performed on my birthday there in 2010.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/12 I uploaded YouTube video of my open mic 8/29/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, with me reading some of my poetry.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the intro to the 8/30/11 weekly poetry open mic at the Café in Chicago, & me reading my poem “Watching my Father Die” to a live audience.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Without You” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “With You” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Wanting You” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Waiting For You” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Walking With You” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “This Is My Burden” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Transcribing Dreams Two” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “She Told Me Her Dreams One” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Jackson Square/ Bourbon Street” for a studio recording (for later CD release) 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “French Quarter” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Chess Game Again” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Arrowhead” for a studio recording 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160831 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/31/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Accounts for the Need of Gun Control” in studio 2/28/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Kevin D Blanchard 20160831 globe (for public notice)

Kevin & JK at a Bulls game Happy Birthday, Kevin!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160830, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems “Step”, “One Summer” and “John” 8/28/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160830 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thanks again for the photos at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze during the poetry Spoken & Heard open mic Sunday night (8/28/16), Thom!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160830 globe (for public notice)

Janet I think I did this before in photographing features, but Thom also took photos with the video camera polling at Kick Butt - thanks for that...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160830 globe (for public notice)

Janet & John Hey, I forgot about Thom taking photos at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze - thanks for posting!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/30/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Everything was Alive and Dying” live 8/28/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/30/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “People’s Lives were at Stake” live 8/28/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/30/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 8/28/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/29/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 8/27/14 (video with 2 features!) at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery, live in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160829

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “cage” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/29/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

video After my performance in Chicago᾿s Poetry Fest 8/28/05 (the only appearance where video was recorded), I uploaded archive dot org video of me 2005 poetry fest reading all of my poems (“The Way You Tease Me”, “Grab the Other’s Neck”, “Praying To Idols”, “Desire” and “The Muse, The Messiah”) live 8/28/05 at Poetry Fest in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

video After my performance in Chicago᾿s Poetry Fest 8/28/05 (the only appearance where video was recorded), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “The Way You Tease Me” live 8/28/05 at Poetry Fest in Chicago (and this poem was also released in the chapbook “Sensuality in Poetry” for this event, which is still available for a free PDF file download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

video After my performance in Chicago᾿s Poetry Fest 8/28/05 (the only appearance where video was recorded), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Grab the Other’s Neck” live 8/28/05 at Poetry Fest in Chicago (and this poem was also released in the chapbook “Sensuality in Poetry” for this event, which is still available for a free PDF file download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

video After my performance in Chicago᾿s Poetry Fest 8/28/05 (the only appearance where video was recorded), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Praying To Idols” live 8/28/05 at Poetry Fest in Chicago. (and this poem was also released in the chapbook “Sensuality in Poetry” for this event, which is still available for a free PDF file download)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

video After my performance in Chicago᾿s Poetry Fest 8/28/05 (the only appearance where video was recorded), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Desire” live 8/28/05 at Poetry Fest in Chicago (and this poem was also released in the chapbook “Sensuality in Poetry” for this event, which is still available for free).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

video After my performance in Chicago᾿s Poetry Fest 8/28/05 (the only appearance where video was recorded), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “The Muse, The Messiah” live 8/28/05 at Poetry Fest in Chicago (and this poem was also released in the chapbook “Sensuality in Poetry” for this event, which is still available for a free PDF file download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

Janet, Mechanical Soldiers Wow, this might have been some of my earlier releases when artvilla.com/scars was first formed (for posts of video links), because on August 29th 2012 I posted links to a bunch of videos at Scars Video of me reading my poem “Mechanical Soldiers” at “the Café” 12/4/11 (this was written after driving across the country repeatedly and seeing these power lines, even photographing them and using once for the 2/11 issue cover of Down in the Dirt magazine, v091, which was also released as the ISBN# book “the Line to Power”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

Janet, Broke the Reflection Wow, this might have been some of my earlier releases when artvilla.com/scars was first formed (for posts of video links), because on August 29th 2012 I posted links to a bunch of videos at Scars Video of me reading my poem “Broke the Reflection” (at everywhere in Chicago from “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” 5/11/11, the Impromptu Beach Feature at Beach Poets 6/29/11 with music by Peter Bartels, at “the Café” 12/4/11, at Cafe Ballou 1/16/12 via Waiting4the Bus, and even 4/26/12 at the Café Gallery, with Gary playing impromptu live piano).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160829 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Janet
Oh Chuck Kramer, I just happened to see these photos you too of me and Bob Lawrence four Janet and Bob Lawrence collage years ago today - what a great memory, and thanks for taking those photos!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. 20160828
shared with friends

JK Janet slinging some more words at spoken and heard.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160828 globe (for public notice)

Janet & John Am looking forward to my 10 minute poetry and music feature set (with great guitar and drums thanks to John) this Saturday, September 3rd at “September Songs!” through Expressions! Thanks again Thom for hosting this great event!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20160828 globe (for public notice)

Cathleen & JK at Beach Poets 20120722 Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels, I hope you have the best birthday ever!!!
https://www.facebook.com/janet kuypers/posts/10206751243433701

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading 5 poems from “the Periodic Table of Poetry” in “The Elements of Astronomy” (with music from the HA!Man of South Africa) live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading 5 poems from “the Periodic Table of Poetry” in “The Elements of Astronomy” (with music from the HA!Man of South Africa) live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (filmed from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Mercury (#80)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Mercury (#80)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Uranium (#92)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Uranium (#92)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Neptunium (#93)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Neptunium (#93)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Plutonium (#94)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Plutonium (#94)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Neon (#10)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (frpm a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Neon (#10)” (from “the Periodic Table of Poetry”) in “The Elements of Astronomy” live at Evanston’s Perla Cafe 8/25/12 (from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

the Elements opf Astronomy chapbook I like my astronomy, so it’s cool with it mixed with my writing poems for every element in the Periodic Table. Because on 8/27/12 I uploaded my astronomy-related “the Periodic Table of Poetry” poems as a free PDF file chapbook “the Elements of Astronomy”, which is still available for download today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Cynthia Johnson

Janet with Yotko siglings in New York Happy Birthday, Cynthia Johnson!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10203899734787767& set=p.10203899734787767 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
shared with friends

JK Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

the Messenger On 8/26/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading many poems (including “The Page (to inspiration)”, “Burning Building”, “Confident Women”, “the Martyr and the Saint” “Holding My Hand”, “Mixing Metaphors”, “Have No Backbone”, “Expecting the Stoning”, “Gift of Motherhood (part II)”, “Timing Is Everything”, “a Stand-Off”, “Civil War”, “Let the War Begin”, and “Cast In Stone”) in my feature the Messenger 11/30/07 at Mercury Cafe in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/26/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Know You” from my 2014 poetry book “Partial Nudity” at an 8/18/14 open mic at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/26/14 I uploaded video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Know You” from my 2014 poetry book “Partial Nudity” at an 8/18/14 open mic at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers mentioning her poem “Finding Faith in a Grocery Store”, then reading her 3 poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit)”, “Three Minutes for Three Dollars” and “Sobering” 8/21/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon P.S.).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160826

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “kill” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/26/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I had a compilation of my’ poems “Any Help At All”, “conversations three (a day of grieving)”, “transcribing dreams one”, “the flashback”, “By Who I Don’t Know”, and “Did you know I was watching?” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and then I uploaded YouTube video of it...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I see that I read my poem “transcribing dreams one” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and then I uploaded YouTube video of the poem reading...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I see that I read my poem “the flashback” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and then I uploaded YouTube video of the poem reading...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I see that I read my poem “Holding My Skin Together” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and then I uploaded YouTube video of it...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I see that I read my poem “Did you know I was watching?” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and then I uploaded YouTube video of it...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I see that I read my poem “conversations three (a day of grieving)” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and then I uploaded YouTube video of it...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I see that I read my poem “By Who I Don’t Know” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of it...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160826 globe (for public notice)

video In celebration of August 26th, I see that I read my poem “Any Help At All” at the Cafe’s Poetry Wheel (Mach 2) in Chicago 8/26/08, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of the poem reading...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160825

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “predator” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/25/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160825, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers mentioning her poem “Finding Faith in a Grocery Store”, then reading her 3 poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit)”, “Three Minutes for Three Dollars” and “Sobering” 8/21/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

If Tomorrow Never Comes, a Linda M. Crate chapbook Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the Linda M. Crate chapbook If Tomorrow Never Comes as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the 2016 chapbook If Tomorrow Never Comes with poetry from Linda M. Crate today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/24/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me (wrapped in old “Twin Peaks” VHS tape) in my 8/14/15 show “Farewell Chicago” in my final scheduled feature at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (while living in Chicago) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera), with my poems “Chicago”, “Breaking Their Heart”, “change (2015 edit)”, “Planting Palm Tree Seeds”, “Shared Air”, “Other Souls”, and “ever leave me”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8//24/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me (wrapped in old “Twin Peaks” VHS tape) in my 8/14/15 show “Farewell Chicago” in my final scheduled feature at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (while living in Chicago) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera), with my poems “Chicago”, “Breaking Their Heart”, “change (2015 edit)”, “Planting Palm Tree Seeds”, “Shared Air”, “Other Souls”, and “ever leave me”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/25/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Know You”, “Physical Reactions to Emotional Traumas” and “Overweight Reasons” plus Robin Williams’ lines on why we read and write poetry in an excerpt from Dead Poets Society at an 8/18/14 open mic at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/25/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Know You”, “Physical Reactions to Emotional Traumas” and “Overweight Reasons”, plus Robin Williams’ lines on why we read and write poetry in an excerpt from Dead Poets Society at an 8/18/14 open mic at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/25/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Physical Reactions to Emotional Traumas” from my 2014 poetry book “Revealed” at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus poetry open mic 8/18/14 (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/25/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Physical Reactions to Emotional Traumas” from my 2014 poetry book “Revealed”at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus poetry open mic 8/18/14 (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160825 globe (for public notice)

the Written Word It is funny that at the open mic Sunday I was introduced as going on 50+ book tours (and they didn’t know I had over 90 books published), because I saw that on 8/25/10 I announced the release of my poetry book “the Written Word” (which is book #60).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160825 globe (for public notice)

the Cana-Dixie Chi-town Union It is funny that at the open mic Sunday I was introduced as going on 50+ book tours (and they didn’t know I had over 90 books published), because I saw that on 8/25/10 I announced the release of my poetry book “the Cana-Dixie Chi-town Union” (which is book #59).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160825 globe (for public notice)

Taking Poetry to the Streets It is funny that at the open mic Sunday I was introduced as going on 50+ book tours (and they didn’t know I had over 90 books published), because I saw that on 8/25/10 I announced the release of my poetry book “Taking Poetry to the Streets” (which is book #58).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160825 globe (for public notice)

po•em It is funny that at the open mic Sunday I was introduced as going on 50+ book tours (and they didn’t know I had over 90 books published), because I saw that on 8/25/10 I announced the release of my poetry book “po•em” (book #57).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160825 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Jean Together It is funny that at the open mic Sunday I was introduced as going on 50+ book tours (and they didn’t know I had over 90 books published), because I saw that on 8/25/10 I announced the release of my poetry book “Janet & Jean Together (book #56).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160825 globe (for public notice)

Get Your Buzz On It is funny that at the open mic Sunday I was introduced as going on 50+ book tours (and they didn’t know I had over 90 books published), because I saw that on 8/25/10 I announced the release of my poetry book “Get Your Buss On” (which is book #55).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160824, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers mentioning her poem “Evicted Today”, then reading her 3 poems “Egg Drop Soup”, “Quibbling over Religion” and “Before it Occurred to Me” 8/21/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers (JKPoetryVine) posted a video on vine 0160824

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “guide” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/24/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160824 globe (for public notice)

frame from mpeg show of practice session at the Lake County Poets Society 8/22/06 After I did my 8/22/06 reading, I uploaded YouTube video (:52) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, from the Poetry Fest 2006 Lake County Poets Society practice performance.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160824 globe (for public notice)

frame from mpeg show of practice session at the Lake County Poets Society 8/22/06 After I did my 8/22/06 reading, I uploaded YouTube video (3:22) of me reading part of my poem “Everything Was Alive and Dying”, from the Poetry Fest 2006 Lake County Poets Society practice performance.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160824 globe (for public notice)

frame from mpeg show of practice session at the Lake County Poets Society 8/22/06 After I did my 8/22/06 reading, I uploaded YouTube video (1:23) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “A Great American”, from the Poetry Fest 2006 Lake County Poets Society practice performance.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160824 globe (for public notice)

frame from mpeg show of practice session at the Lake County Poets Society 8/22/06 After I did my 8/22/06 reading, I uploaded YouTube video (2:16) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The State of the Nation”, from the Poetry Fest 2006 Lake County Poets Society practice performance.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160824 globe (for public notice)

frame from mpeg show of practice session at the Lake County Poets Society 8/22/06 After I did my 8/22/06 reading, I uploaded YouTube video (2:22) of me reading part of my poem “Burn It In”, from the Poetry Fest 2006 Lake County Poets Society practice performance.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/24/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my short prose “Prom ‘97 — or Doing Things Right” live 8/23/11, at the Café open mic I hosted weekly in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/24/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me starting the 8/23/11 weekly open mic at the Café in Chicago, & reading my short prose “Prom ‘97 — or Doing Things Right”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Cowboy Hats and Railways, a John D Robinson chap Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the John D Robinson chapbook Cowboy Hats and Railways as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the 2016 chapbook Cowboy Hats and Railways with poetry from John D Robinson today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160823, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers mentioning her poem “Evicted Today”, then reading her 3 poems “Egg Drop Soup”, “Quibbling over Religion” and “Before it Occurred to Me” 8/21/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this live video was filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160823

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “fog” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/23/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rape Education (One)” live 2/23/10 at the Café poetry open mic I ran in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rape Education (One)” (video with an emboss filter) 2/23/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rape Education (One)” (with the “find edges” filter) 2/23/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rape Education (One)” (from an hp webcam) live 2/23/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rape Education (One)” (w/ a “solarize” filter) 2/23/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of me singing (covering) the George Michael song “Waiting (reprise)” with John on guitar 2/23/10 live at the Café poetry open mic I ran in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video< of me singing (covering) the George Michael song “Waiting (reprise)” with John on guitar (video with an emboss filter) 2/23/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of me singing (covering) the George Michael song “Waiting (reprise)” with John on guitar (video with the “find edges” filter) 2/23/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of me singing (covering) the George Michael song “Waiting (reprise)” with John on guitar (video with the solarize filter) 2/23/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, it is 6½ years ago when I ran my open mic and then uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the introduction to my open mic the Café in Chicago 2/23/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/23/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Overweight Reasons” from my 2014 poetry book Partial Nudity at an 8/18/14 open mic at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/23/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Overweight Reasons” from my 2014 poetry book Partial Nudity at an 8/18/14 open mic at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160822 globe (for public notice)

Janet But seriously Thom thanks for taking photos last night (even providing photographic proof that I seem to need to use my hands all the time when talking)...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154545246490362& set=pcb.507791726082578 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160822 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Hot Tamale Ah, and me looking business-like when our Hot Tamale open mic hostess claims the spotlight in Thom’s photo from last night...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154545248300362& set=gm.507791726082578 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160822 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Hot Tamale Ah, and me looking business-like when our Hot Tamale open mic hostess claims the spotlight in Thom’s photo from last night...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154545248300362& set=gm.507791726082578 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160822 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Brian Ah-hah, Thom provides proof that a Chicagoan and a New Yorker can both exist in the same room...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154545238440362& set=gm.854703891329239 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160822

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “form” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/22/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160822, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

Janet Kuypers’ “Voting for Change” 7/2/16 politically themed poetry http://t.co/RvBlPwlKYa @janetkuypers posted to FB PoetryLifeTimes

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

the Mission (chapbooks edition) 8/22/12 is also when Scars Publications released two May thru August 2012 cc&d collection books, like “the Mission (chapbooks edition)(with a bunch of great contributors, like Linda Webb Aceto, the HA!man of South Africa (drawing), W. Donta Andrews, Christine Barba, Brian Forrest (painting), Dana Blake, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Cheryl Townsend (art), P. Keith Boran Xanadu (art), Paul J. Burt, Rose E. Grier (art), CEE, Michael Ceraolo, Holly Day, Oz Hardwick (art), Frank De Canio, Peter LaBerge (art), Kenneth DiMaggio, Aaron Wilder (art) , Brian Duggan, John Duncklee, Lily Gardner, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (art), Matthew Guzman, Fritz Hamilton, Joseph Hart, Kyle Hemmings, Brian Looney, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (art), Robert D. Lyons, Bruce Matteson, John Newmark, I.B. Rad, Oz Hardwick (art), David Thompson, and Janet Kuypers.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

the Mission (issues edition) On 8/22/12 is also when Scars Publications released two May thru August 2012 cc&d collection books, like “the Mission (issues edition)(with assorted writers and artists, Paul J. Burt, Michael Ceraolo, Holly Day, Frank De Canio, Kenneth Dimaggio, Brian Duggan, John Duncklee, Lily Gardner, Matthew Guzman, Fritz Hamilton, Janet Kuypers, Joseph Hart, Kyle Hemmings, Linda Webb Aceto, C E E, W. Donta Andrews, Christine Barba, Dana Blake, Lios Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, P. Keith Boran.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Purpose 8/22/12 is when Scars Publications released the the May thru July/Aug. 2012 issues Down in the Dirt collection book “Purpose(with a bunch of great contributors in the book, like Tom Ball, Chad D. Barber, Matthew T. Birdsall, Elena Botts, Wm. Samuel Bradford, Rex Bromfield, Jon Brunette, Mark Breckenridge, Eric Burbridge, Brandi Capozzi, Gibson Culbreth, Derek A Davis, Frank De Canio, Kenneth DiMaggio, Steve Dodd, Travis Green, Nathan Hahs, Fritz Hamilton, Rod Hamon, Christopher Hanson, Kathleen Hennessey, Cheryl Hicks, Matt Hlinak, Eric Holden, Ruth Juris, James Kowalczyk, Janet Kuypers, Jennifer E. Lee , Kathryn Leetch, Joseph Lisowski, Brian Looney, Sarah Lucille Marchant, Denny E. Marshall, William Masters, John Constantine Mastor, Kristopher Miller, Jeffrey Park, Steven Pelcman, Donna Pucciani, John Ragusa, J. D. Riso, Amanda Ronan, Daniel J Roozen, Larry Schug, Ian C Smith, Liam Spencer, Bob Strother, Lori Ulrich, Clinton Van Inman, Kerry Lown Whalen, Donald C. White Jr., Changming Yuan and Eleanor Leonne Bennett).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/22/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Pioneer” 8/21/11 at the last 2011 Chicago Beach Poets Loyola Beach open mic..

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160821

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “existence” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/21/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160821, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

In the 90s I stood outside at my Chicago lunch break for a solar eclipse. I look forward to 1 more chance 8/21/17.
@neiltyson All you need to know about next year’s Total Solar Eclipse across USA.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160821 globe (for public notice)

JK with Cilic autograph Okay, so I normally root for my Scotsman, but I’m glad the man who signed my fan last year won. Congrats on the W&S Open tennis title, Marin Cilic!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10206666675359552& set=t.1053252458 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “What the Hell is she Complaining About” from the back of the Down in the Dirt issue v124Spiraling” live 8/13/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “What the Hell is she Complaining About” from the back of the Down in the Dirt issue v124Spiraling” live 8/13/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/13 I uploaded YouTube video of the me reading poems Enough’s Enough, My Kind of Town, Eyes are Blurred to the Battlefield, and Foreign Farmer live in Chicago during the poetry open mic at Waiting4the Bus 8/19/13 (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/13 I uploaded YouTube video of the me reading Enough’s Enough, My Kind of Town, Eyes are Blurred to the Battlefield, and Foreign Farmer live in Chicago at Waiting4the Bus 8/19/13 (Canon, “Film Age - Older” filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Enough’s Enough in Chicago 8/19/13 during the poetry open mic at Waiting4the Bus in Chicago (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Eyes are Blurred to the Battlefield 8/19/13 in the poetry open mic at Waiting4the Bus in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my twitter-length poem Foreign Farmer 8/19/13 during the poetry open mic at Waiting4the Bus in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/13 I uploaded YouTube video of the me reading poems Enough’s Enough, My Kind of Town, Eyes are Blurred to the Battlefield, and Foreign Farmer live in Chicago at Waiting4the Bus 8/19/13 (filmed with a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem My Kind of Town 8/19/13 at Waiting4the Bus in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (to John’s song, with John on guitar and piano from Gary, filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference;” 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (to John’s song, with John on guitar and piano from Gary, filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of Kuypers reading many poems as if I were on the phone in “overheard conversations” 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of Kuypers reading many poems as if I were on the phone in “overheard conversations” 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “There I Sit” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “There I Sit” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Writing Your Name” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Writing Your Name” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Addict” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Addict” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Put It To Rest” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Put It To Rest” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “I Wanted Pain” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “I Wanted Pain” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the Burning” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the Burning” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Vengeful Phone” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/21/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Vengeful Phone” as if I were on the phone in her “overheard conversations” series 8/15/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160820

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “choke” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/20/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160820 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/20/15 I posted a Vine video of me saying my haiku “extend” (while putting “anti-aging cream” On in the mirror) 8/18/15 in Austin, Texas (filmed On a Motorola, then given a Threshold filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160820 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/20/15 I posted a Vine video of me saying my haiku “imprisoned / ignorance” (written in India) outside near a fence and a metal rail (recorded off I35 in Austin TX 8/19/15 (Motorola, Threshold).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160820 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/20/15 I posted a Vine video of me saying my haiku “imprisoned / ignorance” (written in India) outside near a fence and a metal rail (recorded off I35 in Austin TX 8/19/15 (filmed On a Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160820 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160819, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems “Queen ISIS”, “Motorcycle” and “They Called It Trust” 8/14/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160819

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “defenses” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/19/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160819, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk The artvilla/scars video page ALSO got a “Voting for Change” 7/2/16 show web page today too!
http://t.co/ef4A6cysVV http://t.co/4hK4OTlF7J

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/19/15 I uploaded a Vine video of me saying my haiku “imprisoned / ignorance” (written in India) outside near a fence and a metal rail (recorded off I35 in Austin TX 8/19/15 (filmed on a Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/19/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) Robin Williams’ lines on why we read and write poetry in an excerpt from Dead Poets Society at an 8/18/14 open mic at Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/19/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) Robin Williams’ lines on why we read and write poetry in an excerpt from Dead Poets Society 8/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic Waiting 4 the Bus.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/19/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) Robin Williams’ lines on why we read and write poetry in an excerpt from Dead Poets Society live 8/13/14 at the start of the Chicago poetry open mic I hosted, the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/19/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) Robin Williams’ lines on why we read and write poetry in an excerpt from Dead Poets Society live 8/13/14 at the start of the Chicago poetry open mic I hosted, the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/19/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) Robin Williams’ lines on why we read and write poetry in an excerpt from Dead Poets Society live 8/13/14 in the middle of the Chicago poetry open mic I hosted, the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video (4:54) of me hosting the introduction to the weekly poetry open mic at the Café live 2/16/10 in Chicago, pus me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (video filmed from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video (4:54) of me hosting the introduction to the weekly poetry open mic at the Café live 2/16/10 in Chicago, pus me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (video filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (with a Blue Screen Key Filter) live 2/16/10 at the Café in Chicago (video originally filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (with a Green Screen Key Filter) live 2/16/10 at the Café in Chicago (video originally filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (with a Pastel Sketch Filter) live 2/16/10 at the Café in Chicago (video originally filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (with an Old Film Filter) live 2/16/10 at the Café in Chicago (video originally filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (with a Metallic Filter) live 2/16/10 at the Café in Chicago (w/ camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I think I’m getting wistful for New Orleans, because I just noticed back in the early WEEKS of my hosting the Chicago poetry open mic that I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “the One at Mardi Gras” (with a Line Drawing Filter) live 2/16/10 at the Café in Chicago (video originally filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160818, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk My “Voting for Change” 7/2/16 performance art show has an artvilla video & writing page now!
http://t.co/XRSVr8eXtb http://t.co/YvzxlvUjXI

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160818, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems “Queen ISIS”, “Motorcycle” and “They Called It Trust” 8/14/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160818

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “job” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/18/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/18/15 I uploaded Vine video of me saying my haiku extend (while putting “anti-aging cream” on in the mirror) 8/18/15 in Austin, Texas (filmed on a Motorola phone camera, on my first to Austin, where I looked for an apartment before I had to move here - and yes, I did this during the week between the two weekends we were in Mason Ohio watching tennis’ W&S Open last year).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/18/11 I uploaded YouTube video of the intro to the 8/16/11 weekly poetry open mic at the Café in Chicago, & me reading my short story “Gabriel” from the Down in the Dirt book “Catch Fire in the Treetops”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/18/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my short story “Gabriel” from the Down in the Dirt book “Catch Fire in the Treetops” (first published in her book “the Window”) 8/16/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160817, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems “Queen ISIS”, “Motorcycle” and “They Called It Trust” 8/14/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Canon Power Shot camera w/ a Threshold filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160817

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “forever” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/17/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting my open mic 8/14/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Alumium? Aluminium? Aluminum?” live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Alumium? Aluminium? Aluminum?” live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lost my Breath” from cc&d mag, v244 live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lost my Breath” from cc&d mag, v244 live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lost my Breath” from cc&d mag, v244 live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Bruce Matteson poem “Haiku” in cc&d mag v243 (the 20 year anniversary issue) live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Bruce Matteson poem “Less Hi More Ku” in cc&d v244 live 8/14/13 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Devon Sova poem “Some Feelings Never Go Away” in cc&d mag v244 live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Oz Hardwick poem “No Smoke” in cc&d mag v244 live 8/14/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/17/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Roland Stoecker poem “Paper” in Down in the Dirt magazine v118 live 8/14/13 at my poetry open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/17/12 I posted YouTube video of me 8/15/12 hosting my open mic at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, where I also read some of my poetry.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/17/10 I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem “The Men At The Construction Site” live at Beach Poets 8/15/10 in Chicago (with John on guitar).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/17/10 I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem “Kurt Irons (it’s just a girl)” live at Beach Poets 8/15/10 in Chicago (with John on guitar).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/17/10 I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem “The Measuring Scale” live at Beach Poets 8/15/10 on Loyola Beach in Chicago (with John on guitar).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems “Queen ISIS”, “Motorcycle” and “They Called It Trust” 8/14/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Sony camera w/ an Edge Detection filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160816

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “scorches” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/16/16 (video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

Kuypers with Thom Thom live w/ other performers (including Janet Kuypers) @ “Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard” 8/14/16 (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

Kuypers with Thom Thom live w/ other performers (including Janet Kuypers) @ “Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard” 8/14/16 (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Movie of Jant Kuypers performance art and travel photography But wait a minute, three years ago today I also uploaded the silent movie projection of additional images appearing during my Interview and Poetry 8/28 at Poetry Saloon at Noon at YouTube... (They appeared on a small screen during the show.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Movie of Jant Kuypers performance art and travel photography Three years ago today I uploaded the movie of images that appeared during my Interview and Poetry 8/28/15 at Poetry Saloon at Noon on archive dot org...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

Youzhny Just saw Youzhny beat American Taylor Fritz today at the W&S Open (it is sad that one year ago today I was AT the W&S Open, photographing Youzhny)...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php? fbid=10206666735081045& set=a. 10204677365308044.1073741876. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

Janet Oh, wait a minute Thom, thanks for snapping photos DURING Kick Butt started Sunday night too! (...Even thought it looks like I am about to curse at someone while I am on stage...)
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154524535700362& set=gm.505314609663623 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thom, thanks for snapping photos before Kick Butt started Sunday night...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154524534020362& set=pcb.505314609663623 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Burn It In” (written in 1997) Live at Beach Poets (and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 5:05).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “David” (written in 1992) live at Beach Poets (and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 3:23).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05 at Loyola Beach, I uploaded YouTube video (now with over 3,800 hits) of me reading my poem “I Dreamt About You Last Night” (written in 1998) live at Beach Poets and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 4:04).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05, I uploaded YouTube video (now with over 7,200 hits) of me reading my poem “A Child In The Park” (written in 1994) live at Beach Poets(and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 5:39). <

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05 at Loyola Beach, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Freedom Just Past The Fence” (written in 2002) live at Beach Poets(and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 2:12).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “In The Air” (written in 1993) live at Beach Poets(and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 6:34).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05, I uploaded YouTube video (now with over 13,000 hits) of me reading my micro prose “Age” (written in 1992) live at Beach Poets(and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 4:19).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160816 globe (for public notice)

video After I did my Chicago poetry show 8/14/05, I uploaded YouTube video (now with over 3,000 hits) of me reading my micro prose “Clay” (written in 1992) live at Beach Poets (and you can also order the full audio track at iTunes, off the CD set “Chaos in Motion” 5:02).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160815

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “knife” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/13/16 (filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/15/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting my open mic 8/13/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160814 globe (for public notice)

video After my first show 8/14/97 in Chicago at the Red Lion (and the first time I ever added sound effects in my poetry shows), this is the anniversary of when I uploaded YouTube video of me performing the 1st 4 poems performed (“the Things Warren Says”, “Japanese Television”, “Kurt Irons”, and “Bizarre Sexual Stories in the News”, 3:58) at the Red Lion Pub in Lincoln Park 8/14/97 at my live show Seeing Things Differently (the first show that had anying video recorded).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. 20160814
shared with friends

JK Inter planet Janet she’s a galaxy girl.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160814

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “years” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/13/16 (filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I finished my open mic 8/10/10, I uploaded YouTube video of the intro from the open mic @ the Café in Chicago., w/ Kuypers reading my poems “Keep me Sane” and “Like I was Never There”, then the cc&d magazine poems “Difficult” (by Kevin Michael Wehle) and “Appearances” (by Christopher Woods).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I finished my open mic 8/10/10, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Keep me Sane” live at my the Café poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I finished my open mic 8/10/10, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Like I was Never There” live at my the Café poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I finished my open mic 8/10/10, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by Kevin Michael Wehle from cc&d magazine August 2010 v211 (which is also in the 5x9 ISBN# book “Come Fly With Me”) titled ”Difficult” at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I finished my open mic 8/10/10, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by Christopher Woods from cc&d magazine August 2010 v211 (which is also in the 5x9 ISBN# book “Come Fly With Me”) titled “Appearances” at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I finished my open mic 8/10/10, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by Roger Cowin from Down in the Dirt magazine August 2010 v85 (which is also in the 5x9 ISBN# book “Clearing the Debris”) titled “Photograph” live at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I finished my open mic 8/10/10, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by Raud Kennedy from Down in the Dirt magazine August 2010 v85 (which is also in the 5x9 ISBN# book “Clearing the Debris”) titled “Love Poem” live at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Victor Sanders 20160814

Janet and Victor Sanders 20100622 Happy Birthday, Victor!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/13/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my 3 poems True Happiness in the New Millennium, Just Desperation and Other Souls at the 5 year anniv. of the open mic Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing in Wicket Park, Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/13/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my 3 poems True Happiness in the New Millennium, Just Desperationand Other Souls at the 5 year anniv. of the open mic Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing in Wicket Park, Chicago (from a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160813

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “study” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/13/16 (filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

Pvideo After I finished my August ‘08 show, I uploaded YouTube video of mythe Final Jumpfeature 8/9/08 at Chicago’s Mercury Cafe, where I read my poems “Thirteen Seconds”, “Filled With Such Panic”, “Letter 04/14/96 three”, “Kill Yourself”, “Accounts for the Need of Gun Control” and “Change My Perspective”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

8/9/08 Mercury Cafe After I finished my August ‘08 show, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Thirteen Seconds” live at Mercury Cafe in her “the Final Jumpfeature 8/9/08 in Chicago (which can also be found on CD 5 of the CD set Live through iTunes, 2:04).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

8/9/08 Mercury Cafe After I finished my August ‘08 show, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Filled With Such Panic” live at Mercury Cafe in her “the Final Jumpfeature 8/9/08 in Chicago (which can also be found on CD 5 of the CD set Live through iTunes, 2:04).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

8/9/08 Mercury Cafe After I finished my August ‘08 show, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Letter 04/14/96 three” live at Mercury Cafe in her “the Final Jumpfeature 8/9/08 in Chicago (which can also be found on CD 5 of the CD set Live through iTunes, 3:10).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

8/9/08 Mercury Cafe After I finished my August ‘08 show, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Kill Yourself” live at Mercury Cafe in her “the Final Jumpfeature 8/9/08 in Chicago (which can also be found on CD 5 of the CD set Live through iTunes, 1:55).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

8/9/08 Mercury Cafe After I finished my August ‘08 show, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Accounts for the Need of Gun Control” live at Mercury Cafe in her “the Final Jumpfeature 8/9/08 in Chicago (which can also be found on CD 5 of the CD set Live through iTunes, 2:31).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

8/9/08 Mercury Cafe After I finished my August ‘08 show, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Change My Perspective” live at Mercury Cafe in her “the Final Jumpfeature 8/9/08 in Chicago (which can also be found on CD 5 of the CD set Live through iTunes, 1:39).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY But apparently John and I stopped at ANOTHER BJ’s 4 years ago today (this one in Ohio).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160813 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY OMG, John posted this of us at Indy’s BJ’s 4 years ago today (yeah, back when I was a blonde for the summer), but I still content that “Janet’s Heffe Bust” is the best combo in the place.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow C Ra McGuirt 20160813 globe (for public notice)

Tag Team Poetry book covers Happy Birthday, C Ra! (P.S.: If you still want to do the Tag Team poetry book, I have new poems I’ve written in Texas which could be used for our tag team collection book, if you want.)

