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Most responses and 3rd party topics are in the Janet Kuypers Facebook page. (This links page also contains additional relevant links that do not exist on the Janet Kuypers facebook pages.)
facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
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or the May-Aug. 2016 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-April 2016 Facebook posts
or Facebook years 2015, or 2014, or 2013, or the 2012, 2011 & 2010

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220630 globe (this video was for public notice)

Isnet video I know I love my Scotsman Andy Murray, but it was cool to see Isner easily defeat him on Centre Court at Wimbledon yesterday, and see how respectful Isner was in his interview about Murray after the match (and for that, I had to show my post from 1 year ago Isner bouncing the ball between his legs before his serve).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 14 others. 20220629 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now only a half week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting and ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 7/3/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220629 globe (this video was for public notice)

memories It is so appropriate to see these memories from 2 years ago today, because not only does it show a video from the Janet Kuypers poetry feature “{Stripped}” at the Café (where I am now reading poetry in front of the closed venue for future The Café Gallery Book Reading series YouTube posts) with projected artwork, plus a “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poem just as it was written (and I will read poems in a bonus Beach Poets reading 6/26), how serendipitous...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220628 globe (this video was for public notice)

Serena Williams https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10206709938961115&set=a. 10204677365308044&type=3&theater
Nadal is now up to sets and Serena is about to start playing, but I don’t think I can watch on this tiny phone at a longer. Either way, when I get home I suppose I won’t be watching Wimbledon but trying to get air conditioning back into our house.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220628 globe (this video was for public notice)

Nadal But who I *should* be taking about is Nadal, playing live as we drive through Dallas right now (he’s grabbing at his eternally injured foot today, but his injuries haven’t stopped him, as I’ve written about it for years, including 20190417). https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= 10217557064452473&set=a.1601561992956&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220628 globe (this video was for public notice)

I am so glad I have the app on my phone to watch Djokovic play at Wimbledon yesterday while I was traveling...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with David Leo Sirois. 20220628 globe (this video was for public notice)

I have been traveling, my darling, so I am sorry for the lateness of these well-wishes... yay for Cancer birthdays, and I (as always) wish you the VERY best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220628 globe (this video was for public notice)

Sodium nitrate It is fun seeing this Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry image I wrote and posted 1 year ago today, especially when I released 2 live videos of my reading poems from this book before my Beach Poets feature in Chicago Sunday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220628 globe (this video was for public notice)

cancer 4 Janet It is fun to see the positivity shared with me for my birthday in a poet 7 years ago today. Thank you again!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at Loyola-Leone Beach. 20220627 · Chicago, IL globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Cathleen, theirs for posting this odorous after the Beach Poets bonus show 6/26/22 with Janet Kuypers feature. I may no longer have a Land of Lincoln Illinois license plate, but the type can still give people to Chicago and poetry...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220627 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Jude It was wonderful to see Jude as well as the entire family last night. Thank you Elise, it was great to see Marshall and Ed (and Joel and Lucille and Rory, of course) and thank you to everyone for such a wonderful birthday week!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220627 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220627 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20220627 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sheri Peterson-Hwkins at The Original Plush Horse Ice Cream. 20220626 · Palos Park, IL globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Sheri I know Sheri and I both worked there once, but it was great to see Sheri again at the Plush Horse while I was in town.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 6 others at Loyola-Leone Beach. 20220626 · Chicago, IL globe (this video was for public notice)

4 group Beach pics I had a wonderful time today at Beach Poets! Thank you to Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier, and Annabelle Echo and Jerry Pendergast and Rich X Emerson and Daniel Weinberg and Carl J Vinci - and everyone who attended!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping Rapeugees”, “Objectifiable 2021”, “Killing, Loving, and the Power of Women”, “from In the Air”, “Opened the Door for All”, “Meitnerium: For All We Women Must Do”, “Extension of “Him””, “Keep Looking Happy”, “Vacuum of Space”, “Voluptuous, and Intelligent Too”, “Unmarried Women and Dead Bodies Everywhere”, “the Measuring Scale”, and “Oh, She Was a Woman” from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” during the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22 in Chicago (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersfeature #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading set 2 of her never-before-read “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (#57 La), “Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”” (#058 Ce, in 141Ce), “Praseodymium: up close and personal” (#59 Pr, in PrScO3), “Neodymium saved from e-waste” (#60, Nd), “Promethium: hail to the orange, hail to the blue” (#61 Pm), “Gadolinium, Save us from Our Mistakes” (#64 Gd), and “Terbium is out of this world” (#65 Tb) before the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22 in Chicago (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading set 1 of her never-before-read “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems “Tellurium so High in the Sky” (#52, Te), “Iodine on the X Files” (#53, I), “Xenon discovers dark energy?” (#54 Xe), “Xenon, Stranger than Strange” (#54, Xe), “Cesium for Certainty” (#55, Cs), and “Barium Dateline” (#56, Ba) before the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22 in Chicago (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet singing before the Beach Poets!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Loyola-Leone Beach. 20220626 · Chicago, IL friends

Janet Janet even got the sport peppers on her vegan Chicago hot dog at Ropa Cabana.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 16 others. 20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now only one week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting and ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 7/3/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 5 others. 20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

STGC I am looking forward to reading all different styles of women’s issues poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” — I just timed the show and it’s a half-hour long, so (depending on what Beach Poets host Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier says) I might have to trim the show down... but I want to share everything with you when I see you all on Sunday, 6/26/22 at the bonus Beach Poets open mic, starting at 1:00 PM CST!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 8 others. 20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day, I am thrilled that Beach Poets host Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier is running an early edition of Beach Poets on Sunday, June 26, 2022, starting at 1:00 PM! I am thrilled to feature there early (before I leave Chicago that afternoon) with poetry from the new CyberWit dot net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” (and I will read additional “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems from noon until 1:00 before the open mic begins) - check out the Facebook event page for this BONUS Beach Pets open mic, and I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at Beach Poets at Leone Beach at Loyola Park (Greenleaf and the lake, just east of Sheridan Road and 4 blocks north of the Loyola L stop in Chicago) after lunch on Sunday, 6/26/22!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

Raymond, Janet I saw this post from 1 year ago today, and I feel bad that the week I am in town to visit Laschet’s they are doing renovation. At least I was with this most-excellent locale in Chicago in spirit this week...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

Manganese I wrote and posted this Twitter-length Periodic Table poem 2 years ago today (which is in the Scars Publications book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), and although I’m not going to read it at the noon hour before the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature”, https://www.facebook.com/events/761169168628359/), but I and thrilled I can share some never-before-read poems with people today! I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

GM 3 years ago Yesterday was George Michael’s birthday (no, I didn’t forget, I even went to a preview invite-only one-day airing of his “Freedom Uncut” movie screening in Logan Square on by birthday, https://www.facebook.com/john.yotko/posts/pfbid02Ria1Ptxzo4abVp6oxE42aoZEMCRszNh37GMa 5YKXBYQPr9JKekFaCiwfzfU8LSqyl)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sabrina McGregor. 20220626 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Sabrina Happy Birthday, my Instagram maven! I don’t know what celebrations you have for the day, but I’m thrilled to get to see Sandra and Ed and Marshall this afternoon (I should be getting to Sandy’s by 5:00 I hope). It was great seeing you last week, so who knows - maybe I’ll be double-plus treated if I can see you on your birthday too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 6 others. 20220625 globe (this video was for public notice)

Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry I feel so terrible that my Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry bonus reading tomorrow at noon before the 1:00 PM “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” begins at the same time as Chicago’s Pride Parade. I hope we’re north enough that traffic isn’t a problem (and since I’m not in a float like I used to be, I can just hope that everyone has a great time at the parade tomorrow), because I am still really looking forward to my early “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” tomorrow, 6/26/22, of my women’s issues poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”, and I really hope Donald Hargraves can make it too, it would be great to see you) I collected all of the never-before-read poems from the Scars Publications book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” for potential sharing before the open mic starts at 1:00 PM CST. I might not get through them all (after my vegan Chicago hot dog on the beach before noon), but (like the Chicago “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”) I can just read them one after the other (not expecting applause or anything between these Twitter-length Periodic Table poems). I am so double-plus psyched to do an early set of these poems before the open mic starts to anyone interested, and I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, 6/26/22 at the bonus Beach Poets open mic!




facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at White Castle. 20220625 · Chicago, IL friends

Janet Since we have been hitting all of the vegetarian options on our last full day in Chicago, I thought I would surprise Janet when I pulled in here for an Impossible Slider.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Native Foods (Wicker Park). 20220625 · Chicago, IL globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John You cannot see in the photo in the background there is a little plaque that says “eat plants and enjoy every moment”...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 4 others. 20220625 globe (this video was for public notice)

Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry I am really looking forward to my early “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” tomorrow, 6/26/22, of my women’s issues poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”, and I really hope Donald Hargraves can make it too, it would be great to see you) I collected all of the never-before-read poems from the Scars Publications book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” for potential sharing before the open mic starts at 1:00 PM CST. I might not get through them all (after my vegan Chicago hot dog on the beach before noon), but (like the Chicago “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”) I can just read them one after the other (not expecting applause or anything between these Twitter-length Periodic Table poems). I am so double-plus psyched to do an early set of these poems before the open mic starts to anyone interested, and I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, 6/26/22 at the bonus Beach Poets open mic!




facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220625 globe (this video was for public notice)

Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: September-December) I *could* talk about how all of the poems I’ll be reading in the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” are women-themed poems from the Cyberwit dot net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”, but some of those poems in the book & feature also appear in the Scars Publications poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)”. I will have copies of “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” for people to pick up on the beach for only $15, but I will only have ONE copy of the poetry events book if anyone is interested...




facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 15 others. 20220625 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day, I am thrilled that Beach Poets host Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier is running an early edition of Beach Poets on Sunday, June 26, 2022, starting at 1:00 PM! I am thrilled to feature there early (before I leave Chicago that afternoon) with poetry from the new CyberWit dot net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” (and I will read additional “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems from noon until 1:00 before the open mic begins) - check out the Facebook event page for this BONUS Beach Pets open mic, and I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at Beach Poets at Leone Beach at Loyola Park (Greenleaf and the lake, just east of Sheridan Road and 4 blocks north of the Loyola L stop in Chicago) after lunch on Sunday, 6/26/22!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220625 globe (this video was for public notice)

video I find it funny that for the past day with Inga I have been wearing my “Legends are born in June” t-shirt that I created with photos I took of tennis legends Roger Federer and Raphael Nadal, and I see that 1 year ago today I spread across social media video of my reading some Janet Kuypers poetry from the Scars Publications 1-4 2021 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Excerpts from the Plague Years” (and yippie skippie for my birthday in June, I’m wearing the same shirt).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220625 globe (this video was for public notice)

video I find it funny that for the past day with Inga I have been wearing my “Unruly Girl” t-shirt that I created, and I see that 1 year ago today I spread across social media my 2014 Janet KuypersPartial Nudity” book release feature at the Café Gallery (in the same shirt).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers in Spring Grove, Illinois. 20220625 friends

Janet & birds Never interacting with birds like this before, we were told to not stroke their feathers but their beaks where they are more sensitive. They kept rubbing their breaks with Janet’s nose, and one even threw up some of their food for her (which we heard is a real sign of affection, actually).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Inga Johnson & Janet Kuypers at Chain O’Lakes State Park. 20220625 · Antioch, IL · friends

Janet & Inga & John Thanks to Todd and Inga for some time on the Chain O’Lakes. It was great to see an old friend and make new ones.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Inga Johnson. 20220624 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Inga It has been a long night on the boat with our friends but it has been great to see Inga and her family in a great trip in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at The Cafe. 20220624 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was fun to read poetry yesterday from “the 2022 flash fiction date book” in front of the Cafe...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at The Cafe. 20220624 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was fun to read poetry yesterday from “the 2022 big time flash fiction date book” in front of the Cafe...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at The Cafe. 20220624 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was fun to read poetry yesterday from “the 2022 poetry review date book” in front of the Cafe...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220624 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I have been having the best time in Chicago... It is hot, but nothing compared to the south, and it cools down (especially since we’re by the Lake). I love tuning my car radio to News Radio 780 WBBM and hearing Jennifer Kuypers reporting. There are so many vegetarian/- and different/- varieties of food there too. I even said hello to a pigeon - I know, they’re sky rats, but they’re more colorful and better sounding than any grackle, I promise. The traffic sucks, but the boats on the Lake are great, the architecture is tenfold better, and... I don’t know, it’s just so much more comfortable here. Looking forward to being on the Chain of Lakes tonight too!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Billy Goat Tavern. 20220624 · Chicago, IL · shared with friends

Janet & John I got the Billy Goat IPA but Janet had to get the Berghoff.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Millennium Park. 20220624 · Chicago, IL · shared with friends

Janet & John Wondering if this was closed off for a music fest this weekend, I am glad we can in with no problem before the crowds come.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220624 globe (this video was for public notice)

painted Lincoln meters It is great to find Lincoln’s head painted in different colors along different parking meters on Lincoln Avenue right by The Cafe in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220624 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK & JY It is so cute to see us at the bar where we had our 1st date right when I am back in town for my birthday. I love you John...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Hangar Two by Tangled Roots Brewing Co. 20220623 · Ottawa, IL globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John He was staying behind me in this photo because he was convinced that the hanging kegs with lights looked like candles that were about to set his hair on fire.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220623 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was fun to read poetry today from an upcoming issue of cc&d magazine today in front of the Cafe...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220623 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was fun to read poetry today from an upcoming issue of Down in the Dirt magazine today in front of the Cafe...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Pick Me Up Cafe. 20220623 · Chicago, IL · shared with friends

Janet not another pizza, unless it has eggplant eggplant and whipped tofu (& shelves hang on the wall at assorted angles).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at The Village Inn Pizzeria Sports Bar and Grill. 20220623 · Skokie, IL · shared with friends

Janet &l John With the expanded wall in the re-vamped Village there’s a whole wall of pictures of famous Chicago sports icons signing the photos for the Village Inn.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 11 others. 20220623 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now only a half week away, I am thrilled that Beach Poets host Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier is running an early edition of Beach Poets on Sunday, June 26, 2022, starting at 1:00 PM! I am thrilled to feature there early (before I leave Chicago that afternoon) with poetry from the new CyberWit dot net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” (and I will read additional “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems from noon until 1:00 before the open mic begins) - check out the Facebook event page for this BONUS Beach Pets open mic, and I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at Beach Poets at Leone Beach at Loyola Park (Greenleaf and the lake, just east of Sheridan Road and 4 blocks north of the Loyola L stop in Chicago) after lunch on Sunday, 6/26/22!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sheri Peterson-Hawkins. 20220622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet𔄀s b-day 1976 I may have used this photo in a thank you Facebook post 7 years ago, but I wanted to thank everyone for the well wishes today. I’ve had so much fun that I nearly sprained my ankle (so walking to the last 3 places today was particularly fun), but I think they say that if you wake up in pain after the night before, you must have had a good time. So again, thank you to everyone. It means the world to me.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at the Gallery Cabaret. 20220622 · Chicago, IL · shared with friends

Janet &l John When I first took this picture I was complaining that the picture of Poe was blasted out by the light but now all I can see is Janet trying to show off her Reardon metal bracelet instead

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is eating dinner with my love with Janet Kuypers at Arturo’s Tacos.
20220622 · Chicago, IL · shared with friends

Janet & John Janet thought after a day of drinking we should have some dinner before our final stop.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko Thom Woodruff was with Janet Kuypers. 20220622 globe (this video was for public notice)


85 friends posted on your timeline for your birthday.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Regal Cinemas City North 14 Stadiums. 20220622 · Libertyville, IL · shared with friends

Janet &l John Janet may have played half the songs on the way to watching the George Michael Freedom Uncut screening tonight but half the audience was singing along during the movie too.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Mickey Finn’s Brewery. 20220622 · Libertyville, IL · shared with friends

Janet &l John Janet wanted to go by Mickey Finn’s and get some more Gudenteit Hefeweizen before heading into Chicago for a one day screening of George Michael Freedom Uncut on her birthday... and her halo keeps trying to escape.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at The Brat Stop. 20220622 · Kenosha, WI · shared with friends

Janet The second stop for Janet’s birthday. She misses her Blue Dog at home so we had to stop at the Brat Stop.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is eating lunch with Janet Kuypers at Kaiser’s Pizza & Pub Kenosha. 20220622 · Kenosha, WI · shared with friends

Janet Janet wanted a Bears image in the background but I told I’d get a Chicago team that actually wins championships. Happy birthday my love.

facebook profile picture for Lynn West Lynn West was with Janet Kuypers. 20220622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group pics Happy Birthday dear Janet!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220622 globe (this video was for public notice)

After midnight (when I went to bed) I saw I already had Facebook birthday wishes from people around the world (which makes sense when India is 11+ hours different from here). So, since I got this “jellyfish” tank 2 years ago for my birthday (thanks, John), I thought I’d say share videos of the moving “jellyfish” and say thank you (so far this morning) for all of the birthday wishes from everyone!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220622 globe (this video was for public notice)

singing frog I have been singing this song for a few days, so I thought I’d share it with the world now (I hope for everyone who remembers this they enjoy it too)...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Gannon’s Pub. 20220619 · Chicago, IL · shared with friends

Janet Janet was so angry that Laschet’s was closed. As we we started walking to look for another bar the strap on her shoe broke. After stapling it back together we walked back to where we parked and found a seat and a favorite beer of hers, Hacker Pschorr Hefeweizen, that we can’t find in Austin.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Renaissance Chicago Glenview Suites Hotel.
20220619 · Glenview, IL · shared with friends

Janet This is what Janet does when it’s 97° on the longest day of the year (the day before her birthday) in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Lorna Wood at L. Woods Tap & Pine Lodge. 20220621 · Lincolnwood, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

L Woods Lorna, I didn’t realize you had a business named after you here in Chicago (hee hee)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is feeling nostalgic nostalgic with Jeffery Wayne Helgeson. 20220621 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Jeff I am away from my work office right now, but (especially because I am in your town this week and am in Cathleen Schandelmeier’s “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22, https://www.facebook.com/events/761169168628359/ it is great to see all of these great memories with Jeff, reflecting the great times at different events for so many years in Chicago...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Kiley Brown. 20220621 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220620 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just under 1 week away, I am thrilled that Beach Poets host Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier is running an early edition of Beach Poets on Sunday, June 26, 2022, starting at 1:00 PM! I am thrilled to feature there early (before I leave Chicago that afternoon) with poetry from the new CyberWit dot net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” (and I will read additional “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems from noon until 1:00 before the open mic begins) - check out the Facebook event page for this BONUS Beach Pets open mic, and I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at Beach Poets at Leone Beach at Loyola Park (Greenleaf and the lake, just east of Sheridan Road and 4 blocks north of the Loyola L stop in Chicago) after lunch on Sunday, 6/26/22!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220620 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just over 2 weeks away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting and ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 7/3/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220619 globe (this video was for public notice)

Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June) Feeling of False Ownership


They say that they gave us human rights months ago
(isn’t it funny, having to pass laws to give us rights —
don’t we have inalienable rights? Where did they go?)...

but still, the farther south you traveled in this country,
the harder it was for white men to treat us as human.
In the Midwest, all the way to Chicago, we were equals,

but it seems that Texas, in particular, didn’t want to shake
their feeling of false ownership, and we had to pay for it.
Maybe it took too long for Lincoln’s Proclamation to reach

Texas, but it wasn’t until June 19th when Union General
Gordon Granger read “General Order No. 3” in Galveston,
that stated that we were free. General order number 3.

Those four words are music to my ears, thought I’m still
blown away that a war had to be fought, proclamations
had to be made across all of these states to proclaim

something we’ve known in our hearts, our souls, forever.
When this day finally came to us, call it on Juneteenth,
it really did lift each and every voice up to sing, hallelujah.

This poem appears in the book “Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)”, from the 2-volume set.
http://scars.tv/Every_Event.../Volume_One_January-June.htm https://www.amazon.com/dp/1080620192 Janet Kuypers will be reading select poems that are in “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” during the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” (https://www.facebook.com/events/761169168628359/) THIS Sunday, 6/26/22, starting at 1:00 PM CST...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220619 globe (this video was for public notice)

big tires I was just told we just drove 1022 miles from Austin yesterday to get here. I am so glad it will be a long time before I have to drive that much in one day again.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220619 globe (this video was for public notice)

memories I have to share this today because amongst the memories is when I got my booster shot for Covid19, and this is my reminder to get the 4th shot/2nd booster when I get the chance...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Chad Maier & Janet Kuypers at Guido’s Bar & Grill. 20220619 · Champaign, IL · shared with friends

Janet & Chad Chad’s friend recommended we check out Guido’s. Busy place. Janet had to defend our table when Chad and I went to get drinks.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and Chad Maier at The Blind Pig Co. 20220618 · Champaign, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

JK & JY & Chad It was great to hang out with Chad Maier and go to a place named for bars serving liquor in prohibition days. It totally made me think of our own beer (Rapolas) but it was cool to come back to my college town.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory. 20220618 globe (this video was for public notice)

Meteor Crater speed limit As we’re speeding along the highway now it’s cool to see this image from last year.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is in Matthews, Missouri. 20220618 globe (this video was for public notice)

fires Okay, these may be better burn photos...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is in Holland, Missouri. 20220618 globe (this video was for public notice)

fires Okay, these may be better burn photos...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is in Holland, Missouri. 20220618 globe (this video was for public notice)

fires Ah, the controller burns of Holland...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220618 globe (this video was for public notice)

friendship sign I hope there’s no hidden message if I never stop for friendship...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at The Red Door Chicken Coop. 20220618 · Texarkana · shared with friends

Janet Janet wanted to get the flag but she thought it would make her new car feel bad.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 37 others. 20220617 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just over 2 weeks away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting and ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 7/3/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier. 20220617 globe (this video was for public notice)

Farsi I’ll keep the suspense up & not share the poem title, but this is one of the poems I’ll be doing at my Beach Poets feature on 6/26/22, which appears in the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers 2022 poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”. In the book, this poem also appears translated into Farsi (and an extended thank you goes out again to Farid Mohammadi, my Iranian friend who spearheaded the Farsi translations in this book). Don’t worry, I’ll share the English version with everyone during my Chicago beach feature... and I can’t wait to see everyone at the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature”!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier. 20220617 globe (this video was for public notice)

Hindi I’ll keep the suspense up & not share the poem title, but this is one of the poems I’ll be doing at my Beach Poets feature on 6/26/22, which appears in the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers 2022 poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”. In the book, this poem also appears translated into Hindi (don’t worry, I’ll share the English version with everyone during my Chicago beach feature)... and I can’t wait to see everyone at the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature”!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 9 others. 20220617 globe (this video was for public notice)

Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry I am really looking forward to my early “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” of my women’s issues poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”, but ince I got the go-ahead (thanks Jerry Pendergast, and I’m so sorry Avrom Litin can’t make it, sniff sniff) I collected all of the never-before-read poems from the Scars Publications book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” for potential sharing before the open mic starts at 1:00 PM CST. I’m sure there’s no way I can get through them all, but (like the Chicago “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”) I can just read them one after the other (not expecting applause or anything between these Twitter-length Periodic Table poems). I am so double-plus psyched to do an early set of these poems before the open mic starts to anyone interested, and I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, 6/26/22 at the bonus Beach Poets open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Dave Johnson. 20220617 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Dave I’m not sure yet if I’ll be able to make it to the Yotko family reunion this year, but have a drink to celebrate our friendship today Dave, which is longer than what Facebook claims...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Lorna Wood. 20220617 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Lorna It’s wonderful to have an open mic where people come together in the same town. But when the pandemic forced “Poetic License” to go through a monthly Zoom meeting, it is SO wonderful that I can meet contributors to my cc&d literary magazine from around the world at my open mic! Thank you Lorna Wood for your music and your writing, and for being a part of both Scars Publications and my monthly open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220616, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Scratch the Surface from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues, released during women’s history month) Shattering the Glass Ceiling as the ending poem for herPoetic License global open mic 6/5/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersfeminism #shatteringtheglassceiling #janetkuyperswomensrights #janetkuypersequalityforwomen #janetkuypersshatteringtheglassceiling #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Poetic License event page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” and “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — your positive feedback inspires us to keep our Poetic License open mic readings alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 9 others. 20220615 globe (this video was for public notice)

Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry I am really looking forward to my early Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature where I will read women’s issues poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” —, but since this is my last day (and may even have to leave the Beach Poets early for a family function), I was wondering if any of my science poet friends would like to hear any additional poems from the newly-released Scars Publications book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” — I would be happy to do an early set of these poems before the open mic starts if anyone is interested. If so, let me know, and I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, 6/26/22 at the bonus Beach Poets open mic, starting at 1:00 PM CST!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220615, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Evil is Tricky” and “popular and useless from the Scars Publications Down in the Dirt magazine 1-4/22 issue collection book “The Ice that Was” to close her “Poetic License global open mic 6/5/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Facebook page as well as on its “Poetry Super Highway” and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and to “like” and “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — your positive feedback like this inspires us to keep our Poetic License open mic readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Joel McGregor. 20220615 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!! I look forward to seeing the whole family next week! https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10224384098644061

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Joe Brundidge. 20220615 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier. 20220614 globe (this video was for public notice)

STGC I am looking forward to reading all different styles of women’s issues poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” — I just timed the show and it’s a half-hour long, so (depending on what Beach Poets host Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier says) I might have to trim the show down... but I want to share everything with you when I see you all on Sunday, 6/26/22 at the bonus Beach Poets open mic, starting at 1:00 PM CST!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220614 globe (this video was for public notice)