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20160813 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Got my tennis gear on and my medallion to show I want USA’s Keys to win (had to get computer to show match too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160812, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Queen ISIS (battling for peace)” in the lotus position for her 8/6/16 showThoughts on Peace” at Expressions (of Peace)! in Austin’s the Bahá’í Center (video filmed from the Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160812, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Sony) of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “On a High Horse Like This” in the lotus position for her 8/6/16 showThoughts on Peace” at Expressions (of Peace)! in Austin’s the Bahá’í Center.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160812, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Sony) of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)” in the lotus position for her 8/6/16 showThoughts on Peace” at Expressions (of Peace)! in Austin’s the Bahá’í Center.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160812, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Sony) of Janet Kuypers performing portions of her editorial from cc&d’s v249 book Invisible InkChoices We Make” in the lotus position for her 8/6/16 showThoughts on Peace” at Expressions (of Peace)! in Austin’s the Bahá’í Center.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160812, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

Nadal This Nadal/Bellucci Olympics Spain/Brazil tennis game in Rio is an INSANE 3 set match right now w/ curses 4 Nadal... http://t.co/1OKuAJq0vx

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160812

Janet Vine video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “How He Failed” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/12/16 (filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/12/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading 2 sets of 3 poems each, including the poems “Death is a Dog”, “Everything Was Alive and Dying” and “Fantastic Car Crash” in set 1, and “Too Far”, “the Burning” and “Under the Sea” in set 2, 8/11/15 at Quenchers open mic Logan Square in in Chicago (this video was filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/12/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading 2 sets of 3 poems each, including the poems “Death is a Dog”, “Everything Was Alive and Dying” and “Fantastic Car Crash” in set 1, and “Too Far”, “the Burning” and “Under the Sea” in set 2, 8/11/15 at Quenchers open mic Logan Square in in Chicago (this video was filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Waiting For You”, read from the book the Window, live 2/9/10 at my the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Walking With You”, read from the book the Window, live 2/9/10 at my the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Wanting You”, read from the book the Window, live 2/9/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Watching You”, read from the book the Window, live 2/9/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “With You”, read from the book the Window, live 2/9/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Without You”, read from the book the Window, live 2/9/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Mesmerizing”, live 2/9/10 at my the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “My Future Job Options”, live 2/9/10 at my the Café open mic n Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Getting nostalgic when I just started hoping my open mic, I saw that in 2010 right before Valentine’s Day I uploaded YouTube video of me reading “My First Girl Love” by Sonya Feher from v205, the 2/10 issue of cc&d magazine, live 2/9/10 at my the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Oroki Rice 20140812

4 Warhol effects on a pic of Janet and Oroki Happy Birthday, Oroki Rice!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Westley Heine 20160812

Janet and Wes at Gallery Cabaret (after he went cabaret) Happy Birthday, my darlink Westley Heine!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160811 globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 8/6/16 show “Thoughts on Peace (w/ a Sony camera) at Expressions (of Peace)! in Austin, reading her poem “Queen ISIS (battling for peace)”, then portions of her editorial from cc&d’s v249 book Invisible InkChoices We Make”, then her poems “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)” and “On a High Horse Like This” to rainforest sounds, while sitting in the lotus position.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160811

Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “bear” from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue//book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/8/16 (Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my second set of poetry at my “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera), w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my second set of poetry at my “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera), w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my first set of poetry at my “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (video from a Canon Power Shot camera, with John strumming on an acoustic guitar), including the poems Excuses to Ignore me, Photo Studio Packages, Grinning from Ear to Ear, Get His Product to Town, Really Do Drive like Madmen, Exposed Ankles, Pork Skins, Jet Puffed, Goblins on Top of the Bus, Fit Together Like That, Fake Face, Know what I know, Pistol Case, I have to Explain, and Jack, Charles, Michael.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my first set of poetry at my “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200, with John strumming on an acoustic guitar), including the poems Excuses to Ignore me, Photo Studio Packages, Grinning from Ear to Ear, Get His Product to Town, Really Do Drive like Madmen, Exposed Ankles, Pork Skins, Jet Puffed, Goblins on Top of the Bus, Fit Together Like That, Fake Face, Know what I know, Pistol Case, I have to Explain, and Jack, Charles, Michael.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Get His Product to Town live in her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 (video filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera, then flipped and saturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Goblins on Top of the Bus live in her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 (filmed from a Canon fs200, video then flipped and saturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of the intro to the 8/9/11 weekly poetry open mic at the Café in Chicago, & me reading poems, including “Aim Carefully”, John reading her poem “Frozen Together” and us covering the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading her poem “Aim Carefully” read from the 08/11 issue, v223, of cc&d magazine, live 8/9/11, at the Café open mic she hosts in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering (with John on guitar) the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds” in Chicago 8/9/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering (with John on guitar) the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds” with the Edge Detection filter, live 8/9/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering (with John on guitar) the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds” with the Sepia Tone filter, live 8/9/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering (with John on guitar) the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds” with the Film Age (older) filter, live 8/9/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering (with John on guitar) the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds” with the Posterize filter, live 8/9/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering (with John on guitar) the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds” with the Threshold filter, live 8/9/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/11/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering (with John on guitar) the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds” with the Watercolor filter, live 8/9/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160811 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Laura & Scotty Happy Wedding Anniversary, Laura & Scotty Kretchman!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 8/6/16 poetry show “Thoughts on Peace” at Expressions (of Peace)! in Austin reading her poem “Queen ISIS (battling for peace)”, then portions of her editorial from cc&d’s v249 book Invisible InkChoices We Make”, then her poems “Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)” and “On a High Horse Like This (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160810

Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “groove” from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue//book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/10/16 (Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from various writers from cc&d v256, “Testament” (Including Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Mental Nervous, Michael Lee Johnson’s poem Possum Slim (V2), G. A. Scheinoha’ poem Silver Anniversary, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal’s poem “Atonement”, Ronald Charles Epstein’s poem After Alberta’s Centennial, Eric Burbridge’s poem Minute, and my poem Junk) live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from various writers from cc&d v256, “Testament” (Including Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Mental Nervous, Michael Lee Johnson’s poem Possum Slim (V2), G. A. Scheinoha’ poem Silver Anniversary, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal’s poem “Atonement”, Ronald Charles Epstein’s poem After Alberta’s Centennial, Eric Burbridge’s poem Minute, and my poem Junk) live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Junk” from cc&d v256, “Testament” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Junk” from cc&d v256, “Testament” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku “Choice” from Down in the Dirt v130, “Too Many Miles” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku “Choice” from Down in the Dirt v130, “Too Many Miles” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “On Ashes” from the Water of Life press chapbook “Unzip the Body Bag” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “On Ashes” from the Water of Life press chapbook “Unzip the Body Bag” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “unless” from her 2015 journal/poetry/photography book, “Bon Voyage!” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “unless” from her 2015 journal/poetry/photography book, “Bon Voyage!” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (On 8/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem "unless" from her 2015 journal/poetry/photography book, "Bon Voyage!" live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Cafe Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon Powerr Shot camera posterized, the copped, flipped &s sturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Manic Depressive or Something” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Manic Depressive or Something” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Knowing Kevorkian” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Knowing Kevorkian” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Was Immune” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Was Immune” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my prose “Fireflies” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my prose “Fireflies” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Service of Others” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Service of Others” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Key to Survival (the poem of “J”)” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Key to Survival (the poem of “J”)” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my prose “Phone Calls from Brian Tolle” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my prose “Phone Calls from Brian Tolle” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Listening to the Cancer Ads” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Listening to the Cancer Ads” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Gasoline” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Gasoline” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “How You Know When You’re the Wrong Height” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “How You Know When You’re the Wrong Height” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of me reading my poem “Chicago, West Side” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160810 globe (for public notice)

video After my only poetry feature at a Starbucks, I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of me reading my poem “Chicago, West Side” live @ Getting Wired in my 8/8/09 Starbucks feature in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK & Elizabeh Marino Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Marino!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10151393924920978&set=bc. AbrjuwvlLGMshJFnpqDgFYD98NKhAWjb HVNrur18MMaCdrT1pv_US6kkdQrC57 U7EYTajQk8NSav_qrMg_1LU65Devv ONQCicrH021Qq8RHdgPu-Y7FN3Id_ JE9zHhNxoAqIoz9pdx1wOSpCtFHf0k9 ZbuyNi-WzTunjM3PdxZXOpg&type=1 &opaqueCursor=Abq2OF_440vkar Zbf4s59s68qqgqVgossDlbOILlqclODMqHSR-Z4CJRzjmc6oc- kutv3BcyQMh5NK9Z35kvwh7fXtZFyZf_SMffplSors7tdlEm7x Hvwkvr24raKzB5WQC_pxdXezmxRX54aX3SqdAoSYImmWTSxb5y8 uLXW-WAcA_fL9w2ZwTgdH8GtOixL6LCx4qCATd8zi9FcrDta_y QmxUf9UwbzdntKI_OTOA_JTtrGZsZUkd4HZHPab-XWkc&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160809

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku found from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue/book Suicidal Birds from Scars Publications as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/9/16 (Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I hosted my 8/3/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of the intro from the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 8/3/10, w/ Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Kurt Irons (it’s just a girl)” with guitar.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I hosted my 8/3/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Kurt Irons (it’s just a girl)” live at the Café in Chicago 8/3/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I hosted my 8/3/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by Je’free titled “Contentment Haiku” (verse 1) from cc&d magazine August 2010 v211 (which is also in the 6x9 ISBN# book “Come Fly With Me”) live at the Café in Chicago 8/3/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I hosted my 8/3/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by CEE titled “Why Did J_____ Kill Herself?” from cc&d magazine August 2010 v211 (which is also in the 6x9 ISBN# book “Come Fly With Me”) live at the Café in Chicago 8/3/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I hosted my 8/3/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading Devin Wayne Davis’s poem titled “Puss” from cc&d magazine August 2010 v211 (which is in the 6x9 ISBN# book “Come Fly With Me”) at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I hosted my 8/3/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of me joining Michael Hoag to read with him part 1 of his story Do You live at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After I hosted my 8/3/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of me joining Michael Hoag to read with him part 2 of his story Do You live at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Carol Ann Trisko 20160809 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Carol at her wedding Happy Birthday Carol!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
at Sholtz Beer Garten. 20160808
shared with friends

JK & JY We found Optimator on tap and Janet is happy.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160808

Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “key” from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue//book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/7/16 (Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/8/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me in my last night hosting the poetry open mic 8/5/15 at the Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (which includes me reading poems from assorted publications throughout the evening; video filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
Janet Kuypers
20160808 and Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/8/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (C) reading my poem Where To Go 8/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic Waiting 4 the Bus.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
Janet Kuypers
20160808 and Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/8/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (S) reading my poem Where To Go 8/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic Waiting 4 the Bus.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/8/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (C) reading my poem John (edited) 8/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic Waiting 4 the Bus.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/8/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (S) reading my poem John (edited) 8/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic Waiting 4 the Bus.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Gary’s Blind Date” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Gary’s Blind Date” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Barbie” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (this video is from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Barbie” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (this video is from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Soothe Me Just This Once” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Soothe Me Just This Once” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Change Your Clothes” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Change Your Clothes” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “How to Please a Woman” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “How to Please a Woman” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Shiny New Again” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Shiny New Again” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “No Regrets Together” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “No Regrets Together” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I Must Continue” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I Must Continue” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “an Outline to the Apex of Rites of Passage” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “an Outline to the Apex of Rites of Passage” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “A While” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “A While” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Coslow’s” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Coslow’s” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Called Me Twice” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Called Me Twice” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “By Who I Don’t Know” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “By Who I Don’t Know” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Too Far” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (filmed from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After my Loyola Beach feature 8/2/09, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Too Far” live in my show “a Woman on the Beach” at Beach Poets in Chicago 8/2/09 (filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Dave Gecic 20160808 globe (for public notice)

Jane & Dave Gecic at Bloomsday Happy Birthday, Dave Gecic, my Hank Rearden relative! Hope the open mic is going well, ad I hope you have a GREAT day - EVERY day!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video OMG, too funny for words, I just noticed that (because I lived nearby and could actually GO to this) On 8/7/12 I uploaded YouTube video to prove that John and I actually WENT to the Mitt Romney Town Hall from the last election. (And you know, after watching both the Republican and Democrat conventions where they chose Trump and Clinton, I just deduced after their insult hurling that I just wasn’t going to pay attention to the media mudslinging any longer. Enough is enough of them.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160807

Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku nightmares from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue//book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/7/16 (Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

Janet in expressions Thanks Thom for hosting such a valuable evening last night at “Expressions (of Peace)!”, and thanks for posting photos too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It blows my mind that after running my open mc for only 1 month I was able to upload YouTube video of me singing/covering part of the Morrissey song “Sing Your Life” with John on guitar live 2/2/10 at the Café open mic I hosted in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It blows my mind that after running my open mc for only 1 month I was able to upload YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Dreams 08/24/08” live 2/2/10 in the intro to the Café poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It blows my mind that after running my open mc for only 1 month I was able to upload YouTube video of me reading the Kevin John Dail poem “Apollo’s Legacy” from v205, the 02/10issue of cc&d magazine, live 2/2/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It blows my mind that after running my open mc for only 1 month I was able to upload YouTube video of me reading the Chris Butler poem “Colored” from v079, the 02/10issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, live 2/2/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It blows my mind that after running my open mc for only 1 month I was able to upload YouTube video of me reading the CEE poem “When Taxes Supersede Death” from v204, the 01/10issue of cc&d magazine, live 2/2/10 at “the Café” in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It blows my mind that after running my open mc for only 1 month I was able to upload YouTube video of me reading the Paul Pikutis poem ““on tattoos,” by a tattooist” from v204, the 01/10issue of cc&d magazine, live 2/2/10 at the Café open mic I hosted in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It blows my mind that after running my open mc for only 1 month I was able to upload YouTube video of me and John singing John’s song “What I’ve Been through” with John on guitar live 2/2/10 at the Café open mic I hosted in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Under the Sea” (1:25) live before my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Last Before Extinction” (2:12) live before my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets, at Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Slate and Marrow” (2:57) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I’m Thinking About Myself too Much” (1:03) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets, at Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Children, Churches and Daddies” (1:48) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets, at Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “You Once So Confidently” (1:37) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “To The River” (1:56) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I Just Waited” (1:24) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Precinct Fourteen” (1:48) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Philosopher at the Blue Note” (1:54) live in my show Sun, Sand & H2Poetry 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Freedom Just Past the Fence” (2:18) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video (with so far over 123,360 hits) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Writing Your Name” (:46) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets, at Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Beach at Night” (:53) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “All Men Have Secrets” (1:00) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Moonlight” (:39) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Too Far” (1:41) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets, at Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video (with over 11,880 hits) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Dive” (1:28) live in my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “And I’m Wondering” (2:07) live after my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering the Ani DiFranco song “I’m Not a Pretty Girl” with John on guitar (3:38) live after my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160807 globe (for public notice)

video After my 8/5/07 Chicago beach feature, I uploaded YouTube video of me singing/covering the Peter Gabriel song “Washing of the Water” with John on guitar (3:59) live after my show “Sun, Sand & H2Poetry” 8/5/07 at Beach poets, on Loyola Beach.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160806

Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku explosions from cc&d’s v264 July/August 2016 issue//book Being Real as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/6/16 at BB Rover’s (Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added 8 new photos — with Janet Kuypers. 20160806 shared with friends

Janet making people think about peace and leaving them thinking by ending with a twist “and i thought...”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160806

Vine video See Janet KuypersVine video of her reading her haiku gone from cc&dv264 July//August 2016 issue//book Being Real as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/6/16 at NXNW (Samsung Galaxy S7).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Thought on Peace chapbook Released the day of the performance - Scars Publications has just now released the cc&d bonus release chapbook of new poetry (and edits of classic Janet Kuypers poems, PLUS some of an editorial) that will performed to a live audience (while Janet performed her entire while remaining in the lotus position) LIVE ON STAGE TONIGHT at Austin’s the Bahá’í Center in Expressions (of Peace) at 6pm! Download a free PDF file of the chapbook Thoughts on Peace now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 8/6/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (C) reading my poem Sheri at the open mike 8/4/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/6/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (S) reading my poem Sheri at the open mike 8/4/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160806 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/6/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing her poem “Made Any Difference8/1/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with live piano from Gary, C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160806 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/6/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me singing her poem “Made Any Difference8/1/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with live piano from Gary, Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160806 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/6/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading her poem “Fantastic Car Crash” with Esteban Colon 8/1/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with live piano from Gary, filmed from the Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160806 globe (for public notice)

video On 8/6/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading her poem “Fantastic Car Crash” with Esteban Colon 8/1/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with live piano from Gary, filmed from the Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160805 globe (for public notice)

Janet in expressions Got any plans for tomorrow night? ’Cuz I know this guy Thom who’s letting me feature at “Expressions (of Peace)!” Saturday night... The multi-feature event starts at 6pm at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E M Franklin Ave. in Austin, Texas 78723), and I have written new material and plan to talk about peace among religions NOW as well as peace towards all living beings (like being a vegetarian). Remember that this is an all ages pot luck evening, bring something to share for dinner and hopefully cans of food to donate, and after the features and eating there is an open mic. I hope to see EVERYONE there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers posted a Vine video. 20160805 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160805, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Precinct Fourteen, Philosopher at the Blue Note and newspaper ink’s the blood of a dying species 7/31/94 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160805, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Precinct Fourteen, Philosopher at the Blue Note and newspaper ink’s the blood of a dying species 7/31/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem ever leave me live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem ever leave me live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (w/ a Canon fs200 video camera, Flip/Crop/Saturate).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku Visakhapatnam from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed on a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku Visakhapatnam from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (w/ a Canon fs200 video camera, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Vegetarian Stands by the Meat Sale from her Water of Life chapbook Unzip the Body Bag live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Vegetarian Stands by the Meat Sale live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On a High Horse Like This from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (video filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On a High Horse Like This from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (from a Canon fs200 video camera, Flip/Crop/Saturate).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku don’t from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku don’t from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku cover from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed w/ a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku cover from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poor from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed w/ a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poor from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/14 I uploaded YouTube video of my 3 poems (“Sheri”, “Where To Go” & “John (edited)”) 8/4/14 at Chicago’s poetry open micWaiting 4 the Bus (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/5/14 I uploaded YouTube video of my 3 poems (“Sheri”, “Where To Go” & “John (edited)”) 8/4/14 at Chicago’s poetry open micWaiting 4 the Bus (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160804, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Robert, I Have Learned and Amber Beads 7/31/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160804, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Robert, I Have Learned and Amber Beads 7/31/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160804

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “brewery” from Scars Publicationscc&d Jan./June 2016 collection book Clouds over he Moon as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/3/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me performing a mix of my song What we Need in Life and my poem Fantastic Car Crash in my 8/2/14 Beast Women audition (which was accepted - and later performed to a sold out filled theater!) in Chicago’s the Den Theatre (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/14 I uploaded YouTube video of ne performing a mix of my song What we Need in Life and my poem Fantastic Car Crash in my 8/2/14 Beast Women audition in Chicago’s the Den Theatre (Sony, E.D.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Death Takes Many Forms”, read 8/2/11, live at my the Café poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “You’ve Left Me on Siesta Beach”, read 8/2/11, live at my the Café poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my death-themed poems 8/2/11You’ve Left Me on Siesta Beach” and “Death Takes Many Forms” at the Café poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me during the intro of me hosting the poetry open mic the Café in Chicago 8/2/11, plus me reading my 2 death-themed poems “You’ve Left Me on Siesta Beach” and “Death Takes Many Forms”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “You’ve Left Me on Siesta Beach”, live at Waiting4the Bus at Café Ballou in Chicago 8/1/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Keep Looking for Death”, live at Waiting4the Bus at Café Ballou in Chicago 8/1/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “The Things They Did To You”, live at Waiting4the Bus at Café Ballou in Chicago 8/1/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/4/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my death-themed poems “The Things They Did To You”, “Keep Looking for Death” and “You’ve Left Me on Siesta Beach” live at Waiting4the Bus at Café Ballou in Chicago 8/1/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160803, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video< of “the Thom Experience”, where Thom goes on stage, asking others to join him, and in the middle of his open performance space Janet Kuypers read her poem “operation diligence” 7/31/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Sony camera; this video is of only the poem reading).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160803 globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of “the Thom Experience”, where Thom goes on stage, asking others to join him, and in the middle of his open performance space Janet Kuypers read her poem “operation diligence” 7/31/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160803

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “evil” from Scars Publicationscc&d Jan./June 2016 collection book Clouds over he Moon as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/3/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Lisa M Molloy 20160803

Janet and Lisa Gibson (Molloy) at their 20 year high school reunion 20080922 Happy birthday Lisa!!!
(And holy cow, a photo as only record photo of me ever at a high school reunion - well, at least I saw YOU there!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Lisa M Molloy 20160803

Janet Kuypers and Lisa (Gobson) Molloy 20090920 Happy Birthday Lisa! I hope you have a GREAT day!!!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10201158992710928& set=p.10201158992710928 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160802 globe (for public notice)

Janet in expressions Am super hyped to be a feature at “Expressions (of Peace)!” THIS SATURDAY (event starting at 6pm at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E M Franklin Ave. in Austin, Texas 78723) with other performers! Have written new material and plan to talk about peace among religions NOW as well as peace towards all living beings (a.k.a., animals). Will have to make sure I can remain in the Lotus position for my entire show, and thanks Thom for sponsoring this great event! (Everyone remember that this is an all ages pot luck evening, bring something to share for dinner and hopefully cans of food to donate, and after the features and eating there is an open mic - and I hope to see EVERYONE there!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160802

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku feel from cc&d’s Scars Publications collection book Clouds over the Moon 8/2/16 in Austin TX.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/2/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jumping from the Skyline to the Clouds live 7/31/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/2/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jumping from the Skyline to the Clouds live 7/31/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/2/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Each Half is the Enemy live 7/31/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/2/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Each Half is the Enemy live 7/31/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 8/2/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting my open mic 7/31/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Being Real August 1st is the day for magazine issues, and Scars Publications released the July/August 2016 issue (v264) of cc&d magazine, that was released as a 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “Being Real”! (Writers and artists in this book include A.S. Coomer, Beaumont Sebos, Bernard Otto, Brian Looney, CEE, Charles Hayes, David Russell, DC Diamondopolous, Don Maurer, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), Francois Le Roux (with art), Frank De Canio, Kyle Hemmings (with art), Michael Shane Reardon, Aaron Wilder (with art), Nora McDonald, Patrick Fealey, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), and Xanadu.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Suicidal Birds August 1st is the day for magazine issues, and Scars Publications released the July/August 2016 issue (v128) of Down in the Dirt, that was released as the 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “Suicidal Birds”! (Contributors include Janet Kuypers, Alexander Jones, Allan Onik, Benjamin Green, Bill Wolak, Corey Cook, Daniel Mark, David A. Forrester, David Nelson Hilliard, Denny E. Marshall, Dominic Bergfield, Drew Brashaw, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowic, Eliah Medina , Emory Jones, Fabrice Poussin, Jennifer L. Smith, Joann Spencer, Kara Bright Kilgore, Katie Moore, Kyle Hemmings, Laura A. Steeb, Liam Spencer, Richard Schnap, Robert Levin, and William R. Soldan.)

Roger Cowin

video Janet Kuypers reading one of my poems in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160801, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “What You Could Make Me Do” in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (this video was filmed w/ a Sony camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160801, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “What You Could Make Me Do” in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera, Posterized).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160801, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “How Could I Not Love You?E” in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera, Posterized).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160801, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “How Could I Not Love You?” in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (this video was filmed w/ a Sony camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160801, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers said her poem “PDQ in Tin Foil” in conversation, during the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160801, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers said her poem “PDQ in Tin Foil” in conversation, during the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/1/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my prose Having Children One Day live 7/30/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/1/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Having Children One Day live 7/30/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Edge Detection filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/1/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem What We Are Supposed to Do live 7/30/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/1/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem What We Are Supposed to Do live 7/30/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (video released with an Edge Detection filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 8/1/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 7/30/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

and Then he Moved August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Like the July/August 2014 issue (v250) of cc&d magazine, that was released as a 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “and Then he Moved”! (Writers and artists in this book include Doug Draime, Simon Perchik, George Arthur, Matt Marinovich, R. N. Taber, Fritz Hamilton, Kenneth DiMaggio, Cara Losier Chanoine, Becky Grush, Xanadu, David Hernandez, Erren Kelly, Bill Yarrow, Michael Lee Johnson, Patrick Hurley, Janet Kuypers, Don Hargraves, Eric Burbridge, Michael Hoag, Joshua Copeland, Stephen V. Ramey, Beaumont Sebos, Cynthia Lewis, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Brian Duggan, and Bob Strother, and artwork by Brian Forrest, Aaron Wilder, the HA!man of South Africa, Peter LaBerge, Brian Hosey, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Rex Bromfield.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Spiraling August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Like the July/August 2014 issue (v124) of Down in the Dirt, that was released as a 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “Spiraling”! (Contributors include Janet Kuypers, Judith Kaufman, Kerry Lown Whalen, K.D. Alter, Fritz Hamilton, Don Massenzio, Aidan King, David Hernandez, Michael Andreoni, Mark Scott, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (art), Alex Patterson, Mike Brennan, Liam C. Calhoun, Stanley M Noah, William F. Meyer, Jr. (poem & art), Ed "Tough Gut" Wilson, Anna Maria Hansen, David Hutt, Eric Burbridge, Matthew L. Hall, Liam Spencer, Ben Macnair, S. R. Mearns, Paul Bavister, and Lisa Gray.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

cc&d v247 August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... And I SO love the Chicago skyline that we photographed with Navy Pier fireworks to appear for the July/August 2013 cover of v244 cc&d magazine! THIS issue is still on display in my office and it is still available for sale - so check out a copy today! (Contributors: CEE, Fritz Hamilton, Dana Stamps, II, Oz Hardwick, Dan Fitzgerald, Devon Sova, MCD, Richard King Perkins II, Mel Waldman, Doug Draime, Kenneth DiMaggio, Michael Ceraolo, William Robison, Jenene Ravesloot, Pepper Giese, Bruce Matteson, Will C. Superior, Josh Gaines, Janet Kuypers, Eric Burbridge, Wendy C. Williford, Joshua Copeland, Gary Hull, and Max Andrew, and art by Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, David Michael Jackson, Rose E. Grier, Aaron Wilder, John Yotko, Cheryl Townsend, the HA!Man of South Africa, Brian Forrest, and Rex Bromfield.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Down in the Dirt v118 August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Like the July/August 2013 issue of Down in the Dirt, v119 - which is still available for sale, so check out a copy today! (Contributors include Christopher Hanson, Jonathan Beale, Marlon Jackson, Eric Burbridge, Travis Green, Kerry Lown Whalen, Liam Spencer, Matthew Horstkotter, Mike R. Weaver, Michael Greeley, Stanley M Noah, Jim Long, S. R. Mearns, Dempsey Garcia, Kelly Haas Shackeforld, Josette Torres, Roland Stoecker, Harry Noussias, Jason D. Cooper, Phillip A. Ellis, Kelley Jean White MD, John Poblocki, and Janet Kuypers. )

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including cc&d magazine’s v235 (the August 2012 issue). Still available for sale, get a hold of this great retro issue today! (Writers and artists included in this book are Janet Kuypers, Bruce Matteson, Fritz Hamilton, Joseph Hart, Brian Looney, Robert D. Lyons, Christine Barba, Michael Ceraolo, Linda Webb Aceto, I.B. Rad, Jane Stuart, Ronald M. Wade, Dana Blake, Brian Duggan, Don Maurer, Seger Lansdale, Bob Strother, P. Keith Boran, Kenneth DiMaggio, Carl Scharwath, Eric W Jepson, and art from Brian Forrest and Peter LaBerge.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including Down in the Dirt magazine’s v108 (the August 2012 issue). Still available for sale, get a hold of this great retro issue today!
(Writers included in this issue are Janet Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, Tom Ball, Brian Looney, Liam Spencer, Travis Green, Changming Yuan, Steven Pelcman, Elena Botts, Matt Hlinak, Eric Holden, Kathleen Hennessey, Eric Burbridge, John Constantine Mastor, Kenneth DiMaggio, Denny E. Marshall, Lori Ulrich, J. D. Riso, Christopher Hanson, Kathryn Leetch, Gibson Culbreth, John Ragusa, Rex Bromfield, Jennifer E. Lee, Jeffrey Park, Jon Brunette, Ian C Smith, Larry Schug, Derek A Davis, Chad D. Barber, and Joseph Lisowski.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including cc&d magazine’s August 2011 issue, that was released as the ISBN# book Moving the Earth, which is still available for sale!! Get a hold of this great retro issue today!
(The cover is by John Yotko, and writers and artists included in this book are Janet Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, I.B. Rad, Rose E. Grier (with art), Andy Roberts, Nick Brazinsky (with art), Lawrence Gladeview, Roger Cowin, Stephanie Kaylor, Kelley Jean White MD, Nathan Riggs, Christopher Barnes, Peter LaBerge (with art), Michael Ceraolo, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), Kenneth DiMaggio, Chris Butler, the HA!man of South Africa (with art), Matthew Roberts, Anne Turner Taub, Aaron Wilder (with art), Mel Waldman, David Thompson (with art), Stephanie Fleming, Bing Liu, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), John Duncklee, Billie Louise Jones, Alicia Parks, Roy Haymond, Cheryl Townsend (with art), S. Paul Bowen, Brian Forrest (with a painting), Don Stockard, and Seger Lansdale.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including cc&d magazine’s v223 (the August 2011 issue). Still available for sale, get a hold of this great retro issue today!
(The cover is by John Yotko, and writers and artists included in this book are Janet Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, I.B. Rad, Rose E. Grier (with art), Andy Roberts, Nick Brazinsky (with art), Lawrence Gladeview, Roger Cowin, Stephanie Kaylor, Kelley Jean White MD, Nathan Riggs, Christopher Barnes, Peter LaBerge (with art), Michael Ceraolo, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), Kenneth DiMaggio, Chris Butler, the HA!man of South Africa (with art), Matthew Roberts, Anne Turner Taub, Aaron Wilder (with art), Mel Waldman, David Thompson (with art), Stephanie Fleming, Bing Liu, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), John Duncklee, Billie Louise Jones, Alicia Parks, Roy Haymond, Cheryl Townsend (with art), S. Paul Bowen, Brian Forrest (with a painting), Don Stockard, and Seger Lansdale.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including Down in the Dirt magazine’s August 2011 issue, that was released as the ISBN# book Catch Fire in the Treetops, which is still available for sale!! Get a hold of this great retro issue today!
(Writers and artists included in this issue are Janet Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, Christopher Hanson, Roger Cowin, Denny E. Marshall, Kyrsten Bean, Matthew Roberts, Victor Phan comic, Ash Krafton, Mel Waldman, Carys Goodwin, Laine Hissett-Bonard, Emma Eden Ramos, Karen Alea, Toni M. Todd, Carl Scharwath, Aaron Bragg, and J.D. Isip.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including Down in the Dirt magazine’s v097 (the August 2011 issue). Still available for sale, get a hold of this great retro issue today!
(Writers and artists included in this issue are Janet Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, Christopher Hanson, Roger Cowin, Denny E. Marshall, Kyrsten Bean, Matthew Roberts, Victor Phan comic, Ash Krafton, Mel Waldman, Carys Goodwin, Laine Hissett-Bonard, Emma Eden Ramos, Karen Alea, Toni M. Todd, Carl Scharwath, Aaron Bragg, and J.D. Isip.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including cc&d magazine’s August 2010 issue, that was released as the ISBN# book Come Fly with Me, which is still available for sale! Get a hold of this great retro issue today!
So you know, it has poetry by Je’free, CEE, Janet Kuypers, kalifornia, Max Evans, Casey Cole, Devin Wayne Davis, John Buckley & Martin Ott, Andrew H. Oerke, Randall K. Rogers, Christopher Woods, Michael Lee Johnson, I.B. Rad, Rose E. Grier, Mike Wilson, Douglas Holder, John Thompson, and Kevin Michael Wehle. It has short stories by Valor Brown, Skibo LeBlanc, Edward Rodosek, Edward Dobiecki, Deborah Sheldon, Steven Hertel, Sarah Deckard, Ronsld Brunsky, Mary Campbell, & DM Morales. It has art by Aaron Wilder (w/ Kim Rottas), Brian Hosey, Nick Brazinsky, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Junior McLean, Eric Bonholtzer, John Yotko, Nicole A. M. Collins, Mark Graham, Cheryl Townsend, the HA!man of South Africa, Paul Baker & Jay Marvin. The cover is a photo by Janet Kuypers...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including cc&d magazine’s v211 (the August 2010 issue). Still available for sale, get a hold of this great retro issue today! So you know, it has poetry by Je’free, CEE, Janet Kuypers, kalifornia, Max Evans, Casey Cole, Devin Wayne Davis, John Buckley & Martin Ott, Andrew H. Oerke, Randall K. Rogers, Christopher Woods, Michael Lee Johnson, I.B. Rad, Rose E. Grier, Mike Wilson, Douglas Holder, John Thompson, and Kevin Michael Wehle. It has short stories by Valor Brown, Skibo LeBlanc, Edward Rodosek, Edward Dobiecki, Deborah Sheldon, Steven Hertel, Sarah Deckard, Ronsld Brunsky, Mary Campbell, & DM Morales. It has art by Aaron Wilder (w/ Kim Rottas), Brian Hosey, Nick Brazinsky, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Junior McLean, Eric Bonholtzer, John Yotko, Nicole A. M. Collins, Mark Graham, Cheryl Townsend, the HA!man of South Africa, Paul Baker & Jay Marvin. The cover is a photo by Janet Kuypers...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including Down in the Dirt magazine’s August 2010 issue, that was released as the ISBN# book Clearing the Debris, which is still available for sale! Get a hold of this great retro issue today! (Writers in this collection include Matthew Glasgow, John Ragusa, Raud Kennedy, John Rachel, Mary Campbell, Matthew Lett, Christa Ward, Anthony R Pezzula, Roger Cowin, Michael Grigsby, Scott Brownlee, David Danforth, Linda Andrisan, Michael de Mare, G. Tod Slone, Matt Rosen, A. C. Lippert, Jon Brunette and Andrew Jefchak.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

issue August 1st is the day for issue releases at Scars Publications... Including Down in the Dirt magazine’s v085 (the August 2010 issue). Still available for sale, get a hold of this great retro issue today! (Writers in this collection include Matthew Glasgow, John Ragusa, Raud Kennedy, John Rachel, Mary Campbell, Matthew Lett, Christa Ward, Anthony R Pezzula, Roger Cowin, Michael Grigsby, Scott Brownlee, David Danforth, Linda Andrisan, Michael de Mare, G. Tod Slone, Matt Rosen, A. C. Lippert, Jon Brunette and Andrew Jefchak.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160731, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Moonlight” from memory in the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160731, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Moonlight” from memory in the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (video from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded the full “Disenfranchised Doggerel” show video (7/31/09, from camera #2) from the Internet Archive(after Scars released the full cc&d supplement chapbook of all of the poems from the show).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded the full “Disenfranchised Doggerel” show video (7/31/09, from camera #1) from the Internet Archive (after Scars released the full cc&d supplement chapbook of all of the poems from the show).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Knotted Hate” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Knotted Hate” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Escape” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Escape” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Untitled” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Untitled” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He’s Gone” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He’s Gone” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rape Education Two” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/0.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rape Education Two” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I Don’t Care” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I Don’t Care” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Moon” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Moon” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “From the Dead” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “From the Dead” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rendering Me” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Rendering Me” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Find Myself” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Find Myself” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “My Blood” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “My Blood” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Naivety” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Naivety” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Memorial Day” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Memorial Day” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “A Crying Baby” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “A Crying Baby” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09 in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I performed a show 7/31/09 in Chicago, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video from camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “My” and “I Cannot Love” live in my show “Disenfranchised Doggerel” at Mercury Café 7/31/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160730, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Too Far” in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160730, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Too Far” in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160730, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Squid” in conversation in the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Sony).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160730, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Squid” in conversation in the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Cps).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160730, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sheri” in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160730, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sheri” in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On the California Streets in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On the California Streets in the third round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Over the Cracks (I Don’t Need You) in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Over the Cracks (I Don’t Need You) in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Looking For A Worthy Adversary in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera). <
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Looking For A Worthy Adversary in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Holding My Hand in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160729, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Holding My Hand in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Too Many Miles Just saw that last year Scars Publications released the July/August 2915 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine EARLY - and v130 is still available as an ISBN# BOOK, titled Too Many Miles! a field of sunflowers is on the covers and is available for sale at amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe, but can also be ordered directly from the printer. Wonder about all of the people IN this issue/book? Well, contributors include Lisa Gray, Donald Gaither, Norm Hudson, Doug Draime, Benjamin Sabin, Eric Burbridge, Liam Spencer, Kelley Jean White MD, Antonio Marques, Matthew H Emma, David Hernandez, Jennifer Green, Bob Strother, Joseph Walters, Steve Slavin, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with art), David Haight, Jonathan Payne, Jeffrey Penn May, John K. Graham, G. A. Scheinoha, Fritz Hamilton, and me, Janet Kuypers...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Testament Just saw that last year Scars Publications released the July/August 2915 issue of cc&d magazine EARLY - and v256 is still available as an ISBN# BOOK, titled Testament! (The title is on honor of the Oz Hardwick writing in this book, but the cover is of a 3-D picture on a wall in Visag India...) This is available for sale at amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe, but can also be ordered directly from their printer. Wonder about all of the people IN this issue/book? Well, contributors include Sheryl L. Nelms, Maura Gage Cavell, Jesse Williams, Xanadu, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Chris Roe, Michael Lee Johnson, Linda M. Crate, Andy Roberts, G. A. Scheinoha, DG Mago, Donald Gaither, Preston R. P., Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Oz Hardwick, Fritz Hamilton, John Grey, Frank C. Praeger, Ronald Charles Epstein, Traci Lavois Thiebaud, Janet Kuypers, Eric Burbridge, Brian Looney, Keith Kelly, Sarah Szabo, Lisa Gray, Nora McDonald, Bruce Costello, Mike Ducak, CEE, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Patrick Fealey, and Liam Spencer, along with art from David J. Thompson, Eric Bonholtzer, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Peter LaBerge, David Russell, Patrick Fealey, Brian Looney, Kyle Hemmings, Dr. Shmooz, David Michael Jackson, Brian Forrest, Aaron Wilder, the HA!Man of South Africa, and Üzeyir Lokman Çayci...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10206526058724224 &set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/29/15 I uploaded YouTube video from 7/25/15 of me in my last appearance on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/29/15 I uploaded YouTube video from 7/25/15 of the first 16 minutes of the my interview in my last appearance on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Scars in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (this video was filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Scars in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (this video was Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Step in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (this video was Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Step in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (this video was filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Unique Noise in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Unique Noise in the second round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Power Shot camera with a Threshold filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escape live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d (filmed w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escape live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon fs200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Value from Nothingness from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Value from Nothingness from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Couldn’t Reach It live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the November 2009 v202 issue of cc&d (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Couldn’t Reach It live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the November 2009 v202 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of my poem he makes me think about these things live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the mid-August 2009 v199.9 issue of cc&d magazine (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of my poem he makes me think about these things live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the mid-August 2009 v199.9 issue of cc&d magazine (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of my poem Violent Affair from the cc&d magazine 2015 issue collection book Salvation (issues and chapbooks edition) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cps).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of my poem Violent Affair from the cc&d magazine 2015 issue collection book Salvation (issues and chapbooks edition) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cfs).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of my prose Soybeans (Cps) from the Down in the Dirt magazine 2015 issue collection book Adrift, the issues and chapbooks edition live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of my prose Soybeans (Cfs) from the Down in the Dirt magazine 2015 issue collection book Adrift, the issues and chapbooks edition live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me covering the Morrissey song All You Need Is Me live 7/22/15 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon P.S.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me covering the Morrissey song All You Need Is Me live 7/22/15 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (C) reading my poem Story Telling at Chicago’s 7/26/14 Sisters on a Journey.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (C, posterize) reading my poem Story Telling at Chicago’s 7/26/14 Sisters on a Journey.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (S) reading my poem Story Telling at Chicago’s 7/26/14 Sisters on a Journey.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (from a Sony camera, with an edge detection filter) reading my poem Story Telling at Chicago’s 7/26/14 Sisters on a Journey.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/10 I uploaded YouTube video of of me introducing the open mic I hosted @ the Café in Chicago 7/27/10, plus me reading my poems “You Will”, “Marine Rifle Poem” “Build Your Own Cross”, and “Waiting for a Sign”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/10 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “You Will” (from the ISBN# book “Evolution”) live at the Café poetry open mic I hosted in Chicago 7/27/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/10 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Marine Rifle Poem” live at the Café in Chicago 7/27/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/10 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Build Your Own Cross” live at the Café poetry open mic I hosted in Chicago 7/27/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/10 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Waiting for a Sign” (from the ISBN# book “Evolution”) live at the Café open micin Chicago 7/27/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/28/10 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my micro prose “Warring Nations” (from the ISBN# book “Evolution”) live at the Café poetry open mic I hosted in Chicago 7/27/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160728 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Oz Oz, the most surreal video just appeared from fb about our “friendship”. (The music might be retarded, but it’s kind of funny that they made this video of us...)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
at Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar.
shared with friends

JK on tricicle @ Shining hotel Sometimes it’s best to get the fuck out of there.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20160727 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Stone. Patsy Stone. (Can I channel my chain smoking, always champagne drinking Patsy Stone instead?) Time to live the AbFab dream!

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20160727 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Trying to channel my inner Edina Monsoon before watching the Absolutely Fabulous movie tonight.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160727, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem X-rays and broken hearts in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160727, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem X-rays and broken hearts in the first round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the poetry open mic 7/22/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Motorcycle (1996 edit) at the open mike 7/21/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago (C)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Motorcycle (1996 edit) at the open mike 7/21/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading 6 never-before read Periodic Table of Poetry poems in my show Mysticism vs. Science with Buddha309 live in Chicago 7/24/13 at tthe Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Canon camera), which is also in a Mysticism vs. Science chapbook.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading 6 never-before read Periodic Table of Poetry poems in my show Mysticism vs. Science with Buddha309 live in Chicago 7/24/13 at tthe Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Sony camera), which is also in a Mysticism vs. Science chapbook.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Antimony in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Antimony in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Terbium in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Terbium in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Niobium in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Niobium in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Old Star, New elemental Tricks in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Old Star, New elemental Tricks in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Strontium in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Strontium in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Tellurium in my Mysticism vs. Science feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Where My Home Is”), live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Krypton, live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery poetry open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/13 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem True Happiness in the New Millennium live in Chicago 7/24/13 at the Café Gallery poetry open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/11 I uploaded YouTube video of the intro by Janet Kuypers to the 7/26/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, and her reading her poem “Frozen Together” (written in the style of Charlie Newman) (w/ U.K. poet Oz Hardwick vocals).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/27/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Frozen Together” (written in the style of Charlie Newman), read (with additional vocals from U.K. poet Oz Hardwick) live at my open mic the Café in Chicago 7/26/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160726, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/24/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems the Battle at Hand, Just By Holding His Hand (extreme 2016 sestina variation), and Only an Observer at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160726, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/24/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems the Battle at Hand, Just By Holding His Hand (extreme 2016 sestina variation), and Only an Observer at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160726, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of “the Thom Experience”, where Thom goes on stage, asking others to join him, and in the middle of his open performance spaceJanet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea 7/24/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Sony).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160726, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of “the Thom Experience”, where Thom goes on stage, asking others to join him, and in the middle of his open performance spaceJanet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea 7/24/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/15 I uploaded YouTube video of some of a set of me singing (with John on acoustic guitar) 4 songs in a mini-music set, including the Eurythmics’ I Need You, my poem/song (and John’s music) Made Any Difference, Sinead O’Connor’s Black Boys on Mopeds, and Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Life By The Drop (video cut off) live 7/22/15 as the intro to my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (C) reading my poem married at the open mic 7/21/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me (S) reading my poem married at the open mic 7/21/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading 7 poems from my series “Periodic Table of Poetry” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago, which includes my poems “Oxygen”, “Zirconium”, “Fluorine”, “Aluminum”, “Chromium”, “Tungsten” and “Silicon(filmed from the Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Oxygen” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago (from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Zirconium” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago (from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Fluorine” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago (from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Aluminum” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago (from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Chromium” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago (from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Tungsten” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago (from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/26/12 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Silicon” at my Beach Poets feature 7/22/12 in Chicago (from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 5 new photos to the album: Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard 7/24/16 ̵ at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. 20160725 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet
Janet Janet Janet
John showed me that he took extra pictures last night. Thank you John!

(Album of Janet Kuypers, while reading “the Battle at Hand”, “Just By Holding His Hand(extreme 2016 sestina variation)”, and “Only an Observer”.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160725, via YouTube
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Only a Year at the open mike 7/21/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140725, via YouTube
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Only a Year at the open mike 7/21/14 Waiting 4 the Bus in Chicago (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of of me performing my full Triple Threat show at Trunk Fest, live outdoors in Evanston IL 7/24/11, which includes my pieces “Made Any Difference” (okay, I sung it), “No Consequences”, “Letter 4/14/95 2”, “Sadness”, “Resurrecting the Dead”, “Still No Answers”, “Top of the Mountain”, & “Brushes with Greatness”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference” live (John back-up vocals and rain stick, cigarette loaned from Dave Gecic) at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “No Consequences” (published in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”), performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Letter, 4/14/95 two” (published in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”), performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sadness” (published in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”), performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sadness”, read from the folder camera, 1st in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”, live at Triple Threat at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Resurrecting the Dead” (published in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”), performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Still No Answers” (published in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”), performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my micro prose “Top of the Mountain” (published in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”), performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/25/11, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my micro prose “Brushes with Greatness” (published in my book “Close Cover Before Striking”), performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat, my outdoor Evanston IL feature 7/24/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160725 globe (for public notice)


facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160724 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Lynn Ah, this photo of Lynn West and me from three years ago is a riot!


facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. 20160724 shared with friends

JK & Sam @ WestSide AleHouse Pop Rocks

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160724, via YouTube
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/24/12 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (C) reading 3 poems (Motorcycle edited, Only a Year, and married) live 7/21/14 at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus at Jaks Tap.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160724, via YouTube
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/24/12 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (S) reading 3 poems (Motorcycle edited, Only a Year, and married) live 7/21/14 at Chicago’s Waiting 4 the Bus at Jaks Tap.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr Janet Kuypers posted a video on Vine through JKPoetryVine (and also on Tumblr). 20160724 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “jobless” from Scars Publicationscc&d book “Clouds over the Moon” 7/23/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr Janet Kuypers posted a video on Vine through JKPoetryVine (and also on Tumblr). 20160724 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “jobless” from Scars Publicationscc&d book “Clouds over the Moon” 7/23/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr Janet Kuypers posted a video on Vine through JKPoetryVine (and also on Tumblr). 20160724 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “jobless” from Scars Publicationscc&d book “Clouds over the Moon” 7/23/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr Janet Kuypers posted a video on Vine through JKPoetryVine (and also on Tumblr). 20160724 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “jobless” from Scars Publicationscc&d book “Clouds over the Moon” 7/23/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting my open mic 7/18/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus my poetry.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Made Any Difference7/18/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with music she created for my 2004 “Dreams” show while she spoke with an alternate male voice; Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference7/18/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago, with music that the HA!man of South Africa created for my performance of this poem (filmed from the Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference7/18/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with music from Marvin Tate’s D-Settlement, off their Album “the Minstral Show” called “Dinner Date”; Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Made Any Difference7/18/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with music she created for my 2004 “Dreams” show while she spoke with an alternate male voice; Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference7/18/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago, with music that the HA!man of South Africa created for my performance of this poem (filmed from the Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference7/18/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (with music from Marvin Tate’s D-Settlement, off their Album “the Minstral Show” called “Dinner Date”; Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Brian Looney poem Family Poison Pack straight from the July 2012 issue (v234) of cc&d magazine, live 7/18/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery open mic in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Joseph Hart poem As I See It straight from the July 2012 issue (v234) of cc&d magazine, live 7/18/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery open mic in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160723 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus Because I only had my usual depressing writing for the first rounds of poetry readings, I had to resort to my smart phone to find happier poetry on the fly toward the end of the evening at the Poetry Plus 7/22/16 final Austin get-together at my house. And thanks to Thom for posting this photo at the “The Austin Poets Association” page to prove to the poetry world that I’m not really a luddite! (I run web sites - why do I have to read everything from paper?)
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10154458474000362 &set=pcb.1070882169657490 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160723 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus Sorry I just wrote stuff and didn’t have everything memorized at the Poetry Plus 7/22/16 final Austin get-together at my house last night... But at least I had writing for the theme of “Stepping Over the Cracks”. And btw, thanks to Thom for posting this photo at the “The Austin Poets Association” page too!
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10154458473445362 &set=pcb.1070882169657490 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160723 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus Was I getting ready to read at the Poetry Plus 7/22/16 final Austin get-together at my house, or was I thanking everyone for being there? Either way, thanks Thom for posting this photo at the “The Austin Poets Association” page too!
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10154458472850362 &set=pcb.1070882169657490 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160723 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus Hysterical photo before the evening began... Had a great time last night at the Poetry Plus 7/22/16 final Austin get-together at my house, and thanks to Thom for posting this photo at the “The Austin Poets Association” page too!
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10154458472385362 &set=gm.1070882169657490 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160723 globe (for public notice)

Mike, Thom, Janet, David Gotta love the intimate group photos at the Poetry Plus 7/22/16 final Austin get-together at my house Mike, Thom, Janet, David too! Thanks to Thom for posting these three group photos at the Mike, Thom, Janet, David “Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians” page too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160723 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus Had a great time last night at the Poetry Plus 7/22/16 final Austin get-together at my house, and thanks to Thom for posting photos at the “Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians” page too!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154458417810362& set=gm.496880043840413 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Burn It In” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Canon camera, take 1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Burn It In” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Sony camera, take 2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Burn It In” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Canon camera, take 2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Burn It In” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Sony camera, take 1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading Periodic Table poetry at MOST of my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading Periodic Table poetry at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Mendelevium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Mendelevium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Roentgenium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Roentgenium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Actinium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Actinium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Yttrium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Yttrium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Holmium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Holmium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Aluminum? Aluminium? Aluminum? at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Aluminum? Aluminium? Aluminum? at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Thulium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Canon - end of poem cut off).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Thulium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Ruthenium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Technetium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/23/13 I uploaded video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Tellurium at my Beach Poets feature “Periodically on the Beach7/21/13 in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet Cool to see that Five years ago today I shared details about my “Astronomy 101” poetry mini-feature that shared poetry with astronomy @ Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160723 globe (for public notice)


facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160722, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/17/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems White Knuckled from her book Rape, Sexism, Life & Death, One who Has Too Much from the cc&d July/August 2017 issue v264 book Being Real, and The Dream at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160722, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/17/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems White Knuckled from her book Rape, Sexism, Life & Death, One who Has Too Much from the cc&d July/August 2017 issue v264 book Being Real, and The Dream at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160722 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING: If you are a poet in the Austin area and want to hang out with the cool kids, check out the temporary home for the Georgetown “Poetry Plus” open mic TONIGHT at my place - THE FINAL NIGHT FOR THE AUSTIN INSTALLMENT OF “POETRY PLUS”. Host Mike Jones will join us, and the theme is “Stepping over the cracks”. I may also (since this is the last night at my place) set up a camera to display all readers on the 52" TV - and who knows, if everyone is cool with it, I *may* release the “TV camera film” as a YouTube video! So if you have poetry or insanely short prose or even a song on the theme (or if you just have art you want to share, or as I said, if you want to hang out with the cool kids), check out the event listing, and hopefully you can make it to the final night of this temporary location of “Poetry Plus” starting at 7pm tonight!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160722 globe (for public notice)

Kuypers with Thom Thom & his Dancers w/ spontaneous art live @ “Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard” 7/10/16 (Sony Camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160722 globe (for public notice)

Kuypers with Thom Thom & his Dancers w/ spontaneous art live @ “Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard” 7/10/16 (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160722, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk Give it up 4 women’s scars, cuz my poem show “Obey” ALSO is on artvilla/scars pg w/ videos!
http://t.co/YQqQH1s4pv http://t.co/AYrZWnmzg6

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/22/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Being God” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Canon camera, take 1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/22/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Being God” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Canon camera, take 2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/22/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Being God” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Sony camera, take 1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/22/14 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Being God” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (filmed with a Sony camera, take 2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/14, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Death Takes Many Forms” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (S, take 1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/14, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Death Takes Many Forms” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (S, take 2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/14, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Death Takes Many Forms” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (C, take 1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/14, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Death Takes Many Forms” in Vicci’s Chicago studio 7/20/14, with video behind me of me drawing this poem (C, take 2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160721, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk Rock on 4 women! My “Obey” poetry show w/ images & music now has an artvilla page w/ videos!
http://t.co/4fdPPF0EF9 http://t.co/2MdbryPPH6

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160721, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Fiona Apple song Fast As You Can live 7/15/16 at Austin’s the Water Tank (from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160721, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Fiona Apple song Fast As You Can live 7/15/16 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed from an iPhone, cropped and saturated).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160721, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Fiona Apple song Fast As You Can live 7/15/16 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera, with a Posterize filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160721, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Fiona Apple song Fast As You Can live 7/15/16 at Austin’s the Water Tank (from an iPhone).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded a feature-length YouTube video 7/19/11 of Janet Kuypers performing her poetry (including her poems “Orion”, “Envision It in the Night Sky”, “Travel Through Space”, “Moonlight / the Moon”, “from Orpheus to Nuking the Moon”, “Universe... Now In Color” and “Eleven and Two, plus Eight”) in the Janet Kuypers feature “Astronomy 101” (for poetry in astronomy) at her Chicago the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Orion” live at the 7/19/11 mini-feature night at the Café in Chicago at my feature “Astronomy 101”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Envision It in the Night Sky” live at the 7/19/11 mini-feature night at the Café in Chicago at my feature “Astronomy 101”. (poetry in astronomy)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Travel Through Space” live at the 7/19/11 mini-feature night at the Café in Chicago at my feature “Astronomy 101” (poetry in astronomy).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Moonlight / the Moon” live at the 7/19/11 mini-feature night at the Café in Chicago at my feature “Astronomy 101” (poetry in astronomy).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “from Orpheus to Nuking the Moon” live at the 7/19/11 mini-feature night at the Café in Chicago at my feature “Astronomy 101”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Universe... Now In Color” live at the 7/19/11 mini-feature night at the Café in Chicago at my feature “Astronomy 101” (poetry in astronomy).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Eleven and Two, plus Eight” live at the 7/19/11 mini-feature night at the Café in Chicago at my feature “Astronomy 101” (poetry in astronomy).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the intro to the 7/19/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, and then me reading my three poems “Soothe Me Just This Once”, “I’m Really Going This Time” and “Leaving” (originally from my book “Close Cover Before Striking”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Soothe Me Just This Once” (originally published in my ISBN# book “Close Cover Before Striking”) live at the 7/19/11 Chicago’s open mic the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I’m Really Going This Time” (originally published in my ISBN# book “Close Cover Before Striking”) live at the 7/19/11 Chicago’s open mic the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/21/11 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Leaving” (originally published in my ISBN# book “Close Cover Before Striking”) live at the 7/19/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Six years ago today, on 7/19/10, I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem “Observer’s Love Poem” at Café Ballou (at Waiting4the Bus) in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, I talked about six years ago yesterday, but what about six and a half years ago, when I started the Chicago open mic? Because after my 1/19/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of my introduction to the open mic at the Cafe in Chicago 1/19/10, plus my reading my poem Loving Four.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, I talked about six years ago yesterday, but what about six and a half years ago, when I started the Chicago open mic? Because after my 1/19/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Too Far (dedicated to Effie Mihopulos) live at the Cafe in Chicago 1/19/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, I talked about six years ago yesterday, but what about six and a half years ago, when I started the Chicago open mic? Because after my 1/19/10 open mic, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Chicago live at the Cafe 1/19/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160720 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/19/07 at Jesse Oaks I performed songs and poetry, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Death is a Dog” (2:18) live.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160720 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/19/07 at Jesse Oaks I performed songs and poetry, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well“ (2:10) live (and this video alone has over 2.770 hits).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160720 globe (for public notice)

On 7/19/07 at Jesse Oaks I performed songs and poetry, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “Burn It In” (5:18) to a live audience (and this video alone has over 1,000 hits).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160720 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/19/07 at Jesse Oaks I performed songs and poetry, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my song “In Love I Abide” with John on guitar (first recorded by MFV) (2:51) live.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160720 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/19/07 at Jesse Oaks I performed songs and poetry, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the George Michael song “Waiting (reprise)” with John on guitar (2:30) live.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160720 globe (for public notice)

On 7/19/07 at Jesse Oaks I performed songs and poetry, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Carolyn Forsché poem “the Colonel” live.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/20/10 I ran the Café open mic in Chicago, and I later posted YouTube video of me in the intro to the Café, with me reading my poem “a Woman Talking About my Rapist Friend” from my book Chapter 38 v2 (available as an ISSN# book and an ISBN# book) & the Julie Kovacs cc&d magazine poem “When Daddy Comes Around” to a live audience.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/20/10 I ran the Café open mic in Chicago, and I later posted YouTube video of me reading my poem “a Woman Talking About my Rapist Friend” from my book Chapter 38 v2 (available as an ISSN# book and an ISBN# book) live.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/20/10 I ran the Café open mic in Chicago, and I later posted YouTube video of me reading Julie Kovacs’ poem When Daddy Comes Around from cc&d magazine July 2010 (v210) live.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On July 20th 2010 I uploaded YouTube video from 7/18/10 of me singing my song “In Love I Abide” with John on guitar (first recorded by MFV) live at Chicago’s Beach Poets open mic on Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On July 20th 2010 I uploaded YouTube video from 7/18/10 of me reading my poem “This May Sound” from her ISBN# book “Chapter 38 (v1)” @ Chicago’s Beach Poets open mic on Loyola Beach.
https://www.facebook.com/janet kuypers/posts/111865565530683

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/8/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems Iron in my Eyes and Copper in the 3rd round at the Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/8/16 (w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/8/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems Iron in my Eyes and Copper in the 3rd round at the Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/8/16 (filmed with a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video of the most popular video I have ever released on line (with almost 78,000 hits, that’s right seventy-eight thousand, all for 1:54 of poetry), of me reading portions of my poem In The Air (written in 1993) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (2:40), of me reading portions of my poem In The Air (written in 1993) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (on camera #2, w/ ~1,000 hits).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:58, of one of my more popular videos) of me reading my prose Man Who Talks Loud...Say Nothing (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1), and this video has even over 28,000 hits!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:59) of me reading my prose Man Who Talks Loud...Say Nothing (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:06) of me reading my poem Fighting I Can Do (written in 1999) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #1), and this video is even approaching 1,000 hits!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:08) of me reading my poem Fighting I Can Do (written in 1999) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:30) of me reading my poem I Want (written in 1995) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:27) of me reading my poem I Want (written in 1995) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (2:43) of me reading my prose Adjusting Your Beliefs (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1, with over 1,00+ sits and still rising).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (2:52) of me reading my prose Adjusting Your Beliefs (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:40) of me reading my poem A Retired Policeman Talks About Suicides He’s Seen (written in 1996) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1, with over 10,00+ sits and still rising).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:43) of me reading my poem A Retired Policeman Talks About Suicides He’s Seen (written in 1996) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2, with 1,500+ sits and still rising).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (3:55) of me reading my prose Technology and Communication (of the full piece, written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #1, and yes, with almost 2,000 hits and rising).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (3:42) of me reading my prose Technology and Communication (of the full piece, written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:43) of me reading my poem The Carpet Factory, The Shoes (written in 1995) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #1 - with over 1,000 hits and coming).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:29) of me reading my poem The Carpet Factory, The Shoes (written in 1995) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:43) of me reading my prose Differences in China... children & trains (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #1, and this video has almost 1,600 hits and counting).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:46) of me reading my prose Differences in China... children & trains (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:12) of me reading my poem Private Lives 2005 (written in 2005) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:16) of me reading my poem Private Lives 2005 (written in 2005) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:54) of me reading my prose Passport To Outer Space (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:54) of me reading my prose Passport To Outer Space (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:53) of me reading my poem On An Airplane With A Frequent Flyer (written in 1996) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:53) of me reading my poem On An Airplane With A Frequent Flyer (written in 1996) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (2:44) of me reading my prose Around the World, & sweet home Chicago (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (2:45) of me reading my prose Around the World, & sweet home Chicago (written in 2007 for this show) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:54) of me reading my poem Paranoia (written in 1994) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (1:53) of me reading my poem Paranoia (written in 1994) during my show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2, with 20,000 hits and counting).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (:34) to the intro talk before my show Living in a Big World began 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #1, and P.S.: just the TALK at the beginning of this show has 66,000 hits and counting...).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

video After I processed video from my 7/17/07 show, I uploaded YouTube video (:34) to the intro talk before my show Living in a Big World began 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (this video was filmed from camera #2, and P.S.: just the TALK at the beginning of this show has 25,000 hits and counting...).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

John and Janet at the Mars Cheese Castle Because this GREAT looking Atlas Shrugged bracelet John got me two years ago had the most difficult clasp that broke last year, I haven’t been able to wear my bracelet for months (sniff)... I am pulling it back out, so maybe we can find a jeweler who can make a better clasp for it.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=676141322467691& set=a.269141523167675.65758. 100002154882485&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
20160719 globe (for public notice)

Janet Oh, I’m just reflecting on the days (like three years ago today, when John made this poet) of when we’d just stop of a random bar we’ve never been to because of s so much traffic from a huge Pearl Jam concert (and yes, we were glad to see Dalice Malice play at Fizz instead).
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=490687814346377& set=a.269141523167675.65758. 100002154882485&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/8/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Things They Did To You, then sings her song What we Need in Life (with her poem Fantastic Car Crash inside) in the 2nd round at the Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/8/16 (Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160718, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/8/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Things They Did To You, then sings her song What we Need in Life (with her poem Fantastic Car Crash inside) in the 2nd round at the Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/8/16 (Canon Power Shot).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Keep flying into Death in the first round at the Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/8/16 (this video was filmed w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160718, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Keep flying into Death in the first round at the Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/8/16 (this video was filmed w/ a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160718 globe (for public notice)

Janet Another great book, gifted from Thom (you’re the best!) - but I don’t know where to put the sticker!!!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154445021245362& set=pcb.495233000671784 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160718 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Mike Jones Ah, but Thom had to take a better picture of Mike and I at Kick Butt Poetry Spoken and Heard in Austin Texas 7/17/16 (that you posted in Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians) - thanks again!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154445021465362& set=pcb.495233000671784 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160718 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Mike Jones Thanks for taking pictures Thom - I just happened to see your photos from Kick Butt Poetry Spoken and Heard in Austin Texas 7/17/16 that you posted in Austin Artmosphere Artists.../font>
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154445031295362& set=pcb.835675206565441 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Adrift Cool to see the on 7/18/15 is when Scars Publications released the January - June 2015 Down in the Dirt collection book Adrift, released with two editions! The issues edition contains Down in the Dirt issues v127, v128 and 129... But the issues & chapbooks edition contains NOT ONLY those issues, but two cool Scars Publications chapbooks that were released in the first half of 2015 as well! Adrift is available from the printer and also around the world through amazon as well! And contributors in this book are: A.J. Huffman, Alexander Patterson, Allan Onik, Anastasia Kalos, Anne Britting Oleson, Ava Collopy, Barry Hill, Benjamin Sabin, Bill Kirby, CEE, Christina Dendy, David Hernandez, David J. Tabak, David R Miller, David Sapp, Deanna Morris, Don Massenzio, Don Stockard, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, Drew Marshall, Eleanor Leonne Bennett art, Eric Burbridge, Eric Erickson, Frank De Canio, Fred Russell, Fritz Hamilton, G. A. Scheinoha, Hal Savage, Jack Herbert, Janet Kuypers, Jenean McBrearty, John Grey, Jon Brunette, Joseph Grant, Judith Ann Levison, Kathryn Lipari, Kelley Jean White MD, Kerry Lown Whalen, Kevin Cooley, Lexi Lovetere, Liam Spencer, Lisa Gray, M. A. Schaffner, Mark Fleury, Mark Scott, Marlon Jackson, Matthew Horstkotter, Mel Waldman, Michael B. Tager, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Brennan, Norm Hudson, Paul Smith, Peter McMillan, R. H. Palmer, Ralph Monday, Robert Bates, S. R. Mearns, Sam Wilder, Shubhangi Joshi, Simon Hardy Butler, Stephen McQuiggan, Thom Mahoney, William Masters, and Zak Patrick.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/18/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem Two Minutes with Ayn Rand live 7/16/14 at the Chicago open mic I hosted, the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/18/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem True Happiness in the New Millennium live 7/16/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/18/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) the Holly Day poem The Things I Wish Would Go On Without Me (from Down in the Dirt magazine (v123, the May/June 2014 issue ISSN#/ISBN# book, titled Home At Last) live 7/16/14 at my Chicago open mic, the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 7/18/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem Scandium live 7/17/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 7/18/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem Scandium live 7/17/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (video with the film age older filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 7/18/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading this Fritz Hamilton poem Starving in Kenyan refugee camps in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 7/17/13 at the open mic she hosts the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 7/18/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading this Jim Carson poem God and fireworks in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 7/17/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 7/18/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading this Paul J. Burt poem Truth in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 7/17/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On 7/18/13 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading this Steven Pelcman poem a Hospital View in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 7/17/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160718 globe (for public notice)

chapbook I can’t believe it was 9 years ago when I did my huge show Living in a Big World 7/17/17 at the Café in Chicago (where I sat in a giant drawing of a chair and had repeated art displayed on a giant drawing of a TV, with different music tracks in the background of all my readings), but after that show Scars Publications released a cc&d bonus release chapbook of poetry and prose for the show. It is cool to see that the chapbook is still available for a free download, and yes - the chapbook not only has all of the writing in the show and bonus writing, also it shows a lot of the color art that was displayed on TV too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet Poetry Plus Attention all Georgetown Texas “Poetry Plus” open mic attendees and Austin area poetry enthusiasts: “Poetry Plus” is no longer at Georgetown’s Cianfrani’s, so in July, I offer my home as a temporary place for “Poetry Plus”. It was a smash hot on July 8th, so we set up the event page for THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, 7/22/16 for the LAST Austin “Poetry Plus” get-together at my house. It will be a more intimate and eclectic gathering than at the coffee house, but you can bring whatever you would like to eat or drink for this open mic (and don’t forget host Mike’s theme, “Stepping over the cracks”).

Details are on the event page, where I explain why I don’t list my address for all of the Internet - If you are on Mike’s mailing list, you also got notice of this from him, and you can email him for the address as well. So check it out! And if you are nearby, let me know if you would like to come to the last Austin meeting of “Poetry Plus” this Friday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Salvation A guy yesterday was at our house about replacing our windows (to keep out heat and look better), and on his tablet screen he had a black checked padded pattern. It made me think of the cc&d collection book Salvation cover, so I pulled out my proof copy from the library and showed it to him. Now, that was yesterday, and today I see that exactly one year ago today is when Scars Publications released the January - June 2015 issues into two editions (the issues edition contains cc&d issues v253, v254 and v255 - the 22 year anniversary issue; the issue & chapbooks edition contains NOT ONLY those issues, but ALSO a SLEW of chapbooks that were released under the cc&d umbrella in the first half of 2015 as well). And the cool thing is that both of these edition are still for sale!
And by the way, here is a list of people included in this volume: Aaron Wilder, Aaron Wilder (art), Aditya Shankar, Alan Catlin, Betty J. Sayles, Bob Strother, Brian Forrest (painting), Brian Looney, Catherine B. Krause, CEE, Cheryl Townsend (photo), Chris Roe, Daniel S. Weinberg, Daniel Stockwell, David J. Thompson, David James, David Michael Jackson (photo), David S. Pointer, Harry Noussias , Derald Hamilton, DG Mago, Donald Gaither, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Ean Bevel, Edee Lemonier, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (drawing), Elizabeth Harper, Eric Bonholtzer (photo), Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, G. A. Scheinoha, Harry Noussias, I.B. Rad, Ian Bowman, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, Jesse Williams, Jim Meirose, John Amendall, Joshua Copeland, Kelley Jean White MD, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kevin Munley, Kyle Hemmings (photo), Louie Clay, Margaret Karmazin, Marianne Szlyk, Marilyn June Janson, Mark Herden, Matt LeShay, Maura Gage Cavell, MCD, Michael Ceraolo, Mimi Young, Nora McDonald, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Fealey, Peter LaBerge (photo), R. N. Taber, Ralph Monday, Rex Bromfield, Richard King Perkins II, Robert Finch, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Ronald Charles Epstein, Sheryl L. Nelms, Simon Perchik, T. Allen Culpepper, the HA!Man of South Africa (drawing), Thomas Gannon, Tom Schaffer, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (art), and Xanadu.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/17/14, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading many poems from Scars Publications’ 2014 date book Don’t Forget It, including Travis Green’s poem “Drowning”, then Matthew Horstkotters’ poem “Hanging the Innocent”, then Bradley Bates’ poem “I Ran Outside to Hear”, Michael Ceraolo’s poem “On What Constitutes a Human Rights Violation”, then Tom Roby’s haiku “2011”, then Gregory Liffick’s poem “Flesh”, then Christopher Mulrooney’s poem “return of the birds”, then Roger Cowin’s poem “The Secret Jar”, then finally the George Gott poem “Together”, all set to music by the HA!Man of South Africa (in a track of his titled “Wayward Waltz of the Skewed Wind”) 7/16/14 at the Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/17/14, I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 7/16/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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jk iPod Four years ago today John shows me praising my new iPod - btw, I still use that iPod, it will not update files any longer, but at least it has my Chicago poet Marvin Tate’s D-Settlement track “Dinner Date” on it, that is now my intro & outro music on stage at Kick Butt poetry....

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me hosting the intro to the 7/12/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, then reading my poems “Unconscious ” and “Conflicting Convictions”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Unconscious” (1:31) 7/12/11 live in Chicago at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded the YouTube video of me from the lip camera reading my poem “Unconscious” (1:31) 7/12/11 at Chicago’s the Café

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Conflicting Convictions” (1:10) 7/12/11 live in Chicago at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded the YouTube video of me from the lip camera reading my poem “Conflicting Convictions” (1:10) 7/12/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded feature-length YouTube video of the Café’s mini feature video of “Celebrating with Song”, of me reading my poem “Chances One: Yes, It’s Yes”, then covering (in the style of MFV’s “stripped” version of this cover) the Eurythmics song “I Need You”, the poem “Decision” then covering (in the style of MFV’s “slow” version of this cover) the Smiths song “London”, then the twitter-length poem “Choices”, followed by my poem “Update 2011 on the Man who Loved me” live 7/12/11 @ my Chicago poetry open mic the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded the YouTube video from the lip camera of the Café’s mini feature video of “Celebrating with Song”, of me reading my poem “Chances One: Yes, It’s Yes”, then covering (in the style of MFV’s “stripped” version of this cover) the Eurythmics song “I Need You”, the poem “Decision” then covering (in the style of MFV’s “slow” version of this cover) the Smiths song “London”, then the twitter-length poem “Choices”, followed by my poem “Update 2011 on the Man who Loved me” live 7/12/11 @ my Chicago poetry open mic the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Chances One: Yes, It’s Yes” (1:04) 7/12/11 live in Chicago at my poetry open mic the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded the YouTube video of me from the lip camera reading my poem “Chances One: Yes, It’s Yes” (1:04) 7/12/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “stripped” version of this cover) the “stripped” version of the Eurythmics song I Need You (3:44, with John on guitar) live in Chicago at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “stripped” version of this cover) the “stripped” version of the Eurythmics song I Need You (3:44, with John on guitar) with the Edge Detection filter, live 7/12/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “stripped” version of this cover) the “stripped” version of the Eurythmics song I Need You (3:44, with John on guitar) with the Sepia Tone filter, live 7/12/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “stripped” version of this cover) the “stripped” version of the Eurythmics song I Need You (3:44, with John on guitar) with the Film Age (older) filter, live 7/12/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “stripped” version of this cover) the “stripped” version of the Eurythmics song I Need You (3:44, with John on guitar) with the Threshold filter, live 7/12/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko hanging out
with Janet Kuypers at
Westside Alehouse. 20160716
shared with friends

JK & Sam @ WestSide AleHouse Closing Westside Alehouse for forever. We hope everyone lands on their feet. We’ll miss this place.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160716 globe (for public notice)

praying mantis John took a better photo of the upside down praying mantis and the carcass above him, but he used our good camera (and not my smart phone).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Decision” (1:20) 7/12/11 live in Chicago at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded the YouTube video of me from the lip camera reading my poem “Decision” (1:20) 7/12/11 at my Chicago poetry open mic the Café

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “slow” version of this cover) the “slow” version of the Smiths song London (1:55, with John on guitar) live in Chicago at my weekly open mic the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “slow” version of this cover) the “slow” version of the Smiths song London (1:55, with John on guitar) with the Edge Detection filter, live 7/12/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “slow” version of this cover) the “slow” version of the Smiths song London (1:55, with John on guitar) with the Sepia Tone filter, live 7/12/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “slow” version of this cover) the “slow” version of the Smiths song London (1:55, with John on guitar) with the Film Age (older) filter, live 7/12/11 at my weekly open mic the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of me singing (in the style of MFV’s “slow” version of this cover) the “slow” version of the Smiths song London (1:55, with John on guitar) with the Threshold filter, live 7/12/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Choices” (:14) 7/12/11 live in Chicago at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded the YouTube video of me from the lip camera reading my poem “Choices” (:14) 7/12/11 at my weekly Chicago poetry open mic the Café

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Update 2011 on the Man who Loved me” (1:49) 7/12/11 live in Chicago at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Warren’s birthday (7/12) I hosted my open mic, and then I uploaded the YouTube video of me from the lip camera reading my poem “Update 2011 on the Man who Loved me” (1:49) 7/12/11 at my Chicago weekly poetry open mic the Café.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko singing with Janet Kuypers at The Water Tank. 20160715 shared with friends

JK She was complimented before she left

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160715, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/10/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems Climbing Trees and Death Takes Many Forms at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160715, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/10/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems Climbing Trees and Death Takes Many Forms at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160714 globe (for public notice)

Janet dancing See YouTube video of Thom (with Magic Jack on guitar) and his dancers (including Janet Kuypers and other audience members) at Kick Butt Poetry Spoken and Heard in Austin Texas 7/10/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160714 globe (for public notice)

video On Bastille Day in 2015 I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku Pleading as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio Partial Nudity book interview9/27/14 (1st filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera; heat wave filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160714 globe (for public notice)

video On Bastille Day in 2015 I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku Pleading as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio Partial Nudity book interview 9/27/14 (1st filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera, video flipped).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem no there isn’t (on the anniversary of the day of my accident leading to this poem) 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Truth and Liars (on the anniversary of the day of my accident leading to this poem) 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the world (on the anniversary of the day of my accident leading to this poem) 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (from a Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem no there isn’t (on the anniversary of the day of my accident leading to this poem) 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the world (on the anniversary of the day of my accident leading to this poem) 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Truth and Liars (on the anniversary of the day of my accident leading to this poem) 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 recovery poems (no there isn’t, the world, and The Truth and Liars) on the anniversary of the day of my near-fatal car accident, read 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On Bastille Day in 2014 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 recovery poems (no there isn’t, the world, and The Truth and Liars) on the anniversary of the day of my near-fatal car accident, read 7/11/14 at the “Poetry Love Letters” open mic (Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On Bastille Day in 2013 I uploaded YouTube video of reading my poem Uranium live at “Poetry Love Letters” at Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago 7/12/13.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On Bastille Day in 2013 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Radium live at “Poetry Love Letters” at Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago 7/12/13.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video On Bastille Day in 2013 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poems Radium and Uranium live at “Poetry Love Letters” at Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago 7/12/13 (w/ a Watercolor filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me singing my song What We Need In Life with John on guitar live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my poem Fantastic Car Crash live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets. <