2 Srtemis boarding passes I am glad John shared this with me this morning (after he already got a “boarding pass” for his name through NASA), so I had to make sure that both the names Janet Kuypers and Scars Publications each had a “boarding pass” to have our names so with the Artemis mission on the Orion spacecraft in the first expedition on exploration to the Moon and Mars... https://www.nasa.gov/send-your-name-with-artemis/?fs=e&s=cl#user-information

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220614, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poemsBeen a World Leader” and “Enough’s Enough” from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” during her “Poetic License global open mic 6/5/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Poetic License event page and its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” page, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — all of your positive feedback like this inspires us to keep our Poetic License open mic readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypersfacebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Kate Cullan. 20220614 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet and Kate Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff. 20220614 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK & Thom It’s perfect that Facebook tells me Thom and I became Facebook friends on this birthday, but it’s not like I need another reminder of wishing this Gemini a Happy Birthday. Have a wonderful birthday, Thom!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220613, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Before Taking Over the Controls”, “Have You Ever Had”, and “Spit Me Out from the v322 6/22 cc&d 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 6/5/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers janertkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Facebook page, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — your positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220613 globe (this video was for public notice)

What I am sharing with you now are two beers from Walking Seed Brewing still in production (hope you like the future labels). Since there are banana undertones in John’s Hefeweissebier, he wanted to create a Bananas Foster dessert “beer”, and since I used to live right off of (and my open mic originated right off of) Foster Ave. in Chicago, we thought “Bananas Foster Ave.” was a perfect name for this future beer. The other beer? Well, even though I cannot stand IPAs, I HAD to postulate the “Hoppy Hoppy Joy Joy” beer, based on the Ren amp; Stimpy song (and yes, that’s the Ren & Stimpy font, I quote lines from the song in the subtitle, and reflect on the song line “Isn’t that cute, a fly marrying a bumble bee” in the beer label image). These beers are not made yet, and you cannot find them in the rotating label display at  - but since Facebook brought up the beer one of these future beers is based on, I had to share potential future beer labels with you too.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220613 globe (this video was for public notice)

Facebook points out to me assorted memories from 2 years ago today, one is a flashback to my How do I get there? poetry feature in Chicago, but the rest are of the first Walking Seed beer labels. A new batch of Zweiter Lauf was just put on tap, but inspired by this reminder, I may post the new beers scheduled for future release instead...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier
20220612 globe (this video was for public notice)

So...Beach Poets is starting a little earlier than usual this year - Janet Kuypers will be in town!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 19 others. 20220612 globe (this video was for public notice)

Now only two weeks away, I am thrilled that Beach Poets host Cathleen Schandelmeier is running an early edition of Beach Poets on Sunday, June 26, 2022, starting at 1:00 PM! I am thrilled to feature there early (before I leave Chicago that afternoon) with poetry from the new CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” (let me know if anyone wants to come early to hear additional “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems too) — check out the Facebook event page for this BONUS Beach Pets open mic, and I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at Beach Poets at Leone Beach at Loyola Park (Greenleaf and the lake, just east of Sheridan Road and 4 blocks north of the Loyola L stop in Chicago) after lunch on Sunday, 6/26/22!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220612, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Been a World Leader” and “Enough’s Enough” from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — your positive feedback from you helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Inga Johnson. 20220612 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Inga Happy Birthday!!! https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10224361732364918

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220611, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Else”, “Surviving the Apocalypse”, “Know You”, “Quenching Anybody’s Thirst”, “Worth Something”, “Everyone Has a Choice”, and “Zach Makes Me Think About These Things” from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Facebook page as well as on its “Poetry Super Highway” and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — your positive feedback from you helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220610, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Copper in your Mouth” and her Periodic Table poem “Copper” from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — your positive feedback from you helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with David Buddha-Hargarten. 20220610 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220609, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Terbium” and her Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Terbium-161 is just the right number” (+ showing the image for the poem in the book) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too - all of your positive feedback from you helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sabrina McGregor. 20220609 globe (this video was for public notice)

It’s wonderful when Facebook shares with me photos over the years of us, and I am looking forward to seeing you in just a few weeks again!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Kottyn Campbell. 20220609 globe (this video was for public notice)

It’s wonderful seeing Kottyn wherever I’m living, and thanks for being a part of my life, my darling!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Este Stevie Colon. 220220609 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220608, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Became a Jungle”, “How He Failed”, “labeled me again”, “Spit Me Out”, and “Now I’m Strong” (plus showing multiple live show images one, two, three, and four) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this YouTube video on its Facebook page and its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In” page, to “like” this YouTube video on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too - your feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220607, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 6/7/22, a Tuesday like The Café open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poems ““that’s from the barbed wire””, “the Cycle of Life”, “Finding Faith in a Grocery Store”, and “Painted Buddhas” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse” when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 6/7/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page, and thanks for making a point to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page  - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220607, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Before Taking Over the Controls” (+ live show images one and two), and “Have You Ever Had” (+ live show images one and two) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page as well as on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and thanks for making a point to “love” this on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In” and “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too - getting all of this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way...
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen and 9 others. 20220606 globe (this video was for public notice)

group I had such a fun time at the Poetic License open mic yesterday, and it was great seeing so many people come and go at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22”! It is great that people from my Chicago hometown, my new Austin location, people from my literary mag, and people from around the country - and around the world, and I look forward to seeing everyone at the NEXT Poetic License open mic on July 3rd, 2022!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Scratch the Surface from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues, released during women’s history month) Shattering the Glass Ceilingas the ending poem for her “Poetic License global open mic 6/5/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersfeminism #shatteringtheglassceiling #janetkuyperswomensrights #janetkuypersequalityforwomen #janetkuypersshatteringtheglassceiling #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook live video stream on its Poetic License event page - it’s great that live videos are still appreciated, so thanks for the positive feedback for these poetry open mic live feed readings.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Evil is Tricky” and “popular and useless from the Scars Publications Down in the Dirt magazine 1-4/22 issue collection book “The Ice that Wasduring her “Poetic License global open mic 6/5/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” & “love” this video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Been a World Leader” and “Enough’s Enough from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” during her “Poetic License global open mic 6/5/22” she hosted in a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Before Taking Over the Controls”, “Have You Ever Had”, and “Spit Me Out from the v322 6/22 cc&d 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 6/5/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
video Thanks for making a point to “like” & “love” this video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

STGC If there is time today, I hope I get the chance to read a few poems from this year’s CyberWit.net 5½"x8½" Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues released this month, during women’s history month)Shattering the Glass Ceiling” today (the first Sunday of the month, like every month) at the Poetic License open mic! Join us at the Zoom meeting for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” from 3:30-5:30 PM CST — go to the Facebook event page for the zoom address, because zoom meeting host John F. McMullen will probably open the Zoom space at 3:00 PM CST, to let people in to chat. I (Janet Kuypers, open mic host) will get there early too, and I SO look forward to hearing EVERYONE at tomorrow’s Poetic License open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 13 others. 20220605 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join me this afternoon (like on the 1st Sunday of every month) for the Zoom meeting for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22”! This Austin, TX ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, it is on its Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (Zoom meeting host) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” Zoom meeting this afternoon - Sunday, 6/5/22, from 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220604 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 of her animal-themed poems for the 2022 Animal Tales release event (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera, recorded with a b&w Old Film filter and given a Sepia Tone filter) on its Facebook page, and thanks for making a point to “like” this on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “Poetry Super Highway” posts too — getting this positive feedback here really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 164 views on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube knocked that total down to 4 (which makes absolutely no sense). So thanks for the likes and the love here on Facebook that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220604 globe (this video was for public notice)

The Ice that Was I am looking forward to reading a few poems from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” tomorrow (on the first Sunday, like every month) at the Poetic License open mic! Join us at the Zoom meeting for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” from 3:30-5:30 PM CST — go to the Facebook event page for the zoom address, because zoom meeting host John F. McMullen will probably open the Zoom space at 3:00 PM CST, to let people in to chat. I (Janet Kuypers, open mic host) will get there early too, and I SO look forward to hearing EVERYONE at tomorrow’s Poetic License open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 19 others. 20220604 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day! Join Sunday (like the 1st Sunday of every month), for the Zoom meeting for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22”! This Austin, TX ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, it is on its Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (Zoom meeting host) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 6/5/22, from 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220604 globe (this video was for public notice)

Bridge I am looking forward to reading a few poems from a few performance art shows included in the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v196 issue/book “Bridge” tomorrow (on the first Sunday, like every month) — come to the Zoom meeting, and join us for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” from 3:30-5:30 PM CST! Go to the Facebook event page for the zoom address, because zoom meeting host John F. McMullen will probably start the zoom space at 3:00 PM CST, to let people in to chat. I (open mic host Janet Kuypers) will get there early too, and I look forward to hearing EVERYONE at tomorrow’s Poetic License open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220603 globe (this video was for public notice)

Eye to Eye I am looking forward to reading a few poems from a few performance art shows included in the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” Sunday (like on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting, and join us for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” from 3:30-5:30 PM CST! Go to the Facebook event page for the zoom address, because zoom meeting host John F. McMullen will probably start as early as 3:00 PM CS to let people in to chat. I’ll get there early too, and look forward to hearing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220603 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “share” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 of her animal-themed poems for the 2022 Animal Tales release event (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Hue Cycling filter) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Poetry Super Highway” and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, and thanks for making a point to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — getting this positive feedback from everyone here really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 187 views on YouTube, but YouTube eventually deleted those all but 16 (which makes no sense at all). So thanks for likes & loves here on Facebook YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220603, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 5/7/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Uniqueness Finds Love” for its appearance in and from the “2022 Animal Tales” book, then her poems “Bismuth in an ocean of oneimages (relating to the Animal Tales poem and appearing in the Scars Publications 2022 book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), “Only Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” (because it was recently drawn by 2 artists into coloring books from both girl and boy perspectives) during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2022 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter & a Sepia tone filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersveglife

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 25 others. 20220603 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Got any plans this weekend? I’ve got the perfect thing for this Sunday afternoon...join us Sunday (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting, and join us for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” — the Austin, TX ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 6/5/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220602, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 5/7/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Uniqueness Finds Love” for its appearance in and from the “2022 Animal Tales” book, then her poems “Bismuth in an ocean of oneimages (relating to the Animal Tales poem and appearing in the Scars Publications 2022 book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), “Only Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” (because it was recently drawn by 2 artists into coloring books from both girl and boy perspectives) during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2022 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera w/ a Hue Cycling filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersveglife

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Michael Hoag. 20220602 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220601 shared with friends

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Terbium” (+ image), and “Terbium-161 is just the right number” (+ image) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Been a World Leader” and “Enough’s Enough” from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Else”, “Surviving the Apocalypse”, “Know You”, “Quenching Anybody’s Thirst”, “Worth Something”, “Everyone Has a Choice”, and “Zach Makes Me Think About These Things” from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Copper in your Mouth” and “Copper” from the Down in the Dirt 6/22 v195 issue/book “Bridge” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Terbium” (+ image), and “Terbium-161 is just the right number” (+ image) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Became a Jungle”, “How He Failed”, “labeled me again”, “Spit Me Out”, and “Now I’m Strong” (plus showing multiple live show images one, two, three, and four) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera & b&w Old Film filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Before Taking Over the Controls” (+ live show images one and two), and “Have You Ever Had” (+ live show images one and two) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 of her poems in front of the Café (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as Facebook page, thanks for making a point to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” and “Poets On Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “like” this post on its “Poetry Super Highway” and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages too — getting this positive feedback from everyone here really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 147 views on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube knocked that total down to 13 (which makes absolutely no sense). So thanks for the likes and the love here on Facebook that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 3 others. 20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

Eye to Eye Now that summer is coming on full-force, it’s time to celebrate with a brand-new June 2022 Scars Publications book release! The 6/22 v322 29-YEAR ANNIVERSARY issue of cc&d magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# 108-page perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Eye to Eye”! This book is available for sale on Amazon throughout the U.S., Canada, the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from cc&d today!



(Writers and artists in this book include Appadoo Leyanah, ayaz daryl nielsen, bart plantenga, Benjamin Nardolilli, Beth Christensen, Bill Tope, Charles Eades, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jeff Rosen, John F. McMullen, John Grey, John Zurn, Judith Partin-Nielsen, Linda M. Crate, Mark Reasoner, Michael Ceraolo, Richard Lawson, Russ Doherty, Thomas M. McDade, Tom Sheehan, Uday Mukerji, Christina Culverhouse, Daniel Weinberg A.K.A. Dr. Schmooz, David Michael Jackson, David J. Thompson, David Russell, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, John Yotko, Karen Hedges, Kyle Hemmings, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220601 globe (this video was for public notice)

Bridge Now that summer is coming on full-force, it’s time to celebrate with a brand-new June 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v196 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# 108-page perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Bridge”! This book is available for sale on Amazon throughout the U.S., Canada, the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from Down in the Dirt today!



(Writers and artists in this book include A. L. F. Fagan, Andrea Chancey, Andrew Miller, Bill Tope, Clive Aaron Gill, David Bradley, David Dumouriez, David Sapp, Doug Hawley, Gary Zenker, Henri Colt, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, John Farquhar Young, Logan Markko, Mark Pearce, Marlon Jackson, Mike Hickman, Mike Pollentine, Mike Rader, Monique Holton, Richard K. Williams, Roger G. Singer, Ron Roman, Saha Abdulreda, Shakti Pada Mukhopadhyay, Susie Gharib, William Teets, Zach Murphy, Christopher Strople, Daniel de Culla, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Fabrice Poussin, Isabel G. de Diego, J. Ray Paradiso, Karen Hedges, Kyle Hemmings, Olivier Schopfer, Raha.M, and Sherry Shahan.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220531, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/31/22, a Tuesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poems ““that’s from the barbed wire””, “the Cycle of Life”, “Finding Faith in a Grocery Store”, and “Painted Buddhas” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/31/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (video from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220531 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry for the Animal Tales 2022 festival on 5/7/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Poets On Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback from everyone here really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book feature readings like this... because this YouTube video had 221 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that down to 4 (which makes absolutely no sense). So thanks for the likes here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Brian Lamont. 20220531 globe (this video was for public notice)

Instagram Happy Birthday, Brian. We miss you. https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10221270083315624

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Edward Kuypers. 20220531 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet with family Happy Birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220530, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 5/7/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Uniqueness Finds Love” for its appearance in and from the “2022 Animal Tales” book, then her poems “Bismuth in an ocean of oneimages (relating to the Animal Tales poem and appearing in the Scars Publications 2022 book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), “Only Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” (because it was recently drawn by 2 artists into coloring books from both girl and boy perspectives) during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2022 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersveglife

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220530 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry for the Animal Tales 2022 festival on 5/7/22 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 with a Hue Cycling filter) on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, too — getting this positive feedback from everyone here really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book feature readings like this... because this YouTube video had 191 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that down to 2 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220529, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 5/7/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Uniqueness Finds Love” for its appearance in and from the “2022 Animal Tales” book, then her poems “Bismuth in an ocean of oneimages (relating to the Animal Tales poem and appearing in the Scars Publications 2022 book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), “Only Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” (because it was recently drawn by 2 artists into coloring books from both girl and boy perspectives) during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2022 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera & given a Hue Cycling filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersveglife

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 49 others. 20220529 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now only one week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting and ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 6/5/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 6/5/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220529 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry for the Animal Tales 2022 festival on 5/7/22 (Panasonic Lumix 2500) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, too — getting this positive feedback from everyone here really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book feature readings like this... because this YouTube video had 191 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that down to 4 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes and loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220528, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 5/7/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Uniqueness Finds Love” for its appearance in and from the “2022 Animal Tales” book, then her poems “Bismuth in an ocean of one” (relating to the Animal Tales poem and appearing in the Scars Publications 2022 book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), imagesOnly Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” (because it was recently drawn by 2 artists into coloring books from both girl and boy perspectives) during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2022 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersveglife

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220528 globe (this video was for public notice)

janetkuypers.com with tennis image I posted about this in 2015 and 2016, but it’s fun to see when I go to janetkuypers.com (which has a randomly selected lead image every time it downloads) during tennis’s French Open that a lead images comes up with a picture of me at a tennis tournament holding a giant tennis racket.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220528 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her last poetry reading from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, and to “like” this on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” page too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 182 views on YouTube last night, but this morning I see that YouTube knocked that total down to 2 (which is insane). So thanks for making the point to like and love this here (a place that YouTube can’t change). You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Claire McCormick. 20220528 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220527 globe (this video was for public notice)

Scars Publications finally released an art page online w/ photos from the American Windmill Museum — it was amazing to see the different styles of windmills and is a treat for anyone visiting or passing through Lubbock, Texas. http://scars.tv/art/American_Windmill_Museum/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220527, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Village is Complete with a Community”, “nature I” (+ image), “Vegetarians, One Meal at a Time”, and “Order in the Chaos” from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220527 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in round 2 from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 (Panasonic Lumix 2500) on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Shamelessly Promote Your Books” pages, too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 195 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that down to 5 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes and loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220526 globe (this video was for public notice)

Wandering Words Since Flash and the Java links no longer work, it is sad to see that nine years ago today I just added 50+ new twitter-length micro-poems to the “Wandering Words” game/program (still, thanks to John for engineering that fun section). It may no longer work, but it is great to reflect on ways to make short poems more interactive like that...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Deborah J Cano-Roadie Chick. 20220526 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220526 globe (this video was for public notice)

Scars Publications finally released an art page online with photos from Cadillac Ranch — and don’t worry, if you ever think of visiting it in Amarillo, Texas, it will look completely different... because so many people bring spray paint cans to make their mark, it changes hourly.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220526 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse” in Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/25/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists” pages, and to “love” this on its Facebook page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone here bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because I thought it was cool that this YouTube video had 193 views and 3 likes on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that down to 3 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes and loves here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220526 globe (this video was for public notice)

So I get notices that a George Michael Freedom Uncut movie is going to be released - on my birthday (while I’m visiting Chicago). So instead of checking for theaters where I currently live, I get to look for theaters in Logan Square (how refreshing is that).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220526, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Kind of like a City” (+ image), “Volumes of Philosophical Masterpieces”, and “Quilled for Poets” from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and Dave Johnson. 20220526 globe (this video was for public notice)

Facebook shares images of my memories over the years, as they did 12 times in the past (though Facebook now blocks all of the animations for some unknown reason except the one on 3/7/22). But I wanted to share this one because I liked seeing pictures with John in Antarctica and New Orleans, me with Dave Johnson at his Marine retirement in Maryland, John and I in Austin, and also video of me reading Janet Kuypers poetry from the v195 5/22 Down in the Dirt book “In Plain View”...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20220525 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 4/29/18 Austin Poetry Bomb event during National Poetry Month now has all 8 videos from it on 1 Artvilla/scars web page! Poems and videos of multiple readings from the Scars Publications performance art poetry book “Chapter 38 v1” at the Baylor Street Art Wall are now all on 1 page! https://www.artvilla.com/scars/?p=1467 #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220525 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse” in Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/24/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (video from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Shamelessly Promote Your Books” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because I thought it was cool that this YouTube video had 159 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that down to 3 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes and loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220525, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video (posted 5/25/22, a Wednesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “How People Interpret My Words”, “You’ve Already Paid for This”, and “Chicago” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/25/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20220524 shared with friends

Janet Kuypers’ 4/29/18 Austin Poetry Bomb event during National Poetry Month (at the Baylor Street Art Wall) now has all 8 videos from it on 1 Artvilla web page! Poems and videos of readings from Scars Publications performance art poetry book “Chapter 38 v1” are now all on 1 page! https://www.artvilla.com/janet-kuypers-4-29-18-austin-poetry-bomb/7#035;.Yo0HDWDMJUI #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220524 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems and her Periodic Table poem from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway” pages, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 228 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total literally down to 3 (which makes no sense). So thanks for the likes and the love here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220524, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/24/22, a Tuesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “How People Interpret My Words”, “You’ve Already Paid for This”, and “Chicago” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/24/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (video from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20220523 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 4/29/18 Austin Poetry Bomb event during National Poetry Month (at the now closed-down Baylor Street Art Wall) now has all 8 videos from it on 1 YouTube playlist! Videos of readings from Scars Publications performance art poetry book “Chapter 38 v1” are now in 1 place! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYa-AZK78_hpPDzfNHPDKYAXT40JJmPLs #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220523, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Phosphorus: Strike That, Red”, “Phosphorus: Willie Pete”, and “Phosphorus” from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Judy Kuypers. 20210522 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Judy Years ago, I think as a Christmas present, Judy got me a grey sweater (open with huge spaces for pockets for your hands). I instantly put it on over my grey animal-print dress and fell in love with it. Since then I’ve kept it in my car for winter months if I was cool when we went out, and I just brought it back into my bedroom (because I really won’t need it when it averages 100 degrees out in the summer). But on her birthday today. I think of times like this and it makes me smile... we miss you, and know you’re in a better place. We love you! https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10224185823887316

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220522 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220522 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20220522 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220521 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the 1-4/22 cc&d issue collection book “Unfinished Business” 5/4/22 (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In” and “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)” pages, and to “love” this on its Facebook page as well as its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 156 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total literally down to 4 (which makes no sense). So thanks for the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220520, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Check Your Clock”, “Over a Year Away”, and “Metamorphosis” from the 1-4/22 cc&d issue collection book “Unfinished Business” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220520 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the 9-12/21 cc&d book “The World Outside” 5/4/22, on the 1st Wednesday of the month (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists” and “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” pages, to “like” and “love” this on its Facebook page, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 129 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total literally down to 3 (which makes no sense, but it’s funny that YouTube now shows the same number of likes as views for this video  at least YouTube didn’t remove likes too). So thanks for the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220519, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Under Our Own Feet”, “(from) Visiting Pristine Places on the Planet”, “Other Side”, “Ornaments from my Childhood”, and “Knew the Word” from the 9-12/21 cc&d book “The World Outside” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220519 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her bonus poem “Ruthenium” for the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse” for “The Café Gallery 5/18/22 Book Reading” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its Facebook page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 129 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total literally down to 4 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Eugene Peppers. 20220519 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK & EP Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220518, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/18/22, a Wednesday like The Café open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her bonus poem “Ruthenium” for the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/18/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, <Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220518 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ruthenium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse” in front of The Café in Chicago for The Café Gallery Book Reading series (from a Samsung S8 camera) on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Shamelessly Promote Your Books” and “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too — getting this positive feedback inspires us to share our poetry book readings like this... because this had 123 YouTube views this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 4 (which is insane). So thank you everyone for all the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Daniel Weinberg and 6 others. 20220518 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License group It may take some time, but I will never forget to thank everyone who attended the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” this month! It was great listening to so many people from around the globe - and I look forward to everyone coming around for the NEXT Poetic License open mic, on Sunday, June 5, 2022, from 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220517, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/17/22, a Tuesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ruthenium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/17/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (video from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220517 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the v195 5/22 Down in the Dirt book “In Plain View” 5/4/22 (filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on itsas well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)” pages, to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post,& to “like” & “love” this on its Facebook page too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 88 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 35 (I have no idea why). So thank you for all of the likes & loves here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220517, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/17/22, a Tuesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “How People Interpret My Words”, “You’ve Already Paid for This”, and “Chicago” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/17/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (video from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220516, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Universe... Now In Color”, “Envision It in the Night Sky”, “Under your Total Control”, “Know You Only Got Me”, “Feel Comfortable”, and “Good Escape” from the v195 5/22 Down in the Dirt book “In Plain View” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220516 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the v321 5/22 cc&d book “The New Normal” 5/4/22 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, and to “like” and “love” this on its Facebook page too — getting this positive feedback inspires us to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 124 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 4 (which is insane). So thank you everyone for all the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220515, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Became a Circus” and “Out of Wedding Dresses from the v321 5/22 cc&d book “The New Normal” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with C Ra McGuirt. 20220515 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & C Ra This isn’t fair... I also see that five years ago today Facebook made this dorky video of years of FB friendship with C Ra McGuirt and myself (though we were friends pretty much since my cc&d magazine started in 1993). I think the Facebook gods are trying to remind me to not let his poetic memory be forgotten, so maybe I may also commemorate him with reprinting occasional poems from him back in the early cc&d days into upcoming issues of cc&d magazine. https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10211988771968641

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with C Ra McGuirt. 20220515 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers Nine years ago today I updated my cover photo on Facebook to reflect my (at the time) upcoming reading of “Tag Team” poems with C Ra McGuirt (for a book that was never printed)... maybe these reminders will inspire me to write some thought-provoking poetry on a philosophical/religious theme (you know, for my sun god) that may make it into what will hopefully be my next poetry book (published in 2023) from CyberWit.net, tentatively titled “Testament”. https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10200660244722540