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading the poem Changing Garments live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my poem Everyone Else Does It live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets in Chicago (at Loyola beach).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my prose King of the Universe (plus comments) live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my poem Are They Invincible live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my poem Left with a Hole live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my poem How Do I Explain It (with commentary) live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my poem Motions on the Planet live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets in Chicago (at Loyola beach).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me singing my song My Love for You Will Stay the Same with John on guitar live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Shortly after I did my chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth that coincided with my accident anniversary in 2010, I released YouTube video of me reading my poem Ten and Two, Plus Eight live 7/11/10 at Beach Poets in Chicago (at Loyola beach).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160713, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems Catching a Muscovy, into Couldn’t Take It Home 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (recorded with an iPhone).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160713, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems Catching a Muscovy, into Couldn’t Take It Home 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (recorded with an iPhone, Posterized).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160713, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem A Child In The Park 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (filmed with an iPhone).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160713, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem A Child In The Park 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (filmed with an iPhone, and given a Sepia Tone filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160713, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Hurry Up and Wait 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (filmed with an iPhone).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160713, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose 7/9/16 at Native South Food Park poetry and music event in Austin TX (from an iPhone; given an Edge Detection filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of my intro to the Café open mic in Chicago 7/13/10, along with Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sobering”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sobering” from the book Chapter 38 v1 (out as an ISSN# book and an ISBN# book) @ Chicago’s the Café 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (with the “extract” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (with the “find edges” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (with a “metallic” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (w/ “Blue Screen Key”) live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (with the “old film” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (with the “pastel sketch” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/10 I recorded (and later uploaded) YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (with the “solarize” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/13/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Poems on the Beach On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of me in my “Poems on the Beach” feature 7/13/08 live at Chicago’s Beach Poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Alexi” (written in 1989) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “A New Patient” (written in 1998) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Cashews written in 1995) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of my poem “Catching a Muscovy” (written in 1996) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “a Man Calls a Woman” (written in 1997) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of my poem “Changing the Locks” (written in 1996) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Childhood Memories Five” (written in 1994) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Climbing Trees” (written in 1997) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Conscious Of It” (written in 1998) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “False Suicide” (written in 1996) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Hiding Vices” (written in 1996) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Pocket Knife” (written in 1988) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of my poem “Quite Happy Looking” (written in 1989) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Raking Leaves” (written in 1994) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Twin” (written in 1994) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Masquerade” (written in 1988) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of my poem “They Called It Trust” (written in 1991) at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video On 7/13/08 I did my Beach Poets show “Poems on the Beach”, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “They Tried” (written in 1988) live at Beach Poets in Chicago 7/13/08.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160712, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing (John on guitar) Sinead O’Connor’s Black Boys on Mopeds and her poem Made Any Difference with John’s music 7/9/16 at Native South Park Park music and poetry event in Austin (from a Sony).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160712, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing (John on guitar) Sinead O’Connor’s Black Boys on Mopeds and her poem Made Any Difference with John’s music (cut off) 7/9/16 at Native South Park Park music and poetry event in Austin TX (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Holy cow, it was exactly 6 and a half years ago today that I hosted (then uploaded) YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Battle At Hand, after I introduced the first day of the open mic I ever hosted in Chicago (that I later hosted for over 5 years), live at Chicago’s the Café 1/12/10 (Miss the giant fish and the blue walls!).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of me reading my prose “Waiting for a Sign”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “Waiting for a Sign”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of me reading my prose “Leaving for Work”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “Leaving for Work”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Fire Alarms”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Fire Alarms”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of me reading my prose “In the Projects”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “In the Projects”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Walking Home From School”, that I read in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Walking Home From School”, that I read in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Down the Drain”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Down the Drain”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of me reading my prose “Park Bench”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “Park Bench”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Leather Jacket”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Leather Jacket”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, that I read in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, that I read in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “Jeremy, or Stallion?”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “Jeremy, or Stallion?”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of me reading my prose “Warring Nations”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “Warring Nations”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #1 of me reading my prose “Hurry Up And Wait”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video from Camera #2 of me reading my prose “Hurry Up And Wait”, that was performed in my show One Acts 7/6/09.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap in Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video of the no audio close-up meditation video projected and playing during my performance art show One Acts, which can be viewed any from from archive.org any time the full show (from camera #1) or the https://archive.org/details/one-acts07-06-09waiting4the-bus--full-show.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Hard to imaging that July 6th 2008 I did this Waiting4the Bus show at Jak’s Tap, Chicago, and then I uploaded YouTube video of the no audio far away bus stop meditation video projected and playing during my performance art show One Acts, which can be viewed any from from archive.org any time the full show (from camera #1) or the full show (from camera #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet and Warren on Warren and Sheri’s wedding day Happy birthday, Warren, we’ve missed you...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10201018417956647& set=p.10201018417956647 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160712

Janet cover photo

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet and Warren Happy Birthday, Warren Peterson...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10206387383737436& set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/11/12 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The State of the Nation at the open mic 7/4/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/11/12 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Your Soul is Shaking at the open mike 7/4/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from the Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/11/12 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Yeah, the Passion at the open mic 7/4/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/11/12 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the One You Always Loved at the open mic 7/4/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from the Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/11/12 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Ever Expanding Spaces at the open mic 7/4/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from the Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/11/12 I posted YouTube video of me reading the John Ragusa poem “a Philosophical Question” straight from the July-August 2012 issue (v108) of Down in the Dirt, live 7/4/12 at the Café Gallery open mic in Chicago (this video was filmed from the Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/11/12 I posted YouTube video of me reading the Brian Looney poem “That Heartbeat” straight from the July-August 2012 issue (v108) of Down in the Dirt, live 7/4/12 at the Café Gallery open mic in Chicago filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet Andy M. Karol, Happy Birthday!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10206375840448861& set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160711 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20160711 globe (for public notice)


facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710 globe (for public notice)

JK We think this katydid came inside because he was missing a leg. (It might be cruel to then let him back out into the wild, but if he stayed indoors my cats, Zach the bug monkey and Mynx the mini bug monkey, would have eaten him in no time.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710 globe (for public notice)

JK Thanks for taking pictures for poetry last night Thom - of when they called for the yellow hat, OF COURSE I had to wear it!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154422916980362& set=pcb.831612896971672 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710 globe (for public notice)

JK Thanks for taking pictures for poetry last night Thom!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154422915710362& set=pcb.831612896971672 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710 globe (for public notice)

JK Thanks for taking pictures for poetry last night Thom!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154422915525362& set=pcb.831612896971672 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710 globe (for public notice)

JK Thanks for taking pictures for poetry last night Thom!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154422915390362& set=pcb.831612896971672 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY Thanks for taking pictures for music last night Thom!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154422915600362& set=pcb.831612896971672 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY Thanks for taking pictures for music last night Thom!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154422915155362& set=gm.831612896971672 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And SPEAKING of 7/10, on 7/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Canned Condolences (Cps) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d mag.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And SPEAKING of 7/10, on 7/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Canned Condolences (Cfs) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d mag.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And SPEAKING of 7/10, on 7/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Orange Musk from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And SPEAKING of 7/10, on 7/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Orange Musk from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And SPEAKING of 7/10, on 7/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Going Nowhere (Cps) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And SPEAKING of 7/10, on 7/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Going Nowhere (Cfs) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And SPEAKING of 7/10, on 7/10/15 I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 7/8/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/10/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Lanthanum in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/10/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Erbium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/10/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Rutherfordium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On <7/10/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Hafnium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/10/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Thorium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (filmed w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/10/14 I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Protactinium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Sheri Peterson and Janet Kuypers. 20160710 shared with friends

Sheri toests JK & JY Sheri Peterson, happy birthday!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers in Austin, Texas.. 20160710 shared with friends

JK tennis pliad Janet had to wear her tartan plaid skirt to show her support for Andy Murray.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160710, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

Murray 2015 W&s Open Got my clay court tennis shirt on & plaid shirt (wheesht your face - for Murray!) 4 Wimbledon finals this morning! https:///FmbKR8aKxY

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK & Paul Ryan What Paul Ryan, did you think I’d forget??? Happy Birthday!!!
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10206368914435715 &set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Sheri as Matron of Honor, with Janet on Jant’s wedding day 5/7/00 But Sheri Peterson, since I’m not there to sing for you, I can only shout it over the Internet lines - Happy Birthday!
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10201000705913857 &set=p.10201000705913857 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK & Sheri Then again Sheri Peterson, if I were singing the Olive Garden Restaurant birthday song to you, I would sing, “From the salads to make to the pasta we bake - we’re wishing you a Happy Birthday!”
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10206369064719472 &set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet and Sheri 20060618 Sheri Peterson, if I was singing the ’Chi’s Restaurant song for your birthday, I would sing, “Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday to you - ole!”https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10203559429200340 &set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of me hosting, with video of with the intro from the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Love Poem from the ISBN# book Rising to the Surface (which is also available for sale with color interior pages) live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the John Grey poem the Killer in Repose from Down in the Dirt magazine July 2010 (v. 84), which was also released as the first Down in the Dirt book to ever be released as an ISBN# book, live at the Café open mic I ran in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the Colin James poem the Optimism of the Criminal Mind from cc&d magazine July 2010 (v 210), which was also released as the ISBN# book Give What you Can, live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar, “extract” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar, “find edges” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar, metallic filter)< live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar, video with a “Blue Screen Key” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar, “old film” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar, “pastel sketch” filter) live at the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/10 I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of the Nirvana song On a Plain (w/ John on guitar, solarize filter) @ the Café in Chicago 7/6/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/14 I posted YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Lanthanum in my this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/14 I posted YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Erbium in my this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/14 I posted YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Rutherfordium in my this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/14 I posted YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Hafnium in my this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

video On 7/9/14 I posted YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Thorium in my this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

video On I posted YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Protactinium in my this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Wow, 3 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem Einsteinium read live in Chicago 7/7/13 at Kitchen Sink’s “What Is It In Your Heart?” open mic & variety show night (from Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Wow, 3 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem Nobelium read live in Chicago 7/7/13 at Kitchen Sink’s “What Is It In Your Heart?” open mic & variety show night (filmed from Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Wow, 3 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem Tin read live 7/7/13 at Chicago’s Kitchen Sink’s “What Is It In Your Heart?” open mic & variety show night.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Wow, 3 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me (Sony) reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems Tin, Einsteinium & Nobelium live in Chicago 7/7/13 at Kitchen Sink’s “What Is It In Your Heart?” open mic & variety show night.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Wow, 3 years ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems “Tin”, “Einsteinium” & “Nobelium” in Chicago 7/7/13 at Kitchen Sink’s “What Is It In Your Heart?” open mic & variety show night (filmed from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

Janet ni group And it looks like everyone has having fun (thanks to this group photo at the interim location for the open mic at Poetry Plus Poetry Plus 7/8/16 last night!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154420265200362& set=pcb.300263947030214 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

Janet in group And how cool was it to have a group photo at the interim location for the open mic at Poetry Plus Poetry Plus 7/8/16 last night!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154420265330362& set=pcb.300263947030214 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

Serena 2916 W&s Open Serena Williams and Kerber now 4 Women’s Wimbledon finals... John & Sarah DeMenge are @ work, but it’ a tight match! https://serena /whvt1HY6lz

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thom, thanks for taking photos from Poetry Plus 7/8/16 last night!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154420260825362& set=pcb.300262987030310 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thom, thanks for taking photos from Poetry Plus 7/8/16 last night!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154420262460362& set=pcb.300262987030310 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160709 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thom, thanks for taking photos from Poetry Plus 7/8/16 last night!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154420263645362& set=pcb.300262987030310 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160708 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160708 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160708 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING: If you are a poet in the Austin area and want to hang out with the cool kids, check out the temporary home for the Georgetown “Poetry Plus” open mic TONIGHT at my place. Hosts Mike and Mike tell me the theme is “are you the bug or the windshield?”, so if you have poetry on the theme (or as I said, if you want to hang out with the cool kids), check out the event listing, and hopefully you can make it to the temporary location of “Poetry Plus” starting at 7pm tonight!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160708, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/3/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems I’m not Sick, but I’m not Well, One oh Three Destruction Instructions: Run Faster and Oh, She Was a Woman at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160708, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/3/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems I’m not Sick, but I’m not Well, One oh Three Destruction Instructions: Run Faster and Oh, She Was a Woman at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of poems read from my (at the time) brand new Periodic Table of Poetry series back and forth with poems by Bob Rashkow in this Poetry is Money, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of poems read from my (at the time) brand new Periodic Table of Poetry series back and forth with poems by Bob Rashkow in this Poetry is Money, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (from a Sony camera, then cropped).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of poems read from my (at the time) never before read Periodic Table of Poetry series back and forth with poems by Bob Rashkow in this Poetry is Money, their live feature in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

this poetry is money! Two years ago today is when Scars Publications released the cc&d bonus release chapbook online of Periodic Table poems that I read (and gave print copies of) in my double-feature with Bob Rashkow 7/7/14 at Waiting4theBus, “this poetry is money!” Combine poetry with science and get a hold of this chapbook still available for free online!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10203548024595232& set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing her song “Tight Rope Affair” (my words to music by John, blue music we wrote together) in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets” at Loyola beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Letting Ourselves Go” in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Eat Me Alive” (with Cousin Bones on guitar); in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets” at Loyola beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of JUST Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Labeled Me Again” (with Cousin Bones on guitar) 7/3/11 in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature at Chicago’s Beach Poets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping Every CageandLabeled Me Again” (with Cousin Bones on guitar) in the 7/3/11 Beach Poets “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature at Loyola beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of JUST Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Escaping Every Cage” (with Cousin Bones on guitar) in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at Chicago’s “Beach Poets” at Loyola beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Egg for a Week” (with Cousin Bones on guitar) in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets” at Loyola beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing her poem “Made Any Difference” in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets” at Loyola beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Look at the Downs” in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded feature-length YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/3/11 “a Very Goth Beach Party” live feature (with live guitar fom Cousin Bones) at Beach Poets, with her reading her poem “Look at the Downs”, then singing her song/poem “Made Any Difference”, then reading her poems “Egg for a Week”, “Escaping Every Cage” (with twitter-length poem “Labeled Me Again” read inside poem), “Eat Me Alive”, “Letting Ourselves Go”, and singing her song “Tight Rope Affair” (Janet Kuypers lyrics, John’s music).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Dentist in Iraq” BEFORE the live Chicago show of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets” at Loyola beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160707, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/2/16 show “Voting for Change” at Expressions 2016: Poets Parliament! in Austin reading her poems True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit), Orders, The State of the Nation (2016 edit), Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit), and a Great American (2016 edit) (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera for simultaneous television broadcast on stage).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

CD rail over guiitars Just saw that two years ago I posted a photo of our CD rail over John’s acoustic guitar wall in our music hall at the downstairs of our old house, where we could swap out CDs any time (that we designed because of the old Mickey Finn’s bar in Libertyville with a vinyl showcase along one wall); and although the pool table is STILL not fixed in our new house upstairs (and we therefore have none of John’s guitars on the wall), seeing this photo make me wonder if we brought those CD rails with us to this house, because I think that CD rail would be perfect over the window with the future pool table and mounted guitars (and that window has an eternal view of the leaves of the bamboo forest next door, which is SO cool).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10203540227760316& set=a.1601561992956.87650. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Wes & JK Oh Wes Heine, it is hysterical after seeing that a bunch of lip cam videos were uploaded form my “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature from 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”, well, it is hysterical to see us with the blues guitar and my goth rose stem bouquet doing a grip-n-grin in a photo posted Five years ago today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Letting Ourselves Go” from the lip cam recording of this in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature, live 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Eat Me Alive” from the lip cam recording of this in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature, live 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of JUST Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Labeled Me Again” from the lip cam in the live feature 7/3/11 at my Chicago “Beach Poets” show at Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping Every CageandLabeled Me Again” from the lip cam live 7/3/11 at my Chicago “Beach Poets” show.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Escaping Every Cage” from the lip cam live 7/3/11 at my Chicago “Beach Poets” show.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Egg for a Week” from the lip cam recording of this in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature, live 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing her poem “Made Any Difference” from the lip cam recording of this in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature, live 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets” show at Loyola Beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Look at the Downs” from the lip cam recording of this in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature, live 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded feature-length YouTube video from the lip cam of Janet Kuypers in her 7/3/11 “a Very Goth Beach Party” live feature at Beach Poets, with her reading her poem “Look at the Downs”, then singing her song/poem “Made Any Difference”, then reading her poems “Egg for a Week”, “Escaping Every Cage” (with twitter-length poem “Labeled Me Again” read inside poem), “Eat Me Alive”, “Letting Ourselves Go”, and singing her song “Tight Rope Affair” (with Janet Kuypers lyrics, John Yotko music).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the lip cam of Janet Kuypers hearing Rex read Kuypers’ poem “Our Lady of Humility’s Hypocrisy” in Chicago before her feature 7/3/11 at “Beach Poets”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the intro to the 7/5/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, with me reading my poem “Escaping Every Cage”, then my poetry originally published in the ISBN# book Close Cover Before Striking), the poems “His Mom’s Car․ and “Letter 4/19/95․, then my poem “Just Can’t Breathe” from the July 2011 issue (v222) of cc&d magazine (which was also released as the ISBN# book Exploding on the Scene), and finally 3 poems from published authors from the July 2011 issue (v096) of Down in the Dirt magazine (which was also released as the ISBN# book America the Lost).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded feature-length YouTube video of me reading my poem “Escaping Every Cage”, then my poetry (originally published in my ISBN# book Close Cover Before Striking), the poems “His Mom’s Car․ and “Letter 4/19/95․, then my poem “Just Can’t Breathe” (which I read from the July 2011 issue - v222 - of cc&d magazine, which was also released as the ISBN# book Exploding on the Scene) live 7/5/11 @ Chicago’s the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escaping Every Cage (4:35) live 7/5/11 at the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Just Can’t Breathe (1:19) from the July 2011 issue (v222) of cc&d magazine (which was also released as the ISBN# book Exploding on the Scene, also sold through amazon in the U.S., the U.K. & Europe) 7/5/11 at the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem His Mom’s Car (2:25, published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, just recently re-released with a matchbook cover) 7/5/11 at the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Letter 4/19/95 (1:43, published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, just recently re-released with a matchbook cover) 7/5/11 at the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160706, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/2/16 show “Voting for Change” at Expressions 2016: Poets Parliament! in Austin reading her poems True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit), Orders, The State of the Nation (2016 edit), Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit), and a Great American (2016 edit) (and this was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera)
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160706 globe (for public notice)

JK with Cilic autograph I could watch Querrey and Raonic on ONE Wimbledon court, or I could watch Federer and Cilic on another Wimbledon could live right now (Federer is DOWN two sets right now, and the last time I saw Cilic he signed my W&S Open fan), so as I said, I am torn - which do I watch?

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
20160706 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY Am so torn right now... I could be watching Querrey (we saw him play live 3 months ago in Houston) against Raonic at Wimbledon right now, but that is not the only Wimbledon match to watch.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160705, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/2/16 show “Voting for Change” at the Bahá’í Center in Expressions 2016: Poets Parliament! in Austin reading her poems True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit), Orders, The State of the Nation (2016 edit), Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit), and a Great American (2016 edit) (Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, and it was five years ago today when I also uploaded YouTube video of me singing my Mom’s Favorite Vase song “What we Need in Life” (with John on guitar) live at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret (not at my open mic) 6/29/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, and it was five years ago today when I also uploaded YouTube video of me singing my song “In Love I Abide” (with John on guitar) live at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret (not at my open mic) 6/29/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, and it was five years ago today when I also uploaded YouTube video of me singing John’s song “What I’ve Been through” (while John was on guitar, of course) live at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret (not at my open mic) 6/29/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160705, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

the PT of P @neiltyson posted this last year - get my poems on these elements at “the Periodic Table of Poetry”. https://t.co /EY70p8EQfm https://t.co/O7Tr8Ca8XJ https://twitter.com/ janetkuypers/status /750331619450363904

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem Made Any Difference 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (with Cathleen Schandelmeier & John singing back-up).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem More Than Stories from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Watching People Play from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem You’ll Like Them from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Wouldn’t Have To from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Tuesday Nights from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Missing Onion from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem That Dress from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Poker Face from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Check it out, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Perfect from the “Singular Memories” section (about my mother) of my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio in Chicago (video filmed from the main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160704 globe (for public notice)

Janet Okay fine, it’s not the best photo of me, but at least I was wearing my Men’s clay court tennis t-shirt for San Querrey, because Sam Querrey BEAT Novak Djokovic at Wimbledon the day before. (I bought that shirt after I saw Sam Querrey play live 4/8/16, and my tennis ball necklace even has clay on it from the court they were playing on.)
ttps://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154407577170362 &set=gm.490363787825372 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160704 globe (for public notice)

Claire & Janet & Craig Claire, I couldn’t post this until now, but I hope you two had a great wedding anniversary - and hope you two have many more!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem Everyone Has a Choice read from my book Partial Nudity live 7/2/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Two years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem Everyone Has a Choice read from my book Partial Nudity live 7/2/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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fireworks Happy 4th of July, everyone!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160703 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160703 globe (for public notice)

video Wait a minute - I haven’t been posting Vine videos this month, which may be why I forgot... One year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku pet as a looping JKPoetryVine video (that was originally on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio 9/27/14, and filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160703 globe (for public notice)

Janet Poetry Plus Attention all Georgetown Texas “Poetry Plus” open mic attendees and Austin area poetry enthusiasts: “Poetry Plus” is no longer at Georgetown’s Cianfrani’s, so INSTEAD OF CANCELING NEXT FRIDAY’S OPEN MIC, I am offering my home as a temporary place for “Poetry Plus” to continue THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, 7/8/16. It will be a more intimate and eclectic gathering than at the coffee house, but you can bring whatever you would like to eat or drink for this open mic (and don’t forget host Mike’s theme, “Are you the windshield or the bug?”).
Details are on the event page... I am not listing my address for all of the Internet (but will give to people seriously interested incoming by for the TEMPORARY INTERIM LOCATION for “Poetry Plus” this Friday, July 8th 2016). If you are on Mike’s mailing list, you also got notice of this from him, and you can email him for the address as well.
So check it out! And if you are nearby, let me know if you would like to come to the temporary location of “Poetry Plus” this Friday!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160703 globe (for public notice)

Mike & JK & Thom I am glad I thought to take this photos with my local poetry hosts... Good to see Mike come to my feature night (and as always, thanks Thom for hosting this great monthly event!), and thanks to Mike for reading after features read. (It was also good to talk with Mike to give Poetry Plus a temporary home after Cianfrani’s - even it it’s only temporarily at my house to keep the open mic alive.... And yes, more info will come on fb shortly about the next open mic, so stay tuned.)
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10154405216455362 &set=pcb.490026944525723 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160703 globe (for public notice)

Janet +1 Janet +2 Janet at table

Thanks Thom, it is fun to see photos after the feature night last night at the Bahá’í Center for Poet’s Parliament.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160703 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20160703 globe (for public notice)

Janet Okay, since I did this two years ago (updated my profile picture to reflect the tennis Australian Open going on), I figured I could change my profile picture to reflect the first major of the year. (And wow, and that is a photo I took right by our house in Naples Florida, that is now for sale, so I will never see my home for so many Christmas holidays when I was young again...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem middle eastern man in front of me read from my 2014 poetry collection book Partial Nudity live 7/2/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem middle eastern man in front of me, read from my 2014 poetry collection book Partial Nudity live 7/2/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (w/ a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting my open mic 7/2/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (which was a podcast).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded feature-length YouTube video of me 6/29/11 performing many poems at Beach Poets from my “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach” feature, including the poems “Coquinas”, “Broke the Reflection”, “You Cannot Burn Me”, “Update 2011 on the Man who Loved me”, “My First Time”, “I’m Sure We Killed It”, “Elephants Carry the World”, “Falling from the Sky”, and “Everything was Alive and Dying”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “Coquinas” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “Broke the Reflection” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach” - on a bonus Wednesday, even...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “You Cannot Burn Me” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach” - on a bonus Wednesday, even...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years agoo I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “Update 2011 on the Man who Loved me” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “My First Time” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “I’m Sure We Killed It” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach” - on a bonus Wednesday, even...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “Elephants Carry the World” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach” - on a Wednesday...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “Falling from the Sky” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach” - on a bonus Wednesday even...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/29/11 reading my poem “Everything was Alive and Dying” from my Beach Poets Chicago show “IPB: Impromptu Poetry on the Beach” - on a Wednesday...

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Voting for Change Released the day of the performance - Scars Publications has just now released the cc&d bonus release chapbook of new poetry (and edits of classic Janet Kuypers poems) that will performed (with the first 2 poems accompanied by Voting for Change live acoustic guitar) to a live audience with a television simultaneous broadcast LIVE ON STAGE TONIGHT at Austin’s the Bahá’í Center in Poet’s Parliament at 6pm! Download a free PDF file of the chapbook Voting for Change now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku out there as a looping JKPoetryVine video that I read on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon video flipped and given a heat wave filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160702 globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku out there as a looping JKPoetryVine video that I read on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (first filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem My brain was from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem My brain was from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem Keep Them Apart (to 5D//5D music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem Keep Them Apart (to 5D//5D music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet and John (on guitar) performing at Poetry Love Letters 5/2/12 It is cool to see this photo of me and John with guitar posted three years ago today in Chicago, because TONIGHT I am featuring at the Bahá’í Center in a politics-themed show, and John is playing guitar behind the first two tracks...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160701 globe (for public notice)

Janet THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING: Come to my feature July 2nd, that is TOMORROW, as one of a number of poets with 10 minute features about politics! See all of the shows at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E M Franklin Ave. in Austin TX - thanks Thom for sponsoring this great event!), and see my show, “Voting for Change”, where I am a talking head / political pundit on stage, filmed and broadcast onto a TV screen LIVE ON STAGE! Spread the word - I’d love to see everyone there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160701, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems from memory, Too Far, Fantastic Car Crash, and Under the Sea 6/26/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160701, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems from memory, Too Far, Fantastic Car Crash, and Under the Sea 6/26/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed with a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Time, Time, Time, See What’s Become of Me in honor of my book release a year long Journey live (on my birthday) 6/22/15 at Laschet’s in Chicago (Canon fs200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem know from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem know from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem sort from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem sort from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem Ants and crosses from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem Ants and crosses from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing my song Victim (John on guitar, 3:49) live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing my song Victim (John on guitar, 3:49) with the Edge Detection filter, live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of the intro, & me reading my poem So Don’t Worry @ Chicago’s the Café 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem So Don’t Worry live at the Café in Chicago 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) live at the Café, the Chicago open mic I hosted, 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) with the “extract” filter, live at the Café in Chicago 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) with the “find edges” filter, live at the Café in Chicago 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) with an metallic filter, live at the Café in Chicago 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) with the “Blue Screen Key” filter, live at the Café, the Chicago open mic I hosted, 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) with the “old film” filter), live at the Café in Chicago 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) with the “pastel sketch” filter, live at the Café in Chicago 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the Mom’s Favorite Vase cover of The The’s song Love is Stronger than Death (w/ John on guitar, in honor of Warren Peterson) with the solarize filter, live at the Café in Chicago 6/29/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

Janet Come to my feature July 2nd, THIS SATURDAY, as one of a number of poets with 10 minute features about politics! See all of the shows at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E M Franklin Ave. in Austin TX - thanks Thom for sponsoring this great event!), and see my show, “Voting for Change”, where I am a talking head / political pundit on stage, filmed and broadcast onto a TV screen LIVE ON STAGE! Spread the word - I’d love to see everyone there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 6/26/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems, Vent, Each Half is the Enemy , and her Periodic Table poem Vanadium at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard (w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube vide 6/26/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems, Vent, Each Half is the Enemy , and her Periodic Table poem Vanadium at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken & Heard (filmed with a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile pictures. 20160630 globe (for public notice)


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem “years” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem “years” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem “progress” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem “progress” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem “run” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and don’t forget, this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem “John’s Mind” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem “John’s Mind” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem “knowing” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160630 globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem “knowing” (read to recorded and live music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery open mic (and this haiku poem is also in my supplement mini-book “100 Haikus”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted feature-length YouTube video 6/28/11 of me reading “Letter 4/14/95 #1․, “Letter 4/14/95 #3․ and “For C Ra”, followed by me singing my song “Victim․ and then singing John’s song “What I’s Been Through․ (guitar by John) @ Chicago’s the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of the intro to the 6/28/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus my Close Cover Before Striking book poems, “Letter 4/14/95 #1․, “Letter 4/14/95 #3․ and “For C Ra․, followed by the me singing my song “Victim․ and John’s song “What I’ve Been Through․ (guitar by John).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Letter 4/14/95 #1 (Published in my book Close Cover Before Striking), read (for future audio CD release) 6/28/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Letter 4/14/95 #3 (Published in my book Close Cover Before Striking), read (for future audio CD release) 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem For C Ra (Published in my book Close Cover Before Striking), read (for future audio CD release) 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing my song Victim (John on guitar, 3:49) with the Sepia Tone filter, live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing my song Victim (John on guitar, 3:49) with the Film Age (older) filter live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing my song Victim (John on guitar, 3:49) with the Threshold filter, live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing John’s song What I’ve Been Through 6/28/11 at my poetry open mic the Café, live in Chicago (2:55).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing John’s song What I’ve Been Through with the Edge Detection filter live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago (2:55).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing John’s song What I’ve Been Through with the Sepia Tone filter, live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago (2:55).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing John’s song What I’ve Been Through with the Film Age (older) filter live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago (2:55).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing John’s song What I’ve Been Through with the Threshold filter, live 6/28/11 at the Café in Chicago (2:55).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160629 globe (for public notice)

Janet Looking forward to my feature July 2nd, THIS SATURDAY, as one of a number of poets with 10 minute features talking poetically about politics! See all of the shows at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E M Franklin Ave. in Austin TX - thanks Thom for sponsoring this great event!)... In my show, titled “Voting for Change”: I will be like a political pundit on stage AND will be filmed and broadcast onto a TV screen LIVE ON STAGE! Spread the word, because I would love to see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160629, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 6/24/16 of Janet Kuypers reading 3 Periodic Table poems (that somehow all incorporate the concept somehow of sin), Hydrogen Cyanide, White Phosphorus & Helium Addiction at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic (this video filmed w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160629, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 6/24/16 of Janet Kuypers reading 3 Periodic Table poems (that somehow all incorporate the concept somehow of sin), Hydrogen Cyanide, White Phosphorus & Helium Addiction at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic (Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Time, Time, Time, See What’s Become of Me in honor of her new book release a year long Journey live on her birthday 6/22/15 at Laschet’s in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera, w/ an X-Ray filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Death Takes Many Forms at Laschet’s on her birthday in Chicago, 6/22/15 (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 6/26/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Bromine live 6/26/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Bromine live 6/26/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem from Hydrogen to Nothing live 6/26/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem from Hydrogen to Nothing live 6/26/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading this Emily Olive Petit poem Taste in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 6/26/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading this Jennifer McCain poem the Girl in the Hallway, Who Will Never Be the Same in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 6/26/13 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded feature-length YouTube video 6/26/11 of the majority of my WZRD 88.3fm radio show interview with me reading poetry (from the main cam).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded feature-length YouTube video 6/26/11 of ~45 minutes of my WZRD 88.3fm radio show interview with me reading poetry (from the mini cam).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything was Alive and Dying”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; filmed from the main camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything was Alive and Dying”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; filmed from the mini camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Poam: a Conversation with Jimbo Breen”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Poam: a Conversation with Jimbo Breen”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ask Me if I’m a Truck”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ask Me if I’m a Truck”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Cashews”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Cashews”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Four Syllables”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Four Syllables”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “In a Cardboard Box”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “In a Cardboard Box”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Please Drive Through”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; video filmed from the main camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Please Drive Through”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; video filmed from the mini camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ice Cream Stain”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview, (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ice Cream Stain”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sparkle”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sparkle”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “His Mom’s Car”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “His Mom’s Car”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Under His Jeans”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years agoI uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Under His Jeans”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Changing the Locks”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; video filmed from the main camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Changing the Locks”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; video filmed from the mini camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Cocktail Hour”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Cocktail Hour”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Especially at Breakfast”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; video filmed from the main camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years agoI uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Especially at Breakfast”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; video filmed from the mini camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Squid”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Squid”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Cry For Me”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Cry For Me”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Decorating the Palm Trees”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview, from the mini camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Have a Party”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Musical”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Let’s Go”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (mini camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Picking my Friends”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Perfect”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Poker Face”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “That Dress”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “the Missing Onion”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Tuesday Nights”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Watching People Play”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview; video filmed from the main camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Wouldn’t Have To”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “You’ll Like Them”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “More Than Stories”, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/26/11 on my WZRD 88.3fm radio Chicago interview (main camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my poem “Made Any Difference”, 6/26/11 on WZRD 88.3fm radio (Cathleen S. & John singing back-up).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160628, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video live 6/24/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems The One At Mardi Gras & kids wielding freedom and sin; then her flash fiction A Dream About Murder at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (Canon Power Shot camera.).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160628, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video live 6/24/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems The One At Mardi Gras & kids wielding freedom and sin; then her flash fiction A Dream About Murder at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (filmed with a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Worth Something at the open mic 6/20/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Prepared for the Worst at the open mic 6/20/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Married at the open mic 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Losing my Best Friend at the open mic 6/20/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Everyone Else at the open mic 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Anderson with live piano music by Gary at the open mic 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Anderson with live piano music by Gary at the open mic 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Adolph Hitler, O.J. Simpson and U.S. Politics Six years ago today I shared info about a book release of mine: Adolph Hitler, O.J. Simpson and U.S. Politics... This 2010 editorials and essay collection book of mine contains editorials and essays from cc&d literary magazine about our world, covering anything from Terri Schiavo news to Anna Nicole Smith to JonBenet Ramsey stories, to Adolph Hitler and O.J. Simpson editorials, and (of course) political news about Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and other politicians that were trying to run our country. In this book you can also read about vegetarianism and other topics that affect our everyday lives. (And really, how many people can say they have a book release with a mug shot of O.J. Simpson with images of Adolph Hitler, George W. Bush and Barrack Obama on the cover?)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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(tweet) Six years ago today I shared info about a book release of mine, Tweet, which is the first collection of mine twitter-length poems...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Evolution Six years ago today I shared info about a book release of mine: the book Evolution is a collection of writing from me (the boss lady/Editor in Chief of cc&d magazine) that has appeared in issues and supplement issues of cc&d (Children, Churches and Daddies: the UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine) magazine from January through August 2009..

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Dark Six years ago today I shared info about a book release of mine: “Dark Matter: the mind of Janet Kuypers” is a collection of select writings of mine (the boss lady/Editor in Chief of cc&d magazine) that has appeared in issues and supplement issues of cc&d (Children, Churches and Daddies: the UNreligious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine) in 2008. This book is fashioned on the 2008 Scars Publications collection book “Dark Matter”, and this cover design is actually what I use for my background screen for my laptop (because all of my writing is on my laptop, so I’d like to say it contains “Dark Matter”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160627 globe (for public notice)

Janet Am super psyched to have a feature THIS SATURDAY, July 2nd, as one of a number of poets with 10 minute features giving a poetic talk on politics! See all of the shows at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E M Franklin Ave. in Austin TX - thanks Thom for sponsoring this great event!)... Check out the info sheet in this post about the event, because I can only tell you about my show, titled “Voting for Change”: I will be like a political pundit on stage AND will be filmed and broadcast onto a TV screen LIVE ON STAGE! Spread the word, because I would love to see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem ends from my “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (and this haiku poem also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem oil from my “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (and this haiku poem also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem oil from my “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (and this haiku poem also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem love from my “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (and this haiku poem also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem love from my “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (and this haiku poem also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem escape from my “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (and this haiku also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 2 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem escape from my “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (and this haiku also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my entire poetry/prose/music show Striking with Nature and Humanity with live guitar from John at Trunk Fest, live outdoors in Evanston IL 6/25/11, which includes my poems Guilt (which is based on the prose writing), When You’re Gone, Our Lady of Humility’s Hypocrisy, Reason to Stand, Dreams Turned into Nightmares (Which is based on the prose writing), and I Want, then my encore poem Tumbling Diaper Seeks Fresh Baby and ending with my singing my Mom’s Favorite Vase song What We Need in Life.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Guilt (which is based on the prose that appears in the book Close Cover Before Striking) with live guitar from John, read (for future audio CD release) live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 6/25/11 (which is also available in the free chapbook Striking with Nature and Humanity to download at any time).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem When You’re Gone with live guitar from John, published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 6/25/11 (which is also available in the free chapbook Striking with Nature and Humanity to download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Our Lady of Humility’s Hypocrisy live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in Evanston IL feature 6/25/11 (which is also available in the free chapbook Striking with Nature and Humanity to download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Reason to Stand with live guitar from John, published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 6/25/11 (which is also available in the free chapbook Striking with Nature and Humanity to download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Dreams Turned into Nightmares (Which is based on the prose that appears in the book Close Cover Before Striking) with live guitar from John, read (for future audio CD release) live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 6/25/11 (which is also available in the free chapbook Striking with Nature and Humanity to download at any time).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem I Want with live guitar from John, published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 6/25/11 (which is also available in the free chapbook Striking with Nature and Humanity to download at any time).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Tumbling Diaper Seeks Fresh Baby live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in Evanston IL feature 6/25/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my Mom’s Favorite Vase song What We Need in Life with live guitar from John (and also published in my book Close Cover Before Striking), performed (for future audio CD release) live at Striking with Nature and Humanity at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 6/25/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160627 globe (for public notice)

Janet cover photo

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added 4 new photos — with me. 20160626Georgetown shared with friends

JK JK Janet getting heard at Poetry Plus.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet Kuypers photo on Instagram Happy Birthday, Sabrina!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160626, via Twitter
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jk bio collage “[Down in the Dirt] past issues (that are small and older) could be re-formatted into a more global amazon affiliate printer.” @janetkuypers http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem My Dead Daughter from cc&d magazine v199 - the 8/09 issue - live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon P.S.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem My Dead Daughter from cc&d magazine v199 - the 8/09 issue - live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (video filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy from cc&d magazine v255a Mad Escape” - the 22 year anniversary issue - live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy from cc&d magazine v255a Mad Escape” - the 22 year anniversary issue - live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting my poetry open mic 6/24/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Two years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem nightmares from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Two years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem nightmares from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Two years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem groove from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Two years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem groove from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160625 globe (for public notice)

group Let’s take one more, just to be sure... (I didn’t take this many group photos at my open mic until I knew I would be moving away that year! But it’s cool to take this group photo every time we’re together.)
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10154385013170362 &set=pcb.487328754795542 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160625 globe (for public notice)

group Wait, everybody, move in closer...
https://www.facebook. com/photo.php?fbid= 10154385012995362&set=pcb. 487328754795542 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160625 globe (for public notice)

group But every time we get together at Georgetown’s “Poetry Plus”, we have to take a group photo...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154385012815362 &set=pcb.487328754795542 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160625 globe (for public notice)

Janet I think my reading last night at Georgetown’s “Poetry Plus” may have been so emotionally topsy-turvy (covering everything from Mardi Gras to murder, or WWII to Viet Nam), that the surreal feel of this image is probably appropriate. Thank for the photo Thom!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10154385012320362&set=pcb. 487328754795542 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago I posted YouTube video of my 6/20/15 show “Poetic Shades of Chocolate” in 10 Shades of Chocolate in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera), w/ the poems Under his Bed, oxygen to flame the fire, Fuming in the Morning, PDQ in Tin Foil 2015, melted marshmallow 2015, grandmother charged with murder 2015, Before Taking Over the Controls 2015, and Empty Chocolate Counter (and yes, these poems were released in a PDF file chapbook, still available for a free download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago I posted YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 6/20/15 show “Poetic Shades of Chocolate” in 10 Shades of Chocolate in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot camera), w/ her poems Under his Bed, oxygen to flame the fire, Fuming in the Morning, PDQ in Tin Foil 2015, melted marshmallow 2015, grandmother charged with murder 2015, Before Taking Over the Controls 2015, and Empty Chocolate Counter (and yes, these poems were also released in a PDF file chapbook, still available for a free download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Two years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem I started writing this poem when (read with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at my Chicago the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Two years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem I started writing this poem when (read with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at my Chicago the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Two years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem evil (read with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Two years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem evil (read with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Two years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem key (read with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Two years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem key (read with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem elusive (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem elusive (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem heaviness (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem heaviness (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem organs (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem organs (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem jobless (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem jobless (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem kill (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem kill (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my haiku poem cage (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my haiku poem cage (with accompanying background music) from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (this also appears in my supplement mini-book 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160624, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk & JY in show Not JUST Scars Video: My Love in the Universe videos/pics/poems show’s on artvilla’s main pg! http://t.co/TRhwpLpnJs http://t.co/lKKVnii3M0

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160624; via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video
of the my book release feature “Partial Nudity” (C) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery poetry open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160624; via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video
of the my book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery poetry open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160624; via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem Tribal Scream from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160624; via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem Tribal Scream from my “Partial Nuditybook release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160624; via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video 2 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 6/18/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK & JY Oh sniff, I see that Four years ago today John posted this photo of us at Harrisons (where we had our first date years ago). The place closed down, and we moved away (two unrelated events), but wow to see this photo again...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=328774473871046 &set=a.269141523167675 .65758.100002154882485 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting her open mic 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus the poetry I read throughout the evening w/ live piano from Gary (including my poems Anderson, Everyone Else, Losing my Best Friend, Married, Prepared for the Worst, Worth Something, and Know You).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Know You with live piano music by Gary at the open mike 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded the YouTube video from camera #2 of my full Feature live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders, John Y. and (sampled) Warren Peterson).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose the Apartment (with John’s male vocals) and my poem Leaving (with male vocals from John and w/ music from Victor Sanders) in part one of my show live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose the Apartment (with John’s male vocals) and my poem Leaving (with male vocals from John and w/ music from Victor Sanders) in part one of my show from camera 2 @ the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of my poem A Socially Accepted Target (with C Ra McGuirt video and vocals), my twitter-length poem for Better or for Worse, my poem Most Accurate Metaphors (with C Ra McGuirt video and vocals), and my poems I’m Really Going This Time and Precinct Fourteen in part two of my show live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of my poem A Socially Accepted Target (with C Ra McGuirt video and vocals), my twitter-length poem for Better or for Worse, my poem Most Accurate Metaphors (with C Ra McGuirt video and vocals), and my poems I’m Really Going This Time and Precinct Fourteen in pt. 2 of my show from camera 2 @ the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of my show with the poem Loss and my song My Love For You Will Stay the Same in part three of my show live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of my show with the poem Loss and my song My Love For You Will Stay the Same in pt. 3 of my show from camera 2 @ the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of my show with the 3 travel poems Keep Them Apart, Only For One Night, and Got On The Road Again, and my song What We Need In Life in part four of my show live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of my show with the 3 travel poems Keep Them Apart, Only For One Night, and Got On The Road Again, and my song What We Need In Life in part four of my show live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me Janet reading my poem Too Far live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose the Apartment (with John’s male vocals) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Leaving (with male vocals from John and w/ music from Victor Sanders) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem A Socially Accepted Target (with C Ra McGuirt video and vocals) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading her twitter-length poem for Better or for Worse live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Most Accurate Metaphors (with C Ra McGuirt video and vocals) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem I’m Really Going This Time live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Precinct Fourteen live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Loss live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “extract” filter) of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “find edges” filter) of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with an metallic filter)< of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “Blue Screen Key” filter) of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “old film” & “page curl” filters) of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) @ the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “pastel sketch” filter) of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the solarize filter) of me singing the MFV song My Love For You Will Stay the Same (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Keep Them Apart live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Only For One Night live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10 (w/ music from Victor Sanders).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the solarize filter) of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (w/ extract/page curl filters) of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “find edges” filter) of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (w/ an metallic/page curl filters) of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (w/ a Blue Screen Key filter) of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (w/ old film/page curl filters) of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “pastel sketch” filter) of me singing the MFV song What We Need In Life (with John on guitar) live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160623, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk & JY in show My 1st poetry feature in Austin now has videos & pics & poem links @ artvilla’s Scars Video! http://t.co/k0n1TSV8Md http://t.co/LEvTYRs99l

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video footage It’s crazy to think that twelve years ago I uploaded YouTube video (1:41) of me reading my poem Too Far (written in 1995 - the first poem I ever read in public a an open mic (it was Yammer) - and the first poem that ever had a video for it), live at my birthday feature “a Night of Firsts”, 6/22/04 at the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video footage It’s crazy to think that twelve years ago I uploaded YouTube video (4:10) of me singing my song What We Need in Life (written in 1994, which was the first and only “single” song from Mom’s Favorite Vase), live at my birthday feature “a Night of Firsts”, 6/22/04 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video footage It’s crazy to think that twelve years ago I uploaded YouTube video (1:36) of me reading my poem Under the Sea (written in 1980, the first poem I ever wrote, at age 9), live at my birthday feature “a Night of Firsts”, 6/22/04 at the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video footage It’s crazy to think that twelve years ago I uploaded YouTube video (3:48) of me singing In Love I Abide (written in 1986, of the first song I ever wrote), live at my birthday feature “a Night of Firsts”, 6/22/04 at the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video footage It’s crazy to think that twelve years ago I uploaded YouTube video (2:40) of me reading my poem The Little Differences (written in 2004, the first poem about China - for performance only), live at my birthday feature “a Night of Firsts”, 6/22/04 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video footage It’s crazy to think that twelve years ago I uploaded YouTube video (3:53) of me singing my song Tight Rope Affair (written in 2004; the first song I ever wrote with John), live at my birthday feature “a Night of Firsts”, 6/22/04 at the Café in Chicago (the open mic I later hosted).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160622 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers received 66 friend posts on her birthday timeline, plus additional separate birthday posts.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko in Austin, TX
shared with friends

JK & JY & tKtB Bear The Key to Believing Bear wanted to toast Janet on her birthday.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with me 20160622 shared with friends

JK Janet is sampling my Whiskeytini on her birthday. 1/2 shot of Woodford Reserve and fill glass with cheap Spumante champagne

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko hanging with me at Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden. 20160622 shared with friends

JK So many beers, so little time. Janet had no problem finding her Circle Blur but me... What to drink, hmmmm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers with John Yotko at Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden. 20160622 globe (for public notice)

Janet After John had me taste his beer, he deduced that I only like sweet and salty (which is apparently why I like him).
P.S.: it’s not like I don’t see the irony in going to a sausage house.
P.S. again: John ordered an eggplant thing (which I didn’t need), but it was REALLY good.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko eating Vegan food with me at Maoz Vegetarian. 20160622 shared with friends

JK She made me try the Hawaiian chich’n, but she added way too much spice to her popcorn tofu.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko shared with friends drinking beer — with me at Opal Divine᾿s. 20160622 shared with friends

JK & JY Janet is just following Top Johnson’s orders. This ones on you Dave.

Hey! Go to me’ fb page and wish her a happy birthday. My dear wife had put up with a lot from me in the past few years; from my traveling all over for work to finally dragging her away from her hometown of Chicago to move to Texas.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet For those poets who liked my last year of Chicago shows before (or for those who are thinking of my on my birthday today), three poems from my last show there (Unless it Happens to You, Open Book - which I still have the paperback jacket from the show for, by the way, and Electromagnetism) have been added to my last book of poems written (and performed) while I lived in Chicago. So check out my last book a year long Journey covers mid 2014 through 2015 shows of mine (the front cover has me carrying a luggage bag, and the back cover has me walking away, but the back cover also shows some of the chapbook covers highlighted in the book) from Chicago today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160622, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk bio collage “I think Down in the Dirt has the coolest title ever; writings appear writings online, in issues & collection books too.” @janetkuypers http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem How to Please a Woman, published in my book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 6/21/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the intro to the 6/21/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus my Close Cover Before Striking prose Phone Calls from Brian Tolle & poem How to Please a Woman readings (for future audio CD release).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Five years ago today I uploaded feature-length YouTube video of me reading my prose “Phone Calls from Brian Tolle” and my poem “How to Please a Woman”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Phone Calls from Brian Tolle, that was published in my book Close Cover Before Striking (for future audio CD release) 6/21/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
20160622 globe (for public notice)

tKtB Bear Aw, the Key to Believing Bear was out with me on by birthday four years ago today! (Who knows, maybe I’ll get him to join us tonight! He already is holding a martini glass for the occasion...)

tktbBear JK b-day facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers But apparently we had too much fun back then... I will try to restrain myself this year. 20160622

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160622 globe (for public notice)

Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day
Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day
Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day
Just saw photos of a lot of people getting together last year for my birthday. Sorry I can’t be with you all this year, but I hope you enjoy the beginning of summer (since the 90 degree days Chicago is seeing are just about the same temperature right now as Austin, just more humid because of Lake Michigan)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 6/19/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem a Lifetime Together live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (recorded with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem a Lifetime Together live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (recorded with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my prose Having Company Over live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (recorded with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my prose Having Company Over live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (recorded with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem Tungsten live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem Tungsten live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem Vanadium live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem Vanadium live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem Us, Actually Touching with Esteban Colon live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted video of me reading my poem Us, Actually Touching with Esteban Colon live 6/19/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of me in a compilation of ALL of my poems from my 6/21//07 “UNcorrect” show at Jesse Oaks, which includes my poems The Way You Tease Me, The Battle At Hand, Looking For A Worthy Adversary, Grab The Other’s Neck, Being God, Weren’t Even Married, God Eyes, Communication (with Communication ‘05), and Andrew Hettinger.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Way You Tease Me (2:22) live at Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Battle At Hand (3:33) live at Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Looking For A Worthy Adversary (6:11) live at Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Grab The Other’s Neck (3:26) live at my Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) show 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Being God (3:12) live at Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Weren’t Even Married (3:22) live at my Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) show 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem God Eyes (6:16) live at Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Communication, with Communication ‘05 (8:18) live at Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 9 years ago I had my “UNcorrect” feature, where I then uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Andrew Hettinger (6:55) live at my Jesse Oaks (Gages Lake, IL) show 6/21/07.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20160620 globe (for public notice)

John, Bud Light Commando Ich bin ein Mitglied der Bud Light Kommando. (Meine Frau Janet says, “that’s not how it works.”

If you don’t get it you need to crack open a beer and a history book.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Caesar I have a question for my cc&d magazine writers and artists out there... We recently released the 23 yea anniversary issue (the 23 enigma); we had a few choices for covers that related to 23, and OF them we chose Nazi soldiers with rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun (since his birthday is on the 23rd). Caesar WE WERE WONDERING if there would be an interest in (because we could release the same issue with multiple covers) ordering this same book with a cover of a statue of Julius Caesar, or a painting of the Death of Caesar (because he was stabbed 23 times). Because this is anniversary issue, WE WANT YOUR OPINION. Would anyone be interested in this issue of cc&d with either Caesar cover? Let us know, and thanks!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160620 globe (for public notice)

Janet cover photo

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160620, via Twitter
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jk bio collage “It’s a sweet deal if accepted in Down in the Dirt, in writings online, print & web issues, & also collection books.” @janetkuypers http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video of me 6/20/08 in my Fortune Featurette at Chicago’s Mercury Cafe. I 1st planned to read 4 poems from my custom-made poetry fortune — remember those folded paper fortunes girls would make when they were little? Well, inside this enlarged paper fold-out “fortune” was 4 poems for the show. Because there was time, they asked me to read more - so I also read poetry from my books etc. and Oeuvre. My full feature included You Feel More, Who You Tell Your Dreams To, You and Me and Your Girlfriend, Only a Year, the Kitchen, Private Lives Two (the elevated train, Chicago Illinois), Before I Learned Better, Making Sense out of the Insane, Pressure On Me Again, and Never Did The Same.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (2:00) of me reading my poem You Feel More at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (1:12) of me reading my poem Who You Tell Your Dreams To at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (1:34) of me reading my poem You and Me and Your Girlfriend at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (2:14) of me reading my poem Only a Year at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (1:36) of me reading my poem the Kitchen at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (1:26) of me reading my poem Private Lives Two (the elevated train, Chicago Illinois) at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (1:26) of me reading my poem Before I Learned Better at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (1:34) of me reading my poem Making Sense out of the Insane at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (1:06) of me reading my poem Pressure On Me Again at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 8 years ago today I did a show - and from it I uploaded YouTube video (:47) of me reading my poem Never Did The Same at Mercury Cafe, live in my Chicago show Fortune Featurette 6/20/08 (which you can also order on CD 4 of the CD set Live from iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

MAN, I wanted to read my poem “Vent” last night at Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken and Heard (since yesterday was 1 year since I did my show “Rap Sheet” at Cafe Ballou; the open mic was closed last night because of a a punk show, which was probably a cool show, but I wasn’t dressed for it, so I didn’t stay). It was one year ago today when John took so many photo (especially of my performing “Vent” too)... Maybe I’ll do those chosen poems at Kick Butt (including my Gemini/Cancer poem & Periodic Table poem) next week.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160619, via Twitter
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jk bio collage “[For DitD mag] having things available on line is essential.” Thanks for the DitD Editor interview @NChristie_OH http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Rap Sheet I was planning on reading my poem “Vent” tonight at Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken and Heard, so it is totally cool that one year ago today I released chapbooks Rap Sheet for my show “Rap Sheet” 1 year ago today at Cafe Cabaret! And for one year now, the PDF files of the chapbooks Rap Sheet and Rap Sheet “Expanded Report” have been available for free.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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the Café Gallery photo album from the Partial Nudity show

But I should also thank John for for all the photos at the book release feature Partial Nudity at the Café Gallery from two years ago last night too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Jenene Ravesloot Janet Kuypers
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Last night was two years since my book release feature, so thank you to Jenene Ravesloot for taking all of the photos!
Janet in her Partial Nudity feature Bob introducing Janet in her Partial Nudity feature
Janet in her Partial Nudity feature At the Gallery Cabaret for a release party for Partial Nudity with Janet Kuypers, Tom Roby, Jenene Ravesloot, Robert Lawrence, Bob
Janet in her Partial Nudity feature Weinberg, Bob Rashkow, Esteban Colon, Robin Fine, Je’free, Lynn Fitzgerald,
Janet in her Partial Nudity feature Donald Hargraves, Michael Hoag and many more. Janet also released four more
Janet in her Partial Nudity feature books that night. We had a great time. Fun!!!!!

(Note two years ago today from Jenene Ravesloot)

Bob Rashkow and Janet in her Partial Nudity feature Bob Lawrence and Janet in her Partial Nudity feature

Janet reading a haiku in her Partial Nudity feature Janet and Jenene in her Partial Nudity feature Janet and Tom in her Partial Nudity feature

Janet and Avrom in her Partial Nudity feature Bob Lawrence eads at Janet’s Partial Nudity feature Janet in her Partial Nudity feature

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet with the Goods Was good to see that John uploaded these photos from The Goods @ Gallery Cabaret from the Esteban Colon feature at "the Cafe Gallery" open mic at Gallery Cabaret for poets, performers and musicians. 3 years ago today...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added 2 new photos — with me at Pour House Pints& amp; Pies. 20160618 shared with friends

JK & JY JK & JY Had to take turns being in the poor house.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared Hilarious Custom Designs’s photo. 20160618 globe (for public notice)


facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko eating breakfast with me at Jims. 20160618 shared with friends

Janet Janet had to wear her new Alexandrite jewelry out for a taco breakfast on her birthday weekend.
This is the day your life will surely change, this is the day when things fall into place.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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traffic Traffic to breakfast was contested because of a double wide. Image may contain: car and outdoor

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And last year I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Poam: a Militant Man with Schizophrenia 6/15/15 at Waiting4the Bus (at Powell’s) in Chicago (Canon fs200, posterized).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video There it is -last year I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Poam: a Militant Man with Schizophrenia 6/15/15 at Waiting4the Bus (at Powell’s) in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet @ Waiting 4 the Bus I just noticed that one year ago today John uploaded one photo of me reading Poam: a Militant Man with Schizophrenia at Waiting4the Bus at Powell’s. I wonder where the video is from that night...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10206164948296689 &set=a.1601561992956.87650 .1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and John at Mickey Finn’s John posted this photo of us two years ago today of the proof copies of my collection books (that all use as cover images a collage of my past mammogram), and it is funny that just this morning I went for a mammogram here in Austin Texas and I told the woman tech that did the mammogram that I used a past x-ray for the background of my book cover. Then I grabbed my phone and showed her the cover image on scars, and she wanted to remember the url to share with other people working there.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=659899820758508 &set=a.269141523167675 .65758.100002154882485 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Icegayle Johnson! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /117595164994266

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Bob Lawrence! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /234209633262231

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Jenene Ravesloot! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /235607656454648

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Tom Roby! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /218514208180653

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Bob Rashkow! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /154405144629734

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160617 globe (for public notice)

video of last live show See YouTube video 6/17/03 of me reading poems and journal entries in my show Changing Gears about travel around the U.S.A. from 1997 through 1998.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (2:22) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem My Mother My Mother My Mother live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:34) of me reading portions of my poem In The Air (in the part that references Fort Myers Florida) live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:54) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem All The Details live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:25) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jackson Square/Bourbon Street live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:54) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Bridge To New Orleans at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:40) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Diane Talking About Her Trip To Mexico City live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (3:35) of me reading my prose Type A Person live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:48) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Ways To Spend Your Money live at Changing Gears 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:31) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On The California Streets live at Changing Gears 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:30) of me reading portions of my poem In The Air (with references to mountains) live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (3:53) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem God Eyes live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (6:32) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Everything was Alive and Dying live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 2003 Agrigento Janet Kuypers
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video On June 17th 2003, 13 years ago today, I performed a feature based on my travel throughout the U.S. in 1997 through 1998, and afterward I uploaded YouTube video (:53) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem A Match live at my Changing Gears feature 6/17/03 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160616, via Twitter
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jk bio collage “It’s the writing of the contributors that make each issue/book”. Thanks for the DitD Editor interview @NChristie_OH http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160616, via Twitter
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jk bio collage “It’s the writing of the contributors that make each issue/book”. Thanks for the DitD Editor interview @NChristie_OH http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160616, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 6/13/16 of me reading her 3 poems Death is a Dog, and What I Want to Know and I Dreamt About You Last Night at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160616, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 6/13/16 of me reading her 3 poems Death is a Dog, and What I Want to Know and I Dreamt About You Last Night at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet Janet

Janet Janet Janet
Yeah, I was in the Bloomsday in Chicago event one year ago today, and I thanked John for taking select Bloomsday in Chicago photos 6/16/15. I thought it was funny that they had very few women there, doing generic women scenes, and I performed two male roles (including a flower shop scene, and a restaurant scene where I talk about the disgusting manner the men ate meat at the table). I *so* took liberties performing that, but it was nice to be referred to as an actor (by other actors) that night.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (in the early days of my open mic) I uploaded YouTube video of me with the intro for the open mic the Café in Chicago 6/15/10, which includes my reading my poem Rhode Island is Neither a Road Nor an Island, and my reading the Charlie Newman poem Yellow Rat Bastard.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (in the early days of my open mic) I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Rhode Island is Neither a Road Nor an Island from the cc&d book from Scars Publications titled “the one thing the government still has no control over” live at the Café in Chicago 6/15/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (in the early days of my open mic) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Charlie Newman poem Yellow Rat Bastard from the cc&d book, from Scars Publications Deckard Kinder / Charlie Newman, live at the Café in Chicago 6/15/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160615, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 6/10/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Questions and Tension, Shared Air & Us, Actually Touching at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160615, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 6/10/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Questions and Tension, Shared Air & Us, Actually Touching at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160615 globe (for public notice)

JK & Joe Joe, I hope you have a GREAT birthday today!
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=1024611427620677 &set=t.1053252458 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160615 globe (for public notice)

Joel So one week to the day before my 13th birthday, I was swimming in the pool in Florida. Mom and dad walked over to the shallow end and told me to come to them. All I was thinking was ‘oh no, what did I do wrong, that they’re both want to talk to me.’ When I swam to them, they said, Joel & Janet “You’re an uncle.” This is how I found out my sister just gave birth to Joel, on June 15th. I hope Joel has a great birthday with his wife Sabrina (after their wedding anniversary last week) and THEIR little girl Lucy!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 6/12/13 at the Café Gallery live in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem a Man Calls a Woman (with quote read by Andy Karol) live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem a Man Calls a Woman (with quote read by Andy Karol) live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Farmer live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Farmer live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem (C) found poem from a New Jersey mom in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem (S) found poem from a New Jersey mom in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Hunt the Game in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Hunt the Game in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Just Saw a Circa in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Just Saw a Circa in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Oh Father live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Oh Father live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Poverty in America in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Poverty in America in the cc&d collection book Guilt by Association live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Shame on Me live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Shame on Me live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Burning live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Burning live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Too Far live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Too Far live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Trying to Change Fate live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Trying to Change Fate live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my prose How you looked then from the book Entanglement live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my prose How you looked then from the book Entanglement live 6/12/13 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160615, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk bio collage More submission guidelines for Down in the Dirt can be found any time at https://t.co/4Hyx21JQst on line
Retweeted Nancy Christie (@NChristie_OH):

Submission tips: 1 short story or 5 to six poems w/ brief 3rd person bio.” “Editor Interviews” w/ @janetkuypers Down in the Dirt magazine. http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 5 years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of my feature Ten Minutes With Warren at the 6/14/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, of my poems The Things Warren Says, No One Will, Warren Stories, Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again, It’s Someone’s Job, and You Carried It, & my covering the Eurythmics’ I Need you, + my MFV song What We Need In Life.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 5 years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video from camera #2 of my feature Ten Minutes With Warren at the 6/14/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, of my poems The Things Warren Says, No One Will, Warren Stories, Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again, It’s Someone’s Job, and You Carried It, & my covering the Eurythmics’ I Need you, + my MFV song What We Need In Life.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 5 years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video from the intro to the 6/14/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, & my poems The Things Warren Says, No One Will, Warren Stories, Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again, It’s Someone’s Job, and You Carried It, & my covering the Eurythmics’ I Need you, + my MFV song What We Need In Life.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video (:28) of me reading my poem The Things Warren Says (in the computer-generated voice of Steven Hawking) live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video (1:00) of me reading my poem No One Will 6/14/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video (:34) me reading my poem Warren Stories (in the computer-generated voice of Steven Hawking) live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video (5:07) of me reading my poem Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again 6/14/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again with the Edge Detection filter live 6/14/11 at my Chicago the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again with the Sepia Tone filter, live 6/14/11 at my Chicago the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again with the Film Age (older) filter live 6/14/11 at Chicago the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again with the Threshold filter live 6/14/11 at Chicago the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video (1:44)
of me reading my poem It’s Someone’s Job live 6/14/11 at Chicago the Café open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem It’s Someone’s Job with the Edge Detection filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem It’s Someone’s Job with the Sepia Tone filter, live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video with the Film Age (older) filter of me reading my poem It’s Someone’s Job 6/14/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem It’s Someone’s Job with the Threshold filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video
(1:40) of me reading my poem You Carried It live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem You Carried It with the Edge Detection filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem You Carried It with the Sepia Tone filter, live 6/14/11 at the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem You Carried It with the Film Age (older) filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem You Carried It with the Threshold filter live 6/14/11 at my the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, the Mom’s Favorite Vase song What We Need In Life live 6/14/11 at my the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, the Mom’s Favorite Vase song What We Need In Life with the Edge Detection filter live 6/14/11 at my the Café open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, the Mom’s Favorite Vase song What We Need In Life with the Sepia Tone filter 6/14/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, the MFV song What We Need In Life with the Film Age (older) filter 6/14/11 at Chicago’s the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, the MFV song What We Need In Life with the Threshold filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video (2:46) of me singing, and John playing the guitar, covering the Eurythmics song I Need You live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, covering the Eurythmics song I Need You with the Edge Detection filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, covering the Eurythmics song I Need You with the Sepia Tone filter, live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, covering the Eurythmics song I Need You with the Film Age (older) filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Five years ago (before my open mic was at the Gallery Cabaret) I uploaded YouTube video of me singing, and John playing the guitar, covering the Eurythmics song I Need You with the Threshold filter live 6/14/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160614, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (and John on guitar) performing 2 songs 6/10/16 at Georgetown’s PoetryPlus, covering Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Life by the Drop, The The’s Love is Stronger than Death, and her MFV song My Love for You will Stay the Same (Canon Power Shot).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160614, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (and John on guitar) performing 2 songs 6/10/16 at Georgetown’s PoetryPlus, covering Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Life by the Drop, The The’s Love is Stronger than Death, and her MFV song My Love for You will Stay the Same (from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160614 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Thom Don’t look so shocked, Thom - and have a great birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160614 globe (for public notice)

video Even though Eric Allen Yankee is not reading his "Anthem" inspired poem at his feature tonight (that Dave Gecic told him he had to read to have the feature, and this open mic used to be mine; good to see Dave Gecic is doing well with continuation of the David Rubin - Charlie Newman - Janet Kuypers open mic), it inspired me to share my past open mic readings of the Ayn Rand inspired poem... The poem conception “If you had 2 minutes to talk to someone who is no longer alive, what would you say?” or something to that effect, was started when Lisa Hemminger with “Two minutes with Angie Dickinson,” I think Joanna Marshall did “Two minutes with Anais Nin”, and I did "Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”. So, here is YouTube video of me reading my poem Two Minutes with Ayn Rand live 4/19/11 at the Café in Chicago - when I actually *timed* the poem reading...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160614 globe (for public notice)

video Even though Eric Allen Yankee is not reading his “Anthem” inspired poem at his feature tonight (that Dave Gecic told him he had to read to have the feature, and this open mic used to be mine; good to see Dave Gecic is doing well with continuation of the David Rubin - Charlie Newman - Janet Kuypers open mic), it inspired me to share my past open mic readings of the Ayn Rand inspired poem... The poem conception ”If you had 2 minutes to talk to someone who is no longer alive, what would you say?” or something to that effect, was started when Lisa Hemminger with “Two minutes with Angie Dickinson,” I think Joanna Marshall did “Two minutes with Anais Nin”, and I did “Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”. So, here is YouTube video of me reading my poem Two Minutes with Ayn Rand (S) live 7/16/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160614 globe (for public notice)

video Saw Marlon Jackson’s post from one year ago today. Glad you liked the reading. That was the cool thing about hosting an open mic that (A) started early and (B) that we video recorded for podcasts and YouTube clips, it meant I could share accepted writings from Down in the Dirt magazine and cc&d magazine when there was time... In fact, in that video I read a lot of v129a Bad Influence” poems from different people, including Donald Gaither’s poems “Untitled (grey)” and “November Wind”, G. A. Scheinoha’s poem “Easy Vic”, my haikus “console”, “extinct” and “civil”, Zak Patrick’s poem “4:44am”, my haiku poem “need”, and Marlon Jackson’s poem “Life Goes On”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160614, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk bio collage Retweeted Nancy Christie (@NChristie_OH):

I have never asked what people want to read... I just accept what I think is good writing.@janetkuypers http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my MFV song What We Need in life (with John playing guitar) while interspersing 3 of my poems (Keep Them Apart, Got on the Road Again and Keep Driving) live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my MFV song What We Need in life (with John playing guitar) while interspersing 3 of my poems (Keep Them Apart, Got on the Road Again and Keep Driving) live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (filmed with a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Writing Your Name live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (from the Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Writing Your Name live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (from the Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Under the Sea live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (video filmed from a Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Under the Sea live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (video filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem There I Sit live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Making Sense Out Of The Insane live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (Samsung).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Making Sense Out Of The Insane live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Getting Quite Good At it live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (from the Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Getting Quite Good At it live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (from the Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me covering the Eurythmics song (with John on guitar) I Need You live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me covering the Eurythmics song (with John on guitar) I Need You live in Chicago at Ruffled Feathers open mic 6/11/12 (Samsung).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet photos I posted my thank you three years ago... https://www.facebook .com/janetkuypers/posts /102008326257 11957

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160613 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thom, you said last night at Kick Butt Poetry Spoken & heard that John was so good for me, and... You are completely right, he is perfect for me, an I am lucky to have him.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154353444075362&set= gm.483366878525063 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160613 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thanks for the photo from the Kick Butt Poetry Spoken & heard readings last night, Thom (where it looks like I was in the red room... red room)...
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10154353456155362& set=gm.818490208283941 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, last year I uploaded YouTube video of the poem reading by me of Vent 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, last year I uploaded YouTube video of the poem reading by me of Vent 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon fs200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, last year I uploaded YouTube video of the poem reading by me of extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, last year I uploaded YouTube video of the poem reading by me of extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Then again, last year I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my 2 poems, Vent and extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Then again, last year I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my 2 poems, Vent and extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160613, via Twitter
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jk bio collage The date books are a GREAT year-round reference book - I use mine for scheduled appointments & have literature too!
Retweeted Nancy Christie (@NChristie_OH):

Short poems are also considered for an annual weekly date book@janetkuypers Down in the Dirt magazine. http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Good Ones at my open mic 6/6/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano music from Gary), filmed from a Canon camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Good Ones at my open mic 6/6/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano music from Gary), filmed from a Sony camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On Their Way at my open mic 6/6/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano music from Gary), filmed from a Canon camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Kill the Vermin at my open mic 6/6/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano music from Gary), filmed from a Sony camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Kill the Vermin at my open mic 6/6/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano music from Gary), filmed from a Canon camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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tweet Six years ago today I was advertising a book giveaway for my twitter-length book Tweet in conjunction with my 2010 birthday feature at the the Café in Chicago. That book is now released as both a cc&d ISSN# book AND as a ISBN# paperback book for U.S. sales!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160613 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added 5 new photos — with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. 20160612

Janet   Janet

Janet  Janet  Janet

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers eating Vegan at Maoz Vegetarian. 20160612

apple globe Forgot my phone and had to borrow one to get this photo.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160612, via Twitter
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jk bio collage Retweeted Nancy Christie (@NChristie_OH):

[When people send] submissions to us... they are NOT giving up the rights to their work.@janetkuypers http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem of independence or freedom live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon P.S.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem of independence or freedom live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Kinds of Interference live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon PS).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Kinds of Interference live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem civil live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem civil live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem console live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem console live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem extinct live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem extinct live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem need live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my haiku poem need live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from various writers from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” (Including Donald Gaither’s poems “Untitled (grey)” and “November Wind”, G. A. Scheinoha’s poem “Easy Vic”, my haiku poems “console”, “extinct” and “civil”, Zak Parson’s poem “4:44am”, my haiku poem “need”, and Marlon Jackson’s poem “Life Goes On”) live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from various writers from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” (Including Donald Gaither’s poems “Untitled (grey)” and “November Wind”, G. A. Scheinoha’s poem “Easy Vic”, my haiku poems “console”, “extinct” and “civil”, Zak Parson’s poem “4:44am”, my haiku poem “need”, and Marlon Jackson’s poem “Life Goes On”) live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from various writers from cc&d v255 (the 22 year anniversary issue), “a Mad Escape” (Including Jane Stuart’s poem untitled (moonlight), R. N. Taber’s poem Nature Trail, Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Silver Anniversary, Jesse Williams’ poem “Generation Head and Shoulders”, Chris Roe’s poem Love, Mimi Young’s poem Worm in Cement, and G. A. Scheinoha’s poem White is Not a Color) live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the poetry open mic 6/10/15 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Unruly Girls custom) t-shirt Two years ago today I was taking about GETTING this shirt (which I made into a much cooler design for probably the last Morrissey concert, which in Chicago was at the Lyric Opera untuly gir Building, right where I worked for years), and last Friday I wore it to the Poetry Plus open mic and the host even *referred to* me as the unruly girl. It is just cool that it was an excellent Morrissey concert AND at Poetry Plus 6/10/15.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Thanks to John for taking the photos that I just saw that I uploaded 3 years ago today from my 6/12/13 open mic at the Café Gallery in Chicago.

video video video

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Copper” .read live in Chicago 6/10/13 at the Sulzer Library in Poetry Saloon at Noon - and you know Suzanne Hettinger (my Saloon Poet master), I would *still* love some sort of Periodic Table collection book release FROM Saloon Poets... No, it doesn’t have to be ALL of them (some aren’t good, it was just my quest to write poems for them ALL), but it would be cool to have some *chosen* ones (for their coolness or something) in a “retrospective” book, and I could add the occasional bonus Periodic Table poem added (like “Pluto, Plutonium & Death” that I read in my June 4th 2016 feature “Obey”, or even, MAYBE, poems that *mention* elements, like my new poem “Orders” that I’m reading in a July 2nd political feature here in Austin, which talks about the pilot and the Plutonium plan that flew the fay boy over Nagasaki), which would make it a really original book... I would love to bounce off you the poems I think are worthy of inclusion in a collection from Saloon Poets like this. What do you think?

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poems “White Knuckled” and my “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem “Copper” read live in Chicago 6/10/13 at the Sulzer Library in Poetry Saloon at Noon (this video was released with a “Film Age - Older” filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem “White Knuckled” live in Chicago 6/10/13 at the Sulzer Library in Poetry Saloon at Noon.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Inga Johnson
20160612 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Inga at Fog Cutters 20060117 Inga Johnson, we might be too far away to visit right now, but I hope you have a GREAT birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Thanks to G.P.A. (Greatest Poet Alive) Livingston and James Gordon for letting us perform at the first get-together of Poetry “Love Letters” at Let Them Eat Chocolate... See YouTube video of Kuypers singing “What We Need in life” (John on guitar) while interspersing 4 of her poems (“Never Did the Same”, “Before I Learned Better”, “Can’t Answer That One” and “Sorry Flowers”) live in Chicago at Poetry “Love Letters” open mike 6/9/12 (from a Samsung).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Fantastic Car Crash (this studio track’s at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading from my show after 7/11 part four (this studio track’s at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Death is a Dog (this studio track’s at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my show part >after 7/11 (part three) (this studio track’s at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Changing Garments (and the studio recording of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my show part >after 7/11 (part two) (this studio track’s at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose King of the Universe (& this studio track’s at iTunes).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the show part >after 7/11 (part one) (this studio track is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Death Takes Many Forms. (this studio track is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem The Burning (the studio recording of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading portions of my poem Right There, By Your Heart (and the studio recording of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my show part The Effects of 9/11 (and the studio recording of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem New To Chicago (the studio track of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem The Battle At Hand (the studio track of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Work Journal two (the studio track of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Why I’ll Never Get Married (and the studio recording of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Work Journal one (the studio track of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading parts of my poem from Looking for a Worthy Adversary (and the studio recording of this is at > too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Moonlight (and the studio recording of this is at iTunes too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of my prose NASA Project, performed in the 6/11/02 show at Café Aloha in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video After traveling the U.S. for a year and was almost killed while stopped in a car, I came back to Cafe Aloha and was asked to do a feature. That feature was 14 years ago today (where I didn’t just read poetry, but used projected art and had background sounds). And because of that 6/11 show I uploaded YouTube video of a compilation of ALL of the pieces performed in the 6/11/02 show at Café Aloha in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160611 globe (for public notice)

img src="facebook/200160610jk115seated98group12.gif" width="115" height="98" border="0" alt="JK & JY in group" align="left"> Oh, wait, take one more! It’s a riot to get together for group photos like this every other week at Poetry Plus.
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10154348272305362 &set=pcb.482656331929451 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160611 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY in group No offense, but it was getting a little heavy on my lap after so many group photos were taken...
https://www.facebook.com /photo.php?fbid= 10154348271960362&set= gm.482656331929451 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160611 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thom has the only record of me banging sticks, but the photo doesn’t show me walking around and spreading percussion all over Cianfrani’s last night...
https://www.facebook. com/photo.php?fbid= 10154348273500362&set=pcb. 482656331929451 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160611 globe (for public notice)

Janet So he asked me to do percussion, and John got the modified rain stick. It was fun to act weird while someone else was doing a song on stage. (Thanks for the photo from last night, Thom!)
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10154348275145362 &set=gm.482656331929451 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added 3 new photos drinking frappe with me at Cianfrani’s Coffee. 20160610


Janet Janet
Its high praise when people think it’s a challenge to follow you.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko drinking frappe with me at Cianfrani’s Coffee. 20160610

Janet Poetry about a tooth extraction from Janet. Then sharing air and actually touching.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160610, via Twitter
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jk bio collage Retweeted Nancy Christie (@NChristie_OH):
We look for writing that is succinct, but still descriptive.@janetkuypers of Down in the Dirt magazine.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I planned to cover a different MFV song tonight at a poetry open mic, but I just saw that I once incorporated poetry INTO another MFV song... Four years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing What We Need in Life (John on guitar) while interspersing 4 of my poems (Never Did the Same, Before I Learned Better, Can’t Answer That One and Sorry Flowers) live in Chicago at Poetry “Love Letters” open mic 6/8/12 (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I planned to cover a different MFV song tonight at a poetry open mic, but I just saw that I once incorporated poetry INTO another MFV song... Four years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing What We Need in Life (John on guitar) while interspersing 4 of my poems (Never Did the Same, Before I Learned Better, Can’t Answer That One and Sorry Flowers) live in Chicago at Poetry “Love Letters” open mic 6/8/12 (Samsung).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I planned to cover a different MFV song tonight at a poetry open mic, but I just saw that I once incorporated poetry INTO another MFV song... 4 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing What We Need In Life (John on guitar) while interspersing 3 of my poems (Keep Them Apart, Got on the Road Again and Keep Driving) live in Chicago at Café Ballou, thru the Waiting4the Bus open mic 6/4/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Dreams 09/08/07 after the intro for the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem False Suicide live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Charlie Newman poem W o G from cc&d magazine June 2010 v209, the 17 year anniversary issue (also in the cc&d book “Deckard Kinder / Charlie Newman”, since I had [published so much poetry from him under a pen name in the 90s) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Marilyn by Erica Hegenderfer from cc&d magazine June 2010 (v209, the 17 year anniversary issue) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem by Alex Sagona Clever from Down in the Dirt magazine June 2010 (the v083 issue) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video
of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (dedicated to Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video (with the “extract” filter) of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (dedicated to Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video (with the “find edges” filter) of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (for Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube video
6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded(with the Metallic filter) of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (for Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video (with the “Blue Screen Key” filter) of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (for Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video (with the “old film” filter) of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (dedicated to Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video (with the “pastel sketch” filter) of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (for Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 6 years ago (when I first started running the open mic), I uploaded YouTube video (with the “Solarize” filter) of me singing the George Michael song (with John on guitar) Waiting For That Day (dedicated to Warren Peterson of Mom’s Favorite Vase) live at the Café in Chicago 6/8/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Mynx Can anybody explain to me how Mynx can just stretch out like that and look so cute?