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220515 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “No One Reports for Women” from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” as the ending poem from her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and to “love” this on its Facebook page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video had 207 views on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube literally knocked that total down to 3 (which is insane... so much for women’s issues and rights). So thanks for the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220514, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “No One Reports for Women from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues, released during women’s history month) Shattering the Glass Ceiling as the ending poem for herPoetic License global open mic 5/1/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersfeminism #janetkuyperswomensrights #janetkuypersequalityforwomen #janetkuypersshatteringtheglassceiling #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220514 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the 1-4/22 cc&d issue collection book “Unfinished Business” during her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, to “love” this YouTube video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, and to “like” and “love” this on its 2nd Facebook post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video had 147 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 36 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220513 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Not Knowing”, her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Iodine on the X Files”, and her poem “Quiver in Thought from the Scars Publications 1-4/22 cc&d issue collection book “Unfinished Business” during her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220513, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Not Knowing”, her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Iodine on the X Files”, and her poem “Quiver in Thought from the Scars Publications 1-4/22 cc&d issue collection book “Unfinished Business” during her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220513 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from two Down in the Dirt books during her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Shamelessly Promote Your Books” pages, to “love” this YouTube video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, and to “like” and “love” this on its Facebook page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” page too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video had 147 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 6 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220512, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Hydrogen” and “Now That You Got Me” from the v195 5/22 Down in the Dirt book “In Plain View”, then her poem “White Phosphorus” (+ image) from the Scars Publications Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” during her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220512 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lithium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse” AT the Café for “The Café Gallery 5/10/22 Book Reading (filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, & to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video had 143 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 38 (38, 38, there were 38... don’t ask me why they choose the total number of views, it makes no sense to me). So thanks for making a point to give the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220511 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her her poem “Lithium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse” AT the Café for “The Café Gallery 5/10/22 Book Reading (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” page, & to “like” & “love” this on its Facebook page too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 108 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 5 (which is so wrong). So thanks for the likes and the love here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220511 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/10/22, a Tuesday like The Café open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lithium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/11/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with
C Ra McGuirt. 20220511 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & C Ra Yesterday I saw a note from 4 years ago that C Ra McGuirt and I had been Facebook friends for so many years. We had been friends for so much longer; my sun god was in all of my early issues of cc&d (and it was on my suggestion that he started the Penny Dreadful Review). I still have your Tag Team wrestling champion belt behind my desk in my office, and I have been contemplating how to honor you — and all the pain sometimes trapped in poets’ hearts. You will be forever missed, my darling. https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10215046807537619

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220510 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/11/22, a Wednesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lithium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/10/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220510 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the v321 5/22 cc&d book “The New Normal” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poets of Merit & Expressiont” pages, & to “like” & “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video had 166 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 4 (which is so wrong). So thanks for the likes and the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Sandi Horton Sandi Horton Poetry Page is with Thom Woodruff and 5 others. 20220510 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group Another group photo from the Sat. May 7, 2022 Tablerock Poetry Festival in Salado at the end of the Anthology readings. After the photo, a fun jam session with EB Staples on pan drum, Chris Corsbie on lap steel guitar and Sandi Horton on native flute filled the air with music.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Robin Fine. 20220510 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220509 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Memorial Day, 2019 edit (+ image), “Dance Among the Ashes (+ image), and “Zouk or Xibelani from the v321 5/22 cc&d book “The New Normal”, then her poem Human Construct of Time” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers janertkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220509 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in round 4 from her book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page and its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, & to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 126 views on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube just knocked that total down to 5 (which seems so wrong). So thanks for the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Louise Gail Richardson and 4 others. 20220509 globe (this video was for public notice)

2022 Animal Tales group So many people took group photos Saturday at the 2022 Tablerock Animal Tales readings Saturday, but let me thank everyone who participated at the Animal Tales in Salado, TX on 5/7/22!

facebook profile picture for Scars Publiczations Scars Publications is with Janet Kuypers. 20220408 globe (this video was for public notice)

show Enjoy this Facebook live video stream 5/7/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Uniqueness Finds Love” for its appearance in and from the “2022 Animal Tales” book, then her poems “Bismuth in an ocean of one” (relating to the Animal Tales poem and appearing in the Scars Publications 2022 book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), “Only Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” (because it was recently drawn by 2 artists into coloring books from both girl and boy perspectives) during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2022 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersveglife

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220508 globe (this video was for public notice)

for the Love of the Sea It was an honor reading yesterday at Tablerock of Salado, TX, and hearing everyone read poetry about animals for the 2022 Animal Tales book. To show my gratitude I printed a chapbook (not for mass print distribution but as a thank you and gift to event sponsor Thom and book printer Phillip). Though this print chapbook was not distributed, I am pleased that Scars Publications can post this chapbook, titled “for the Love of the Sea” — available for anyone would like to check out the poems “Uniqueness Finds Love”, “Bismuth in an ocean of one”, “Only Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” in this online chapbook!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220508 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Niobium’s Demise”, “Niobium 92 & Solar System Secrets”, “Molybdenum’s War Inside”, “Technetium’s Inner Glow”, “Ruthenium for Free”, “Rhodium’s Flava Flav”, “Palladium, Ouro Podre”, “Silver from Vegas”, “Cadmium and Cancer”, “Indium, trying to get through”, “Tin Foil Hats on Tin Pan Alley”, and “Antimony: Sordid and Violent” from the Scars Publications 2021 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220507 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream 5/7/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Uniqueness Finds Love” for its appearance in and from the “2022 Animal Tales” book, then her poems “Bismuth in an ocean of one” (relating to the Animal Tales poem and appearing in the Scars Publications 2022 book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), “Only Recourse”, and “Under the Sea” (because it was recently drawn by 2 artists into coloring books from both girl and boy perspectives) during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2022 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersveglife

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Barrow Brewing Company. 20220507 · Salado · globe (this video was for public notice)

John & Janet we chose vegetarian sushi because we have saki for when we had our saki ceremony during our wedding 22 years ago today. Since we’re having our sushi dinner at a local brewery before Janet’s Animal Tales poetry reading at 7:00 we will hold off on the saki.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220507 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in round 3 from the 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 during the 2022 Poetry Bomb (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression”, pages, & to “like” & “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 104 views on YouTube, but today YouTube removed all but 5 of those views (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220507 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John I could put up tons of pictures, but I should also share highlights from our 20-year wedding anniversary... I love you, John Yotko.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220507 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John I could put up tons of pictures, but I should also share highlights from our 19-year wedding anniversary... I love you, John Yotko.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220507 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John I could put up tons of pictures, but I should also share highlights from our 19-year wedding anniversary... I love you, John Yotko.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Circle Brewing Company. 20220507 globe (this video was for public notice)

John & Janet the food truck here today is Bird Dogz. Sure, they have meat, but they also carry literal carrot hot dogs which pleased Janet to no end. Happy 22 year anniversary my love. We feel like we’ve known each other forever but it all still feels brand new. I love you..

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220506 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Gallium Anticipation”, “Germanium: We Would Never Survive”, “Arsenic is the Cure”, “Selenium Mixing”, “Bromine’s Assault”, “Rubidium Deep Red Explosions”, “Rubidium leads the way to a new state”, “Strontium and 3-D time”, “Strontium Save Me”, “Strontium shows Schrödinger’s cat”, “Yttrium, Seeping”, and “Zirconium Brilliance” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220506 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in round 2 from her book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as to “like” this on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, and “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” pages, & to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 98 views on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube just knocked that total down to 6 (which seems so wrong). So thank you for all of the likes & loves here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220505 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Scandium, Held Tightly”, “Titanium for Spies”, “Vanadium: Beauty with Mettle”, “Chromium Shine”, “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “Iron, Filtered In”, “Iron Leaking out of Earth”, “Iron Bloodied Eyelids”, “Cobalt Goblins”, “Nickel the Demon”, “Copper in your Mouth”, and “Zinc as Philosopher’s Wool” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220505 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 1 poem in front of the Café (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, &“GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, & to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 94 views on YouTube now, and I know how YouTube had a penchant for removing most of the views it receives in its first day, which seems criminal (if there was monetary value in being liked). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/4/22, a Wednesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Five” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/4/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Village is Complete with a Community”, “nature I”, (+ image), “Vegetarians, One Meal at a Time”, and “Order in the Chaos” from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Kind of like a City” (+ image), “Volumes of Philosophical Masterpieces”, and “Quilled for Poets” from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Phosphorus: Strike That, Red”, “Phosphorus: Willie Pete”, and “Phosphorus” from the 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Check Your Clock”, “Over a Year Away”, and “Metamorphosis” from the 1-4/22 cc&d issue collection book “Unfinished Business” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Under Our Own Feet”, “(from) Visiting Pristine Places on the Planet”, “Other Side”, “Ornaments from my Childhood”, and “Knew the Word” from the 9-12/21 cc&d book “The World Outside” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Universe... Now In Color”, “Envision It in the Night Sky”, “Under your Total Control”, “Know You Only Got Me”, “Feel Comfortable”, and “Good Escape” from the v195 5/22 Down in the Dirt book “In Plain View” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page, and thanks for sharing this post too - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Became a Circus” and “Out of Wedding Dresses” from the v321 5/22 cc&d book “The New Normal” 5/4/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (this video was for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and Yoda May the fourth be with you! https://www. facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10224022140635337

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 1 poem in front of the Café (filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, & to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 107 views on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube knocked that total down to 3 (which is insane, since it now has more likes than views). So thank you for all of the likes & loves here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Donald Hargraves. 20220504 globe (this video was for public notice)

It was great seeing you when I was in town (and it’s great to get Facebook reminders of our friendship too)... I look forward to seeing you again soon!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in round 1 from the 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 during the 2022 Poetry Bomb (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, & to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because I’ve noticed as of late that YouTube will delete most of the views my videos receive after only one day, and here on Facebook I receive all this nice feedback. Right now this YouTube video had 100 views on YouTube (and what’s stunning is that YouTube hasn’t removed most of those views in well over a day yet). So either way, thank you for all of the likes & loves here. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220503 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 5/3/22, a Tuesday like The Café open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Five” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/3/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220502 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Aluminum Becomes Priceless”, “Silicon Complete”, “Silicon Implants”, “Silicon: the Taco Meat Filling”, “Phosphorus Balance”, “Phosphorus: Strike That, Red”, “Phosphorus: Willie Pete”, “Phosphine for Venus: virility vs. volcanism”, “Sulfur, Suddenly”, “Chlorine: the Good and the Bad”, “Argon like my Exes”, “Potassium and Chef Boyardee”, “Calcium, Osteoporosis and Meat”, “Calcium: voltage to the brain”, and “Calcium can be good for the o-zone too” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20220502 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Memorial Day, 2019 edit” (+ image), “Dance Among the Ashes” (+ image), and “Zouk or Xibelani from the v321 5/22 cc&d book “The New Normal”, then, after Zoom host John F. McMullen reads his poem in “The New NormalJanet Kuypers followed it by reading her poem Human Construct of Time” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this Facebook page post about the first reading at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” - getting this positive feedback helps us keep my open mic poetry live streams like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “No One Reports for Women from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues, released during women’s history month) Shattering the Glass Ceilingas the ending poems for her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Not Knowing”, her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Iodine on the X Files”, and her poem “Quiver in Thought” from the Scars Publications 1-4/22 cc&d issue collection book “Unfinished Businessduring her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Hydrogen” and “Now That You Got Me” from the v195 5/22 Down in the Dirt book “In Plain View”, then her poem “White Phosphorus (+ image) from the Scars Publications 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” during her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Memorial Day, 2019 edit” (+ image), “Dance Among the Ashes” (+ image), and “Zouk or Xibelani from the v321 5/22 cc&d book “The New Normal”, then, after Zoom host John F. McMullen reads his poem in “The New NormalJanet Kuypers followed it by reading her poem Human Construct of Time” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an Old b&w Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jenene Ravesloot and 2 others. 20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

The New Normal Now that the flowers (and allergies) are coming out in full force in May, relish the brand-new May 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v321 issue of cc&d magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “The New Normal”! This book is available for sale on Amazon throughout the U.S., Canada, the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from cc&d today!



(Writers and artists in this book include Adriano Vasconcelos, Bill Tope, Bradford Middleton, David J. Thompson, Debra J. White, Edward Lee, Eric Burbridge, Harvey Huddleston, J.B. Polk, Jacob Meadows, Janet Kuypers, John Amendall, John F. McMullen, Linda D’Argenio, Mark Blickley, Mark Reasoner, Matthew McAyeal, Mike Schneider, Raha M., Sherry Shahan, Tom Sheehan, Christina Culverhouse, David Michael Jackson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Jenene Ravesloot, Kyle Hemmings, Oz Hardwick, Peter LaBerge, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

In Plain View Now that the flowers (and allergies) are coming out in full force in May, relish the brand-new May 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v195 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “In Plain View”! This book is available for sale on Amazon throughout the U.S., Canada, the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from Down in the Dirt today!



(Writers and artists in this book include A. L. F. Fagan, Andrea Chancey, Andrew Miller, Bill Tope, Clive Aaron Gill, David Bradley, David Dumouriez, David Sapp, Doug Hawley, Gary Zenker, Henri Colt, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, John Farquhar Young, Logan Markko, Mark Pearce, Marlon Jackson, Mike Hickman, Mike Pollentine, Mike Rader, Monique Holton, Richard K. Williams, Roger G. Singer, Ron Roman, Saha Abdulreda, Shakti Pada Mukhopadhyay, Susie Gharib, William Teets, Zach Murphy, Christopher Strople, Daniel de Culla, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Fabrice Poussin, Isabel G. de Diego, J. Ray Paradiso, Karen Hedges, Kyle Hemmings, Olivier Schopfer, Raha.M, and Sherry Shahan..)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 2 of her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page and on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, and to “like” this on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 188 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 2 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 13 others. 20220501 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join us Sunday (like on the first Sunday of every month) at the Zoom meeting for the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” Zoom meeting TOMORROW, on Sunday, 5/1/22 (or 20220501, or 1 May 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220430 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Key to a Storyline” and “Explorers at Heart” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 14 others. 20220429 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day! Join us Sunday (like on the first Sunday of every month) at the Zoom meeting for the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” Zoom meeting TOMORROW, on Sunday, 5/1/22 (or 20220501, or 1 May 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with David Lester Young. 20220430 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & DLY Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 7 others. 20220429 globe (this video was for public notice)

The “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” is literally 2 days away, and I never shared a group photo from the LAST Poetic License, the “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22” (how could I forget)... I want to thank everyone who attended the “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22”, and I look forward to seeing everyone (and more) in just two days at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” Sunday afternoon at 3:30 CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220429 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220429 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” & “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, “Poets on Fire Worldwide”, and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 188 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 2 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 18 others. 20220429 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Got any plans this weekend? Join us Sunday (like on the first Sunday of every month) to the Zoom meeting at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 5/1/22 (or 20220501, or 1 May 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Andrew Horneman. 20220429 globe (this video was for public notice)

Birdman, Janet & Andrew Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220428 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems poems Emperor Assassinations and Partisan Politics”, “Queen, Decapitated”, and “Vaulted to Silhouette the Sky” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220428 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “love” and share this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/26/22 Book Reading” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on Facebook, to “like” this on its “Poets of Merit & Expression” page, and to “like” & “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” and “Austin Artmosphere Artists” posts too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 119 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 40 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220428 globe (this video was for public notice)

photos of Janet and John watching Bears games Facebook didn’t remind me of this “memory”, but I saw it on my past pages and just had to share this again. (Since then I bought a Benson jersey from a neighbor’s garage sale in Austin, because he went to UT and came back to Austin after football, R.I.P.) But years ago John bought us Matt Forte and Devin Hester Bears shirts because our birthdays were their numbers on their jerseys (cool that two great players had those numbers for the Bears). They were both traded to other teams, but both Matt Forte and Devin Hester decided to retire AT THE SAME TIME, and they both got one-day contracts with the Chicago Bears so they could both retire as Chicago Bears. That shows you a real love for the Chicago Bears...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Alan Emerson Kicks. 20220428 globe (this video was for public notice)

Annabelle, Alan, Janet Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20220427 globe (this video was for public notice)

poetic License

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220427 globe (this video was for public notice)

Aiming at Immortality Scars Publications has new issue collection books “Unfinished Business” and “The Ice that Was” to read from in the upcoming months, but it is fun to look back and see readings from past issue collection books, like Aiming at Immortality”...


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220427 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 4/27/22, a Wednesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/27/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220427 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” and “like” and share this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/26/22 Book Reading” on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”“Poets on Fire Worldwide”, and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too —; getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video had 117 views on YouTube this morning (and nice comments on YouTube about preserving memories from old open mic locations too), but YouTube just knocked that total down to 9 (which makes no sense and is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 25 others. 20220427 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just a half week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 5/1/22 (or 20220501, or 1 May 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 4/26/22, a Tuesday like The Café open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/26/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220426 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression” , and “Poets on Fire worldwide” posts, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” posts too — getting all of this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 163 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 10 (which is so exasperating). So thanks for all of the likes & the love here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Jenene Ravesloot is with Janet Kuypers. 20220425 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers it is hard to believe it has been twelve years since we friended one another on Facebook. Happy Friend Day to you!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220425 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems People Forget Politics”, “Queens Rule”, “holding my hand”, and “Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220425 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 13 of her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Poetry Super Highway” and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, to “like” this on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” page and give such nice administrator comments - thank you Belinda, and to “love” this on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” and “Fallen Angel Poetry” posts too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 201 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 10 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 39 others. 20220425 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just under a week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License global open mic 5/1/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 5/1/22 (or 20220501, or 1 May 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220424 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Niobium’s Demise”, “Niobium 92 & Solar System Secrets”, “Molybdenum’s War Inside”, “Technetium’s Inner Glow”, “Ruthenium for Free”, “Rhodium’s Flava Flav”, “Palladium, Ouro Podre”, “Silver from Vegas”, “Cadmium and Cancer”, “Indium, trying to get through”, “Tin Foil Hats on Tin Pan Alley”, and “Antimony: Sordid and Violent” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Color Tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220424 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Gallium Anticipation”, “Germanium: We Would Never Survive”, “Arsenic is the Cure”, “Selenium Mixing”, “Bromine’s Assault”, “Rubidium Deep Red Explosions”, “Rubidium leads the way to a new state”, “Strontium and 3-D time”, “Strontium Save Me”, “Strontium shows Schrödinger’s cat”, “Yttrium, Seeping”, and “Zirconium Brilliance” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Color Tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
video Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video - this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220424 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Scandium, Held Tightly”, “Titanium for Spies”, “Vanadium: Beauty with Mettle”, “Manganese Growing”, “Iron Bloodied Eyelids”, “Iron, Filtered In”, “Iron Leaking out of Earth”, “Nickel the Demon”, “Copper in your Mouth”, and “Zinc as Philosopher’s Wool” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Color Tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220424 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Aluminum Becomes Priceless”, “Silicon Complete”, “Silicon Implants”, “Silicon: the Taco Meat Filling”, “Phosphorus Balance”, “Phosphorus: Strike That, Red”, “Phosphorus: Willie Pete”, “Phosphine for Venus: virility vs. volcanism”, “Sulfur, Suddenly”, “Chlorine: the Good and the Bad”, “Argon like my Exes”, and “Potassium and Chef Boyardee”, “Calcium, Osteoporosis and Meat”, “Calcium: voltage to the brain”, and “Calcium can be good for the o-zone too” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/24/22 for the 2022 Poetry Bomb (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Color Tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220424 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Carbon Copy”, “Carbon Based Life Forms”, “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all”, “Nitrogen Needs”, “Elementary, the Coronavirus”, “Oxygen Save Me”, “Oxygen Feeds”, “Oxygen: the Price is Right”, “Oxygen makes superionic ice”, “Fluorine Crystalizes”, “Neon in the Air”, “Sodium: Worth your Weight”, and “Magnesium Burn” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220424 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems with Farsi translations from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues during women’s history month) Shattering the Glass Ceiling” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as its “Poes of Merit & Expression” and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” posts too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 272 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 4 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220424 globe (this video was for public notice)

I just realized that TODAY (the last Sunday of April, starting at 3:30 PM CST) is the 2022 Poetry Bomb, and we cannot make the drive to Waco today near what was once the Branch Davidian Church for this year’s Poetry Bomb. But seeing this memory from 2 years ago today reminded me that although I did the 2010 Poetry Bomb in Lake County, my FIRST Chicago Poetry Bomb was ten years ago in 2012 when I read Periodic Table poems near the Chicago L Train. So wherever I go today for the 2022 Poetry Bomb, I’ll make a point to read Twitter-length Periodic Table poems from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, both as a Facebook live video stream and as a YouTube video.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220423 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (elements 1-5) Twitter-length Periodic Table poems from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists” and “Fallen Angel Poetry” posts too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 216 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 4 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220423 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems A Man Calls a Woman”, “In their Homes or In the Streets”, “Middle-Class Husbands and Fathers”, “Most Accurate Metaphors”, “the Measuring Scale”, “Content with Inferior Men”, and “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much(of poems with Farsi translations) from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues during women’s history month) Shattering the Glass Ceiling 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

Janet In honor of today being Earth Day (and I bought my electric hybrid three years ago today), I thought I would share with you this poem written and posted in 2019 and shared on Twitter, Instagram, & Tumblr with a picture of me IN my Volt, with the poem “Bolt of Lightning”.

you creep upon me with the sound of silence
you speed away as fast as a bolt of lightning
now you intoxicate me with all your essence
let me hold your strength, and never let go


#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220422 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Hydrogen laced with Pi/π”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Deuterium: How Sweet It Is”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Helium Addict”, “Helium Rising”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Boron’s Birth”, and “Boron nitride stretching” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220422 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the 9-12/21 cc&d book “The World Outside” and the 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry book readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 163 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 10 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

cc&d Hey cc&d magazine lovers, I wanted to remind everyone on Earth Day that cc&d placed their issues on line (saving excess paper consumption) the instant Internet services were available to the public. We hope everyone enjoys the chance to enjoy electronic issues of cc&d magazine - all the way back to the first issue ever created, in June of 1993. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208483419817028&set=a.1601561992956.87650.1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)

Down in the Dirt Hey Down in the Dirt magazine lovers, if this counts for anything on Earth Day, Down in the Dirt started as an electronic magazine BEFORE it added paper editions. (And yes, you can still read Down in the Dirt issues online any time...) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208483333374867&set=a.1601561992956.87650.1053252458&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220421 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden” when visiting Chicago and in FRONT of the Café 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/19/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, and to “like” this on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” page too - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way... because this video had 163 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total number of views down to 5 (which makes no sense). So thanks for the likes here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220421 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Original Sin and Unholy Ways” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside”, then her poems “Nitrogen”, “Nitrogen in my veins”, and “Scandium, Held Tightly” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem#janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220420 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden” when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/19/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera) on its “Fallen Angel Poetry”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way... because this video had 180 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total number of views down to 13 (which makes no sense). So thanks for the likes here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220420 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 4/20/22, a Wednesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/20/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220420 globe (this video was for public notice)

I had to share this animation of my Facebook “memories” because as I sweat here while working, it’s a reminder to me of freezing on a rubber boat in the Southern Ocean... It’s also a reminder that I should get my 4th shot, but it’s cool to see an image from my most recent Chicago poetry show “Taking Off the Mask” at The Gallery Cabaret (with my most recent book published from CyberWit.net during women’s history month, “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220419 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature “Taking off the Mask” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera) on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way... because this YouTube video had 140 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total number of views down to 8 (which makes no sense). So thanks for al of the likes & the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220419 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 4/19/22) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Forty and Forty-One” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/19/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Bob Lawrence. 20220419 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Bob Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220419 globe (this video was for public notice)

Just came back from Chicago recently, so it is nice to see in my Facebook memories from 2 years ago today the release of collection books, including book covers not only from Rome ruins for the Down in the Dirt book “Foundations”, but also from the Sears (I’m too old school to say Willis) Tower peeking up out of clouds on the cc&d book “Aiming at Immortality”.

facebook profile picture for Greg Zaino Gregorio Zaino
20220418 shared with friends

Unfinished Business Unfinished Business bc A piece of mine, “Didn’t Refuse”
included in this paperback issue:
“Unfinished Business”
Can find the paperback @ Prime
Thank you, Janet Kuypers shared with friends much appreciated

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Unfinished Business It is interesting that your post shows the back cover and not the front cover of this issue collection book... The QR code on the back cover is for the main address for cc&d magazine online, so let me share the Amazon link (for U.S. sales, though it can also be ordered and printed in Canada, the U.K., Europe, Australia, and even Japan): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VWMKDCH

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220418 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “found pandemic haiku”, “Everyone’s Afraid”, “Out to the Horizon”, “jar for my beating heart”, “Because of Fire”, “Underground History”, “Quieting Anechoic Chamber”, “No One Reports for Women”, “like nothing ever happened”, “United We Wonder”, “Knew the Word”, and “Eighteen and Eight, Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen” in her poetry feature “Taking off the Mask” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220418 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers poetry show“Taking off the Mask” during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera and zoomed) on its Facebook page, “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expressiony”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — your positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video had 197 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total number of views down to 4 (which makes no sense). So thanks for al of the likes & the love here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers globe (for public notice) Laine Thompson. 20220418 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Laine Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220417 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “found pandemic haiku”, “Everyone’s Afraid”, “Out to the Horizon”, “jar for my beating heart”, “Because of Fire”, “Underground History”, “Quieting Anechoic Chamber”, “No One Reports for Women”, “like nothing ever happened”, “United We Wonder”, “Knew the Word”, and “Eighteen and Eight, Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen” in her poetry feature “Taking off the Mask” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera and zoomed; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220417 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her two poems from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22Seahorse” book as the ending poems for her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, to “like” this on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In” and “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” posts, to “like” and comment so nicely about the poetry in this video on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, and to “love” this on its Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — your positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 223 views on YouTube last night, but I wake up this morning and YouTube knocked that total number of views down to 5 (which makes no sense). So thanks for likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220416 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Nitrogen Needs” and her poem “Unwind and Revere Yourself” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” as the ending poems for her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220416 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 2 of her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — this positive feedback from you really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 178 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total number of views down to 9 (which is insane). So thanks for the likes & loves here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220415 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Explorers at Heart” and “Knowing a Mastery of Poetry” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220415 globe (this video was for public notice)