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160609, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin (Sony), first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading my poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of my poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of my poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of my poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160609, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

jk bio collage It’s an honor to be asked as the Down in the Dirt Editor for an interview. Thx 2 @NChristie_OH 4 the chance 2 share!
Editor Interviews with @janetkuypers of Down in the Dirt magazine. http://tinyurl.com/Editor-InterviewJanetKuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this was probably the last time I went to what was like my childhood home away from home (and probably he last time I will ever be there since we sold the house, sniff sniff), but one year ago today I uploaded a Vine video of me reading my haiku 4 John fought right in front of the Blue Sky’ls sign 6/9/15 (on honor of my poems 7&7+18 & 11&2+8).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video But it’s also cool that 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Kuypers reading her twitter-length poem explaining what condoms are for from the cc&d 21 year anniversary issue Invisible Ink 6/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (from a Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video But it’s also cool that 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem kids wielding freedom and sin from the cc&d book Friction 6/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (video filmed with a Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video But it’s also cool that 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem fader, his mädchen and the Führer from the cc&d book Idols live 6/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (video filmed with a Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video But it’s also cool that 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Questioning Religion, Father and Son from the cc&d book a new era live 6/4/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (video filmed with a Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic - and MAN, did I love that big fish in the background for the open mic! Five years ago I posted YouTube video of the intro to the 6/7/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus poems like My First Time, and my Close Cover Before Striking poems (which include Chicago, West Side, Chess Game Again, Arrowhead, Was Immune, Realistic Dreams, To Be Different, Sunrise, Meant To Be, New Vacuum Cleaner), and them poem Skittery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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videoAh, the start of my open mic - because it was cool that five years ago today I was able to post this feature-length YouTube video (21:47) of me reading my writing: My First Time, Chicago, West Side, Chess Game Again, Arrowhead, Was Immune, Realistic Dreams, To Be Different, Sunrise, Meant To Be, New Vacuum Cleaner and Skittery live 6/7/11 at the Café poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted (2:51) YouTube video of me reading my poem My First Time, written & read 6/7/11, live at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Chicago, West Side live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Chess Game Again live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Arrowhead live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the reprinting of my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Realistic Dreams live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the reprinting ofmy book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Was Immune live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the reprinting of my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem To Be Different live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the reprinting of my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Sunrise live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the reprinting of my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Meant To Be live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the reprinting of my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem New Vacuum Cleaner live 6/7/11 at the Café in Chicago (from my book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Ah, the start of my open mic... Five years ago I posted (:43) YouTube video of me reading my poem Skittery, written & read 6/7/11, live at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin (Cps), first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading my poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of my poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of my poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of my poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... Because I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted YouTube video (6:57) of me reading my poem Outsourcing the American Dream from the Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... Because I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted YouTube video (2:12) of me reading my poem Marry Me... Whatever You Are from the Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... Because I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted YouTube video (4:25) of me reading my poem We Listened from the Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... Because I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted YouTube video (5:14) of me reading my poem Your Minions are Dying from the Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... Because I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted YouTube video (2:40) of me reading my poem What the Hell is She Complaining About from the Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... Because I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted YouTube video (4:03) of me reading my poem Get Me Out of this Cage from my Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... Because I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted YouTube video (5:34) of me reading my poem Key To Survival (the poem of “J”) from the Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers stripped picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Man, I loved using the projector for art in my poetry shows... I just saw that 15 years ago today I posted the entire performance of my show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café in Chicago, via the Internet Archive, video still which included my poems Key To Survival (the poem of “J”), Get Me Out of this Cage, What the Hell is She Complaining About, Your Minions are Dying, We Listened, Marry Me... Whatever You Are, and Outsourcing the American Dream.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Because on this day (June 8th 2011) I found out that my friend Warren Peterson (guitarist from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase, who played guitar for a song in my wedding) passed away the day before from ALS (June 7th 2011), I added links to details about his services on facebook, and also added links to some of our songs... This this one. five years ago today I posted YouTube video of us covering the George Michael song Waiting For That Day (take 1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video I found out 5 years ago today that my friend Warren Peterson (guitarist from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase, who played guitar for a song in my wedding) passed away the day before from ALS (June 7th 2011), so I then posted links to some of our songs... But video still that wasn’t enough then to remember him by, so right now I wanted to share Archive video of us covering the The The song I am Not a Pretty Girl (recorded outdoors).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Because on this day (June 8th) I found out that my friend Warren Peterson (guitarist from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase, who played guitar for a song in my wedding) passed away the day before from ALS (June 7th 2011), I added links to details about his services on facebook, and also added links to some of our songs... This this one. five years ago today I posted YouTube video of us covering the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a Pretty Girl (recorded indoors).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video of last live show I found out 5 years ago today that my friend Warren Peterson (guitarist from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase, who played guitar for a song in my wedding) passed away the day before from ALS (June 7th 2011), so I then posted links to some of our songs... But that wasn’t enough then to remember him by, so right now I wanted to share YouTube video of us covering the The The song Love is Stronger Than Death live in our last Chicago concert.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video of last live show I found out 5 years ago today that my friend Warren Peterson (guitarist from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase, who played guitar for a song in my wedding) passed away the day before from ALS (June 7th 2011), so I then posted links to some of our songs... But that wasn’t enough then to remember him by, so right now I wanted to share YouTube video of us covering the The The song Love is Stronger Than Death (video we filmed indoors).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160608 globe (for public notice)

video Because on this day (June 8th) I found out that my friend Warren Peterson (guitarist from the acoustic alternative band Mom’s Favorite Vase, who played guitar for a song in my wedding) passed away the day before from ALS (June 7th 2011), I added links to details about his services on facebook,and also added links to some of our songs... This this one. five years ago today I posted YouTube video of us covering the The The song Love is Stronger Than Death (outdoors).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160607 globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today I uploaded Vine video of me reading my haiku evil @ a Starbucks 6/7/15 (which is in my book 100 Haikus AND Partial Nudity).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160607 globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today I uploaded a Vine video of me reading my haiku last @ a Starbucks 6/7/15 (of the last lines of my poem the Burning) (Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Two year ago today I was editing music from the DMJ Art Connection (from the CD String Theory and more) for me “Guerrilla Haiku Reading” section of my Partial Nudity book release feature 6/18, and TODAY I am able to share that Dave Jackson mixed my Austin KOOP 91.7fm Radio recording of me reading my poem Entering the Lake of Fire into NEW MUSIC from the DMJ Art Connection (which will hopefully make it into a CD in the future)! Excellent music track, Dave!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160607 globe (for public notice)

Joel & Sabrina wwedding photos You know, June 7th is not just a day of video uploads... Because three years ago today I took and uploaded a TON of photos from Joel and Sabrina’s wedding! Happy Anniversary you two!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting my 6/5/13 open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago for podcast.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 3 years ago today (S) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading verses 1 and 3 of my poem Scars 2000 live 6/5/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 3 years ago today (C) I uploaded YouTube video of me reading verses 1 and 3 of my poem Scars 2000 live 6/5/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose leaving for work live 6/5/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose leaving for work live 6/5/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash live 6/5/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash live 6/5/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (on a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Ben Macnair poem Shrouded in Down in the Dirt magazine live 6/5/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Doug Draime poem Superman Looking Through A Microscope At Cells Dying in cc&d magazine live 6/5/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the IB Rad poem But for Sin in cc&d magazine live 6/5/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Janet Doggett poem Punctuation in Down in the Dirt magazine live 6/5/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Marcin Majkowski poem to Paint in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 6/5/13 at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And two years also I also posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my twitter-length poem explaining what condoms are for from the cc&d 21 year anniversary issue Invisible Ink 5/21/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And two years also I also posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem kids wielding freedom and sin from the cc&d book Friction live 5/21/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And two years also I also posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem fader, his mädchen and the Führer from the cc&d book Idols live 5/21/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And two years also I also posted YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem Questioning Religion, Father and Son from the cc&d book a new era anniversary issue bonus book live 5/21/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And two years also I also posted YouTube video of me reading the Bruce Matteson haiku in the 6/14 cc&d anniversary issue / book “Sea Drift” live 6/4/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And two years also I also posted YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 6/4/14 at the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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The Pyre On Which Tomorrow Burns, an A.J. Huffman chap Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the A.J. Huffman chapbook The Pyre On Which Tomorrow Burns as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the 2016 chapbook The Pyre On Which Tomorrow Burns with poetry from A.J. Huffman today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160606 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Then again, 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem use what you had {2012 edit} at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus 6/2/14 in Chicago (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Then again, 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem use what you had {2012 edit} at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus 6/2/14 in Chicago (Posterized Canon video).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Transcribing Dreams two at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus 6/2/14 in Chicago (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Transcribing Dreams two at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus 6/2/14 in Chicago (Posterized Canon video).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem surprise at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus 6/2/14 in Chicago (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem surprise at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus 6/2/14 in Chicago (as Posterized video).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160606 globe (for public notice)

0video One year ago today I posted a Vine video of location #2 of me reading my haiku form (based on Cast in Stone) 6/6/15 on Jan drive (a street named after me; from a Motorola, vine #2).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160606 globe (for public notice)

0video One year ago today I posted a Vine video of location #1 of me reading my haiku form (based on Cast in Stone) 6/6/15 on Jan drive (a street named after me; from a Motorola, vine #1).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160606 globe (for public notice)

0video One year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my John’s Mind haiku (based on The Mind of John) by a religious statue 6/6/15 on Sand drive (filmed with a Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Guilt by Assosiation cc&d collectoin book Three Years ago is when Scars Publications released the cc&d magazine Jan./June 2013 collection book Guilt by Association - and this 374 page of poetry, prose & art book from assorted writers and artists is still for sale online (the 2016 issue collection books will be out in a month or so). (And how can you go wrong with a book including so my contributors, like Linda Webb Aceto, Chris Allen, Cheryl Townsend (with art), Aaron Wilder (with art), CK Baker, Bradley Bates, Rose E. Grier (with art), Brian Forrest (with art), Lucia Blinn, P. Keith Boran, the HA!man of South Africa (with art), Eric Burbridge, David Michael Jackson (with art), James T. Carr, CEE, Michael Ceraolo, Patrick N. Cole, Rex Bromfield (with art), Esteban Colon, Corey Cook , William de Rham, Kenneth DiMaggio, Doug Downie, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Dan Fitzgerald, Pepper Giese, Hannah Haas, Eric Bonholtzer (with art), Fritz Hamilton, Oz Hardwick, Tabitha Holcombe, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), Amelia Holden, Marilyn June Janson , Bob Johnston, Scott Archer Jones, R.F. Jordan, Peter LaBerge (with art), Michael C. Keith, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), Bill Kroger, Peter LaBerge (with art), Gregory Liffick, Brian Looney, Bruce Matteson, Don Maurer, MCD, Jodi McMaster, Jim Meirose, Mary Mac Neil, Joel Netsky, Andrew H. Oerke, Ryan Peeters, Simon Perchik, Richard King Perkins II, S. Progress, Lise Quintana, IB Rad, John Ragusa, Jenene Ravesloot, William Robinson, Tom Roby, Eric S., Carol Smallwood, Devon Sova, Scott Spradli, Dana Stamps II, Bob Strother, R. N. Taber, Mel Waldman, Bill Yarroow and Janet Kuypers ?)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Entanglement (Down in the Dirt issue collection book) Three Years ago is when Scars Publications released the Down in the Dirt collection Entanglement - and this 340 page 6" x 9" perfect-bound collection book is still for sale online (the 2016 issue collection books will be out in a month or so). (And how can you go wrong with a book including so my contributors, like Maria A. Arana, Adelaida Avila, Brian Boru, Mike Brennan, Michael D. Brown, Jon Brunette, Eric Burbridge, CEE, Michael Chaney, Kenneth DiMaggio, Janet Doggett, Margaret Doonan, Doug Downie, Daniel Flaherty, Zachary F. Gerberick, Cassia Gaden Gilmartin, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (art), Hanna Gaden Gilmartin, Jordaine Givens, Danya Goodman, Chad Grant, Michael Greeley, Travis Green, Trevor Hackley, Fritz Hamilton, Robert Heath, John T. Hitchner, Willie Haul, Dennis Humphrey, Ray Kemble, Joseph Kraus, Richard Lind, Rex Bromfield (art), Brian Looney, Ben Macnair, D.S. Maolalai, Kevin Mazzola, Zach Murphy, Harry Noussias, Ryan Priest, John Ragusa, Michael Royce, Kenneth Schalhoub, Tom Sheehan, Bridgette Singleton, Carol Smallwood, Liam Spencer, Bob Strother, Kevin Michael Vance, Nick Viglietta, Allen M Weber, Kerry Lown Whalen, Abir Wood, Nathan C. Zackroff, Janet Kuypers, and Mike Brennan?)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160605 globe (for public notice)

video Just uploaded a ton of haiku poems from Louisiana, but one year ago today I uploaded a Vine video of me reading my dark matter haiku elusive 6/5/15 @ palm fronds @ the end of Jan drive (filmed from a Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160605 globe (for public notice)

video Just uploaded a ton of haiku poems from Louisiana, but one year ago today I uploaded a Vine video of my haiku easy @ the pond @ Jan & Palos drives 6/5/15 (from a Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160605 globe (for public notice)

video Just uploaded a ton of haiku poems from Louisiana, but one year ago today I uploaded a Vine video of my coincidence? haiku she read on Jan drive (a street named after me) 6/5/15 @ the tiki hut (Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet and Mr. Todu Man in the Veggie Pride Parade Although this was so weird, it is still a riot to see this photo from the Veggie Pride Parade three years ago today...
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10200775899413835& set=a.1601561992956.87650 .1053252458&type=3

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video My mind is officially blown when I see that four years ago today I posted YouTube video of me singing What We Need in life (John on guitar) while interspersing 3 of my poems (Keep Them Apart, Got on the Road Again and Keep Driving) live in Chicago at Café Ballou, thru the Waiting4the Bus open mic 6/4/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers John Yotko added 10 new photos of me at Bahá’í Faith. 20160605

Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet
Janet Janet Janet Janet Janet
Janet doing her feature, Obey, at June is a Woman show.

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Janet Thom, thanks for hosting the features last night!
https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154333213980362 &set=gm.480578965470521 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypersupdated her cover photo. 20160605 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet I command thee... Obey my orders and come to “Expressions” at the Bahá’í Center, because “ June is a Woman!” and it showcases (starting at 6pm, until 10pm) a bunch of women poet features, including myself, with a show I call “Obey”. I am so psyched to have this feature tonight (2215 E M Franklin Ave, Austin, Texas 78723), because I am finally adding my multi media style into a show here in Austin! I have a projector with drawings of women (and more “Obey” images) running throughout my readings set to sampled music from Laurie Anderson - I even have a voice modulator to emulate a male voice sometimes too! I am also wearing a flapper dress for the show (perfect for the time when women gained the right to vote, and then wanted to stand out on their own from men)... So, if you have the power, Obey my wishes and come to a GREAT night at the Bahá’í Faith Center!

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video Cool to see that one year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my haiku close (with lines from my poem death is a dog) 6/1/15 @ the tiki hut./font>

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video Cool to see that one year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my need haiku based on the last words of my poem Burn It In 6/4/15 @ my childhood tennis court (w/ a Motorola).

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video Cool to see that one year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my escape haiku 6/4/15 (derived from my poem the muse, the messiah) @ the gazebo near my Florida home (Motorola).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160604, Via YouTube
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video How awesome-saucy to see that 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading my 3 poems Use What you Had (2012 edit), Surprise and Transcribing Dreams two at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus 6/2/14 in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160603, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video from 5/27/16 (Cfs) of me reading her 3 poems Brewing the Coffee and Remembering Summer, middle eastern man in front of me and her flash fiction Private Lives III, the elevated train, Chicago, Illinois, and then John came on stage and read my poem Freedom Just Past The Fence as well John’s poem at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160603, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video from 5/27/16 (Sony) of me reading her 3 poems Brewing the Coffee and Remembering Summer, middle eastern man in front of me and her flash fiction Private Lives III, the elevated train, Chicago, Illinois, and then John came on stage and read my poem Freedom Just Past The Fence as well John’s poem at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

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Obey Released the day before the performance - Scars Publications has just now released the cc&d bonus release chapbook of new poems (and edited old poems) that will performed to music with an art show live at Austin’s the Bahá’í Center 6/4/16! Download a free PDF file copy from the all-female show Obey, for this brand new chapbook!

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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Dreams 09/80/07, after the intro for the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Dreams 09/08/07 live at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem the Greatest Spectacle in Racing live at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl live at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video (with the “extract” filter)of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video (with a metallic filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video (with the “find edges” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video (with the “Blue Screen Key” filter)of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl live at the Café open mic in Chicago 6/1/10

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video (with the “old film” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video (with the “pastel sketch” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl live at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video (with the “solarize” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Ani DiFranco song I am Not a pretty Girl at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by CEE from cc&d magazine June 2010 (v209, the 17 year anniv. issue) titled I’ll Stick with the Civil War One @ the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by Jeff Wyman from cc&d magazine June 2010 (v209, the 17 year anniversary issue) titled At the Gym live at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a prose poem by kalifornia from cc&d magazine June 2010 (v209, the 17 year anniversary issue) titled the Price live at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a poem by Henry Sosnowski from cc&d magazine June 2010 (v209, the 17 year anniversary issue) titled Wrong Reflection at the Café in Chicago 6/1/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video For those who couldn’t make it to my Partial Nudity Nudity feature two years ago, it’s cool that they read a haiku for my show (so in a way they could still be a part of the show), and 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of poet Charlie Newman reading my twitter-length haiku fit live 6/2/14 in Chicago (while @ Jaks Tap)... And yes, everyone laughed during the show when I played his video and he stuck his tongue out at the end.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video For those who couldn’t make it to my Partial Nudity Nudity feature two years ago, it’s cool that they read a haiku for my show (so in a way they could still be a part of the show), and 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of poet R. Gibbons reading my twitter-length haiku guide live 6/2/14 in Chicago (while @ Jaks Tap).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video For those who couldn’t make it to my Partial Nudity Nudity feature two years ago, it’s cool that they read a haiku for my show (so in a way they could still be a part of the show), and 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of poet Jackie Wolk reading my twitter-length haiku difference live 6/2/14 in Chicago (while @ Jaks Tap).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video For those who couldn’t make it to my Partial Nudity Nudity feature two years ago, it’s cool that they read a haiku for my show (so in a way they could still be a part of the show), and 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of poet Bruce Matteson reading my twitter-length haiku defenses live 6/2/14 in Chicago (while @ Jaks Tap).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video For those who couldn’t make it to my Partial Nudity Nudity feature two years ago, it’s cool that they read a haiku for my show (so in a way they could still be a part of the show), and 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of poet Wayne Allen Jones reading my twitter-length haiku close live 6/2/14 in Chicago (while @ Jaks Tap).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video For those who couldn’t make it to my Partial Nudity Nudity feature two years ago, it’s cool that they read a haiku for my show (so in a way they could still be a part of the show), and 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of poet Elizabeth Harper reading my twitter-length haiku can’t get you live 6/2/14 in Chicago (while @ Jaks Tap).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem from Hydrogen to Nothing live 5/29/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon) with 2011 Hotel music “playing with blocks and whotnot” by the HA!Man of South Africa.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem from Hydrogen to Nothing live 5/29/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony) with 2011 Hotel music “playing with blocks and whotnot” by the HA!Man of South Africa.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Kme reading my poem Occupy live 5/29/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Occupy live 5/29/13 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Oklahoma water-surfing live 5/29/13 at the end of the evening like conversation at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Oklahoma water-surfing live 5/29/13 at the end of the evening like conversation at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 5/29/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Brian Looney poem Flicker in cc&d magazine live 5/29/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (S).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Lily Gardner poem Innocence in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 5/29/13 at the Café Gallery poetry open mic I hosted in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video 3 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Allen M Weber poem caller id in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 5/29/13 at the Café Gallery poetry open mic I hosted in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video See video 5/27/16 (Sony) of me reading her 3 poems David, Drinking Coffee and So, and then John came on stage and read my poem one by one, the beech trees fell as well as a cc&d poem at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 5/27/16 (Cps) of me reading her 3 poems David, Drinking Coffee and So, and then John came on stage and read my poem one by one, the beech trees fell as well as a cc&d poem at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Sea Drift Anniversary issues were released one day late two years ago (cut me some slack, I released a number of anniversary issue releases for cc&d, so a lot of book were released last year) but two year ago Scars Publications also released four anniversary issue/books to honor the many years of cc&d! The fourth collection book is Sea Drift, or poems & prose & art from the 2012 expanded anniversary issue (plus bonus 2013 anniversary issue writings, PLUS bonus 2014 writings ABOUT “children, churches and daddies”). Check out this one-of-a-kind issue/book!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Friction Anniversary issues were released one day late two years ago (cut me some slack, I released a number of anniversary issue releases for cc&d, so a lot of book were released last year) but two year ago Scars Publications also released four anniversary issue/books to honor the many years of cc&d! The third collection book is Friction, or poems & prose & art from 2003-2009 anniversary issues (plus bonus 2014 writings ABOUT “children, churches and daddies”). Check out this one-of-a-kind issue/book!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Idols Anniversary issues were released one day late two years ago (cut me some slack, I released a number of anniversary issue releases for cc&d, so a lot of book were released last year) but two year ago Scars Publications also released four anniversary issue/books to honor the many years of cc&d! The second collection book is Idols, or poems & prose & art from 2003-2009 anniversary issues (plus bonus 2014 writings ABOUT “children, churches and daddies”). Check out this one-of-a-kind issue/book!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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a new era Anniversary issues were released one day late two years ago (cut me some slack, I released a number of anniversary issue releases for cc&d, so a lot of book were released last year) but two year ago Scars Publications also released four anniversary issue/books to honor the many years of cc&d! The first collection book is a new era, or poems & prose & art from 1994-1997 anniversary issues (plus bonus 2014 writings ABOUT “children, churches and daddies”). Check out this one-of-a-kind issue/book!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Oh, but how spooky weird, because I wrote the poem Andrew Hettinger years ago, and wrote in the poem that I would would like to find the gravesite... A friend of his brother found the poem in 2010 and contacted me, and when I was able to get to town. May 27th 2011 we met up and went to Andrew Hettinger’s gravesite at St. Mary’s Cemetery. The friend even asked to listen to my reading the poem... So five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my literally reading the poem Andrew Hettinger to him at his gravesite.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem Domestic Violence in America, Nashville TN (stick) 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem Gas Stations and Gun Dealers 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem Me or Him 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem Accounts for the Need of Gun Control, January 1995 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the flash fiction Leaving for Work 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem Filled with Such Panic 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem All the Loose Ends 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the flash fiction Tell Me 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem Taking Out the Brain 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the poem The Carpet Factory, the Shoes 5/31/11 at the Café in Chicago (from the book Close Cover Before Striking).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (19:36) of me 5/31/11 at the Café reading her writing: The Carpet Factory, the Shoes, Taking Out the Brain, Tell Me, All the Loose Ends, Filled with Such Panic, Leaving for Work, Accounts for the Need of Gun Control, January 1995, Me or Him, Gas Stations and Gun Dealers, and Domestic Violence in America, Nashville TN (stick).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160602 globe (for public notice)

video Cool, five years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the intro to the 5/31/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus her Close Cover Before Striking poems.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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the 23 enigma Scars Publications just released the print and Internet editions of cc&d magazine (the June 2016 23 year anniversary issue, v263), titled the 23 enigma! Now you can order the book the 23 enigma directly from the amazon printer! (And soon it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. & Europe!)
the 23 enigma is a 2016 Scars Publications cc&d magazine (v263) poetry and short story book by assorted writers and artists. Included in this book are (in order of appearance) Charles Hayes (with “How Did I Ever Wind Up Here”), Richard Schnap (with “Dear Diary”), CEE (with “Love as a verb “, “’Tween the Ears is Too Short”), Eric Burbridge (with “Forgiveness”), Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with “Looking Up at the Sky art”), Xanadu (with “Sarajevo Blues (Pt I)”, “Wu Xianlin after Rodin art”), Dan Fitzgerald (with “My Time”), Kyle Hemmings (with “Clock Ricepap art”), Erren Kelly (with “A New Pair Of Kicks”, “The Queen Of Old Orchard Beach Maine”), the HA!Man of S. Africa (with “Paris art”), Steve DeFrance (with “Do It Yourself Bukowski Multople Choice”), Rose E. Grier (with “Party Here art”), Brian Looney (with “The Fever Which She Inspired”), Patrick Fealey (with “The Jester”, “Mastering Fine Accidents”), Drew Brashaw (with “Trampled”), Eric bonholtzer (with “5954 art”), Alicia Berdeguez (with “A Simple Recalculation of Vows”), JoyAnne O’Donnell (with “Rose Water”), Brian Forrest (with “Western Flax Flower art”), David Lester Young (with “What you had to have”), Brian & Lauren Hosey (with “White Sands, Osha, Dog Canyon art”), Teresa Roberson (with “Before I Learned”), Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with “UZEYIR DF1K art”), David Michael Jackson (with “Made any Difference art”), Michael Ceraolo (with “SHE: A Fable for the 21st Century”), I.B. Rad (with “Facescaping”, “Korean Christ”), David J. Thompson (with “Church Of Christ art”), I.B. Rad (with “Our Common Tongue”), Shane (with “Gone”), Janet Kuypers (with “unique noise”), John Yotko (with “2 underwater photographs”), Oz Hardwick (with “Time Slip art”), Janet Kuypers (with “X-rays and broken hearts”, “one and six”), Charles Hayes (with “Pay Back”), Janet Kuypers (with “oil haiku”), Charles Hayes (with “Friends: One Down, One Arrested”), Dr. Shmooz, a.k.a. Daniel S. Weinberg (with “Fish art”), Eric Burbridge (with “Secrets”), Wes Heine (with “10489692 art”), Nora McDonald (with “Boys and Bluebonnets”, “It Makes Your Hair Curl”), Betty J. Sayles (with “Daughter of the Woods”), Dave Nelson (with “College Days Are Swiftly Fleeting”), D. D. Renforth (with “No Ship is Big Enough”), Aaron Wilder (with “High Season 01 art”), Steven K. Smith (with “Night”), Janet Kuypers (with “In U.S. Politics, which side is more violent?”), CEE (with “Warhol Earth (Death by Monotone)”), Francois Le Roux (with “This dangerous ecstatic but lonely path.”), Charles Hayes (with “MacArthur’s Palo”), and Peter Laberge (with “0206, 0217 cactus art”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

The Hive Scars Publications just released the print and Internet edition of Down in the Dirt magazine (The June 2016 issue, v137), titled The Hive! Order your copy the book The Hive today!

Down in the Dirt magazine is released every other month (with bonus issues) as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only it’s usual ISSN# (print ISSN# 1554-9623 and Internet ISSN# 1554-9666), but also an ISBN#. Because of ISBN# releases, all issues are now also released with an amazon printer (so it will be available for sale through the Internet with local printers in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe).

Writers and artists included in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6"x9" ISBN# paperback book are (in order of appearance) Jeremiah Castelo (with “Shadowboxing”), Ruth Z. Deming (with “Keeper of the Keys”), Linda Golden (with “Ode To A Swing”, “What I Was Told”, “Who is the Author of My Life”), Steve Sibra (with “Hitler’s Woman”), Denny E. Marshall (with “Haiku (UDO)”, “Microbes”, “Rim”), Al Ortolani (with “Turquoise Stone”), Nathaniel Sverlow (with “a measure of time”, “what to do”, “wondering”), Richard Schnap (with “Consider the Source”, “Volition”, “Love Among the Ruins”), Kathryn Trattner (with “Negative”), Rachael Thompson (with “My Dark Knight”), Dan Maltbie (with “the Distance”), Allan Onik (with “the Hive”, “Canotila”), Luis Herrera (with “Tests Aren’t the Only Things with Difficult Choices”), Janet Kuypers (with “mister”), JoyAnne O’Donnell (with “Flower’s Essence”), Rose Saundersl (with “Darkness”), Mario “Maxx” Hassell (with “The Chamber”), Janet Kuypers (with “floor”), Kendra Burns (with “Shot”), Janet Kuypers (with “ever leave me”), Jazmine Dorsey (with “John”), Janet Kuypers (with “John”), Jamanda Parker (with “Thriller”), Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with “london wpo bebe 168 art”), Melanie Greenwood (with “Destiny”), Stephan Deemer (with “The Wolf”), Janet Kuypers (with “easy”), Jaron Panikkar (with “Time Is Madness”), Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with “Prisoner of Time art”), Andrew Estep (with “The Life of a Thief”), Janet Kuypers (with “run”), Antonio Ingram (with “Cadillac Vision”), Alex Kingsley (with “Blackmail the Devil”), Janet Kuypers (with “evil”), Angelica Carter (with “Nine-Year-Old Eyes”), Abdulrahman “Manny” Sembawah (with “Honor”), Janet Kuypers (with “knowing”), King Wiz (with “Bloody Knuckles and Broken Bottles”), Doug Hawley (with “Meds”), Bill Wolak (with “Desire Burned Your Doors to Ashes art”), Indunil Madhusankha (with “He is Just Asleep!”, “Paradox”), Nick Gregorio (with “Death Protects”), Janet Kuypers (with “sting”), Stephanie Conley (with “Burning Sensation”), Roger G. Singer (with “Blues Man”), David A. Forrester (with “Long Long on the Moon Ride”), Fabrice Poussin (with “Enchanted art”), Daniel Mark (with “An Open Lette to the Lady with a Dog”), Kyle Hemmings (with “dog 1 art”), Janet Kuypers (with “heaviness”), Edward Alexander (with “Haiku in 3D”), Janet Kuypers (with “fit”), Matthew Hoch (with “Good Times Bad Times Bar”), Janet Kuypers (with “universe”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video This is the day for issue releases, because four years ago today is when Scars Publications released the cc&d magazine May/June 2014 v249 - the 21 year anniversary issue, Invisible Ink (writers and artists in this book include David Hernandez, Jackie Smith, Stephen Todd Booker, Georgehur, Michael Ceraolo, Peter Layton, Anthony Brazeau, Dan Fitzgerald, I.B. Rad, Doug Draime, Drew Nacht, Matt Marinovich, Andy Roberts, Bill Yarrow, Patrick Hurley, Michael Lee Johnson, Janet Kuypers, Eric Burbridge, John Clayton Heinz, Joshua Copeland, Ronald Brunsky, Fritz Hamilton, Nicholas E. Efstathiou, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Jim Meirose, Erica Haldi, R. W. Lowrie, Aaron Wilder, Margaret Karmazin, John Yotko, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, John Yotko, David J. Thompson, the HA!man of South Africa, Cheryl Townsend, Peter LaBerge, Eric Bonholtzer, Brian Forrest painting, David Michael Jackson, and Rose E. Grier.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video This is the day for issue releases, because four years ago today is when Scars Publications released the Down in the Dirt magazine May/June 2014 v123 issue, Home at Last (with contributors like Robley Browne, Allan Onik, A. C. Lippert, Jon Brunette, Elly Moore, Don Massenzio, Fritz Hamilton, David Hernandez, Robert Crowl, Eric Burbridge, William Masters, Liam C. Calhoun, Roger G. Singer, Meredith Wilshere, Allen M Weber, Bradford Middleton, John Grey, Fred Miller, Mike Brennan, Damian Sebouhian, Holly Day, Caleb Holbrook, Stanley M Noah, Anna Maria Hansen, and Janet Kuypers.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a photo. 20160601 globe (for public notice)

video This is the day for issue releases, because four years ago today is when Scars Publications released the cc&d magazine May/June 2013 v233 20 year anniversary issue (writers included in this book are CEE, Rose E. Grier, Dana Stamps, II, Fritz Hamilton, Oz Hardwick, I.B. Rad, Devon Sova, William Robison, Corey Cook, R.F. Jordan, Doug Draime, Kenneth DiMaggio, Michael Ceraolo, S. Progress, Brian Looney, Richard King Perkins II, Pepper Giese, Bill Yarrow, Bruce Matteson, Jenene Ravesloot, Lucia Blinn, Eric S., Tom Roby, Janet Kuypers, Bill Kroger, Fritz Hamilton, Mel Waldman, John Ragusa, Bob Johnston, Tabitha Holcombe, Eric Burbridge, and Hannah Haas, and art by the HA!Man of South Africa, Brian Forrestt, Eric Bonholtzer, Aaron Wilder, Rex Bromfield, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, Rose E. Grier, David Michael Jackson, Peter LaBerge, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, and Cheryl Townsend.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video This is the day for issue releases, because four years ago today is when Scars Publications released the cc&d magazine 6/12 v233 19 year anniversary issue (wich includes poetry from Joseph Hart, Henry Walter Matthews (with art), Brian Looney, Cheryl Townsend (with art), David Thompson, Michael Ceraolo, the HA!man of South Africa (with art), W. Dont Andrews, Holly Day, Oz Hardwick (with art), Frank De Canio, Peter LaBerge (with art), John Newmark, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), R. N. Taber, Lily Gardner, Edward Michael O Durr Supranowicz (with art), I.B. Rad, Nick Brazinsky (with art), S. Progress, Eric Bonholtzer (with art), Janet Kuypers, and Brian Forrest (with art), and prose from Fritz Hamilton, Derrick Sherwin, Brian Hosey and Lauren Braden photography, Ronald M. Wade, Aaron Wilder (with art), Robert D. Lyons, Brian Duggan, John Duncklee, Stephen V. Ramey, Christine Barba, Yasmin Ramirez, George Coston (with art), Wm. Samuel Bradford, and, Rose E. Grier (with art).)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video This is the day for issue releases, because four years ago today is when Scars Publications released the Down in the Dirt magazine 6/12 issue v107 (with contributors like Janet Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, Liam Spencer, Brian Looney, Tom Ball, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with art), Travis Green, Sarah Lucille Marchant, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kerry Lown Whalen, Ruth Juris, Donald C. White Jr., Amanda Ronan, Bob Strother, Steven Pelcman, Changming Yuan, James Kowalczyk, John Ragusa, Rod Hamon, Elena Botts, and Daniel J Roozen).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a post.
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the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall (Washington D.C.) View this Janet Kuypers photo © at worldartfriends.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a post.
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a Gondola in Venice (Italy) View this Janet Kuypers photo © at worldartfriends.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a post.
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a sign at the bamboo trees saying “don’t walk through the bamboo” at the Summer Palace (Beijing, China) View this Janet Kuypers photo © at worldartfriends.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a post.
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the galapagos and a fountain, with the Louvre (Paris) Tons of Galapagos images were posted 5 years ago today too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a post.
globe (for public notice)

the Pyramid and a fountain, with the Louvre (Paris) View this Janet Kuypers photo © at worldartfriends.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a post.
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a painting on the side of a Montreal building View this Janet Kuypers photo © at worldartfriends.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine shared a link
via Twitter 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku universe from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine shared a link
via Twitter 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku heaviness from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine shared a link
via Twitter 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku sting from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine shared a link
via Twitter 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku knowing from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine shared a link
via Twitter 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku evil from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine shared a link
via Twitter 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku run from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine shared a link
via Twitter 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku easy from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku floor from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku floor from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku mister from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku oil from cc&d’s 23 year anniv. Scars Publications book the 23 enigma 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku kindness from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku fought from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku Ending a Relationship from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku difference from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku stagger from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku guide from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku choke from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160530 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku cage from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under 5/30/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet at the Café Gallery poetry open mic Art can’t hurt you (at least that’s what the t-shirt says).

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at The Absynthe Bar. 20160529 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Absynthe makes the heart grow fonder.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at The Absynthe Bar. 20160529 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet This guy wanted a pic with us

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160529 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video as Janet Kuypers reads her haiku brewery from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitude live on Bourbon Street 5/29/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers with John Yotko at The Melting Pot. 20160529

Janet & John Thanks for the garlic and wine flavored spice that John got me addicted to (Cone on, John, have another snort) at a VERY nice fondue dinner in nola.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at Canal Street, New Orleans. 20160529 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Had to join in with Indian recording artists had video production and a parade.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160529 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video as Janet Kuypers reads her haiku stagger from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitude in New Orleans 5/29/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160529 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video as Janet Kuypers reads her haiku forever from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book the Breaking in New Orleans 5/29/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160529 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video as Janet Kuypers reads her haiku feel from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitude in New Orleans 5/29/16.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160529 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video as Janet Kuypers reads her haiku job from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book the Breaking in New Orleans 5/29/16 (take 2).

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160529 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video as Janet Kuypers reads her haiku job from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book the Breaking in New Orleans 5/29/16 (take 1).

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at The Green Goddess.
20160529 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet It is Po-Boy weekend for me (& this was even good open faced) with a side of Creole Kale.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Flashback live 5/27/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Flashback live 5/27/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading poems from Scars books, including the “need to know2014 literary date book poems (like David Michael Schmidt’s “Finger On The Trigger”, and S. R. Mearns’ “Homesick”), plus the CEE poem “The Elective” (from his book “Sine Peoria, Nulls est Gloria”), and the Mark Fleury poem “The Hardest Part” (from his book “Seeing Strangers”), live 5/27/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading G.P.A. (the poetic unsub)’s poem “Arbitrary Thoughts” (which originally appeared in the v217 issue of cc&d magazine (now available for sale on line as an ISSN# issue as well as the ISBN# book Life... from Nothing), that was also released in the Literary Town Hall cc&d edition 2011 collection book (still available for sale), in honor of (and before the) G.P.A. (the poetic unsub) feature 5/27/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of me hosting the poetry open mic 5/27/15 at the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with with Janet Kuypers at Angeli On Decatur. 20160528 shared with friends

JK & JY Thought bubbles or disco balls. Janet’s bummed she doesn’t get to see the huge Drew Brees painting that always used to be here.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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janetkuypers.com with tennis image me says, get ready for the French Open 2nd week of matches!!!

2015: Since the French Open started, I added a random photo of me with a tennis racket to janetkuypers dot com (it’s just 1 of 4 new pics I added to the image library of 20 pics for the main page).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet and Clair photo collage Claire McCormick, you thought you were safe from the photons (boo-ah ha ha)...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with with Janet Kuypers at Killer Poboys. w0160528 shared with friends

JK Janet is chomping into her vegan po-boy... Shrimp for me. And yes, they are killer.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

So we’re on i10 81.4 miles away from getting to New Orleans and the traffic almost came to a halt. (Cannot find traffic report to explain why.) And just saw that maybe 15 cars behind us they closed i10.

And now speed is picking up. Maybe we’ll make it to the French Market before it closes...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (there is YouTube video to prove it) I was performing my entire feature My Soul in the Trunk of my Car (part 2) at Trunk Fest, live and outdoors in Evanston IL 5/28/11, where I performed my poems the Burning, Death Takes Many Forms, Keep Them Apart one by one, the beech trees fell, my short prose Driving By His House, and my poems Keep Driving, Fantastic Car Crash and I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my poem the Burning live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my poem Death Takes Many Forms live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (and yes, it is cool that there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my poem Keep Them Apart live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my poem one by one, the beech trees fell live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my prose Driving By His House live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (and yes, there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my twitter-length poem Keep Driving live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my poem Fantastic Car Crash live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is cool that 5 years ago (there is YouTube video to prove it) I was reading my poem I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well live in my show My Soul in the Trunk of my Car at Trunk Fest (part 2), in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 5/28/11.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160528 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku evil from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitide after the Poetry Plus open mic in Georgetown 5/27/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers / JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine. 20160528 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku evil from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitide after the Poetry Plus open mic in Georgetown 5/27/16.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

We are FINALLY going to New Orleans (about time!), and John found a Top 10 vegetarian sandwiches in New Orleans web page for National Sandwich Month (http://gonola.com/2014/08/19/national-sandwich-month-the-10-best-places-to-get-a-vegetarian-sandwich-in-new-orleans.html), and two that I liked are in the French Quarter (though the site is a good place for anyone in the area to check out good vegetarian sandwiches in NOLA).

2. Killer Poboys – Located inside Erin Rose bar smack dab in the French Quarter is Killer Poboys. This popular sandwich spot is aptly named, as their poboy sandwiches are killer. Vegetarians will want to try their Roasted Sweet Potato and Local Greens Poboy, served with a Louisiana citrus pepper jelly and a black-eyed pea pecan puree.
504-252-6745 ~ 21+to enter

7. Lilly’s Café’ – As far as Vietnamese restaurants go in New Orleans, Lilly’s is one of the best. Their Tofu Vietnamese Poboy (banh mi) is a great vegetarian sandwich choice, classically served on a French roll with pickled carrots and daikon, cucumber, cilantro, jalapenos and French butter (nix the butter to make it vegan).
Phone number (504) 599-9999
Table reservation recommended
Address: Lilly’s Cafe Lower Garden District, 1813 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70130

9. Green Goddess – Located in the iconic French Quarter, Green Goddess’ menu offers several vegetarian and vegan appetizers and meals. Their vegan Formosan Tofu Po-Boy is served on a French roll dressed with fresh vegetables, sweet Asian pickles and arugula, filled with Taiwanese-inspired spicy/sweet grilled lemongrass tofu (locally-made and organic) and topped with fried shallots and green onions. Be sure to try one of their dreamy craft cocktails made from fresh vegetable and fruit juices.

Green Goddess - 307 Exchange Place, New Orleans, LA 70130 - Phone: 504-301-3347
Hours: 11:00am till 9:00pm on Wednesday - Sunday | No Reservations

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160527, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Where Does The Love Go, Don’t Go To Denny’s and Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160527, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Where Does The Love Go, Don’t Go To Denny’s and Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160627 globe (for public notice)

janet kuypers timeline pic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160526, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Sony camera w/ a Hue Cycling filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160526, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video But I only showed off Sony video releases from 2012 before... Because 4 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Cocoon I’ve Created at the open mic 5/23/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ by live piano music from Gary) from the Canon video camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video But I only showed off Sony video releases from 2012 before... Because 4 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Missed the Clicks and Scratches at the open mic 5/23/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ by live piano music from Gary) from the Canon camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video But I only showed off Sony video releases from 2012 before... Because 4 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea at the open mic 5/23/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ by live piano music from Gary) from the Canon video camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of my poem Conversations, a day of grieving 1/22/94 (VII), & the prose poem / flash fiction Age, at the intro for the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 5/25/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Conversations, a day of grieving 1/22/94 (VII) live at the Café in Chicago 5/25/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose / flash fiction Age live at the Café in Chicago 5/25/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem For C Ra live at the Café in Chicago 5/25/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video When I first was hosting my open mic 6 years ago, I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a set of C Ra McGuirt poems, from the book nopoem, & a bonus 2009 C Ra MGuirt recording live at the Café in Chicago 5/25/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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There’s No Surf in Cleveland (Section 1), a Michael Ceraolo chap Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the cc&d bonus of the Michael Ceraolo chapbook There’s No Surf in Cleveland (Section 1) as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the chapbook There’s No Surf in Cleveland (Section 1) today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160525, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading my poem Don’t Go To Denny’s 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160525, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See video of Janet Kuypers reading my poem Don’t Go To Denny’s 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Sony camera w/ a Threshold filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And it’s groovy-cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my open mic 5/23/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus my poetry (w/ live piano from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And it’s groovy-cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Missed the Clicks and Scratches at the open mike 5/23/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (W/ by live piano music from Gary) - filmed from the Sony camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And it’s groovy-cool to see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Cocoon I’ve Created at the open mike 5/23/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (W/ by live piano music from Gary) - filmed from the Sony video camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Private Lives Two read 5/24/11 at the Café in Chicago (read from the ISBN# book the Window).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Games read 5/24/11 at the Café in Chicago (read from the ISBN# book the Window).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Ice Cream read 5/24/11 at the Café in Chicago (read from the ISBN# book the Window).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem She Told Me Her Dreams 3 read 5/24/11 at the Café in Chicago (read from the ISBN# book the Window).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem He Told Me His Dreams 6 read 5/24/11 at the Café in Chicago (read from the ISBN# book the Window).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem He Told Me His Dreams 5 read 5/24/11 at the Café in Chicago (read from the ISBN# book the Window).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video (9:35) of Janet Kuypers reading her poems (read from the ISBN# book the Window) “He Told Me His Dreams 5”, “He Told Me His Dreams 6”, “She Told Me Her Dreams 3”, “Ice Cream”, “Games”, Vittorio Carli reading my poem “Christmas Eve”, and me reading my poem “Private Lives Two” live 5/24/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video So I see that 5 years ago I uploaded a bunch of videos to myspace, but they close links so you can’t see them. But I am positive that those videos are from when I uploaded YouTube video of the intro to my 5/24/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, that included Janet Kuypers reading her poems (read from the ISBN# book the Window), “He Told Me His Dreams 5”, “He Told Me His Dreams 6”, “She Told Me Her Dreams 3”, “Ice Cream”, “Games”, “Private Lives Two”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160525, via Twitter
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Scars Video artvilla KOOP I forgot that my KOOP 91.7fm Radio Show interview ALSO had a Scars Video artvilla web page!
http://t.co/runlwFFJSH http://t.co/sasRs6PweQ

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160524, via Twitter
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artvilla -KOOP Yes, I put on a tie for my 1st radio show interview in Austin, on KOOP 91.7fm radio 4/27/16.
http://t.co/9jLciQbR6N http://t.co/W4tT8r6OHG

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160524, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of me reading my Where Does The Love Go 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160524, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Where Does The Love Go 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken and Heard (video filmed from a Sony camera and given an Edge Detection filter).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is a shame I could not make it to the haiku reading and competition last night, because One year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku only as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (this video was originally recorded with a Canon fs200 video camera).
https://www.facebook.com/janetkuy pers/posts/10205956331081389:0

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It is a shame I could not make it to the haiku reading and competition last night, because One year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku only as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (this video was originally recorded with a Canon fs200 video camera).
https://www.facebook.com/janetkuy pers/posts/10205956331081389:0

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Oz Hardwick Janet Kuypers
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JK @ Geen Mill Thanks Oz, for posting your photo from the Green Mill three years ago today.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10151965324154152&set= a.10151965276689152.107374 1826.535254151&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 5/22/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago for 6 years.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem New to Chicago live 5/22/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem New to Chicago live 5/22/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Scars 1997 for the (at the time upcoming) 20 year anniversary issue, the May/June 2013 issue (v243) of cc&d magazine live 5/22/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Scars 1997 for the (at the time upcoming) 20 year anniversary issue, the May/June 2013 issue (v243) of cc&d magazine live 5/22/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem One of the Carts in the March 2013 issue (v242) of cc&d magazine live 5/22/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem One of the Carts in the March 2013 issue (v242) of cc&d magazine live 5/22/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Tanya’s Story in the March 2013 issue (v116) of Down in the Dirt magazine live 5/22/13 in Chicago at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading my prose Tanya’s Story in the March 2013 issue (v116) of Down in the Dirt magazine live 5/22/13 at my poetry open mic the Café Gallery that I hosted in Chicago (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Michael D. Brown poem Drawing a Fox in the March 2013 issue (v116) of Down in the Dirt magazine live 5/22/13 at my poetry open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading Andrew H. Oerka’s The Poet in After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 5/22/13 at my poetry open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading the John Rachel prose Climbing Mt. Fuji in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 5/22/13 at my poetry open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Dan Fitzgerald poem Asking Too Much in cc&d magazine live 5/22/13 at my poetry open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Kenneth DiMaggio poem Poem from the Netherworld Notebook (Release) in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 5/22/13 at my poetry open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Three years ago I was still thanking John for the photos from the Café Gallery...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Scars and cc&d bumper sticker Three years ago people starting asking me about ordering an “I’ve been published at http://scars.tvcc&d magazine bumper sticker! I think these bumper stickers are the coolest thing, and it makes me feel good to hear that someone out there is letting the driving world know about Scars Publications (& the writings section)!

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram

Instagram of Murray Though Isner is managing (in repeated tie breaks, of course) to barely stay in the lead...

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram

Instagram of Murray They didn’t even bother showing Nadal making short work of Groth (on the wall, who told a story of it all).

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram

Instagram of Murray Woke early, didn’t realize I could see the continuation of the Murray Stepanek match.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I really should read more magazine haiku poems on my smartphone (now that I have it back and working), because I just saw that one year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku of his thirst as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video I really should read more magazine haiku poems on my smartphone (now that I have it back and working), because I just saw that one year ago today I posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku of his thirst as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (video first filmed on a Sony Super Steady Shot camera).

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram

Instagram of Murray This has been the most insane fist day of tennis for major players like Murray (or Wawrinka earlier).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Fascinating the stuff I would perform on the fly at my open mic... Because 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me covering/singing (C) the Fiona Apple song a cappella Fast As You Can live 5/21/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Fascinating the stuff I would perform on the fly at my open mic... Because 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me covering/singing the Fiona Apple song a cappella Fast As You Can live 5/21/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery (from a Canon camera; Posterized).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Fascinating the stuff I would perform on the fly at my open mic... Because 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem Diane Talking About Her Trip To Mexico City live 5/21/14 at Chicago’ the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Fascinating the stuff I would perform on the fly at my open mic... Because 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem Diane Talking About Her Trip To Mexico City live 5/21/14 at Chicago’ the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Fascinating the stuff I would perform on the fly at my open mic... Because 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (C) my poem Pioneer live 5/21/14 at Chicago’ the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Fascinating the stuff I would perform on the fly at my open mic... Because 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading (S) my poem Pioneer live 5/21/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Cool to see that 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 5/21/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (that was also at one time a weekly podcast).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my poem Keep Them Apart - the first poem I read live at my Twitter Inside Chicago / Logan Square show 5/21/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of the finale of my Chicago feature Twitter Inside 5/21/10, which includes my poem Loss and my Mom’s Favorite Vase song my love for you will stay the same.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing my song my love for you will stay the same” with John on guitar live at my Twitter Inside Chicago feature 5/21/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my poem Loss live at my Twitter Inside Chicago feature 5/21/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of the middle third of my Chicago feature Twitter Inside, which includes me performing my poems labeled me again, prefer things soft, Became a Jungle, Now I’m Strong, Spit Me Out, Painted Buddhas, and Swallowing Sand & Pebbles.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my poem Swallowing Sand & Pebbles live at my Twitter Inside Chicago feature 5/21/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem Painted Buddhas at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem Spit Me Out at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10 in Logan Square.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem Now I’m Strong at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10 in Logan Square.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem Became a Jungle at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10 in Logan Square.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem prefer things soft at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10 in Logan Square.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem labeled me again at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10 in Logan Square.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of the first third of the Chicago feature Twitter Inside 5/21/10, which includes me performing my poems Keep Them Apart, Only For One Night, Got on the Road Again, Out of my Element, How He Failed, and Drinking Their Life Away.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem Drinking Their Life Away live at my Twitter Inside Chicago feature 5/21/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem How He Failed at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10 in Logan Square.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my twitter-length poem Out of my Element at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10 in Logan Square.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me performing my poem Got on the Road Again live at my Twitter Inside Chicago feature in Logan Square 5/21/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video It’s been that long since I did shows in my old home Logan Square, because 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Only For One Night at my Twitter Inside Chicago show 5/21/10.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram

Instagram of Rosol Don’t think that because I haven’t mentioned tennis lately I am not paying attention. Speaking of, last year’s winner Wawrinks’s 1st match is freaking me out.
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers This Instagram post is also on Twitter and facebook.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with me at The Steeping Room. 0160522 shared with friends

JK & JY Janet is enjoying her Moroccan mint tea and vegan blt after checking out her future car at the Tesla dealership.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, and it was 2 years ago when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Because There’s Nothing to Tell at the open mike Waiting 4 the Bus 5/19/14 in Chicago (Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, and it was 2 years ago when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Best Times In My Life at the open mike Waiting 4 the Bus 5/19/14 in Chicago (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, and it was 2 years ago when I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Ever Be at the open mike Waiting 4 the Bus 5/19/14 in Chicago (this video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, and it was 2 years ago when I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my 3 poems Ever Be, The Best Times In My Life and Because There’s Nothing to Tell at the open mike Waiting 4 the Bus 5/19/14 in Chicago (Canon, Posterized).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wow, and it was 2 years ago when I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my 3 poems Ever Be, The Best Times In My Life and Because There’s Nothing to Tell at the open mike Waiting 4 the Bus 5/19/14 in Chicago (from a Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Tin in Nashville TN 5/18/13 before my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Molybdenum in Nashville Tennessee 5/18/13 before my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Neodymium in Nashville Tennessee 5/18/13 before my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On All Fours in Nashville TN 5/18/13 in my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Dog Stuck to my Face 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem September 11, 2001 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Terrorism Intelligence 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Counting Bodies 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Now You’re Nothing to Me 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Keep Them Apart 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Got on the Road Again 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of JJanet Kuypers reading her poem Vegetarian Stands by the Meat Sale 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Knotted Hate 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Trying to Change Fate 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Aeon Flux Crawl 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem That’s from the barbed wire 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Made Any Difference 5/18/13 in Nashville TN in my Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of me reading my short prose Scars in Nashville TN 5/18/13 after her Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Children, Churches and Daddies 5/18/13 in Nashville TN after her Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Wow, it was three years ago today when a bunch of photos were taken for the Café Gallery at Gallery Cabaret (apparently I borrowed Patrick Hurley’s hat). Photos were when when I performed my poem New to Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Oz took this photo of me four years ago today at the Green Mill, and I had to wear my green jacket because I was reading my poem Death Takes Many Forms..
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10151174931904152&set=a. 10151140701109152.539987. 535254151&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at Mother’s Cafe & Garden. 20160521

unisex bathroom Okay, so I didn’t quite expect this one at dinner...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And if I have individual poems up, I would probably upload the entire show, right? Because it was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded video through the Internet Archive of my entire show 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery titled Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Communication ‘05 (6:01) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Too Far (2:24) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live as the final feature at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Military Police (1:53) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) @ the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict•Contact•Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Athena (2:22) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) @ the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict•Contact•Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Way You Tease Me (2:50) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem And I’m Wondering (3:04) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem and What I Want to Know (3:02) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day)
Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem White Knuckled (1:59) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) @ the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict•Contact•Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Women’s Very Existence (2:59) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem The Men At The Construction Site (1:43) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, this is called being wistful, because looking back over past shows of mine, I saw that is was just over eleven years ago that I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Kurt Irons (it’s just a girl) (2:42) 4/1/05 (April Fool’s Day) Live at the DvA Chicago Art Gallery show Conflict • Contact • Control.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video One year ago today my JKPoetryVine twitter account posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku need as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (from a Canon fs200 video camera).
https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts/ 10205923113410968:0

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video >One year ago today my JKPoetryVine twitter account posted a Vine video of me reading my twitter-length haiku need as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (in studio w/ a Sony Super Steady Shot).
https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts/ 10205923113410968:1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool - it was 2 years ago today when I uploaded YouTube video #1 of U.K. poet Oz Hardwick reading my twitter-length haiku behind live 5/11/14 near a church (on Irving Park) in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool - it was 2 years ago today when I uploaded YouTube video #2 of U.K. poet Oz Hardwick reading my twitter-length haiku behind live 5/11/14 near a church (on Irving Park) in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool - it was 2 years ago today when I uploaded YouTube video #3 of U.K. poet Oz Hardwick reading my twitter-length haiku behind live 5/11/14 near a church (on Irving Park) in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Awesome sauce... Because it was four years ago today that I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Death Takes Many Forms. performed live at the “Green Mill” (home of the Chicago Uptown Poetry Slam) 5/20/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of mine & C Ra McGuirt’s “Tag Team” 1+ hour feature in Nashville Tennessee 5/18/13.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of me reading Scars and Children, Churches and Daddies in Nashville TN 5/18/13 after the Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video It was 3 years ago today when I uploaded this YouTube video of me performing Periodic Table of Poetry poems to a beat in Nashville TN 5/18/13 before the Tag Team feature reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

the 5/18/13 “Tag Team” reading chapbook It was 3 years ago today when Scars Publications released the free 5/18/13 chapbook the Tag Team Reading, of poems that were slated for the me & C Ra McGuirt book “Tag Team Poets” (which has still not been produced - but at least this chapbook was released)...

facebook profile picture for Ricky Austin Ricky Austin with me and JohnYotko 20160520

JK & Little Ricky & JT

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 1 year ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Fuming in the Morning live 5/13/15 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 1 year ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Fuming in the Morning live 5/13/15 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And this is when I first was hosting my open mic, when 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Anyone Good Enough, I Have My Dreams, & Issues at the intro for the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 5/18/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And this is when I first was hosting my open mic, when 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Anyone Good Enough live at the Café 5/18/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And this is when I first was hosting my open mic, when 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem I Have My Dreams live at the Café 5/18/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And this is when I first was hosting my open mic, when 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Issues live at the Café in Chicago 5/18/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And this is when I first was hosting my open mic, when 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Frozen Together live at the Café 5/18/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

The Planner, novel by by Rochelle Lynn Holt Scars Publications is EXTREMELY PLEASED to have just released the 304 page poetry novel/journal The Planner (Shifting Like Shadows) by Rochelle Lynn Holt... This book is a large collection of poems plus commentary woven into this great journal that is a real steal, now available directly from the amazon printer - if you lose the printer link, very shortly this will be on amazon in the U.S., the U.K. & all of Europe too!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine
20160519 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of me reading her haiku defenses with the Down in the Dirt’s the Breaking while she was blindfolded 5/19/16 in Austin TX.
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr
This video is posted
on vine, facebook,
Tumblr and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Yes, 1 year ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem extinct, like the dodo live 5/13/15 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed w/ a Canon Power Shot camera)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Yes, 1 year ago today I also uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem extinct, like the dodo live 5/13/15 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera)..

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of two mini-features at the 5/17/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, 1st of my poems End of an Empire, Escape my Brain Somehow, Elephants Carry the World, one by one, the beech trees fell, Before it Occurred to Me, then of my short story Stalker.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (1:00) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Before it Occurred to Me w/ Jenene Ravesloot live 5/17/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (7:20) of me reading my short story Stalker w/ John live 5/17/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video from the intro to the 5/17/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, and my poems End of an Empire, Escape my Brain Somehow, Elephants Carry the World, one by one, the beech trees fell, Before it Occurred to Me, & my story Stalker.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (1:22) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem End of an Empire live 5/17/11 at my open mic when it first stared at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (1:08) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escape my Brain Somehow live 5/17/11 at my open mic when it first stared in Chicago at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (1:41) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Elephants Carry the World live 5/17/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video What a blast from the past to see that 5 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (1:17) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem one by one, the beech trees fell live 5/17/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Eugene Peppers
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Eugene, Taco John’s Eugene Peppers, Happy Birthday!!! (And seriously, I don’t care how your job is in Austin, but the commute is too far for you to take a Colorado job from this Taco John’s photo... And now that I *live* here in Austin, I still miss those Potato Olés and their hot sauce...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160518, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing 3 songs (with John on guitar) 5/15/16 at the Austin music open mic B.B. Rover’s covering Sinead O’Conor’s Black Boys on Mopeds, then with California musician Kevin Marin joining them on harmonica w/ the Smiths’ London, and their song Made Any Difference (on a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160518, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing 3 songs (with John on guitar) 5/15/16 at the Austin music open mic B.B. Rover’s covering Sinead O’Conor’s Black Boys on Mopeds, then with California musician Kevin Marin joining them on harmonica w/ the Smiths’ London, and their song Made Any Difference (from a Canon Power Shot camera; cropped & saturated).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Another chance for me to read accepted writers from my literary magazines (this time in an annual collection book), because 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from the “need to know2014 literary date book (including Kelly Haas Shackelford’s “The Burden Of Marriage”, Eric Burbridge’s “Quiet”, and Lyn Lifshin’s “Kent State May 1970”) live 5/13/15 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Another chance for me to read accepted writers from my literary magazines (this time in an annual collection book), because 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from the “need to know2014 literary date book (including Kelly Haas Shackelford’s “The Burden Of Marriage”, Eric Burbridge’s “Quiet”, and Lyn Lifshin’s “Kent State May 1970”) live 5/13/15 at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160517, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video from 5/13/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Lambs To Heaven’s Gate, Why I Didn’t See God and thank you, women who work one, plus her bonus reading (on request) of the Ai poem The Good Shepherd at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s in Texas (video filmed from a Sony camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160517, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video from 5/13/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Lambs To Heaven’s Gate, Why I Didn’t See God and thank you, women who work one, plus her bonus reading (on request) of the Ai poem The Good Shepherd at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I also noticed that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Vegetarian Stands by the Meat Sale (which actually was a poem nominated in the Partial Nudity 2014 release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize) at the open mike 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ by live piano music from Gary)..

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I also noticed that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Surviving the Apocalypse at the open mic 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ by live piano music in the background from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I really did enjoy reading poetry from accepted authors of my magazines at my open mic - because I saw that four years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading the Sheryl L. Nelms poem Takeoff From Dallas Love Field straight from the May 2012 issue of cc&d magazine, live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I really did enjoy reading poetry from accepted authors of my magazines at my open mic - because I saw that four years ago today I posted YouTube video< of me reading the Clinton Van Inman pome Uncle straight from the May 2012 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I really did enjoy reading poetry from accepted authors of my magazines at my open mic - because I saw that four years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading the Nathan Hahs poem Untitled straight from the May 2012 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I really did enjoy reading poetry from accepted authors of my magazines at my open mic - because I saw that four years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading the Sarah Lucille Marchant poem 12 January 2009 straight from the May 2012 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I really did enjoy reading poetry from accepted authors of my magazines at my open mic - because I saw that four years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading the Brian Looney poem the Boss straight from the May 2012 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I really did enjoy reading poetry from accepted authors of my magazines at my open mic - because I saw that four years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading the John Newmark poem Elimination Rounds straight from the May 2012 issue of cc&d magazine, live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ live piano music playing in the background from Gary).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And yeah, I released a video of a bunch of poems read together too... Because four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading a bunch of poems live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mike at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, it is wild to look back and see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the poem Death Takes Many Forms that I performed live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mike at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, it is wild to look back and see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the poem Made Any Difference that I performed live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mike at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, it is wild to look back and see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Mother’s Day 2012 that I performed live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mike at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, it is wild to look back and see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Once I Saw that I performed live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mike at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, it is wild to look back and see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Oxygen Bars that I performed live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mike at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, it is wild to look back and see that four years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the poem Surviving the Apocalypse that I performed live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mike at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160516, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 5/13/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems Violence There & Quibbling over Religion, and Being God at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (from a Sony camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160516, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 5/13/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems Quibbling over Religion & or my happiness, or my life, and Being God at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (from a Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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(the Average Guy’s Guide (to Feminism) Hi everyone, and poets out there, please help me out. As I mentioned before, I have a feature at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E.M Franklin Ave. in Austin) on Saturday, June 4th 2016 with an all-women set of features, because “June is a Woman!” Since I have a 10 minute set for poetry - and I want it to be all about being a woman - and I WAS planing on doing any usual angry-themed pieces about sexism and acquaintance rape for this (and I even released two books on it, (woman.) and The Average Guy’s Guide (to Feminism), but now I hwae (because this is at a faith-based center) that all of my pieces should be positive (and not angry or rebellious, because apparently people with faith never feel that way). Which STUMPS me, to look for material of mine about BEING a woman that is positive. So, anybody who knows my work, I’d love your input - with these new guidelines (which *severely* limits my choices from my previously read and written pieces) let me know what you think should be a part of my feature in June!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I always through it was really awesome when I could read poetry from someone else at my open mic (especially when it was work published at Scars, so it is nice to reflect that 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading Oz Hardwick’s poem “In a Glass House” (which originally appeared in the v242 issue of cc&d magazine, that was also released in the 2013 collection book Guilt by Association), plus the Oz Hardwick feature 5/13/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I always through it was really awesome when I could read poetry from someone else at my open mic (especially when it was work published at Scars, so it is nice to reflect that 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading Wes Heine’s poem “Pigeons” (which originally appeared in the v245 issue of cc&d magazine, that was also released in the don’t forget it 2014 spiral-bound literary datebook, as well as the collection book Art is not Meant to be Touched), plus the Wes Heine feature live 5/13/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is nice to reflect that 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of me hosting my poetry open mic 5/13/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I like it when we sing this song together - because I saw that 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me covering the Depeche Mode song the Bottom Line (with John on vocals and guitar) live 5/7/14 opening Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem Hurt Less Then read live at my open mic the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem no Heat in my Heart live at my open mic the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded< YouTube video of me reading the Charlie Newman poem If You Could See from the May ‘10 cc&d book release Deckard Kinder / Charlie Newman live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café, the open mic I ran in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “extract” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “find edges” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with an metallic filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “Blue Screen Key” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “old film” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “pastel sketch” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video (with the “solarize” filter) of me singing (John on guitar) the Nirvana song About Girl live at the Café in Chicago 5/11/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Wow, what a flashback to see that 6 years ago I uploaded YouTube video of the intro for the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 5/11/10, plus my reading my poem Hurt Less Then & the Charlie Newman poem If You Could See.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & Charles Shaughnessy Four years ago today I uploaded this picture of me with Charles Shaughnessy to his facebook fan page because he photographed my Days of Our Lives newspaper weekly newspaper page when I wrote for the Daily Illini (and my mom and sister though this photo looked like we were on our honeymoon - I think my sister still has this photo at her house).
https://www.facebook.com/janet kuypers/posts/451097801571209

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
0160514 shared with friends

JK & JY & Zach So there was a song on and Janet asked me to dance. Zach was insistent that we pay attention to him so we let him join us.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow The Austin Poets Association 20160514 globe (for public notice)

Janet I *thought* I saw people snapping photos from across the room during the open mic... Because yes, Thom also posted photos into The Austin Poets Association (I don’t remember being a part of any association, Austin-related or not)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Austin Artmosphere Artists 20160514 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet
But Thom also posted the same Janet group photos into Austin Artmosphere Artists - and I *think* there are some different photos in here.
https://www.facebook.com/groups /303273999805567/permalink/ 803873019745660/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians. 20160514 globe (for public notice)



I think Thom posted the same group photos into a bunch of different pages... But apparently I’m included in Thom’s Friends! ~ World Poets & Musicians.
https://www.facebook.com/groups /118894191639002/ permalink/473093069552444/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I like it when we sing this song together - because I saw that 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me covering/singing the Depeche Mode song the Bottom Line (with John on vocals and guitar) live 5/7/14 at the end of Chicago’s poetry open mic the Café Gallery (Canon camera, threshold filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem And I’m Wondering at the Café in Chicago w/ Jenene Ravesloot (in the ISBN# books Unknown and Sexism and Other Stories and in cc&d v220).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem Dreams 09/24/05 (a phone as a purse that matches my shoes) 4/10/11 at Chicago’s the Café (in the ISBN# books Unknown and Sexism and Other Stories and in cc&d mag v220 from 5/11).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank William Sr. song I’m Free at Last live 4/10/11 at the Café (the open mic I ran in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank William Sr. song I’m Free at Last with the Edge Detection filter, live 4/10/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank William Sr. song I’m Free at Last with the Sepia Tone filter, live 4/10/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank William Sr. song I’m Free at Last with the Film Age (older) filter, live 4/10/11 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank William Sr. song I’m Free at Last with the Threshold filter, live 4/10/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank William Sr. song I’m Free at Last with the Posterize filter, live 4/10/11 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank William Sr. song I’m Free at Last 4/10/11 (with the Watercolor filter) at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video It is crazy to look back and see that 5 years ago I posted YouTube video of the intro to the 4/10/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus me singing (with John on guitar) the Hank Wiliams Sr. song “I’m Free at Last”, then my poem “And I’m Wondering” read with Jenene Ravesloot (in the ISBN# book Sexism and Other Stories, but read from the ISBN# book Unknown and also appearing in the 5/11 issue, v220, of cc&d magazine), then my poem “Dreams 09/24/05 (a phone as a purse that matches my shoes)”.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added 7 new photos — with me at Cianfrani’s 20160513 shared with friends

The Good Shepherd

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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(woman.) Lucky me, I’ve been invited to feature again at the Bahá’í Center (2215 E.M Franklin Ave. in Austin) on Saturday, June 4th 2016 with an all-women set of features, because “June is a Woman!” (It’s also my birthday month, but that has nothing to do with this...) Thank you Thom for this opportunity, because now I have another 10 minute set for poetry - but I am stumped of what pieces to read. This is where I’d like your help out there... I have done a TON of women’s issues poetry over the years (working as an acquaintance rape workshop facilitator and with C.A.R.E. in central Illinois for years gave me lots of material, trust me), and I even released two books on it, (woman.) and The Average Guy’s Guide (to Feminism), and I know some Chicago poets out there have heard my poetry over the years and may be able to make some suggestions for what I would read, so I’d love your input! Because in this show there will be no music provided by any man in this female show, and it will be all about what women go through in this world, so let me know what you think should be a part of my feature in June!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet And yeah, one year ago today I had to get an Instagram pic with Oz Hardwick too, so I had both features photographed at the Café Gallery that night...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10205870437214096&set=a.1 0204677365308044. 1073741876.1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet But 5/13/15 was a double feature night at the Café Gallery in Chicago, so I had to have someone post an Instagram pic of me and Wes after this feature.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10205870432453977&set=a.1 0204677365308044. 1073741876.1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet Had to have someone post Instagram pics one year ago today from my the Café Gallery open mic in Chicago (when I was reading Oz Hardwick’s poem “In a Glass House” before his feature 5/13/15).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10205870033283998&set=a.1 0204677365308044.1073741876 .1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet Had to have someone post Instagram pics one year ago today from my the Café Gallery open mic in Chicago (when I was reading my poem fuming in the morning).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10205870131686458&set=a.1 0204677365308044.1073741876. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet Had to have someone post Instagram pics one year ago today from my the Café Gallery open mic in Chicago (when I was reading my poem extinct, like the dodo).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video But holy cow, one year ago today (because he always came to Chicago at this time of year) Oz Hardwick posted another photo of my on stage with my head in a book reading a poem at my open mic I hosted at the Café Gallery in Chicago...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10153980565619152&set=a. 10153980523499152.1073741854. 535254151&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of the me reading my prose dandelions for a passing stranger live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of the me reading my prose dandelions for a passing stranger live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (from a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of the me reading my prose How a woman falls in love live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of the me reading my prose How a woman falls in love live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (from a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video I like it when we sing this song together - because I saw that 2 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me covering/singing the Depeche Mode song the Bottom Line (with John on vocals and guitar) live 5/7/14 at the end of Chicago’s poetry open mic the Café Gallery (Sony Posterize).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Boron from the Big Bang I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (Sony) - and yes, I used one of the first elements created in the Universe (and Boron was only created in trace amounts) to explain in a poem how matter was created from the energy of the Big Bang... I mean, I explained the Higgs Boson in this poem (what was I thinking? Did I want to bit off more than I could chew writing this poem? No way! Science rocks!)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Boron from the Big Bang I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (Canon) - and yes, I used one of the first elements created in the Universe (and Boron was only created in trace amounts) to explain in a poem how matter was created from the energy of the Big Bang.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem DNA and Carbon in Asteroids (oh my) I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem DNA and Carbon in Asteroids (oh my) I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Vanadium I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Vanadium I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed with a Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at Pho King Restaurant 20160513 globe (for public notice)

Janet First time I ever ate at a Vietnamese restaurant HAD to be at "Pho King", the place we’d crack jokes at the name of right by our house.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Nitrogen in my Veins I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Nitrogen in my Veins I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Gold I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed from a Sony camera) - and you know, it was a riot that after I read this poem in the show a woman came up to me with her daughter and said it was great how I sang Smiths lines from Golden Lights, and how her daughter lobed the Smiths. And I thought, she wasn’t alive when the Smiths were a band... And she didn’t even mention that I also quoted the Beatles’ Golden Slumber.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of my Periodic Table of Poetry poem Gold I read in my Science vs. Mysticism feature, live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed with a Canon camera) - and you know, it was a riot that after I read this poem in the show a woman came up to me with her daughter and said it was great how I sang Smiths lines from Golden Lights, and how her daughter lobed the Smiths. And I thought, she wasn’t alive when the Smiths were a band... And she didn’t even mention that I also quoted the Beatles’ Golden Slumber.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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the 5/10/13 Science vs. Mysticism Janet Kuypers chapbook And hey, 3 years ago today I saw that Scars Publications released the cc&d bonus free PDF file Science vs. Mysticism chapbook, w/ Periodic Table of Poetry poems from the 5/10/13 show (which is still available for a free download).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of poems read from my Periodic Table of Poetry series back and forth with poems by Buddha309 in Science vs. Mysticism, a joint feature live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed with a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of poems read from my Periodic Table of Poetry series back and forth with poems by Buddha309 in Science vs. Mysticism, a joint feature live in Chicago 5/10/13 at Poetry Love Letters (filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Cool to see that 3 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me singing the poem Made Any Difference, sung with a live jazz band live 5/12/13 at the uptown open mic at the Green Mill in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & Ray I can’t believe Oz Hardwick took this photo of me and Ray four years ago today at Laschet’s (I still miss that place)...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10151140714024152&set=a.1 0151140701109152.539987. 535254151&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet I didn’t remember this Oz Hardwick photo he posted four years ago today at the Café Gallery in Chicago. It’s great to see again!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=1015114070858415 2&set=a.10151140701109152.539987 .535254151&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160512, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 never before read poems One and Six, just to be on the safe side and Trust 5/8/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160512, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 never before read poems One and Six, just to be on the safe side and Trust 4/3/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago I posted YouTube video of 2 of my prose pieces: dandelions for a passing stranger and How a woman falls in love live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago I posted YouTube video of 2 of my prose pieces: dandelions for a passing stranger and How a woman falls in love, chosen from the first book I ever had published, Hope Chest in the Attic, live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Three years ago today I posted all of John’s photos from my Science vs. Mysticism show with Buddha309 (and thanked him too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Groovy-cool... I just noticed that four years ago today I had another Periodic Table of Poetry poem released at artvilla... And back in 2012 it was for Aluminum, which I also had a video link on the page for, from Beach Poets 7/22/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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myspace I see on my “on this day” page that that 5 years ago today I uploaded a bunch of YouTube videos through myspace - yes, myspace , I suppose I technically still have that account, but it doesn’t keep posts available or anything, so I can’t see the links that I posted 5 years ago today. (Wonderful system, myspace, that mus by why they’re still such a vanguard in the Internet industry...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160511, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of mein my 5/7/16 show “Love in the Universe” in her first scheduled feature at Expressions 2016: Reasons to be Cheerful in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot camera), first singing (with John singing and on guitar) the Depeche Mode song The Bottom Line (with altered chorus lyrics for heir wedding), then with my poems Pluto, Plutonium & Death (a bonus Periodic Table poem), her haiku universe, observer’s love poem (2016 edit), everything is my home, Wanted To Play, and electricity.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160511, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of mein my 5/7/16 show “Love in the Universe” in her first scheduled feature at Expressions 2016: Reasons to be Cheerful in Austin (from a Sony camera), first singing (with John singing and on guitar) the Depeche Mode song The Bottom Line (with altered chorus lyrics for heir wedding), then with my poems Pluto, Plutonium & Death (a bonus Periodic Table poem), her haiku universe, observer’s love poem (2016 edit), everything is my home, Wanted To Play, and electricity.
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And if I care to break it down, 1 year ago today I also posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Cycle at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And if I care to break it down, 1 year ago today I also posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Cycle at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Since I was posting YouTube video (that I liked on Twitter) 1 year ago today, it’s cool to see that I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems the Muse, the Messiah and the Cycle at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed with a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Since I was posting YouTube video (that I liked on Twitter) 1 year ago today, it’s cool to see that I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems the Muse, the Messiah and the Cycle at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and John at Sushi Kushi San3 And I was *talking* to John about how it would be nice to find a sushi place with vegetarian options for our anniversary (like we did two years ago at Sushi Kushi San3) - and I hate to say this, but I think Odaku Sushi in Austin had more vegetarian options.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and Joh n at the Picasso Statue Janet and Joh n at the Picasso Statue ...When actually we were just trying to be like tourists for our anniversary two years ago at Picasso Statue in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet at the Picasso Statue Janet at the Picasso Statue
Janet at the Picasso Statue When we were doing kitschy things for our anniversary two years ago (over the weekend), the #BringBackOurGirls rally was going on at the Picasso Statue in Chicago, so I figured I could take a moment to be a part of a movement.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and John at Navy Pier Because we decided to do kitschy things on our anniversary two years ago (over the weekend), I kind of want to post these memories... Like when we went to Janet and John at Navy Pier ferris wheel the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel, rose what they call a gondola, and (oddly enough) couldn’t even see the Sears Tower from the ride on the lake.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet at Billy Goat Because we decided to do kitschy things on our anniversary two years ago (over the weekend), I kind of want to post these memories... Like when we went to Billy Goat Tavern Janet at Billy Goat
Janet and John at Billy Goat (and I still can’t believe after all my years of living in Chicago I had never visited to the original place).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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John and Janet and Oz at Laschet’s John and Janet and Oz at Laschet’s Also awesome to see these photos from two years ago today of my favorite guy from York (duh, Oz Hardwick), and don␁t ask me to explain why I always took this English man to a German bar (Laschet’s Inn) in Chicago. (Either way I loved it that this old post had lines he changed in my poem Everything was Alive and Dying with "So tell me David Cameron, if you woke up from that dream, would you be in a sweat too?")