Notre Dame In the United States, we begrudgingly call April 15th Tax Day. But looking back on the fire that nearly destroyed Notre Dame three years ago today, maybe April 15th is an ominous date worldwide...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220415 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems in her poetry from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and to “love” this on its Facebook page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — your positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 158 views on YouTube last night, but I wake up this morning to find that YouTube just knocked that total number of views down to 1 (the YouTube video has 2 likes on YouTube but only 1 view - which is SO wrong). So thanks for likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220414 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220414 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden” in front of the Café in Chicago (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” posts too — this bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 121 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 14 (which is insane). So thanks for all the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jenene Ravesloot and 3 others. 20220413 globe (this video was for public notice)

Unfinished Business This brand-new book is the perfect thing to pick up for spring! Scars Publications just released a huge cc&d magazine collection book of the January-April 2022 issues of cc&d, titled “Unfinished Business”! This 410-page volume is a great way to stock up on issues if you didn’t buy all of the issues, which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S., and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan and Australia! The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include Allan Lake, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bill Tope, Brian Cummings, Carl Parsons, Changming Yuan, Christopher Hivner, D. M. Connolly, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, Desiree Jung, Devin Vandriel, Donald Hargraves, Don Kropp, E.P. Fisher, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Emily Fontenot, Eric Bonholtzer, Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, Frederick Frankenberg, Georgia May, Greg G. Zaino, Helen Bird, J. Ross Archer, Jacob LePretre, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jenene Ravesloot, Joe Chiudina, John F. McMullen, John Yotko, John Zurn, Jose Manoj Mathews T, Joshua Adair, JP Lor, Karen Hedges, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kilmo, Leo Hines, Mark Vickers, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Gigandet, Michael H. Brownstein, Miranda Yearwood, Peter LaBerge, R. N. Taber, Richard LeDue, Rita B. Rose, Robert Ronnow, Ronald Charles Epstein, S.F. Wright, Sterling Warner, Steve Carr, Thomas Elson, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, Wes Blalock, Westley Heine, and Xanadu.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220413 globe (this video was for public notice)

The Ice that Was This brand-new book is the perfect thing to pick up for spring! Scars Publications just released the Down in the Dirt magazine January-April 2022 issue collection book “The Ice that Was”! This 420-page volume is a great way to stock up on issues if you didn’t buy all of the issues - which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. and Canada, and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan and Australia! The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include Alexander Wijangco, Allison Baggott-Rowe, M.A., Andrea Smith, Andrew Kolarik, Arjun Earthperson, ayaz daryl nielsen, B.W. Carter, Ben Umayam, Bill Stenson, Bill Tope, Brian Peter Fagan, Carolyn Poindexter, Changming Yuan, Charles J. March III, Christopher Strople, Ciara M. Blecka, Conjeevaram J. Nandakumar, Daniel de Culla, Daniel R. George, George M. George, Grant Meese, David Sapp, Dee Allen, Dennis Piszkiewicz, Devin Vandriel, Don Tassone, Donna Dallas, Douglas J. Lanzo, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Edward N. McConnell, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Elena Botts, Fabrice Poussin, Fadairo Tesleem, Frederick Livingston, George Beckerman, Georgia May, Gunther Boccius, Haqim Abolaji, Harrison Linklater Abbott, Heather Chandler, Isabel G. de Diego, Ivan de Monbrison, J. Ray Paradiso, J. Ross Archer, Jade Quinn, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jeff Rosen, Jeffrey Marshall, Jo Bower, Joan McNerney, John Chinaka Onyeche, John Farquhar Young, John Grey, John L. Stanizzi, Jon Carter, Judge Santiago Burdon, K. McAllister, Karen Hedges, Kate Falvey, Kathleen McCluskey, Kyle Heger, Kyle Hemmings, Laina Ball, Lefcothea-Maria Golgaki, Mahbubat Kanyinsola Salahudeen, Mahmoud Suleiman Abdi Dualeh, Maria Petkova, Mark A. Murphy, Mark Pearce, Michael Brockley, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Rader, Mike Schneider, Nancy Jo Allen, Nancy Machlis Rechtman, Nicole Bird, Nielina Babajee, Norm Hudson, Nova Mladenovic, Olivier Schopfer, Owolusi Lucky, Pam Munter, Peter Bernstein, R.T. Castleberry, Rachel Sievers, Radoslav Rochallyi, Raha.M, Rares Barbu, Richard K. Williams, Rickey Rivers Jr., RM Yager, Robert Funderburk, Robert P. Bishop, Robert Plunkett, Robyn Michaels, Roger G. Singer, Rosa Meronek, Sandip Saha, Sherry Shahan, Susan Sanders, Susie Gharib, T. N. Roman, Tohm Bakelas, Tom Ball, Tom Davison, Tony Brewer, Travis Green, Uday Mukerji, Victoria Elizabeth Ruwi, and Xiao Gan.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220413 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden” in front of the Café in Chicago (filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page — this bolsters our efforts to share our poetry readings like this... because this YouTube video had 101 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 24 (which is insane). So thanks for all the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220413 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 4/13/22) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/13/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220412 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See this YouTube video (posted 4/12/22) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Genesis Thirty-Seven” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden when visiting Chicago 3/28/22 for “The Café Gallery 4/12/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220411 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video 3/23/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems in her poetry from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden” and from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poetry Super Highway” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — your feedback bolsters our efforts to share our poetry open mic readings like this... because this YouTube video literally had 129 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 8 (which is insane). So thanks for all the likes & loves here that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220412, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 12/19/17 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video 3/21/17 for World Poetry Day of Janet Kuypers’ “Lengthy World Poems on World Poetry Day” at Austin’s Half Price Books, with her poemsFreedom just past the Fence”, “My Kind of Town”, “Been a World Leader”, “Enough’s Enough”, “The Little Differences” and an edited “Communication 2012 (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220412, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 12/19/17 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video 3/21/17 for World Poetry Day of Janet Kuypers’ “Lengthy World Poems on World Poetry Day” at Austin’s Half Price Books, with her poemsFreedom just past the Fence”, “My Kind of Town”, “Been a World Leader”, “Enough’s Enough”, “The Little Differences” and an edited “Communication 2012 (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Angie Yotko. 20220412 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220412, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, posted on Facebook, and liked on Twitter on 4/12/15 (6 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video with Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (at Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago, reading her poems (which were all new poems written for, dedicated to, and a surprise to her husband on stage) “eyes”, “just you”, “electricity”, “jihadists and astrophysics”, her haiku poem “drowning”, and her poem “only philosophy (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220411 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Zap My Will” (+ image) and her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Ruthenium for Free” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden”, then her poem “Listen to Life” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers janertkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220411 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video 3/23/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems in her poetry feature/show “Behind the Mask” live for Wednesday Night Poetry at Kollective Coffee+Tea in Hot Springs, AR (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, and to “like” and “love” this on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry features like this... because this YouTube video literally had 200 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 12 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220411 globe (this video was for public notice)

memories It is funny that I see this collection of Facebook “memories” from 2 years ago today because just this weekend I was talking with John about maybe doing my 2022 Poetry Bomb poetry readings in Waco, Texas, hopefully near what is left of the Branch Davidians Church. I might not have been in Texas to witness the Waco tragedy when David Koresh created an apocalyptic doomsday for his followers after the ATF continued their siege with the church’s knowledge. Timothy McVeigh witnessed it and later started the Oklahoma City bombing, and the church is now “The Branch, The Lord Our Righteousness”, but since I live nearby this seemed like an appropriate place to read poetry this year for the Poetry Bomb.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220410 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video live 3/23/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “Masquerade”, “Uniqueness Finds Love”, “Every Heartbeat”, “Obfuscate the Truth”, “the Men at the Construction Site”, “No One Reports for Women”, “Kill Us for Our Beliefs”, “Krypton, Messed With”, “Rubidium leads the way to a new state”, “Silver nitrate displaying our brain”, “Neodymium magnets up your nose”, and “Knowingly Live, Purposely Live” from her show “Behind the Mask” with chapbook “Behind the Mask” live for Wednesday Night Poetry at Kollective Coffee+Tea in Hot Springs, AR (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220410 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her poetry feature “Taking off the Mask” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its Facebook page and on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our poetry features like this - since this YouTube video had 231 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 27 (which is insane). So thanks for likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220410 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers guest-hosting Poetry Aloud on 4/28/18 during National Poetry Month now has all 14 videos on 1 Artvilla/ scars web page! Videos of readings from Scars Publications books, AND singing (& music video released with different effects) can now be found on 1 page! https://www.artvilla.com/scars/?p=1460 #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220409 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “found pandemic haiku”, “Everyone’s Afraid”, “Out to the Horizon”, “jar for my beating heart”, “Because of Fire”, “Underground History”, “Quieting Anechoic Chamber”, “No One Reports for Women”, “like nothing ever happened”, “United We Wonder”, “Knew the Word”, and “Eighteen and Eight, Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen3/30/22” in her poetry feature “Taking off the Mask” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220409 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers guest-hosting Poetry Aloud on 4/28/18 during National Poetry Month now has all 14 videos on 1 Artvilla web page! Videos of readings from Scars Publications books, AND singing (& music video released with different effects) can now be found on 1 page! https://www.artvilla.com/janet-kuypers-guest-hosts-poetry-aloud-4-28-18-open-mic-in-georgetown/ #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220409 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video from 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her select “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” poems from her book “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” page, and to “like” and “love” this on its Facebook page & its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 158 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube knocked that total down to 5 (which is wrong). So thanks for likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220408 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers guest-hosted Poetry Aloud on 4/28/18 during National Poetry Month, & now all 14 videos from it are on 1 YouTube playlist! Videos of readings from Scars Publications, plus songs, are now in 1 place! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYa-AZK78_hrijTLC3EDKd-lUj3QMoKp3 #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220408 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Helium rain is no laughing matter”, “Nitrogen with an icy heart”, “Sodium turns into quantum tornadoes”, “Magnesium becomes a thermal blanket”, “Chlorine defines dioxins”, “Would you like some Cesium with your honey?”, “Cerium can soothe the soul”, “Cerium-141, slowly seeping in”, “Praseodymium: toxic if you breathe it...”, “Samarium made the music play”, “Europium in Euros”, “Holmium, only one atom”, “Erbium and REEs from fly ash”, “Thulium saves the day for some cancers”, “Lutetium and the crude truth”, “Osmium when capitalism prevails”, “Platinum, stronger than love?”, “Mercury’s volcanic, icy re-release”, “Thallium’s a real killer”, “Lead the way”, “Polonium: choose your fate, cancer or radiation”, “Polonium-210, with sparks flying”, “Radon: just a little’s enough”, “Neptunium, just in time”, “Plutonium (pee-eew)”, “Plutonium: Badder than the Fat Man”, “Americium in Smoke Detectors”, “Mendelevium, one atom at a time”, “Dubnium’s a fight to the finish”, “Seaborgium only lasts”, “Bohrium is the secret”, “Hassium: a beautiful day”, “Darmstadtium: what then”, “Nihonium: a tanka / waka”, “Moscovium and aliens: the truth isn’t out there” and, “Oganesson, bending time inside” as her select “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” poems from her book “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Chad Maier. 20210408 globe (this video was for public notice)

Chad Maier and Martin Gore Happy Birthday, Chad! https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10220685744027507

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Debbie Bradac Panichi. 20220407 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Debbie Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220406 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems A Man Calls a Woman”, “In their Homes or In the Streets”, “Middle-Class Husbands and Fathers”, “Most Accurate Metaphors”, “the Measuring Scale”, “Content with Inferior Men”, and “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much(of poems with Farsi translations) from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues during women’s history month)Shattering the Glass Ceiling” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220406 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Carbon Copy”, “Carbon Based Life Forms”, “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all”, “Nitrogen Needs”, “Elementary, the Coronavirus”, “Oxygen Save Me”, “Oxygen Feeds”, “Oxygen: the Price is Right”, “Oxygen makes superionic ice”, “Fluorine Crystalizes”, “Neon in the Air”, “Sodium: Worth your Weight”, and “Magnesium Burn” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220406 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Hydrogen laced with Pi/π”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Deuterium: How Sweet It Is”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Helium Addict”, “Helium Rising”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Boron’s Birth”, and “Boron nitride stretching” from the Scars Publications 2022 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr#janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220406 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Key to a Storyline” and “Explorers at Heart” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220406 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Emperor Assassinations and Partisan Politics”, “Queen, Decapitated”, and “Vaulted to Silhouette the Sky” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (video filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220406 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems People Forget Politics”, “Queens Rule”, “holding my hand”, and “Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this Facebook video post - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220406 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Original Sin and Unholy Ways” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside”, then her poems “Nitrogen”, “Nitrogen in my veins”, and “Scandium, Held Tightly” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220405 globe (this video was for public notice)

60 Minutes It stinks that I missed this 60 Minutes Laurie Anderson interview live; now I just have to link this computer to a larger screen to watch it when I get the chance...

facebook profile picture for Scars Publiczations Scars Publications is with Janet Kuypers. 20220404 globe (this video was for public notice)

show Enjoy this Facebook live video stream 3/23/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “Masquerade”, “Uniqueness Finds Love”, “Every Heartbeat”, “Obfuscate the Truth”, “the Men at the Construction Site”, “No One Reports for Women”, “Kill Us for Our Beliefs”, “Krypton, Messed With”, “Rubidium leads the way to a new state”, “Silver nitrate displaying our brain”, “Neodymium magnets up your nose”, and “Knowingly Live, Purposely Live” from her show “Behind the Mask” (and “Behind the Mask” chapbook) live at Wednesday Night Poetry in Hot Springs, AR (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera and given a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220404 globe (this video was for public notice)

show Enjoy this Facebook live video stream 3/23/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “Masquerade”, “Uniqueness Finds Love”, “Every Heartbeat”, “Obfuscate the Truth”, “the Men at the Construction Site”, “No One Reports for Women”, “Kill Us for Our Beliefs”, “Krypton, Messed With”, “Rubidium leads the way to a new state”, “Silver nitrate displaying our brain”, “Neodymium magnets up your nose”, and “Knowingly Live, Purposely Live” from her show “Behind the Mask” (and “Behind the Mask” chapbook) live at Wednesday Night Poetry in Hot Springs, AR (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera and given a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this poetry show video on its Facebook page as well as on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “The Austin Poets Association” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry features like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220403 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Nitrogen Needs” and her poem “Unwind and Revere Yourself” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Handas the ending poems for her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
fJanet Kuypers Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220403 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Explorers at Heart” and “Knowing a Mastery of Poetry” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
fJanet Kuypers Thanks for making a point to share this video, and “love” this video on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “Fallen Angel Poetry” posts too - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings for Poetic License like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220403 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220403 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Zap My Will” (+ image) and her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Ruthenium for Free” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden”, then her poem “Listen to Life” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
video Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, and to “love” this video on its Faceboo page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings from Poetic License like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 11 others. 2022403 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join us this afternoon, on the first Sunday of every month, for the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 4/3/22 (or 20220403, or 3 Apr 2022) to listen or read at this open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202204002 globe (this video was for public notice)

Seaweed Garden For those of you who didn’t see the magazine release post before the beginning of the month (and we didn’t want you to think it was an April fool’s joke)... if April is all about April showers, then relish the water-themed covers of April 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v320 issue of cc&d magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Seaweed Garden”! This book is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from cc&d today!



(Writers and artists in this book include Allan Lake, ayaz daryl nielsen, Brian Cummings, Changming Yuan, Desiree Jung, Devin Vandriel, Donald Hargraves, Author Eric Burbridge, Georgia May, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jenene Ravesloot, Joe Chiudina, Jose Manoj Mathews T, JP Lor, Julian Matthews, Kilmo, Leo Hines, Linda M. Crate, Michael Ceraolo, Michael H. Brownstein, Mike Schneider, Robert Ronnow, Thomas Elson, Wes Blalock, Xanadu, David J. Thompson, David Jackson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Kyle Hemmings, Peter LaBerge, Rose E. Grier, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220402 globe (this video was for public notice)

Seahorse For those of you who didn’t see the magazine release post before the beginning of the month (and we didn’t want you to think it was an April fool’s joke)... if April is all about April showers, then relish the water-themed covers of April 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v194 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Seahorse”! This book is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from Down in the Dirt today!



(Writers and artists in this book include Allison Baggott-Rowe M.A., Andrea Smith, Andrew Kolarik, Ben Umayam, Bill Stenson, Brian Peter Fagan, Conjeevaram J. Nandakumar, Daniel R. George, George M. George, Grant Meese, Dennis Piszkiewicz, Gunther Boccius, Haqim Abolaji, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jeff Rosen, Jo Bower, John L. Stanizzi, Mark Pearce, Nicole Bird, Nielina Babajee, Owolusi Lucky, Richard K. Williams, Robert Funderburk, Robert Plunkett, Sandip Saha, Susan Sanders, Tom Squitieri, Xiao Gan, Christopher Strople, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Kyle Hemmings, Olivier Schopfer, and Sherry Shahan.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 23 others. 2022402 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day! Join us on the first Sunday of every month, for the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 4/3/22 (or 20220403, or 3 Apr 2022) to listen or read at this open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Also thanks to Dave Gecic for taking this photo of me at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22 while I was wearing the personalized Janet Kuypers “kiss me I’ve had covid” mask... https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=5003489439717297&id=100001688721489&set=a.959504277449187

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thank you to Dave Gecic for posting this live video from my recent Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry feature at The Gallery Cabaret! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=497207598695610&id=100001688721489

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is globe (this video was for public notice) eating burgers and fries with Janet Kuypers at McDonald’s (Greenville, TX). 20220401 · Greenville · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet was so obsessed with the McPlant that she had to overdo the product placement this time.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is globe (this video was for public notice) eating lunch with Janet Kuypers at McDonald’s (Greenville, TX). 20220401 · Greenville · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet was so excited to be at this McDonald’s that she tried the Ninja Warrior cliffhanger off the McPlant sign.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at McDonald’s (Greenville, TX), via Instagram and Tumblr. 20220401 · Greenville · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet If #walkingseed is taking me into Texas again, the least he can do is take Janet Kuypers to a McDonald’s with a McPlant burger. #janetkuypers #janetkuypersveglife btw... my McPlant box was talking in this pic...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is in Sulphur Springs, Texas, via Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. 20220401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet We went to sulfur Springs and all I got with this T-shirt... @janetkuypers #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet While in Chicago this past week multiple people mentioned Bahai to me, so I thought I would share photos from a performance of mine at the Bahai faith center in Austin that I posted on Facebook 5 years ago today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Julian Matthews
2022401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Seaweed Garden Three poems by Julian Matthews in April 2022 issue of cc&d Magazine, a Scars Publication, available on Amazon. Thanks to publisher/editor Janet Kuypers

Buy your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TF6NPJF

One more in March issue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09RLXXYK9

1. Crime Reporter
2. How Many Ways Can I Prove To You I Am Not A Robot
3. Father
4. If a rock on Mars cracks open and no one sees it

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 30 others. 2022331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Got any plans this weekend? Then joins us Sunday (like the first Sunday of every month, for the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 4/3/22 (or 20220403, or 3 Apr 2022) to listen or read at this open mic!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is globe (this video was for public notice) eating dinner w/ Janet Kuypers at Steinhaus Keller. 20220331 · Hot Springs, AR · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Steinhaus Keller is literally in a cellar... kind of cool. I thought since we’re underground we should have a photo of our reflection above us. Since there’s not much in the way of veg options Janet and I shared some side dishes.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Mynx I think the both of us are looking forward to seeing our little Mynx again...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at The Gallery Cabaret. 20220331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Taking off the Mask chapbook For those who couldn’t make it to the 2 Janet Kuypers Chicago poetry features last night at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22, we would like to share with you the PDF file chapbook that was distributed live to audience members from her 2nd show, “Taking Off the Mask”. This is available as a free PDF file for anyone to view at any time... http://scars.tv/pdf/2022/TakingOffTheMask20220330chap.pdf

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at The Gallery Cabaret. 20220331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry chapbook For those who couldn’t make it to the 2 Janet Kuypers Chicago poetry features last night at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22, we would like to share with you the PDF file chapbook that was distributed live to audience members from her 1st show, “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry”. This is available as a free PDF file for anyone to view at any time... http://scars.tv/.../TwitterVersePeriodicTablePoetry202203...

facebook profile picture for Victoria Reeves Victoria Reeves is feeling creative with Lynn West and 2 others at The Gallery Cabaret. 20220331 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

photos Spontaneity * Wordsmithing
Gathering of deep thinkers and prolific poets at The Gallery Cabaret in Bucktown/Chicago.
see more

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Donald Hargraves and 6 others at The Gallery Cabaret. 20220331 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was great to be in town to get some poets together at The Gallery Cabaret, now renovated (just enough, but still with all its character intact). It was also good to hear that Doc will be taking over the Café Gallery/Poetry at the Gallery Cabaret open mic for EVERY Wednesday evening there in the future.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jenene Ravesloot and 2 others. 20220331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Seaweed Garden If April is all about April showers, then relish the water-themed covers of April 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v320 issue of cc&d magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Seaweed Garden”! This book is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from cc&d today!

Since we are away from our offices for a few days and unable to send emails about the new releases to contributors (or to our mailing list), this is the only way I can spread the word right now...



(Writers and artists in this book include Allan Lake, ayaz daryl nielsen, Brian Cummings, Changming Yuan, Desiree Jung, Devin Vandriel, Donald Hargraves, Author Eric Burbridge, Georgia May, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jenene Ravesloot, Joe Chiudina, Jose Manoj Mathews T, JP Lor, Julian Matthews, Kilmo, Leo Hines, Linda M. Crate, Michael Ceraolo, Michael H. Brownstein, Mike Schneider, Robert Ronnow, Thomas Elson, Wes Blalock, Xanadu, David J. Thompson, David Jackson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Kyle Hemmings, Peter LaBerge, Rose E. Grier, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Seahorse If April is all about April showers, then relish the water-themed covers of April 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v194 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Seahorse”! This book is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from Down in the Dirt today!

Since we are away from our offices for a few days and unable to send emails about the new releases to contributors (or to our mailing list), this is the only way I can spread the word right now...



(Writers and artists in this book include Allison Baggott-Rowe M.A., Andrea Smith, Andrew Kolarik, Ben Umayam, Bill Stenson, Brian Peter Fagan, Conjeevaram J. Nandakumar, Daniel R. George, George M. George, Grant Meese, Dennis Piszkiewicz, Gunther Boccius, Haqim Abolaji, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jeff Rosen, Jo Bower, John L. Stanizzi, Mark Pearce, Nicole Bird, Nielina Babajee, Owolusi Lucky, Richard K. Williams, Robert Funderburk, Robert Plunkett, Sandip Saha, Susan Sanders, Tom Squitieri, Xiao Gan, Christopher Strople, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Kyle Hemmings, Olivier Schopfer, and Sherry Shahan.)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at The Gallery Cabaret. 20220330 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was good to see Janet back on stage at The Gallery Cabaret. It’s great to be part of bringing something back that has been shut down due to Covid.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “found pandemic haiku”, “Everyone’s Afraid”, “Out to the Horizon”, “jar for my beating heart”, “Because of Fire”, “Underground History”, “Quieting Anechoic Chamber”, “No One Reports for Women”, “like nothing ever happened”, “United We Wonder”, “Knew the Word”, and “Eighteen and Eight, Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen3/30/22” in her poetry feature “Taking off the Mask” (this video was filmed & streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Paper Tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
video Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry feature readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko Dave Gecic is with Janet Kuypers. 20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers featured at The Gallery Cabaret.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream from 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Helium rain is no laughing matter”, “Nitrogen with an icy heart”, “Sodium turns into quantum tornadoes”, “Magnesium becomes a thermal blanket”, “Chlorine defines dioxins”, “Would you like some Cesium with your honey?”, “Cerium can soothe the soul”, “Cerium-141, slowly seeping in”, “Praseodymium: toxic if you breathe it...”, “Samarium made the music play”, “Europium in Euros”, “Holmium, only one atom”, “Erbium and REEs from fly ash”, “Thulium saves the day for some cancers”, “Lutetium and the crude truth”, “Osmium when capitalism prevails”, “Platinum, stronger than love?”, “Mercury’s volcanic, icy re-release”, “Thallium’s a real killer”, “Lead the way”, “Polonium: choose your fate, cancer or radiation”, “Polonium-210, with sparks flying”, “Radon: just a little’s enough”, “Neptunium, just in time”, “Plutonium (pee-eew)”, “Plutonium: Badder than the Fat Man”, “Americium in Smoke Detectors”, “Mendelevium, one atom at a time”, “Dubnium’s a fight to the finish”, “Seaborgium only lasts”, “Bohrium is the secret”, “Hassium: a beautiful day”, “Darmstadtium: what then”, “Nihonium: a tanka / waka”, “Moscovium and aliens: the truth isn’t out there” and, “Oganesson, bending time inside” as her select “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” poems from her book “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” (this video was filmed & streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
video Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this video on its Facebook page as well as to “like” this video on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” posts, and also to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry feature readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Lynn West at Quesadilla La Reina Del Sur. 20220330 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Lynn Reunited before The Gallery Cabaret, I had to wear the “kiss me I’ve had covid” mask that she wanted made a year ago...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

I’ve missed lilac trees after moving to Austin, and I’ve never been able to purchase a Mini Lilac Bush when visiting Chicago in the summer or fall... so I am glad I was able to get a Mini Lilac Bush to keep in the sun while I am in Texas. While I was at it I saw a Mini Weeping Pussy Willow, which reminded me of the big Willow tree we had in our house as I grew up, so I had to spurge and get that too.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 12 othrs. 20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry Because Amazon can’t get the price right, the perfect-bound paperback book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” (inducing the 3rd place winning poem in the C&EN Periodic Poetry Contest) of short poems, all in a larger typeface for easier reading and many with Instagram poem images) is not available for sale yet, but I have only ONE COPY of the proof release of this Janet Kuypers poetry book to anyone interested. The rest were sold in Hot Springs, AR one week ago, so get your one-of-a-kind poetry book TONIGHT, that includes poems I will read in the 1st mini-feature at 8:00PM CST tonight before the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22(https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/) with open mic host Jerry Pendergast!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Bob Lawrence and 23 othrs. 20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

4 Cafe Gallery group pics I am honored to bring the Café Gallery (http://www.scars.tv/thecafe/) to The Gallery Cabaret, which hosted poetry open mics in Chicago for decades. After laving Chicago, Covid19 and a bar reconstruction, I am thrilled to bring poetry back tonight at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/! Contact the bar for Covid19 concerns, as I even got a foaming cleaner for the mike before every reader at the open mic. Starting at 8:00 PM CST, I will start with a mini Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry reading, then the open mic hosted by Jerry Pendergast, then my feature closes the night with poems from my books “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)(https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089TV3GZG) AND poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues released this month, during women’s history month) titled “Shattering the Glass Ceiling(https://www.amazon.com/dp/8182538874/).... and who knows, maybe we can continue with the open mic, because The Gallery Cabaret has dedicated the whole night tonight to poetry! https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 9 others. 20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

the Chosen Few I am looking forward to hearing MORE than “the Chosen Fewhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/1518710069/ (though it was fun releasing this book of features from the Café Gallery open mic over the years, with the Facebook post 11/6/15). I know some of the regulars in this book cannot make it tonight (sniff) but I love welcoming poetry back to The Gallery Cabaret tonight with the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22(https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/), starting with my 8:00 PM mini-feature of Twitter-length periodic Table poems, followed by an open mic hosted by Jerry Pendergast, and my eventual feature of poems from new books to cap women’s history month... I am so excited to be back and not only share poetry, but also to hear Chicago poets, and I look forward to seeing everyone there for a night dedicated to poetry!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet

Janet Janet
I am so looking forward to hearing from everyone and sharing at The Gallery Cabaret tonight (and thanks to John for taking photos that I re-posted 12/18/15 after the 12/18/13 the Café Gallery open mic)... Festivities start at 8:00 PM tonight, check out the Facebook events page “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22(https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/), and I look forward to seeing everyone there! https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10207452173196507

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jenene Ravesloot and 6 othrs. 20220330 globe (this video was for public notice)

STGC I am looking forward to my feature tonight with poems from my books “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)(https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089TV3GZG) AND the BRAND NEW CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues released this month, during women’s history month) titled “Shattering the Glass Ceiling(https://www.amazon.com/dp/8182538874/) - there is too much to share about this book (with poems, essays and photo section + translations, http://www.janetkuypers.com/Shattering_the_Glass_Ceiling/) but copies of this book will be available for anyone interested in picking up a copy of this book to highlight women’s history month at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Laschet’s Inn. 20220328 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Janet kept saying she wanted a photo at her favorite Chicago bar; I figured that if we did this she should have to show off her World Series shirt (especially when she doesn’t even like baseball).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at The Cafe. 20220329 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I am glad that I got to read poetry from a future issue of Down in the Dirt magazine in front of The Cafe, which was the beginning of the Café Gallery book reading series while I am in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at The Cafe. 20220329 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I am glad that I got to read poetry from a future issue of cc&d magazine in front of The Cafe, which was the beginning of the Café Gallery book reading series while I am in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 24 others. 20220329 globe (this video was for public notice)

the Café Gallery photothru the years Starting at The Cafe Aloha, I took over the poetry open mic at The Cafe and eventually brought it to The Gallery Cabaret, and I was honored to bring the Café Gallery (http://www.scars.tv/thecafe/) to one of the bars that has hosted poetry open mics in Chicago for decades. So after Covid19 and after a reconstruction, I am thrilled to bring poetry back again in two days, at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”! The Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/ had address details (contact the bar if you have any concerns about Covid19), as I even got a foaming cleaner for the mike before every reader at the open mic. Starting at 8:00 PM CST, I will start with a mini Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry reading, then the open mic hosted by Jerry Pendergast, then my feature closes the night with poems from my books “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” AND poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues released this month, during women’s history month) titled “Shattering the Glass Ceiling(https://www.amazon.com/dp/8182538874/)! I look forward to seeing everyone at this open mic Wednesday night in Chicago! https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 11 others. 20220329 globe (this video was for public notice)

the Café Gallery photo album from the Partial Nudity show The images from this 6/19/14 post may have been from my book release “Partial Nudity”, but for the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22(https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/) tomorrow starting at 8:00 PM CST, I will start with a mini Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry reading before the open mic hosted by Jerry Pendergast, then my feature closing with poems from my books “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)”, AND poetry from the CyberWit.net Janet Kuypers poetry book (on women’s issues from events to rape and sexism, +poetry translations into other languages, + select essay, a journal entry + “the book for men” photo section) released THIS MONTH for women’s history month titled “Shattering the Glass Ceiling”! Let’s rock The Gallery Cabaret again tomorrow with the first poetry get-together at this perfect place for poetry! https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10203412634770571

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220329 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet at the Café Gallery poetry open mic Janet at the Café Gallery poetry open mic
Janet at the Café Gallery poetry open mic Janet at the Café Gallery poetry open mic
I am so looking forward to hearing from everyone and sharing at The Gallery Cabaret tomorrow (and thanks to John for these photos posted for taking photos at our open mic that I posted 2/12/14)... Festivities start at 8:00 PM tomorrow, check out the Facebook events page “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22(https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/), and I look forward to seeing everyone there! https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10202553456651655

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at O’Toole’s Libertyville 20220328 · Libertyville, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John I am a little peeved that my Orange University of Illinois T-shirt with the image of Illinois on it inscribed with the words ‘Hail to the Orange’ isn’t more visible, but I am really pleased that we were able to see Timothy O’Toole’s at the old stomping grounds for Mickey Finn’s.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 15 others. 20220328 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetty at The Gallery Cabaret I keep getting notices that Jerry Pendergast keeps sharing this “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” with one individual after another... I hope they can all make it, because it just approaching exactly two days from the first poetry open mic at The Gallery Cabaret, one of the foundations to the Chicago poetry Scene - so I look forward to see EVERYONE for my 8:00 PM CST “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” feature, then the poetry open mic with host Jerry Pendergast, then the Janet Kuypers poetry feature in a night of all poetry at The Gallery Cabaret! https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Double Clutch Brewery. 20220328 · Evanston, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Enjoying some traditional European style beers at Double Clutch Brewing Company. I got a tour of the brewery. No fancy names for their beers in the German tradition.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is globe (this video was for public notice) eating lunch with Janet Kuypers and Bob Rashkow at Reza’s Restaurant & Catering. 20220328 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John & Bob Janet and I got to enjoy lunch with and catching up on the past couple years with our friend Bob .

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220328 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Am I married to poetry, or married to Chicago’s The Gallery Cabaret? Now that I’m moved to Austin, do I still feel married to Chicago? I may feel married to it all (but thank you to John for these photos posted 11/1/13), so join me in 2 days at the first poetry back at one of the founding locations for poetry in Chicago Wednesday night at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”! https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/ https://www.facebook.com/janetkuypers/posts/10201788072077519

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220328 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in her Partial Nudity feature Speaking of Jenene posts, I should look back very fondly on the past memories at The Gallery Cabaret, like from her 6/19/14 post of photos from another open mic at “The Gallery Cabaret”... I look forward to more wonderful memories Wednesday night at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”!
https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135/ https://www.facebook.com/jenene.ravesloot/posts/10204360284915767

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory — with John Yotko and 11 others. 20220328 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet and Jenene at the Cafß Gallery 20140326 I see memories from past years at The Gallery Cabaret (and I feel bad that Tom Roby and post photographer Jenene Ravesloot might not be able to make it this Wednesday) but I DO look forward to seeing everyone in just 2 days at The Gallery Cabaret!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at The Red Barn Restaurant and Brewery. 20220327 · Mount Prospect, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John We came for the Caprese Sliders but they aren’t on the menu anymore. Now we’re studying the remains of the giant pretzel to see if we can finish it. Great beers on tap here at the Red Barn.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is globe (this video was for public notice) eating lunch at Chicago Diner. 20220327 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John & Amy I had to keep my arms at my sides because Janet and Amy had their arms around me so they could hug each other too. It was great to visit with Amy at Chicago Diner in Logan today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was with Jeffery Wayne Helgeson. 20220327 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Jeffery Wayne Helgeson Happy Belated Birthday! (Sorry, I’ve been out of town and couldn’t be more punctual...) Hope it was the best, and I hope we can see you this Wednesday at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” at The Gallery Cabaret!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sarah Webb. 20220327 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Sarah Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 15 others. 20220326 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetty at The Gallery Cabaret Jerry Pendergast, host of the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” - and everyone coming to the open mic and poetry feature evening Wednesday in Chicago starting at 8:00 PM CST, John and I just got a foaming cleaner and deodorizer from Guitar Center this afternoon that we can apply to the microphone between every reader at the first poetry open mic at The Gallery Cabaret since the Covid19 pandemic began! So we have another way we can all remain safe at this open mic, so I look forward to seeing EVERYONE there at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” (2020 N Oakley Ave, Chicago, IL 60647) at The Gallery Cabaret!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at the Brat Stop. 20220326 · Kenosha, WI · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet couldn’t get high enough to remove the cheesehead hat but she couldn’t complain, she was in a Kenosha bar.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kaiser’s Pizza & Pub Kenosha. 20220326 · Kenosha, WI · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Janet found Hacker Pschorr Hefeweizen but it was only in cans. Desperate times call for desperate measures, she thinks.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is globe (this video was for public notice) eating dinner with Janet Kuypers at Hangar Two by Tangled Roots Brewing Co.. 20220325 · Glenview, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Found a brewpub a short walk from our hotel. Hanger Two has some great food and beer but we’re beat from traveling so we’re getting a six pack and heading back to our room.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220325 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet memories 2 years ago I was quarantined and sharing posts from my 1st show at the Cafe Aloha that I later took over as an open mic host. I am glad that I will be bringing a poetry back to The Gallery Cabaret next Wednesday, and I hope to see you there! https://facebook.com/events/s/poetry-open-mic-at-the-gallery/2096898073813135/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at The Chicago Diner, Lakeview. 20220325 globe (this video was for public notice)

John This celebratory dessert for John is not for his birthday... Congrats on one year!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is globe (this video was for public notice) eating lunch with Janet Kuypers at The Chicago Diner, Lakeview. 20220325 · Chicago, IL · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John One year since I stopped eating meat. We’re having a vegan lunch in celebration at Chicago Diner and all Janet can talk about is how good Chicago water tastes.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at Taco John’s (902 Meijer Dr, Champaign, IL). 20220324 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet The 1st time I went to a Taco John’s was in Champaign. After Chad Maier told me that Taco John’s came back, I had to come back to my metaphorical mothership.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220324 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Kollective Coffee + Tea. 20220323 · Hot Springs, AR · globe (this video was for public notice)


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220323 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream 3/23/22 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “Masquerade”, “Uniqueness Finds Love”, “Every Heartbeat”, “Obfuscate the Truth”, “the Men at the Construction Site”, “No One Reports for Women”, “Kill Us for Our Beliefs”, “Krypton, Messed With”, “Rubidium leads the way to a new state”, “Silver nitrate displaying our brain”, “Neodymium magnets up your nose”, and “Knowingly Live, Purposely Live” from her show “Behind the Mask” (and “Behind the Mask” chapbook) live at Wednesday Night Poetry in Hot Springs, AR (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera and given a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
MasqueradeJanet Kuypers Thanks for making a point to “love” and “share” this poetry show video Facebook page — getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry features like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at Kollective Coffee + Tea. 20220323 · Hot Springs, AR · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Released for her 3/23 Hot Springs, AR poetry feature, enjoy this free Scars Publications PDF file of the Janet Kuypers chapbook “Behind The Mask”! Also available as a free print chapbook to attendees of the weekly “Wednesday Night Poetry” open mic, this chapbook is also a free PDF file to everyone in time for the Janet Kuypers live poetry show! http://scars.tv/pdf/2022/BehindTheMask20220323chap.pdf

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Hot Springs National Park. 20220323 · Hot Springs, AR · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John The “Last Place Champs” trophy I found for John on his birthday today looks perfect at the peak of Hot Springs Mountain Tower.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Superior Bathhouse Brewery. 20220323 · Hot Springs, AR · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John You might not realize it but I’m about to pour my heffe beer into his lap. Umm... Happy Birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220323 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet and John in front of Maker’s Mark Wait a minute... this is ALSO a memory worth sharing (which was awesome, dipping Maker’s Mark bottles from John Yotko’s cask, with his name on the labels) on his birthday...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory — with John Yotko. 20220323 globe (this video was for public notice)

John I just thought I’d share this memory today... you know, because it’s his birthday...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220323 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Happy Birthday, my angel. I love you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at The Pancake Shop. 20220323 · Hot Springs, AR · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John The whole restaurant sang happy birthday to John this morning.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Karunesh Kumar Agarwal. 20220322 globe (this video was for public notice)

STGC How thrilling that cyberwit.net published the Janet Kuypers women’s issues book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” during women’s history month! https://www.amazon.com/dp/8182538874

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Via Roma Italian Restaurant. 20220322 · Hot Springs, AR · globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John I am thrilled to find this upscale Italian restaurant to take John to on the eve of his birthday... happy early birthday, my love!

facebook profile picture for Louise Gail Richardson Louise Gail Richardson is with Janet Kuypers and 8 others. 20220322 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License 20210307 group We had huge Zooms last year, apparently. Join the hoard this Thursday for Poetry Society at 5:00 PM CDT. The Usual Suspects will be notified.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet AR newspaper I am sorry that we will be driving to visit family while your open mic is going on, but I wish you the best - have a great time! (wish me luck on my Hot Springs, AR feature the day before on 3/23 - we passed Clinton’s hometown to get there, so I’m even going to wear a
Clinton/Gore presidential campaign button on my jacket for the feature...

facebook profile picture for Kai Coggin Kai Coggin
20220322 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet AR newspaper Tomorrow night at Wednesday Night Poetry at Kollective Coffee+Tea, we are featuring Chicago native Janet Kuypers, with special guest host Randy Malone! Open Mic starts at 6:30pm. Open to ALL!

1,730 weeks in a row!


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220322 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet AR newspaper Kai Coggin, thanks for the news that the story about my poetry feature at Wednesday Night Poetry was released in the Hot Springs local paper “The Sentinel-Record” a day early!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory.
20220322 globe (this video was for public notice)

nafas live I may not be on TV tomorrow (like I was with this Texas Nafas TV show re-broadcast, produced by Farid Mohammadi), but I will try to Facebook live stream my poetry feature “Behind the Mask” March 23rd at WNP/Wednesday Night Poetry in Hot Springs, AR.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 39 others. 2022321 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just under 2 weeks away, join us on the first Sunday of every month, for the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 4/3/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 4/3/22 (or 20220403, or 3 Apr 2022) to listen or read at this open mic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 24 others. 20220221 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetty at The Gallery Cabaret Just under a week and a half away, join me IN CHICAGO at The Gallery Cabaret (confirm with them about their policies for Coronavirus safety protocols) on the last Wednesday of March, 3/30/22, for I am THRILLED to bring live poetry in features and an open mic back to Chicago live at the Gallery for the first time post-Covid! Come to the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” event — Janet Kuypers is in town for this poetry event at The Gallery Cabaret for all who are fully vaccinated. The evening starts at 8:00 PM CST with a Janet Kuypers ~20-minutes Twitter-length Periodic Table poetry feature (thanks to poetry and chemistry powerhouses like Robin Fine and Avrom Litin). Stay for a poetry open mic with host Jerry Pendergast which should start ~8:30, followed by a Janet Kuypers poetry feature, because poetry rules the WHOLE NIGHT at The Gallery Cabaret on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, starting at 8:00 PM CST! Save the date, and let’s keep poetry alive and kicking at one of Chicago’s foundations for poetry by joining us at the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220321, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube & shared on Facebook 3/22/15, then it was also shared on Facebook 3/21/16, then AGAIN on Facebook 3/21/17 (5, 6, and 7 years ago today, but no links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi, including her poems “Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), her bonus poem “Diburnium(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), “Eugene’s Limit(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), “Outer Space and the Sound of Silence(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), and “Red Matter(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras) in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220321, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube & shared on Facebook 3/22/15, then it was also shared on Facebook 3/21/16, then AGAIN on Facebook 3/21/17 (5, 6, and 7 years ago today, but no links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi, including her poems “Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), her bonus poem “Diburnium(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), “Eugene’s Limit(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), “Outer Space and the Sound of Silence(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras), and “Red Matter(filmed from Canon fs200 and Canon Power Shot cameras) in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Tom Roby IV. 20220321 globe (this video was for public notice)

I will be away from my computer tomorrow and I may not be able to post then, so I will say it early: Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Elizabeth Harper. 20220321 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!! Hopefully we can see each other on the 30th when I am in town and will be at “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” (where I am honored to feature in as well)! Happy Birthday, and I’ll see you soon! https://www.facebook.com/events/2096898073813135


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypersis with Andy Derryberry. 20220321 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220320, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube & shared on Facebook 3/20/13, then it was also shared on Facebook 3/20/16, then AGAIN on Facebook 3/20/17 (5, 6, and 9 years ago today, but no links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry live at Frankenstone art center 3/18/13 in Chicago (read to “Make People Think”), including her poems “Us, Actually Touching” (from a Canon), “No Compunction” (from a Canon, “Upstage Everyone Else” (from a Canon, “On a High Horse Like This” (from a Canon, and “Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash” (from a Canon (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jerry Pendergast. 20220320 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!! Am looking forward to seeing you when you guest host the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” I am honored to feature in as well! Happy Birthday, and I’ll see you soon!

facebook profile picture for Kai Coogan Kai Coogan was live.
20220320 globe (this video was for public notice)

This Wednesday March 23rd 2022 at LIVE in-person Wednesday Night Poetry at Kollective Coffee+Tea, 110 Central Ave, we are proud to feature Chicago native performing artist and publisher Janet Kuypers, with special guest host, our resident storyteller Randy Malone.
The regular open mic session for all poets will begin at 6:30 p.m. Janet will begin her feature set at 7:15 p.m., followed by another round of open mic. Poets, singer-songwriters, dancers, storytellers, and comedians are all welcome to share. Admission is free and open to all ages.
Professional performance artist and publisher, Janet Kuypers is a writer and photographer, editing 2 literary magazines through Scars Publications (http://scars.tv). She has 100+ books published of her work (poetry, prose, novels, art), most available globally through Amazon. She hosted the Café Gallery Chicago poetry open mic (http://scars.tv/thecafe), and hosts the monthly Poetic License Austin, TX open mic (http://scars.tv/Poetic_License), which is now global through Zoom meetings. Performing spoken word and music nationally (with band shows in Chicago, Round Rock TX, and Alaska) she sung in 3 bands, and her 40+ CD releases appear at iTunes, Amazon, and others. Profiled in such magazines as Nation, Kuypers won the Poetry Ambassador award and Poet of the Year and has been nominated for multiple Pushcart prizes. Once running Internet radio stations and a poetry podcast, she frequents radio, national and local television.
- - -
Also happening simultaneously in Philadelphia, Kai Coggin is hosting a NATIONAL Wednesday Night Poetry, WNP at The Fire, AWP22 Offsite Reading. WNP virtual poets from across the country who will be attending the #AWP22 conference will be converging at The Fire for an EPIC in-person event. If the tech gods agree, we will be able to connect both WNP at Kollective and WNP at The Fire, to say hello. What a night it will be!
This week marks 1,730 consecutive Wednesdays of open mic poetry in downtown Hot Springs since Feb. 1, 1989. 33+ years without missing a single week. We are still the longest running consecutive weekly open mic series in the country.
#WNP #LIVE #InPerson #grateful #Vaccines #Science #BlackLivesMatter #MasksRecommended #Poetry #OpenMic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet I am SO looking forward to joining everyone in Hot Springs again... I do not know if this event made it into the paper in Hot Springs today (Sunday), but I would be SO honored if it DID make it into the paper and anyone saved a copy of the paper for me (that I would be happy to pay for). Thanks again for the invite, it’s a shame Kai Coggin cannot be there, but I look forward to seeing and sharing with everyone soon!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200319 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersMarch 2019 Book Release Reading 3/6/19, where she read her her “In Autumn, Love is in the Air” show poems “And I’m Wondering”, “Marry You in Autumn”, and “Just by Holding his Hand”, then she read her “Life and Death and everything between” show poems “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much”, “Only Half the Story”, and “Build Your Own Cross”, all from the cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Donald Hargraves. 20220319 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Hargraves Happy Birthday!!! (I hope we can visit when I am in town at the end of this month!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220318 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression” pages, and to “like” and “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 179 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just knocked that total down to 14 (which is insane). So thanks for likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200318 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersMarch 2019 Book Release Reading 3/6/19, where she read her her “In Autumn, Love is in the Air” show poems “And I’m Wondering”, “Marry You in Autumn”, and “Just by Holding his Hand”, then she read her “Life and Death and everything between” show poems “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much”, “Only Half the Story”, and “Build Your Own Cross”, all from the cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” & “love” this video on its Facebook page - this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram and Tumblr. 20220317 globe (this video was for public notice)

#walkingseed decided to pay it forward so someone could power tie their way through corporate America... so here’s an American holiday for the Irish, happy St. Patrick’s day! #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220317, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping the Atmosphere Any Way we Can”, “Keeps Repeating”, and “Ethical Thing to Do” from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License global open mic 3/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory. 20220317 globe (this video was for public notice)

2 years ago Facebook shared with me today memories from 2 years ago — one is me wearing a St. Patrick’s Day hat at Recycled Reads (right now I am currently waiting on word from them for approval to re-submit a request for my Poetic License open mic to resume live readings there), and the other image is *about* Steve Adler’s mandate to close places down due to Covid19. If Poetic License cannot remain local in Austin, thanks to Zoom host John F. McMullen I am *so* glad that after these past 2 years, Poetic License is now global!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220316 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the v193 3/22 Down in the Dirt book “Just a Few Butterflies” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” (the video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” and “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” pages, to “love” this on its Facebook page, and to “like” and “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 144 views on YouTube last night, but I wake up this morning to YouTube just knocked that total down to 4 (which is absolutely insane). So thanks for likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220315, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Boron’s Birth (+ shares its online image) and “Boron nitride stretching (+ shares its online image, then her micro prose “Soybeans” and “fox in the snow” from the v193 3/22 Down in the Dirt book “Just a Few Butterflies” during the “Poetic License global open mic 3/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200315 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/15/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her micro-prose “Fireflies” from her “Getting Wire” show and read from her poetry performance art book “Chapter 48 (v 1)”, and then her poems “Didn’t Think Anything of It” and “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” 3/3/19 @ “Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220315 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the v319 3/22 cc&d book “Barn Cats” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” (the video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “love” this on its Facebook page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 144 views on YouTube last night, but I wake up this morning to YouTube just knocked that total down to 6 (which is insane). So thanks for likes & loves YouTube can’t take. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200315 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/15/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her micro-prose “Fireflies” from her “Getting Wire” show and read from her poetry performance art book “Chapter 48 (v 1)”, and then her poems “Didn’t Think Anything of It” and “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” 3/3/19 @ “Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220314, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “Niobium 92 & Solar System Secrets (+ sharing its online image)”, and “from Looking for a Worthy Adversary” from the v319 3/22 cc&d book “Barn Cats” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers janertkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was party streamers gorn emoticon celebrating friendship. 20220313 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Michael posts Facebook gave me a “memories with Michael” share this morning... it’s fun to see all of the images from past Poetic License get-togethers, and I think it’s adorable that our most recent image together was literally from a set of drawings from the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” that was used for the recent chapbook released and future Down in the Dirt section bonus too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220313 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ethical Thing to Do” from the 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 3/2/22 in honor of Community Poetry (the video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” and “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 192 views on YouTube last night, but I wake up this morning to YouTube just knocked that total down to 2 (which is absolutely insane). So thanks for likes & loves here YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20210312 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet We stopped by Recycled Reads so Janet could see if/ when she can start the Poetic License open mic there.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220312, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Ethical Thing to Do from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology The World Outside 3/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen and 5 others. 20220311 globe (this video was for public notice)

Sorry that it took so long for me to get a Poetic License group photo up from the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22”, I was a bit busy making low-res and high-res chapbooks of select writing from that open mic (thanks to Bob’s drawings as the impetus for the chapbook) that will appear as a bonus section of a future Down in the Dirt issue/book. So better late than never - thank you to EVERYONE in attendance at the March 2022 Poetic License open mic, and I look forward to seeing you all on the first Sunday of April, 4/34/ (or 3 Apr 2022) from 3:30-5:30 PM CST for creativity!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220311 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Over Hazardous Lands” from the 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 3/2/22 in honor of Community Poetry (the video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, “Poets of Merit & Expression”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” pages, and to “like” & “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 118 views on YouTube last night, but I wake up this morning to YouTube just knocked that total down to 9 (which is insane). So thanks for likes & loves this here YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best! Ooh rah!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen and 5 others. 20220310 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Chapbook After having a wonderful time hosting the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” last Sunday (and discovering the Bob was sketching all of the readers at the open mic), I asked the readers to send me one poem they read there, and after getting those great drawings, I am pleased to release select writings in the “the Poetic License 3/6/22 6 Mar 2022 chapbook”! Because there are images behind poems as well as next to poems on all of the pages in this chapbook, this free readable and downloadable PDF file is available as a low-res (~11 meg) and high-res (~115 meg) free PDF file to anyone interested in checking out a sample of the GREAT poetry read at the most recent Poetic License open mic! (As an added bonus, this chapbook is also going to be a bonus section at the end of the July 2022 Down in the Dirt book too!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220310, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Over Hazardous Lands from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology The World Outside 3/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220310 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Just so Others can Feel” from the 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 3/2/22 in honor of the monthly pre-pandemic Community Poetry reading (the video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page, its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “The Austin Poetry Society” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — this feedback really shows us the value of sharing poetry readings like this... for this video had 114 views on YouTube this morning until they knocked that total down to (which is insane). So thank you for all the likes & loves here. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220309, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Just so Others can Feel from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology The World Outside 3/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220309 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Opened the Door for All” from the 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 3/2/22 in honor of Community Poetry (the video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “The Austin Poetry Society” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really shows us the value of sharing our poetry readings like this... because this video had 112 views on YouTube this morning until they knocked that total down to 24(which is insane). So thanks for the likes & loves here. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220308, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Opened the Door for All from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology The World Outside 3/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220308 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/8/18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keep Them Apart” and “My Kind of Town” from her book “Part of my Pain”, then covers the Paul Simon song “Slip Sliding Away” with John on acoustic guitar live 3/4/18 at “Recycled Reads open mic, at a bookstore affiliated with the Austin Public Library (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this video on its Facebook page - for this positive feedback inspires us to keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220308 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/8/18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved except the Facebook post), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keep Them Apart” and “My Kind of Town” from her book “Part of my Pain”, then covers the Paul Simon song “Slip Sliding Away” with John on acoustic guitar live 3/4/18 at “Recycled Reads” open mic, at a bookstore affiliated with the Austin Public Library (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry & song like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220308 globe (this video was for public notice)

NASA Artemis boarding pass I saw that four years ago today I shared that I had a NASA ticket that my name will be on the mission with a probe plunging through the sun’s atmosphere (which was so cool when it happened), so I may as well share that this week I got a notice from NASA (with the “boarding pass” on the Spacecraft Orion and all) to fly my name around the moon during the Artemis mission for a long-term human presence at the Moon upcoming decades.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220308 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Keep Your Chin Up” from the 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 3/2/22 in honor of Community Poetry (the video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music”, “Poets of Meric & Expression ”, and “The Austin Poetry Association ” pages, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 108 views on YouTube last night, but I wake up this morning to YouTube just knocked that total down to 4 (which is insane). So thanks for liking and loving this here (that YouTube can’t steal). You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jenn Warren. 20220308 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220307, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Keep Your Chin Up from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology The World Outside 3/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220307 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3//18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved except the Facebook post), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 2/24/18 reading her poems “Realistic Dreams”, “She Told Me Her Dreams 1”, and “Dreams 02/20/04 one” from her book “When you Dream Tonight” live at “Poetry Aloud (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220307 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3//18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved except the Facebook post), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 2/24/18 reading her poems “Realistic Dreams”, “She Told Me Her Dreams 1”, and “Dreams 02/20/04 one” from her book “When you Dream Tonight” live at “Poetry Aloud (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220307 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/6/18 (4 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 2/24/18 reading her poems “Dreams 12/22/08, the Indescribable Infant”, “He Told me His Dreams 7”, and “Dreams 09/17/06, Dad Talking to Me” from her book “When you Dream Tonight” live at “Poetry Aloud (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220307 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 3/6/18 (4 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 2/24/18 reading her poems “Dreams 12/22/08, the Indescribable Infant”, “He Told me His Dreams 7”, and “Dreams 09/17/06, Dad Talking to Me” from her book “When you Dream Tonight” live at “Poetry Aloud (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220307 globe (this video was for public notice)

Facebook keeps showing me animations of my memories over the years, as they did on 9/15/21, 9/27/21, 9/30/21, 10/18/21, 11/5/21, 11/8/21, 11/19/21, 11/25/21, 12/15/21, 12/26/21, 1/29/22, and 2/21/22. It’s fun to group photos of Poetry Aloud, see me sitting in the giant throne at La La’s (the Christmas-themed bar that we didn’t even visit this year), but the best part is to see so many pictures with John out in Austin (and I wonder if in one of those images I’m wearing his hat and my Marines flag pin for the Marine Corps Birthday), and a recent photo of reading from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ readings...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220306 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping the Atmosphere Any Way we Can”, “Keeps Repeating”, and “Ethical Thing to Do” from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a color tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its Facebook page as well as on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “The Austin Poetry Society” pages - getting this positive feedback really is an inspiration to keep videos of open mic poetry readings alive and thriving this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220306 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Boron’s Birth (+ shares its online image) and “Boron nitride stretching (+ shares its online image, then her micro prose “Soybeans” and “fox in the snow” from the v193 3/22 Down in the Dirt book “Just a Few Butterflies” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this Facebook video stream on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “The Austin Poetry Society” pages - getting this positive feedback really is an inspiration to keep videos of open mic poetry readings alive and thriving this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220306 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “Niobium 92 & Solar System Secrets (+ sharing its online image)”, and “from Looking for a Worthy Adversary” from the v319 3/22 cc&d book “Barn Cats” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page, to “like” and “love” this video on its “GAS: Poetry, Art & Music” and “Poets of Merit & Expression ” pages, and to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” page too - getting this positive feedback really is an inspiration to keep sharing video posts like this.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 25 others. 2022305 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now only 3 hours away, joins us this afternoon, like on the first Sunday of every month, for the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 3/6/22 (or 20220306, or 6 Mar 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220305 globe (this video was for public notice)

Regarding Utopia I am really looking forward to the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting tomorrow from 3:30-5:30 PM CST because to close the open mic I’s love to share poems from the Scars Publications 2021 annual collection book “Regarding Utopia” - and I’m even going to share a poem in there that’s related to a March event for this month’s Poetic License! Follow the Facebook event page link for the address to attend, & everyone can join me tomorrow so we can welcome spring and let our creative juices flow!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220305 globe (this video was for public notice)

Down in the Dirt I am really looking forward to sharing poetry at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting tomorrow from 3:30-5:30 PM CST, because during the open mic I’d love to share a few poems from the v193 3/22 Down in the Dirt book “Just a Few Butterflies” - follow the Facebook event page link for the address to attend, so everyone can join me tomorrow for the next Poetic License!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220305 globe (this video was for public notice)

cc&#amp;d I am really looking forward to starting off the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting tomorrow at 3:30 PM CST with a few poems from the v319 3/22 cc&d book “Barn Cats” - follow the Facebook event page link for the address to attend, so everyone can join me tomorrow for the next Poetic License!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220305 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her poems from the 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 3/2/22 in honor of Community Poetry (the video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts, to “like” and to “love” this on its Facebook page, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” and “Shamelessly Promote Your Books” posts too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 148 views on YouTube — until YouTube just knocked that total down to 5 (which is insane). So thanks for liking and loving this here on Facebook that YouTube can’t take away. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen. 2022305 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day! Join us tomorrow, like on the first Sunday of every month, come to the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 3/6/22 (or 20220306, or 6 Mar 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Paul Ryan. 20220305 globe (this video was for public notice)

It has been years since I have been able to share poetry with Paul Ryan, but after all our years (even as Facebook friends) I hope he may make it to the Gallery Cabaret when I am in town at the End of March for the first poetry open mic in Chicago since Covid19 began! Hope to see you at “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220304 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 21 others. 2022303 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Got any plans this weekend? I’ve got the perfect thing for Sunday, like on the first Sunday of every month, come to the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 3/6/22 (or 20220306, or 6 Mar 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220304, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keep Your Chin Up”, “Opened the Door for All”, “Just so Others can Feel”, “Over Hazardous Lands”, and “Ethical Thing to Do” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 3/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200304 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together first performed in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems, then her poem “Holding Hands (expanded extreme Sestina variation) originally from cc&d v252 issue/book “Beyond the Gates” and read from her cc&d v5 poetry collection book “On the Edge, then her 2019 poem “Learning how Love Lasts (written on her parent’s wedding anniversary) 2/23/19 while she guest-hosted “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200304 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together first performed in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems, then her poem “Holding Hands (expanded extreme Sestina variation) originally from cc&d v252 issue/book “Beyond the Gates” and read from her cc&d v5 poetry collection book “On the Edge, then her 2019 poem “Learning how Love Lasts (written on her parent’s wedding anniversary) 2/23/19 while she guest-hosted “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Brad Woodard. 20220304 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Brad Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220303 globe (this video was for public notice)

I don’t often see daffodils, so I have to get excited when I can say that Spring has sprung - even if it’s early.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200302 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “open flame for the celebration ” first performed in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, then her poem “Returning to Georgetown” originally from her poetry feature “Under my Skin” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v2)”, then her 2019 poem “Fighting for Freedom on Christmas” (written on and in honor of George Washington’s birthday) 2/23/19 while she guest-hosted “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202200303 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “open flame for the celebration ” first performed in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, then her poem “Returning to Georgetown” originally from her poetry feature “Under my Skin” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v2)”, then her 2019 poem “Fighting for Freedom on Christmas” (written on and in honor of George Washington’s birthday) 2/23/19 while she guest-hosted “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220303, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) 3/3/17 (5 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 2/26/17 reading her poems “Unscathed”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams” and “Gary’s Blind Date at the Austin “Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken and Heard” open mic (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220303, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) 3/3/17 (5 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 2/26/17 reading her poems “Unscathed”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams” and “Gary’s Blind Date at the Austin “Kick Butt Poetry: Spoken and Heard” open mic (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for the “like” & “love” of this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220303 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading a few of her poems from the 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” as the ending poems from her “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” (the video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page and “Poets of Merit & Expression ” posts, to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry”, and to “like” this on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts to share our open mic poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 159 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just removed the number of views literally down to 5 (which is insane). So thanks for liking & loving this here on Facebook that YouTube can’t take away. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220301, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) 3/3/16 (6 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reciting her 2 poems “Arsenic and Syphilis” and “Juxtaposition, or Irony?” from memory; then reading her 2 Periodic Table poems “Potassium Chloride” and “Thallium” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry at Georgetown’s “Poetry Plus” open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220303, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) 3/3/16 (6 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reciting her 2 poems “Arsenic and Syphilis” and “Juxtaposition, or Irony?” from memory; then reading her 2 Periodic Table poems “Potassium Chloride” and “Thallium” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry at Georgetown’s “Poetry Plus” open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Nikon Coolpix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen. 2022302 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just about a half week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 3/6/22 (or 20220306, or 6 Mar 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220302, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Know Peace and Rise to Power”, and “Expand and Save Yourselves” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Michael Gullickson . 20220302 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK & Michael Gullickson It is fun to look over the years (after being Facebook friends for 6 years) to see all of the locations and events we shared poetry with everyone...

facebook profile picture for Olivier Schopfer Olivier Schopfer is with Kyle Hemmings. 20220301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Fun Ride Happy to have my pic “Fun Ride” in the March issue of Down in the Dirt, edited by Janet Kuypers :


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220301 globe (this video was for public notice)

cc&d Now that all of that gooey Valentine’s Day stuff is out of the way, let’s get ready for spring with literature in a brand-new March 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v319 issue of cc&d magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Barn Cats”! This book is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from cc&d today!
(Writers and artists in this book include Bill Tope, Erren Kelly, Greg G. Zaino, J. Ross Archer, Jacob LePretre, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jenene Ravesloot, John F. McMullen, John Zurn, Julian Matthews, Linda M. Crate, Mark Vickers, Mike Schneider, R. N. Taber, Rita B. Rose, Robert Collings, Sterling Warner, Steve Carr, Xanadu, David Michael Jackson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Helen Bird, John Yotko, Karen Hedges, Kyle Hemmings, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading a poem of hers from the 2/22 v192 Down in the Dirt book, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” (the video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, and to “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts for us to share poetry readings like this - since this YouTube video had 137 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just removed the number of views literally down to 15 (which is wrong). So thanks for liking & loving here on Facebook that YouTube can’t take away. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Down in the Dirt Now that all of that gooey Valentine’s Day stuff is out of the way, let’s get ready for spring with literature in a brand-new March 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v193 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book, titled “Just a Few Butterflies”! This book is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, Japan, and even Australia, so check out this new book release from Down in the Dirt today!
(Writers and artists in this book include Allison Baggott-Rowe M.A., Andrea Smith, Andrew Kolarik, Ben Umayam, Bill Stenson, Brian Peter Fagan, Conjeevaram J. Nandakumar, Daniel R. George, George M. George, Grant Meese, Dennis Piszkiewicz, Gunther Boccius, Haqim Abolaji, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jeff Rosen, Jo Bower, John L. Stanizzi, Mark Pearce, Nicole Bird, Nielina Babajee, Owolusi Lucky, Richard K. Williams, Robert Funderburk, Robert Plunkett, Sandip Saha, Susan Sanders, Tom Squitieri, Xiao Gan, Christopher Strople, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Kyle Hemmings, Olivier Schopfer, and Sherry Shahan.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220301, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube and shared on Facebook 3/1/15, then it was shared again on Facebook 3/1/16 (6 and 7 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video from 2/27/15 of the entire Janet Kuypers Chicago poetryshow “Destruction Instructions”, performing her 5 poems “one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman”, “one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive”, “one oh three destruction instructions: run faster”, “one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: on destroying a relationship”, and “one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: use drones to kill” with John on electric base (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220228 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 4/4/18 “April 2018 Book Release Reading” guest-hosting Community Poetry@Half Price Books at the only poetry reading during the 2018 National Poetry Month now has all 16 of the show videos on 1 Artvilla/scars web page! Videos of poetry readings from four Scars Publications books (videos also released w/ different effects) can now be found in one place! https://www.artvilla.com/scars/?p=1457
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220228, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Learning how Love Lasts” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220228 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/28/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose poem “Scarsoriginally appearing in the cc&d issues v002 and the v243 anniversary issue, which granted its appearance in the cc&d v249.8 anniversary bookSea Drift” that was then highlighted in her v5 cc&d poetry anthology “On the Edge” that she read it from, then her poem “One Twenty Fifteen Destruction Instructions: Use Drones to Kill originally from her poetry feature “Destruction Instructions” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “A Year-Long Journey”, and her 2019 poem “Old Stomping Grounds” 2/16/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 39 others. 2022228 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just under a week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I hope everyone gets their creative juices flowing at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 3/6/22 (or 20220306, or 6 Mar 2022), from 3:30-5:30 PM CST - and I’ll see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220228 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/28/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose poem “Scarsoriginally appearing in the cc&d issues v002 and the v243 anniversary issue, which granted its appearance in the cc&d v249.8 anniversary bookSea Drift” that was then highlighted in her v5 cc&d poetry anthology “On the Edge” that she read it from, then her poem “One Twenty Fifteen Destruction Instructions: Use Drones to Kill originally from her poetry feature “Destruction Instructions” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “A Year-Long Journey”, and her 2019 poem “Old Stomping Grounds” 2/16/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” poetry open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this video on its Facebook page - for this positive feedback inspires us to keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jane Perdue. 20220228 globe (this video was for public notice)

5 pics wǞ Janet & Jane Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220227 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 4/4/18 “April 2018 Book Release Reading” guest-hosting Community Poetry@Half Price Books at the only poetry reading during the 2018 National Poetry Month now has all 16 of the show videos on 1 Artvilla web page! Videos of readings from 4 Scars Publications (& all videos also released with different effects)can now be found in 1 place! https://www.artvilla.com/janet-kuypers-book-readings-4-4-18-hosting-community-poetry-half-price-books/#.YhvA299MGiE #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220227 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems from the 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” (the video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts, and to “like” and “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts for us to share poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 122 views on YouTube last night, but YouTube this morning reduced the number of views literally down to 2 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes and love here on Facebook that YouTube can’t take away. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220226, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants”, “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all”, “Barium Dateline”, ad “Gold for the foolish at heart” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220226 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 4/4/18 April 2018 Book Release Reading guest-hosting Community Poetry@Half Price Books at the only poetry reading during the 2018 National Poetry Month now has all 16 of the show videos on one YouTube playlist! Videos of readings from 4 Scars Publications (& all videos also released with different effects) are now in 1 place! #janetkuypersbookreading https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYa-AZK78_hrq-U3ZE6NP5EaHImHao5vX #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 31 others. 20220225 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetty at The Gallery Cabaret John told me this, and I hear this reported on Chicago Channel 5 NBC news and in the Chicago Sun-Times, that Chicago is lifting mask and vaccine mandates by the end of February. I have NO IDEA what The Gallery Cabaret’s policy will be on this in a month (so contact them when the time comes, as every private business can tighten the rules), but in just over a month (on the last Wednesday of March in 2022), I am THRILLED to bring live poetry in features and an open mic back to Chicago live for the first time post-Covid! Come to the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” event — the Chicago “the Café Gallery” poetry open mic host (and now Austin, Texas resident) Janet Kuypers is in town for this one night for poetry at The Gallery Cabaret for all who are fully vaccinated. The evening starts at 8:00 PM CST with a Janet Kuypers Twitter-length Periodic Table poetry feature (thanks to poetry and chemistry powerhouses like Robin Fine and Avrom Litin). Stay for a poetry open mic with host Jerry Pendergast, followed by a Janet Kuypers poetry feature, because poetry rules the WHOLE NIGHT at The Gallery Cabaret on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, starting at 8:00 PM CST! Save the date, and let’s keep poetry alive and kicking at one of Chicago’s foundations for poetry with the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22”!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220225 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/25/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Molybdenum” from her 4/18/13 “In Homage” poetry feature and read from her v5 cc&d poetry book “On the Edge”, then her poem “One oh Two Destruction Instructions: Self-Destructive” originally from her poetry feature “Destruction Instructions” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “A Year-Long Journey”, and “Opens the Way” live 2/16/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220225 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 of her poems from the Scars Publications 2/22 v318 issue of cc&d, the book “The Great White” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” (the video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts, and to “like” and “love” this on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback bolsters our efforts for us to share poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 229 views on YouTube this morning (yes, you heard me right, 229), but YouTube just reduced the number of views to 9 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes here on Facebook that YouTube can’t take away. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220224 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/25/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Molybdenum” from her 4/18/13 “In Homage” poetry feature and read from her v5 cc&d poetry book “On the Edge”, then her poem “One oh Two Destruction Instructions: Self-Destructive” originally from her poetry feature “Destruction Instructions” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “A Year-Long Journey”, and “Opens the Way” live 2/16/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Michael Gullickson . 20220225 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220224, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Know What Planet She’s From”, “Understanding Terrorism’s Interior”, and “Video Killed the Radio Star” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v318 issue of cc&d, “The Great White” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers janertkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220224 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/24/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Polonium” from her 1/30/13 Poetry Saloon at Noon poetry feature, and read from her v5 cc&d poetry anthology “On the Edge”, then her poem “One oh One Destruction Instructions: a Man Calls a Woman” originally from her poetry feature “Destruction Instructions” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “A Year-Long Journey”, and “Xylograph: My Story Must be Free” live 2/16/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220224 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/24/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Polonium” from her 1/30/13 Poetry Saloon at Noon poetry feature, and read from her v5 cc&d poetry anthology “On the Edge”, then her poem “One oh One Destruction Instructions: a Man Calls a Woman” originally from her poetry feature “Destruction Instructions” and read from her poetry performance art collection book “A Year-Long Journey”, and “Xylograph: My Story Must be Free” live 2/16/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220223 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 of her poems from the Scars Publications 2021 annual poetry & prose collection book “Regarding Utopia” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts, and thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our efforts for us to share poetry readings like this since this YouTube video had 158 views on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just reduced the number of views to 7 (which is insane). So thanks for all of the likes here on Facebook that YouTube can’t take away. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220222, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “People Forget Politics”, “Exploring Evolution ”, and “Eternal Never Ending Now” from the Scars Publications 2021 collection book “Regarding Utopia” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Scars Publiczations Scars Publiczations is with Janet Kuypers. 20220222 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube & shared on Facebook on 2/20/13, it was shared again in a longer post on Facebook on 2/20/16, and then it was shared again in a post on Facebook on 2/20/17 (3, 5, & 9 years ago today, but none of the links were ever saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of the Janet KuypersLast Minute” mini-feature 2/13/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s “The Café Gallery” in Chicago, where, in part 1 she reads her poems “Only Searching” (with original the Second Axing music played by guitarist John) and “Childhood Memories One”, and in part 2 she reads her poems “Medication ”, “New to Chicago”, “Death is a Dog”, and “Fantastic Car Crash” (4 poems read from her 25-year poetry collection book Oeuvve) (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220222 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube & shared on Facebook on 2/20/13, it was shared again in a longer post on Facebook on 2/20/16, and then it was shared again in a post on Facebook on 2/20/17 (3, 5, & 9 years ago today, but none of the links were ever saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of the Janet KuypersLast Minute” mini-feature 2/13/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s “The Café Gallery” in Chicago, where, in part 1 she reads her poems “Only Searching” (with original the Second Axing music played by guitarist John) and “Childhood Memories One”, and in part 2 she reads her poems “Medication ”, “New to Chicago”, “Death is a Dog”, and “Fantastic Car Crash” (4 poems read from her 25-year poetry collection book Oeuvve) (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220222 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube & shared on Facebook on 2/20/13, it was shared again in a longer post on Facebook on 2/20/16, and then it was shared again in a post on Facebook on 2/20/17 (3, 5, & 9 years ago today, but none of the links were ever saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of the Janet KuypersLast Minute” mini-feature 2/13/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s “The Café Gallery” in Chicago, where, in part 1 she reads her poems “Only Searching” (with original the Second Axing music played by guitarist John) and “Childhood Memories One”, and in part 2 she reads her poems “Medication ”, “New to Chicago”, “Death is a Dog”, and “Fantastic Car Crash” (4 poems read from her 25-year poetry collection book Oeuvve) (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thomas Paul Althaus. 20220222 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Tom Althaus Facebook didn’t need to remind me, for how can you forget a birthday this year with zeros and so many twos? Just writing out 20220222, or 2/22/22 is crazy cool this year... Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220221 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 of her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book anthology “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts, thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, and thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this video on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our sharing poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 137 posts on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube for some reason just reduced the number of views to 9 (no idea why they delete so many). So thanks for the likes & loves here on Facebook that YouTube can’t take away. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220221 globe (this video was for public notice)

Facebook keeps showing me animations of my memories over the years, as they did on 9/15/21, 9/27/21, 9/30/21, 10/18/21, 11/5/21, 11/8/21, 11/19/21, 11/25/21, 12/15/21, 12/26/21, and 1/29/22. It’s fun to see me sitting in the giant throne at La La’s (the Christmas-themed bar that we didn’t even visit this year), but the best part is to see so many pictures with John one Halloween, in Chicago, Austin, and don’t forget returning from China to see the Chicago string Quartet playing Mozart’s “The Dissonant” at the Lyric Opera Building...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220220, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book anthology “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220220 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube & shared on Facebook on 2/20/13, it was shared again in a longer post on Facebook on 2/20/16, and then it was shared again in a post on Facebook on 2/20/17 (3, 5, & 9 years ago today, but none of the links were ever saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of the Janet KuypersLast Minute” mini-feature 2/13/13 at The Gallery Cabaret’s “The Café Gallery” in Chicago, where, in part 1 she reads her poems “Only Searching” (with original the Second Axing music played by guitarist John) and “Childhood Memories One”, and in part 2 she reads her poems “Medication ”, “New to Chicago”, “Death is a Dog”, and “Fantastic Car Crash” (4 poems read from her 25-year poetry collection book Oeuvve) (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sarah DeMenge. 20220220 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Sarah Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Rich X Emerson. 20220220 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220219 globe (this video was for public notice)

pickles I didn’t expect to find mini cucumbers at the grocery store this morning, so...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220219 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/19/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poems “Valentine’s Day, Every Day” (written on Valentine’s Day), “Underscore for the Battles” (written for Abraham Lincoln’s birthday), and “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” (written on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) live 2/16/19 at “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220219 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/19/18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “from Hydrogen to Nothing” (bonus poem for #1, H), and “Bismuth” (#83, Bi) from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/10/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220219 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/19/18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “from Hydrogen to Nothing” (bonus poem for #1, H), and “Bismuth” (#83, Bi) from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/10/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220219 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book anthology “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Poets of Merit & Expression ” and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our sharing poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 122 posts on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube for some reason just reduced the number of views to 5 (no idea why). So thanks for the likes & loves here on Facebook over YouTube. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220219 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/19/17 (5 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video 2/11/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “electromagnetism” and “Years, Centuries, Eons” at the “Poetry Aloud” open mic at the Georgetown Public Library (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220219 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/19/16 (6 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing with John on guitar Leonard Cohen’s “Coming Back to You”, the Janet Kuypers poem/song “Made Any Difference”, the Eurythmics’ “I Need You”, the Janet Kuypers poem “Under the Sea” (set to Beatles music), and George Michael’s “Waiting (Reprise)” 2/16/16 at The Uptown Social open mic in Georgetown TX (this video was filmed from a Nikon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypers #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220218, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing” (+ image), “Manganese can cure us all” (+ image), “One Would be Chosen”, “Katie” (+ image), and “Know they are Loved” (+ image 1 and image 2) from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book anthology “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic >(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220218 globe (this video was for public notice)

Facebook often shows me “memories” of past things I did on this day over the years in Facebook, but it didn’t remind me of a Facebook live video stream last year (which may have been for the best, because it was during an Austin Arctic storm where we lost power for nearly a week), so, to share it throughought social media once and for all... Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers, living after a sub-freezing week-long arctic surge in Austin, TX with no power for 4 days and no water for 2 days, sharing her thoughts in this experience, then reading her poem “Underground History” from the Scars Publications cc&d 9-12 2020 issue collection book anthology “Roll the Bones” 2/18/21 on her parent’s wedding anniversary as a “the Café Gallery” & “Poetic License” bonus poetry reading (this video was filmed & streams from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w old film filter; & posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypers https://www.facebook .com/janetkuypers/videos/10223402371861505/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220218 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her “Life and Death and Everything Between” show poem “Only Choice is to Build”, then her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” show poems “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, and “Yearning to Break Free”, all from the new cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, while guest-hosting Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220218 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/18/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her “Life and Death and Everything Between” show poem “Only Choice is to Build”, then her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” show poems “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “Quieted Soul”, “The Page”, and “Yearning to Break Free”, all from the new cc&d issue book “This is Where I Live”, while guest-hosting Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220218 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/17/16 (6 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing with John on guitar Leonard Cohen’s “Coming Back to You”, the Janet Kuypers poem/song “Made Any Difference”, the Eurythmics’ “I Need You”, the Janet Kuypers poem “Under the Sea” (set to Beatles music), and George Michael’s “Waiting (Reprise)” 2/16/16 at The Uptown Social open mic in Georgetown TX (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypers #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220217 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 of her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression ” posts, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our sharing poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 143 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube for some reason just reduced the number of views to 7 (no idea why). So thanks for the likes & loves here on Facebook that YouTube can’t remove. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220217 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/17/17 (5 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video 2/11/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “electromagnetism” and “Years, Centuries, Eons” at the “Poetry Aloud” open mic at the Georgetown Public Library (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220217 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/17/16 (6 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video 2/12/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems “The Fourteenth” & “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, and then her 2 poems “There I Sit” & “Writing Your Name” as one, at the Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s on the Square in Georgetown TX (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is beer drinking adult beverageswith Janet Kuypers at The Whiskey Room Pflugerville. 20220216 · Pflugerville · globe

Journalist Janet with two articles on her shirt liked this billboard too much.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220216, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Just Made the Choice”, “Noble Cause”, and “Polymath in the Making” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220216 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/16/17 (5 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “eminence” that led into her to poems “Zenith of the Night Sky” and “Unique Noise” 2/11/17 at the “Poetry Aloud” open mic at the Georgetown Public Library (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220216 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/15/19 (3 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her “Live at Café Aloha” show poems “Communication ”, “And What I Want to Know”, and “And I’m Wondering”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “the Things Warren Says”, “Japanese Television”, “Kurt Irons (it’s just a girl)”, “Bizarre Sexual Stories in the News”, “Christmas Eve”, and “Coquinas” from the Down in the Dirt issue book “Ornament”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220216 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/15/19 (3 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her “Live at Café Aloha” show poems “Communication ”, “And What I Want to Know”, and “And I’m Wondering”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “the Things Warren Says”, “Japanese Television ”, “Kurt Irons (it’s just a girl)”, “Bizarre Sexual Stories in the News”, “Christmas Eve”, and “Coquinas” from the Down in the Dirt issue book “Ornament”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220216 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/15/17 (5 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “eminence” that led into her to poems “Zenith of the Night Sky” and “Unique Noise” 2/11/17 at the “Poetry Aloud” open mic at the Georgetown Public Library (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220216 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/15/18 (4 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing Paul Simon’s song “Slip Sliding Away”, Sinead O’Connor’s song “Black Boys on Mopeds”, Janet Kuypers’ song “In Love I Abide”, George Michael’s song “Waiting (Reprise)”, and the Eurythmics’ song “I Need You” with John on acoustic guitar 2/11/18 at Craft & Racked Wine Bar in Round Rock (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220216 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/15/16 (6 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video 2/12/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems w/ John on guitar, “eyes” and “jihadists and astrophysics”, + her poem “Vanishing Scars” at the Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s on the Square in Georgetown TX (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220216 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/15/16 (6 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video 2/12/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems w/ John on guitar, “eyes” and “jihadists and astrophysics”, + her poem “Vanishing Scars” at the Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s on the Square in Georgetown TX (this video was filmed from a Nikon Coolpix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220215 · iPetitions · globe (this video was for public notice)

Wax Trax! Landmark Hey Chicagoans, I signed the petition to give Wax Trax! landmark status (which they SO deserve), and I think there is a final push for signatures to add to the petition - check it out, and if you want to get on board, sign the petition!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220215 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 2 of her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression ” posts, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our sharing poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 169 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube for some reason just reduced the number of views to 30 (no idea why). So thanks for the likes & loves here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220214, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Exude More in Black” (+ image) and “Every Heartbeat” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220214 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/14/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction ”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 January/February 2019 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, while guest-hosting Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220214 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/14/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction ”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 January/February 2019 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, while guest-hosting Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20220214 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220213 globe (this video was for public notice)

It looked less like a heart once it was cooked... but it was still top ten Chicago deep-dish pizza right before Valentine’s Day, so it wins. After watching the best ad of animated football players that climaxed in Sweetness himself scoring in the ad, it was EXCELLENT to see the hip hop & rap half-time show, and I’m still winded from dancing to it.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers David Jackson
20220213 globe (this video was for public notice)

John Yotko, Janet Kuypers I have payed Soundcloud for their $5 Dolby Master on this. It brings out the vocal quite well. Allowing downloads.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220213 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/13/18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all - especially when these Periodic Table poem shares were never saved and I’ll be reading Twitter-verse Periodic Table poems 3/30/22 at the Gallery Cabaret (my Chicago open mic bar) in my first feature back in Chicago since the pandemic began: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Neon ” (Ne, #10), “Tungsten” (W, #74), and “Lawrencium” (Lr, #103) from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/4/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220213 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/13/18 (4 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all - especially when these Periodic Table poem shares were never saved and I’ll be reading Twitter-verse Periodic Table poems 3/30/22 at the Gallery Cabaret (my Chicago open mic bar) in my first feature back in Chicago since the pandemic began: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Neon ” (Ne, #10), “Tungsten” (W, #74), and “Lawrencium” (Lr, #103) from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/4/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220213 globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/13/19 (3 years ago today, but none of the links other than Facebook were saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her poems “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 and 6)”, then interview portions and her poem “Scratch the Surface” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, and then read her #metoo/Lunchtime Poll Topic essay/letter “Weighing on my Soul” and her poem “For Far Too Many Years” from her Chicago “In One Ear” show “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” in the performance art section of the cc&d v. 288 January/February 2019 ISBN# book “Save the World”, while guest-hosting Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” & “love” this Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220213 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 of her poems from the 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt book “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Audio Video Poetry/Songs Online Out Loud...Listen In”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our sharing poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 139 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube for some reason just reduced the number of views to 4 (no idea why). So thanks for the likes & loves here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220212, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Evil is Tricky”, “popular and useless”, and “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220212 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet, Recycled Reads Four years ago today I read Periodic Table poems from the Janet Kuypers book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” in several readings 2/4/18 at the “Recycled Reads” open mic in Austin (thanks again for taking the photos, John) - it’s cool to see this because I just finished writing Twitter-length Periodic Table poems for every element in the Periodic Table; I have been reading a few of them in Zoom meetings when they appear in recent cc&d and Down in the Dirt issues, but I am looking forward to reading more of them with the book release of these poems (and images), that will coincide with my trip to Chicago soon and my 1st reading at Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with PeteWolf Winninger. 20220211 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220211 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading some of her Periodic Table poems from the 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt book “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” and “Poets of Merit & Expression ” posts, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our sharing poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 122 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube for some reason just reduced the number of views to 8 (no idea why). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Greg G. Zaino. 20220211 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220210, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ image), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ image), “Carbon ”, “Barium Dateline”, and “Gold for the foolish at heart” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220210 globe (this video was for public notice)

heart shaped Giordano’s pizzas It may seem strange (and we have dinner reservations on Valentine’s Day), but a delivery just came today of four heart-shaped Giordano’s deep-dish pizzas (two cheese, two Ravioli), so this Chicagoan can start the Valentine’s Day celebrations early with good pizza during the Super Bowl. Thank you John - I love you!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20220110, via YouTube, Twitter. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/9/16 (6 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing 2 of her original songs a Cappella 2/5/16 at the Round Rock music open mic at the American Legion: “Why” and “Where I Belong (this video was filmed from a Canon Pro Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20220110, via YouTube, Twitter. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/9/17 (6 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing 2 of her original songs a Cappella 2/5/16 at the Round Rock music open mic at the American Legion: “Why” and “Where I Belong (this video was filmed from a Nikon Coolpix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20220110, via YouTube, Twitter. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/9/17 (5 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 2/4/17 show “Exalted Love” at “Greatest Love” in Austin reading her poems “Mapping the Way to True Love”, “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “Zenith of the Night Sky”, and “just one book” with music (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20220110, via YouTube, Twitter. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 2/9/17 (5 years ago yesterday, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 2/4/17 show “Exalted Love” at “Greatest Love” in Austin reading her poems “Mapping the Way to True Love”, “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “Zenith of the Night Sky”, and “just one book” with music (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220209 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading some of her poems from the 2/22 cc&d v318 book “The Great White” 2/2/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Poetry Super Highway” post, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting this positive feedback really bolsters our sharing poetry readings like this, since this YouTube video had 108 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube for some reason just reduced the number of views to 45 (don’t ask me why). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr 20220208 globe (this video was for public notice)

Hassium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/8/22 poem “Seaborgium only lasts”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #106, Seaborgium (Sg):

Your body’s nuclei have lived billions of years;
Seaborgium nuclei last only a fraction of a second.
Volatile, man-made, radioactive element 106—
the only element named for a living scientist
who created & ran a rare elements program—
Seaborgium would be dead 1 word in this poem.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Albert DeGenova. 20220209 globe (this video was for public notice)

Jabet & Al I know you went to my open mic, and I know I saw you at different poetry open mics over the years in Chicago, but I think it’s kind of funny that Facebook chose to share this photo to wish you a happy birthday.... well, I always comply with the Facebook overlord, but - really, I hope you have the BEST birthday EVER!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220208, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Understanding Terrorism’s Interior”, “Video Killed the Radio Star”, and “Carbon Copy” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2/22 v318 issue of cc&d, “The Great White” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr 20220208 globe (this video was for public notice)

Hassium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/8/22 poem “Hassium: a beautiful day”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #108, Hassium (Hs):

Hassium discovered, Orwell,
HIV identified, Apple’s 1st Mac,
Payton sets rushing record,
Michael Jackson’s hair’s on fire in Pepsi ad,
Mandela saw his wife after 22 years in prison,
the Smithsonian got Mr. Rogers’ red sweater…
Was 1984 a beautiful day in the neighborhood?

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen and 6 others. 20220207 globe (this video was for public notice)

oetic license group I had a GREAT TIME listening to everyone share poetry and music yesterday at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” — thank you all for sharing! I look forward to seeing everyone and the NEXT Poetic License open mic on Sunday, March 6, 2022, from 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was with Daniel Weinberg. 20220206 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Dan

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220206 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, “Know Peace and Rise to Power”, and “Expand and Save Yourselves” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an old b&w film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220206 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Learning how Love Lasts” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an old b&w film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220206 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants”, “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all”, “Barium Dateline”, amdns “Gold for the foolish at heart” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an old b&w film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220206 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Know What Planet She’s From”, “Understanding Terrorism’s Interior”, and “Video Killed the Radio Star” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v318 issue of cc&d, “The Great White to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this Facebook live video stream from Poetic License 2/6/22 - getting all this positive feedback really inspires us to keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 16 others. 2022206 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join us this afternoon (like on the first Sunday of every month) at the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting! If you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I just passed the rapid test this morning that I don’t have Covid any longer (got it last week, after being fully vaccinated and boostered, which means it amounted to having a minor cold), but either way, I am THRILLED we can run this poem mic together in this Zoom meeting! So everyone, get your creative juices flowing because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at this Poetic License open mic today for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” Zoom meeting — this afternoon from 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr 20220205 globe (this video was for public notice)

Bohrium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/5/22 poem “Bohrium is the secret”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #107, Bohrium (Bh):

107’s the heaviest element w/ studied chemistry.
Bohrium’s volatility was learned in a cyclotron—
& in 1945 WWII, US military stopped Superman
comic strips when he was irradiated in a cyclotron,
described in far too much detail for censors—
for science was the real secret in war.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen. 2022205 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day! Join us Sunday (like on the first Sunday of every month) at the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting! If you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I’m recovering from the Omicron variant of Covid19 right now (after being fully vaccinated and boostered), so although I wouldn’t be able to make it to the bookstore for a LIVE open mic, I am THRILLED we can run this month thanks to John F. McMullen and the Zoom meeting! So everyone, get your creative juices flowing because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” Zoom meeting TOMORROW — on Sunday, 2/6/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220205 globe (this video was for public notice)

Nihonium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/5/22 poem “Nihonium: a tanka / waka”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #113, Nihonium (Nh):

cold fusion in lab
high rises sway in typhoon
nine years, three atoms
element found— then
human progress grinds to halt

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220205 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading a number of her short poems from the Scars Publications 2021 collection book “Regarding Utopia” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists”, “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, and “Poets of Merit & Expression ” posts, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 125 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just deleted all but 3 views (Argh!!!). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220204 globe (this video was for public notice)

Dubnium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/4/22 poem “Dubnium’s a fight to the finish”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #105, Dubnium (Db):

the US & the USSR fought:
for military might, Olympic medals
& naming Periodic Table elements
in Transfermium Wars
The Hindu even asks who found Dubnium 1st
Curaçao Chronicle reports
the Pre-trial case ‘Dubnium’: forgery, swindling—
which shows that little is known, but conflict

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220204, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Over the Lives”, “Elaborate Exaltation ”, “On the Surface”, “Einsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Scandium, Held Tightly”, “Lithium Desperation ”, “Helium Rising”, “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “Just a Little Crazy”, and “Katie” from the Scars Publications 2021 collection book “Regarding Utopia” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 17 others. 2022204 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Got any plans this weekend? Join us Sunday (like on the first Sunday of every month) at the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting! If you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. I’m recovering from the Omicron variant of Covid19 right now (after being fully vaccinated and boostered), so although I wouldn’t be able to make it to the bookstore for a LIVE open mic, I am THRILLED we can run this month thanks to John F. McMullen and the Zoom meeting! So everyone, get your creative juices flowing because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 2/6/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220204 globe (this video was for public notice)

Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/4/22 poem “Lawrencium: were we wrong?”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #103, Lawrencium (Lr):

You don’t exist in nature, anything past you
can’t exist outside the lab— but chemists
studied you in particular, heated you to 2,700° K;
you lost outer electrons, & your ionization potential
was too low... so— f-block or d-block, you
create controversy. Were we wrong all along?

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220203 globe (this video was for public notice)

FB feed I *never* use the Facebook feed (I don’t have the time) and the only time I see that page is when I am doing live Facebook video feeds (as I did yesterday). Since I try to use effects for my live Facebook video streams, I thought it was funny enough to take a screenshot of my phone yesterday that showed one of the options (other than my profile photo) was with me using the old b&w film filter for a poetry reading in honor of the time for Community Poetry...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220203 globe (this video was for public notice)

Roentgenium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/1/22 poem “Roentgenium, too scarce to waste”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #111, Roentgenium (Rg):

14 years to the day
after John Hinckley killed John Lennon,
researchers bombarded bismuth 209
w/ nickel 64 & got minute bits of #111, Roentgenium.

So why does a Google search find Roentgenium
on social media for e-waste?
Can’t social media realize
Roentgenium’s not in e-trash?

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220203 globe (this video was for public notice)

ice on street This must make it clear that I miss Chicago... When I look out my window and see ice in the street in Austin and think it reminds me of the Chicago River in the winter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 25 others. 2022203 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now just under a half week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. Businesses are closed down today - in AUSTIN, TX - because of the ice storms, and right now I’m recovering from the Omicron variant of Covid19 right now (after being fully vaccinated and boostered), so although I wouldn’t be able to make it to the bookstore for a LIVE open mic, I am THRILLED we can run this month thanks to John F. McMullen and the Zoom meeting! So everyone, get your creative juices flowing because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 2/6/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “People Forget Politics”, “Exploring Evolution ”, and “Eternal Never Ending Now” from the Scars Publications 2021 collection book “Regarding Utopia” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Futility”, “You Don’t Expect It”, and “Undulating Nexus” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Manganese Growing” (+ image), “Manganese can cure us all” (+ image), “One Would be Chosen”, “Katie” (+ image), and “Know they are Loved” (+ image 1 and image 2) from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Just Made the Choice”, “Noble Cause”, and “Polymath in the Making” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Exude More in Black” (+ image) and “Every Heartbeat” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book anthology “The World Outside” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Evil is Tricky”, “popular and useless”, and “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ image), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ image), “Carbon ”, “Barium Dateline”, and “Gold for the foolish at heart” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet Thanks for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page - this positive feedback really inspires us to keep these live poetry readings alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Understanding Terrorism’s Interior”, “Video Killed the Radio Star”, and “Carbon Copy” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2/22 v318 issue of cc&d, “The Great White” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with an old b&w film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - this positive feedback really inspires us to keep these live poetry readings alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Ayn Rand With winter storms decimating half the country, it seems trite to say Happy Groundhog day, so I’ll say Happy Birthday to Ayn Rand. (The date is even in my Periodic Table poem Ununpentium if I’d otherwise forget...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220201 globe (this video was for public notice)

Flerovium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/1/22 poem “Darmstadtium: what then”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #110, Darmstadtium (Ds):

President Carter praised the Shah
& dubbed Iran “an island of stability”
1 year before the Islamic Revolution,
which was a year before 52 Americans
were held hostage in Iran for 444 days.
Chemists want an island of stability
w/ Darmstadtium, but—
when it’s so unstable, what then.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Westley Heine and Rose E. Grier. 20220201 globe (this video was for public notice)

cc&d For the sports fans it’s the Super Bowl, for the romantics it’s Valentine’s Day, and for all the literary lovers, let’s celebrate with a brand-new February 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v318 issue of cc&d magazine is now available as not only as a free Internet issue web page but also as the 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “The Great White”! This book is available for Amazon sale throughout the U.S., the U.K., and all of Europe, so check out the new issue and book from cc&d today! (Writers and artists in this perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Bill Tope, Christopher Hivner, D. M. Connolly, Eric Burbridge, Janet Kuypers, John Amendall, Joshua Adair, Linda M. Crate, Mike Denny, Richard LeDue, Robert Collings, S.F. Wright, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Helen Bird, Rose E. Grier, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220201 globe (this video was for public notice)

Down in the Dirt For the sports fans it’s the Super Bowl, for the romantics it’s Valentine’s Day, and for all the literary lovers, let’s celebrate with a brand-new February 2022 Scars Publications book release! The v192 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine is now available online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book! “And I Disappear”! This book is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., and all of Europe, so check out this new Down in the Dirt release today! (Writers and artists in this book include Arjun Earthperson, ayaz daryl nielsen, B.W. Carter, Changming Yuan, Ciara M. Blecka, Dee Allen, Devin Vandriel, Don Tassone, Edward N. McConnell, Georgia May, Heather Chandler, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jeffrey Marshall, Jon Carter, Kathleen McCluskey, Kyle Heger, Mark Pearce, Michael Lee Johnson , Mike Rader, Nancy Machlis Rechtman, Rachel Sievers, Richard K. Williams, Robyn Michaels, Tom Ball, Tom Davison, Tom Squitieri, Tony Brewer, Travis Green, Christopher Strople, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, and Isabel G. de Diego.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220201 globe (this video was for public notice)

Flerovium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 2/1/22 poem “Flerovium, doubly magic?”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #114, Flerovium (Fl):

Flerovium’s magic is in its nuclear shell #s 114 & 184,
so we search for it.
Seaborg: the BART* tunnel.
Russia: lead-lined stained glass church windows.
USA: 60 million-year-old shark teeth,
even moon rocks...

So I tell you, we science-types
will still search to find that magic.

* Bay Area Rapid Transport

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220201 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 of her poems from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Austin Artmosphere Artists” post, and for making a point to “love” this video on its Facebook page, plus its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” and “Fallen Angel Poetry” posts too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 108 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just deleted all but 12 views (Argh!!!). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 35 others. 20220131 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetty at the Gallery Cabaret Now just about two months away (on the last Wednesday of March in 2022), come to the live poetry open mic for the fully vaccinated with the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” — the Chicago “the Café Gallery” poetry open mic host (and now Austin, Texas resident) Janet Kuypers is in town for this one night for poetry at the Gallery Cabaret for all who are fully vaccinated. The evening starts at 8:00 PM CST with a Janet Kuypers Twitter-length Periodic Table poetry feature (thanks to poetry and chemistry powerhouses like Robin Fine and Avrom Litin). Stay for a poetry open mic with host Jerry Pendergast, followed by a Janet Kuypers poetry feature, because poetry rules the WHOLE NIGHT at the Gallery Cabaret on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, starting at 8:00 PM CST! Save the date, and let’s keep poetry alive and kicking at one of Chicago’s foundations for poetry with the “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220131, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Only find our Roots”, “Just a Little Crazy”, and “Versus Eating Death Daily” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Michael Sindler. 20220131 globe (this video was for public notice)

Just received notification from Facebook that today is the 1-year "friendversary" between Janet Kuypers) and Michael Sindler - I suppose this is a good occasion to say that I hope he’ll make it to the next “Poetic License” open mic in 6 days (don’t worry it’s not on Super Bowl Sunday, because I know how all poets love football so much), because I look forward to seeing Michael - and EVERYONE - at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 2/6/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 41 others. 20220130 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now only one week away (on the first Sunday of every month), come to the Zoom meeting and ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at the next Poetic License open mic! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 2/6/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220130 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poetry and poem from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” post, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 108 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just deleted all but 10 views (Argh!!!). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20220130 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20220130 globe (this video was for public notice)

This past week with the polar storms coming through the country and knocking out power for a week in Austin gave me the chance to see my Texas “CHI”cago license plate as it should be in the winter - but it was also refreshing in a way to be a northerner and drive around in the potentially perilous ice and snow.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220130 globe (this video was for public notice)

Nadal It is ACCOMPLISHED! I didn’t think it would happen, but what a wonderful 5-set tennis match for the men’s 2022 Australian Open finals!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220130, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 1/30/19 (3 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube videofrom 1/19/19 of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Bromine”, “Iodine”, and “Indium” from her 2013 Poetry Bomb at the Lincoln Park Zoo, all read from her v5 cc&d book “On the Edge” live at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback inspires us keep past poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220130, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on " target="blank">Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 1/30/19 (3 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video from 1/19/19 of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Bromine”, “Iodine”, and “Indium” from her 2013 Poetry Bomb at the Lincoln Park Zoo, all read from her v5 cc&d book “On the Edge” live at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220130 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet serving I know the men’s tennis final happened by dawn for us, so don’t tell me who won since I’m watching it on ESPN right now. I’m getting ready for an insane match with Nadal (against that Russian Medvedev, in his second major title fight against someone trying to win their 21st grams slam)!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220129 globe (this video was for public notice)

dining room table Normally when having dinner, I face John across the width of our dining room table. Since I am confirmed with Covid (and we don’t know yet if John is too) we should remain 6 feet apart and wear masks around each other. So to have dinner together now, we sit at the far ends of our dining room table (like royalty or something) so we can remain 6 feet apart while eating.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220129, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Dear Diary”, “Evening Sea of Sacred Poetry”, “Vagary to not only Dream”, and “Van can See the Blood (dreams 9/28/19)” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220129 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John We may have had our first date 23 years ago today at Harrison’s in Orland Park, Illinois (and as this photo shows, we went back to celebrate there before it closed), and yes, our first date was only 2 days after we met. Sorry that Covid keeps us from going out today, but maybe we can talk philosophy (like we did half the night on our first date, where we knew right away we were meant for each other). Happy anniversary (again), my love.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220129 globe (this video was for public notice)

Facebook keeps showing me animations of my memories over the years, as they did on 9/15, 9/27, 9/30, 10/18, 11/5, 11/8, 11/19, 11/25, 12/15, and 12/26. And I wasn’t going to show any more (even if they are pics of John and me, or my poetry and interview show on Texas Nafas Television rebroadcast 3/27/21, or my latest reading at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22”), but when they put Thom and I front and center, it made me wonder today if Thom celebrated Ash Barty winning the women’s Australian Open just now. I might not be pleased American Danielle Collins didn’t win, but she was ranked 27 and we were all stunned to see her do so well, but... an Aussie woman winning IN Australia! How cool is THAT?

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20220128 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John How cute... I put this photo up from when we 1st met each other, and John decided to use that of this Facebook profile photo... https://www.facebook.com/100002154882485/posts/4887175421364239/?substory_index=0&app=fbl

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sandra Kuypers, via Instagram. 20220128 globe (this video was for public notice)

I have kept this Christmas card that Sandra Kuypers gave to me this year because I love the fact that it has letters reflecting different things about the Christmas tree. I thought this card was worth keeping. Thanks again Sam! #janetkuypers #janetkuyperschristmas

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220128 globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/25/22 poem “Copernicium makes the worlds go ‘round”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #112, Copernicium (Cn):

Like astronomer Copernicus,
with no tools to understand the Universe
he knew Earth wasn’t the center, but the Sun—
like shells orbiting element 112.
One day we may know if Copernicium’s as layered
as the mathematician, physician, artist—
‘til then, let the element name honor him.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220128, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 1/28/19 (3 years ago today, but the links were never saved anywhere but Facebook), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Silver” from her 1/30/13 poetry feature for Poetry Saloon at Noon , then her poems “Bismuth” and “Cesium” from her “Mega Reading” poetry feature 4/13/13 at the Art Colony in Chicago, all read from her v5 cc&d poetry book “On the Edge” 1/19/19 at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback inspires us to keep past poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220128, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube, was liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest (and even the now-dead consumer personal Google+) on 1/28/19 (3 years ago today, but the links were never saved anywhere but Facebook), so let me save and share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Silver” from her 1/30/13 poetry feature for Poetry Saloon at Noon , then her poems “Bismuth” and “Cesium” from her “Mega Reading” poetry feature 4/13/13 at the Art Colony in Chicago, all read from her v5 cc&d poetry book “On the Edge” 1/19/19 at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback inspires us to keep past poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220128 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poetry and poem from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page and its “Shamelessly Promote Your Books” post, and for making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 105 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just deleted all but 11 views (Argh!!!). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is in Austin, Texas. 20220128 globe (this video was for public notice)

landfill trash At least they don’t have any illusions about whether their trash will be recycled or composted...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko, via Instagram. 20220127 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John John (#walkingseed) and I met 23 years ago today. Through sickness and in health, my darling, thank you for putting up with me all these years. I love you. #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220127, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Fluorine Crystalizes”, “Fluorine”, and “Ominous Day” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220127 globe (this video was for public notice)

What a fun way to spend my morning...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
proof I’ve felt the symptoms of the Omicron variant for days (after a woman right by me at a brewery with a sore throat was cut off from drinking and she was complaining at length - the bartender thanked me for remaining there, but I didn’t realize the woman with too much to drink and a scratchy throat may have been an active carrier). The results are in. I have no fever and only feel like I have a mild cold, but it’s confirmed that I have to sequester myself for the next 10 days, and will have to keep a mask on around my own husband. But as I said, it’s otherwise just like a mild cold.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Carl J Vinci. 20220127 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Vito Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220126 globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/25/22 poem “Nobelium: war or peace”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #102, Nobelium (No):

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite,
but his money started Nobel Peace Prizes.
Discovery & naming of element 102
was between Soviet & American scientists.
So tell me if Nobelium is war or peace
when a Russian-linked Nobelium hacker group
had the biggest nation-state attack in history.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220126 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, and for making a point to “like” this video on its “Poetry Super Highway” post too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 135 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just deleted all but 8 views (Argh!!!). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220126 globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/25/22 poem “Neptumium, just in time”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #93, Neptunium (Np):

Enrico Fermi (possibly erroneously)
won the 1938 Nobel Peace Prize
w/ neutron irradiation making newly-discovered
radioactive elements like Neptunium.
He & his Jewish wife left for Sweden for the Nobel win
1 day before Germany’s Kristallnacht,
which could have led to their doom.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220125, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Edith’s Lament”, “Only Man on Earth”, “Quignogs: make Someday Today”, and “Known for my Poetry” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Kimberly Marshall. 20220125 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220124 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “love” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry & haiku from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page and “Fallen Angel Poetry” post, and to “loik” and “love” this video on its “Poetry Super Highway”, as well as making a point to “like” this video on its “Poets of Merit & Expression ” and “Poets on Fire Worldwide” posts too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 113 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just deleted all but 9 views (Argh!!!). So thank you all for liking and loving this video post here on Facebook that YouTube can’t steal. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220123 globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/21/22 poem “Protactinium, and voilà... rocks?”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #91, Protactinium (Pa) & isotope Protactinium-231 (231Pa):

Protactinium ‘til WWII
was thought to be a transition metal—
‘til a chemist thought
it was a lanthanide, & voilà!
They found it, but all they got
of this insanely radioactive & rare element
was isotope 231Pa & a ½-life of 32K+ years:
only good to radio-date 170K year-old rocks...

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220123, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Kind of like a City”, “Volumes of Philosophical Masterpieces”, the haiku “nature I”, and the poem “Vegetarians, One Meal at a Time” from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220123, via Twitter globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/21/22 poem “Plutonium (pee-eew)”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #94, Plutonium (Pu):

American chemist Seaborg,
w/ Wahl & Kennedy (& even Segrè,
despite being an enemy national)
worked @ night in a small, smelly, confined attic
to get element #94,
& named it for the last planet...

Remembering the smelly space they found 94,
he ensured its symbol would be pee-eew.


#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Laura Kretchman. 20220123 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220122 globe (this video was for public notice)

Mendelevium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/21/22 poem “Mendelevium, one atom at a time”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #101, Mendelevium (Md):

Scientists bombarded element #99 on gold foil
to get #101, but the UC Berkeley cyclotron
& chemical separators were separated by a cliff.
So they booked up it in a supercharged VW Beetle,
for Mendelevium, w/ a half-life @ ~5 minutes,
was the 1st element found — 1 atom at a time.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220122 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table and Twitter-length Periodic Table poetry from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links” and “Poets of Merit & Expression ” posts, and making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry” post too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 94 posts on YouTube last night, but this morning YouTube just deleted all but 4 views. So thanks for the likes and the love here on Facebook (that YouTube can’t remove)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Bob Rashkow. 20220122 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Bob Rashkow I love seeing these annual reminders from Facebook for my friendship with my “the Café Gallery” poetry open mic sidekick, the Bobster himself, so... yay for Bob! I am coming to Chicago for a night of poetry on the last Wednesday of March this year, March 30, 2022, starting at 8:00 PM at the Gallery Cabaret for everyone who is fully vaccinated, so I hope I can see the Bobster for a night with my poetry peeps in Chicago!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220121 globe (this video was for public notice)

Livermorium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/21/22 poem “Moscovium and aliens: the truth isn’t out there”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #115, Moscovium (Mc):

Moscovium: discovered in ‘03, named in ‘16.
UFO lovers disagree & believe Bob Lazar went public
w/ #115 & old spaceship work @ Area 51.
His claims are bogus; Moscovium’s too unstable.
Alien lovers believe what they want to believe.
So... is the truth out there — or in science?

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220121, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Phosphorus: Strike That, Red”, “Phosphorus: Willie Pete”, “Phosphorus”, and “White Phosphorus” from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220121 globe (this video was for public notice)

Livermorium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/21/22 poem “Livermorium, vanishing in our grasp”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #116, Livermorium (Lv):

You had another name for years,
& you’re surprised we don’t know you.
Named for the lab & city you were made
that was 1st named for a rancher/landowner,
we synthesized you— but w/ your short half-life,
you vanished in our grasp. But still,
we’ll build a plaza for you, & our love.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220120 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading some of her poetry from the 1/22 cc&d magazine 1/22 v317 book “The Way She Was” 1/5/22 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its “Contemporary Poets, Their Works, Current Poetry Projects, News, Links”, “Poets of Merit & Expression ”, and “Promote Your Poetry” posts, and making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry”, “Poetry Super Highway”, and “Poets On Fire Worldwide” posts too — getting all of this positive feedback from everyone really bolsters our motivation to keep poetry readings like this alive this way, especially when this YouTube video had 94 posts on YouTube this morning, but YouTube just deleted all but 26 views. So thanks for the likes and the love here on Facebook (that YouTube can never remove). You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220119, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Not Knowing”, “Quiver in Thought”, and “Iodine on the X Files” from the Scars Publications cc&d magazine 1/22 v317 book “The Way She Was” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220119 globe (this video was for public notice)

Actinium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/19/22 poem “Actinium & the next-gen for cancer”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #89, Actinium (Ac):

How close is Penn State to those nuclear reactors
that create Actinium? For Ac’s elusive chemistry
is in such short supply— ‘til they & LLNL
studied, captured, & purified its protein
for next-generation drugs in cancer therapy.
So, wow, the evil nuclear may save us from cancer...

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jenny Bruner. 20220119 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Oz Hardwick. 20220119 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220118 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading some of her poetry from the 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page as well as on its “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets Of Merit & Expression ”, and “Promote Your Poetry” posts too - this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way, even when this YouTube video had 77 posts on YouTube after less than one day, but then YouTube knocked the total views down to 48 (well, at least they didn’t steal all of the views). So thanks for these likes, that YouTube can’t touch. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220117 globe (this video was for public notice)

Californium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/17/22 poem “Californium’s a double-edged sword”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #98, Californium (Cf):

Made in nuclear reactors, this radioactive Californium takes years to make, it’s hazardous to ship. & is insanely expensive— it’ll infiltrate your bones & liver, causing cancer; then again, a Californium isotope targets cancer to aid patients, so it’s quite a double-edged sword.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220117, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Entering the Lake of Fire”, “Vacuum of Space”, and “Until I Get a Chance” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220117 globe (this video was for public notice)

Fermium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/17/22 poem “Fermium— bad and good?”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #100, Fermium (Fm):

Named for the maker of the 1st nuclear reactor,
Fermium’s first made in ‘52 by
a thermonuclear explosion in the Pacific
& was classified in the cold war.

So sure, bombs are bad,
but 100’s also the element w/ alpha particles
used in radiotherapy for cancer,
so— it’s bad and good?

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20220116 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220116 globe (this video was for public notice)

Berkelium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/16/22 poem “Berkelium can recycle radioactivity”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #97, Berkelium (Bk):

Found some 70+ years ago, Berkelium’s
not on Earth naturally, costly to get, & radioactive
but a new Berkelium complex w/ polarized ligands
can now target heavier actinides,
meaning radioactive elements can now be recycled.
Yes, you heard me right, so let’s recycle radioactivity.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220115 globe (this video was for public notice)

Radon Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/15/22 poem “Radon: just a little’s enough”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #86, Radon (Rn):

January’s National Radon Action Month,
for Radon’s the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer
(after Cadmium in smokes). So it’s bad—
but the Austrian Gastein Curative Tunnel
is where miners there were rejuvenated—
breathing Radon fixed any problems,
so... just a little Radon’s enough.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220115 globe (this video was for public notice)

Astatine Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/15/22 poem “Astatine’s rarity may save us from cancer”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #85, Astatine (At), and isotope Astatine-211 (211At):

You come from the decay of others,
radioactive destruction in your wake.
One of the rarest elements on earth,
you’re so unstable, but a part of you,
Astatine-211, may weakly penetrate
cancer cells. Could this rare element
have saved my mother, before cancer
took her away forever—

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220114 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading some of her poetry from the 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook page, making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry”, and making a point to “like” this video on its “Poetry Super Highway”, “Poets Of Merit & Expression ”, “Poets On Fire Worldwide”, and “Poets House (Library and Literary Center, New York, NY)” posts too - this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way, even when this YouTube video had 91 posts on YouTube after less than one day, but this morning YouTube knocked the total views down to 26. So thanks for the likes and the love here on Facebook that YouTube can’t delete. You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220113 globe (this video was for public notice)

Platinum Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/13/22 poem “Platinum, stronger than love?”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #78, Platinum (Pt):

Platinum’s one of the strongest elements,
so: is Platinum stronger than love?
I know the Platinum engagement ring
one man gave his immoral bride
couldn’t save their failed marriage,
but... that was never love.
Because true love— the love I feel—
is stronger than the entire world.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220113, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quilled for Poets”, “Village is Complete with a Community”, and “Order in the Chaos” from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220113 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thallium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/12/22 poem “Thallium’s a real killer”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #81, Thallium (Tl):

Used in rat poison,
Thallium’s a weapon of choice
for fictional literature, +
a PA chemistry student,
a NJ woman husband killer,
a WA political assassin,
a Delhi man killing his in-laws, even
a North Korean cyberespionage group.
In fiction and real life,
Thallium’s a real killer.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220113 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thanks for making a point to “like” this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading some of her poetry from the Scars Publications cc&d magazine 1/22 v317 book “The Way She Was” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera) on its Facebook event page, as well as making a point to “love” this video on its “Fallen Angel Poetry”, “Poetry Super Highway”, and “Poets On Fire Worldwide” posts too - this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way, even when this YouTube video had 171 posts on YouTube after one day, but the next day (yesterday) YouTube said that it only had 130 views, and this morning it has 161 views — but hours later YouTube knocked that total number of views down to 24. So thank you for the love here (that YouTube cannot remove). You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220112 globe (this video was for public notice)

Bismuth Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/12/22 poem “Bismuth in an ocean of one”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #83, Bismuth (Bi):

only tiny bits of Bismuth
are in the pacific... not unlike
the one lonesome whale
the navy heard, at 52 hertz—
higher than what any whale can hear

media, musicians mourned,
we all understood that loneliness—

until ocean audio heard two 52 Hz sounds,
proving no one’s truly alone

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Linkedin Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220111, on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Check Your Clock”, “Over a Year Away”, and “Metamorphosis” from the Scars Publications cc&d magazine 1/22 v317 book “The Way She Was” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers janertkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220111 globe (this video was for public notice)

Lutetium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Osmium when capitalism prevails”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #76, Osmium (Os):

Osmium is 1,500x rarer than gold:
w/ the highest density & abrasion-resistance,
1 oz. of Osmium is mined to 10,000 tons of platinum.
But capitalism prevails
when the most precious rare element,
normally used in sturdy tools,
is sold in paper-thin circles
as expensive jewelry too.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20220110, via YouTube, Twitter. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube and posted in Facebook 1/10/13, then it was also liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook 1/10/17 (5 and 9 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems, “Promethium”, “Ununseptium”, “Helium Addiction ”, “Magnesium” and “Lead” in her mini-feature “After the Apocalypse” live 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20220110, via YouTube, Twitter. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube and posted in Facebook 1/10/13, then it was also liked on Twitter, & shared on Facebook 1/10/17 (5 and 9 years ago today, but the links were never saved), so let me now share this poem reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems, “Promethium”, “Ununseptium”, “Helium Addiction ”, “Magnesium” and “Lead” in her mini-feature “After the Apocalypse” live 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback from you all helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220109, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube 1/4/17 (just over 9 years ago), so let me now share this poem feature reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems, “Livermorium”, “Beryllium”, “Astatine”, “Francium”, and “Dysprosium”, live in her 2nd “After the Apocalypse” mini-feature 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
20220109, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video This video was first uploaded to YouTube 1/4/17 (just over 9 years ago), so let me now share this poem feature reading throughout social media once and for all: Enjoy this Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems, “Livermorium”, “Beryllium”, “Astatine”, “Francium”, and “Dysprosium”, live in her 2nd “After the Apocalypse” mini-feature 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
video Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220108 globe (this video was for public notice)

Lutetium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Iridium blankets the earth”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for element #77, Iridium (Ir):

the Iridium satellite company
boasts blanketing the earth
with reliable voice and data services—
not unlike the proposed
massive comet/asteroid collision
driving the dinosaurs to extinction
some 65 million years ago,
leaving a layer of Iridium-rich clay
first blanketing our earth

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220107 globe (this video was for public notice)

Lutetium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Lutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the isotope of element #71, Lutetium-177 (177Lu):

Neuroendocrine tumors are on the rise,
like most cancers, but oh, what a relief it is—

patients w/ these gastro & bronchial tumors
now find relief when treated w/ Lutetium-177.

The CNSC approved the 1st power reactor producer
of Lutetium-177 too— to use science to save lives.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220107 globe (this video was for public notice)

Lutetium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Lutetium and the crude truth”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #71 Lutetium (Lu):

Lutetium & rare earth elements aren’t rare—
extracting them is. The U.S. produces tons,
but it goes to China to extract it— so we’re
still 100% reliant on China for our tech.
Canada has Saskatoon mines, & Texas—
the “crude” state— may soon mine
Lutetium & REEs— for electric cars.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220107 globe (this video was for public notice)

Lutetium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Lutetium and the crude truth”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #71 Lutetium (Lu):

Lutetium & rare earth elements aren’t rare—
extracting them is. The U.S. produces tons,
but it goes to China to extract it— so we’re
still 100% reliant on China for our tech.
Canada has Saskatoon mines, & Texas—
the “crude” state— may soon mine
Lutetium & REEs— for electric cars.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220107 globe (this video was for public notice)

Ytterbium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Ytterbium, who knew”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #70 Ytterbium (Yb):

Who knew the Swedish island village Ytterby
would attract so many scientists, that discovered
4 Periodic Table elements there. Ytterbium is 1
of its few rare earth elements in high demand now:
in my TV screen, cell phone, low-energy lamp,
and even my environmental electric car...

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220106 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thulium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Thulium saves the day for some cancers”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #11, Sodium (Na):

Everyone talks about breast cancer:
doctors, media, sports teams, stars—
but prostate issues are high too.

Thulium lasers give the fastest aid
for benign prostatic hyperplasia,
common in older men—

So if men say they rule the world,
throw them this bone
& help their health too.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220106 globe (this video was for public notice)

Sodium Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Sodium turns into quantum tornadoes”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #11, Sodium (Na):

Ultracold Sodium gaseous atoms
rapidly spin into needle-like strands,
& on the quantum level, they form
crystal mini-tornadoes.

Scientists now see the evolution
of rapidly-rotating quantum gas,
like Earth’s magnetic or weather patterns.

And I thought Sodium was only for salt...

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Over the Lives”, “Elaborate Exaltation ”, “On the Surface”, “Einsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Scandium, Held Tightly”, “Lithium Desperation ”, “Helium Rising”, “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “Just a Little Crazy”, and “Katie” from the Scars Publications 2021 collection book “Regarding Utopia” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
video Thanks for making a point to “like” and “love” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback from everyone helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Only find our Roots”, “Just a Little Crazy”, and “Versus Eating Death Daily” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Dear Diary”, “Evening Sea of Sacred Poetry”, “Vagary to not only Dream”, and “Van can See the Blood (dreams 9/28/19)” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Fluorine Crystalizes”, “Fluorine”, and “Ominous Day” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Stardust in Hand” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Edith’s Lament”, “Only Man on Earth”, “Quignogs: make Someday Today”, and “Known for my Poetry” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Kind of like a City”, “Volumes of Philosophical Masterpieces”, the haiku “nature I”, and the poem “Vegetarians, One Meal at a Time” from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Phosphorus: Strike That, Red”, “Phosphorus: Willie Pete”, “Phosphorus”, and “White Phosphorus” from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed & streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220105 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Not Knowing”, “Quiver in Thought”, and “Iodine on the X Files” from the Scars Publications cc&d magazine 1/22 v317 book “The Way She Was” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220104 globe (this video was for public notice)

Hydrogen Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Erbium and REES from fly ash”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #68, Erbium (Er):

Don’t know how material-intensive
renewable energy is? Try 1,000% more
rare earth elements, like Erbium.

How relieved are we to learn that REEs
can be mined from waste in burning coal—
fly ash— from a reusable liquid.
So, let’s take toxic waste
and make the world a better place.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen and 5 others. 20220104 globe (this video was for public notice)

video I feel terrible that Louise Gail Richardson couldn’t stay at “Poetic License” this week, and I feel terrible that I didn’t get a photo of Bryan Franco while he was reading, but... it was double-plus cool to hear poetry and share poetry with everyone while inaugurating 2022 in the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” Zoom meeting! I look forward to seeing everyone at the NEXT “Poetic License” open mic on the 1st Sunday of the month (like every month) on February 6th 2022!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Hydrogen Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/3/22 poem “Hydrogen laced with π”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #1, Hydrogen (H):

A particle physicist @ the University of Rochester
taught a class to use the ‘variation principle’
quantum mechanical technique to get
energy states of a Hydrogen atom. In doing this
they found the Wallis formula for π, the 1st time
π was found in physics, in the Hydrogen atom.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Gaynelle Roach. 20220103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Kottyn Campbell. 20220103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220102 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Entering the Lake of Fire”, “Vacuum of Space”, and “Until I Get a Chance” from the Scars Publications 9-12/21 cc&d issue collection book “The World Outside” as the ending poems for the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a color tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220102 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quilled for Poets”, “Village is Complete with a Community”, and “Order in the Chaos” from the Scars Publications 1/22 Down in the Dirt v191 book “Impeccable Warriors” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a color tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20220102 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Check Your Clock”, “Over a Year Away”, and “Metamorphosis” from the Scars Publications cc&d magazine 1/22 v317 book “The Way She Was” to start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a color tear filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Thanks for making a point to “like” this video on its Facebook page - getting this positive feedback helps us keep poetry readings like this alive this way.
You’re the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Lorna Wood and 13 others. 220220102 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join us today (on the first Sunday of the month, like every month) at the Zoom meeting so we can ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I’d like to celebrate 2022 poetically with you all at the 1st Poetic License open mic of 2022! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” Zoom meeting TODAY — Sunday, 1/2/22, from 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

Tungsten Enjoy the Janet Kuypers 1/1/22 poem “Tungsten out from under your thumb”, a Twitter-length Periodic Table poem for the element #74, Tungsten (W):

Tungsten’s one of the hardest elements,
good for extreme temperatures—
it’s a shoo-in for building & tech.
Thanks to China’s stranglehold,
Tungsten’s now scarce.
British Tungsten mining from tons of granite
helps, so the once-empire helps us out
from under the China empire thumb.

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersinstapoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Marc McMahon Marc McMahon shared a memory — with Janet Kuypers. 20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

Farewell to Seafaring Here’s a blast from the past with my friends from Scars Publications with the amazing Janet Kuypers at the helm. Happy New Years everyone sending much love to you all.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

The World Outside Now that the weather outside is really getting frightful, I am thrilled that I can close the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” tomorrow with some of my poetry in the cc&d 9-12/21 issue collection book “The World Outside”! I look forward to seeing you at the Zoom meeting tomorrow, 1/2/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST (if you don’t have the address, go to the event page for it). I’ll See you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

Impeccable Warriors Especially because the retail price for this Amazon book release has not been corrected yet, I am thrilled that during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” I will be able to share some of my poetry in the January 2022 v191 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine book “Impeccable Warriors”! I look forward to seeing everyone at the Zoom meeting tomorrow, 1/2/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST (if you don’t have the address, go to the event page for it). See you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

The Way She Was Especially because the retail price for this Amazon book release has not been corrected yet, I am thrilled that I will start the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” by reading my poetry in the January 2022 v317 issue of cc&d magazine in the 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “The Way She Was”! I look forward to seeing everyone at the Zoom meeting tomorrow, 1/2/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST (if you don’t have the address, go to the event page for it). See you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John F. McMullen. 20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Tomorrow is the big day! On the first Sunday of every month, join us at the Zoom meeting and ring in the new year with the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” — the Austin, Texas ‘Recycled Reads’ G to PG-13-rated pre-pandemic open mic that is now GLOBAL through the Zoom meeting — if you don’t have the address, you can find it on the Facebook event page. John F. McMullen (host of the Zoom meeting) usually starts the Zoom meeting as early as 3:00 PM CST, and I (host Janet Kuypers) am usually there ~10-15 minutes before the open mic starts. So get your creative juices flowing, because I’d like to ring in the new year poetically with EVERYONE at the 1st Poetic License open mic of 2022! Join us at the “Poetic License virtual open mic 1/2/22” Zoom meeting on Sunday, 1/2/22, 3:30-5:30 PM CST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Westley Heine and Erren Geraud Kelly. 20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

The Way She Was Happy new year! Let’s celebrate 2022 with a brand-new Scars Publications book release! The January 2022 v317 issue of cc&d magazine, now available as not only the 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “The Way She Was” was just released, and is available for Amazon sale throughout the U.S., the U.K., and all of Europe, but also as a free Internet issue web page BECAUSE OF AN AMAZON GLITCH, THE U.S. PRICE IS MUCH HIGHER THAN IT SHOULD BE. SINCE 1/1/22 IS A HOLIDAY, THIS PRICE MAY NOT BE CORRECTED FOR DAYS. WE WILL POST WHEN THE U.S. PRICE IS CORRECT.!
(Writers and artists in this perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include ayaz daryl nielsen, Bill Tope, Carl Parsons, David J. Thompson, Don Kropp, E.P. Fisher, Emily Fontenot, Eric Bonholtzer, Erren Kelly, Frederick Frankenberg, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Kenneth DiMaggio, Michael Gigandet, Miranda Yearwood, Ronald Charles Epstein, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Kyle Hemmings, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

Impeccable Warriors Happy new year! Let’s celebrate 2022 with a brand-new Scars Publications book release! The January 2022 v191 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine is now available, online and in the 6" x 9" ISSN#/ISBN# perfect-bound paperback book! “Impeccable Warriors” was just released, and is available for sale at Amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K., and all of Europe, but also as a free Internet issue web page! BECAUSE OF AN AMAZON GLITCH, THE U.S. PRICE IS MUCH HIGHER THAN IT SHOULD BE. SINCE 1/1/22 IS A HOLIDAY, THIS PRICE MAY NOT BE CORRECTED FOR DAYS. WE WILL POST WHEN THE U.S. PRICE IS CORRECT.
(Writers and artists in this book include Alexander Wijangco, Arjun Earthperson, ayaz daryl nielsen, Conjeevaram J. Nandakumar, David Sapp, Donna Dallas, Elena Botts, Ivan de Monbrison, Jade Quinn, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Joan McNerney, John Chinaka Onyeche, John Farquhar Young, John Grey, John L. Stanizzi, Judge Santiago Burdon, K. McAllister, Kate Falvey, Mahmoud Suleiman Abdi Dualeh, Mark A. Murphy, Mark Pearce, Mike Rader, Nova Mladenovic, Peter Bernstein, R.T. Castleberry, Richard K. Williams, Robert P. Bishop, Roger G. Singer, T. N. Roman, Tohm Bakelas, Travis Green, Charles J. March III, Christopher Strople, Daniel de Culla, and Radoslav Rochallyi.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Dave Gecic. 20220101 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK & Dave Happy friendversary (on FB) Dave!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Lynn West. 20220101 globe (for public notice)

Janet Happy Birthday, Lynn West!

See the top of this listing for expanded facebook listings.