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and John before going to music OMG, right before we went to see The Book of Mormon in Chicago three years ago today, I had to go stand against the parabolic pillars curving up toward the sky, and John had to quote my New to Chicago poem in a post. Priceless.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and John before going to music John, I like this photo that you posted of us three years ago today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and Buddha309 during feature Yay, John added 2 more photos of Buddha and I Janet and Buddha309 during feature from our show three years ago today...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Groovy-cool... I just noticed that four years ago today I released YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem All These Reminders live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (read with the U.K. poet Oz Hardwick, plus w/ recorded music from Francois Le Roux), filmed from the Sony camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video Groovy-cool... I just noticed that four years ago today I released YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Over and Over again live 5/9/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ by live piano music from Gary), filmed from the Sony camera.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160510, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (and John on guitar and some vocals) performing 7 songs 5/6/16 at Round Rock’s American Legion, covering Depeche Mode’s The Bottom Line (w/ altered wedding chorus lyrics), Peter Gabriel’s Washing of the Water, her MFV song My Love for You will Stay the Same, flowing straight into George Michael’s Waiting (Reprise), the Eurythmics’ I Need You, her MFV song What we Need in Life, & ending with my poem in The Second Axing song Made Any Difference (Canon Power Shot).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160510, via Twitter
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video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (and John on guitar and some vocals) performing 7 songs 5/6/16 at Round Rock’s American Legion, covering Depeche Mode’s The Bottom Line (w/ altered wedding chorus lyrics), Peter Gabriel’s Washing of the Water, her MFV song My Love for You will Stay the Same, flowing straight into George Michael’s Waiting (Reprise), the Eurythmics’ I Need You, her MFV song What we Need in Life, & ending with my poem in The Second Axing song Made Any Difference (filmed with a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Nighttime City Thought John Yotko (the photographer for the front cover art of the cc&d book Nighttime City) would like to see that the Duotrope listing for cc&d magazine shows that cover of an excellent from-above view of the Chicago skyline.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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The The radio Hey there, for fans of The The (um, the music group), just heard that they are going to be ON UK radio this Saturday May 14th (20160814, 8/14/16) between 17:00 - 20-00 (UK time, that’s 11AM CST). Radio Cineola will be broadcasting another live show - but this time, instead of concentrating on politics, The The will be playing music and discussing inertia and the creative process... It sounds kind of cool to me, because the show features poetry, music, interviews and listener call-ins - AND they say there will also be intimate live performances of THE THE songs by very special guests. You can access Radio Cineola via thethe.com from 17:00 (UK time, noon EST) this Saturday, May 14th, 2016. AND, since everyone uses cell phones that don’t incur long distance charges, you are invited to call in during the show (details of how to call the station via Skype will be on the website at the start of the broadcast).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Speaking of video at Poetry’s “Love Letter”, 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Muse, the Messiah at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Speaking of video at Poetry’s “Love Letter”, 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Muse, the Messiah at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet and Buddha309 during feature Apparently John used different cameras three years ago today to take different photos of me and Buddha 309 performing at our featuring in Let Them Eat Chocolate for our Science vs. Mysticism show through Poetry’s “Love Letter” 5/10/13.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=459569427458216&set=a. 269141523167675.65758. 100002154882485&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
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Janet Since my Science vs. Mysticism show at Let Them Eat Chocolate through Poetry’s “Love Letter” was also 3 years ago, it was cool to see that three years ago today John uploaded a bunch of photos from the evening.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video At this time 3 years ago I was also uploading YouTube video of me reading the Periodic Table poem Tin live 5/8/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video At this time 3 years ago I was also uploading YouTube video of me reading the Periodic Table poem Tin live 5/8/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video At this time 3 years ago I was also uploading YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem poem Too Much Light live 5/8/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video At this time 3 years ago I was also uploading YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Too Much Light live 5/8/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video At this time 3 years ago I was also uploading YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 5/8/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus my intro to the Charlie Newman feature and setting a poet group photo.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video At this time 3 years ago I was also uploading YouTube video of me reading this John Newmark poem I hope my tongue doesn’t get stuck in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 5/8/13 at my the Café Gallery poetry open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video At this time 3 years ago I was also uploading YouTube video of me reading this Joseph Lisowski poem Memory from the Womb in the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book live 5/8/13 at my Chicago the Café Gallery poetry open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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group photo at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show group photo at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show
JK at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show I know these photos weren’t posted up 3 years ago (to the day), but looking back I see that three years ago today I thanked John) for taking these pictures the Café Gallery open mic so we could also get group photos after the Charlie Newman feature.
Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show
Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Love in the Universe And now - very shortly after the performance - Scars Publications has just now released the cc&d bonus release chapbook of poems that were performed to music live at Austin’s the Bahá’í Center 5/7/16! Download a free PDF file copy of Love in the Universe, for a combination of brand new (and insanely old) poetry in this brand new chapbook!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Bagdad Cemetery Sorry I am late telling you (because it was released last week), but Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems read from the Leander Texas installment of the 2016 Poetry Bomb (of poems read at Bagdad Cemetery - a location from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie)! Download a free PDF file copy of Bagdad Cemetery, for a brand new - and extensive - poetry chapbook!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Even though I didn’t even have a smart phone one year ago today, I had an Instagram account, and it is cool that this Instagram photo was uploaded from my account of me while I read my prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15 (and I always thought it was the coolest thing to read in front of that Paris sign).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10205845762597246&set=a. 10204677365308044.1073741876. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Even though I didn’t even have a smart phone one year ago today, I had an Instagram account, and it is cool that this Instagram photo was uploaded from my account of me while I read my prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15 (and I always thought it was the coolest thing to read in front of that Paris sign).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10205845755357065&set=a. 10204677365308044.1073741876. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Even though I didn’t even have a smart phone one year ago today, I had an Instagram account, and it is cool that this Instagram photo was uploaded from my account of me while I read my prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15 (and I always thought it was the coolest thing to read in front of that Paris sign).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10205845755357065&set=a. 10204677365308044.1073741876. 1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Even though I didn’t even have a smart phone one year ago today, I had an Instagram account, and it is cool that this Instagram photo was uploaded from my account of me while I read my prose prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15 (and I always thought it was the coolest thing to read in front of that Paris sign there).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205845753197011&set=a. 10204677365308044.1073741876 .1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet and John singing the Bottom Line Janet and John singing the Bottom Line
Janet and John singing the Bottom Line Janet and John singing the Bottom Line
Janet and John singing the Bottom Line Janet and Oz at the Gallery Cabaret
Janet looks to John in the Bottom Line Janet looks to John in the Bottom Line
Janet looks to John in the Bottom Line On the night that Oz Hardwick and Robin Fine both featured at my open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago 5/7/14, it is nice to see that 2 years ago today Avrom Litin posted photos of the night in th album album Gallery Cabaret 05/06/2014 two years ago today. Thanks again for that, Avrom!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Our 5/7/00 wedding anniversary 2 years ago fell on the open mic night I ran at the Café Gallery, so it is totally fitting that 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me covering/singing the Depeche Mode song the Bottom Line (with John on vocals and guitar) live 5/7/14 ending Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (filmed from a Canon camera) - and by the way, we sang that song twice this weekend in two different shows for our 16 year wedding anniversary (which will hopefully appear on line this week), so it is cool to see this video up again too.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video Our 5/7/00 wedding anniversary 2 years ago fell on the open mic night I ran at the Café Gallery, so it is totally fitting that 2 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me hosting the open mic 5/7/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (since it also became a podcast).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY Now that I separately posted all of photos from Thom, I see that Thom posted one page with links to all of the pictures with me and John.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=101542674 77625362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154267 477215362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154267 476750362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154267 477015362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154267 477515362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=101542 67477700362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154267 475405362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=11015426 7476815362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=1015426 7476490362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154267 476490362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=10154267 475770362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=1015426 7475745362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY https://www.facebook .com/photo.php? fbid=101542 67477470362 &set=pcb.800 949540038008 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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I see that Thom posted one page with links to all of the pictures...


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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JK & JY JK & JY Thanks Thom for all of the great photos from last night! I am sorry we could not stay (you know, wedding anniversary JK & JY JK & JY plans, blah blah blah), but thanks for giving us the chance to sing the song JK & JY JK & JY sung at our wedding and for me to read poetry with JK JK & JY opportunity, and thanks again! (and that means, okay fb, get ready to see a bunch of posts of cool photo, thanks to Thom...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janes and Kottyn at Bobbies And yeah, it *was* fun to stop one year ago today after Poetry’s “love letter” Janes and G.P.A. at Bobbies with James Gordon and Kottyn Campbell. Cool to see these pictures again.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from cc&d v254, “Idea” (Including the first verse of Brian Looney’s “the Instance of Being”, Donald Gaither’s “Arthritic”, Kelley Jean White MD’s “Dutiful Daughter”, my two haiku poem “JY asks”, and my poems “Observing Theories of the Universe” and “jabbed into an open nerve”) live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video <1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading poems from cc&d v254, “Idea” (Including the first verse of Brian Looney’s “the Instance of Being”, Donald Gaither’s “Arthritic”, Kelley Jean White MD’s “Dutiful Daughter”, my two haiku poem “JY asks”, and my poems “Observing Theories of the Universe” and “jabbed into an open nerve”) live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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group photo at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show group photo at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show
group photo at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show It is great to see from 3 years ago today (thanks 4 pics John) photos from the Café Gallery open mic & Charlie Newman feature...
Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show
Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show Janet Kuypers performing “Tin” at the Café Gallery 5/8/13 show

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her Cover Photo. 20160508 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers Am glad I got to perform my 2016 bonus Periodic Table poem Pluto, Plutonium & Death the beginning of this event (since I was the first to perform a show at REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL! (Expressions 2016), because it was our wedding anniversary)... And THANK YOU to everyone who was there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20160508 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers with John Yotko at Odaku Sushi. 0160507 shared with friends

JK & JY Okay, John wanted to know the quality of MY camera so we had to take another pic here...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with me at Odaku Sushi. 0160507 shared with friends

JK & JY We had Sake at our wedding as part of the ceremony so we decided to go to a Japanese restaurant for our anniversary.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20160507 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Apparently my 1st Austin poetry feature 5/7/16 (and thanks to John on guitar) was in the Devotional Room.
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers On Tumblr, Twitter and facebook.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160507 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku “universe” during her Expressions 2016 show, her 1st Austin poetry show 5/7/16.


twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr
This video is posted
on vine, facebook,
Tumblr and Twitter.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20160507 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers practices her haiku “universe” 5/7/16 for her poetry show today at Austin’s the Baha’i Center.


twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr
This video is posted
on vine, facebook,
Tumblr and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet & John This look like I am taken away, that moment of our wedding day 16 years ago, I still feel that way that I have you in my life. I love you John, and happy anniversary.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers.
20160507. globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today (on the morning of my wedding anniversary) I actually uploaded videos that were linked through Twitter... Because last year I even uploaded YouTube video (filmed on a Canon fs200) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers.
20160507. globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today (on the morning of my wedding anniversary) I actually uploaded videos that were linked through Twitter... Because last year I even uploaded YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers.
20160507. globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today (on the morning of my wedding anniversary) I actually uploaded videos that were linked through Twitter... Because last year I even uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers.
20160507. globe (for public notice)

video (on the morning of my wedding anniversary) I actually uploaded videos that were linked through Twitter... Because last year I even uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers.
20160507. globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today (on the morning of my wedding anniversary) I actually uploaded videos that were linked through Twitter... Because last year I even uploaded YouTube video (filmed on a Canon Power Shot) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers.
20160507. globe (for public notice)

video One year ago today (on the morning of my wedding anniversary) I actually uploaded videos that were linked through Twitter... Because last year I even uploaded YouTube video (filmed on a Canon fs200) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet fixing John’ corsage on their wedding day I had to share another one of my favorite wedding photos (they usually say it’s all about the bride, but I SO love this shot, John). Looking forward to a nice dinner tonight with you John, when our conflicting schedules finally make time for us to enjoy our anniversary together. I love you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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Janet and John wedding photo John Yotko, I love you more than life itself. Happy Anniversary, my darling.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet and John on their wdding day John Yotko, I love you. Happy Anniversary.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet Kuypers and John Yotko on the wedding day 5/7/00 Happy anniversary, John Yotko. I love you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)


Holy crap, it is just after midnight, it is technically our 16 year wedding anniversary, and even though I had no fb account in 1999, it listed in my fb “memories” that 17 years ago today is the day I technically got engaged (of see details in the original post)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20160506 globe (for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers with John Happy March... Because it’s John’s birthday this month, I thought I’d update my profile picture for him until spring begins. (And because it’s our wedding anniversary, I put this pic up again for us. I love you, John.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her Cover Photo. 20160506 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers Am honored that we can perform the song The Bottom Line that was sung at our wedding with altered chorus lyrics before the beginning of this event (since REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL! (Expressions 2016) is on the same day as our wedding anniversary)... For anyone local, we would LOVE to see you there!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20160506 shared with friends

Janet & John

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160506, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

artvilla - 2016 Poetry Bomb My 4/24/16 Bagdad Cemetery Poetry Bomb is @ scars video & artvilla!
http://t.co/IgCbGjBP4L http://t.co/ay3ncz4fbE http://t.co/qLPuN6cdUE

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160506, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems knowing and lurking for eons, Conversations: a Day of Grieving 1/22/94 eight and Writing Your Name 5/1/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from the Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160506, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems knowing and lurking for eons, Conversations: a Day of Grieving 1/22/94 eight and Writing Your Name 5/1/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from the Canon Power Shot camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Last year was my last year of running the open mic... And 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem eyes live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Last year was my last year of running the open mic... And 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem eyes live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Last year was my last year of running the open mic... And 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jihadists and Astrophysics live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (w/ a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Last year was my last year of running the open mic... And 1 year ago today I uploaded YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jihadists and Astrophysics live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video I noticed that four years ago today through Twitter I released my poem Guantanamo Bay, but since then I read the video poem 9/12/12 at my open mic the Café Gallery (that was filmed for podcasts and YouTube with both a Canon and a Sony camera, and was also a part of a mini-feature performance called “Grocery Store Stories”).
video video

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video I noticed that four years ago today through Twitter I released my poem Oxygen Bars, but since then I read the poem live at the “Ruffled Feathers” open mic at Rewster’s Café in Chicago 5/14/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video I noticed that four years ago today through Twitter I released my poem Goth Girl Photographer, but since then I read the video poem 10/23/14 at my open mic the Café Gallery (that was filmed for podcasts and YouTube with both Canon and a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video I noticed that four years ago today through Twitter I released my poem Jaw Gets Sore, but since then I read the poem 10/31/15 video (yes, on Halloween) at my open mic the Café Gallery (that was filmed for podcasts and YouTube with both Canon & Sony cameras).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (with the “extract” filter) of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (with the “old film” filter) of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (with the “pastel sketch” filter) of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (with the solarize filter) of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (with the “find edges” filter) of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (with an metallic filter) of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video And because this open mic was right before our wedding anniversary, of course we played the song sung at our wedding at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video (with the “Blue Screen Key” filter) of me (with John on guitar and singing) covering the Depeche Mode song (with altered chorus lyrics) The Bottom Line live 5/4/10 at the Café in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video What a riot to see when my open mic was run from the Café (with those blue walls)... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of the introduction to the open mic the Café in Chicago 5/4/10, plus me reading my poem My Future Job Options & the Irene Ferraro poem White Moth & the Dina Stuart poem the Mess (both read from cc&d magazine, the 5/10 issue).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video What a riot to see when my open mic was run from the Café (with those blue walls)... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my poem My Future Job Options live at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video What a riot to see when my open mic was run from the Café (with those blue walls)... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Irene Ferraro poem White Moth from cc&d magazine, (the 5/10 issue) live at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video What a riot to see when my open mic was run from the Café (with those blue walls)... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Dina Stuart poem the Mess from cc&d magazine, (the 5/10 issue) live at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video What a riot to see when my open mic was run from the Café (with those blue walls)... Because 6 years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading the Charlie Newman poem I Need Words from cc&d magazine, (the 5/10 issue) live at the Café in Chicago 5/4/10.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160505, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Dreams 09/07/07”, then covering (John on guitar) the Peter Gabriel Song Washing of the Water at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 4/27/16 (Canon P. S.).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160505, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Dreams 09/07/07”, then covering (John on guitar) the Peter Gabriel Song “Washing of the Water” at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 4/27/16 (Sony camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20160505 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John John pulled a weed from our front yard at lunch today & gave the “flower” to me for Cinco Dr Mayo. What a romantic.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers On Tumblr, Twitter and facebook.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at J’s Bally Muck We went out for Cinco de Mayo one year ago today, but I *think we will Janet at J’s Bally Muckbe watching Orphan Black tonight.
https://www.facebook.com/john. yotko/posts/836202513128237

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, looking to the before time (from the long long ago), I see that 5 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me (with Jenene Ravesloot) reading my poem Kurt Irons (It’s Just a Girl) live 5/3/11 at the Café in Chicago (in the ISBN# books Unknown and Sexism and Other Stories and in cc&d mag v220, the 5/11 issue).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, looking to the before time (from the long long ago), I see that 5 years ago today I posted YouTube video of the intro to the 5/3/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, and my poems “the Men at the Construction Site” and “My Future Job Options” (in the ISBN# book Sexism and Other Stories, but read from the ISBN# book Unknown and also appearing in the 5/11 issue, v220, of cc&dOn Several Adventures in Municipal Government (IV)” and finally the Kevin Heaton poem “Inpasse” (both appearing in the ISBN# book Unknown and the 5/11 issue, v220, of cc&d magazine).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, looking to the before time (from the long long ago), I see that 5 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem My Future Job Options live 5/3/11 at the Café in Chicago (in the ISBN# books Unknown and Sexism and Other Stories and in cc&d mag v220, the 5/11 issue).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, looking to the before time (from the long long ago), I see that 5 years ago today I posted YouTube video of me reading my poem the Men at the Construction Site live 5/3/11 at the Café in Chicago (in the ISBN# books Unknown and Sexism and Other Stories and in cc&d mag v220, the 5/11 issue).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, looking to the before time (from the long long ago), I see that 5 years ago today I posted YouTube video live 5/3/11 of me reading the Michael Ceraolo poem On Several Adventures in Municipal Government (IV) at the Café in Chicago (in the ISBN# books Unknown and in cc&d mag v220, the 5/11 issue).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Then again, looking to the before time (from the long long ago), I see that 5 years ago today I posted YouTube video live 5/3/11 of me reading the Kevin Heaton poem Impasse at the Café in Chicago (in the ISBN# books Unknown and in cc&d mag v220, the 5/11 issue).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Apparently Four years ago today I released via Twitter my twitter-length poem couldn’t, but since then I read it 9/27/14 on WZRD Radio in Chicago (where I talked about the release of my book Partial Nudity).

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20160504 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and Yoda May the fourth be with you.
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers On Tumblr, Twitter and facebook.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160504, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems Dreams 04/20/05 (knife fight), Dreams 09/08/07 and Dreams 09/24/05 (a phone as a purse that matches my shoes) at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 4/27/16 (Canon P. S.).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160504, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 3 poems Dreams 04/20/05 (knife fight), Dreams 09/08/07 and Dreams 09/24/05 (a phone as a purse that matches my shoes) at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 4/27/16 (from a Sony).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Somebody’s Scoring Somewhere live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cps), because I had just read baseball poems from Bases Loaded for the 2015 Poetry Bomb in Wrigley Field.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Somebody’s Scoring Somewhere live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C fs200), because I had just read baseball poems from Bases Loaded for the 2015 Poetry Bomb in Wrigley Field.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entire Town’s Baseball Team live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cps), because I had just read baseball poems from Bases Loaded for the 2015 Poetry Bomb in Wrigley Field.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video 1 year ago today I posted YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entire Town’s Baseball Team live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C fs200 video), because I had just read baseball poems from Bases Loaded for the 2015 Poetry Bomb in Wrigley Field.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 5 new photos. 20160504 globe (for public notice)

group group

group group group
Was about to upload a video from Poetry Plus 4/29/16, but then I saw that John took a bunch of group pictures with my camera!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Wah-HOO! Cool! I just confirmed with Thom that we could come a few minutes before 6pm for my poetry & guitar feature this Saturday at Reasons to be Cheerful (Expressions 2016) so that John and I can sing the song sung at our wedding! I am SO looking forward to singing our edited version of The Bottom Line together on our wedding anniversary - the last time we sung that song on our wedding anniversary was two years ago, on 5/7/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery, so it is so incredibly cool that wecan perform it here in Austin!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet with saki and vegetarian Sushi John posted this photo three years ago today from early celebrations for our wedding anniversary... And it’s funny, we had sushi at home last night. We must have a theme for having sushi at our anniversary (maybe because during our wedding, on John’s suggestion, we had a sake ceremony to show how we want to be with each other as long as we both live).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=457045517710607 &set=a.269141523167675. 65758.100002154882485&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160504 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers Am hoping as an added bonus we may be able to play the song that was sung at our wedding at the beginning of this event (since this event and feature is on the same day as our wedding anniversary)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

video Four years ago today I released via Twitter my twitter-length poem Surviving he Apocalypse (which I also read not only at Ruffled Feathers on 5/14/12 but also at my videothe Café Gallery open mic 5/9/12, where it was filmed with a Sony camera (with Gary playing piano for it too) as well as for the entire open mic.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK chair This must have been the time 5 years ago to get a ton of my writing appearing on World Art Friends, because five years ago today a bunch of my poems appeared on their site, WAF, including Let Me Be, Don’t Go To Denny’s, Like I was Never Thee, Frozen Together, Hurt Less Then, Loss, My Future Job Options, Witnessing Hitler’s Reign, You’ve Already Paid for This, Counting Bodies, Build your Own Cross, Rushed, Left with a Hole, Painted Buddhas, YouCannot Burn Me, Fingers Black, “So”, Keeps Pounding Against Walls, Just out of Reach, On Ashes, Just Can’t Breathe, Before it Occurred to Me, End of an Empire, Escape My Brain Somehow, One by One, the Beech Trees Fell, and Scratch the Surface.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 4/27/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Us, Actually Touching) in her first appearance/interview on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (from a Sony).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 4/27/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Us, Actually Touching) in her first appearance/interview on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (from a Canon P.S.).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

thrilled See YouTube video 4/27/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entering the Lake of Fire in her first appearance/interview on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 4/27/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entering the Lake of Fire in her first appearance/interview on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (from a Canon P.S.).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 4/27/16 of part 2 of the Janet Kuypers interview (with her reading her two poems Entering the Lake of Fire and Us, Actually Touching), in her first appearance on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (Sony).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 4/27/16 of part 2 of the Janet Kuypers interview (with her reading her two poems Entering the Lake of Fire and Us, Actually Touching), in her first appearance on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (Canon P.S.).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video from 4/27/16 of part 1 of the Janet Kuypers hour-long interview, in her first appearance on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (filmed from a Sony camera).
This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20160503, via Twitter
globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video
4/27/16 of part 1 of the Janet Kuypers interview, in her first appearance on Austin’s KOOP 91.7 FM radio (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).

This is also on Tumblr and Pinterest.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for John Yotko Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Janet Kuypers at Mickey Finn’s Three years ago today John posted this photo of my favorite beer - Gudenteit (which during the summers is on tap at Mickey Finn’s brewery in Libertyville IL). I think there may be a second place winner in the entire country for a good German-style hefe-weizen beer, and it is Circle Brewing Company’s Blur here in Austin (and because it is warmish year ’round here, lucky for the Universe, Blur is available year ’round).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK chair And five years ago today I uploaded many videos to WAF, including Terrorism Intelligence (and many poem listings on WAF, like Aeon Flux Crawl (Dreams 12/24/05), Why I Didn’t See God, Tribal Scream, Now You’re Nothing To Me, that’s from the barbed wire, the Cycle of Life, Going Nowhere, Ten Minutes, Canned Condolences, I’m Sure We Killed It, Knotted Hate, Trying to Change Fate, Thirteen Seconds, Falling From the Sky, My Attempted Death, the Writing of my Life, Waiting for a Sign, Warring Nations, Keep Them Apart, Couldn’t Reach It, Passed Away, Faith Comes Only, Aim Carefully, All I Can Capture, Floating Away with the Tide, Hard as a Rock, and Keep Driving).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK chair And five years ago today I uploaded many videos to WAF, including What the Hell is She Complaining About.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK chair And five years ago today I uploaded many videos to WAF, including Observer’s Love Poem (which I am editing an edited version of in the first Austin feature at REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL! (Expressions May 7 2016) this Saturday, on my wedding anniversary!)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK chair And five years ago today I uploaded many videos to WAF, including Raped with Words.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

JK chair And five years ago today I uploaded many videos to WAF, including Flooded War Memories.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

janet The fact that facebook remembered that six years ago today I created a 200 images album of photos titled janetkuypers.com blows me away.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20160502 shared with friends

So... The first year Janet is living away from Chicago, the Cubs, not only are in first place, they have the best record in the majors?!?!?!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared Thom Worldpoet’s photo 20160502 globe (for public notice)

Janet I just saw that Thom took MORE photos at the Georgetown Poetry Plus open mic last Friday (I’d like to call this one Janet he bookworm)...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10154248326175362&set= gm.1021591191253255 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

newt Just found out that the newt changes colors - I saw him on the door rail and he was green! Tried to catch him for release and when he left the window he turned brown! (Glad I got a photo of him being green at the window first...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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newt So I’m in the house, it’s a cooler today (only in the low 60s), so I opened windows and the back door with a screen to the yard... And I look over by the window in the living room and there is a NESWT on the little end table right in front of the window. So I tried to gently catch him so I could bring him outside (and apparently I’ve ascribed a gender to this newt) and just as he moves under the little table my phone rings. So translation, I have no idea how this little guy got into my house, and now I don’t know where he is. (I told this to John on the phone and he said, “oh, like Anderson,” my newt pet I had back forever ago, and sure I like newts, but I kind of don’t want one roaming in the house with our two cats. It’s cluttered in here enough since we can’t even unpack everything yet.)

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video I must have decided five years ago today to post any releases of me covering the song True Happiness This Way Lies (by The The), because five years ago today I also posted YouTube video of my singing True Happiness This Way Lies during my show Stop. 9/10/02 at the Café (in the secnd show David Rubin gave me there for quarterly features after my near-fatal car accident back in 1998). And although the songs I cover are not on it (you know, copyright infringement, blah blah blah), all of the poems from this show were released on a CD, now in iTunes.

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video footage Wow, I think this might have been the 1st time John ever went to Florida with me, so it blows my mind to see that five years ago today is when I posted YouTube video of us covering the song True Happiness This Way Lies (originally by The The, off their album Dusk, and this was recorded at the tiki hut in Naples, I think in the beginning of February in 2001).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 8 new photos at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. 20160501 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Janet
Janet Janet Janet
Janet Janet Thanks for the photos; I tried to remember to look up more on stage...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze. 20160501 globe (for public notice)

Thom on stage Thom Woodruff always takes pics of us on stage, so John had to snap this with my phone of Thom on stage ronight...

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a Perfect Solitude Scars Publications just released the print and Internet editions of cc&d magazine (the May 2016 issue, v262), titled a Perfect Solitude! Now you can order the book a Perfect Solitude directly from the amazon printer! (And soon it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. & Europe!)
a Perfect Solitude is a 2016 Scars Publications cc&d magazine (v262) poetry and short story book by assorted writers and artists. Included in this book include (in order of appearance) CEE (with Corn Flakes with Instant Bananas (True Love Always!) and A Flock of ICBMs or That Mad God-guy When Money Runs So Far Away and There’s cops and there’s non-cops), the HA!Man of South Africa (with Gogga 1 art), Aaron Wilder (with Low Season 17 art), George Gott (with Abundance and Perdition), Dr. Shmooz, a.k.a. Daniel S. Weinberg (with Mijita art), Wes Heine (with 603009 art), John Grey (with Tight and a Perfect Solitude), Charles Hayes (with It Takes All Kinds and Nuoc Mam and Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic With A Marxist Flair Applied To Our War On Terror), Kyle Hemmings (with P1000690 art), Janet Kuypers (with assorted poems, haiku and an editorial), Eric Bonholtzer (with photography (997)), Liam Spencer (with To come), Eric Burbridge (with part 3 of The Shappe Manipulation), Joe Randazzo (with Brown), Edward Michael O’durr Supranowicz (with against a dark background art), Bob Strother (with Cottage Industry), Patrick Fealey (with A Bunch of Assholes), Carol Murphy (with Words), Sterling Jacobs (with Paying It Forward).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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6 Feet Under Scars Publications just released the print and Internet edition of Down in the Dirt magazine (The May 2016 issue, v136), titled 6 Feet Under! Order your copy the book 6 Feet Under today!

Down in the Dirt magazine is released every other month (with bonus issues) as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only it’s usual ISSN# (print ISSN# 1554-9623 and Internet ISSN# 1554-9666), but also an ISBN#. Because of ISBN# releases, all issues are now also released with an amazon printer (so it will be available for sale through the Internet with local printers in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe).

Writers and artists included in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6"x9" ISBN# paperback book include (in order of appearance) Denny E. Marshall (with “Haiku (brain)”, “Haiku (debt)”, “Haiku (plants)”, “Haiku (space)”, “Haiku (proposed)”), Terry C. Ley (with “Friends and Neighbors”), Michel Ge (with “the Inspector”), Abigail Smith (with “The End of June”), David Ford (with “Case Study of a Teenage Predator”), Kyle Hemmings (with “Shadow Of Night OR art”), Valorie Kristen Ruiz (with “Chain Link”, “Demographics”), Ruth Z. Deming (with “I’m Sick of it All”, “Lawn Party”), Julie Ramon (with “Ghosts”, “Once in the park”), Maria-Jose Villamar (with “Our World”), Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with “Pattern from Saturn art”), Joe Randazzo (with “Burning What’s Left Of The Castle”), Jeremiah Castelo (with “The Taste of Water”), Bill DeArmond (with “Dig Deeply the Grave”), Michael Lee Johnson (with “Clockmaker (V)”), Lisa Gray (with “The Monster”), Linda Golden (with “Girl Left Behind”), Richard Schnap (with “Bibliography”, “Grey Days”), Bob Strother (with “Once Is Enough”), Sej Harman (with “Prisoners”), Janet Kuypers (with “cage”, “choke”), Steve Sibra (with “A Drowning Boy Visits the House “, “of the Recent Dead”, “Morocco”), Janet Kuypers (with “guide”), Marlon Jackson (with “To The Finish Line”), Janet Kuypers (with “stagger”), Al Ortolani (with “Feathers”, “My Brother as Salt-Pork”), Sarah Parfait (with “Watermelon Farm”), David Rossell (with “Ellipses art”), Robert Laughlin (with “Forced Move to a Small Apartment”), Carrie Ives (with “Lightning Louise”), Stefan Benz (with “[death comes tiptoeing]”, “summerlong”), Priscilla Pilar Estrada (with “The Important Blues”), Janet Kuypers (with “difference”), Taylor Cornell (with “Bruise and Fire”), Janet Kuypers (with “Ending a Relationship”), Josh Bennett (with “Red Valley”), Janet Kuypers (with “fought”), Tiffeni Crawford (with “ Feet Under “), David Michael Jackson (with “Man on Wall art”), Brittany Kearney (with “Coming Home”), Tim T.K. (with “Family”), Janet Kuypers (with “kindness”), Nathaniel Sverlow (with “Girt from God”), Phil Temples (with “Black Friday”), David Sowards (with “cartoon”), Raymond Manuel Aguirre (with “Following in My Father’s Footsteps”), Allan Onik (with “The Prince and the Ghost”), and Janet Kuypers (with “Private Lives Three”). The Internet issue also has Rick Blum (with “VP Race Gets Short Shrift”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And these are the first Periodic Table poems I ever wrote! Because three years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Radon that I read at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And these are the first Periodic Table poems I ever wrote! Because three years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Carbon that I read at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And these are the first Periodic Table poems I ever wrote! Because three years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Lithium that I read at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
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video And these are the first Periodic Table poems I ever wrote! Because three years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Helium that I read at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video I thought I had completed uploading Poetry Bomb videos over the years by MAY... But apparently three years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading my Periodic Table poem Hydrogen that I read at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video I thought I had completed uploading Poetry Bomb videos over the years by MAY... But apparently three years ago today I uploaded YouTube video of me reading ALL of the Periodic Table of Poetry poems that I read at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

cc&d v232 I know that as of late issues of cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt magazine have been coming out every OTHER month (which means that they are not released in May), so it is cool to see that five years ago today is when Scars Publications released the 5/12 issue of cc&d magazine (v232).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Down in the Dirt v106 I know that as of late issues of cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt magazine have been coming out every OTHER month (which means that they are not released in May), so it is cool to see that five years ago today is when Scars Publications released the 5/12 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine (v106).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20160501

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers