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Most responses and 3rd party topics are in the Janet Kuypers facebook page. (This links page also contains additional relevant links that do not exist on the Janet Kuypers facebook pages.)
facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
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or the Jan.-April 2016 Facebook posts
or Facebook years 2015, or 2014, or 2013, or the 2012, 2011 & 2010

Facebook stopped sharing Vine posts; posts here should include the original Vine post. If you are interested in seeing inactive image links, contact Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151231 globe (for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and John Just posted a photo @ B.B. Rover’s Cafe and Pub. @ B.B. Rover’s Cafe and Pub

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151231 globe (for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and John Smooches for the new year!!! @ B.B. Rover’s Cafe and Pub

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine
20151231 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypershuman construct of time start in Scars Publications“need to know” 2015 literary date book.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151231 globe (for public notice)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko And three years ago John and I were at Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans LA (which is only a 6 hour drive from our home now).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151231, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Being God 12/20/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Nikon CoolPix S7000).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151231 globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ “True Happiness in the New Millennium”, Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry 12/20/15 Nikon CoolPixS7000 http://t.co/SuBh62Skwg @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151231 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at Pinchers Crab Shack facebook profile picture for John Yotko You know, it is getting sad looking back on FB as past years travels for the New Year.. Because two years ago we were at Pinchers Crab Shack in
Janet and John at Pinchers Crab Shack Naples Florida (a place I’ll probably never get back to again), and I was wearing the black pearl earrings and necklace just bought for me as a Christmas present from India.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151231 globe (for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and John Oh, but one year ago today I was celebrating for the New Year with John Yotko and there are so many pictures of us dressed up (and me, of course, wearing my “ast Christmas” pin)... I don’t know what we’re
Instagram of Janet doing tonight, but maybe I’ll dress up for whatever we end up doing. (You know, with John’s new job he travels less, but they make him come in to work for signing documents on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve - so much for a vacation when everyone else takes time off...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151231 globe (for public notice)

video It’s also cool to look back and see that one year ago today I also released a few Vine videos, of my poems behind (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters) and enemies (with Canon fs200 and
video Sony Posterize filters) all from a live show 12/17/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret (Both of these were originally in my books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151231 globe (for public notice)

Come Fly With Me I kept churning out the discounts on books until the end of the year last year — one year ago
Clearing the Debris today I made sure that Scars on this day one year ago reduced the prices of the cc&d August 2010 issue 211 book Come Fly With Me and the Down in the Dirt August 2010 issue 85 book Clearing the Debris by over 20% at the printer!

(By the way, Come Fly With Me has poetry by Je’free, CEE, Janet Kuypers, kalifornia, Max Evans, Casey Cole, Devin Wayne Davis, John Buckley & Martin Ott, Andrew H. Oerke, Paul Baker art, Randall K. Rogers, Christopher Woods, Michael Lee Johnson, I.B. Rad, Rose E. Grier, Mike Wilson, Douglas Holder, John Thompson, and Kevin Michael Wehle, and prose (short stories) by Valor Brown, Skibo LeBlanc, Edward Rodosek, Edward Dobiecki, Deborah Sheldon, Steven Hertel, Sarah Deckard, Ronald Brunsky, Mary Campbell, and DM Morales - there was also art by Aaron Wilder (with Kim Rottas), Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Junior McLean, Eric Bonholtzer, John Yotko, Nicole Aimiee Macaluso Collins, Mark Graham, Cheryl Townsend, the HA!man of South Africa, and a print of a painting by Jay Marvin.... And contributors to Clearing the Debris include Matthew Glasgow, John Ragusa, Raud Kennedy, John Rachel, Mary Campbell, Matthew Lett, Christa Ward, Anthony R Pezzula, Roger Cowin, Michael Grigsby, Scott Brownlee, David Danforth, Linda Andrisan, Michael de Mare, G. Tod Slone, Matt Rosen, A. C. Lippert, Jon Brunette and Andrew Jefchak.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151230 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John (Am I dressed like a Sith or a Jedi knight for the Star Wars movie tonight?) Well, this tall ally of the Force didn’t realize how short Yoda was... — at the City of Austin.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers As I went to the bathroom before the movie, a man saw my clothes and game me a thumbs up. At least someone got my reference with the clothes I wore tonight... 20151230

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Oh, P.S., I literally found that talking Yoda in one of my walks today. 20151230

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151230, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Looking For A Worthy Adversary” 12/20/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed with a Nikon CoolPix S7000).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151230 shared with friends

Instagram Mom Yotko’s Christmas cactus is still blooming like mad here in Austin (but pretty much only toward the window for light, of course)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151230 globe (for public notice)

video Oh wow (and how sad)... Get a load of this - FIVE years ago today (because I was out of town and my open mic I had - at that time still at the Café - had a few weeks off for the Christmas holiday), I ran a “classic” podcast in the weekly podcast, and it was from camera #2 of my show 6/22/10 of poems with live music (and prerecorded music and video from readers out of country) and flash fiction (with John as an actor there too). Although the podcast is no longer available, it’s good to know that the full video is now also on YouTube. (And yeah, this is the feature where I even started the show wearing a long hair blonde wig...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151230 globe (for public notice)

video It’s also cool to look back and see that one year ago today I also released a few Vine videos, of my poems Ants and Crosses (with Sony Posterize filters) and difference (with
video Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters) all from a live show 12/17/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret (I read these because they were originally in my books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151230 globe (for public notice)

Six Six Six I loved this cc&d cover... And one year ago today I made sure that Scars Publications on this day one year ago reduced the prices of the cc&d September 2010
Skeletal Remains issue 212 book Six Six Six and the Down in the Dirt Sept. 2010 issue 86 book Skeletal Remains by over 20% in all online stores...

(By the way, Six Six Six has poetry by Je’free, kalifornia, CEE, Casey Cole, Max Evans, Christopher Woods, Rose E. Grier, Douglas Holder, John Thompson, Kevin Michael Wehle, Janet Kuypers, David E. Cowen, John A. Grochalski, R. N. Taber, Christopher A. Scarber, Michael S. Morris, K.D. Iredale, and Tom (WordWulf) Sterner, prose by Skibo LeBlanc, Rufus Ryan, Brian Duggan, Michael Hoag, Jason Marc Harris, Jim Meirose, and John Duncklee, and art by Nick Brazinsky, Paul Baker, Jay Marvin, Tray Drumhann, the HA!man of South Africa, Eric Bonholtzer, Mark Graham, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, Aaron Wilder (with Kim Rottas), David Thompson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, and Cheryl Townsend... And contributors to Skeletal Remains include John Ragusa, G. Tod Slone, Fred Skolnik, James Howerton, John Quinn, Kenneth Weene, Deirdre Fagan, Harris Tobias, Ian DiFabio, Marc Colten, Deborah Reed, Ben Macnair, Jon Say, C.G. Morelli, Fritz Hamilton, Ms. Nia A’Yara and Maryann Spikes.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151229, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 12/20/15 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Being God, Looking For A Worthy Adversary, and True Happiness in the New Millennium at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Nikon S7000).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151229, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Being God 12/20/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Nikon CoolPix S7000)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151229, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Awesome sauce! My Everything Was Alive And Dying video from Motherbird is linked in Poetry LifeTimes! How super-groovy excellent! http://paper.li/pinkyandrexa/1321389290

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151229 globe (for public notice)

It’s also cool to look back and see that one year ago today I also released a few Vine videos, of my poems bear (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters) and defenses (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters) all from a live show 12/17/14 at my Chicago open mic the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151229 globe (for public notice)

Out of the Web Awesome-cool to see that one year ago today I made sure that Scars Publications on this day one year ago reduced the prices of the cc&d October 2010 issue
Sectioned & Sequestered 213 book Out of the Web and the Down in the Dirt October 2010 issue 87 book Sectioned and Sequestered by over 20% at amazon...
(By the way, contributors to Out of the Web are Je’free, CEE, John A. Grochalski, Metin Bereketli, David E. Cowen, Michael Hoag, John Thompson, Mark Graham, Michael S. Morris, Nick Brazinsky, Eric Obame, Peter Bates, K.D. Iredale, Jay Marvin, Tom (WordWulf) Sterner, Janet Kuypers, James L. Jones, Jr., Eric Bonholtzer, TWIXT, Tray Drumhann, John Duncklee, Ronald Brunsky, the HA!man of South Africa, Jeremy Closs, Aaron Wilder, Natascha Tallowin, Cheryl Townsend, Amanda Hamilton, Naturi Thomas, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Irene Ferraro, Michael Fourman, and Üzeyir Lokman Çayci... And contributors to Sectioned and Sequestered include John Ragusa, Fritz Hamilton, Renee S. DeCamillis, Shane Collins, Timothy Fenster, Ms. Nia A’Yara, Roger Cowin, Sarah Mallery, Ernest Williamson, Mike Barry, Allan Onik, Dietrich Kalteis, Christopher Woods , L. Burnette Clark, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Dis-Ease, Angel Propps, Ira Joel Haber, Benjamin Brindise, Jon Brunette, Bethany Young, Ines Lopes, Patrick Longe, Mel Waldman, Michael de Mare, and Ira Joel Haber.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151229 globe (for public notice)

Janet facebook profile picture for John Yotko It is funny to see a post from John Yotko three years ago today where he talks about me wearing a racing baseball hat (but my only interest was checking out while at my dad’s house in Naples Florida their copy of my first chapbook ever, Chapter 18, where that title was later used for Janet Kuypers performance art collection books titled Chapter 38 v1, v2, and v3.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151229 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151228, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 12/20/15 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Death Takes Many Forms and singing the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop (with John on guitar) at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed with a Nikon CoolPix S7000).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151228, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Nikon CoolPix S7000) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Death Takes Many Forms 12/20/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151228 globe (for public notice)

video What is really spooky is when I saw what I did last year on facebook, it also listed that FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY (have I been on this THAT long?), I posted a video of me reading my poem How Many Times I’ve Done It in studio back in 3/23/09 (which was John’s birthday) through YouTube...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151228 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151228 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY play 3 songs JK & JY play 3 songs
JK & JY play 3 songs JK & JY play 3 songs
Helen Haake, thank you SO much for touching base with me last night at B. B. Rover’s music open mic last night! And you know, I looked all over FB and could not find the photos you took of John and I playing 3 songs last night (so all I could thank you with was these thumbnail copies of your pictures)... But thank you again!.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151228 globe (for public notice)

Don’t Tread on Me Though I am not traveling this year, this was a perfect covers to reduce the price on for a magazine issue book. Because one year ago today I released the not to everyone that Scars Publications on this day one year ago reduced the prices of the cc&d January 2010 issue 214 book Don’t Tread on Me by over 20% at amazon... (By the way, contributors to Don’t Tread on Me are Jeff Wyman, CEE, Je’free, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, John Thompson, Peter Bates, Michael Hoag, David Thompson, Eric Obame, Tom (WordWulf) Sterner, Janet Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, Changming Yuan, Maricelle Jeannette, Rose E. Grier, K.D. Iredale, Barbara Panos, Lana Santorelli, George Gott, Lauren M. Jones, Terry-Hamilton Poore, Anne B. Scheerer, Kris A. Threadgoode, Natascha Tallowin, Christopher Cervelloni, Aaron Wilder, Michael Fourman, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Rex Sexton, Cheryl Townsend, Rufus Ryan, Seger Lansdale, Tray Drumhann, Mel Waldman, Anne Turner Taub, the HA!man of South Africa, Michael Ceraolo, and John Duncklee.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151227 globe (for public notice)

Janet running up Payton’s Hill facebook profile picture for John Yotko This is perfect that John Yotko put this post up of up from one year ago today, since we’ll be getting ready to go out to watch the Bears game today. (Okay, fine, we’l also be watching the Steelers game, but there is no Roethlisberger Hill anywhere to run up... Oh, and wait a minute! the Steelers are playing the football team named after a POEM today,m the Ravens! Should be awesome to watch!).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151227 globe (for public notice)

Bear Crossing sign I say in this post from one year ago that it is strange to see this sign in Florida ad not Pennsylvania (a bear crossing sign with bullet holes in it), but I can say now that it is also strange that this was not in Texas either.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151227 globe (for public notice)

Lines of Intensity From one year ago today...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151226 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY Four years ago today (back when the open mic was at the Café) I posted videos for I Dreamt About You Last Night (from Samsung camera, with music from the HA!Man of South Africa), Under the Sea (from Samsung and Kodak cameras), Made Any Difference (from Samsung and Kodak cameras, with live music from John Y.) Christmas at the Old House (from Samsung and Kodak cameras, with Opera vocals by Suzanne Hemminger), Coquinas (from Samsung and Kodak cameras, with Opera vocals by Suzanne Hemminger), AND Christmas Eve (from Samsung and Kodak cameras, with Opera vocals by Suzanne Hemminger), and What I Want to Know (from Samsung and Kodak cameras, with music from the HA!Man of South Africa) and the State of the Nation (from Samsung and Kodak cameras, with music from the HA!Man of South Africa) live 12/18/11, the last open mic night at the Café (before it was the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151226 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY I know there’s no travel plans for us right now (until the Illinois home os sold, at least), so it is weird that two years ago today John and I were traveling through 5 states (with a huge wreath that is in storage right now)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151226 globe (for public notice)

Entering the Ice Age Though Austin is warm right now, I suppose the ice and snow covers are appropriate for this time of year. Because one year ago today I made sure that Scars Publications on this day one year ago reduced the prices of the cc&d December 2010 issue
When the World Settles 215 book Entering the Ice Age and the Down in the Dirt December 2010 issue 89 book When the World Settles by over 20%...
(Contributors to Entering the Ice Age are kalifornia, CEE, Je’free, John Thompson, Eric Obame, Tom (WordWulf) Sterner, Fritz Hamilton, Changming Yuan, Mel Waldman, Terry-Hamilton Poore, Lana Santorelli, Janet Kuypers, Jane Stuart, Emmanuel Jakpa, Carol Garth, John Grey, Maxwell Baumbach, Hank Sosnowski, Brooke Bailey, R. N. Taber, Hank Threadgill, Louie Crew, Natascha Tallowin, Anne Turner Taub, Marco Bisaccia, Derek V. Hunter, John Duncklee, ArunPrakash Dn., Margaret Karmazin, Billie Louise Jones, Amanda Berthault, from Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, the HA!man of South Africa, Nick Brazinsky, Eric Bonholtzer, Jay Marvin (with a painting), John Yotko, Cheryl Townsend, Aaron Wilder, David Thompson, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Mark Graham.... And contributors to When the World Settles include Regan M. Barry, Fritz Hamilton, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Melinda J Nevarez, Pierrino Mascarino, Ira Joel Haber (with art), Jess Steven Hughes, John Ragusa, Tim Pompey, H.D. Brown, Kelli Landon, Jarrett Fulton, Nicholas Conley, Christopher Hanson, Kevin Limiti, Ernest Williamson art, Frank De Canio, Sonja Condit Coppenbarger, and Brad Buchanan.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 26 new photos to the album:Janet Kuypers reading etc. poems at Kick Butt Poetry 12/20/15 20151226 globe (for public notice)

JK @ Kick Butt Poetrys
JK @ Kick Butt Poetrys
JK @ Kick Butt Poetrys
JK @ Kick Butt Poetrys
JK @ Kick Butt Poetrys
I completely forgot that John took a ton of pictures while I read poems from my book etc. last Sunday. Thank you so much!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151226 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20151226 globe (for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 6 new photos to the album: Merry Christmas from Janet & John (2015)20151225 globe (for public notice)

beach poets the cafe gallery

phired JK pets a cow
a few highlights from 2015 with Janet and John (in their Christmas card letter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers card Janet Kuypers
Hi there, and Merry Christmas!

It has been a busy year, and we wanted to share the past year with you... The year started with us getting stranded in a blizzard in Indiana returning from Florida where we visited Janet’s father for the holiday (the last time she would see him). Since January 2015 was Janet’s 20 year anniversary as a vegetarian, she asked John if we should make any plans, and he suggested (since his job took him to India regularly) that we visit the town of Visakhapatnam in India in January...

Bon Voyage! It was fascinating as a vegetarian (where it is so common) and as a woman (where women are considered second class citizens there) to see both the culture and the architecture. (Janet even released the journal and photo book Bon Voyage! about the trip, through Amazon printers in the U.S. and Europe.)

In the beginning of February, John found out that Pfizer was buying the company he worked for, Hospira. (Pfizer bought Pharmacia, the company he worked for in 2002, and his plant was shut down and he was out of a job for 6 months.) Since we knew he was now in a higher position that would probably be eliminated, he looks at other Hospira locations in the country, and found out that the Austin, Texas plant (the largest producer of saline bags for hospitals in the world, going there would mean a safe job, better pay and better weather) wanted him to move there. Although
house 4 sale Chicago is Janet’s true love, having a job to pay for your home (or even multiple homes, until we can sell out Gurnee house) is better than being unemployed. So John took all the steps to start working in Austin August 17th this year, while Janet waited for house repairs, then movers, then agents, then all of the other little details to put the house on the market (which only happened in late October, once the school year started, so if you know anyone this winter who would like a huge and well-priced house with 3 bedrooms and a big kitchen and 2 fireplaces, tons of space, and a huge bathtub with jets and even a sauna, let us know).

the Café Gallery While packing up the Gurnee house, Janet also found a replacement host for the poetry & music open mic she ran for over half a decade (that has been running since December 1996, and thanks to Dave Gecic for continuing the open mic). It was wonderful hosting the Chicago open mic the Cafe Gallery, because it was the only
the Chosen Few one of its kind that posted not only YouTube videos but also a weekly podcast. It is because of this that before Thanksgiving this year (in addition to the literary magazines and collection books Scars Publications releases) Janet released open mic features writings (with YouTube links) in the paperback book the Chosen Few. Janet did many last-minute shows and readings in Chicago, and although it took a while, she was finally able to leave our home of 15 years, move away from Illinois and travel with John to Austin permanently.

Life in Austin? Well, it is warmer, and the culture is cool too (after joining the poetry scene here, everyone really seemed to respond positively - can’t wait to get out there for Janet singing and reading and John playing guitar). And when we are so used to traveling for a Kuypers family Thanksgiving dinner, it was nice to invite over our niece and family (thanks for coming by, Laura, Scotty and little Rylan) to our apartment for Thanksgiving (and it’s nice to set up a tree in an apartment with 10’ tall ceilings). Hope everyone had a great year - and have a wonderful 2016!

Photo credits include: John with people who wanted their picture taken with him, while we were visiting Kailasagiri in Visakhapatnam India 1/18/15. Janet petting a cow in the street in Visakhapatnam India 1/23/15. Janet (wearing “Pfired” t-shirt she designed) with John in Kenosha WI 2/3/15. The lower-left image is a group photo after Janet and john’s music set following the Cafe Gallery open mic Janet hosted 7/22/15 , and the lower-right image is a “Beach Poets” picture the day of Janet’s feature at Loyola Beach 7/25/15. On the photo Christmas card: The background image is collage of ornaments of John & Janet’s Christmas tree, photographed 12/10/08. The bark at the bottom of the “tree” was photographed in Naples Florida 12/25/08. The “star” is one of the ornaments from the Christmas tree, with a collage of stars (for the points to the “star”, both saturated and inverted) photographed from NASA’s Hubble telescope over the years. Details of the images that form the “tree” (from top to bottom)... The top image is of Janet & John attending the Western & Southern Open tennis tournament in Mason, Ohio (the photo is from 8/16/14, but they also attending in 2015 both weekends of the tournament). The next image is Janet & John 1/18/15 visiting the Kailasagiri in Visakhapatnam, India. The next image is Janet with John on his birthday 3/23/15 at the Maker’s Mark distillery in Loretto, KY. The next image is Janet holding a nutcracker and John “playing” the decorative horn for Christmas 1/16/14 in Gurnee, Illinois. The next image is Janet & John in front of Wrigley Field 6/19/15. The bottom image is John & Janet, with Scotty, Laura & Rylan, in front of the tree 11/26/15 after their family Thanksgiving dinner in Austin, Texas.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151225 globe (for public notice)

Into the White I can’t believe I did this work on Christmas day last year, but apparently one year ago today I made sure that Scars Publications on this day one year ago reduced the prices of the cc&d January 2011 issue 216 book Into the White and
Along the Surface the Down in the Dirt January 2011 issue 90 book Along the Surface by over 20%...

(By the way, contributors to Into the White are CEE, Nick Brazinsky, Je’free, John Thompson, Brian Hosey, Natascha Tallowin, Fritz Hamilton, Changming Yuan, Lana Santorelli, Jay Marvin, Carol Garth, Maxwell Baumbach, David Thompson, Hank Sosnowski, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, Hank Threadgill, Janet Kuypers, Rebecca Shepard, R. N. Taber, Jon Mathewson, Derek V. Hunter, John Duncklee, Anne Turner Taub, Aaron Wilder, Mike Carson, David Thompson, Billie Louise Jones, John Yotko, the HA!man of South Africa, Amanda Berthault, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Jim Meirose, J. Kent Allred, Peter Bates, Sonia Segura, Mark Graham, and Eric Bonholtzer.... And contributors to Along the Surface include Fritz Hamilton, John Ragusa, H.D. Brown, Christopher Hanson, Kelli Landon, Frank De Canio, Tim Pompey, Luke Laubhan, Brad Buchanan, Sara Sather, Don Ray Crawford, Kofi Campbell, Kevin Heaton, Jon Mathewson, Christopher Klim, Ira Joel Haber, Boyd Lemon, Doug Downie, Edward C. Burton, Mel Waldman, Roger Cowin, and cover art by John Yotko.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151225 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John It’s funny, but 4 years ago today I had a Christmas tree, a skinny Christmas tree next to it, and my leafless hibiscus posing as a goth Christmas tree (alobng with a slew of nutcrackers). I didn’t realize how much decorations I miss out on when we’re in this little apartment...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151225 shared with friends

Instagram of tree Merry Christmas!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151224 shared with friends

Instagram of tree What a nice Christmas...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151224 shared with friends

Instagram of tree This is why I love my Christmas ornaments... (Sometimes with all the iridescent glass ball ornaments, my Christmas tree looks like a bubble bath.)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151224 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Thank you Lorelei!
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, , facebook and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151224 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Merry Christmas!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151224 shared with friends

Janet Vine video We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve! -- love, Janet and John
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, , facebook and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151224, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Nancy Sinatra song These Boots are Made for Walking live 12/18/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (from a Canon Power Shot camera with a heat wave filter)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151224, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Nancy Sinatra song These Boots are Made for Walking live 12/18/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (from a Nikon CoolPix S7000 camera with a heat wave filter)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151224 globe (for public notice)

Life... from Nothing I did a lot of stuff on Christmas eve last year, but, one year ago today I also upload videos from 12/17/14 at the Café Gallery, and that the Line to Power this day one year ago reduced the prices of the cc&d issue 217 book Life... from Nothing and the Down in the Dirt issue 91 book the Line to Power by over 20% at amazon... (By the way, contributors to Life... from Nothing are John Thompson, Je’free, Fritz Hamilton, CEE, Rebecca Shepard, Jon Mathewson, Matthew Guzman, Kristine Ong Muslim, Michael Larrain, R. N. Taber, Robert Lawrence, Janet Kuypers, Sara Basrai, Nick Brazinsky, GPA (The Poetic Unsub), Judith Ann Levison, Michael Ceraolo, Joy Davis, Maxwell Baumbach, Lucy Winrow, Dennis Kerr, D Fitz, Kenneth DiMaggio, Tom Roby, Jenna Mary, AE Baer, C.S. Fuqua, Linda Webb Aceto, Michael Battram, Anne Turner Taub, John Duncklee, Barbara Villemez, Oz Hardwick, Rufus Ryan, Sonia Segura, Alex Moreaux, Cynthia Black, David Thompson, Mark Bohm, R.M. Kozan, and Andrew Bowen.... And contributors to the Line to Power include Fritz Hamilton, H.D. Brown, John Ragusa, Tim Pompey, Jon Mathewson, Boyd Lemon, Kelli Landon, David Sowards (cartoon), Christopher Frost, Frank De Canio, Kevin Heaton, Roger Cowin, Kaye Branch , Luke Laubhan, Michael de Mare, Mike Berger, Ph.D., Nick Checker, R. M. Kozan, Ryan Priest, Valerie Goodwine, Bela Feketekuty , Natalie Nigro, Kristine Loobeek, Andrew Olson, A.J. Longabaugh, and Mel Waldman.)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers at Bellini’s Texas Grill. 20151223 shared with friends

JK & JY For some reason we thought pizza was in order for the Christmas season.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151223 globe (for public notice)

armadillo In the Midwest, I would photograph dead skunks, though dead deer (oddly enough) were almost as common as dead birds... And this morning I saw a deer running through a wooded area at the Williamson county line on Parmer avenue as I went for a walk this morning before the work day - but I have to admit, walking down the street and seeing a dead Armadillo is a new one for me.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151223 globe (for public notice)

Janet Wow, and I just noticed that five years ago today I released videos from the Café on 12/21/10, where we all read poems there FROM OTHER PEOPLE (including my reading John Yotko’s poem I Speak With Borrowed Words, from the Scars Publications 2004 Poetry Wall Calendar.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151223, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Blondie song the Tide is High live 12/18/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (Canon Power Shot, heat wave filter)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151223, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Blondie song the Tide is High live 12/18/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (Nikon CoolPix S7000, heat wave filter)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151223 globe (for public notice)

Janet Kuypers photo on Instagram Now, one year ago today was not only the day that Scars Publications reduced the prices of the cc&d book Fear the Forsaken Fear the Forsaken and the Down in the Dirt book Down In It by over 20% at amazon, Down In It but I also released a bunch of Vine videos, of job (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize video filters) and jobless (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters), but I also (with John) Sang the Christmas Polka and gave my wish list to Santa.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Poetry at the Gallery Cabaret 20151223 globe (for public notice)

Janet, Xmas, the Cafe Have fun everyone! And merry (early) Christmas!

https://youtu.be/7SkHysIRkDc, https://youtu.be/mtba9IifuJk, https://youtu.be/nnJhWa0pB0E

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151222 at Suprabhat Austin shared with friends

Instagram of Janet It has been nearly a year since I was in India, so John took me out and offered samosas and idlys (and he ordered garlic naan, plus our meals). Ah, memories...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151222 shared with friends

card in tree And Sandy, thanks so much for the great Christmas card!!!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151222 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers finding out she can still be Objectifiable 12/22/15 from men honking horns at her (Vine from a Samsung in Austin, Texas)
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, , facebook and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151222 globe (for public notice)

video Okay, so one year ago today I released a ton of (at the time) upcoming the Café Gallery features, plus I also released Vine video posts of my reading free
video (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters), force (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters), opening (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters) and love (with Canon fs200 and Sony Posterize filters) 12/17/14 in Chicago at the Café Gallery... But what is hysterical (because I couldn’t stop uploading videos from that open mic, is that FOUR years ago today (back when the open mic was at the Café) I posted the video for
video I Dreamt About You Last Night (with music from the HA!Man of South Africa) 12/18/11, the last open mic night at the Café.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Sid Yiddish
20151222 globe (for public notice)

Sid & JK Happy Birthday!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151222 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem witnessing hitler’s reign, from Scars Publications“need to know” 2015 literary date book. (filmed 12/22/15 on a Samsung in Austin, Texas)
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151221 globe (for public notice)

Falling Into Place Now, one year ago today was not only the day that Scars Publications reduced the prices of the cc&d book Falling from the Sky - and people in "Falling Into Place" include Fritz Hamilton, Je’free, CEE, the HA!man of South Africa (with art), Kristine Ong Muslim, Brian Hosey and Lauren Braden photograph, Judith Ann Levison, Hubble Telescope photograph, GPA (The Poetic Unsub), Joy Davis, Hubble Telescope photography, Maxwell Baumbach, Lucy Winrow, Dan Fitzgerald, Kenneth DiMaggio, Michael Hoag (with a poem and a drawing), Marcin J. Kuhn , Sid Yiddish, Kevin Heaton, Mark Graham (with art), Michael Ceraolo, David Thompson (with art), Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Mel Waldman, Anne Turner Taub, Aaron Wilder (with art), Barbara Villemez, Jay Marvin (with a painting), Ronald Brunsky, James R. Silvestri, Cheryl Townsend (with art), Erica McBeth, Nick Brazinsky (with art), Thomas Horan, Brian Forrest (with a painting), Melissa Kosciuszko, Bob Rashkow, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), Kyle Garret, Wes Heine, Barbara D’Souza, and Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art). And the
Wake Up and Smell the Flowers Down in the Dirt book Wake Up and Smell the Flowers (people in "Wake up and Smell the Flowers" (with cover art by John Yotko) include Fritz Hamilton, Frank De Canio, John Ragusa, Ben Macnair, T.G. Schoenberg, Sarah Mallery, Tony Brown, Valerie Goodwine, Razsaveh Richardson, Micah Thorstenson, Janet Kuypers, Danielle Bredy, Richard Shelton, Mark Murphy, Robert Levin, John Atkinson, Dion Beary, Ryan G. Beckman, Chris Schafer, and Steve Baba) by over 20% at amazon, but I also released a bunch of event listings for (at the time)
Janet Kuypers photo on Instagram future features at the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, but... It is also cool to see the photo of jewelry for Sabrina McGregor and Cindy Johnson to see at Christmas time...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151221, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK motherbird Love that my Everything Was Alive And Dying video’s accepted for re-release at Motherbird!
http://t.co/4nazfOsEXB http://t.co/sHKwfakbJr

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151221, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK motherbird Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

Everything Was Alive And Dying. A Video Poem by Janet Kuypers http://t.co/HQAbz690dB #lpoem, @PoetrlyLifeTimes @RobinOuzman @janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151221 shared with friends

Laura & Scotty card By the way, I never thanked Scotty and Laura Kretchman for the lovely Christmas card...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151220 globe (for public notice)

Janet Some of these photos are cool to see again...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers at Kick Butt Coffee Music & Booze.
20151220 shared with friends


Janet doing her poem Death Takes Many Forms. I joined her to do “Life by the Drop” for one of the hosts who, even though he’s from Texas, once said he didn’t know who Stevie Ray Vaughan was.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151220 shared with friends

sheriff nutcracker Apparently the Sheriff of Texas is joining is for Christmas. (Thanks for the nutcracker, Lorelei and Gordon!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151219 globe (for public notice)

Unknown Okay, so one year ago today was not only the day that Scars Publications reduced the prices of the cc&d book Unknown and the
Looking Beyond Down in the Dirt book Looking Beyond by over 20% at amazon, but I also released the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery at the Gallery
Janet and Darius, 1988 Cabaret (sniff sniff that the podcast is gone), but... It is also Darius Savage’s birthday today, and last year I was crazy enough to post a photo of us when I was blonde.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151219 shared with friends

card Thank you Lorelei and Gordon for the very appropriate Christmas card this year...

-- love, Janet & John

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151218 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet

Janet Janet
Ah, the memories... Two years ago today I posted up a few photos John took of me reading from my book Burn Through Me & the cc&d collection book Art is not Meant to be Touched at the last 2013 poetry open mic meeting of the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151218 globe (for public notice)

Forever Bound Okay, so one year ago today was not only the day that Scars Publications reduced the prices of the cc&d book Forever Bound and the
See the World Burn Down in the Dirt book See the World Burn by over 20% at amazon, but I also released Vine video posts of my reading found, fought, floor and faith (each poem was listed twice, from 2 different cameras).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20151218 By the way, contributors to "Forever Bound" include CEE, David Thompson (with art), Je’free, Fritz Hamilton, Maxwell Baumbach, Aaron Wilder (with art), Kevin Heaton, Michael Ceraolo, Jay Marvin (with a painting), Kriste A. Matrisch, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), Julie Kovacs, Michael H. Brownstein, the HA!man of South Africa (with art), I.B. Rad, Brian Forrest (with a painting), Sid Yiddish, Mel Waldman, Laura Whelton, Jermaine Harmon, Uzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), Edward Mycue, Sonja Kosler, John T. Hitchner, Anne Turner Taub, Westley Heine, Stan Hollingworth, Nely Cab, Cheryl Townsend (with a painting), Kenneth DiMaggio, John Duncklee, Eric Bonholtzer (with art), and Irene Ferraro.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20151218 By the way, contributors to "See the World Burn" include Fritz Hamilton, Richard Shelton, Micah Thorstenson, Alicia Parks, Mel Waldman, Clinton Van Inman, Kelley Jean White MD, Christopher Hanson, Emma Eden Ramos, Nicholas Conley, Roger Cowin, Victor Phan, Denny E. Marshall, John Rachel, Robert Levin, Christina Bejjani, Karen Delasala, Tom Ball, Justis Mills, Peter LaBerge, Malachi King, Ally Malinenko, Mark Chrisinger, Harold W Eppley, and Kim Farleigh.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151218, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video live of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entering the Lake of Fire from memory 10/8/15 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa at Uncommon Ground in Chicago (Canon fs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151218, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video live of Janet Kuypers reading her poem New To Chicago from memory 10/8/15 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa at Uncommon Ground in Chicago (Cfs)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151218, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Entering the Lake of Fire & New To Chicago from memory 10/8/15 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa at Uncommon Ground in Chicago (Cfs)

On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151218, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK tennis Saw Federer & Cilic join Royals 4 doubles @ IPTL tennis; sad Roger lost 2 Murray & Slammers 4 singles yesterday tho.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151217 globe (for public notice)

tree It was so awesome to get a Christmas card addressed to “aunt Janet + uncle John” from Marshall and Elisa Kuypers... That was SO sweet! Thank you!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151217 globe (for public notice)

Rearden metal bracelet Mine broke a week ago ‘cuz the clasp’s NON-intuitive 4 one person 2 use. I love it, but it needs a better clasp!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151217 globe (for public notice)

flower flower

flower flower
Okay, Hope Yotko, just wanted you to know that your Christmas cactus is starting to bloom...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151217 globe (for public notice)

couldn’t I seem to have a history of uploading too many videos... Because one year ago today I uploaded many videos on Vine from Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio 9/27/14 (like civil from the Canon fs200 and Sony cameras and couldn’t from the Canon fs200, but also with that video flipped with a Day to Night filter)... Two years ago today I was advertising upcoming features at my open mic at the Café Gallery, and three years ago today I was uploading ALL of the poem videos from my Chicago show on the edge of the table of Janet Kuypers reading my
video Periodic Table poems at Fine Arts Building Festival Poetry Venue at the Fine Arts Building, including the poems Nobelium from the Canon fs200 and Sony cameras, Ununpentium from the Canon fs200 and Sony cameras, Lutetium from the Canon fs200 and Sony cameras, Copernicium from the Canon fs200 and Sony cameras, and Ununoctium from the Canon fs200 and Sony cameras, as well as a video of the entire performance with all of the poems from the Canon fs200 and Sony cameras (all with accompanying music from the HA!Man of South Africa).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151216, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Hosey (@HeyHosey):

Can’t believe they give away dogs but you have to buy candidates globe (for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151216, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson):

Recent evidence indicates that Earth is indeed bi-polar, as we’ve always suspected.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added
3 new photos
20151216 globe (for public notice)

Did some of the members of Rush show up at Kick Butt Poetry last Sunday?

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151216, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Couldn’t show all my nutcrackers in this apt; at least I found a 2015 pirate nutcracker ALSO holding a nutcracker... http://t.co/4ZVn0euKy2

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151216 globe (for public notice)

Exploding on the Scene Okay, so one year ago TODAY was not only the day that Scars Publications reduced the prices of the cc&d book Exploding on the Scene
America the Lost and the Down in the Dirt book America the Lost by over 20% at the amazon printer,
video but I also released Vine video posts of my reading eventually at Jaks Tap 3/17/14 in Chicago (as a Vine video and as a video with hard light and green
video filters) in addition to my reading eight people outside and a SLEW of other short poems at WZRD 88.3 FM Radio in Chicago 9/27/14.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151215, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers singing her song What We Need In Life (and reading her poem Fantastic Car Crash in the middle of the song) 12/13/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151215, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem X-rays and broken hearts 12/13/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151215, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem
the Burning 12/13/15 at the Austin TX open mic Kick Butt Poetry
YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

xSee YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem
the Burning 12/13/15 at the Austin TX open mic Kick Butt Poetry

On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151215, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing poetry and song (with John on guitar) 12/13/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot), with her song What We Need In Life (with her poem Fantastic Car Crash performed during the instrumental of the song), X-rays and broken hearts, & the Burning.
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151214 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku know @ her Partial Nudity Chicago show 6/18/14 at the Gallery Cabaret (Canon, day2nite)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151214 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku know @ her Partial Nudity Chicago show 6/18/14 at the Gallery Cabaret (Sony HW)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151214 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku know in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Nov./Dec. 2015 issue/book Planets Apart (12/14/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151214 globe (for public notice)

Janet selling scars books at the Fine Art building in Chicago 20131213 Thanks to FB for strolling me down Memory lane... And thanks to Jenene Ravesloot for posting pictures two years ago at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Dave Jackson
20151213 globe (for public notice)

video Janet and Andy added 2/3 of Artvilla’s three themes, poetry and music, I added art to it, our three themes.....My friends are artists, poets and musicians. We should do more. Maybe we could use your art with a link to you, or your poem or your music. We are gonna host them ourselves again and let the Russians have them too.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151213 globe (for public notice)

Wow, I know I’m reflecting on Chicago times, but it’s cool that 3 years ago today I posted Periodic Table of Poetry poems 12/12/12 @ Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing, (with a Canon and a phone camera) including Einsteinium, Nickel, and Neon.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151213, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

My India Stories 3/14/15 Chi. Art Colony show @ artvilla & Scars vid http://t.co/PukweNMWn6 http://t.co/lnlgn53NG3 http://t.co/jPnx5pA5Xx

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151213, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Queen song Crazy Little Thing Called Love live 12/11/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (from a Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, Redditt, LinkedIn and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151213, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Queen song Killer Queen live 12/11/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151212, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Queen song Somebody to Love live 12/11/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151212, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Peter Gabriel song Red Rain live 12/11/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory from December 12, 2014. 20151212 globe (for public notice)

Have been working on tracks from live shows (like this one) for the "Periodic Table of Poetry" CD release...

See the Post
from two years ago today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151211 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet K.’s haiku know, in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jul./Dec 2015 issue book the Intersection (12/11/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151211 globe (for public notice)

Moving the Earth Okay, so one year ago TODAY was not only the day that Scars Publications reduced the prices of the cc&d book Moving the Earth (with a
Catch Fire in the Treetops great cover image by John Yotko and the Down in the Dirt book Catch Fire in the Treetops (with the front cover from a Washington tropical rain forest) by over 20% at the amazon printer,
video but I also released Vine video posts of my reading ants and crosses at Jaks Tap 3/17/14 in Chicago (as a Vine video and as a video with glow and saturate filters) in addition video to my reading labor at the Café Gallery on 2/26/14 in Chicago (as a Vine video and as a
video video with close-up, hard light and saturate filters). But I admit, I still like KMFDM’s MORE + FASTER hot shorts link there.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151210 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY Wow, I just saw that one year ago today Scars Publications reduced the prices of the cc&d book Autumn Again and the Down in the Dirt book Wisdom in Broken Hands by over 20% at the amazon printer, but it is funny that I also have a picture posted then of my and John wearing our Bears jerseys for the game last year (with a collage of photos of me both doing a Marine salute and me as a blonde).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151210 shared with friends

Janet Vine video In Vine video, Janet Kuypers mentions John Sweet’s new Scars Publications book a nation of assholes w/ guns, on sale now... (12/7/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151209 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 15 new photos to the album: CHI POET license plate 20151209 globe (for public notice)


facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151209 globe (for public notice)

Stories of Women And the weird this is that four years ago today on facebook I also released a SLEW of videos from my hour-long show a Swing State titled the Stories of Women. It was crazy because this show (with music for each track performed) had video, plus a camera on me showing my performance on a TV (where I did the pieces trying, i want love, too far, how to please a woman, i’m thinking about myself too much, raped with words (read by John), women’s very existence, white knuckled, driving by his house (flash fiction), the fourteenth, in the air (1st & last verse of part 2), content with inferior men, a woman talking about her rapist friend, knowledge (flash fiction), the martyr and the saint, coslow’s, right there, by your heart (verses 2 and 6), and (ending with) stalker (a short story)...).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151209 globe (for public notice)

Symols Manifest Wow, it was two years ago today that I reduced the price of 2011 magazine books, including cc&d’s Up In Smoke and Down in the Dirt’s Symbols Manifest (and I have to admit, I still like my dead deer cover for that issue, that we found right outside our house)... Those got over a 20% savings 2 years ago today, and are found through amazon in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151208 globe (for public notice)

assholes with guns Just released a book from Scars Publications today - the John Sweet book a nation of assholes with guns (a 6" x 9" short poetry book)... It is cool to have a writer from the early days of cc&d (and it’s cool to have an AR-15 on the cover, and a typeface that uses guns for the letters j and r). Literally published minutes ago, order a copy of this unique poetry book while it is still hot off the press! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and Europe. So spread the word, because this book will soon be available around the world!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151207 globe (for public notice)

1,000 words Wow, four years ago today I was touting the Scars Publications 2011 collection book book 1,000 Words, which is still available for sale! (And I still love the cover, of photos of my camera lens through ripped sheets of paper to make the zeros in 1,000...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151207 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet K.’s haiku quoting twitter with a found haiku in ScarsDown in the Dirt 2015 issue book the Intersection (12/7/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers at Murphy Express # 8671. 20151206 shared with friends

JK That is Janet Kuypers (1) in front of a $1.67 unleaded gas station and (2) showing her smart phone photo of the Jan./Feb 2016 cc&d proof copy of “Nighttime City” (with my photo of Chicago on the front cover).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
20151206 — Round Rock, TX shared with friends

JK & JY Well... I got her to wear black and yellow. Go Steelers!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers watching San Francisco 49ers vs Chicago Bears at Little Woodrow’s - Parmer Ln. 20151206 globe (for public notice)

Janet for the Bears Thus is how this performance artist watches a December Bears game in Austin.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151206 globe (for public notice)

Orion It was great after the show last night that as I was walking down the street in downtown Austin I looked up and could say, “Look, there’s Orion!” and SEE the constellation Orion in the night sky. John Yotko said that if we were in Chicago I would have said, “Look, there’s a STAR...” (And by the way john, although this is an old picture, this is a great picture you took of Orion.)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers at Austin City Limits. 20151205 shared with friends

JK & JY The band did a selfie with the crowd so we thought we would too.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers at Austin City Limits. 20151205 shared with friends

JK & JY From the second row before Scott Bradlee and Postmodern Jukebox concert.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers in Austin, Texas. 20151205 shared with friends

JK It’s not a Star Trek costume. She’s just gotten used to the weather and its 50 out. Waiting to go into Austin City Limits

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151205 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet K.’s haiku quoting twitter with a found haiku in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v133 issue book Planets Apart. (12/5/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151205 globe (for public notice)

Under the Sea Two years ago today Scars Publications released the color picture / poem book Under The Sea. This book is a 5.06" x 7.81" full bleed full color photo book with photos of swimming underwater with tropical fishes (and a white-tipped shark) from the Galapagos Islands, plus photos of animals from Koi fish to jellyfish to different images of a Sally Light foot crab to giant tortoises to dolphins, walruses, sea lions, lion seals - even photos of a sting ray and a sea horse, which makes this poem book not only a great kid’s photo book but also a fun coffee table book.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151204, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Too Far from memory live 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151204, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Too Far from memory live 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (Canon fs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151204 globe (for public notice)

Janet It’s funny that 2 years ago today I was touting mad libs at Scars Publications - where I took short poems and made mad libs out of them. If you want to play mad libs, check them out on line any time!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151204 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku strike in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issue book the Intersection (12/4/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151204 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku strike, read from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v133 issue book Planets Apart. (12/4/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151203, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Scars 2015 medley (based on parts of the prose poem Scars and the poems Scars 1997 and Scars 2000 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151203, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Scars 2015 medley (based on parts of the prose poem Scars and the poems Scars 1997 and Scars 2000 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (Canon fs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151203 globe (for public notice)

Janet It’s funny that 4 years ago today I updated my profile picture to a video still from my show at the Café, hmmm (with a light in my eye while reading my poem You’ve Killed Me). And the thing is, I later used that image as the cd cover for the 4 CD set of readings of mine over the years AT the Café called hmmm, for sale at amazon...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151203 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet KuypersVine video of her haiku of his thirst in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issue book the Intersection (12/3/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers video still with Jarvie painting JKPoetryVine I had to include a painting by my Scotsman when I read this haiku... 20151203

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151203 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers posted Vine video of her ’ haiku of his thirst in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v133 Nov./Dec. issue/ISBN# book Planets Apart (12/3/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151202, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading 5 poems: Once Wanted You as my Friend, Escaping Every Cage, and a Scars medley (based on parts of the prose poem Scars and the poems Scars 1997 and Scars 2000, then Too Far and Children, Churches and Daddies 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151202, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cfs) of Janet Kuypers reading 5 poems: Once Wanted You as my Friend, Escaping Every Cage, and a Scars medley (based on parts of the prose poem Scars and the poems Scars 1997 and Scars 2000, then Too Far and Children, Churches and Daddies 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151202 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypershaiku upturn in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul-Dec issue book the Intersection (12/2/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151202 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku upturn, read from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v133 issue book Planets Apart. (12/2/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151201 globe (for public notice)

cc&d This strolling down memory lane stuff (on the day of the month I release many Scars Publications issues, December 1st) is really crazy... Just noticed that 4 years ago today on
Perfectly Imperfect Facebook Scars Publications released the Down in the Dirt v101 12/11 issue as the perfect-bound ISBN# book Perfectly Imperfect as well as the cc&d v227 12/11 issue as the perfect-bound ISBN# book Wrapping It Up.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151201, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Once Wanted You as my Friend 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (C ps)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151201, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Once Wanted You as my Friend 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (Cfs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151201 globe (for public notice)

When Wow, so I know that I released the Nov./Dec. 2015 issues of cc&d and Down in the Dirt one month early this year (When the Walls are Paper Thin and Planets Apart) so that everyone would have plenty of time to order issues before the Christmas rush this year, but it’s funny that two years ago today on Facebook I released the LAST digest-sized issue of cc&d sold through the U.S. lulu printer (without an ISBN# and not available or sale throughout the U.S., the U.K. and Europe) - maybe that is why I chose the cover of me (fading away) looking out over Lake Michigan.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151201 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku extend in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul-Dec issues book the Intersection (12/1/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151201 globe (for public notice)

hug photo of Janet and John Two years ago today on Facebook I was missing John, leaving for another trip to India, before he invited me to join him there. (The funny thing is that this framed picture of us is in our apartment on the iron book stand with an art light on it...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151201, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song Home live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (from an iPhone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151201, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song Home live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Motorola smart phone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow James Gordon
20151201 globe (for public notice)

GPA & JK Happy BirthdayJames Gordon!!! https:// www.facebook.com/ friendship/janetkuypers/ james.gordon.395/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20151201 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151201 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers at Mangia Chicago Stuffed Pizza. 20151130 shared with friends

JK & JY We found a place worthy of saying they make Chicago deep dish pizza.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151130, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escaping Every Cage 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory from November 30, 2014. 20151130 globe (for public notice)

Janet wearing PA attire with John at the Brat Stop It is good to see this 1 year old Facebook image, since I wore John Yotko’s Polamalu jersey yesterday during part of the Steelers game.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151130 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku poor, from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (11/30/15, recorded on a Motorola Android in Austin TX)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151130, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song Somebody live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Samsung smart phone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151130, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song Somebody live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with an iPhone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151130 shared with friends

Vine video See Vine video as John reads Janet K.’s haiku ants and crosses, from ScarsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (11/28/15, Samsung, from Austin, Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151129, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song a Question of Lust live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Samsung smart phone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151129, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song a Question of Lust live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with an iPhone smart phone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151128 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku hold, from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul.-Dec. issues book the Intersection (11/28/15, Samsung, from Austin, Texas)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151128, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song Precious live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with an iPhone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151128, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Depeche Mode song Precious live 11/27/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (filmed with a Samsung)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory from November 28, 2014. 20151128 globe (for public notice)

Janet with Jean at t Wow, 1 year ago today I had a 2nd tree in my stairwell with Lorelei’s paper birds, and tons of photos up (that are all in storage). Have to settle for 1 tree and a lots of memories this year...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151127 globe (for public notice)

the “need to know” 2015 literary date book Facebook notified me yesterday that is had been one year since Scars Publications released the “need to know” 2015 literary date book (which is still for sale) - I still use that date book, but it is funny that Scars released
the 2016 literary date book anthology the 2016 literary date book anthology nice and early this year, so everyone can creatively keep their schedules in order with great poetry from both books!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151127 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku Visakhapatnam, from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (11/27/15, Samsung, from Austin, Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151127, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Canon Power Shot) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Us, Actually Touching from the book the Chosen Few 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151127, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Canon Power Shot) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Unique Noise 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151127, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Canon Power Shot) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entering the Lake of Fire from the book the Chosen Few 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20151126 shared with friends

JK & JY Go Bears! Great way to wrap up thanksgiving by chewing up the cheese head packers.

Scotty Kretchman
20151126 globe (for public notice)

Laura, Scotty, Rylan, Janet & John Got a good pic with the toddler in one take! How’s that for a Thanksgiving miracle? Thank you John and Janet for hosting us!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151126 globe (for public notice)

Laura, Scotty, Rylan, Janet & John Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family in Austin, so thank you to Laura Kretchman, Scotty Kretchman, Rylan (and you posed for the picture!), and my love, John Yotko...

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151126 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ poem even with no wish bone (1st haiku verse) (11/26/15, Samsung, in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151126, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem Einsteinium 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151126, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem Ununseptium 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151126, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem Tellurium 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151125 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku unless, from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (11/25/15, Samsung, in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151125 globe (for public notice)

Dancing at the Abyss, by I.B. Rad Just released a book from Scars Publications today - the I.B. Rad book Dancing at the Abyss (a 6" x 9" short poetry book)... Literally published minutes ago, order a copy of this unique poetry book while it is still hot off the press! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and Europe. So spread the word, because this book will soon be available around the world!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151125, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot), with Einsteinium (#99, Ununseptium (#99), and Tellurium (#52).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151125, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems 11/22/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot), with Us, Actually Touching, Entering the Lake of Fire, & Unique Noise.
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151125 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Got a little damp in my morning walk today...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151124 globe (for public notice)

No Raft — No Ocean, by Allison Grayhurst Just released a book from Scars Publications today - the Allison Grayhurst book No Raft — No Ocean (a 6" x9" short poetry book). Literally published minutes ago, order a copy of this unique poetry book while it is still hot off the press! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe. So spread the word, because this book will soon be available around the world!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151124 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers’ --izjeEJEtY0z" target="blank">haiku Lucille Ann, in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (from a Samsung smartphone 11/24/15, Austin TX)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory from November 24, 2014. 20151124 globe (for public notice)

Nerves of a Poet chapbook fc How crazy is that... Facebook noted that 1 year ago today I was advertising my Nerves of a Poet Chicago show (and I swear, that lightning bolt image really just happened to go through my body for that cover image)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151124, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing/ covering (iPhone) the George Michael song Kissing a Fool live 11/20/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151124, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing/ covering (Samsung) the George Michael song Kissing a Fool live 11/20/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151123 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku last, from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (filmed from a Samsung smartphone 11/23/15 in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151123 globe (for public notice)

So Dave Jackson, I was feeling chilly when I went out with John to watch the Bears Game Sunday because I didn’t bring a jacket and we were siting half outside while watching the same. That’s when John told me that 16 inches of snow was just dumped on Chicago. (Apparently they put a tarp over the field at Soldier Field, then plowed the tarp, then removed the tarp so the field still had a bright green field of grass.) And here I am complaining about no jacket - I guess it’s good to be reminded that things could be worse...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151123, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing/ covering (iPhone) the George Michael song White Light live 11/20/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151123, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing/ covering (Samsung) the George Michael song White Light live 11/20/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151122 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet KuypersVine video of her haiku out, from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (filmed from a Samsung smartphone 11/22/15 in Austin Texas)

Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, Twitter and facebook. twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151122, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing/ covering (iPhone) the George Michael song Jesus to a Child live 11/20/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151121, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing/ covering (Samsung) the George Michael song Jesus to a Child live 11/20/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151120 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers’ --iuP2xxKTXLv" target="blank">haiku much, from ScarsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (filmed from a Samsung smartphone 11/20/15 in Austin Texas)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter. facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151120 globe (for public notice)

8/23/15 men tennis finals I still have WOMEN’S tennis finals to go through from the W&S Open, but after all his time I had to share Federer & Djokovic playing singles in the Men’s Finals 8/23/15 (and I even caught the doubled awards). Yes, there were so many photos from that day I had to break it up into two photo collections...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151119 globe (for public notice)

the Intersection Scars Publications just released the 2015 July - December Down in the Dirt collection book the Intersection! The issue collection book contains Down in the Dirt issues v130, v131 , v132 and v133... Check out the Scars page for this book (which has links to all of the contents in this book), which also has printer links (but will also be available through amazon throughout the United States, the U.K. and all of Europe soon)!
People in this book (and man, it’s a list) include A.N. Block, Adam Mac, Ag Synclair, Allan Onik, Allison Grayhurst, Andrew D. Grossman, Andrew Schenck , Antonio Marques, Ben Macnair, Benjamin Sabin, Bob Strother, Brian Looney, Carlo Frank Calo, Chad Newbil, Chad Newbill, Chris Johnson, Christos C. Kallis, Clyde Daniel Bearre, Craig Watts, Crimson Blackstone, Danny Maltbie, David Haight, David Hernandez, Dave Jackson (with art), David Nelson Hilliard, David Sowards (cartoon), Dean Jones, Dennis Vannatta, Denny E. Marshall, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, Doug Hawley, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), Eland D. Summers, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with art), Eric Burbridge, Eric Napolitan, Eric Ullerich, Ester Avagyan, Francisco Diamond, Fritz Hamilto, G. A. Scheinoha, J. Edward Kruft, James Krehbiel, Janet Kuypers, Jeffrey Penn May, Jennifer Green, Jessica Marie Baumgartner, Joann Spencer, John Feaster, John Grey, John K. Graham, Jonathan Payne, Joseph Walters, Judith Ann Levison, Karen Jones, Kelley Jean White MD, Kyle Hemmings (with art), Liam Spencer, Lisa Gray, Liz Betz, Mark J. Mitchell, Matt Koch, Matthew H Emma, Matthew Hentrich, Michael C. Keith, Michael Lee Johnson, Michael Madden, Monica Busch, Naomi Kondo, Neil Flory, Norm Hudson, Patty Somlo, Peter McMillan, Rachel Peters, Ralph Womer Jr., Richard King Perkins II, Richard Schnap, Roger G. Singer, Ron Iannone, Rosalie Krenger, Rose Marie, Roy Miller, Russ Bickerstaff, S. R. Mearns, Sam Nicodemus, Scott Morley, Sean Lause, Skerdi Brahimaj, Stefan Benz, Stephanie Hammerwold, Steve Slavin, Victoria Griffin, W. Scott R. Brownlee, Zachary Harp, and Zain Saeed.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151118 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers’ --iui2UmI63gj" target="blank">haiku imprisoned/ignorance, from ScarsDown in the Dirt 2015 issue book the Intersection.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter. facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory from November 18, 2012. 20151118 shared with friends

Janet and Sheri at McDivot’s Janet Kuypers With Sheri Peterson at McDivot’s.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20151117 shared with friends

182.9 gas Janet Kuypers may be paying the equivalent of 3 mortgages now, but at least it’s offset by the gas prices. — with Janet Kuypers in Round Rock, Texas.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151117 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku close, read from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter. facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151117 globe (for public notice)

from smoke Scars Publications just released the July - December 2015 cc&d collection book from smoke! The issue collection book contains cc&d issues v256, v257 , v258 and v259... Check out the Scars page for this book (which has links to all of the contents in this book), which also has printer links (since it will also be available around the world through amazon as well)!
And by the way, here is a list of people included in this volume: Aaron Wilder (with art), Andrew J. Hogan, Andy Roberts, Bill Yarrow, Bob Rashkow, Bob Strother, Brian Forrest (with art), Brian Looney, Bruce Costello, CEE, Charles Hayes, Chen Okafor, Cheryl Townsend (with art), Chris Roe, Christopher Davis, David Hernandez, David J. Thompson (with art), David Michael Jackson (with art), David Russell (with art), Dean Jones, Dennis Delrow, DG Mago, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Dr. Shmooz (with art), Drew Marshall, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (story and art), Elizabeth Harper, Eric Allen Yankee, Eric Bonholtzer (with art), Eric Burbridge, Frank C. Praeger, Fritz Hamilton, G. A. Scheinoha, I.B. Rad, Jackie Wolk, Janet Kuypers, Jay Frankston, Jenene Ravesloot, Jesse Williams, John Amendall, John Grey, Keith Kelly, Kyle Hemmings (with art), L. Payne, Liam Spencer, Linda Griffin, Linda M. Crate, Lisa Gray, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal, Luis Martinez, Margaret Karmazin & Janet Amalia Weinberg, Maria Carroll, Maura Gage Cavell, MCD, Micah White, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Ducak, Natasha Cabot, Nora McDonald, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Fealey, Peter LaBerge (with art), Phil Temples, Preston R. P., R. N. Taber, Richard King Perkins II, Ronald Charles Epstein, Sarah Szabo, Sheryl L. Nelms, Spencer Pearman, Steve Slavin, the HA!Man of South Africa (with art), Traci Lavois Thiebaud, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), William Jablonsky, and Xanadu (Ofmickiewiczfame).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151117 globe (for public notice)

CHI POET For this Chicago poet, it was sad to get the registration for my car yesterday (where they also gave me a generic Texas license plate). But I tried to make it a little better last night by ordering a personalized plate with a deck plate background.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
IL governors make license plates Well, my hair doesn’t grow like foliage, but... I’m keeping every Chicago reference I can on the back of my car (like my card that says I closed the Blue Note, and even did a show there, or my Illinois driver’s license with pictures of Ryan and Blagojevich on it that says “the only place where our governors make our license plates”)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151116 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers’ haiku choice, read from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt issue ISBN book the Intersection.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter. facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory from November 16, 2013. 20151116 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Kaiser’s Now that I live in Austin Texas, it is scary that a photo of memories has me eating Chicago pizza. Spooky.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151116 globe (for public notice)

a nation of assholes with guns Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the John Sweet chapbook a nation of assholes with guns as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the chapbook a nation of assholes with guns today!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151115 shared with friends

Janet Vine video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku don’t read from the Down in the Dirt issues book the Intersection

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter. facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151114 shared with friends

ails & spa A spa for what ails you? in Austin, Texas

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151114 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Scars Publicationscc&d July-December 2015 issue collection book “from smoke” is about ready for release...

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter. facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151113 globe (for public notice)

Janet It’s nice to know that one of the artists in my cc&d magazine, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, was marked as safe during the Paris Terror Attacks...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151113, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escaping Every Cage 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (from a Canon fs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Mark Fleury Mark Fleury
20151112 globe (for public notice)

Sunlight in the Sanctuary Great to have my poetry in this new anthology. Many thanks to Editor Janet Kuypers for including me.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20141112 globe (for public notice)

Sunlight in the Sanctuary To save you from the holiday mailing rush well before Thanksgiving, Scars Publications JUST released the 2015 annual collection book “Sunlight in the Sanctuary”! This 410 page anthology is chock full of poetry and flash fiction and longer prose, accented with great artwork from 2015 as well! Contributors to 2015 issues of cc&d and Down in the Dirt magazines were chosen for this 2015 Scars Publications collection book... Order Sunlight in the Sanctuary from the printer today! (And since it’s an amazon printer, don’t worry - it will be available for sale very shortly through amazon in the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe too!)
Contributors (listed alphabetically) include A.N. Block, Aaron Wilder (art), Adam Mac, Alam Catlin, Alex Patterson, Allan Onik, Allison Grayhurst, Andrew Schenck, Anna Cates, Anne Britting Oleson, Ava Collopy, Barry Hill, Ben Macnair, Betty J. Sayles, Bill Yarrow, Bob Rashkow, Bob Strother, Brian Forrest (painting), Brian Looney (writing and art), Carlo Frank Calo, Chad Newbill, Charles Hayes, Chris Roe, Christina Dendy, Christopher Davis, Clyde Daniel Bearre, Craig Watts, Crimson Blackstone, Dan Maltbie, Daniel Stockwell, David Hernandez, David J. Thompson (art), David Michael Jackson (art), David Nelson Hilliard, David R Miller, Dean Jones, Deanna Morris, Denny E. Marshall, DG Mago, Don Stockard, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (art), Eleanor Leonne Bennett (art), Eric Burbridge, Eric Erickson, Ester Avagyan, Francisco Diamond, Fred Russell, Fritz Hamilton, Hal Savage, Harry Noussias, I.B. Rad, Ian Bowman, Jack Foraker, Jack Herbert, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, Jenean McBrearty, Jessica Marie Baumgartner, Jim Meirose, Joann Spencer, John Amendall, Joseph Grant, Joshua Copeland, Judith Ann Levison, Karen Jones, Kathryn Lipari, Kelley Jean White MD, Kerry Lown Whalen, Kevin Munley, Kyle Hemmings (art), Lexi Lovetere, Liam Spencer, Lisa Gray, Louie Clay, M. A. Schaffner, Margaret Karmazin & Janet Amalia Weinberg, Maria Carroll, Marilyn June Janson, Mark Fleury, Mark Herden, Mark J. Mitchell, Mark Scott, Matt Koch, Matt LeShay, Matthew Hentrich, Matthew Horstkotter, Maura Gage Cavell, MCD, Mel Waldman, Micah White, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Brennan, Monica Busch, Natasha Cabot, Norm Hudson, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Fealey, Paul Bellerive, Paul Smith, Peter McMillan, R. H. Palmer, R. N. Taber, Ralph Womer, Jr., Raymond J. Barry, Richard King Perkins II, Richard Schnap, Robert Finch, Rosalie Krenger, Roy Hamond, Russ Bickerstaff, Sean Lause, Shubhangi Joshi, Simon Hardy Butler, Simon Perchik, Stefan Benz, Stephanie Hammerwold, Stephen McQuiggan, Steve Slavin, T. Allen Culpepper, Thom Mahoney, Thomas Gannon, Tom Schaffer, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (art), Victoria Griffin, William Masters, and Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151112, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

jk PT sq pic twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers @janetkuypers retweeted/updated
a @jkpoetryvine 20151111 post

scienceabook; the Unbearable Lightness of Helium? No, the Periodic Table of Poetry wins. http://t.co/EtK5xYho0 http://t.co/Nw1ddHMptB

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151111, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Laurel Tree PTofP My Periodic Table of Poetry book is at the TOP OF THE PAGE @ the Laurel Tree Daily web paper!
http://t.co/rz6cCgSjkF http://t.co/ks8RdXx6EP

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151111, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

PoetryLifeTimes Retweeted RAY NICHOLS (@raynichols): LAUREL TREE DAILY is out! http://t.co/5HTxlfoZ6O Stories via @kneeldowne @jkpoetryvine @lillyxcx

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151111, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Children, Churches and Daddies live 10/6/15 (Cps) at Quenchers poetry open mic in Chicago
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted on vine
20151110 shared with friends

PT of P The Periodic Table of Poetry by Janet Kuypers. That’s the name, @midnight! #ScienceABook

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151110, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

plt bases loaded Spread the word - Poetry Lifetimes lists my Bases Loaded artvilla link in their web paper!
http://t.co/ZNXTTu95i2 http://t.co/aviq3sHktn

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151110, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Children, Churches and Daddies 10/6/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (Cfs)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151109 globe (for public notice)

CEE The writing of CEE has appeared in many chapbooks AND perfect-bound ISBN# books from Scars Publications, but when CEE saw THIS book, be thought it was the best-looking book he had ever seen... So check out the BRAND NEW RELEASE of the CEE paperback book Hammer-Chained directly from the printer TODAY! (And since it’s an amazon printer, don’t worry - it will be available for sale very shortly through amazon in the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe too!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151109, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Bases Loaded, at artvilla PoetryLifeTimes Retweeted Poetry Lifetimes:
the Janet Kuypers in Chicago (Wrigley Field) poetry reading
http://t.co/ #poetry #poem @RobinOuzman @pinkyandrexa @janetkuypers

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine
20151109 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers’ haiku quoting twitter with a found haiku read 11/9/15 in Austin TX (thx 2 @PrezBillyJeff)
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151108 shared with friends

Janet Vine video CEE’s book “Hammer-Chained̵ comes out from Scars Publications tomorrow!
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr This is posted on Vine, Tumblr, facebook and Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Victor Phan
2015108 globe (for public notice)

Under the Sea - Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Victor Phan!!! (You know, this image is not only my statement that you’re a fantastic illustrator at *whatever* you’re drawing, but it’s also my gentle reminder to inquire about your interest in continuing the Under the Sea book illustrations...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151108 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 4 poems 10/5/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera), with Gouge Out Their Eyes, If She’s There — which led into She’s Going Home, and ending with Some People Want to Believe.
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151107, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube/A> video of Janet Kuypers’ 4 poems 10/5/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (filmed w/ a Canon Power Shot), w/ Gouge Out Their Eyes, If She’s There — which led into She’s Going Home, and ending with Some People Want to Believe.
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151106 globe (for public notice)

the Chosen Few I would like to introduce to you, the collection book the Chosen Few! I hope you enjoy this book, now available directly through the amazon.com affiliated printer. I am THRILLED that I can let you know that this collection book of select writings performed at features during the 2012-2015 open mic nights at the Cafe Gallery was just released!
Writers in this book are ones who were features at the open mic, and (upon request) they chose one piece of writing from each of their features. Writings in it are sorted by author; the headers on the pages of the writings list the date they were performed, and (because the vast majority of open mics and features were video recorded for weekly podcast videos and YouTube video clips) a YouTube clip from the performance is listed after each piece of writing. (There is even a complete listing of YouTube clips at the end of the book of all features and open mic videos a a reference to anyone who needs it.)
After research, we believe this was the only open mic in Chicago that offered not only YouTube video recordings, but also a weekly podcast of features and open mics. I am thrilled I was able to take the open mic to a podcast and YouTube video level while I hosted this open mic, and I am thrilled there is now a collection book of select performers to highlight this unique open mic. If you forget the printer link to the book sale page, you can always see it at the main page for this open mic, at http://scars.tv/thecafe (for a while you can see it on the main page right frame of scars, and you can see it in the scars books section ” or even with the writing appearing in the book in the writings section of scars as well... I hope you are thrilled with this book as much as I am. Thanks again, and ” enjoy the book!

(And by the way, writers appearing in this book include Ned Haggard, Elizabeth Harper, David (Buddha) Hargarten, Christine Swanberg, Tom Roby, Jenene Raveslootv, Robert Lawrence, Jeff Helgeson, Annabelle Echo, Marianne Schaefer, Patrick Hurley, Bill Yarrow, Dan Cleary, Oz Hardwick, Cousin Bones, Wes Heine, Susan T. Moss, Jim Davis, Daniel Weinberg, Viriginia Hunt, Pamela Miller, Esteban Colon, Paul J. Ryan, Deborah Rosen, Elizabeth Marino, Kottyn Campbell, Jackie Wolk, Dalice Malice, Jerry Pendergast, Eric Esden, Vittorio Carli, Bob Rashkow, and Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151106 globe (for public notice)

the 2016 literary date book anthology Excellent! Even early, Scars Publications JUST released the 2016 literary date book anthology, with chosen writings from 2014 issues of cc&d and Down in the Dirt magazine! The full listing of all of the chosen authors and writings is on line, and it will be available for sale through amazon (in the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe) very shortly! In the meantime, everyone can order a copy of this perfect-bound weekly planner (with U.S. and U.K. holidays listed in the ivory pages) directly from the printer any time!

the 2016 literary date book anthology is a 2015 poetry and brief prose collection book from Scars Publications of select materials accepted for 2015 issues through cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt magazine. All writing in this collection appears on one page of the book (the left-sided page), while one week of the 2016 calendar appears on the right-hand page. (This annual calendar from Scars Publications includes U.S. holidays plus U.K./Scotland/Ireland holidays in the weekly date book listing.) And so you’re prepared for all seasons, this weekly calendar date book starts on December 20th 2015, and runs through all of 2016 all the way to January 14 2017.

Writers and artists included in this book (listed in the order they appear in the calendar) are Ralph Monday, A.J. Huffman, Donald Gaither, Robert Bates, John Grey, Judith Ann Levison, Doug Draime, Allan Onik, Drew Marshall, Benjamin Sabin, Marlon Jackson, David Sapp, Frank De Canio, S. R. Mearns, Jon Brunette, Fritz Hamilton, Michael Lee Johnson, Linda M. Crate, G. A. Scheinoha, Frank C. Praeger, John Grey, Sheryl L. Nelms, CEE, Ronald Charles Epstein, Catherine B. Krause, Zak Parsons, Jenene Ravesloot, L. Payne, Richard King Perkins II, Eric Allen Yankee, Patrick Fealey, David James, Marianne Szlyk, R. N. Taber, Kenneth DiMaggio, Andy Roberts, David S. Pointer, Kelley Jean White MD, Simon Perchik, Aditya Shanka, Janet Kuypers, Erren Kelly, Jane Stuart, Dr (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Alan Catlin, David J. Thompson, Maura Gage Cavell, MCD, Chris Roe, Mimi Young, Sam Nicodemus, Michael C. Keith, Skerdi Brahimaj, Denny E. Marshall, Neil Flory, Eric Burbridge, Ag Synclair, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Sean Lause, Rose Marie, John Feaster, Chad Newbill, Roger G. Singer, David Hernandez, Chris Johnson, Christos C. Kallis, Edee Lemonier, Elizabeth Harper, Brian Looney, Michael Ceraolo, Xanadu, Daniel S. Weinberg, Luis Martinez, John K. Graham, I.B. Rad, Charles Hayes, Jackie Wolk, Zachary Harp, Jesse Williams, Oz Hardwick, Preston R. P., Traci Lavois Thiebaud, Chen Okafor, and Jay Frankston.

facebook profile picture for Eric Allen Yankee Eric Allen Yankee
20151106 globe (for public notice)

Janet Oh, hey, I’m in another anthology. That’s three this year.
    This is the Scars Publications 2016 date book anthology. My poem from the October issue of cc&d “Blindfolds” is in here.
     Order here (soon to be available on Amazon). Thanks for including me, Janet Kuypers! This one was a surprise to me and just made my day.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151105, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

W&S Open 8/22/15 pics 8/22/15 W&S Open: Federer/Djokovic/Murraay/Venus +...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers W&S Open 8/22/15 pics There are a ton of photos in there of Dogopolov playing tennis too... The Semi Finals were great! 20151105

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151105, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

W&S Open 8/21/15 pics Federer, Wawrinka, Dogopolov & Venus Williams hit tennis balls 8/21/15 in the W&S Open pics!
http://t.co/V6Vz5tM6RL http://t.co/4UZ7ydWbvF

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers W&S Open 8/21/15 pics It’s amazing to see shots of the ball coming off the racket of these pro players... 20151105

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151104, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

W&S Open 8/16/15 pics 8/16/15 pics Nadal/Wawrinka/Paire/ Youzhny/Stephens/ Dogopolov/McHale/ Fish/Cilic/Kudla/Berdych
http://t.co/0DqWOQ6J8 http://t.co/ptNjzSpI5A

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers And when I see that first pictures of Raphael Nadal, I want to ask about the look on his face with the tennis ball so close. (I should remember the expressions and yells he makes whenever he makes a shot though, so I shouldn’t be surprised.) 20151105

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151104, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

W&S Open 8/15/15 pics Cool 2 C Federer & Wawrinka & tons of famous tennis players up close 4 pics @ the W&S Open.
http://t.co/jw6g0Tv34q http://t.co/Q4I9d19oTD

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Besides images of Wawrinka and Federer at the W&S Open 8/15/15, there are also pictures of Kohlschreiber, Madison Keys, Monfils, and McHala against Plskova. 20151104

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151103 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151103 globe (for public notice)

house 4 sale For anyone in Chicago who wants luxury (that’s affordable), check out the Gurnee house just put on the market last night... Gas & wood burning fireplaces, a deck w/ 40' high trees for privacy just off Milwaukee Avenue in Gurnee (close to trains and the highway for easy Chicago commutes!). Enjoy multiple skylights in a 3,400+ SF house w/ 2 floors (and an attached 2 car garage), a stainless steel kitchen (and convection microwave) w/ lights in glass cabinets... The Baird & Warner photos don’t even include the 2 person massive bathtub w/ jets, or the sauna (yes, you read right, this place even has a sauna). Closer to cheaper gas prices in Lake County - this is a place you can’t pass up!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers bath tub (And if a selling point that this house was owned by the only Chicago poetry open mic host who ran a weekly podcast isn’t *enough* of a desire to snatch up this house up ASAP, then I don’t know what is...) 20151103

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151102, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

atvilla 2 artvilla sites now have my Bases Loaded poems & videos any time! http://t.co/T9dRYNTeow http://t.co/Uh3AFnvLQ6 http://t.co/tzrAHpqVtv

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151102 globe (for public notice)

Hammer-Chained Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the CEE chapbook Hammer-Chained as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the chapbook Hammer-Chained today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151102, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Smiths song What Difference Does it Make live 10/30/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank (and was recorded from an iPhone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151101 globe (for public notice)

Planets Apart ONE MONTH EARLY (because this issue is normally released 12/1), Scars Publications just released the print edition of Down in the Dirt magazine (The November / December 2015 issue, v133), titled Planets Apart! So now is your chance, hot off the press, to order the book Planets Apart!

Down in the Dirt magazine is released every other month (with bonus issues) as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only it’s usual ISSN# (print ISSN# 1554-9623 and Internet ISSN# 1554-9666), but also an ISBN#. Because of ISBN# releases, all issues are now also released with an amazon printer (so it will be available for sale through the Internet with local printers in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe).

Writers and artists included in this issue (and the titles of their contributions) include John Feaster (with Adagio Ocean), David Hernandez (with What Reminds Me Of Christmas?), Chad Newbill (with Red Cape), Fritz Hamilto (with It feels like Saturday), Allan Onik (with A Lesson in Magic, Under Cover, and The Reading), Janet Kuypers (with upturn), Denny E. Marshall (with Cars, Prescription #L, Planets Apart, and Space & Time), Sean Lause (with The knife sharpener, and Why I read comic books), Neil Flory (with Wichita), Janet Kuypers (with of his thirst), Judith Ann Levison (with Last Act), Doug Hawley (with Jen), Ester Avagyan (with Learning and Studying Went on Far Into the Night, and Putting My Brain In A Concentration Camp), Joann Spencer (with Apology Poem, Robbery, and Yoga), Michael Lee Johnson (with Abandoned), Brian Looney (with Alcoholic Murmurs (So Low), and Alcoholic Murmurs (Trust)), Andrew Schenck (with Home Alone), Janet Kuypers (with strike), S. R. Mearns (with Three Words Unspoken), Roger G. Singer (with Sheng Street), Mark J. Mitchell (with Actor, and Solo Fight), Francisco Diamond (with A Very Good Year, and Adventures in The Skin Trade: homage to Charles Plymell), J. Edward Kruft (with Heck Street), Janet Kuypers (with Quoting twitter with a found haiku), Dennis Vannatta (with Friends and Judges), Chris Johnson (with Down, Down), Stephanie Hammerwold (with The Service), Kylee Hemmings (with Smoke and Sun art), Bob Strother (with The Bump), Russ Bickerstaff (with The Face), Brian Looney (with Psychedelic Snail art), Christos C. Kallis (with The Perks of Being), Peter McMillan (with The Intersection), Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with Crossing the River art), David Sowards (with Email cartoom), Crimson Blackstone (with In The Light And The Dark), Janet Kuypers (with know), Ben Macnair (with Charity, and Film Studies), Danny Maltbie (with Incursion), Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with Sea Out art), Ralph Womer, Jr. (with The Storm, and Scars), Stefan Benz (with [art is not. perfection], and [bug-eyed. the little child]), John Grey (with Deep as the Bear, and Your Recovery), Richard Schnap (with Last Call, and leeping Beauties), Karen Jones (with Ka-‘ula-o-ke-ahi, and Golden Necklace), and Naomi Kondo (with Visits to My Mind).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
201501101 globe (for public notice)

When the Walls are Paper Thin ONE MONTH EARLY (because this issue is normally released 12/1), Scars Publications just released the print and Internet editions of cc&d magazine (The Nov./Dec. 2015 issue, v259), titled When the Walls are Paper Thin! Now you can order the book When the Walls are Paper Thin directly from the amazon printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and Europe...)
When the Walls are Paper Thin is a 2015 Scars Publications cc&d magazine (v259) poetry and short story book by assorted writers and artists. Writers and artists in this book include writers and artists like MCD, CEE, the HA!Man of South Africa (with art), Doug Draime, G. A. Scheinoha, Eric Bonholtzer (with art), Richard King Perkins II, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), Brian Forrest (with art), Michael Ceraolo, Dr. Shmooz (with art), Patrick Fealey, David Russell (with art), Charles Hayes, Cheryl Townsend (with art), R. N. Taber, Jay Frankston, Christopher Davis, Drew Marshall, Aaron Wilder (with art), Bill Yarrow, Janet Kuypers, Eric Allen Yankee, Dean Jones, Liam Spencer, Fritz Hamilton, Charles Hayes, William Jablonsky, Maria Carroll, Kyle Hemmings (with art), Bob Strother, David Michael Jackson (with art), Natasha Cabot, David J. Thompson (with art), Micah White, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), Steve Slavin, and John Amendall.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151031 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Apparently Veronica was trying to play Barbies with Betty Finn.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151031 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Veronica needed Sumo Wrestlers to save her from J.D. - and her date, Darth (masking as Luke).

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151031 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Why so tense? (What’s your damage?) Happy Halloween!!!

(Janet Kuypers dressed as Veronica Sawyer after hanging herself in Heathers on 6th Street in Austin, TX)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a memory from October 31, 2013.
20151031 globe (for public notice)

Janet So fb sends me this note of past memories, and this Poe-Pourri photo with Lynn West 2 Halloweens was such a riot that I had to share...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers posted a video on vine
20151031 shared with friends

Janet Vine video (sorry this was back from the --e3ewjUXFq60" target="blank">Western & Southern Open last August, it was a video that previously failed upload and I didn’t know it...)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151031 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Scars Publications will release the Nov./Dec. 2015 issues of cc&d & Down in the Dirt 1 month early - tomorrow!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151031 shared with friends

Janet Vine video The Nov./Dec. 2015 v133 Down in the Dirt issue comes out 11/1, as the book --e3emHKbgzFa" target="blank">Planets Apart (w/ a NASA cover).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151031, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing (iPhone) the Smiths song Please, Please, Please Let Me Get what I Want live 10/30/15 at Austin’s the Water Tank
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151030 shared with friends

Janet Vine video The Cafe Gallery Chicago poetry open mic collection book’s proofing; the chosen few may release next week.

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersAnd that means all you contributors will get an email from me when it’s out, Elizabeth Harper, David Buddha-Hargarten, Christina Swanberg, Tom Roby IV, Jenene Ravesloot, Bob Lawrence, Jeffery Wayne Helgeson, Annabelle Echo, Marianne Schaefer, Patrick Hurley, Bill Yarrow, Daniel Cleary, Oz Hardwick, Westley Heine, Cousin Bones, Susan T. Moss, Jim Davis, Daniel Weinberg, Virginia K. R. Hunt, Pamela Miller, Este Stevie Cologne, Paul Ryan, Deborah Rosen, Elizabeth Marino, Kottyn Campbell, Jackie Wolk, Dalice Malice, Jerry Pendergast, Eric Esden, Vittorio Carli, Bob Rashkow (and me, Janet Kuypers, and yeah, this is the order of poets and performers appearing in the book...) All of these writings also have their YouTube video links with them too!       20151030 at 5:20pm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151030, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

In Basel tennis, should I root for Nadal, or Cilic - the man who signed my W&S Open fan 2 months ago? I am so torn! http://t.co/z3aeggIgoW

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151030, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

4 Halloween, a poem about a pumpkin: See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Gouge Out Their Eyes 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (from a Canon fs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151030, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

4 Halloween, a poem about a pumpkin: See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Gouge Out Their Eyes 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (w/ a Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151029 globe (for public notice)

Dancing at the Abyss Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the I.B. Rad cc&d chapbook Dancing at the Abyss as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the chapbook Dancing at the Abyss today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151029, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Some People Want to Believe 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (Canon fs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151029, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Some People Want to Believe 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (Canon PS)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151029, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

4 books Videos & updates 4 books Partial Nudity, Revealed, Let me See you Stripped & Part of my Pain
http://t.co/L8Dpqe4FkZ http://t.co/yVxvggb6ha

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151028, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem She’s Going Home 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151028, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem She’s Going Home 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151028 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Better visibility is in Austin skies versus Chicago (surprise)...
(Text: “Jupiter and Venus were actually visible in the Texas sky, but you couldn’t see Mars...”
This post also appeared on Twitter and Tumblr.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151028, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Heart of a Dog The film’s in NY; I’ll get the Laurie Anderson surreal sounding soundtrack “Heart of a Dog”.!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151027 globe (for public notice)

Janet What a riot that Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels finds these photos - I’ve never seen this one!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151027 globe (for public notice)

Janet Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels, are you trying to make sure people don’t forget me in Chicago by posting this today???

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151027, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “If She’s There” 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151027, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “If She’s There” 10/5/15 at Weeds open mic in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151026, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

lambs show at PLT Cool that my “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter” Chicago show ALSO lives on in Poetry Lifetimes 10/25/15!
http://t.co/ZNXTTu95i2 http://t.co/hv8JN5XyBD

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151026, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Down in the Dirt @thedavidrford Find your name @ the writings site you listed for you in Down in the Dirt

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Dave Johnson
20151026 shared with friends

Janet & Dave The sad thing is that the only good photo of the two of us is so old that you’re in uniform from your retirement ceremony... You two will just have to come visit your daughter (and then also your brother in law and me) down here in Texas, so we can have more great memories (and hopefully more recent photos) together! Happy Birthday, and I hope it’s the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151026 globe (for public notice)

wine merlot While I was at the Circle brewery (that makes beer), I wore my “got wine?” hat and found a barrel labeled “Merlot”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151025, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

lambs show at artvilla Robin Hislop Retweeted Robin Hislop (@RobinOuzman):

Janet Kuypers’ poetry show “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter
http://t.co/R4VYSX70zJ #poetry #poem @Artvillacom @pinkyandrexa @PoetryLifeTimes @janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151025, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Fiona Apple song Criminal live 010/23/15 at Austin’s the Water Tower (iPhone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151024, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering/singing the Stevie Ray Vaughan song Life by the Drop live 10/23/15 at Austin’s the Water Tower (and recorded with an iPhone)
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151024 globe (for public notice)

bedroom This is for those who said after my 9/2/15 poetry feature “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter” that I needed to keep my paper back jacket... It now has a home here in Austin.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151023 globe (for public notice)

No Raft — No Ocean Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the Allison Grayhurst chapbook No Raft — No Ocean as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the chapbook No Raft — No Ocean today!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20151022 shared with friends

195/9 gas Ahh, the trials and tribulations of filling up on $1.95 a gallon gas on an 80 degree day. First time Janet has spent less than $2.00 a gallon in over a decade.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151022 globe (for public notice)

Bummer, a Chris Butler chapbook Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the Down in the Dirt Chris Butler chapbook Bummer as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the chapbook Bummer today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151021, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

“Post its in my Crotch” is SO my new all girl punk band name. New town, new persona. (the band name inspired by @walkingseed)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151021, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

lambs show at artvilla PoetryLifeTimes Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

Janet Kuypers’ poetry show “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter
http://t.co/JMdjBG0bq @janetkuypers @Artvillacom shared http://t.co/zSKGxozqKH

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151021, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

lambs show at artvilla 2 artvilla sites have my last Chicago poetry show videos on line!
http://t.co/R3T1HjEvLK http://t.co/eDrkdBlVXv http://t.co/Alr9NWLPhI

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151020 Austin, TX globe (for public notice)

Austin Okay, I showed photos before of OTHER Texas cities, but not the city I moved to, so... Austin (while driving around in Austin).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151019 Waco, TX globe (for public notice)

Waco But apparently I have a thing for Waco.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 2 new photos.
20151019 Dallas, TX globe (for public notice)

Dallas Dallas Dallas.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151018 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Tressa Tressa, my darling, Happy Birthday!!! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!!
(P.S.: Thank Oz Hardwick for the photo...) — with Tressa Smeltzer at the Gallery Cabaret

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20151018 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20151017 shared with friends

JK & JY at the Tavern We stopped by to say happy birthday to Scotty but someone had to take the photo. — with Janet Kuypers and Laura Kretchman at Jester King Brewery.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20151017 · Austin, TX shared with friends

JK & JY at the Tavern Yes Sandra, Janet does have bangs. — with Janet Kuypers at The Tavern Austin.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151016 globe (for public notice)

DMJ art Some of you may know Dave Jackson because of all of his artwork and music and artvilla, but since I wanted some of his art for cc&d and Down in the Dirt mags at Scars Publications, he managed to give me enough of his OWN art so I could start an art page for him at Scars art!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151014 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers Boxes are around me in this office space in our apartment, but the addition of the glass globes on the sill next to my desk pleases me... Oh, and it’s true I have a photo water globe there of John and I standing in front of a globe on the roof of a building in Shanghai.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20151013 shared with friends

Janet Vine video My Austin living room

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151011 globe (for public notice)

Waco & LSD Yes, it’s that Waco (and no, it’s a different Lake Shore Drive than Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151011 globe (for public notice)

drive friendly Did you know that “driving friendly” was the Texas way? Good thing their welcome sign explained to me.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151011 globe (for public notice)

Oklahoma sunrise Last exit in Oklahoma...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151010 in St. Louis, Missouri, MO globe (for public notice)

St. Louis arch

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151010 globe (for public notice)

Mynx caged If I thought I had it bad in this cramped car, what about poor Mynx...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20151010 globe (for public notice)

JK &; JY in Gurnee yard

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151010 globe (for public notice)

JK &; JY in Gurnee yard Last photo in front of our Illinois home.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151009 globe (for public notice)

John in my kitchen You have no idea how much I’m going to miss this home.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added a new photo — with Francois Le Roux and Janet Kuypers at Uncommon Ground. 20151009 globe (for public notice)

Joke &JK & Francois at Uncommon Ground

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared an event.
20151009 globe (for public notice)

If we are able to make it out, and if John can borrow a guitar from someone there, we can perform at the variety night at Roots Room. We will see... https://www.facebook.com/events/1683802728530077/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared an event.
20151009 globe (for public notice)

Not sure if we will be able to make it to Storyteller night at Poetry’s “Love Letter” since we are packing up to move, but we will try. https://www.facebook.com/events/177862532552074/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared an event.
20151009 globe (for public notice)

Had a great time last night seeing Francois Le Roux and Joke Debaere at Uncommon Ground... https://www.facebook .com/events/1631968337090909/

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Francois Le Roux and Janet Kuypers at Uncommon Ground. 20151009 globe (for public notice)

Joke &JK & Francois at Uncommon Ground (After the HA!Man with Joke Debaere show)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Donna Rae Pecore and Janet Kuypers at Uncommon Ground. 20151008 globe (for public notice)

JK & Donna at Uncommon Ground (Before the HA!Man with Joke Debaere - also featuring whitewolfsonicprincess show)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko 20151008Chicago IL globe (for public notice)

JK & JY at Laschet’s Back with my love.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151007 globe (for public notice)

Janet at group at Quenchers Thank you to everyone who made it out to Quenchers last night - thanks to host Robert Edwards for letting me talk and read on stage (and for calling October 6th Janet Kuypers day at the end of the open mic), and thanks to Jerry Pendergast for requesting for me to read
Janet at group at Quenchers my Children, Churches and Daddies poem...It was great taking pictures with Jason No Ah and Eric Allen Yankee at the end of the night too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151006 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Weeds with Gregorio Chuck Kramer, thank you for taking photos 10/5/15 at my last night in Chicago at the Chicago open mic Weeds!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151006 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts... I am in town this week before the move SATURDAY, so I plan to make it to (my last open mic reading while living in Chicago) at Quenchers tonight (Tuesday night10/6/15, at 8:30 PM).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151006 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts... I am in town this week before the move SATURDAY, so I plan to make it to (my last open mic reading while living in Chicago) at Quenchers tonight (Tuesday night10/6/15, at 8:30 PM).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151005, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson):

#lWhenMyParentsWereYourAge “In God We Trust” was neither on our money, the Pledge of Allegiance, or the front wall of Congress

facebook profile picture for Michael Lee Johnson Michael Lee Johnson
20151005 globe (for public notice)

JK &MLJ Janet is not only one very talented Editor and Publisher, she is one talented poet!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151005 globe (for public notice)

Junk Sorry Francois Le Roux, even though I kept your art from your 2009 Chicago shw, I have to get rid of it by our move this weekend.

Weeds added 4 new photos to the album: October 5, 2015, pix by Chuck Kramer — at Weeds. 20151005 globe (for public notice)


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151005 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts... I am in town this week before the move SATURDAY, so I want to make it to Weeds tonight (Monday night 10/5/15). Looking forward to seeing Gregorio Gomez and Chuck Kramer tonight for my last reading there...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151005, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Almost the Best Part 9/30/15 at Chicago’s Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20151004 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Cutler is actually playing in this Bears game today at Soldier Field against Oakland, & the Bears just scored! Rock on!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151004, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Shared Air 9/30/15 at Chicago’s Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret (Canon Power Shot).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151004, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Shared Air 9/30/15 at Chicago’s Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret (Canon fs200 camera).
On Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151003, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cfs) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Almost the Best Part 9/30/15 at Chicago’s Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
201501002 globe (for public notice)

the Captive and the Dead Scars Publications just released the print and Internet editions of cc&d magazine (The October 2015 issue, v258), titled the Captive and the Dead! Now you can order the book the Captive and the Dead directly from the amazon affiliates printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe...)
the Captive and the Dead is a 2015 Scars Publications cc&d magazine (v258) poetry and short story book by assorted writers and artists. Writers and artists in this book include writers and artists like Janet Kuypers, Michael Ceraolo, Jackie Wolk, Cheryl Townsend photography, I.B. Rad, the HA!Man of South Africa (with art), R. N. Taber, Chen Okafor, Doug Draime, G. A. Scheinoha, Aaron Wilder (with art), Fritz Hamilton, Brian Looney (with art), L. Payne, CEE, David Hernandez, Patrick Fealey (with art), MCD, Ronald Charles Epstein, Eric Bonholtzer (with art), Richard King Perkins II, Bill Yarrow, Bob Rashkow, Eric Allen Yankee, Luis Martinez, Eric Burbridge, Liam Spencer, Kyle Hemmings (with art), David J. Thompson (with art), Patrick Fealey, David Michael Jackson (with art), Aaron Wilder (with art), Dennis Delrow, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (with art), Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with a story and art), Linda Griffin, Peter LaBerge (with art), Spencer Pearman, Kyle Hemmings (with art), and Charles Hayes.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20151001 globe (for public notice)

hello goodbye goodbye hello Scars Publications just released the print edition of Down in the Dirt magazine (The October 2015 issue, v132), titled ! Now you can order the book hello goodbye goodbye hello!

Down in the Dirt magazine is released every other month (with bonus issues) as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only it’s usual ISSN# (print ISSN# 1554-9623 and Internet ISSN# 1554-9666), but also an ISBN#. Because of ISBN# releases, all issues are now also released with an amazon printer (so it will be avilable for sale through the Internet with local printers in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe).

Writers and artists included in this issue include Janet Kuypers, Liam Spencer, Lisa Gray, Donald Gaither, Allan Onik, John K. Graham, Kyle Hemmings (photography), Chad Newbill, Fritz Hamilton, Craig Watts, W. Scott R. Brownlee, A.N. Block, Scott Morley, Matt Koch, Dean Jones, Zain Saeed, Rosalie Krenger, Kyle Hemmings (with additional photography), Skerdi Brahimaj, Denny E. Marshall, Adam Mac, Allison Grayhurst, Neil Flory, Patty Somlo, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (art), Monica Busch, Michael Lee Johnson, Ag Synclair, Sean Lause, Roy Miller, Ron Iannone, Carlo Frank Calo, Rose Marie, Doug Hawley, Matthew Hentrich, Richard King Perkins II, Zachary Harp, and Judith Ann Levison.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150930 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and the MG Even tho the roof is dusty, my MG is only 1 of many things I’ll miss, since the movers are only 1 step in my relocating to Austin.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150930 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Weeds with Gregorio Janet at Weeds Chuck Kramer, thank you for taking such great pictures 9/14/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds! They were great!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150930 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Fitting the Mold 9/14/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (filmed with a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150929 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Fitting the Mold 9/14/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (filmed with a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150929, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Fitting the Mold 9/14/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (from a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers uploaded 2 new photos..
20150928 globe (for public notice)

trellis packing trellis packing Managed to get the 3 7' tall fake trees, the Montana walking stick and the faggot under the trellis for packing (John would love the great conversation of space)...

Weeds added a photo — with Gregorio Gomez and Janet Kuypers. 20150928 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Weeds

Weeds added a photo — with Janet Kuypers. 20150928 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Weeds

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150928 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150928, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “Train Tracks” live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150928, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “Train Tracks” live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150927 globe (for public notice)

Gallery CabaretFor those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts... I am in town this week, so I want to make it to Weeds Monday night, and Poetry At the Gallery Cabaret Wednesday night too.

I know you guys make fun of me because I keep saying I’m leaving but I keep sticking around, so I wanted to give you more details on my timeline... The movers are removing all of my house belongings all business week this week (9/28 through 10/2), and I was told I should remain here (in a vacant house) while last-minute repairs are done and most of the house is repainted. So I KNOW I am here this week and next week (and if repairs and painting don’t get done in 1 week I’m here longer to finish the house before moving).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150927, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose the Playground live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150927 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts... I am in town this week, so I want to make it to Weeds Monday night, and I should be able to make it to Poetry At the Gallery Cabaret Wednesday night too. https://www.facebook.com/events/925817167491282/

I know you guys make fun of me because I keep saying I’m leaving but I keep sticking around, so I wanted to give you more details on my timeline... The movers are removing all of my house belongings all business week this week (9/28 through 10/2), and I was told I should remain here (in a vacant house) while last-minute repairs are done and most of the house is repainted. So I KNOW I am here this week and next week (and if repairs and painting don’t get done in 1 week I’m here longer to finish the house before the final move)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150927 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added two new photos Traveling to Austin, Texas with Janet Kuypers from Chicago O’Hare International Airport. 20150927 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY at O’Hare JK & JY at O’Hare Saying good bye to my dear wife.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150927 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY in the car 2 O’Hare Fitting that it is an overcast day when Janet is taking me to the airport. I’m gonna miss you my love.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150927, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose the Playground live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150927 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150926, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Story Telling 2010 live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150926, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Story Telling 2010 live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150926 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150925, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Seven Miles live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150925, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Seven Miles live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (from a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150925 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150925 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Sandy Sandy, I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!!!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150924 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY; at the W&S Open I’s been nice to be able to spend a week back home with Janet. I’ve missed her with me in Texas and her still in ILL. Only a couple more weeks and our house will be on the market and she’ll be joining me. — John Yotko with Janet Kuypers in Chicago, IL.

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersI happened to be gripping extra hard when he took that... 20150924

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150924 globe (for public notice)

dad’s toys Before I give these to Steve, I had to take a picture of a few of the toys my dad made.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150924, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose NASA Project live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon PS)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150924, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose NASA Project live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150923, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Letter 9/16/06 live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150923, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Letter 9/16/06 live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150923, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Learning More live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150923, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Learning More live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150923 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150922, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

farewell chicago at artvilla Farewell Chicago show videos are now @ artvilla AND Scars @ artvilla!
http://t.co/uW2yDb9uTw http://t.co/kxvFpwG9ck

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150922, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose King of the Universe live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon PS)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150922, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose King of the Universe live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150922 globe (for public notice)

paperback jacket After my 9/2/15 show “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter” at the Gallery Cabaret in Chicago, a few audience member stressed that I had to keep the paperback jacket I wore to read my poem Open Book (the jacket that I made out of pages of a paperback book). I thought moving to Austin would make that difficult, but since I made that paperback jacket on my metal clothing form, John wrapped it in another jacket and brought it to Texas with him on his first moving trip. And thank you to John for taking a “pensive” photo of the mannequin head hat holder stop this clothing form with the paperback jacket - this photo is priceless.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150921, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose a Letter live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon PowerShot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150921, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose a Letter live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150921, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose how to cry live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon PowerShot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150921, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose how to cry live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20150921 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150920 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Ed Ed Kuypers, I hope all is well with you - and I hope you enjoy your birthday today! (I didn’t have a pic of us dancing- at any wedding - so I had to settle for the blue tongue lollipop photo. So I hope you have a “sweet”, & a little weird, birthday today!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150919 globe (for public notice)

Janet and dad I hear you had your best night of sleep last night... Rest in Peace, dad.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150919, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 of her poems 9/16/15 at the Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret open mic in Chicago, Knelt and Cried, Eleven and Two, plus Eight, Timing is Everything and Holding My Hand (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150919, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 of her poems 9/16/15 at the Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret open mic in Chicago, Knelt and Cried, Eleven and Two, plus Eight, Timing is Everything and Holding My Handfilmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20150919 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150918 globe (for public notice)

Wes Heine art For those Chicago people (and yes, you Texas people too) who love Wes Heine and Cousin Bones, check out the first selections of his ARTWORK at Scars Publications that you can peruse any time! This also means that his artwork will be considered for future issues of both cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt magazine (which is also double-plus col), so thanks for the photography, Wes!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150918, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing her poem Made Any Difference (to John Y.’s music), then reading her poems Fantastic Car Crash and Too Far 9/16/15 at the Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret open mic in Chicago (Cps)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150918, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing her poem Made Any Difference (to John Y.’s music), then reading her poems Fantastic Car Crash and Too Far 9/16/15 at the Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret open mic in Chicago (Cfs)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150918, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the ending of Joffre Stewart reading Janet Kuypers’ haiku extend live 9/16/15 at the Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret open mic in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150918 globe (for public notice)

Pluto Thank you to Bob Lawrence for showing me these images of Pluto and its moon that I had not seen before. I felt like a little kid looking through these images, it’s so cool to see more detailed pictures of the dwarf planet like this.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150917, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, Too Far, the Burning and Children, Churches and Daddies 9/16/15 at In One Ear open mic in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150917, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, Too Far, the Burning and Children, Churches and Daddies 9/16/15 at In One Ear open mic in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150917 globe (for public notice)

Hey, I’m here with Jerry Pendergast at Roots Room for telling some prose. Would love to see others at StorytelleStoryteller night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150917 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts... Jerry Pendergast turned me on to this place, so while I am in town I plan to go to Story Teller Night at Roots Room (5203 N Kimball in Chicago) to read short prose tonight, 9/17/15 (Thursday night). This open mic runs from 7-10, and I look forward to diving into my short prose to share in this eclectic space.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150916 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Bob Lawrence Good to see Bob Lawrence — with Bob Lawrence at the Gallery Cabaret

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150916 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Annabelle Thank you Annabelle Echo! — with Annabelle Echo at the Gallery Cabaret

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150916 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Annabelle, my darling! — with Annabelle Echo at the Gallery Cabaret

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150916, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems 9/14/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds, w/ “So”, Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein, & Burn It In (filmed with a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150916, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems 9/14/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds, w/ “So”, Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein, & Burn It In (filmed with a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150916, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Joffre Stewart reading Janet Kuypers’ poem Escape live 9/14/15 at the open mic Weeds in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150916 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet A Big thank you to Chuck Kramer for including me in your many photos at Weed’s Monday night.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150915 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts, I am in town and plan to go to the open mic that I used to run — now Dave Gecic’s Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret (2020 N Oakley Ave. in Chicago) to read poetry tomorrow night, 9/16/15 (Wednesday night). This open mic runs from 7-9, so I am also thinking of going to the In One Ear open mic at Heartland Cafe, which starts after the Gallery Cabaret open mic ends...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150915, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 9/12/15 of Janet Kuypers at Chicago’s the Art Colony open mic reading her poems Just Making Face After Face, Tired of Trying, Bitter Suburbs, Pock-Marked Molehills, Dead Grass Fires, Ever Consumed Goat, Even With no Wish Bone, and The Power to Tell Her / The Power To See Her (filmed from a Canon Power Shot; given a heat wave filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150915, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 9/12/15 of Janet Kuypers at Chicago’s the Art Colony open mic reading her poems Just Making Face After Face, Tired of Trying, Bitter Suburbs, Pock-Marked Molehills, Dead Grass Fires, Ever Consumed Goat, Even With no Wish Bone, and The Power to Tell Her / The Power To See Her (Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150915, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK in Secrets of a Poet The Secrets of the Poet Daily just released my artvilla 7/25/15 Beach Poets page on their page!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150914 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts, I am in town and plan to go to Weeds Poetry (1555 N Dayton St. in Chicago) to read poetry tonight. The bar Weed’s opens at 10, the poets will start after the bar opens.

Weeds Poetry added a new photo — with Janet Kuypers. 20150914 globe (for public notice)


Weeds Poetry added a new photo — with Janet Kuypers. 20150914 globe (for public notice)


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150914, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 9/11/15 of Janet Kuypers at the Chicago’s Roots Roomreading her poems operation diligence and Looking for a Worthy Adversary, then singing her original song What we Need in Life, then reading her poem I dreamt about you last night, then covering the 1925 song (a cappella) Brother, Can you Spare a Dime, & finishing with her poem Under the Sea (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera, then cropped & saturated) .

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150914, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 9/11/15 of Janet Kuypers at the Chicago’s Roots Room reading her poems operation diligence and Looking for a Worthy Adversary, then singing her original song What we Need in Life, then reading her poem I dreamt about you last night, then covering the 1925 song (a cappella) Brother, Can you Spare a Dime, & finishing with her poem Under the Sea (filmed with a Canon fs200, then cropped & saturated w/ a sci-fi filter).

Richard Lane
20150914 globe (for public notice)

Janet because i agree with Janet Kuypers i am sharing this
with all props and credit.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150913 globe (for public notice)

Janet Just saw an ESPN commercial where players (tennis with a racket, men holding a football) saying, "this is my equipment... I am nothing without it.

And it is nothing without me.”

(Sound familiar, my marines?)

“this is my poem
there are many like it
but this one is mine
without me, this poem is useless
without this poem, I am useless”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150913, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK Tennis The rain gods made us wait 3 hours for the Federer/Djokovia US Open finals tennis match, but it’s SO worth the wait!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150913, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK & JY beach poets Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

Janet Kuypers’ poems in a 2-part Beach Poets http://t.co/I4Lkmwoh0n #poetry #poem @PoetryLifeTimes @RobinOuzman @janetkuypers @Jacksonpoet

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150913 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Bears scored 1st against GB! (Even tho it’s only 3 points, but that made kicker Gould score the most kick point than anyone in Bears history... Cool!)

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersThat fg just made the record at 244 from him                                20150913

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150913 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems bored the night before 9/11 and September 11, 2001 at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 9/11/15 Cps).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150913 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems bored the night before 9/11, and September 11, 2001 at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 9/11/15 Cfs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150912 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts, I am in town and plan to go to Vito’s event at the Art Colony (2630 W Fletcher St, Chicago, Illinois 60618) to read poetry for the open mic at 5pm tonight... I will try to search for things I have never read before, so it will be completely new tonight. If you can make it, I hope to see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150912, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

(bored the night before 9/11)

bored last night, I flipped
between tv shows “9/10: The Final Hours-
        Remembering 9/11”
& “100 orgasms a day”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150912, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK Tennis Missed tennis last nite (4 Chi POETRY), but cool 2 c Mattek-Sands & Querrey mixed doubles finals replay 2day. http://t.co/suPfAL6RyP

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersIt’s a shame my Americans (and my punk girl) didn’t win the tie-break for the mixed doubles grand slam title...        20150912

facebook profile picture for Jenene Ravesloot Jenene Ravesloot
20150912 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers at Poetry “Love Letter” 911 open mic on 9/11/2015

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150911, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 4 poems walking home from school, Hancock Suicide, Chicago, December 1994, a woman talking about her rapist friend and Last Before Extinction at Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing (with a “darkness” theme) in Wicker Park, Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150911, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 4 poems walking home from school, Hancock Suicide, Chicago, December 1994, a woman talking about her rapist friend and Last Before Extinction at Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing (with a “darkness” theme) in Wicker Park, Chicago (from a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150911 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Thank you Alice for posting photos from Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing a few nights ago...

facebook profile picture for Weeds Weeds Poetry Open Mic
20150910 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Janet
Weeds Poetry at the Hideout added 3 new photos of Janet Kuypers to the album September 7, 2015, pix by Chuck Kramer

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150910, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Knotted Hate, Floating Away with the Tide and Scenarios 2000 at Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing (with a “darkness” theme) in Wicker Park, Chicago (Cps)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150910, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Knotted Hate, Floating Away with the Tide and Scenarios 2000 at Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing (with a “darkness” theme) in Wicker Park, Chicago (Cfs)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150910 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts, I am in town and plan to go to Poetry “Love Letter” (at Let Them Eat Chocolate, 5306 N Damen Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60625) to read poetry at the open mic Friday night (tomorrow). They say they start at 7, and tomorrow is 9/11, so I think I’ll have to read my September 11, 2001 poem (and maybe one more, if G.P.A. allows me the time). If you can make it, I hope to see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Who knows, maybe I’ll also read my short poem I just wrote 2 days ago called operation diligence (which was written as a “personal attack” story, but I wrote this after hearing while watching a 9/11 show that fighter jets could not be sent to stop a hijacked airplane on 9/11/01 because they were detained in an drill called “operation diligence”, how ironic). 20150910

Alice Christy - Poetry Page
20150909 globe (for public notice)

JK Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing at Phyllis’ Musical Inn 9/9/15

Alice Christy - Poetry Page
20150909 globe (for public notice)

JK Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing at Phyllis’ Musical Inn 9/9/15

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150909 globe (for public notice)

Oz art Because of the move, I could not hold on to these 2 new pieces of art from Oz Hardwick and wait for him to send more, so I just updated his cc&d art page at Scars Publications, so that it includes Step Back and Time Slip...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150909, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 poems 9/7/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds, with Vent, Tin, Entering the Lake of Fire, & electromagnetism (filmed from a Canon Power Shot).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150909 globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 poems 9/7/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds, w/ Vent, Tin, Entering the Lake of Fire, & electromagnetism (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150909 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts, I am in town and plan to go to Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing (at Phyllis’ Musical Inn, 1800 West Division Street in Chicago) to read poetry tonight. They say they start at 9, so I will be there (since John is not waking up early here the next morning because of work). If you can make it, I will see you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150908 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Tennis tonight!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150907, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 9/2/15 show “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter” in her feature at Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret in Chicago, with her poems Entering the Lake of Fire, unless it happens to you, Open Book, electromagnetism, Everything was Alive and Dying (edited), Death Takes Many Forms, and Under the Sea (filmed with a Canon PS).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150907, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 9/2/15 show “Like a Lamb to the Slaughter” in her feature at Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret in Chicago, with her poems Entering the Lake of Fire, unless it happens to you, Open Book, electromagnetism, an edited version of the poem Everything was Alive and Dying, Death Takes Many Forms, and Under the Sea (from a Canon fs200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150907 globe (for public notice)

For those in Chicago who wanted to know my whereabouts, I am in town and plan to go to Weed’s to read poetry tonight. They say they start at 10, but they’re poets, so they’ll probably start later than that.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150906 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Bob Rashkow’s poem Divided America (which appears in v268 of cc&d magazine 10/15, “the Captive and the Dead”) in Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret 9/2/15 in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150906 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video ass Bob Rashkow reads 2 of Janet Kuypers’ poems, “Ways to Spend Your Money” and “Pop a Pill” in Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret 9/2/15 in Chicago (Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150906 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video as Robert Weinberg reads his poem Career Alternatives (accepted for publication in a future issue of cc&d magazine, v260)) live 9/2/15 in Chicago (Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers 20150906 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video as Jenene Ravesloot reads her poem Crime Blotter #1: 34 Times from the current issue of cc&d magazine (the 9/2015 issue, v257) titled “the New Deal” live 9/2/15 in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150906 globe (for public notice)


facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150904, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

artvilla Beach Poets Wait - artvila’s main page even has links to the Janet Kuypers 7/26/15 Beach Poets feature http:/t/co/hbLT2uGrZ8 http:/t/co/JIAcnoppPH

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150903, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

scars ideo on artvilla The Artvilla Scars Video page has my 2-part feature day @ Beach Poets @ Chicago Loyola Beach! (twitter post)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150903, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Ron Paul Retweeted Atlas Shrugged (@AtlasShrugged):
“When one gets in bed with the government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.” #RonPaul http://t.co/AIlUrD5beM

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150903, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

George Michael I wanted 2 sing the entire cover hearing this... So, find a reason to celebrate September 3rd. I have, @walkingseed.
Thank you for all the support and for listening without prejudice x #listen25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bNiDK...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20150903 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Avrom Litin added 47 new photos to the album: Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret 9/2/2015. 20150902 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet
Janet Janet Janet
Janet Kuypers and Bob Rashkow will read their work this Wednesday at 7PM at the Gallery Cabaret, Janet 2020 N Oakley. This is my second show and I hope everyone can attend. Janet Kuypers returns for her first feature as a performer at the Gallery. She is a well known poetry entrepreneur and performer in Chicago. Bob Rashkow is a highly entertaining poet and a great student of the history of the poetry scene. Come on out to meet these two wonderful performers.

facebook profile picture for Jenene Ravesloot Jenene Ravesloot
20150902 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Jenene Ravesloot, with Janet Kuypers at Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150902 globe (for public notice)

Like a Lamb to the Slaughter Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret! (I also have 5 hard copies to give to audience members before the show tonight, if you can make it to the Gallery Cabaret...) Download a free PDF file copy of the chapbook Like a Lamb to the Slaughter today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150902 · < Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 poems 8/31/15 at the Chicago open mic Weeds (Canon Power Shot camera), with an edited version of her poem Communication, plus her poems Death Takes Many Forms, True Happiness in the New Millennium, and Other Souls.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150902 · < Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 4 poems 8/31/15 at the Chicago Weeds open mic (filmed with a Canon fs200 camera), with an edited version of her poem Communication, plus her poems Death Takes Many Forms, True Happiness in the New Millennium, and Other Souls.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150902 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150901 globe (for public notice)

the New Deal Scars Publications just released the print edition of cc&d magazine (The September 2015 issue, v257)! Now you can order the book the New Deal directly from the amazon affiliates printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe...) So now you can enjoy a print copy of the cc&d book the New Deal! By the way, here is a list of contributors included in this collection book: Janet Kuypers, G. A. Scheinoha, CEE, John Grey, Frank C. Praeger, Fritz Hamilton, Donald Gaither, Ronald Charles Epstein, Michael Ceraolo, I.B. Rad, Doug Draime, R. N. Taber, Chen Okafor, David Hernandez, Jenene Ravesloot, Jackie Wolk, Eric Burbridge, Elizabeth Harper, Keith Kelly, Liam Spencer, Lisa Gray, Andrew J. Hogan, Phil Temples, Brian Looney, Charles Haye, Bob Strother, Margaret Karmazin & Janet Amalia Weinberg, and art from Eric Bonholtzer, Patrick Fealey, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, the HA!Man of South Africa, Aaron Wilder. The cover art in this collection book is by Rose E. Grier.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150901 globe (for public notice)

Path of Least Resistance Scars Publications just released the print edition of Down in the Dirt magazine (The September 2015 issue, v131)! Now you can order the book Path of Least Resistance directly from the amazon affiliates printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe...) So now you can enjoy a print copy of the Down in the Dirt book Path of Least Resistance!
By the way, here is a list of contributors included in this collection book: Janet Kuypers, Lisa Gray, G. A. Scheinoha, Liam Spencer, Michael Madden, Victoria Griffin, Liz Betz, John K. Graham, Eland D. Summers, Eric Napolitan, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with art, including the cover art), Rachel Peters, Kyle Hemmings (with art), Sam Nicodemus, Fritz Hamilton, Chad Newbill, Andrew D. Grossman, Clyde Daniel Bearre, David Hernandez, Craig Watts, Brian Looney (with art), Michael C. Keith, Donald Gaither, Eric Ullerich, W. Scott R. Brownlee, Jessica Marie Baumgartner, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (with art), James Krehbiel, and David Michael Jackson (with art).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Roberta Miles
20150901 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Roberta Roberta Miles, I hope you have the grooviest birthday EVER!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150901 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Christmasornaments 2008 People are still liking this pic; I brought one of my Christmas ornaments to this show and the ornament fell and I broke that ornament (and I am psycho for my glass ornaments). I bought a few of these when I saw them, but it was sad that one fell because I brought it to talk about colored glass for an element feature (where that photo was taken).      And by the way, THANK YOU AGAIN Robin Fine, for the green glass ornament. I am SO adding that to my tree, and if you ever wanted to make more (for any reason), I’d really love it, I would be a great addition to my Christmas tree.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150831, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

I noticed the camera #2 feed of the 6/22/10 Janet Kuypers poetry feature at the Café (with musicians and actors and video) was damaged, so I just uploaded it to YouTube...
See the YouTube video from camera #2 of Janet Kuypers live at the Café in Chicago 6/22/10
(w/ music from Victor Sanders, John Y. and (sampled) Warren Peterson).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Kevin D Blanchard 20150831 globe (for public notice)

Kevin & JK at a Bulls game Kevin D Blanchard, I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150831 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150830 globe (for public notice)

Lucy It was wonderful that Sabrina McGregor brought Lucy to visit 5/28/15... What a treat! Thank you!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150830 globe (for public notice)

Lucy Lucy
Lucy Lucy Lucy
It was wonderful that Sabrina McGregor brought Lucy to visit 5/28/15... What a treat! Thank you!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150830 globe (for public notice)

Janet Don’t know if my old open mic is still called the Café Gallery, but there is now an event listing for my guest feature night at the Gallery Cabaret! Come Wednesday September 2nd 2015 (9/2/15, or 20150902) to Poetry At The Gallery Cabaret with host Dave Gecic from 7-9PM, as both Bob Rashkow and myself are features at this open mic! I’ve got new poems, I might pull out a few classic poems for my last scheduled feature in Chicago before I move... and Bob and I both even agreed to read a bit of each others writing for this night too! I’ve got props for my readings (doesn’t that SO sound like me, since I have been referred to as “the always inventive, you-never-know-what-to-expect-cuz-she-gat-a-zillion-ideas Janet Kuypers, Czarina of Multimedia”), and even free books to give away to EVERYONE at the open mic! Would love to see everyone out to pack the house for my last night at the Gallery Cabaret as a Chicagoan!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150830 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150830 globe (for public notice)

free books 20150902 Added bonus for all who go to Dave Gecic’s open mic the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret: since I am one of the features there (performing brand-new never before read poems as well as part of some classic poems of mine, and most of my new poems will have groovy sampled background music, along with once-side-kick Bob Rashkow featuring there), I plan to bring books as GIFTS to everyone there NOT ONLY books of my writing (with writers Eric Bonholtzer in Duality, or Bernadette Miller in Domestic Blisters) BUT ALSO Scars Publications collection books (like (not so) Warm & Fuzzy, or Rinse and Repeat, or Survive & Thrive). EVERYONE at the open mic the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret can have A FREE BOOK! (And if you ask nice, because I don’t need to carry these books with me when I move - and if I have enough books, some may get more than one book as well!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150829 globe (for public notice)

Janet 2015 art It may have taken me long enough, but I finally updated my artwork in the 2015 listing at Scars Publications. (Afraid to say the next block of city photos in this listing might be from Austin...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150829 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150828, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Moon landing Retweeted Hosey (@HeyHosey):
“That’s one small step for a man and one giant leap for—oh forget it, what’s the point.”
        — Nihil Armstrong

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150828 globe (for public notice)

Cathleen & JK at Beach Poets 20120722 Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels, I hope you have a wonderful birthday today!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150827 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150827 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See --ejQHAOIM5w5" target="blank"-->a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku ruminating as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, w/ a heat wave filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150827 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku ruminating as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (from a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150826 globe (for public notice)

Butchery of th Innocent Just released a book from Scars Publications today - the A. J. Huffman book Butchery of the Innocent (a 6" x9" short poetry book). Literally published minutes ago, order a copy of this unique poetry book while it is still hot off the press! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe. So spread the word, because this book will soon be available around the world!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150826 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150825 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video This “YtterbiumPeriodic Table poem just got an artvilla web page with 4 video links too... http://t.co/LKSvuIS8Dm http://t.co/xfXpueg071

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150825 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video It was cure to see in tennis Venus & her opponent battle a bee not by hitting it (oh, how environmental of you)... http://t.co/qVUWEdzATK

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150825 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet Needed wine 4 the Murray tennis match (but I have no glass, so I used my chalkboard glass to draw a tennis racquet). http://t.co/sSCPDouWi3

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150825, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (wrapped in VHS tape) in her 8/14/15 show “Farewell Chicago” in her final scheduled feature at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (while living in Chicago) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera), with her poems Chicago, Breaking Their Heart, change (2015 edit), Planting Palm Tree Seeds, Shared Air, Other Souls, and ever leave me.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150825, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (wrapped in VHS tape) in her 8/14/15 show “Farewell Chicago” in her final scheduled feature at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (while living in Chicago) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera), with her poems Chicago, Breaking Their Heart, change (2015 edit), Planting Palm Tree Seeds, Shared Air, Other Souls, and ever leave me.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell at Let Them Eat Chocolate. 20150824 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Kottyn IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell, after being out of town for all this time, I just found this photo on my phone that was never uploaded from the feature night August 14th... Thank you (and thank G.P.A., and thank everyone who attended) for a great evening at Poetry’s “Love Letter”!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150824 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

“jog hurt” 8/24/15 poem:

Jog... Hurt.
Jog, hurt.

Got a jar of yogurt
on an airplane
in Frankfort Germany.

It didn’t say yogurt.
It said “joghurt.”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150824 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

I’ve always hated jogging,
so I guess this ironically titled
is what I’ll do instead.

2 tweet poem by @Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 3:21pm shared with friends

Halep serving Viva Halep! (Because Romania is the root of romantic languages, you know...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 2:43pm shared with friends

Williams and Halep finals Now it Williams and Halep finals!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 1:49pm shared with friends

men trophy presentation Why did that have to set up the trophy presentation facing away from MY seats?

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 1:47pm shared with friends

tennis painting A painting done live for the matches today!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150823 at 12:46pm globe (for public notice)

JK & JY; at the W&S Open Finals day — with Janet Kuypers at Western & Southern Open.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 12:06pm shared with friends

Federer / Djokovic coin toss There for the Federer / Djokovic coin toss.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 11:36am shared with friends

doubles finals tropy presentation W&S Open doubles champions...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 10:54am shared with friends

direction to finals Getting closer...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150823 at 10:53am shared with friends

direction to finals Approaching the finals ...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150822, at 7:33pm globe (for public notice)

Play tennis without prejudice Play tennis without prejudice... (Sorry, I saw the crowds and thought of the @GeorgeMichael album.) http://t.co/7FQ20aZisE

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVineshared with friends
posted a video on vine

Willians Svitolina Vine video Serena Willians serving to Svitolina in the W&S tennis semifinals 8/22/15. 20150822, at 7:08pm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at Western & Southern Open, via Instagram
20150822 at 6:49pm shared with friends

Serena Williams Okay, NOW it’s time for Serena to get down to business.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers at Western & Southern Open, via Instagram
20150822 at 6:09pm shared with friends

Serena Williams Time to start some Serena Williams playing Svitolina in the semifinals...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 3:04pm shared with friends

Janet & John Between grinning and making faces between sets.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 3:20pm shared with friends

Murray and Federer... And then came Murray and Federer...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 1:58pm shared with friends

Djokovic Djokovic serving in the 2nd set tie break. (I won’t say who won the 1st - or 2nd - set...)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150822 at 1:35pm globe (for public notice)

JK & JY; at the W&S Open It’s tighter than I’d like it to be at this point. — with Janet Kuypers at Western & Southern Open.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 11:25am shared with friends

Andy Murray Give him some time while Andy Murray practices his serves and wheest your face!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 11:21am shared with friends

Andy Murray jump Shut your geggie, Andy Murray is playing.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 11:21am shared with friends

Dogopolov jump Wow, does Dogopolov jump in his practice serve...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 10:49am shared with friends

Federer and Dogopolov practicing Ah, Federer and Dogopolov practicing before their separate semifinals matches today. From 20-25 feet away, this is a perfect view.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150822 at 10:35am shared with friends

Robredo Cool to see Tommy Robredo practice before the semifinals start today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 7:37pm shared with friends

Jelena Jankovic Had to snap a pic of Halep before the night was through

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersThis pic is actually of Jelena Jankovic, who was playing Halep, and she even broke Halep in the first game.          20150821 at 8:06pm

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersBut Halep still does well over Pavlyuchenkova in this match.
20150821 at 8:29pm

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150821 at 12:27pm globe (for public notice)

JK & JY; at the W&S Open Janet had to block the pinko commie from the photo. — with Janet Kuypers at Western & Southern Open.

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersYeah, my right arm blocked her, I couldn’t help it.
20150821 at 7:33pm

facebook profile picture for Janet KuypersBut I suppose it makes sense that the Serbian is yelling at me.
20150821 at 8:00pm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 6:44pm shared with friends

Federer “Roger that...”" (That’s Roger Federer, after winning his first set.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 6:10pm shared with friends

Federer But of course I to mention Roger Federer playing tonight too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 6:08pm shared with friends

Lopez Cool to see Feliciano Lopez playing against Federer tonight.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was with John Yotko at Western & Southern Open. 20150821 at 6:04pm globe (for public notice)

Janet Outfit #2 today, for Federer and Lopez.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 2:45pm shared with friends

Gasquet And don’t forget Gasquet in the match too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 2:45pm shared with friends

Murray Got a shot of my Scotsman Andy Murray!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko JK & JY; raisethecup John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Western & Southern Open.
20150821 at 2:45pm globe (for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150821, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Ivanovic Janet Kuypers on Instagram: “But wait, I’ve been in the lead!!!”, says Ivanovic, while playing Serena Williams.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150821 at 1:12pm globe (for public notice)

JK’’s leg up no tennis Janet is taken advantage of a little extra space and stretching out. — with Janet Kuypers at Western & Southern Open.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 12:22am shared with friends

Serena Time for Serena now
(of course)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 11:52am shared with friends

Dogopolov He was serving to Dogopolov, which is a great match.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 11:45am shared with friends

Berdych Cool to watch Berdych serving too.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 11:00am shared with friends

Wawrinka I guess I should show Wawrinka playing Djokovic in that match too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150821 at 10:30am shared with friends

Djojovic Djokovic sprints against Wawrinka

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150820 at 1:43pm
globe (for public notice)

Morrissey collage I wondered about Morrissey’s string of increased tour cancellations (and I’m glad I saw him in Chicago in 2015), but now I hear of his series of professed illnesses, and then I hear that he was undergoing treatment for cancer this entire time. (He recently was recently in the hospital for a number of things, including pneumonia, an ulcer, and Barrett’s oesophagus, which can lead to throat cancer.)
    Morrissey said in his El Mundo interview (about his throat cancer), “I have had four cancer-scrapings, but so what. If I die, I die. If I don’t, then I don’t.” (Oh my God, that SO sounds like him.) He also said, “I know I look quite bad on recent photographs, but I am afraid this is what illness does to the overall countenance. I will save relaxation for when I’m dead.” (Okay, yeah, that *still* sounds like him.)
    But any *good* news from that BBC article? Well, Morrissey is also right now working on his debut novel. “I will be delighted to see it in print next year, and I might have no reason to sing again... which will make many people very happy!” he said.



facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers with Eugene Peppers at The French Quarter
20150820 at 10:00am globe (for public notice)

JK & EP in NOLA w/ a crawfish Eugene Peppers, since I don’t have your number any longer (and I don’t think you check your Facebook page enough), I couldn’t let you know earlier that John and I were in Austin this business week (his job started at the Austin plant Monday), and although we leave today to watch the W&S Open (Tennis) finals this weekend, I will eventually be moving to Austin to Join John at his work transfer. It would have been nice to see you again (it has been too many years!), but hopefully we can touch base when I am back in town.

On another note, I wanted to ask you, since it has been so long (and I don’t know if Texas changed your eating habits, the way it dad for Chad Maier), but are you will a vegetarian? I know you started a month after I did in the beginning of 1995, but I didn’t know if you were still a vegetarian - let me know, and either way, we can touch base soon!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150820 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

--eDbPhWX7dZ1" target="blank">video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers saying her haiku imprisoned / ignorance (written in India) outside near a fence and a metal rail (recorded off I35 in Austin TX 8/19/15 (Motorola, Threshold)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150820 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers saying her haiku extend (while putting “anti-aging cream” on in the mirror) 8/18/15 in Austin, Texas (filmed on a Motorola, w/ a Threshold filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150819 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers saying her haiku imprisoned / ignorance (written in India) outside near a fence and a metal rail (recorded off I35 in Austin TX 8/19/15 (filmed on a Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150819 globe (for public notice)

Janet Had to skip out the on the W&S Open this business week, but just saw that U.S. citizen Lepchenko BEAT Pinko Commie (who chose to live most of her life in the U.S.) Sharapova!!! (Sorry tennis fans who didn’t know that: I found that out online, not by watching it...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150818 globe (for public notice)

Had to skip out the on the W&S Open this business week, but just saw that U.S. citizen Lepchenko BEAT Pinko Commie (who chose to live most of her life in the U.S.) Sharapova!!! (Sorry tennis fans who didn’t know that: I found that out online, not by watching it...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150818 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers saying her haiku extend (while putting “anti-aging cream” on in the mirror) 8/18/15 in Austin, Texas (filmed on a Motorola phone camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Steven Nellemann
20150817 globe (for public notice)

Steve Nellemann 1999 in a wig Steven Nellemann, I am out of town right now, and this is the soonest I could send you “proper” birthday wishes. (And this is the only photo I had of you while I was away, from my iPod, no less, back from my Chicago apartment and back when we saw KMFDM together.) I hope you have the coolest birthday eve, and because I will be in Chicago only a very short while this next month, I would *really* like to see you before we leave. And by the way, we *do* have little wooden toy presents my dad made as a gift to your little one (that are perfect for his age right now) that I would *really* like to give you before we leave.                  I know I am doing a final show in Chicago at the Gallery Cabaret on Wednesday September 2nd (7-9PM are the open mic/feature hours), and if there is any excuse I can see you and give you these hand-made toy presents, I would be thrilled.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150817 globe (for public notice)

KMFDM at House of Blues 20150814 Man, it’s a shame I had to miss the KMFDM show Friday night. When they posted this photo, I had to respond:
Sorry I had to miss your KMFDM show (because I was performing in my own show that night), and that I had to leave Chicago the next morning. In the art of elaborate selfies, that is a GREAT photo.Hope you actually had as much fun as it LOOKS like you had that night.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
at the W&S Open
20150816 shared with friends

JK Graeter’s calls it Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip ice cream but they should say chocolate bars with ice cream.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150816 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John So Cilic signed my W&S fan, I passed in front of Jo Wilfried Tsonga as he went to the player’s room, and John said I didn’t even see Stosur passing me with her rackets just now. So all in all, it has been a good day. #raisethecup — with John Yotko at Western & Southern Open.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Klizan Klizan! Klizan! Klizan!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Thiem Thiem! Thiem! Thiem!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Youzhny Youzhny! Youzhny! Youzhny!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

JK with Cilic autograph John said I should tell Igor that I got Cilic to sign my fan.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Cilic Berdych! Berdych! Berdych!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Cilic Cilic! Cilic! Cilic!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Mardy Fish Mardy! Mardy! Mardy!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

McHale McHale!!! Good luck!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Paire And now it is time to root for my American, Dennis Kudla.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Paire Frenchman Paire on the Grand stand court, and I am 20 feet from court side.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Dogopolov Dogopolov in a qualifying match and I am as close as if I were watching a game at Blue Sky’s, this is stunning.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Sloane Stephens I write a novel about a different Sloane.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150816 shared with friends

Nadal Nadal practice.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

Monfils I am sorry to say that this is the best Monfils photo I could take with the sun behind him.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
at the W&S Open
20150815shared with friends

JK & JY Stupid selfie

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

Madison Keys Excellent to watch Madison Keys at 10 feet from the court.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

McHale and Pliskova McHale tied with Pliskova in set 3...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

Kohlschreiber practicing “We are all immortal...”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

Federer and Wawrinka And still Federer and Wawrinka practice...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

JK and Federer and Wawrinka The only shot of me with Federer and Wawrinka today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

the 2015 W&S Open

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150815 shared with friends

Indiana windmills This is Indiana (note the windmills).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150814 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 2 new photos — at Let Them Eat Chocolate. 20150814 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Farewell Chicago Janet at Farewell Chicago

facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150814 shared with friends

Janet at Farewell Chicago Janet Kuypers’ last feature living in Chicago. Tonight! At Let Them Eat Chocolate!

Janet wrapping VHS tape facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels 20150815 I had to leave moments before Janet’s feature began to pick up Katie from rehearsal for dance - story of my life? Motherhood got in the way!! Thank God I have the book - and Janet forever in my heart! Much love to my dear creative friend and Bon voyage to Janet Kuypers and her husband, John Yotko - a true force of nature on the Chicago poetry scene! Love love love -

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150814 globe (for public notice)

Farewell Chicago Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at Poetry’s “Love Letter” live at 7:00 P.M. at Let Them Eat Chocolate! Download a free PDF file copy of the chapbook Farewell Chicago, today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150814 globe (for public notice)

Poetry’s “Love Letter” This is your FINAL WARNING.. I am getting totally hyped for being the introductory feature TONIGHT at Poetry’s “Love Letter” with a set of never before read older poems as well as brand new poems in a set I am calling “Farewell Chicago” (I know, I know, I will be around long enough to be a feature along with Bob Rashkow at the open mic I used to host, the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, since it is now hosted by Dave Gecic, but this is the last time as a Chicago area resident I will be featuring at Poetry’s “Love Letter”). I will have ambient guitar strums to accompany my readings, and, because I have been known to bring video cameras wherever I go, I am even bringing a bunch of VHS tapes (with old episodes of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks on them, if that’s not bizarrely serendipitous enough) and I will ask people to wrap me in VHS tap as my “costume” for this reading.

Thank you to G.P.A. for allowing me to join Bob Rashkow and Bob Lawrence’s feature night, and I look forward to seeing EVERYONE at Let Then Eat Chocolate (5306 N Damen Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60625) tonight at 7pm, sine I will be starting the evening early!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150813, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems True Happiness in the New Millennium, Just Desperation and Other Souls (Cps) at the 5 year anniv. of the open mic Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing in Wicket Park, Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150813, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems True Happiness in the New Millennium, Just Desperationand Other Souls at the 5 year anniv. of the open mic Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing in Wicket Park, Chicago (Cfs)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow C Ra McGuirt
20150813 globe (for public notice)

Tag Team Poetry book covers So, birthday boy C Ra McGuirt, when do you want to start work again on our book “Tag Team Poetry”? I still have the cover, ad after I move we can get back to work on it if you would like...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow C Ra McGuirt
20150813 globe (for public notice)

Janet & C Ra 20141018 C Ra McGuirt, I hope you have the BEST birthday EVER! (And it’s a shame I didn’t see you this past may featuring in Chicago, because I I have handed the reigns of the open mic to another local so we could move to Austin - I have no idea when I will get to see you again...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150813 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150812 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150812, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 2 sets of 3 poems each, including the poems Death is a Dog, Everything Was Alive and Dying and Fantastic Car Crash in set 1, and Too Far, the Burning and Under the Sea in set 2, 8/11/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150812, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 2 sets of 3 poems each, including the poems Death is a Dog, Everything Was Alive and Dying and Fantastic Car Crash in set 1, and Too Far, the Burning and Under the Sea in set 2, 8/11/15 at Quenchers open mic in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150812 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John One last visit at the Chicago river downtown.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150812 globe (for public notice)

Janet It was awesome seeing Gregorio Gomez last night at Quenchers for the open mic, which SO gives me reason to go to Weeds the last Monday this month b4 I move!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150811 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John I know the Logan Square sign is blasted out but it is nice to know that, according to the sign, that I can get “veins without surgery”! What a deal!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150811 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John You can’t tell, but I had to snap this skylight pic where my potted paplm tree used to be - there’s 1 leaf stuck at the glass up there.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150811, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Goblins on Top of the Bus live in her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 (Cfs200, video flipped and saturated)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150811, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her second set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera), w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150811, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her second set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera), w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150811, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Get His Product to Town live in her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 (Canon fs200, video flipped and saturated)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150811, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her first set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera, with John strumming on an acoustic guitar), including the poems Excuses to Ignore me, Photo Studio Packages, Grinning from Ear to Ear, Get His Product to Town, Really Do Drive like Madmen, Exposed Ankles, Pork Skins, Jet Puffed, Goblins on Top of the Bus, Fit Together Like That, Fake Face, Know what I know, Pistol Case, I have to Explain, and Jack, Charles, Michael.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150811, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her first set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200, with John strumming on an acoustic guitar), including the poems Excuses to Ignore me, Photo Studio Packages, Grinning from Ear to Ear, Get His Product to Town, Really Do Drive like Madmen, Exposed Ankles, Pork Skins, Jet Puffed, Goblins on Top of the Bus, Fit Together Like That, Fake Face, Know what I know, Pistol Case, I have to Explain, and Jack, Charles, Michael.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from cc&d v256, “Testament” (Including Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Mental Nervous, Michael Lee Johnson’s poem Possum Slim (V2), G. A. Scheinoha’ poem Silver Anniversary, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal’s poem “Atonement”, Ronald Charles Epstein’s poem After Alberta’s Centennial, Eric Burbridge’s poem Minute, and Janet Kuypers’ poem Junk) live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from cc&d v256, “Testament” (Including Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Mental Nervous, Michael Lee Johnson’s poem Possum Slim (V2), G. A. Scheinoha’ poem Silver Anniversary, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal’s poem “Atonement”, Ronald Charles Epstein’s poem After Alberta’s Centennial, Eric Burbridge’s poem Minute, and Janet Kuypers’ poem Junk) live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Junk from cc&d v256, “Testament” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Junk from cc&d v256, “Testament” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Choice from Down in the Dirt v130, “Too Many Miles” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Choice from Down in the Dirt v130, “Too Many Miles” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On Ashes from the Water of Life press chapbook “Unzip the Body Bag” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On Ashes from the Water of Life press chapbook “Unzip the Body Bag” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem unless from her 2015 journal/poetry/photography book, “Bon Voyage!” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150810, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem unless from her 2015 journal/poetry/photography book, “Bon Voyage!” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Frank Pittel
Frank Pittel
20150809 globe (for public notice)

cat traps are working Frank Pittel shared shared Humanity’s Team’s photo.

Johnnie in a box facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers20150809 This was our cat Johnny. And every time I see this, I sign “Johnnie in a box... Johnnie in a cardboard box”

Johnnie in a box facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers20150809 That cat would even settle for sitting in the box lid.

Johnnie in a box facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers20150809 John Galt (yes, that was the name of the white cat) was licking himself and was interrupted by Zack the cat jumping in front of him, but at least he’s in a cardboard box.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150809 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150809, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Bon Voyage on scars video at artvilla My “Bon Voyage!” book interview videos on Chicago WZRD 88.3FM Radio have an artvilla web page! http://t.co/7xppcZ1d3Z http://t.co/qdhU4nLWcv

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Carol Ann Trisko 20150809 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Carol at her wedding Carol, I hope you have the BEST birthday EVER!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150808, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Bon Voyage on artvilla My “Bon Voyage!” book interview videos on Chicago WZRD 88.3FM Radio have an artvilla web page! http://t.co/NN7X20xyKb

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Dave Gecic
20150808 globe (for public notice)

Jane & Dave Gecic at Bloomsday Happy Birthday, my darling!!! Let me know your WI plans today (because we were going up north today, and I I didn’t know if you wanted to meet up at all)... — with Dave Gecic at Bloomsday in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150808, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Janet serving My Lithuanian Berankis plays Isner in the Citi Open tennis quarterfinals right now. Go Lithuania! Go USA! I’m torn... http://t.co/1BydjdI31

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150807, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

“Just Desperation” 8/3/15 poem:

It’s just desperation
to post a billboard
that says “AVAILABLE” in all caps,
and then lists your phone number.

I mean really,
if you’re that desperate,
no one’s gonna call.

2 tweet poem by @Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150807, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her last night hosting the poetry open mic 8/5/15 at the Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (which includes her reading poems from assorted publications throughout the evening; video filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

John Galt drivers License Glad it’s up again, because @walkingseed couldn’t find this pic b4. For some reason I kind of like this fake DL... http://t.co/gGzjH2VriS

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150806 globe (for public notice)

group at the Gallery Cabaret Thank you Cathleen for snapping a few group photos on my last night as host at this open mic (after some people already left). You are the best! (See Cathleen’s picture 1 and picture 2)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150806 globe (for public notice)

Aunt Rose, I know you moved away years ago, but it was always nice to know you were there. Now I hope you are in a better place, and you will be missed.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150806 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
globe (for public notice)01

JK on WZRD Radio Uploaded all videos onto a web page from my interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3FM Radio 7/25/15 (which was a LOT about traveling to India on my 20 year anniversary as a vegetarian). The hour-long interview was also about my journal/poetry/photography book release, Bon Voyage!, and I got the chance to read not only a few haikus and poems (and a bonus poem reading from the new release of my “Water of Life” chapbook “Unzip the Body Bag” that is now released as a numbered autographed chapbook printed on grocery store paper bags, and a never-before-read brand-new poem I am reading at my 8/14/15 Poetry’s “Love Letter” final feature at "Let Them Eat Chocolate titled “Farewell Chicago”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 globe (for public notice)

Who is John Galt? billboard Who is John Galt? billboard Answer?
I am John Galt.
— at
6100 N. Pulaski

facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150805 shared with friends

Janet in group at Beach Poets Janet Kuypers last night as host at the Gallery

facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150805 shared with friends

Janet in group at Beach Poets Janet Kuypers last night as host at the Gallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem ever leave me live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem ever leave me live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, Fl/Cr/Sat.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Visakhapatnam from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Visakhapatnam from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, Fl/Cr/Sat.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Vegetarian Stands by the Meat Sale from her Water of Life chapbook Unzip the Body Bag live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed on a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Vegetarian Stands by the Meat Sale live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poor from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poor from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On a High Horse Like This from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem On a High Horse Like This from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, Fl/Cr/Sat)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku don’t from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Cfs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku don’t from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku cover from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Cfs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150805 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku cover from her book Bon Voyage! live 7/25/15 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, Flipped/Cropped/Saturated)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150804 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (on Wednesday 8/5/15 from 7-9PM) for not only a great open mic at the Café Gallery, but also the features from Jerry Pendergast AND Dina Stuart! Join me for a great open mic at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and a great feature night!
    This is the LAST NIGHT I will host the Café Gallery poetry & performance art open mic at the Gallery Cabaret, and it looks like there may be a big turnout (at least according to the event listing). There is a CHANCE I’ll be in town in September after Dave Gecic takes over the open mic on his feature night August 19th (and if so, I may join side-kick Bob Rashkow for a feature before my final move from Chicago (sniff), but as my last night as host I hope to see EVERYONE there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK at IIT This is Illinois (note IIT’s “fanatical” love of the college futbol team). — at Illinois Institute of Technology.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK in IN This is Indiana (note Notre Dame’s fanatical college football team - the stadium’s even under expansion construction right now). ‘Cause it’s not big enough, the stadium is being expanded for even bigger crowds of acolytes. — at Notre Dame Stadium.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK in IN This is Indiana (note Notre Dame’s fanatical college football team - the stadium’s even under expansion construction right now). ‘Cause it’s not big enough, the stadium is being expanded for even bigger crowds of acolytes. — at Notre Dame Stadium.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK in OH This is Ohio
(note hay bales).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY in OH This is Ohio (note THE Ohio State University’s fanatical adoration of a college football team). — with John Yotko at Ohio Stadium.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150803 shared with friends

JK and JY at Harvest Pizzeria Stop for some local flavor at Harvest Pizzeria. — with Janet Kuypers at Harvest Pizzeria.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK in WV This is West Virginia (note the bridges).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY in PA “Mmm, tastes like
dying rainforest”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK & JY in PA This is Pennsylvania (note the trees).

With John Yotko.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150803 globe (for public notice)

Beach Poets group Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels, thank you for a great day on the beach on July 26th! — with Bob Rashkow and 3 others.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Cynthia Johnson
20150803 globe (for public notice)

JK wrote on chalk board This is what our weekend deteriorated to - lol! — feeling shocked with Janet Kuypers and 10 others.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150802 globe (for public notice)

Poetry’s “Love Letter” Since I have been known for video recording my open mic here in Chicago for years (and since this is my last official scheduled feature reading in Chicago on Friday August 14th 2015 starting at ~7:30PM), I might find some VHS tape and wrap myself in it for reading brand-new poems in this reading at Poetry’s “Love Letter”! Thank you G.P.A., and thank you Bob Rashkow and Bob Lawrence for letting me share this evening with you! Hopefully John Yotko may play the guitar behind me for this feature (otherwise I am pulling some cool ambient background guitar for y reading), and G.P.A. mentioned that I would read early so Ida Jablanovec could make it to the performance too, and thank you for that as well....

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150802 shared with friends

JK and JY at Falling Water We took two photos but
JK and JY at Falling Water in one, nature got in the way. — with Janet Kuypers at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water (House).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Cynthia Johnson
20150802 globe (for public notice)

JK and JY at Ohiopyle Falls Dave, JY and JK at Ohiopyle Falls Great bike ride to Ohiopyle and back — with John Yotko and Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150802 shared with friends

JK and JY at Ohiopyle Falls John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Ohiopyle Falls.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150802 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Phoenix True on light pollution @neiltyson but I liked stars & constellation I never saw b4. (& Phoenix 2 me was a martini.) http://t.co/t8SEWY06bD

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Cynthia Johnson
20150801 globe (for public notice)

Janet on porch What a cast of characters, and a blue moon! — with Janet Kuypers and 4 others.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is at Laurel Highlands Overlook. 20150731 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Laurel Outlook Stopped for the scenic view (and remembered the crosses). — at Laurel Highlands Overlook.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150730 shared with friends

JK indoors at the Plush Horse JK outdoors at the Plush Horse Janet got a high five from the girl behind the counter when I told that in a groundbreaking move, Janet became the first girl to scoop ice cream here. — with Janet Kuypers at The Plush Horse Ice Cream.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20130729 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):

I liked a @YouTube video from @janetkuypers http://t.co/aXn5fYygJe Dave Gecic reads Janet Kuypers’ poem “Under the Sea” @ the Cafe

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150729 globe (for public notice)

Too Many Miles EARLY EVEN, Scars Publications just released the July/August 2915 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine - v130, now as an ISBN# BOOK, titled Too Many Miles! a field of sunflowers - like what you see on the covers - seems a perfect fit for summer, so pick up a copy of this book, which will shortly be available for sale at amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe. But if you want this book right away, order it directly from their printer! Wonder about all of the people IN this issue/book? Well, contributors include Lisa Gray, Donald Gaither, Norm Hudson, Doug Draime, Benjamin Sabin, Eric Burbridge, Liam Spencer, Kelley Jean White MD, Antonio Marques, Matthew H Emma, David Hernandez, Jennifer Green, Bob Strother, Joseph Walters, Steve Slavin, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with art), David Haight, Jonathan Payne, Jeffrey Penn May, John K. Graham, G. A. Scheinoha, Fritz Hamilton, and me, Janet Kuypers...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150729 globe (for public notice)

Testament Even out before the weekend, Scars Publications just released the July/August 2915 issue of cc&d magazine - v256, now as an ISBN# BOOK, titled Testament! (The title is on honor of the Oz Hardwick writing in this book, but the cover is of a 3-D picture on a wall in Visag India...) This brand-new book release will shortly be available for sale at amazon throughout the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe - but if you want this book right away, order it directly from their printer! Wonder about all of the people IN this issue/book? Well, contributors include Sheryl L. Nelms, Maura Gage Cavell, Jesse Williams, Xanadu, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Chris Roe, Michael Lee Johnson, Linda M. Crate, Andy Roberts, G. A. Scheinoha, DG Mago, Donald Gaither, Preston R. P., Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Oz Hardwick, Fritz Hamilton, John Grey, Frank C. Praeger, Ronald Charles Epstein, Traci Lavois Thiebaud, Janet Kuypers, Eric Burbridge, Brian Looney, Keith Kelly, Sarah Szabo, Lisa Gray, Nora McDonald, Bruce Costello, Mike Ducak, CEE, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Patrick Fealey, and Liam Spencer, along with art from David J. Thompson, Eric Bonholtzer, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Peter LaBerge, David Russell, Patrick Fealey, Brian Looney, Kyle Hemmings, Dr. Shmooz, David Michael Jackson, Brian Forrest, Aaron Wilder, the HA!Man of South Africa, and Üzeyir Lokman Çayci...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150729 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video 7/25/15 of Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150729 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the first 16 minutes of the Janet Kuypers interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escape live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escape live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Value from Nothingness from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Dhow)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Value from Nothingness from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Couldn’t Reach It live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the November 2009 v202 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Couldn’t Reach It live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the November 2009 v202 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem he makes me think about these things (Canon Power Shot) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the mid-August 2009 v199.9 issue of cc&d magazine

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem he makes me think about these things (Canon fs200) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the mid-August 2009 v199.9 issue of cc&d magazine

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Violent Affair (Cps) from the cc&d magazine 2015 issue collection book Salvation (issues and chapbooks edition) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Violent Affair (Cfs) from the cc&d magazine 2015 issue collection book Salvation (issues and chapbooks edition) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ prose Soybeans (Cps) from the Down in the Dirt magazine 2015 issue collection book Adrift, the issues and chapbooks edition live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ prose Soybeans (Cfs) from the Down in the Dirt magazine 2015 issue collection book Adrift, the issues and chapbooks edition live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering the Morrissey song All You Need Is Me (Cps) live 7/22/15 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers covering the Morrissey song All You Need Is Me (Cfs) live 7/22/15 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Robin Fine reading Janet Kuypers’ poem Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200, with a Hard Light filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Robin Fine reading Janet Kuypers’ poem Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (recorded with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150727 globe (for public notice)

the X files teaser http://www.imdb.com/video /imdb/vi614314777...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150727 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels’ post. 20150727 globe (for public notice)

Janet & John at Beach Poets https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10152985430985978&set=a. 439355320977.232927.602710977 &type=1&ref=notif&notif_t=mention

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150728 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 7/22/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150726 shared with friends

Janet in group at Beach Poets Beach Poets today! — with Annabelle Echo, Supernova Ra, Bob Rashkow, Janet Kuypers, Peter Bartels and Jerry Pendergast.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150726 shared with friends

JK at Heartland Cafe Forgot to post from the 7/25 radio interview — with Janet Kuypers at WZRD Chicago 88.3 FM.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150726 shared with friends

JK at Heartland Cafe Janet went all out while having her veg Chicago hot dog. — with Janet Kuypers at Heartland Beach Stand.

facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150726 shared with friends

Janet & John at Beach Poets Janet Kuypers features at the Beach Poets Sunday, 7-26-15! — with Janet Kuypers and John Yotko

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150726 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of some of the set of Janet Kuypers singing (with John on acoustic guitar) 4 songs in a mini-music set, including the Eurythmics’ I Need You, Janet’ poem/’song (and John’s music) Made Any Difference, Sinead O’Connor’s Black Boys on Mopeds, Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Life By The Drop (cut off) live 7/22/15 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150726 shared with friends

Janet at WZRD Janet Kuypers, Emperor of Chicago poetry, goes live at WZRD!

facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
20150726 shared with friends

I’lm off to church, then Beach Poets featuring Janet Kuypers! I am then helping my friend, Cindy Huston, with the Hula Hoop Festival in Wicker Park. I hope to make it to Scott Fadzi7#8217;s graduation/birthday party, too! Woo hoo!

facebook profile picture for Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels green arrow Janet Kuypers
20150725 shared with friends

Janet, John, Cathleen, Victoria  and Mark My forever friends, Janet Kuypers and John Yotko, with Victoria Martin and Mark Paternostro at Victoria’s studio!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150725 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing (with John on acoustic guitar) 7 songs in a mini-music set, including the Eurythmics’ I Need You, Janet’ poem./song (and John’s music) Made Any Difference, Sinead O’Connor’s Black Boys on Mopeds, Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Life By The Drop, Janet’s Mom’s Favorite Vase song What We Need In Life, George Michael’s Waiting (Reprise), and Fiona Apple’s Criminal (Cfs) live 7/22/15 as the intro to the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150724 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

Annabelle Echo shared a photo. 20150723 globe (for public notice)

group at open mic Many Thanks to Janet Kuypers & John Yotko & Bob Rashkow for all the Love, Attention & Encouragement!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150723 globe (for public notice)

group at open mic THANK YOU to everyone who attended the open mic night at the Café Gallery last night (and who stayed around to listen to the Ross Berman feature and the our final set of music before Singer/Songwriter night too) - and thanks for getting in on the group photo too! — with Robin Fine, Bob Rashkow, Jason No Ah, Joffre Stewart, Eric Esden, Michael Hoag, Karen Schillinger, Janet Kuypers, Annabelle Echo, Donald Hargraves, Daniel Weinberg, Bob Lawrence, El.izabeth Marino, and Jerry Pendergast.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150723 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Hey everyone, there’s 1 more open mic I know I am hosting at the bar the Gallery Cabaret (before Dave Gecic takes over as host in mid-August on the night of his feature), so come on out in two weeks to the Café Gallery!

facebook profile picture for Bob Rashkow Bob Rashkow

Come on, let’s all show some support for Janet Kuypers and John Yotko these last two readings at Café the Gallery Cabaret. Tonight is Poetry James and the dynamic folk music of Ross Berman, host of Singer/Songwriter open mic there, and August 5 will be Dina M. Stuart and Jerry Pendergast, a fitting and eccentric enough way of saying Fare well and Bon voyage to our two Texas travellers. Both shows are at 7 PM. Let“s see you there, OK???!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150722 globe (for public notice)

futura shows It makes me sad that there are a finite number of shows I can do while still in Chicago, but it is also cool to see the listing of activities over the next few weeks (like singing 7/22/15 at the Café Gallery, being interviewed for book releases and reading poetry on WZRD Radio 7/25/15, being the solo feature at Beach Poets 7/26/15, and having a Poetry’s “Love Letter” feature 8/14/15)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150722 globe (for public notice)

Bon Voyage! Thank you to Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels, because I am looking forward to appearing on Chicago’s WZRD Radio this Saturday, July 25th 2015 (7/25/15) starting at 6:00 P.M. I will talk about recent writings and shows, but I will also talk about recent book releases, including today’s book release Bon Voyage!, which is a journal/poetry/photography book about me as a woman understanding both sexism and the caste system while visiting India on my 20 year anniversary of being a vegetarian.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150721 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet & John I HOPE @dalicemalice - & everyone - comes 7/22 2 the 7-9 the Café Gallery open mic - @ the end we play guitar & sing! http://t.co/SneQmNPlHI

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150721 globe (for public notice)

Butchery of the Innocent, a A.J. Huffman chapbook Hot off the Internet presses, Scars Publications just released the A.J. Huffman chapbook Butchery of the Innocent as a free PDF file! Download your free copy of the chapbook Butchery of the Innocent today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150721 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (on Wednesday 7/22/15 from 7-9PM) for not only a great open mic at the Café Gallery, but also the Ross Berman (host of Singer/Songwriter night) music feature! Join me for a great open mic at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and a great feature night!
    Also, Since Ross Berman hosts the Singer/Songwriter event at the Gallery Cabaret that follows the Café Gallery open mic, we (Janet K. singing & John Y. on guitar) will start the night with a song, and follow the Ross Berman feature after this open mic with our LAST musical performance in Chicago, with both originals and covers. This will also be a natural way to meld one event at the Gallery Cabaret into the other, so we hope everyone will come out for a FILLED evening of both poetry AND music!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150720 globe (for public notice)

Eleanor Leonne Bennett I love it when Scars Publications is all about the art... Eleanor Leonne Bennett just sent more artwork to Down in the Dirt magazine - and some of it may become future cover art too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150719 globe (for public notice)

CEE The writing of CEE has appeared in many chapbooks AND perfect-bound ISBN# books from Scars Publications, but any book cover with images of a girl painted ENTIRELY in SILVER has to earn extra-credit points... Check out the BRAND NEW RELEASE of the CEE paperback book The Tribes Joshua Drove Out of the Land directly from the printer TODAY! (And since it’s an amazon printer, don’t worry - it will be available for sale very shortly through amazon in the U.S., the U.K. and continental Europe too!)

Mark Fleury shared a photo. 20150718 globe (for public notice)

Adrift I’m thrilled to have my poem “In Sound’s High” included in this new poetry collection. Many thanks to its Editor, Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150718 globe (for public notice)

Adrift Scars Publications just released the January - June 2015 Down in the Dirt collection book Adrift, and it has even been released with two editions! The issues edition contains Down in the Dirt issues v127, v128 and 129... But the issues & chapbooks edition contains NOT ONLY those issues, but two cool Scars Publications chapbooks that were released in the first half of 2015 as well! Check out the web page for Adrift, which has printer links (since it will also be available around the world through amazon as well)!
By the way, here is a list of contributors included in this collection book: A.J. Huffman, Alexander Patterson, Allan Onik, Anastasia Kalos, Anne Britting Oleson, Ava Collopy, Barry Hill, Benjamin Sabin, Bill Kirby, CEE, Christina Dendy, David Hernandez, David J. Tabak, David R Miller, David Sapp, Deanna Morris, Don Massenzio, Don Stockard, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, Drew Marshall, Eleanor Leonne Bennett art, Eric Burbridge, Eric Erickson, Frank De Canio, Fred Russell, Fritz Hamilton, G. A. Scheinoha, Hal Savage, Jack for aker, Jack Herbert, Janet Kuypers, Jenean McBrearty, John Grey, Jon Brunette, Joseph Grant, Judith Ann Levison, Kathryn Lipari, Kelley Jean White MD, Kerry Lown Whalen, Kevin Cooley, Lexi Lovetere, Liam Spencer, Lisa Gray, M. A. Schaffner, Mark Fleury, Mark Scott, Marlon Jackson, Matthew Horstkotter, Mel Waldman, Michael B. Tager, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Brennan, Norm Hudson, Paul Smith, Peter McMillan, R. H. Palmer, Ralph Monday, Robert Bates, S. R. Mearns, Sam Wilder, Shubhangi Joshi, Simon Hardy Butler, Stephen McQuiggan, Thom Mahoney, William Masters, and Zak Patrick.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150717 globe (for public notice)

Salvation Scars Publications just released the January - June 2015 cc&d collection book Salvation, and it has even been released with two editions! The issues edition contains cc&d issues v253, v254 and v255 (the 22 year anniversary issue)... But the issue & chapbooks edition contains NOT ONLY those issues, but ALSO a SLEW of chapbooks that were released under the cc&d umbrella in the first half of 2015 as well! Check out the Scars page, which has printer links (since it will also be available around the world through amazon as well)!
And by the way, here is a list of people included in this volume: Aaron Wilder, Aaron Wilder (art), Aditya Shankar, Alan Catlin, Betty J. Sayles, Bob Strother, Brian Forrest (painting), Brian Looney, Catherine B. Krause, CEE, Cheryl Townsend (photo), Chris Roe, Daniel S. Weinberg, Daniel Stockwell, David J. Thompson, David James, David Michael Jackson (photo), David S. Pointer, Harry Noussias , Derald Hamilton, DG Mago, Donald Gaither, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Ean Bevel, Edee Lemonier, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz (drawing), Elizabeth Harper, Eric Bonholtzer, Eric Bonholtzer (photo), Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, G. A. Scheinoha, Harry Noussias, I.B. Rad, Ian Bowman, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, Jesse Williams, Jim Meirose, John Amendall, Joshua Copeland, Kelley Jean White MD, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kevin Munley, Kyle Hemmings, Kyle Hemmings (photo), Louie Clay, Margaret Karmazin, Marianne Szlyk, Marilyn June Janson, Mark Herden, Matt LeShay, Maura Gage Cavell, MCD, Michael Ceraolo, Mimi Young, Nora McDonald, Oz Hardwick, Patrick Fealey, Peter LaBerge (photo), R. N. Taber, Ralph Monday, Rex Bromfield, Richard King Perkins II, Robert Finch, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Ronald Charles Epstein, Sheryl L. Nelms, Simon Perchik, T. Allen Culpepper, the HA!Man of South Africa (drawing), Thomas Gannon, Tom Schaffer, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci (art), and Xanadu.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150717 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Retweeted Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones):

Tennessee mass shooter violated no guns notice on door! Photo
http://t.co/6NSxaftnZ5 http://t.co/GtozhT4GRO

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150717 globe (for public notice)

Thought Scars Publications just released books? Well, they do, but books from magazines like cc&d also include artwork - and Rose E. Grier just added like 70 new images to her cc&d art collection.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150716 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku relegated as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio 9/27/14 an an interview for her mini book 100 Haikus, for her large collection book Partial Nudity (Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150716 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku relegated as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio 9/27/14 an an interview for her mini book 100 Haikus, for her large collection book Partial Nudity (flipped, heat wave filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150715 globe (for public notice)

Pluto and Charon After learning years ago that many astronomy photos are NOT in color (and they colorize them so us mere mortals can understand what we see), it was cool to see an article with images about it for yesterday’s flyby of Pluto from NASA’s “New Horizons” (and some of them were of colorized images).

last pluto pic facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers 20150715 But it WAS cool to see the last color image of Pluto they took - that they released on Instagram, no less.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150714 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku Pleading as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200, heat wave filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150714 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku Pleading as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200 camera, video flipped)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150712 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Warren Happy Birthday, Warren Peterson...

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150712, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Janet Am too lost in this crazy Federer/Djokovic Wimbledon match, which may explain why I’m not tweeting about it like mad. http://t.co/IH2hDCPK9x

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150711 globe (for public notice)

Janet Seventeen years today.

poem Left with a Hole, a poem about how when in a coma you lose memory of how you got into the coma, By Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150711 globe (for public notice)

Janet Andy M. Karol, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! (I wish I could have seen you perform more on stage at the Cafe Gallery!) — with Andy M. Karol at the Café Gallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150711, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Janet I flip channels 2C S Williams /Muguruza Women Wimbledon finals on ESPN & Nadal/Baghdatis @ Stuttgart 4 Tennis channel

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 globe (for public notice)

scars.tv/thecafe Today is the day that I would normally give you the weekly podcast from the open mic this week (that would accompany a bunch of YouTube video uploads), but...
    Those of you who have been coming to the open mic are aware that I will soon be moving (to Austin Texas, and Dave Gecic will be taking over as the host). I also let people know that after I leave there will no longer be no video of the open mic and features, podcast videos will stop and the web site will be down.
    Well, one of those came last night - the domain site for this open mic (chaoticarts dot org slash the cafe) is no longer functioning. SO, I can move the web page links to the scars site, but I can no longer run the weekly podcast at that domain.
    1. right now, instead of going to the old site for the open mic, use the new domain name, and go to http://scars.tv/thecafe to see the schedule and recorded features (a.k.a. past YouTube links), and you can still sign up for the Café Gallery mailing list or learn about the book release of past features at Gallery Cabaret.
    2. because of conditions beyond my control, the podcast has to go on hiatus. (I don’t know if it will ever get back on line, so I can only say it is on a hiatus. If it DOES come back in the future, it will be of only podcast videos that so far NOT have been podcast videos.)
    SO, because there’s no podcast, I an pleased to give you the YouTube video links to the two features this week, as well as the open mic video:
Kottyn Campbell’s poetry feature 7/8/15
Dalice Malice’s music feature 7/8/15
the poetry open mic at the Café Gallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Canned Condolences (Cps) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d magazine

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Canned Condolences (Cfs) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d magazine

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Orange Musk from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Orange Musk from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Going Nowhere (Cps) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Going Nowhere (Cfs) live 7/8/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150710 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 7/8/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
2015010 globe (for public notice)

JK & Sheri Oh Sheri, do you think it’s possible I could EVER forget your birthday? (Don’t count on it!) I am sorry I cannot be around to help you celebrate today, but I hope we can get together at the Plush Horse before we move away... I hope you have a GREAT Birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
2015010 globe (for public notice)

JK & Paul Ryan Paul Ryan, you know it’s scary when your birthday comes up and you know Janet, because I can search for photos from past open mics (and birthday get-togethers) to torment you on YOUR birthday... But I hope you have a GREAT birthday!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150709 shared with friends

JK & JY b4 Morrssey show JK & JY b4 Morrssey show Janet forgot how beautiful she found the building where she used to work to be. —

JK & JY b4 Morrssey show with Janet Kuypers at Lyric Opera of Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 7 photos to the album The Cafe Gallery 7/8/15.
20150709 globe (for public notice)

JK at The Cafe Gallery 7/8/15 JK at The Cafe Gallery 7/8/15
JK at The Cafe Gallery 7/8/15 JK at The Cafe Gallery 7/8/15 JK at The Cafe Gallery 7/8/15
Thank you to John for the photos at the Café Gallery open mic Wednesday July 8 2015 - and thanks to Kottyn for the after show photo! — at the Gallery Cabaret

facebook profile picture for IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell‎ IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell green arrow Features from both Kottyn Campbell AND Dalice Malice at “the Cafe Gallery” open mic at Gallery Cabaret for poets, performers and musicians 20150708 shared with friends

John and Janet at Chicago fireworks So tonight Kottyn told a story Sang and Gave you her Softest Voice In Poetry
You should’ve been there. Thank you Janet Kuypers I’m gonna miss you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150708 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

artvilla Who am I kidding... My Poetic Shades of Choc. ALSO has a MAIN artvilla video/image web page!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150708 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Scars Video The Scars Video site @ artvilla now shows the Poetic Shades of Chocolate 6/20/15 show videos!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150707 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (on Wednesday 7/8/15 from 7-9PM) for not only a great open mic at the Café Gallery, but also a DOUBLE feature night, with Kottyn Campbell AND Dalice Malice! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great DOUBLE feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150706, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

KMFDM I really like the KMFDM tee msg: “TERRORISM is the poor man’s WAR is the rich man’s TERRORISM”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared 63 photos to the album Chicago 7/4/15 fireworks
20150706 globe (for public notice)

fireworks fireworks

fireworks fireworks fireworks
Now that Chicago no longer runs a large fireworks show on July 3rd, I tried to find the best way to see fireworks there on Sat. July 4th, and was told that if you do not want the crowds, go to Montrose Harbor. Well, it was GREAT - people went there and shot off their OWN fireworks, and we saw a few harbors with fireworks (before walking back to our parked car). These 65 photos are just a sample of what we saw, and for coming for a less huge show for fireworks, it was GREAT, and the best way to see Chicago fireworks on our last summer in Chicago, trust me...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150705 globe (for public notice)

Morrissey, Civic Opera bldg It is cool to get an event reminder for my tickets to see Morrissey this Thursday, and it lists the concert location at my last Chicago art director offices (at the Civic Opera Building). I am SO looking forward to the show...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150705 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

Janet Kuypers’ “Rap Sheet” at Cafe Cabaret http://t.co/scw4TxRxVm #poetry #poem @pinkyandrexa @janetkuypers @Artvillacom @RobinOuzman @5wa poem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150705 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

the PT of P I wrote poems for every element in the Periodic Table, so it’s cool when @neiltyson names elements for fireworks.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 7 photos to the album Kenosha Harbor 7//3/15
20150705 globe (for public notice)

Kenosha Harbor
Kenosha Harbor
Kenosha Harbor Kenosha Harbor Kenosha Harbor
Had a great time at Kenosha Harbor at Lake Michigan during the day Friday. I always said I wanted to be on a boat on July 4th, but I think this day on the 3rd may have been better.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150704 globe (for public notice)

Janet & John at fireworks Since my camera has a fish eye lens we kept taking pictures with an image on screen so we could have a picture within a picture within a picture. — with John Yotko at Montrose Harbor.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko green arrow Janet Kuypers
20150704 shared with friends

John and Janet at Chicago fireworks Happy Independence Day. This makes the third spot where we’ll have watched the fireworks.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150704 globe (for public notice)

fireworks Happy 4th of July, everyone!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150704 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check out the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 6/24/15 Don Hargraves feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery poetry open mic at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko green arrow Janet Kuypers
20150703 shared with friends

John and Janet at Kenosha Harbor John and Janet at Kenosha Harbor Thanks to Dave and Kim for having us out on their boat. — with Janet Kuypers at Kenosha Harbor At Lake Michigan.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150703 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku pet as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150702 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

0video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku out there as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C, flipped, with a heat wave filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150702 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku out there as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (from a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150701 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet But I have to admit, I REALLY like watching my Lithuanian Berankis really take on Marin Cilic live at Wimbledon now! http://t.co/QZyRk4CL9l

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers You might see Kuypers and chant that I’m a Dutch girl (and me dad is 100% Dutch), but my mom’s a Bakutis (making her 100% Lithanian), so I’m half Lithuanian. So GO BERANKIS!!! 20150701

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150701 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Time, Time, Time, See What’s Become of Me in honor of her new book release a year long Journey live on her birthday 6/22/15 at Laschet’s in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150701 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet Haven’t been chatting about Wimbledon lately (been preoccupied), but I’ve been enjoying live matches in the mornings. http://t.co/0pa1m1TagH

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150630, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

@AtlasShrugged “Ideal” is in “Ayn Rand 3 Plays” & “The Early Ayn Rand”, which I bring 2 bars 4 “beer & a good book”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150630 globe (for public notice)

Duality Scars Publications author and photographer Eric Bonholtzer (who even released a book WITH my writing, titled Duality) has been involved with the creation of a text-based interactive novel. Check out details on the new release below.
    “It’s Killing Time” developed by Choice of Games LLC is a 140,000-word entirely text-based role-playing interactive novel by Eric Bonholtzer where your choices as an assassin control the story. Ever dream of what it’s like to be an assassin and live a life of high-intrigue, action, and suspense? Well, now you have the chance to fulfill that fantasy.
    “Like” It’s Killing Time on Facebook, and “Follow” It’s Killing Time on Twitter.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150630 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Time, Time, Time, See What’s Become of Me in honor of her new book release a year long Journey live on her birthday 6/22/15 at Laschet’s in Chicago (Canon fs200, X-Ray filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150629 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Death Takes Many Forms at Laschet’s on her birthday in Chicago, 6/22/15 (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150628 globe (for public notice)

David Russell And Don’t forget that just today David Russell got an extensive art page at Scars Publications too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150628 globe (for public notice)

Dr. Shmooz art Hey, I didn’t mention it before, but if you like the artwork of Daniel Weinberg, then you should check out the Scars Publications art page that was just started with 4 art images from Dr. Shmooz himself!

facebook profile picture for Working Man Working Man
20150628 globe (for public notice)

cancer 4 Janet It’s Cancer Season!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
ccd Since June is the month cc&d started, it gets Cancer references on anniversary covers sometimes.
http://scars.tv/ccdi.../ccd233june12/ccd233fc404 x621at00.jpg Like June 2012. http://scars.tv/ccdissues/ccd233june12/ccd233june12.htm (That is a stack of crabs at San Francisco - Fisherman’s Wharf.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
ccd Or the 16th-anniversary issue, v197.
http://scars.tv/ccdissues/ccd197june09/197fc385x613at00.jpg http://scars.tv/ccdissues/ccd197june09/ccd197june09.htm (That is a Sally Lightfoot from the Galapagos Islands on the cover.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
ccd The 18 year anniversary issue cover, since it was the May/June issue, has Gemini on he front cover and Cancer on the back cover. (And the cover images is an onmouseover to show both images on the web page.)
http://scars.tv/.../ccd221june11/ccd221cvrs400x618bc08.gif http://scars.tv/ccdissues/ccd221june11/ccd221june11.htm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150627 globe (for public notice)

clouds Judith Wiker started a page called Clouds that don’t look like anything else. so I thought I’d make a post of some cloud photos once and leave it at that... (click image for Facebook link to 18 images)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150627 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Paul Ryan reading Janet KuypersPeriodic Table poem Radium live 6/22/14 at Laschet’s in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150627 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Paul Ryan reading Janet KuypersPeriodic Table poem Indium live 6/22/14 at Laschet’s in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150627 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Jerry YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

Jerry Pendergast reading Janet KuypersPeriodic Table poem Cesium 6/22/15 at Laschet’s in Chicago (Sony fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150626 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, is FILLED with the 6/24/15 Lucia Bill feature, the Deborah Rosen feature, AND the poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypersshared a link.
20150626 • Diffuser.fm globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Was cool last night to see Morrissey playing his single Kiss Me A Lot (off his album World Peace is None of Your Business) last night on the Tonight Show, since I have tickets for his performance at the Lyric Opera House July 9th in Chicago! (I finally have another reason to wear my Unruly Girl shirt again!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150626, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem My Dead Daughter live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon P.S.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150626 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem My Dead Daughter live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150626 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon P.S.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150626 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy live 6/24/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150626 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 6/24/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150626 globe (for public notice)

The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, ruled today that gay marriage was Constitutional (further defining how we are equal in this country). I guess this now means that 14 states will have to lift their ban on same-sex marriages...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150625 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150625 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the 6/20/15 Janet Kuypers show “Poetic Shades of Chocolate” (Cfs) in 10 Shades of Chocolate in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150625 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the 6/20/15 Janet Kuypers show “Poetic Shades of Chocolate” (Cps) in 10 Shades of Chocolate in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150625 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

It’s later in the day for you, @GeorgeMichael, but I’m still recovering my my birthday a few days ago. So... have a WONDERFUL birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150625 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Get your poetry fix and check out TWO features - from both “Poetry” (James) AND Ross Berman (host of Singer/ Songwriter night) Wednesday July 22nd - come out from 7:00 - 9:00 PM to the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago for a GREAT open mic and DOUBLE feature night!
    Also, Since Ross Berman hosts the Singer/Songwriter event at the Gallery Cabaret that follows the Cafe Gallery open mic, we (Janet K./singer & John Y./ guitarist) will follow the Ross Berman feature after this open mic with possibly our LAST musical show in Chicago, with both originals and covers. This will also be a natural way to meld one event at the Gallery Cabaret into the other, so we hope everyone will come out for a FILLED evening of both poetry AND music!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Lucia Blinn, Deborah Rosen & Don Hargraves features at “the Café Gallery” open mic at Gallery Cabaret for poets, performers and musicians. 20150625 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thank you to John for taking over half of the photos during this three feature open mic night!
— with Lucia Blinn, Deborah Rosen, Joffre Stewart, Bill Yarrow, Jason Noah, Dan Cleary, Bob Lawrence, Eric Esden, Bill Tarlin and Don Hargraves (sorry we missed out on a photo of Jerry Pendergast)
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10206227234653809 &set=gm.1620461338219318 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150624 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Get your poetry fix and check out TWO features - from both Kottyn Campbell and Dalice Malice Wednesday July 8th - come out from 7:00 - 9:00 PM to the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago for a GREAT open mic and DOUBLE feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150624 globe (for public notice)

Janet Have written new poems the past year for features in Chicago, so Scars Publications just released a paperback collection book of poetry from this year-long journey... And now you can download this ISBN# perfect-bound full color cover paperback book a year long Journey or poetry from my shows 6 second poems, Nerves of a Poet, Destruction Instructions, India Stories, Resistance is Futile, Imzadi, Journey, Love, Bases Loaded, Rap Sheet, Poetic Shades of Chocolate, and the finale poem (read on my birthday) Time, time, Time, See What’s Become of Me. So check out the book a year long Journey (with a cover of an “oil painting” of me walking on a lonely road with a suitcase in my hand), now available for sale at an amazon.com printer throughout all of the USA, the U.K. and all of continental Europe!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150623 globe (for public notice)

Janet And you also got a photo of me at the beginning of the night showing G.P.A. the chapbooks to distribute (and his copy matched his suit!)... These are great, and thanks again Kottyn., — at Let Them Eat Chocolate

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150623 globe (for public notice)

Janet Kottyn, these photos you took are awesome! (and what a riot, you got a photo of me swinging my legs over the “bed” in Under his Bed, how cool!) — at Let Them Eat Chocolate

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150623, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Rap Sheet” (Cps) live at the Cafe Cabaret at Cafe Ballou in Chicago 6/19/15, with the poems each of you carry one body each, uncuffed and printed, Entering Courtroom 101, Vent, and only option is fighting.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150623, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Rap Sheet” (Cfs) live at the Cafe Cabaret at Cafe Ballou in Chicago 6/19/15, with the poems each of you carry one body each, uncuffed and printed, Entering Courtroom 101, Vent, and only option is fighting.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150623 globe (for public notice)

Kuypers reading James Joyce Ulysses flower scene On Tuesday, June 16th 2015 (6/16/16, or 20150616), Janet Kuypers read portions from “Ulysses” by James Joyce in
Kuypers reading James https://youtu.be/sObbHDIisrs Ulysses restaurant scene Bloomsday in Chicago, including a flower shop scene and a restaurant scene.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150623 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (on Wednesday 6/24/15 from 9-11PM) for not only a great open mic at the Café Gallery, but also a TRIPLE feature night, with Lucia Blinn, Deborah Rosen and Don Hargraves! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great TRIPLE feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150623 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko green arrow Birthday Bash and Poetry Reading
20150622 Lake Forest, IL shared with friends

Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day
Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day
Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day Janet and 1 on her b-day
John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers and 9 others at Laschet’s Inn.

Kimberly Marshall green arrow Janet Kuypers
20150622 globe (for public notice)


Kiley Brown green arrow Janet Kuypers
20150622 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Kiley Happy birthday SuperStar! Have the best day ever.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko green arrow Janet Kuypers
20150622 Lake Forest, IL shared with friends

google b-day Happy birthday!

google b-day facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers You know, YOU called me this morning to tell me too look at google.com, and when I saw that Google spelled its name in pastries for my birthday I said I would post it on my Facebook page, and then YOU do it. (Mumble Grumble.) Um, thanks (ellipses question mark)... 20150622

78 people wished Janet Kuypers a happy birthday on her timeline. 20150622

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150622 globe (for public notice)

Janet𔄀s b-day 1976 Thank you to people who sent me birthday messages of Facebook before 7AM CST (that means you, Francois Le Roux, Sue Barnett, Calor Core, Ajay Singh, Hari Sri, and Robert Bell... I guess I *shoul*d have expected getting messages from South Africa, London, Italy, Dhanbad India, Tamil Nadu India, and NYC before I wake up in the morning, so thank you.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150621 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Janet

Wait a minute... I thanked John for taking photos with a good camera last night, but I didn’t even mention him being the shutterbug Friday night during Rap Sheet at Cafe Ballou! Thanks for photos THERE too, John... — at Cafe Ballou.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20130621 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):

Janet Kuypers reads Michael Lee Johnson’ poem “Moon sleep” from Scars d... http://t.co/wR4GoptlrP via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20130621 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):

I liked a @YouTube video from @janetkuypers http://t.co/pSHBxbo3Gp Janet Kuypers reads Michael Lee Johnson’ poem “Moon Sleep” from

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20130621 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):

I liked a @YouTube video from @janetkuypers http://t.co/W5MBLNkowi Janet Kuypers reads Michael Lee Johnson’ poem “She” in v218 cc&d

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20130621 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):

Janet Kuypers reads Michael Lee Johnson’ poem “She” in v218 cc&d at the... http://t.co/dHg2WzNxE2 via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150621 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet John, thanks for the snap shots during my Poetic Shades of Chocolate reading at Let Them Eat Chocolate last night...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150621 globe (for public notice)

Janet & John, Wrigley Thanks, John Yotko. This will be perfect for a Christmas card (especially if it is coming from Texas)... — at Wrigley Field.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150621 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers
at Let Them Eat Chocolate 20150620 shared with friends

JK @ Ten Shades of Chocolate Opening Ten Shades of Chocolate show on her birthday weekend.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150620 · Chicago, IL globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet and Kiley Before the 10 Shades of Choc. show...

— with Kiley Brown at Let Them Eat Chocolate

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150620 · Chicago, IL globe (for public notice)

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet Janet at Rap Sheet

Thank you to John Yotko Yotko for taking pictures during my Rap Sheet show at Cafe Ballou. Roberta Miles, I hope all is well with you and your family, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to see you last night.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150620 globe (for public notice)

Rap Sheet Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at the event 10 Shades of Chocolate live at Let Them Eat Chocolate! Download a free PDF file copy of the chapbook Poetic Shades of Chocolate, today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150620 globe (for public notice)

Janet Thank you to Rory Barton for posting so many cool photosduring the Bloomsday in Chicago 2015!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150620 globe (for public notice)

Janet This is our FINAL WARNING... I want to see EVERYONE out TONIGHT for the 10 Shades of Chocolate one of a kind show at Let Them Eat Chocolate! There are 4 poets, 4 storytellers, 1 comic and a dancer in the lineup, and I am thrilled that I am one of them (reading new and edited poetry in a show I call “Poetic Shades of Chocolate”) TONIGHT, Saturday June 20th 2015 during the 6:00pm - 8:00pm show! It’s only a $10 cover, and in addition to the show there is complimentary chocolates and wine — I be also offering original books for sale to anyone interested tonight too! Come on out for a GREAT eventing!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150620 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150619 globe (for public notice)

Rap Sheet Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at Cafe
Rap Sheet Cabaret! Download a free PDF file copy of Rap Sheet - or download the Rap Sheet “Expanded Report” (of longer versions of the poems, & a bonus poem)!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150619 globe (for public notice)

Rap Sheet This is you FINAL WARNING... Come out TONIGHT to the Cafe Cabaret (that’s Friday evening June 19th 2015, 6/19/15 after 7:00 P.M. at Cafe Ballou, 939 N. Western Ave, in Chicago). This is a feature night with multiple performers - including myself with my brand-new set of original poems in the show I call Rap Sheet (with poems all about being arrested and dealing with rehab and going to counseling, going to court with lawyers, and fighting for freedom - I’m even being handcuffed and taken away at the end of my show). So come to the Cafe Cabaret TONIGHT!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150619 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday Anyone who is anyone will make it TOMORROW NIGHT to the 10 Shades of Chocolate one of a kind performance evening at Let Them Eat Chocolate! A number of performers have been asked to perform, and I am thrilled that I am one of them (reading new and edited poetry in a show I call “Poetic Shades of Chocolate”) Saturday evening June 20th 2015 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm (I don 6:00pm - 8:00pm - I don’t know WHEN during the event, so come enjoy all of the great performances, which include 4 poets, 4 storytellers,1 comic and a dancer). There is complimentary chocolates and wine here, and the cover is only $10, and people - including myself - will be also offering original books for sale to anyone interested! Come on out tomorrow for a GREAT eventing!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150619 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 6/10/15 poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150618 shared with friends

Janet w// potato Eat your tubers! —
with Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150618 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday Bloomsday Bloomsday

Bloomsday Bloomsday Bloomsday

Bloomsday Bloomsday Bloomsday

Bloomsday Thank you to John Yotko for taking these select photos at Bloomsday in Chicago 6/16/15.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150618 globe (for public notice)

Janet @ Waiting 4 the Bus So there was only one photo from my reading at Waiting for the Bus Monday 6/15 where I WASN’T looking down at the poem I was reading, but thank you to John for take photos. (Cut me some slack, I don’t have Poam: a Militant Man with Schizophrenia memorized, and besides, I had to do multiple voices for that reading...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150618 globe (for public notice)

Rap Sheet

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150618 globe (for public notice)

Rap Sheet I have shows both Friday and Saturday this weekend, so my priority now is to remind you that TOMORROW at the Cafe Cabaret (that’s Friday evening June 19th 2015, 6/19/15 after 7:00 P.M. at Cafe Ballou, 939 N. Western Ave, in Chicago) is a feature nite with multiple performers - including myself with my brand-new set of original and never before read poems in the show I call Rap Sheet (with poems all about being arrested and dealing with rehab and going to counseling, going to court with lawyers, and fighting for freedom - I’m even being handcuffed and taken away at the end of my show). So come to the Cafe Cabaret tomorrow night!

Kottyn Campbell
20150618 globe (for public notice)

Go to Kottyns website and purchase any $10 book and that gets you in the door or you can pay at the door.

Kiley Brown, Kamrah Rakassa Nestor Gomez Lily Be Mike Williams Holly Beaudry Alonda Smoot Tabitha Fefee Omar Brothero Gadling Marcelis Spokenhearted Debra Gregory-Voss Billy Tuggle Shannon Cason Roberta Miles Eric Allen Yankee Randy Richardson Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Barbara Button Barbara Button
20150617 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Ulysses Barbara Button added a photo — with Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150617 globe (for public notice)

Re-Viewing Anais

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150617 globe (for public notice)

Re-Viewing Anais How exciting! The Rochelle Lynn Holt book Re-Viewing Anais was JUST published through Scars Publications! It is a fascinating collection of writings on Anais Nin’s life AND writings, so pick up a copy directly from the printer!

James Gordon is with Janet Kuypers. 20150617 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday One of the most innovative poets around, Janet Kuypers will be featuring at 10 Shades of Chocolate this Saturday. 5306 N. Damen
#10shadesofchocolate #teamGPA4Life

Kottyn Campbell is with Janet Kuypers and 12 others. 20150617 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday So far these are the Dynamic Talented Performers for Saturday
10 Shades of Chocolate $10 Cover
5306 N Damen Ave Chicago IL 7pm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150617 globe (for public notice)

Janet If you people think *I* went over the top with designing stuff for my upcoming shows - I was stunned to see that IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell generated a SLEW of style ideas of my photo
Janet before she decided on the chocolate-tinted one for her upcoming show this Saturday. (She said
Janet she liked them all, but I think that like me for my cover pic she also ultimately chose the chocolate colorized
Janet image for the 10 Shades of Chocolate show this Saturday at Let Them Eat Chocolate.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150617 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell, thank you SO MUCH for creating suck cool images of the performers for your show this Saturday! I am so glad to be a part of this eclectic evening at Let Them Eat Chocolate, in 10 Shades of Chocolate!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a photo. 20150617 globe (for public notice)

group shot at Bloomsday https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=855747071173781 &set=pcb.1441737319465630 &type=1&permPage=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a photo. 20150617 globe (for public notice)

group shot at Bloomsday https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=855747124507109 &set=pcb.1441737319465630 &type=1&permPage=1

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150616 shared with friends

group shot at Bloomsday

group shot at Bloomsday

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150616 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday Come to Bloonsday TONIGHT and hear a number of performers read small portions of James Joyce’s “Ulysses”! I am reading two parts, so see the characters I play in this fantastic evening at Galway Arms!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 10 new photos from June 16, 2015 to the album: select Bloomsday in Chicago photos 6/16/15. 20150616 globe (for public notice)

Janet, Bloomsday Janet, Bloomsday
Janet, Bloomsday Janet, Bloomsday Janet, Bloomsday
Thank you to John Yotko for taking pictures.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150616 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Poam: a Militant Man with Schizophrenia 6/15/15 at Waiting4the Bus (at Powell’s) in Chicago (Canon fs200, posterized)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150616 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Poam: a Militant Man with Schizophrenia 6/15/15 at Waiting4the Bus (at Powell’s) in Chicago (Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150616 globe (for public notice)

Facebook cover photo for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150615 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John 18 minutes to go...
— at Laschet’s Inn

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150615 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Joel Well, Sabrina McGregor, since Joel isn’t on FB, and it’s the actual DAY today, wish him a happy one. I hope you all have the best day today.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150615 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet picks up tennis ball As soon as the French Open ends, it’s grass court time - watching Federer & Kohlschreiber @ the Gerry Weber Open now.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150614 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Lucy Janet and Lucy Lucy is just too adorable for words.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150614 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Kate Kate Cullan, I hope you have the grooviest birthday EVER!!!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150613, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Vent 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (filmed on a Canon Power Show camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150613 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Vent 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (filmed on a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150613 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150613 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150613 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems, Vent and extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150613 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems, Vent and extinct on planet earth 6/10/15 at the Chicago open mic “Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing” (Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

I was at the bar
approaching 5PM
& I looked out the window
and saw a grey SUV
that looked like a Jeep.
& I thought
it could have been you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
(part 2 of “two tweet” untitledtwitter-length poem 6/11/15)

I knew it wasn’t,
but it made me smile.
The thought of you,
coming to me.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem of independence or freedom live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem of independence or freedom live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Kinds of Interference live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon PS)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Kinds of Interference live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem civil live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem civil live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem console live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon PS)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem console live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem extinct live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem extinct live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem need live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem need live 6/10/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

videoYouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” (Including Donald Gaither’s poems “Untitled (grey)” and “November Wind”, G. A. Scheinoha’s poem “Easy Vic”, Janet Kuypers’ haiku poems “console”, “extinct” and “civil”, Zak Parson’s poem “4:44am”, Janet Kuypers’ haiku poem “need”, and Marlon Jackson’s poem “Life Goes On”) live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” (Including Donald Gaither’s poems “Untitled (grey)” and “November Wind”, G. A. Scheinoha’s poem “Easy Vic”, Janet Kuypers’ haiku poems “console”, “extinct” and “civil”, Zak Parson’s poem “4:44am”, Janet Kuypers’ haiku poem “need”, and Marlon Jackson’s poem “Life Goes On”) live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from cc&d v255 (the 22 year anniversary issue), “a Mad Escape” (Including Jane Stuart’s poem untitled (moonlight), R. N. Taber’s poem Nature Trail, Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Silver Anniversary, Jesse Williams’ poem “Generation Head and Shoulders”, Chris Roe’s poem Love, Mimi Young’s poem Worm in Cement, and G. A. Scheinoha’s poem White is Not a Color) live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 6/10/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Atlas Shrugged Steve Jobs and Atlas Shrugged. You might not have connected them before, but listen to what he was saying... http://t.co/NSRekt3jJD

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 6/10/15 Jason Noah feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150612 globe (for public notice)

Rob and Inga and Janet Inga Johnson, I hope you have the BEST birthday, and I *really* hope to see you REAL SOON!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150611 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

avacado These avacados on a Dali print look more like eggs. The Persistence of Memory with Avocado, Salvador Dali, 1931 @CBS http://t.co/OmUnX3kOP1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150611 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

avacado The Old Guitarist with Avocado, Pablo Picasso, 1903 @CBS http://t.co/4qjXZ2wss1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150611 globe (for public notice)

Cafe Cabaret in June I made an event for my Rap Sheet performance at Cafe Cabaret at Cafe Ballou on June 19th because I had no idea they had their own event listing already. I just found out about it today, so now you can see the line-up of ALL of the performers (including myself) that will be at Cafe Cabaret Friday, June 19 at 7:00pm!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 10 new photos to the album: Rochelle Lynn Holt’s Book Re-Viewing Anais”. 20150610 globe (for public notice)

Rap Sheet pages of the covers and pages of the new Rochelle Lyn Holt book

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150610 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150610 globe (for public notice)

Buddha and Janet 7/24/13 at the Cafe Gallery Buddha and Janet 5/10/13 at Poetry’s Love Letter

Happy Birthday, David Buddha-Hargarten! I hope it is the BEST!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150610 globe (for public notice)

Rap Sheet Because there was no event listing for this show, and because I wanted to get the word out, come to Roberta Miles’ the Cafe Cabaret Friday evening June 19th 2015 (6/19/15) after 7:00 P.M. at Cafe Ballou (939 N. Western Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60622). This even has a number of features performing this evening, but I am excited to perform this brand-new set of original and never before read poems in the show I call Rap Sheet (with poems all about being arrested and dealing with rehab and going to counseling, going to court with lawyers, and fighting for freedom).

This should be one of my more original performances, preceded with my being photographed with a prison number next to a height scale, and ending with my being handcuffed and taken away...

This is an evening with a number of performers, so come to the Cafe Cabaret for my original show - and BUNCH of other great performers too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150610 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday I am pleased I am one of the readers (in two different sections, no less) for this ccommemoration of James Joyce’s Ulysses. When I am performing in Chicago, I am usually reading my own work (or accepted writers from cc&d magazine or Down in the Dirt magazine), but readings sections from James Joyce’s Ulysses should be a real treat, and I am glad to be a part of this project (Sponsored by Puddin’head Press as the Bloomsday in Chicago. event at The Galway Arms, 2442 N. Clark Street, on June 16th starting at 7:30 P.M., for $7.00), I a REALLY look forward to seeing everyone there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150609 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (on Wednesday 6/10/15 from 9-11PM) for the Jason Noah feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great DOUBLE feature night!

Kottyn Campbell
20150609 globe (for public notice)

Janet in 10 Shades of Chocolate June 20th 10 Shades of Chocolate 7pm 5306 n Damen Ave Chicago IL

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150609 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku 4 John fought @ a Blue Sky’ls sign 6/9/15 (of her poems 7&7+18 & 11&2+8)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150609 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku 4 John fought @ a Blue Sky’ls sign 6/9/15 (of her poems 7&7+18 & 11&2+8)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150608 shared with friends

I can’t believe I saw this 24 year old letter to my mother, mixed with my first chapbooks ever.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150608 shared with friends

the Café Gallery poetry open mic I figured that if I showed the magazine price from my dad’s clock back in 2010 thru lulu, then I *bwtter

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150608 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Just heard from the bar the Gallery Cabaret that we have to move the time of this open mic and Jason Noah feature by two hours, so it STARTS at 9:00 PM and ENDS at 11:00 PM... I hope that means more people can make it, so READ THIS NOTE and COME TO THIS OPEN MIC AND FEATURE FROM 9:00 TO 11:00 WEDNESDAY!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150608 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku hold @ the Blue Sky’ls sign 6/8/15 (from looking for a worthy adversary — and looking for a worthy adversary (an extreme sestina variation)), for John

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150608 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers100 Haikus haiku force read on Radio road 6/8/15 (from her poem you are a force) (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150608 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku energy @ a Starbucks 6/8/15 (which is in her books 100 Haikus & Partial Nudity) (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150607 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet serving I REALLY hope @walkingseed was up to see the final match in the French Open... TOTALLY how I DIDN’T expect it 2 go!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150607 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video> of Janet Kuypers reads her haiku evil @ a Starbucks 6/7/15 (which is in her book 100 Haikus) (filmed with a Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150607 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku last @ a Starbucks 6/7/15 (of the last lines of her poem
the Burning) (filmed with a Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150606 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and 9/99 clock If I once showed on the clock the mag prices from 2010 at lulu, then I *had* to show this clock time of the cc&d and Down in the Dirt CURRENT prices for sale in the USA, the U.K. and all of continental Europe!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150606 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of location #2 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku form (based on Cast in Stone) 6/6/15 on Jan drive (a street named after Janet)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150606 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of location #1 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku form (based on Cast in Stone) 6/6/15 on Jan drive (a street named after Janet)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150606 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet KuypersJohn’s Mind haiku (based on The Mind of John) by a religious statue 6/6/15 on Sand drive (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150605 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her dark matter haiku elusive 6/5/15 @ palm fronds @ the end of Jan drive. (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150605 shared with friends

Instagram of tenni courts The clock here shows 5s as 9s so it was the cc&d and Down in the Dirt 2010 lulu price for a minute.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150605 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku easy @ the pond @ Jan & Palos drives 6/5/15 (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150605 shared with friends

Instagram of tenni courts They’re re-paving the tennis courts!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150605 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuyperscoincidence? haiku she read on Jan drive (a street named after her) 6/5/15 @ the tiki hut (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150604 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku close (with lines from her poem death is a dog) 6/1/15 @ the tiki hut (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150604 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypersneed haiku based on the last words of her poem Burn It In 6/4/15 @ her childhood tennis court (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150604 globe (for public notice)

    Went to talk to a neighbor of my dad’s yesterday, and she said, “you’re the famous one.”
    “The famous one?” I responded.
    “The famous writer,” she answered.
    “Well, I don’t know if I’m famous, but -”
    But it’s nice that *anyone* thinks I’m famous for writing (whether or not it’s true, it’s nice to hear).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150604 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypersescape haiku 6/4/15 (derived from her poem the muse, the messiah) @ the gazebo (Motorola)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150603 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet and Sarah After Nadal/Djokovia & Murray/Ferrer @ French Open, this kids pic of me & Sarah is GREAT w/ me & my tennis pendant! http://t.co/1Eruy7YKYn

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150531 globe (for public notice)

Janet One of the Florida images I added to the random display at janetkuypers.com was a shawl photo that is in my art collection book l’arte.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150531 globe (for public notice)

Janet Who am I kidding... I just wrote in a Twitter post yesterday about a Partial Nudity cover addition to janetkuypers.com, but I’lve got Florida on my mind -which makes it appropriate that I added two photos my mom took of me on the beach in Naples Florida to the random art display at janetkuypers.com.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150530 globe (for public notice)

a Mad Escape Thought you’d get an early present... Released two days early, Scars Publications just released the print edition of cc&d magazine (The May/June 2015 issue, v255 - the 22 year anniversary issue)! Now you can order the book a Mad Escape directly from the amazon affiliates printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe...) So now you can enjoy a print copy of the brand-new cc&d issue/book a Mad Escape!
(By the way, contributors to this issue and book incude Janet Kuypers, Jane Stuart, Erren Kelly, Alan Catlin, David J. Thompson, CEE, R. N. Taber, Maura Gage Cavell, Sheryl L. Nelms, Brian Looney, I.B. Rad, Jesse Williams, Xanadu (Ofmickiewiczfame), Chris Roe, Elizabeth Harper, Mimi Young, Ronald Charles Epstein, G. A. Scheinoha, DG Mago, Eric Burbridge, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Thomas Gannon, Ian Bowman, Patrick Fealey, and Nora McDonald, and art from Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Brian Forrest, Cheryl Townsend, Eric Bonholtzer, David J. Thompson, Brian Hosey, David J. Thompson, Aaron Wilder, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, David Michael Jackson, the HA!Man of South Africa, and Kyle Hemmings.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150530 globe (for public notice)

a Bad Influence Thought you’d get an early present... Released two days early, Scars Publications just released the print edition of Down in the Dirt magazine (The May/June 2015 issue, v129)! Now you can order the book a Bad Influence directly from the amazon affiliates printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe...) So now you can enjoy a print copy of the Down in the Dirt book a Bad Influence!
(By the way, contributors to this issue and book incude Janet Kuypers, Lisa Gray, Norm Hudson, Donald Gaither, Doug Draime, G. A. Scheinoha, Eric Burbridge, M. A. Schaffner, Liam Spencer, Drew Marshall, Benjamin Sabin, William Masters, Kevin Cooley, Matthew Horstkotter, Alexander Patterson, David Sapp, Allan Onik, Anastasia Kalos, Zak Patrick , Frank De Canio, Kathryn Lipari, S. R. Mearns, Kelley Jean White MD, Stephen McQuiggan, Peter McMillan, R. H. Palmer, Marlon Jackson, Jon Brunette, David J. Tabak, Jack for aker, Lexi Lovetere, Fritz Hamilton, David Hernandez, Deanna Morris, Anne Britting Oleson, and Eleanor Leonne Bennett with art...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150530 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

--/v/ehuibzleqiD" target="blank">Hope Chest Vine video It’s wild for me to see the 4c cover for Hope Chest in the Attic (a 1993 book). in a 2nd printing proof copy.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers It’s weird, when I’ve seen that book for the past 22 years, it has only purple and green inks making that front cover. This one has a full color
2015 Hope Chest book bc bleed images (sorry I didn’t have the same watch to perfectly replicate the watch used on the old front cover; maybe I’ll take the old watch face design image to replace the image on the back cover for the 2
nd printing...), and the blue box that is behind my name on the first printing, I actually took a scan of that 1st printing fc image and reduced the contrast a ton to make IT the background for my name on the 2nd printing fc. 20150530

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150530 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

janetkuypers.com particl nudity pic I made my jump pic “naked” as my Partial Nudity book cover, & added it 2 random pic choices 4 http://t.co/DMdZwfxpoE.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150529 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150529 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Flashback live 5/27/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150529 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Flashback live 5/27/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150529 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from Scars books, including the “need to know2014 literary date book poems (like David Michael Schmidt’s “Finger On The Trigger”, and S. R. Mearns’ “Homesick”), plus the CEE poem “The Elective” (from his book “Sine Peoria, Nulls est Gloria”), and the Mark Fleury poem “The Hardest Part” (from his book “Seeing Strangers”), live 5/27/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
201505299 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading G.P.A. (the poetic unsub)’s poem “Arbitrary Thoughts” (which originally appeared in the v217 issue of cc&d magazine (now available for sale on line as an ISSN# issue as well as the ISBN# book Life... from Nothing), that was also released in the Literary Town Hall cc&d edition 2011 collection book (still available for sale), in honor of (and before the) G.P.A. (the poetic unsub) feature 5/27/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for James Commissioner Gordon James Commissioner Gordon
20150529 globe (for public notice)

GPA feature I’d like to thank Janet Kuypers for having me as a feature and Roberta Miles for sharing a feature with me. Two poems i want you hear: “David Slattery and I” and “Why be Humble”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150529 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery right now is for 2 weeks! Check out the double-feature two-week long podcast of the 5/27/15 Roberta Miles AND G.P.A. (the poetic unsub) feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with James Gordon and Roberta Miles at the Gallery Cabaret. 20150529 globe (for public notice)

Janet and GPA Had a wonderful time hosing both the Roberta Miles feature AND the G.P.A. (the poetic unsub) feature at the Café Gallery 5/27/15 at the Chicago bar
Janet and Roberta the Gallery Cabaret! — with Roberta Miles and James Commissioner Gordon at the Gallery Cabaret.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150529 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 5/27/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150528 globe (for public notice)

janetkuypers.com with tennis image Since the French Open started Sunday, I figured I could add a random photo of me with a tennis racket to janetkuypers dot com (it’s just 1 of 4 new pics I added to the image library of 20 pics for the main page).

Roberta Miles shared an event.
20150528 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic It was a wonderful show! And there were lots ofr solid performers that I was delihted to share the stage with. Thank you, Janet Kuypers! Leader of the pack!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150528 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Clair photo collage Claire McCormick, I hope you have the BEST birthday ever!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150527 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet videos from Bases Loaded on Scars Video at artvilla it’s cool my Bases Loaded videos are on artvilla, but they’re ALSO on “Scars Videos” at artvilla too!
http://t.co/gkHo8DxzGp http://t.co/me45pw2EeI

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150526 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson):

I wonder who was the first person to see a bird soaring high above & think it a good idea to capture it and lock it in a cage

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150526 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (on Wednesday 5/27/15 from 9-11PM) for the TWO FEATURES from Roberta Miles and G.P.A. (the poetic unsub), with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great DOUBLE feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150525 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at The Brat Stop at fm.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150525 globe (for public notice)

Other Voices CD cover Thank you to Andy Derryberry of the DMJ Art Connection - and thank you to Michael Lee Johnson - for reading my poem on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard and playing such cool guitar music to it. I think it will be a great addition to our eventual CD release of Other voices (where other people have read my work, and the DMJ set excellent music to it).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150525 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet videos from Bases Loaded on Scars Video at artvilla My baseball poem videos in the Poetry Bomb at Wrigley Field 4/26/15 have an artvilla web page!
http://t.co/DLRWaEVKP5 http://t.co/oap9rOGj3Z

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150524 globe (for public notice)

Janet reading at the Café Gallery Oz Hardwick, I didn’t happen to see his photo you posted a while ago until I just happened to see it in my photo listings. Thanks for all the photos you took that night (the night of your feature from the Café Gallery at Chicago’s the Gallery Cabaret 5/13/15).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150524 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Roger Federer after winning the 2014 W&S Open They’re replaying Federer’s 1st match 1at day of the French Open. & the #2 ranked player usually takes 1st day off..

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers But the thing is, Federer has ASKED to play on the 1st day at the French Open for the past THREE years. (I think the commentators figured out that when he does this, he can have a long break and he may end up playing 1 match less than other contenders like Nadal or Djokovic.) 20150524

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150524 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Jack Nicholson waving the green flag at 2010 Indy 500 Patrick Dempsey waved Indy 500 green flag today. Better when Jack Nicholson do it in 2010 & he later high-fived me.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers I only watched it on occasional commercials (sorry, I prefer tennis), but I still caught 2 crashes.

I suppose I got everything I could possibly get out of watching the Indy 500 this year.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150524 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku only as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (recorded with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared
Oz Hardwick‘s photo
20150523 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Tressa at Gallery Cabaret Janet Kuypers and Tressa Smeltzer (at the Oz Hardwick and Wes Haine feature from the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared the Norman Goldman Show‘s photo 20150523 globe (for public notice)

christian bakers and gun sales https://www.facebook.com/ normangoldman/photos/ a.10150183157979090. 328863. 128983569089/ 10153279206014090/?type=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150523 globe (for public notice)

Bloomsday Looking forward to reading a passage from James Joyce’s “Ulysses” on the 2nd floor of The Galway Arms at 2442 N. Clark Street at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday June 16th, 2015 for Bloomsday in Chicago.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150523 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku of his thirst as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150523 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku of his thirst as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (video filmed on a Sony Super Steady Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150522 globe (for public notice)

Amy and Janet and John at Hotz Forgot to post this pic last night — at Hitz Pizza & Sports Bar.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150522 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Get your poetry fix and check out TWO features - from both Lucia Blinn and Don Hargraves Wednesday June 24th - come out from 7:00 - 9:00 PM to the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago for a GREAT open mic night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150522 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic I haven’t mentioned it before (probably because I’m crazy), but summer’s just around the corner, so come join the poetry revolution at the Café Gallery open mic with the Jason Noah feature on June 10th 2015 from 7-9PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150522 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 5/13/15 Oz Hardwick feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150521 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at Hotz So I said we should look like we are having fun, so I opened my mouth when I smiled. Instant fun. — at Hitz Pizza & Sports Bar.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150521 shared with friends

Janet and Amy at Mickey Finn’s Good to see Amy — with Janet Kuypers at Mickey Finn’s Brewery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150521 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku need as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed in studio w/ a Sony Super Steady Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150521 shared with friends
posted a video on vine

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku need as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed in studio with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150520 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Fuming in the Morning live 5/13/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (video was filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150520 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Fuming in the Morning live 5/13/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (video was filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150519 shared with friends

Janet and John at The Brat Stop Go Hawks! — with Janet Kuypers at The Brat Stop.

facebook profile picture for Mark Fleury Mark Fleury
20150519 globe (for public notice)

Seeing Strangers, a Mark Fleury book For those of you who are interested, I have four poetry books. The most recent one, published in 2014 is called The Precious Surreal Door Opened and is available here: http://themedullareview.com/category/recently-published/. Today my first three books, published with the help of Janet Kuypers at Scars Publications between 2010 and 2012, are now available as a one book Trilogy called Seeing Strangers... Makes a great gift! http://scars.tv/BooksCDs/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150519 globe (for public notice)

Seeing Strangers, a Mark Fleury book The coolest things is that Mark Fleury just released a Scars Publications book - and it’s a HUGE poetry collection book, it’s actually a compilation of THREE complete poetry books! It was just released 5/19, so check out (and order) a copy of Seeing Strangers today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150519, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Janet videos from Love on Scars Video at artvilla Forgot that all videos from my Love show ALSO appear on a page at artvilla’s Scars Video!
http://t.co/xYPFkkNsD http://t.co/OjQtd2FMKx

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150519 · Twitter ·> globe (for public notice)

Janet videos from Journey on artvilla pages There’s now an artvilla web page 4 my Love feature 4/10/15 w/ video links!
http://t.co/rMaHSMYY6k http://t.co/8syixQd1mw

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150519 · Twitter ·> globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem extinct, like the dodo live 5/13/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150519 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem extinct, like the dodo live 5/13/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150519 globe (for public notice)

Janet Eugene Peppers, from one plant lover to another, I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150518 shared with friends

Janet and John at Bill’s The chemist at work. — with Janet Kuypers at Bill’s Pizza & Pub.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150518 · Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from the “need to know2014 literary date book (including Kelly Haas Shackelford’s “The Burden Of Marriage”, Eric Burbridge’s “Quiet”, and Lyn Lifshin’s “Kent State May 1970”) live 5/13/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150518 · Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from the “need to know2014 literary date book (including Kelly Haas Shackelford’s “The Burden Of Marriage”, Eric Burbridge’s “Quiet”, and Lyn Lifshin’s “Kent State May 1970”) live 5/13/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (recorded with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 7 new photos to the album: Mark Fleury’s book “Seeing Strangers” 20150518 shared with friends

video images of the proof copy of the Mark Fleury book “Seeing Strangers” (which is a Scars Publications 2015 compilation book of 3 of Mark Fleury’s books)

Westley Heine
20150517 shared with friends

Dig my farewell poetry reading (screaming, and moaning as well.) Click below. Thanks to Janet Kuypers and all the poets at the Café Gallery at The Gallery Cabaret who have always been the best audience. Thanks to the mysterious man “Uncle John” who sat in to jam with me. Also there is music from my project Cousin Bones and I use a track from Sid Yiddish and His Candy Store Henchmen.

Sid Yiddish, with Janet Kuypers
20150517 shared with friends

Janet and Sid The holy head walking stick presented to me at Gallery Cabaret by Wes Heine at his record release/going away show. May 17, 2015, Chicago, Illinois — with Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150516 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and Andres Congrats to Andrea on the new job! — with Andrea Shoup.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150516 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John This seems to be a night for making faces — with John Yotko.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150516 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and Wes Had to go smoochie with cousin bones — with Wes Heine.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150516 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and Sid Sid got a great gift at cousin bones␁ CD release 5/16/15!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150516 globe (for public notice)

the Periodic Table of Poetry After writing a poem for every element in the Periodic Table for three years (and after having this book available for private printing only since 2014), Scars Publications has just released this same private printing collection, the Periodic Table of Poetry. This 306 page book with a Scars Publications owned ISBN# is 8.5" square (like an element listing in the Periodic Table) and literally packed with not only poems for every element in the Periodic Table but also bonus poems for some elements and compounds as well. All of these poems have been performed in past features over the years, and (upon request from the Pushcart group) 6 of the poems in this collection were nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2015 (Hydrogen Cyanide, Copper, Meitnerium, Oxygen, Tin and Ununseptium). Writing these poems was a great challenge for myself, and it was fun to refresh my science and chemistry background while writing poetry. This is a small-scale release intended as a private printing still, and I look forward to (hopefully) being able to release this collection in the future through Saloon Poetry. In the meantime, celebrate science and poetry with Scars Publications in the book the Periodic Table of Poetry!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Excitement (for not only John, but also) Gudenteit being on tap again at Mickey Finn’s! —at Mickey Finn’s Brewery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK serves in tennis It was Federer & Berdych, now it’s Djokovic & Nishikori. I have 2 much work 2 do today 2 watch great tennis matches! http://t.co/zvXdJU9MEn

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Neil DeGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson):

“Poets compose poems.
regular people rhyme stuff.”

Neil DeGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson), May 2015, StarTalk

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Neil DeGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson):

Curious fact that any time we lose a person who sings the Blues, as we just did in #BBKing, the World becomes a sadder place.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 5/13/15 Wes Heine feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 5/13/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515 globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reads Oz Hardwick’s poem “In a Glass House” (which originally appeared in the v242 issue of cc&d magazine, that was also released in the 2013 collection book Guilt by Association), plus the Oz Hardwick feature 5/13/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150515 globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reads Wes Heine’s poem “Pigeons” (which originally appeared in the v245 issue of cc&d magazine, that was also released in the don’t forget it 2014 spiral-bound literary datebook, as well as the collection book Art is not Meant to be Touched), plus the Wes Heine feature live 5/13/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150514 globe (for public notice)

janetkuypers.com I know it’s silly, but I figured that if janetkuypers.com had different images of me randomly appearing any time people go to the site, I might as well as the photo I just took for the a Year Long Journey book cover for a mini-book release 6/22/15.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150514 globe (for public notice)

Short Takes, a Fred Russell I love it when spring is in the air and I can take a deep breath and smell the fresh book releases... Just released books from Scars Publications today, and one of them is the Fred Russell book Short Takes (a 6" x9" short prose/essay/commentary book). Literally published minutes ago, order a copy of this unique book while it is still hot off the press! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe... So spread the word, because soon this book will be available around the world!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150514 globe (for public notice)

Sine Peoria, Nulla est Gloria, by CEE I love it when spring is in the air and I can take a deep breath and smell the fresh book releases... Just released books from Scars Publications today, and one of them is the CEE book Sine Peoria, Nulla est Gloria (of poems with intro and outro essays, and with a cool classic postcard cover!). Literally published minutes ago, order a copy of this unique book while it is still hot off the press! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe... So spread the word, because soon this book will be available around the world!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet and Oz!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 globe (for public notice)

Janet JK and Wes (after his feature at the Café Gallery in Chicago’s the Gallery Cabaret 5/13/15)

facebook profile picture for Oz Hardwick Oz Hardwick>
20150513 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Tressa With Janet Kuypers & Tressa Smeltzer.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Wes Heine (cousin bones) Wes Heine as preacher cousin bones

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Wes Heine (cousin bones) Wes Heine (cousin bones) poetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Wes Heine (cousin bones) Wes Heine (cousin bones)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Oz Hardwick Oz Hardwick

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers reads Oz Hardwick’s poem “In a Glass House” before his feature at the Café Gallery in Chicago’s the Gallery Cabaret 5/13/15.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Don Hargraves Don Hargraves

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers reading my poem fuming in the morning

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Eric Esden Eric Esden

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

James Bourke James Bourke (guitar Jim)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Jason Noah Jason Noah

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Bob Rashkow (the Bobster!) Bob Rashkow (the Bobster!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Jerry Pendergast Jerry Pendergast

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 globe (for public notice)

Janet What good are candy bars when you need a map? (This pic was of me reading my poem extinct, like the dodo...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Bob Lawrence Bob Lawrence

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Annabelle Echo Annabelle Echo

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20150513 shared with friends

Joffre Stewart Joffre Stewart

facebook profile picture for Oz Hardwick Oz Hardwick
20150513 globe (for public notice)

JK @ the Cafe Gallery The Gallery Cabaret.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her prose dandelions for a passing stranger live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her prose dandelions for a passing stranger live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her prose How a woman falls in love live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her prose How a woman falls in love live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150513 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at Timothy O’Toole’s Pub Gurnee Janet and John at Timothy O’Toole’s Pub Gurnee

Janet and John at Timothy O’Toole’s Pub Gurnee
He’s baaaackkk... — with John Yotko at Timothy O’Toole’s Pub Gurnee

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150512 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of 2 prose pieces by Janet Kuypers: dandelions for a passing stranger and How a woman falls in love live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150512 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of 2 prose pieces by Janet Kuypers: dandelions for a passing stranger and How a woman falls in love live 5/9/15 at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150512 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (on Wednesday 5/13/15 from 7-9PM) for the TWO FEATURES from Oz Hardwick AND Wes Heine, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great DOUBLE feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150511 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Cycle) at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150511 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video f Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Cycle) at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (from a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150511 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems the Muse, the Messiah and the Cycle at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150511 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems the Muse, the Messiah and the Cycle at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150511 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150510 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

Watch this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Muse, the Messiah) at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150510 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

Watch this video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem the Muse, the Messiah) at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Chicago 5/8/15 (filmed with a Canon fs200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150510 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet videos from Journey on artvilla pages ALL videos from my “Journey.” Hyde Park show have 2 artvilla web pages! http://t.co/TDO0rP5BV1 http://t.co/Ztvl69jpYh http://t.co/2V6sdOTwl8

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150510 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

EyesJanet Kuypers | Read Michael Lee Johnson http://t.co/RPZG5X29KZ#poetry #poem @RobinOuzman @pinkyandrexa @Artvillacom @janetkuypers poem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150509 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John (a photo taken while Janet Kuypers read her prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150509 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John (a photo taken while Janet Kuypers read her prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150509 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John (a photo taken while Janet Kuypers read her prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150509 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John (a photo taken while Janet Kuypers read her prose prose Dandelions for a Passing Stranger and How a Woman Falls in Love at the Art Colony 5/9/15)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150509 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John (John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at The Village Inn Pizzeria Sports Bar and Grill.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150508 globe (for public notice)

Janes and Kottyn at Bobbies Fun to stop after Poetry’s “love letter”... — with James Commissioner Gordon Janes and G.P.A. at Bobbies and IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell at Bobbies Runaway (open until 3:00 am on Saturdays).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150508 shared with friends

Janet and John at Leadway John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at The Leadway Bar.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150508 globe (for public notice)

Janes kisses John at the Brat Stop at The Brat Stop.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150508 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 4/29/15 poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150508 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from cc&d v254, “Idea” (Including the first verse of Brian Looney’s “the Instance of Being”, Donald Gaither’s “Arthritic”, Kelley Jean White MD’s “Dutiful Daughter”, Janet Kuypers’s two haiku poem “JY asks”, and her poems “Observing Theories of the Universe” and “jabbed into an open nerve”) live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon ps)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150508 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from cc&d v254, “Idea” (Including the first verse of Brian Looney’s “the Instance of Being”, Donald Gaither’s “Arthritic”, Kelley Jean White MD’s “Dutiful Daughter”, Janet Kuypers’s two haiku poem “JY asks”, and her poems “Observing Theories of the Universe” and “jabbed into an open nerve”) live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150508 shared with friends
had a tweet favorited on Twitter

“X-Mom: Days of Future Past” #AddMomRuinAMovie      @midnight

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150508 shared with friends
had a tweet favorited on Twitter

“It’s a Wonderful Mom” #AddMomRuinAMovie      @midnight

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150508 shared with friends
had a tweet favorited on Twitter

“Star Wars: Episode V - The Mom Strikes Back” #AddMomRuinAMovie @midnight

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150508 shared with friends
had a tweet favorited on Twitter

“The Lord of the Moms” #AddMomRuinAMovie      @midnight

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150508 shared with friends
had a tweet favorited on Twitter

“No Country for Old Moms” #AddMomRuinAMovie      @midnight

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine 20150508 shared with friends
had a tweet favorited on Twitter

“The Silence of the Moms” #AddMomRuinAMovie      @midnight

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150507 shared with friends

Janet drinks apprtizer broth at Shakou Some people call this tacky but this girl has simply been misguided. — with Janet Kuypers at Shakou Libertyville.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers There are so few vegetarian options that I had to drink the yummy broth from my appetizer - and this may seem tacky in States culture, but not in others (John taught me that). 20150507

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers And although we laughed about it last night, I never gave John props for making a KMFDM reference in
KMFDM’s “Terror” off of “Nihil” his post... (I wasn’t implying that *he* was misguided for telling me it is customary in other cultures to drink soup this way, really.)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150507 shared with friends

Janet and John at Shakou Celebrating our crystal anniversary. — with Janet Kuypers at Shakou Libertyville.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers It’s been 15 years, and although I know him better than I did before, it feel like everything between us is
a love emoticon new. (And yes, my love is so sick that I used an emoticon, which I NEVER use because they make the throw up, so apparently love makes you sick...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 globe (for public notice)

Janet fixing John’ corsage on their wedding day I had to share another one of my favorite wedding photos (they usually say it’s all about the bride, but I SO love this shot, John). Looking forward to a nice dinner tonight with you John, when our conflicting schedules finally make time for us to enjoy our anniversary together. I love you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (filmed on a Canon fs200) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (filmed on a Canon Power Shot) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video (filmed on a Canon fs200) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic I know you may know Wes as a blues musician, but I am THRILLED that Wes Heine (since he is moving away from us here in Chicago in June) will be joining us at the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret on Wednesday My 13th to make a DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT with him and U.K. poet Oz Hardwick! This night will be so fantastically packed, it’s a night no one will want to miss!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John wedding photo John Yotko, I love you more than life itself. Happy Anniversary, my darling.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 globe (for public notice)

a Year Long Journey So we would like people to come together at Laschet’s Inn for my Birthday (Monday, June 22nd)... But the hope is (since the restaurant/bar has no kitchen open on Mondays, so all they serve for food are their very good German pretzels and it is just a bar) to have a “bit” of a poetry reading in the back of the place (the restaurant part) too. I would start by reading one new poem about time (because I am *hoping* to release a mini book of poems I have written of perform in shows over the past year, titled a Year Long Journey, that would end with this one poem I’ll read on my birthday), and for others who read (there are a few of you I have in mind), I would *really* like you to pick a poem of mine to read (think of it as your present). On the event listing event listing page I even included a link to all of my poems (for those who wanted to look through poems on their ow to decide), and I think it would be great to hear how others read my work. (Will try to video record that portion of the readings, because it would be great to see these readings again!)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150507 globe (for public notice)

Janet birthday event Okay, John set up this page last night... My Birthday is a Monday this year (June 22nd), and we are hoping to get together at Laschet’s Inn to celebrate... I would love to see everything stop by!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150506 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem eyes live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150506 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem eyes live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150506 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jihadists and Astrophysics live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150506 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jihadists and Astrophysics live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
2015050 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet laying on the tennis court (Naples, #5) What a Madrid tennis day to see: Serena/ Azarenka now, then Nadal/Johnson, then Federer/Dimitrov, then Querry/Verdasco! http://t.co/qH4TomEawX

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at J’s Bally Muck. 20150505 shared with friends

Janet and John at J’s Bally Muck Janet at J’s Bally Muck I didn’t bring her here on Cinco de Mayo (a celebration of a rather inconsequential Mexico/French battle) for me to drink - I have to start work soon.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150505 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

the Poetry Daily snapshot Excellent! The Poetry Daily published an audio link of my poem Eyes (read by @poetrymanusa!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150505 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (video recorded with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150505 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Under the Sea live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (video recorded with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150504 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Somebody’s Scoring Somewhere live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150504 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Somebody’s Scoring Somewhere live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150504 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entire Town’s Baseball Team live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150504 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entire Town’s Baseball Team live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150503 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Charlie Newman Awesome... Now I can can heck out the women’s AND men’s finals from the Portuguese Open to get my tennis fix. http://t.co/E6LFKy5SLu

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150503 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

eye Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

Eyes& Janet Kuypers | Read Michael Lee Johnson http://t.co/RPZG5WKymp ...#poetry #poem @RobinOuzman @pinkyandrexa @Artvillacom @janetkuypers

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150502 shared with friends

--/v/e7jOjHrmMlV" target="blank">Janet Vine video

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150501, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

bracelet collage of Janet and John It’s 30% off my @AtlasShrugged Rearden Metal bracelet; I’ve loved wearing mine everywhere...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150501 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 4/29/15 Paul Ryan feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150501 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the poetry open mic 4/29/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150430 globe (for public notice)

Bases Loaded It was a lot of fun reading out in the open Sunday for the 2015 Poetry Bomb (I hear other people had fun in different locations too), but a web page was just uploaded at Scars Publications for my baseball poetry readings I read right in front of the Wrigley Field (so all of the poems AND YouTube videos of readings are in one place)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150430 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Young Dreams from a Potential Legend (in the chapbook “Bases Loaded”) 4/26/15 (C) at Chicago’s 2015 Poetry Bomb (at Wrigley Field), filmed with a Canon Power Shot

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150430 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Bases Loaded (in the chapbook “Bases Loaded”) 4/26/15 (C) at Chicago’s 2015 Poetry Bomb (at Wrigley Field), filmed with a Canon Power Shot video camera

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150430 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Somebody’s Scoring Somewhere (in the chapbook “Bases Loaded”) 4/26/15 (C) at Chicago’s 2015 Poetry Bomb (at Wrigley Field), filmed with a Canon Power Shot

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150430 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic So lets stock up on our poetry and performance art fixes by checking out TWO features - from both G.P.A. and Roberta Miles Wednesday May 27th (in a later time, no less - come out from 9:00 - 11:00 PM) to the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago for a GREAT open mic night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150430 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Only two weeks away... Check out the U.K. poet Oz Hardwick in his feature at the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago on May 13th (a Wednesday), with the open mic at 7PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150429 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Entire Town’s Baseball Team (in the chapbook “Bases Loaded”) 4/26/15 (C) at Chicago’s 2015 Poetry Bomb (at Wrigley Field) filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150429 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem New to Chicago (2015 baseball edition) (in the chapbook “Bases Loaded”) 4/26/15 (C) at Chicago’s 2015 Poetry Bomb (at Wrigley Field) filmed with a Canon Power Shot

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150429 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Even Got to First Base (in the chapbook “Bases Loaded”) 4/26/15 (C) at Chicago’s 2015 Poetry Bomb (at Wrigley Field) filmed with a Canon Power Shot video camera

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150429, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem One, Two, Three Strikes You’re Out (in the chapbook “Bases Loaded”) 4/26/15 (C) at Chicago’s 2015 Poetry Bomb (at Wrigley Field) filmed with a Canon Power Shot

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150428 globe (for public notice)

eye And wait a minute, Dave Jackson even mastered Andy Derryberry’s music track of Michael Lee Johnson reading my poem “Eyes” today too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150428 globe (for public notice)

janet soundcloud Yes, Dave Jackson (that’s David Michael Jackson to you) of the DMJ Art Connection ALSO sent me a track of his mixing his cool music with my poetry reading of my poem Most Accurate Metaphors (and he put a cool Elvis echo on the vocals too!), and the excellent-cool track is on SoundCloud right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150428 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Dave and Andy So Andy Derryberry, a member of the DMJ Art Connection, just put music to the Michael Lee Johnson reading of my poem “Eyes”, and it sounds so cool that I had to share it the moment I heard it.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150428 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 4/29/15 from 9-11PM) for the Paul Ryan feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery in a late-night get-together! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150427 globe (for public notice)

video Thank you Michael Lee Johnson for the YouTube video of you reading two of my poems, “eyes” and “on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard”...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150427, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 4/26/15 show “Bases Loaded” just outside Wrigley Field at the 2015 Poetry Bomb in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot video camera), of her reading poems relating to baseball

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150427 shared with friends

Janet and John at Wrigley Field It’s amazing how deserted this area is when there is no game going on. — with Janet Kuypers at Wrigley Field.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150426 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150426 shared with friends

Janet and John at Sluggers No, we’re not at a political rally. — with Janet Kuypers at Sluggers World Class Sports Bar and Dueling Pianos.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150426 shared with friends

Janet and John at the Chicago Diner We came here for the air conditioning. — with Janet Kuypers at The Chicago Diner.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150426 shared with friends

Janet and John at Cubby Bear Came down to Wrigleyville for the poetry bomb. — with Janet Kuypers at Cubby Bear Wrigleyville.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150426 shared with friends

--/v/eWgTnphb1iX" target="blank">Janet Vine video Had to quote a dance mix when I was so close to Wrigley Field.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150426 globe (for public notice)

Bases Loaded Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today for the 2015 Poetry bomb outside in front of Wrigley Field! Download a free PDF file copy of Bases Loaded, for a brand new set of baseball themed poems!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150426 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Today is the day! All you poets out there, go out SOMEWHERE and read poetry for the 2015 Poetry Bomb! I’ll be outside of Wrigley Field (I’ve even written six baseball-themed poems for this, if you can believe it), others are picking other places out on the streets, so get out there and bring poetry to the masses!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150425, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Imzadi Got web pages 4 my “Imzadi” show 3/21/15 on artvilla AND Scars video! http://t.co/nlomwKPAeE http://t.co/8q47l6ACOp http://t.co/ld8XHZHG2C

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150425 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Today is my day to start writing and stock up on baseball-themed poetry (to be read right in front of Wrigley Field tomorrow)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150424 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150424 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 4/15/15 Poetry Open Mic AND Susan Moss feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150423 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “only philosophy” live 4/15/15 at her open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150423 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem only philosophy live 4/15/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot video camera)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150422 shared with friends

Janet and John at Tighthead Janet found a locally brewed Optimator substitute... Just as tasty but not as sugary. — with Janet Kuypers at Tighthead Brewing Company.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150422 globe (for public notice)

Short Takes, a Fred Russell chapbook Am SO thrilled with the release of the Fred Russell Scars Publications chapbook Short Takes! It’s refreshing to get essays and commentary (and not always poetry) as a submission - and Scars usually takes upwards of a month after a chapbook is submitted for consideration, but we just couldn’t wait to release this! It is now available as a FREE PDF file download at Scars, so view (or download) this free chapbook today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150422 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

tennis Happen to turn on the TV to see Nadal playing Almagro in the Barcelona Open (figured Nadal stocks up on clay courts)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150422 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem eyes (with John playing background “music”) live 4/15/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150422 globe (for public notice)

snow on deck april 22 2015 I know of what you speak John Yotko, it’s well after your birthday and there’s snow on the deck... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=829320160483139&set=np.1429706038885014.1053252458&type=1&ref=notif&notif_t=close_friend_activity

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150422 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem eyes (with John playing background “music”) live 4/15/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150422 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150421 globe (for public notice)

Janet I didn’t bother setting up a 2015 art page (Because I had art pages for India). But I just started one now, available at Scars Publications.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150421, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):
video See YouTube video of the 4/10/15 Janet Kuypers show “Love” (w/ John playing guitar) at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago (Canon fs200), of 6 new love poems

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150421 · Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from cc&d v254, “Idea” (Including Jane Stuart’s poem “Untitled (papyrus)”, Catherine B. Krause’s prose poem “Violation”, and Simon Perchik’s poem “untitled (gate)”) live 4/15/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20150421 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile photo. 20150421 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150420 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube videoof Janet Kuypers reading Michael Lee Johnson’s poem South Chicago Night (V2) from Down in the Dirt v128, “Black Cat” live 4/15/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers This YouTube video of my reading Michael Lee Johnson’s poem South Chicago Side (v2) is also
Black Cat linked in the Internet (web page) file for this issue of Down the Dirt magazine (Black Cat).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150419 globe (for public notice)

video Cathleen, thanks for posting this clip from my song my love for you will stay the same, when I did the show Death ‘n Rebirth at Beach Poets! You’re the BEST!
(P.S.: Let me know if there is a 2015 schedule for Beach Poets, because I would love to be a part of it...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150419 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):
video Janet Kuypers video of her reading the Michael Lee Johnson poem Moon Sleep from the After the Apocalypse 2013 date book poem 2/27/13 at the Café Gallery poetry open mic she hosts in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150419 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Michael Lee Johnson (@poetrymanusa):
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the Michael Lee Johnson poem She from the March 2011 issue (v218) of the lit mag cc&d magazine (which is also available as a 6" x 9" ISBN# book Fear the Forsaken live 3/15/11 at the Café Gallery poetry open mic she hosts in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150419 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Julie Brown (@Julie_L_Brown):
of my dead Scotsman, they spoke of his drinking, but never of his thirst. ~ @janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150419 globe (for public notice)

Janet, 4 hair colors Wow... To watch Orphan Black last night, and see Sarah play Rachel, then Allison play Sarah, it was such a riot. I was hopping around at commercial breaks. It was great.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Last year when a new season was starting, I found two pics of me with 2 different hairstyles (yes,
bloneand brunette JK from Gabriel, represening Helena and Sarah from orphan Black they were both my hair) to show how the one character had a twin sister who was a blonde.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150418 globe (for public notice)

Janet, 4 hair colors I did a quick search, and it was so easy for me to find photos of me looking like different people... Makes me look forward to seeing the season 3 episode tonight of Orphan Black.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150418 globe (for public notice)

Janet plays tennis I know Roger Federer is out of Monte Carlo, but it’s cool that I remembered this morning that semi finals with Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic were on.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150417 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 4/15/15 Susan Moss feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150417, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the Susan Moss feature in the middle of the poetry open mic 4/15/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150417 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem drowning live 4/15/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150417 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of the haiku poem drowning, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (recorded with a Samsung camera phone)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150416 shared with friends

Janet and John at Hitz Ended up here when we didn’t want to listen to music at another bar. Turns out Hitz is owned by the people who make our favorite pizza. — with Janet Kuypers at Hitz Pizza & Sports Bar.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150416 shared with friends

Janet with mini beer mug Janet says thanks to Tressa for the tiny beer mugs. — with Janet Kuypers at the Gallery Cabaret

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150416 globe (for public notice)

Francois at Janet’s 20151006 Just made a WAY EARLY event listing for a Francois Le Roux / Joke Debaere music/performance art house party when they come to Chicago on Tuesday, October 6th 2015 - for a get-together at my place... If anyone wants an address so we can figure out a way to get everyone from Chicago up to my place, message me to let me know!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150416 globe (for public notice)

Love show on line Excellent! Finally got all videos from the Love” feature at Poetry’s “Love Letter” on line! Check it out in the audio/video section of Scars!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140416 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem only philosophy, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140416 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem only philosophy, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140416 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the haiku poem drowning, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140416 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the haiku poem drowning, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover phoot. 20150415 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine
20150415, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

“Wham! and Cheese” #Bandwiches @midnight

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine
20150415, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

“They Vegemite Be Giants” #Bandwiches @midnight

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140415 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem jihadists and astrophysics, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140415 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem jihadists and astrophysics, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140415 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem just you, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140415 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem just you, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140415 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem electricity, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140415 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem electricity, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150414 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 4/15/15 from 7-9PM, on “Tax Day”) for the Susan Moss feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150413, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the 4/10/15 Janet Kuypers show “Love” (w/ John playing guitar) at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera), of 6 new love poems

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150413, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem eyes, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150412 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

I don’t know why I haven’t heard any 24 hour drive-by media talking heads say 2016 may see Bush vs. Clinton - again. http://t.co/yNB0FRwBJx

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 20150414 · liked on Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the 4/10/15 Janet Kuypers show “Love” (w/ John playing guitar) at Poetry’s “Love Letter” in Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot video camera), of 6 new love poems

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150412, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers

See YouTube video of the poem eyes, read by Janet Kuypers (w/ John playing guitar) in her 4/10/15 show “Love” at Poetry’s “Love Letter” (@ Let Them Eat Chocolate) in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150412 globe (for public notice)

Janet and the Yotkos in NT Angie Bisick, I hope you have the BEST birthday today!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150411 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

artvilla - resistance is futile Got ALL videos & the chapbook link on web pages @ BOTH artvilla AND “Scars Video” at artvilla!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150411 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150410 shared with friends

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length poem “drowning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video @ her Chicago “Love” poetry show 4/10/15 (filmed from a Samsung smartphone).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150410 globe (for public notice)

Love Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at Poetry’s “Love Letter”! Download a free PDF file copy of Love, for a brand new set of romantic love poems!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150410 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length poem My New Grocery List as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon fs200, video flipped and saturated)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150410 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length poem My New Grocery List as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150410 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 4/1/15 poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150410 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150409 shared with friends

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku mirror as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Sony camera)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150409 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku mirror as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150408 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku knife as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150408 globe (for public notice)

Chicago to South Africa still image Had not updated the web page for performances of mine with music from the HA!Man of South Africa in a while... So Chicago to South Africa was just updated with links to not only Periodic Table poems, but also a string of India poem as well!
Poem additions include Building Houses out of Pallets, unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere, Visakhapatnam, poor, unless, don’t, cover, imprisoned / ignorance, extend, Quoting twitter with a found haiku, choice, Us Creative Types, and JY asks, and the Periodic Table of Poetry poems Manganese, Ununseptium, Rhenium, Diburnium, Bohrium, and (the closing poem for the Periodic Table of Poetry series) G Block.
(All of these poems are listed in alphabetical order of the web page, added to a large mass of performance poem videos already available.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150408 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine
20150407, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

“I don’t have the words” #MyTombstoneIn5Words (based on @janetkuypers’ poem “Translation (2014 haiku)”) https://youtu.be/g9WjLWRU4Bw

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150407, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

“I love you the way /
a drowning man loves air.”      I’m /
lifeless without you /

JK’s haiku “drowning
quote: The Crown of Embers, Rae Carson

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150407 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku kindness as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150406 globe (for public notice)

50 shades of chocolate Am THRILLED I was just asked to be a featured reader (in a ~10 minute show) at 50 Shades of Chocolate! I know it’s early. but keep Saturday, June 20th 2015 open at Let Them Eat Chocolate for a great show (6-8PM)!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150406 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150406 shared with friends

video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150406 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 4/1/15 Sid Yiddish feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John appealing with a tonic Oh wow Sandra Kuypers - John decided he wanted a gin and tonic for the tennis match on now, and he picks THIS mom and dad glass... Thought you might get a kick out of this glass (that says “I’m appealing with a tonic”’)...

facebook profile picture for Elizabeth Harper Elizabeth Harper
20150403 globe (for public notice)

video I read my new short play in the beginning of this video. Thanks to Janet Kuypers and John.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers It was cool to see what she did for Chi-Fit since I missed her show! 20150403

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150403 shared with friends

Janet and John at Timothy O’Toole’s We take a pic with the mirror at the bar taps when we are stuck behind them — with Janet Kuypers at Timothy O’Toole’s Pub Gurnee

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
2015040 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem old school and high-tech monuments live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem old school and high-tech monuments live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem bruised live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem bruised live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from the “need to know2014 literary date book (including Fritz Hamiton’s “Now that my son Todd is dead”, Michael Ceraolo’s “Are you receiving Me?”, and Michael Cluff’s “Hands in the Cement”) live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from Down in the Dirt v128, “Black Cat” (Including Donald Gaither’s poem “Untitled (cat)”, Janet Kuypers’ haiku “bruised”, and John Grey’s poem “Hands in the Cement”, AND Bob Rashkow reading Doug Draime’s poem “24 Hour Surrender”) live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150403 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the Tom Roby feature and the poetry open mic 4/1/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers with Sid Yiddish and 8 others. 20150403 globe (for public notice)

jk in Sid Yiddish feature https://youtu.be/yDhaYSG420g

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 globe (for public notice)

chapbook Scars Publications has been in overdrive... And just released the Harry Noussias cc&d chapbook On the Lighter Side, now available as a free PDF file download!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 globe (for public notice)

chapbook Scars Publications has been in overdrive... And just released the CEE chapbook Sine Peoria, Nulla est Gloria, now available as a free PDF file download!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 globe (for public notice)

Janet Am pleased that after the feature last week at Sisters on a Journey (thanks again, Oroki Rice!), that Scars Publications released a web page with video links for all of the poems I performed in Journey. I am glad everyone liked the emotional pieces about my mother, and thanks for giving me the chance to share with everyone!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 globe (for public notice)

Idea Scars Publications just released the print edition of cc&d magazine (The March/April 2015 issue, v254)! We didn’t want to release it on April Fool’s Day (because we didn’t think this book release was a joke), so - now you can order the book Idea directly from the amazon affiliates printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe...) So now you can enjoy a print copy of the cc&d book Idea!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 globe (for public notice)

Black Cat Scars Publications just released the print edition of Down in the Dirt magazine (The March/April 2015 issue, v128)! We didn’t want to release it on April Fool’s Day (because we didn’t think this book release was a joke), so - now you can order the book Black Cat directly from the amazon affiliates printer! (Also, very shortly it will be available for sale through amazon in the U.S, the U.K. and continental Europe...) So now you can enjoy a print copy of the Down in the Dirt book Black Cat!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of old school and high-tech monuments (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 globe (for public notice)

Poetry Love Letter Okay boys and girls... It’s National Poetry Month, so WHO KNOWS what I’ll come up with for my feature at Poetry’s Love Letter at Let Them Eat Chocolate Friday April 10th - the open mic with me and 3 other features runs from 7PM to 9PM, and it should be a GREAT time! Thanks G.P.A. for this chance to read new poetry, and I hope to see everyone there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150402 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the haiku poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Lucille Ann to make a Vine video in the middle of her poem reading for old school and high-tech monuments (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150402 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of extinct on planet earth (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150401 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401 globe (for public notice)

Idea The March/April 2015 issue of cc&d magazine (in a release titled Idea) was just released! I know it’s April Fool’s Day, so THIS message is to let you know that the Internet (web page) of the issue is released - the print edition will be released TOMORROW. So you have one day to check out the brand new on line issue of cc&d magazine (tomorrow we’ll post a note about the print issue release, I promise) and see all the cool writing and art in the new issue!
Writers and artists in this book include writing by Janet Kuypers, Richard King Perkins II, CEE, Sheryl L. Nelms, Erren Kelly, I.B. Rad, Jane Stuart, Alan Catlin, R. N. Taber, David J. Thompson, Catherine B. Krause, Simon Perchik, Maura Gage Cavell, MCD, Michael Ceraolo, Brian Looney, Donald Gaither, Kelley Jean White MD, Eric Burbridge, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Joshua Copelan, Oz Hardwick, Betty J. Sayles, Margaret Karmazin, Derald Hamilton, Kevin Munley, Patrick Fealey, Jim Meirose, and art by Brian Forrest, Aaron Wilder, Eric Bonholtzer, Kyle Hemmings, Cheryl Townsend, the HA!Man of South Africa, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and David Michael Jackson.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401 globe (for public notice)

Black Cat The March/April 2015 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine (in a release titled Black Cat) was just released! I know it’s April Fool’s Day, so THIS message is to let you know that the Internet (web page) of the issue is released - the print edition will be released TOMORROW. So you have one day to check out the brand new on line issue of Down in the Dirt magazine (tomorrow we’ll post a note about the print issue release, I promise) and see all the cool writing and art in the new issue!
Writers and artists included in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6"x9" ISBN# paperback book include (in order in the book) Lisa Gray, Doug Draime, A.J. Huffman, Eric Burbridge, Joseph Grant, Donald Gaither, Bill Kirby, William Masters, Don Massenzio, Norm Hudson, David R Miller, Kerry Lown Whalen, Judith Ann Levison, John Grey, Allan Onik, Jenean McBrearty, Liam Spencer, Hal Savage, Michael Lee Johnson, Peter McMillan, Christina Dendy, and Janet Kuypers (with a select few haiku poems).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of the Messenger (2015 edit) (an edit of her 2006 poem The Messenger, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of final rally (2015 edit) (an edit of her 2006 poem Final Rally, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Reduced To Now (an edit of her 2006 poem This Is What It’s Reduced To Now, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of It Hurts in the Bones (2015 edit) (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Story Telling (the end) (the end of her 2006 poem Story Telling, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150401 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Story Telling (part one) (a portion of her 2006 poem Story Telling, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150331 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry, music & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 4/1/15 from 7-9PM) for the FEATURE NIGHT on April Fool’s Day, with feature from Sid Yiddis, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150331 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of A Little Angel Inside (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150331 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Knelt and Cried (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150331 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Seven Ten, Seven Twenty (w/ John on guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park, Chicago (Canon PS)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150331 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Your Soul is Shaking (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150331 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of cry for me (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150331 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers I liked a YouTube video from @janetkuypers
See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Listening to the Cancer Ads (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the haiku poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Lucille Ann to make a Vine video in the middle of her poem reading for old school and high-tech monuments(w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of old school and high-tech monuments (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of extinct on planet earth (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Story Telling (the end) (the end of her 2006 poem Story Telling, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of A Little Angel Inside (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Knelt and Cried (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of the Messenger (2015 edit) (an edit of her 2006 poem The Messenger, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Seven Ten, Seven Twenty (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of final rally (2015 edit) (an edit of her 2006 poem Final Rally, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Reduced To Now (an edit of her 2006 poem This Is What It’s Reduced To Now, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Listening to the Cancer Ads (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Your Soul is Shaking (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of It Hurts in the Bones (2015 edit) (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Story Telling (part one) (a portion of her 2006 poem Story Telling, w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of cry for me (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 globe (for public notice)

Journey https://www. facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10206168 632565360 &set=a.10206 013638530606.1073742313. 1550274436 &type=1&permPage=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150330 globe (for public notice)

Journey https://www. facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10206168 645645687 &set=a.10206 013638530606. 1073742313.1550274436 &type=1&permPage=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150329 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the 3/28/15 Janet Kuypers show “Journey” (w/ John playing guitar) at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot), of 14 poems about her mother

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150329 globe (for public notice)

Journey https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10206164869751292&set=a.10206013638530606. 1073742313.1550274436&type=1 &permPage=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150329 globe (for public notice)

Journey https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10206165702732116&set=np.119531036. 1053252458&type=1 &ref=notif&notif_t=photo_tag

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150329 globe (for public notice)

Journey https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10206161506467212&set=a.10206013638530606. 1073742313.1550274436&type=1 &theater&notif_t=mention

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150329 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the 3/28/15 Janet Kuypers show “Journey” (w/ John playing guitar) at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200), of 14 poem readings about her mother

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150329 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Oroki Rice Oroki Rice
20150328 globe (for public notice)

Journey Janet Kuypers was the guest artist at the Sisters on a Journey monthly storytelling event. She wowed us with stories about her mother from
Journey her new chapbook, Journey. We listened then told our stories. — with Magnolia Diamond, Kimberly Marshall, Janet Kuypers, Lynn West and Ameedah Mawalin at Historical Quaker House.

facebook profile picture for Oroki Rice Oroki Rice
20150328 globe (for public notice)

Journey Janet Kuypers was the guest artist at the Sisters on a Journey monthly storytelling event. She wowed us with stories about her mother from her new chapbook, Journey. We listened then told our stories. — with Janet Kuypers and Kimberly Marshall.

facebook profile picture for Oroki Rice Oroki Rice
20150328 globe (for public notice)

Journey #HusbandAndWife heart
Janet Kuypers was the guest artist at the Sisters on a Journey monthly storytelling event. She wowed us with stories about her mother from her new chapbook, Journey. We listened then told our stories.

facebook profile picture for Oroki Rice Oroki Rice
20150328 globe (for public notice)

Journey Janet Kuypers was the guest artist at the Sisters on a Journey monthly storytelling event. She wowed us with stories about her mother from her new chapbook, Journey. We listened then told our stories. — with Janet Kuypers at Historical Quaker House.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150328 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers’ haiku Lucille Ann IN her Journey show 3/28/15 in Hyde Park

Vine by Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Oroki Rice Oroki Rice
20150328 globe (for public notice)

Journey Janet Kuypers was the guest artist at the Sisters on a Journey monthly storytelling event. She wowed us with stories about her mother from her new chapbook, Journey. We listened then told our stories. — with Janet Kuypers at Historical Quaker House.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150328 shared with friends

Janet and John at the Village Inn Janet and John at the Village Inn Janet and John at the Village Inn
She hypnotized me with the words “come my dear, grow old with me - the best is yet to be” John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at The Village Inn Pizzeria Sports Bar and Grill.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150328 shared with friends

Janet Vine video Janet Kuypers’ haiku Lucille Ann in practice for her feature today in Hyde and park (3/28/15)

facebook profile picture for Oroki Rice Oroki Rice at Historical Quaker House. 20150328 globe (for public notice)

Janet, Journey Janet, Journey Janet, Journey Janet, Journey Janet, Journey
Janet Kuypers was the guest artist at the Sisters on a Journey monthly storytelling event. She wowed us with stories about her mother from her new chapbook, Journey. We listened then told our stories.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150328 globe (for public notice)

Journey Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at Sisters on a Journey! download a free PDF file copy of Journey, for a lengthy set of poems about my mom (get ready for the emotional roller-coaster ride with these poems)!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150327 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Nitrium My BONUS Periodic Table Star Trek poem Nitrium got an artvilla page with 4 2015 video links!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150327 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet and mom, prom 1987 her existence makes /
trees take root, flowers bloom, so /
nature’s beautiful.
(@janetkuypers haiku “Lucille Ann”)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her profile picture. 20150327 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150327 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150327 globe (for public notice)

Journey I am SO super-stoked for the readings for my show Journey (with poetry over the years about my mother) at Sisters n a Journey in Hyde Park (5615 S Woodlawn Ave, in Chicago). I edited a number of older poems and created to brand new ones for this event (and thanks to John for accompanying me softly on guitar) - if anyone can make it, it would be GREAT to see you there, because everyone is welcome at the story-telling event 3-6PM!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150327 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 3/18/15 Tom Roby feature AND poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150326 globe (for public notice)

Imzadi I forgot to mention after last weekend that the videos from my performances at Chi Fi 2015 are now online a YouTube... If at any time you want to see the full video (or individual poem videos) from my feature reading Imzadi you can always check out a web page of all of the videos and links to the original poems you can read any time as well...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150326 globe (for public notice)

Resistance is Futile I forgot to mention after last weekend that the videos from my performances at Chi Fi 2015 are now online a YouTube... If at any time you want to see the full video (or individual poem videos) from my feature reading Resistance is Futile you can always check out a web page of all of the videos and links to the original poems you can read any time as well...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150325 globe (for public notice)

Janet and mom, senior prom 1988 Am so looking forward to sharing poetry I wrote about mom in my ~half hour reading this Saturday at Sisters On A Journey (at the Historic Quaker House in Hyde Park, 5615 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60637) this Saturday (March 28th or 3/28/15) in a story-telling gathering from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. I am hoping John will strum an acoustic guitar ever so lightly to accompany my story telling for mom (including poetry saying farewell to my mom too), and I REALLY hope everyone can make it to this truly unique event!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150324 shared with friends

Janet and John at Chateau de Pique Winery and Brewery John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Chateau de Pique Winery and Brewery.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150324 shared with friends

Janet and John at Wight-Meyer Vineyard & Winery Not quite clear on the concept of brown bagging it. — with Janet Kuypers at Wight-Meyer Vineyard & Winery.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150324 shared with friends

Janet and John at Forrest Edge Winery Okay, now we hit the @$@&’n road. — with Janet Kuypers at Forrest Edge Winery.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150324 shared with friends

Janet and John at Jim Beam Janet and John at Jim Beam
Let’s hit the &@)$’n road — with Janet Kuypers at Jim Beam Distillery.

thumbs up (like) Cynthia Johnson, Suzanne Hettinger, Brad Woodard, Dave Johnson and Sheri Peterson like this.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150324 shared with friends

Janet at Four Roses Heading home with just a couple stops along the way. — with Janet Kuypers at Four Roses Bourbon.

Janet at Four Roses thumbs up (like) Cynthia Johnson, Suzanne Hettinger and Dave Johnson like this.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150323 shared with friends

Janet at Bluegrass Tavern John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Bluegrass Tavern.
thumbs up (like) Robin Fine, Sarah DeMenge, Dave Jackson and 4 others like this.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150323 shared with friends

Janet and John at the Old Talbott Tavern Just heard this is the oldest bourbon bar in the states — with Janet Kuypers at The Old Talbott Tavern.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150323 shared with friends

Janet and John in front of Maker’s Mark I made this... — with Janet Kuypers at Maker’s Mark Bourbon Distillery.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150323 shared with friends

Janet and John in front of Maker’s Mark Janet had to go and be artsy. — with Janet Kuypers at Maker’s Mark Bourbon Distillery.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150323 shared with friends

Janet at Maker’s Mark Janet at Maker’s Mark Janet at Maker’s Mark Janet at Maker’s Mark Janet at Maker’s Mark Janet at Maker’s Mark
Dippin’ the Maker’s Mark. — with Janet Kuypers at Maker’s Mark Bourbon Distillery.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
shared with friends

Janet and John at Maker’s Mark Janet and John at  Maker’s Mark
Having some bourbon infused coffee while waiting for the tour to start. — with Janet Kuypers at Maker’s Mark Bourbon Distillery.
thumbs up (like) Robin Fine, Cynthia Johnson, Tom Roby IV and 5 others like this.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 globe (for public notice)

Janet Early cake for John Yotko today. — with John Yotko
thumbs up (like) Bob Lawrence, Dave Jackson, Sandra Kuypers and 8 others like this.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 globe (for public notice)

Janet Finally got to hold my Lucy...
thumbs up (like) Tom Roby IV, Mary Beth Okeefe, IamPoetry AuthorKottyn Campbell, Bob Lawrence, Sandra Kuypers, Dave Jackson, Susen James, Marianne Sxlyk, Daniel Cleary, James commissioner Gordon, Jenene Ravesloot, Mark Fleury, Lynn West, Rex Sexton, and Virginia K. R. Hunt like this.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200), of poems relating to Star Trek

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot), of poems relating to Star Trek

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers in her 3/20/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers in her 3/20/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her bonus Periodic Table Star Trek poem Nitrium in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her bonus Periodic Table Star Trek poem Nitrium in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem kinds of interference in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem kinds of interference in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Uncuffed in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Uncuffed in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Full Stop in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150322 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Full Stop in her 3/21/15 show Imzadi at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150321 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321 globe (for public notice)

Janet video still at Imzadi Thank you Robin Fine, for two great chances to hear other great performers, I really enjoyed performing Imzadi today, and I wanted to thank you again for everything!

Rory Carolan adde a new photo — with Bob Lawrence and Janet Kuypers. 20150321 globe (for public notice)

Janet in audience 4 chi com

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon fs200), of poems relating to Star Trek

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon Power Shot), of poems relating to Star Trek

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Red Matter in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Red Matter in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Outer Space and the Sound of Silence in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Outer Space and the Sound of Silence in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Eugene’s Limit in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Eugene’s Limit in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Diburnium in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Diburnium in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Chi Fi in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150321 globe (for public notice)

Imzadi Released before the performance today, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at Chi Fi! download a free PDF file copy of Imzadi, for science in poems & Star Trek, with a bonus poem I just wrote last night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Resistance is Futile Had a wonderful time reading poems today at Chi Fi today Robin Fine, and thank you for the opportunity! I look forward to reading MORE Star Trek poems tomorrow (with “Imzadi”), and thank you again!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150320 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 globe (for public notice)

Resistance is Futile Released before the performance this evening, Scars Publications now has the cc&d bonus release chapbook out of poems I am reading today at Chi Fi! download a free PDF file copy of Resistance is Futile, for scientific poems with a Star Trek take on the world...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Part of my Pain live 3/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Part of my Pain live 3/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trekpoem uncuffed live 3/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trekpoem uncuffed live 3/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trekpoem Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt live 3/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers liked a post
20150320, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trekpoem Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt live 3/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the Tom Roby feature and the poetry open mic 3/18/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150320 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 3/18/15 Tom Roby feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast (or ANY podcast) from 2010 to now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20110319 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Building Houses out of Pallets in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ sitar music from the HA!Man of South Africa

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150319, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Building Houses out of Pallets in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ sitar music from the HA!Man of South Africa

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150319 · YouTube ·

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem on the back of a touring bike in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ background guitar from John

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150319 · YouTube ·

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem on the back of a touring bike in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ background guitar from John

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150319 · YouTube ·

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ sitar music from the HA!Man of South Africa

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150319 · YouTube ·

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ music from the HA!Man of South Africa

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150319 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Jenene Ravesloot Jenene Ravesloot
20150319 globe (for public notice)

Janet at open mic 3/18/2015 Janet at open mic 3/18/2015 Janet at open mic 3/18/2015
Jenene Ravesloot added 6 new photos — with Janet Kuypers at the Café Gallery open mic before the Tom Roby feature

Janet at open mic 3/18/2015 Janet at open mic 3/18/2015 Janet at open mic 3/18/2015

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Francois Le Roux 20150318 globe (for public notice)

Joke and Janet and Francois 20141007 Happy Birthday, Francois Le Roux! Hope you have a GREAT day!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150318, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Us Creative Types in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150318, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Us Creative Types in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150318, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her 2 haiku poem JY asks in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150318, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 globe (for public notice)

Laurie Anderson on radio Laurie Anderson was on the radio earlier talking about technology, the afterlife, and growing up in Illinois, if anyone is interested in hearing portions of the broadcast.

facebook profile picture for Guillermo Cuayahui Sanchez Guillermo Sanchez
20150317 globe (for public notice)

Janet The Wormwood Collective - The Elbo Room 2015

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150317 shared with friends

Instagram of show This is the only other shot I could take at the beginning of the show. wish you were here, John Yotko.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150317 shared with friends

Instagram of show Showtime

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150317 shared with friends

Instagram of show The empty stage before the show at the Harris Theater

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150317 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Before the Laurie Anderson show... — at Harris Theater for Music and Dance. By the way, Laurie Anderson was on the radio earlier talking about technology, the afterlife, and growing up in Illinois, if anyone is interested in hearing portions of the broadcast.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 3/18/15 from 7-9PM) for the Tom Roby feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Join me for an open mic celebration at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150317 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Visakhapatnam in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video I liked a @YouTube video from @janetkuypers http://t.co/q8NQ7mnL7o Janet Kuypers’India haiku poem “Visakhapatnam” @ Chicago’s Art

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’India haiku poem “poor” @ Chicago’s Art Colony 3/14/15 Cps: http://t.co/rsKYsWK8tX via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’India haiku poem “poor” @ Chicago’s Art Colony 3/14/15 Cfs200: http://t.co/IpleLBv48zvia @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video I liked a @YouTube video from @janetkuypers http://t.co/rsKYsX1Jlv Janet Kuypers’India haiku poem “poor” @ Chicago’s Art Colony

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video I liked a @YouTube video from @janetkuypers http://t.co/IpleLBv48z Janet Kuypers’India haiku poem “poor” @ Chicago’s Art Colony

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku unless in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku unless in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku don’t in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku don’t in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku cover in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku cover in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku imprisoned / ignorance in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku imprisoned / ignorance in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku extend in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku extend in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Quoting twitter with a found haiku in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Quoting twitter with a found haiku in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku choice in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (filmed on a Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150317, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her haiku choice in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (filmed on a Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music

facebook profile picture for Avrom Avrom Litin green arrow Poetry Show at the Art Colony

Avrom Litin, thank you so much for all of the photos!
JK at th Art Colony JK at th Art Colony JK at th Art Colony
JK at th Art Colony JK at th Art Colony JK at th Art Colony
JK at th Art Colony JK at th Art Colony JK at th Art Colony
JK at th Art ColonyJK at th Art Colony

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150316 shared with friends

laurie anderson 20150317 This is your last chance, because TOMORROW is the Laurie Anderson concert in Chicago: Want to see Laurie Anderson live in concert with Kronos on St. Patrick’s Day with me Tuesday? A $50 ticket is a lot cheaper than Stubhub’s lowest price now is $100.99, and TicketNetwork’s lowest price is $281.74... https://www.facebook.com/
photo.php?fbid=1020542011023 6203&set=a.1601561992956. 87650.1053252458&type=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150316 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Time to stock up on the APRIL 2015 features at the Café Gallery! Come to the Gallery Cabaret April 29 from 9-11PM for the Paul Ryan feature at the Café Gallery! Save the date, mark you calendar, & come out for a GREAT night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150316 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Time to stock up on the APRIL 2015 features at the Café Gallery! Come to the Gallery Cabaret April 15 (yes, come out to celebrate Tax Day) for the Susan Moss feature at the Café Gallery! Save the date, mark you calendar, & come out for a GREAT night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150316 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Time to stock up on the APRIL 2015 features at the Café Gallery! Come to the Gallery Cabaret April 1 (April Fool’s Day no less) for a DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT - with Sid Yiddish AND Dalice Malice featuring at the Café Gallery! Mark you calendar, and come out for a GREAT evening

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150316, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Thorium The God of Thunder’s likes my Periodic Table poem Thorium on artvilla - with 5 video links!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150316 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150316 globe (for public notice)

Janet Just found out last night from Oroki Rice that I now have a 30 minute feature scheduled at Sisters on a Journey, presenting What’s Your Story? in Hyde park on Saturday March 28th! I am SO thrilled to have an extensive performance space at this (very cool) Historic Quaker House - it was great when I was there before, and I SO look forward to a (probably very emotional) story-telling feature there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150315 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150315 shared with friends

laurie anderson 20150317 Want to see Laurie Anderson live in concert with Kronos on St. Patrick’s Day with me Tuesday? A $50 ticket is a lot cheaper than Stubhub’s lowest price now is $100.99, and TicketNetwork’s lowest price is $281.74... https://www.facebook.com/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150315 globe (for public notice)

Janet Well, I was running around yesterday taking care of my feature at the Art Colony performing India Stories, that even though I thanked Vittorio Carli and EVERYONE who came to the great event, I also forgot to post that Scars Publications released the chapbook of India Stories that I gave away at the Art Colony right before my feature! So for those who did not get a copy AT the Art Colony (or for those of you who could not make it to the show, or to everyone throughout the world), you can download this free PDF file chapbook of India Stories any time!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150315 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ poetry show “India Stories” w/ music @ Chicago’s Art Colony 3/14/15 (Canon PS): http://t.co/zdYOrLKb3K via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150315 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ poetry show “India Stories” w/ music @ Chicago’s Art Colony 3/14/15 (Canon fs200): http://t.co/bcIqSkrl8P via @YouTube

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150314 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

JK with tennis ball at nose V. Azarenka wore a Joakim Noah pendant on tennis court today to support stopping gang violence in Chicago. I LOVE it.

facebook profile picture for Jason No Ah‎ Avrom Litin

JK at th Art Colony Avrom Litin with Janet Kuypers, Vittorio Carli, Dave Gecic and Robin Fine at Art Colony Studios.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150314 shared with friends

laurie anderson 20150317 Want to see Laurie Anderson live in concert with Kronos on St. Patrick’s Day with me next week? https://www.facebook.com/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150314 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ poem “103 destruction instructions: run faster” @ Chicago’s Wormwood 3/13/15 C ps: http://t.co/wGHK0LuKvW via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150314 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ &#u8220;unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere” @ Chicago’ Wormwood 3/13/15 Cps: http://t.co/ucbWo85Smi via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150314 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Being God” @ Chicago’s Wormwood P3/13/15 Cps: http://t.co/CLZHfQAJep via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150313 globe (for public notice)

the Colony show March 14 This is your FINAL WARNING, because I would LOVE to see you TOMORROW at the Art Colony (2830 W. Fletcher in Chicago, sponsored by Vittorio Carli) on Saturday 3/14 from 5-7PM! I am doing brand new and never-before read poems (mostly written during my trip to India), set to cool sitar music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Francois Le Roux), as well as guitar base recordings from John. Hopefully you can make it out TOMORROW - SATURDAY MARCH 14TH - for this great show with 4 features!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150313 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ poem “Being God” @ Chicago’s Wormwood Poetry Collective 3/13/15 Cps posterize: http://t.co/JEqQa0TMZp via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150313 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ poem “103 destruction instructions: run faster” @ Chicago’s Wormwood 3/13/15 C fs: http://t.co/hyalpKuTzz via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150313 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ &#u8220;unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere” in Chicago 3/13/15 Cps post: http://t.co/yaVtbc1Je8 via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150313 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 3/4/15 poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150312 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

JK “Quoting twitter in a found haiku” (thx @presbillyjeff):

What will save us from /
isis? Water with fluoride, /
vaccines, fewer guns?

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150312 shared with friends

laurie anderson 20150317 Want to see Laurie Anderson live in concert with Kronos on St. Patrick’s Day with me next week? Then this post is to any of my Chicago friends - I have an extra Laurie Anderson ticket for ANYONE WANTS TO SEE LAURIE ANDERSON IN CONCERT WITH ME ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY. John and I have tickets to see her play at the Harris Theater in downtown Chicago on St. Patrick’s Day (TUE 03.17.15 / 7:30PM) - John can’t make it, so I have an extra $50 ticket for her concert with the Kronos Quartet (in a show called landfall). I am SO going, and don’t plan to scalp 1 ticket so someone can sit next to me, so: WOULD ANYONE LIKE TO GO TO THE LAURIE ANDERSON CONCERT WITH ME TUESDAY 3/17/15? Please, anyone interested in seeing Laurie Anderson with me, let me know and facebook message me. (I bought the two tickets for $50 each; Stubhub’s lowest price now is $100.99, and TicketNetwork’s lowest price is $281.74)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150312 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads her poem “New to Chicago” live at Chicago’s “the Café Gallery3/4/15 Cps: http://t.co/KeWRP90Oz5 via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150312 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ India journal 20150122 11:22PM IST, read @ Chicago’s “the Café Gallery” 2/4/15 Cfs: http://t.co/Vjecv2mvk5 via

facebook profile picture for Will C. Superior Will C. Superior green arrow Wormwood Collective Spoken Word // 03.10.15 8pm

JK at Elbo Room pics are now up. thanks again to everyone and we hope to see you next month for this event’s 4 year anniversary celebration. onward.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150311 shared with friends

laurie anderson 20150317 To any of my Chicago friends - I have an extra Laurie Anderson ticket for ANYONE WANTS TO SEE LAURIE ANDERSON IN CONCERT WITH ME ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY. John and I have tickets to see her play at the Harris Theater in downtown Chicago on St. Patrick’s Day (TUE 03.17.15 / 7:30PM) - John can’t make it, so I have an extra $50 ticket for her concert with the Kronos Quartet (in a show called landfall). I am SO going, and don’t plan to scalp 1 ticket so someone can sit next to me, so: WOULD ANYONE LIKE TO GO TO THE LAURIE ANDERSON CONCERT WITH ME TUESDAY 3/17/15? Please, anyone interested in seeing Laurie Anderson with me, let me know and facebook message me. (I bought the two tickets for $50 each; Stubhub’s lowest price now is $100.99, and TicketNetwork’s lowest price is $281.74)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150311 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads her poem “New to Chicago” live at Chicago’s “the Café Gallery3/4/15 Cfs: http://t.co/ITTA9efNxe via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150311 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ India journal 20150122 11:22PM IST, read @ Chicago’s “the Café Gallery” 2/4/15 Cps: http://t.co/F4DwqI0JUF via

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150310 globe (for public notice)

lead pic for my Resistance is Futile show March 20 2015 Although I have a show this Saturday at the Art Colony, I am also looking forward to my Friday March 20th show at the Palmer House in a more poetic wing at Chi-Fi (where I will read never-before performed Star Trek poems). When I get a most distinct timeline on this convention performance, I’ll let you know.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150310 globe (for public notice)

Mynx So whenever I work here in my office. Mynx comes up and sleeps in the waiting room chair next to my desk. (Had to put a cloth on the chair because that’s where she camps out when I work.) But I had to take this picture of her from above, because even when she is trying to sleep she contorts and shows off her belly. (Why does she have to be so cute?)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150310 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150310 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150310 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads C Ra McGuirt’s “if you rea this poem then you will die” live in Chicago 3/4/15: http://t.co/JSHPNDqHWe via

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150310 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads Rex Sexton#&8217;s “this is not a poem” at at Chicago’s “the Café Gallery3/4/15: http://t.co/7yRZTez9B2 via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150310 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads Robert Bates’ “Knockout” at Chicago’s “the Café Gallery3/4/15 http://t.co/VdnucCuTJd via @YouTube Down in the Dirt mag (the Jan./Feb. 2015 issue, v127) titled “Treading Water

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150309 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK collage https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153764723132137&set=gm.346114335598697&type=1

facebook profile picture for Will C. Superior‎ Will C. Superior green arrow Wormwood Collective Spoken Word // 03.10.15 8pm

JK collage we’re very proud to have poetess Janet Kuypers joining us for the first time!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
Looking forward to reading 1 poem from my past feature 2/27/15, 1 poem from my upcoming feature 3/14/15, and one that is as Industrial sounding as that music I’m looking forward to hearing...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150309 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK collage https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=796755800408805&set=gm.346118038931660&type=1

facebook profile picture for Jason No Ah‎ Jason No Ah green arrow Wormwood Collective Spoken Word // 03.10.15 8pm

JK collage Janet Kuypers shall bring her fire to Wormwood on March 10

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added a new photo to the album: 3/4/15 at the Cafe Gallery open mic — at The Gallery Cabaret. 20150309 globe (this video was for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery 20150304 If anyone wants a higher resolution photos ofthis (for framing purposes), let me know.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 6 new photos to the album: 3/4/15 at the Cafe Gallery open mic — at The Gallery Cabaret. 20150309 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet, the Cafe Gallery 20150304 Janet, the Cafe Gallery 20150304 Janet, the Cafe Gallery 20150304 Janet, the Cafe Gallery 20150304 Janet, the Cafe Gallery 20150304
Thank you to John Yotko for taking these photos towards the end of the night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150309 shared with friends

laurie anderson 20150317 THIS IS A CALL-OUT to any Chicago friends of mine in Chicago who like Laurie Anderson AND WANTS TO SEE LAURIE ANDERSON IN CONCERT WITH ME ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY. John and I have tickets to see her play at the Harris Theater on St. Patrick’s Day (TUE 03.17.15 / 7:30PM), but since John’s work made him be away that night, I have an extra $50 ticket for her concert with the Kronos Quartet (in a show called landfall). I am SO going, and I’m not keen in scalping the 1 ticket so someone can sit next to me, so I am asking IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO GO TO THE LAURIE ANDERSON CONCERT WITH ME TUESDAY 3/17/15. Please, anyone interested in seeing Laurie Anderson with me, let me know and facebook message me. (I bought the two tickets for $50 each; Stubhub’s lowest price now is $100.99, and TicketNetwork’s lowest price is $281.74)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150309 globe (for public notice)

Vine video See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku instead live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (recorded with a Canon fs200 video camera).

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150309 globe (for public notice)

Vine video See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku instead live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (recorded with a Sony digital camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150309 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers’ reads Catherine B. Krause’s poem “The Herd” at Chicago’s “the Café Gallery3/14/15: http://t.co/X5yp7NIOEm via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150308, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads Brian Looney’s “Eat a Dog, Pet a Hog” at Chicago’s “the Café Gallery3/4/15: http://t.co/g4AyOLzNwA via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150308 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

video Janet Kuypers reads William F. Meyer Jr’s “Soliloquy I” at Chicago’s “the Café Gallery3/4/15: http://t.co/On5TKNslUe via @YouTube

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150308 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Rhenium Retweeted Poetry Life & Times (@PoetryLifeTimes):

Rhenium poem Janet Kuypers http://t.co/gaB4VCUvYQ
#poetry #poem @pinkyandrexa @RobinOuzman @ThePoemRose @Artvillacom @janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150307 globe (this video was for public notice)

ar Colony show March 14 I don’t know if this was Edwin Kuijpers drifting a semi, or if he’s the one ~1:45 into this YouTube video standing on the glass box while a semi drifts into and shatters the glass box under him. Excellent-cool. (Yes, Edwin Kuijpers is said like Kuypers, that’s my last name spelled differently, he’s even from the Netherlands.) But I had to share.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150307 globe (this video was for public notice)

ar Colony show March 14 But you know what’s coming up BEFORE my bonus performance Friday 3/20 the Chi-Fi show (and even before the Café Gallery open mic at the Gallery Cabaret Wednesday 3/18 with the Tom Roby feature)? That would be the Art Colony (sponsored by Vittorio Carli) on Saturday 3/14 from 5-7PM! I am doing brand new and never-before read poems (mostly written during my trip to India), set to cool sitar music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Francois Le Roux). Hopefully you can make it out next weekend for THAT great show with 4 features as well!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150307 globe (this video was for public notice)

Chi-Fi Am pleased I am one of the readers of poetry on the sci-fi tip for the Chi-Fi convention coming up - I am performing on the first day - Friday, March 20th - with other great poets. I will be ALL into Star Trek in this performance, with poems never-before performed, so I hope you can make it to the Science Fiction conference at the Palmer House (17 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603) for a bunch of great features! There are a ton of different-styled performers (trust me, this is NOT just poetry), so for more information contact Robin Fine to get all the details on or chance to perform at the Chi-Fi convention!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150306 shared with friends

JK devours JY Ah HA! John wrote this last night, but for some reason it’s not appearing on my page. SO, he wrote: ”She said the idea was to devour me...
JK devours JY What?!?!” — at The Brat Stop.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150306 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 3/4/15 Jenene Ravesloot feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150306, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic 3/4/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150306, via YouTube globe (for public notice)


facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150305 shared with friends

Janet and John at the Brat Stop Janet and John at the Brat Stop

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150305 shared with friends

Janet and John at the Brat Stop Janet says she has a great idea. — with Janet Kuypers at The Brat Stop.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers That’s the proof copy of the Mar./Apr. 2015 issue/book of cc&d magazine “Idea” I’m holding, and it was *supposed* to be followed by a pic of my kissing/devouring his cheek and holding the proof copy of the Mar./Apr. 2015 issue/book of Down in the Dirt, “Black Cat”, with a cover of an open jawed Bengal (both photos taken in India in January, by the way), but I think we forgot to take that second photo. 20150305

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150305 shared with friends

Janet and John at the Brat Stop I am going to miss my lovely wife. She’s wearing my hat, my dog tags, my sweater and my jeans but she says the bullets are hers. — with Janet Kuypers at The Brat Stop.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150305 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for John Yotko Jenene Ravesloot
20150305 globe (for public notice)

Janet at open mic 3/4/2015    Janet at open mic 3/4/2015    Janet at open mic 3/4/2015

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150305 shared with friends

Instagram group pic of the Cafe Gallery get-together the Café Gallery open mic 3/4/15

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150304 shared with friends

Instagram group pic of the Cafe Gallery get-together A big thanks to everyone who came out for the Jenene Ravensloot feature. — with Luis Martinez, Bob Rashkow, Paul Ryan, Daniel Weinberg, Dina M. Stuart, Lynn West, Jenene Ravesloot, Tom Roby IV and Jerry Pendergast.

facebook profile picture for Jenene Ravesloot Jenene Ravesloot
20150304 globe (for public notice)

Janet at open mic 3/4/2015 Jenene Ravesloot, the feature, and the host Janet Kuypers at the Café Gallery at The Gallery
Cabaret tonight 3/4/2015.

Janet at open mic 3/4/2015 Janet at open mic 3/4/2015 Janet at open mic 3/4/2015 Janet at open mic 3/4/2015

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jerry Pendergast and 7 others. 20150304 friends

the Café Gallery group A big thanks to everyone who came out for the Jenene Ravesloot feature.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Brad Woodard
20150304 friends

Brad and Janet, bw 3 Okay, I see you liked my last invite post but I have no idea if you have plans tonight (or if you can stop by The Gallery Cabaret between 7 & 9 tonight for a part of your birthday celebrations. (I’ll even entice you - or scare you - with a scary old photo of us).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150304, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: use drones to kill” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150304, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: use drones to kill” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150304, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: on destroying a relationship” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150304, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: on destroying a relationship” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (filmed with a Canon fs200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150304, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Thallium My Periodic Table poem Thallium now has an artvilla web page w/ 2 video links - excellent!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150303 globe (for public notice)

Patrick Fealey art page The day I sign up for the 2015 Poetry Bomb, I get this (flammable explosives) package delivered to my place.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150303 globe (for public notice)

Patrick Fealey art page You know, I mentioned Patrick Fealey’s art page at Scars yesterday, but what was I thinking - I should have mentioned the art pages from Brian Looney and Kyle Hemmings too! Kyle has cool photography, but Brian Looney has these really excellent drawings (and a link to an etsy sale page too), so check out the cool art page at Scars to see new art pages like the Brian Looney page!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150303 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 3/4/15, March fourth all poet lovers, from 7-9PM) for the Jenene Ravesloot feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! The weather outside may be frightful, but that is ALL the more reason to get together for this GREAT evening! Join me and side-kick Bob Rashkow for an open mic celebration TOMORROW NIGHT - Wednesday night, 3/4/15, from 7-9PM at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302 globe (for public notice)

Patrick Fealey artpage Here’s another bit of good news for Patrick Fealey (other than the fact this his painting Abstract #4 is the cover of the cc&d issue collection book One Solitary Word) is that some of his artwork had just made it’s way to a Scars Publications cc&d framed art page! Check out more of his artwork on line any time.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302 globe (for public notice)

One Solitary Word (cc&d issue collection book) I am THRILLED that the the cc&d July-December 2014 collection book (with cover art of a Patrick Fealey painting) One Solitary Word was just released! This behemoth is 402 pages long with not only the issue form half the year, but also a number of chapbook releases! Pick up a copy of this Scars Publications collection book today! And if you think I was kidding, check out all of the contributors to this huge collection book (listed alphabetically be first name): Aaron Wilder, Ash Medhurst, Beaumont Sebos, Becky Grush, Bill Kroger, Bill Tarlin, Bill Yarrow, Bob Strother, Brian Duggan, Brian Forrest, Brian Hosey, Cara Losier Chanoine, CEE, Cheryl Townsend, Cynthia Lewis, Daniel S. Weinberg, Darcy Wilmoth, David Hernandez, Don Hargraves, Doug Draime, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, Fritz Hamilton, George Arthur, George Gott, I.B. Rad, Iftekhar Sayeed, Janet Kuypers, Jean Wiggins, Jim Meirose, John Grey, Joshua Copeland, Julie L. Brown, Kenneth DiMaggio, Lennart Lundh, Madison Gardler, Matt Marinovich, MCD, Michael Hoag, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike Brennan, Patrick Fealey, Patrick Hurley, Peter LaBerge, R. N. Taber, Ralph Monday, Rex Bromfield, Rex Sexton, Ronald Brunsky, S.L. Dixon, Samantha Memi, Simon Perchik, Stephen V. Ramey, Tendai R. Mwanaka, the HA!Man of South Africa, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, Vittorio Carli, Xanadu, and Zoe Broome.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302 globe (for public notice)

What Must be Done (Down in the Dirt issue collection book) Now that the recovery from over-spending at Christmas has adjusted our wallets back to normal, I present to you the Down in the Dirt July-December 2014 collection book What Must be Done - this behemoth is 434 pages long with not only the magazine issues form half the year, but also a number of chapbook releases! Pick up a copy of this Scars Publications book today! And if you think I was kidding, check out all of the contributors to this huge collection book (listed alphabetically be first name): A. Lenkeit, A.J. Huffman, Aidan King, Alex Patterson, Allan Onik, Allen M Weber, Anna Maria Hansen, Austin Harrington, Ben Macnair, Bob Strother, Brett Milam, Chris Milam, David Hernandez, David Hutt, David J. Tabak, Denice Penrose, Don Massenzio, Donald Gaither, Drew Nacht, Ed “Tough Gut” Wilson, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Eleanor Leonne Bennett art, Eric Burbridge, Fritz Hamilton, George Semko, Gregory Liffick, H. D. Loughrey, Iftekhar Sayeed, Janet Doggett, Janet Kuypers, Janna Willard, Jeff Burt, Jennifer Ihasz, John Paul Younes, Judith Kaufman, Justin W. Price, K.D. Alter, Kennita Ballard, Kerry Lown Whalen, Kyle Hemmings, Liam C. Calhoun, Liam Spencer, Lisa Gray, Liz Betz, M.C. Rydel, Mark Herden, Mark Scott, Matt LeShay, Matthew Hlady, Matthew L. Hall, Michael Andreoni, Michael J. Grodesky, Mike Brennan, Paul Bavister, Ralph Monday, Robert Bates, Ronald Charles Epstein, S. R. Mearns, Stanley M Noah, Susan Rocks, William A. Greenfield, and William F. Meyer, Jr.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh three destruction instructions: run faster” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150302, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “one oh three destruction instructions: run faster” live 2/27/15 in her Chicago “Destruction Instructions” show (filmed on a Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150301, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

tennis After 2 hour rain delay in Argentina, it’s 50 shades of clay for the Nadal tennis final with doubles partner Monaco.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150301, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video 2/27/15 of Janet Kuypers’s Chicago show Destruction Instructions of 5 poems with John on electric base (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150301, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Paul Jos. Ryan’s poem Bat Man live 2/27/15 in his Chicago book release event Destruction Instructions (Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150228 globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video 2/27/15 of Janet Kuypers’s Chicago show Destruction Instructions of 5 poems with John on electric base (filmed on a Canon fs200)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko Jenene Ravesloot
20150228 globe (for public notice)

Janet at Destruction Instructions A fabulous night celebrating the release of Paul Jos. Ryan’s Destruction Instructions with John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers (host)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150228 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150227 shared with friends

Janet and John at Laschet’s John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Laschet’s Inn.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150227 shared with friends

Janet and John at Laschet’s Missing her Optimator. — with Janet Kuypers at Laschet’s Inn.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150227 globe (for public notice)

Destruction Instructions chapbook Scars Publications just released today the Janet Kuypers chapbook Destruction Instructions of poems written to be performed tonight at the Uptown Arts Center. But now you can download a free PDF file copy of the chapbook BEFORE the performance! (I don’t think Facebook would let me put the digital cover of this chapbook on their site, so enjoy the brown paper cover of the print edition of this chapbook, which will be distributed at Paul Jos. Ryan’s book release tonight for HIS book “Destruction Instructions”. In you WANT to see the digital cover, download the free PDF file!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers 20150227 · Twitter & Instagram · globe (this video was for public notice)

Instagram of Janet for Leonard Nimmoy It is a shame that Leonard Nimoy will no longer live long and pposper. We will all miss him.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150227 globe (for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ Destruction Instructions Okay, this is REALLY your FINAL WARNING, because TODAY is the day! I hope everyone plans to make it to Paul Jos. Ryan’s book party release for Destruction Instructions TONIGHT! I am one of a number of readers to celebrate this book release, and I wrote a 10 minute set of poems (to be performed with cool live electric base music from John, thank you) and I’ll have a few chapbooks of what I’m reading tonight there for people - but THIS IS A NIGHT FOR HIS BOOK! Come to the Uptown Arts Center (941 W. Lawrence Ave, in Chicago, starting at 7:30PM) for a GREAT evening for Destruction Instructions!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150227, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

tennis The Murray tennis match freaked me out yesterday, but the live Djokocic / Berdych tennis match in Dubai is cool to see.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150227 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 2/18/15 poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150227 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150226 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John Janet and John Janet and John Janet and John
Ah, the many faces of...(we were making faces, I apparently was trying to pluck his eye out, and I demonically reenacted Clockwork Orange) But, as you can tell, I love him.  with John Yotko at Timothy O’Toole’s Pub Gurnee.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150226, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of a reading by Janet Kuypers of her poem one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon FS200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150226, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of a reading by Janet Kuypers of her poem one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon FS200, posterized)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150226, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150111 9:25PM IST, live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon FS200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150226, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150111 9:25PM IST, live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200 camera, Posterize filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150226, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading Kelley Jean White MD’s poem Lent from the 2015 “need to know” literary date book live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150226 globe (for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ Destruction Instructions Okay, this may not be your FINAL WARNING, but you’ve got only one day left - I hope everyone plans to make it to Paul Jos. Ryan’s book party release for Destruction Instructions! He asked a few people to read there, so I wrote a 10 minute set of poems and have a few chapbooks of what I’m reading Friday night there for people - but THIS IS A NIGHT FOR HIS BOOK! Come to the Uptown Arts Center (941 W. Lawrence Ave, in Chicago, starting at 7:30PM) for a GREAT evening for Destruction Instructions!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers By the way, during my reading, John will be there with his electric base guitar, giving everything a discordant destructive quality... Hope everyone likes! 20150226

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150226 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150225 globe (for public notice)

Janet I cannot believe it - I actually stopped to watch the first Mexico match because it was walk on Ryan Harrison from the USA against the man who won it last year, Dimitrov. It was REALLY worth watching. (That’s all I’m gonna say.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150225, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems by other poets from the current issue of Down in the Dirt mag (the Jan./Feb. 2015 issue, v127) titled “Treading Water” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150225 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading A. J. Huffman’s poem I Am Ocean from Down in the Dirt mag (the Jan./Feb. 2015 issue, v127) titled “Treading Water” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed on a Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150225 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Ralph Monday’s poem Rosie the Riveter from Down in the Dirt mag (the Jan./Feb. 2015 issue, v127) titled “Treading Water” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150225 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Shubhangi Joshi’s poem Break Down from Down in the Dirt mag (the Jan./Feb. 2015 issue, v127) titled “Treading Water” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150225 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)

tennis AM Dubai, PM Abierto Mexicano TELCEL. So if for some reason I need a distraction, there’s always tennis somewhere...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems by other poets from the current issue of cc&d magazine (the Jan./feb. 2015 issue, v128) titled “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Edee Lemoniers’s poem Salvation from the current issue of cc&d magazine’s “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading I.B. Rad’s poem Our nine black robed priests from the current issue of cc&d magazine’s “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Jane Stuart’s poem Jazzy Morning from the current issue of cc&d magazine’s “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Kenneth DiMaggio’s poem Reflection #1 from A (perhaps) Heretical Lectio Divina Meditation from the current issue of cc&d magazine’s “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Marianne Szlyk’s poem of Music and Metaphor in Somerville, MA from the current issue of cc&d magazine’s “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Ronald Charles Epstein’s poem Miley Cyrus is Coming from the current issue of cc&d magazine’s “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150224, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem "The Ultimate Uncool from the current issue of cc&d magazine’s “the Curve of Arctic Air” live 2/18/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150223 globe (for public notice)

photos of Visakhapatnam But the majority of my time was spent touring Visakhapatnam, so that is where a ton of photos are - of statues, temples, buildings - and even cows (of course)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150223 globe (for public notice)

photos of Kailasagiri But THEN we spent a lot of time at Kailasagiri, saw not only the landmark statues but also shrines - and hundreds of acres of sculpted parks. The photos don’t do it justice.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150223 globe (for public notice)

photos of Simhachalam The first temples we saw was Simhachalam, and it was fun looking for different angles of the grounds (and even checking out the bamboo structures for repairs).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150223 globe (for public notice)

photos of Mumbai airport Because the Vizag airport is a part of the naval base and photography is restricted (and because past storms ruined a third of the airport), I didn’t photograph it. But I’ve been told Mumbai has one of the nicest airports in the world.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150223 globe (for public notice)

photos of found art in Vizag But the found art in Visakhapatnam was also really cool - from art statues to four frames of 3-D portraits of men in suits literally coming out of the frames...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150223 globe (for public notice)

photos of the Bay of Bengal After al this time, I FINALLY finished processing photos from India. So let’s start with images from the Bay of Bengal (on the eastern coast of the country) - I saw it through the bay windows from *the 1st and only* 5 star hotel in Visakhapat- nam, I saw naval helicopters churning the beachfront waters, and even though sewage may go freely into the bay, I got the nerve to get my feet wet while visiting.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150223, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Seaborgium Science & Poetry UNITE! My Periodic Table poem Seaborgium got an artvilla URL w/ 4 videos! http://t.co/IB9zX6hwvr

facebook profile picture for Oz Hardwick Oz Hardwick
20150223 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John sing the Bottom Line at the Cafe Gallery 5/7/14 Oz Hardwick is with John Yotko and Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Wow! Thank you for the photo... What a flashback - that was from 2014 on our wedding anniversary (5/7/14), where we sang the song sung at our wedding (with altered chorus lyrics) the Bottom Line. Thank you! 20150223

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150222, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

JK playing tennis Gave up on Nadal & Fognini (Nadal was up 5-0 in the 1st set). But he lost, & Fognini played Ferrer 4 Rio Open final.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150221 shared with friends

Instagram of John He didn’t want to remove his manly exterior, but HE suggested this vegan place for dinner.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150221 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet I may look exasperated but it is comforting to wait behind two other groups to be seated at a Korean vegan restaurant Amitabul. — at Amitabul simply vegan.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150221 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John I wasn’t able to celebrate Fat Tuesday this week (and I’m not celebrating or giving up anything for Lent) so I’m wearing my New Orleans colors today and wearing my beads - including my favorite Krew beads.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150220 shared with friends

Janet at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North. I love Janet — with Janet Kuypers at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150220 shared with friends

Janet at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North. She was mad I wasn’t there to make faces Wednesday — with Janet Kuypers at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150220 shared with friends

Janet at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North. Another use for a signal mirror - there not just for make-up... uhm, or morse code. — with Janet Kuypers at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150220 shared with friends

Janet at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North. Apparently she is still doing the Wednesday night funny faces. — with Janet Kuypers at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150220 shared with friends

Janet at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North. Janet said I needed to snap many photos after driving halfway to Iowa (it felt that way) to get to a bar ten minutes from our house. Note how she has her paws folded like Bear. — with Janet Kuypers at Bill’s Pizza & Pub North.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150220 globe (for public notice)

video Am glad the Jackie Wolk feature video is up, because right before I introduced her feature I read the first poem (one of one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman) I am reading at my destruction instructions reading on 2/27 for Paul Jos. Ryan’s book release party!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150220, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic 2/18/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150220 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 2/18/15 Jackie Wolk feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150219 globe (for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150219 globe (for public notice)

A facebook event listing was just created for the Paul Jos. Ryan book release and reading party or his the Destruction Instructions book release from lagoons editions. I am thrilled to be reading here on Friday, February 27th (readers are starting after 7:30 PM CST) at the Uptown Arts Center (941 W. Lawrence Ave. in Chicago) - I have a 10 minute set of new poetry (destructive poetry, of course, with electric base guitar from John, how awesome), so come for the most unique writing AND book design, and also hear bonus readers from the Chicago area performing their own writing, including (in alphabetical order) Dan Cleary, Ron Czerwein, John Goode, Elizabeth Harper, Janet Kuypers, Bob Lawrence, Charlie Newman, Jenene Ravesloot, Tom Roby, Colette Wright Adams, and (of course) Paul Jos. Ryan!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150219 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet making a funny face with guests at the Cafe Gallery open mic 20150218 JK and Jackie Wolk! (at the 2/18/15 Jackie Wolk feature at the Café Gallery)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers picture for Janet Kuypers" align="left"> Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150219 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet making a funny face with guests at the Cafe Gallery open mic 20150218 I thought this photo of me and Joffre Stewart was *perfect* when I saw it last night... (at the 2/18/15 Jackie Wolk feature at the Café Gallery)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150219 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet making a funny face with guests at the Cafe Gallery open mic 20150218 Janet Kuypers — with Jerry Pendergast (at the 2/18/15 Jackie Wolk feature at the Café Gallery)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150219 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet making a funny face with guests at the Cafe Gallery open mic 20150218 (this is Janet and “Poetry”, in case you were curious) (at the 2/18/15 Jackie Wolk feature at the Café Gallery)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150219 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet making a funny face with Paul Ryan at the Cafe Gallery open mic 20150218 JK and Paul Ryan! Sweet! (at the 2/18/15 Jackie Wolk feature at the Café Gallery)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150218, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Rutherfordium Excellent! My Periodic Table poem Rutherfordium got n artvilla web page with 5 video links! http://t.co/mfA8Vp5zte http://t.co/Blr9PZR6p5

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150218 globe (for public notice)

Vine video See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku humans live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Canon video camera)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150218 globe (for public notice)

Vine video See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku humans live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Canon camera, video flipped)

goodreads profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150218 globe (for public notice)

Janet Kuypers cover photo

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
goodreads profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Goodreads
20150217 globe (for public notice)

Partial Nudity Janet Kuypers made progress with a book on on Partial Nudity. 5 stars
All of the short poems also have YouTube video links after the poems, and since we did a book release feature in Chicago the day the book was released (with 40+ poems - mostly haiku poems - read by assorted people to music), I have updated the book contents to include not only old but also new new video links to the book so people can see more video links associated with the many poems in this collection.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150217 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 2/18/15, from 7-9PM) for the Jackie Wolk feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! The weather outside may be frightful, but that is ALL the more reason to get together for this GREAT evening! Join me and side-kick Bob Rashkow for an open mic celebration TOMORROW NIGHT - Wednesday night, 2/18/15, from 7-9PM at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150216 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John Okay, I am still pleased he kisses me — with John Yotko at The Brat Stop.

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150216 globe (for public notice)

Vine video See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku hold live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Sony video camera)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150216 globe (for public notice)

Vine video See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku hold live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Canon FS200 camera)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150215 globe (for public notice)

Janet Vine video See Vine video Janet Kuypers reads her haiku gone live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (filmed with a Canon FS200 camera).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150214 shared with friends

John kissing Janet at Market House on the Square Happy Valentines Day. I needed a photo prove I kiss Janet. — with Janet Kuypers at Market House on the Square.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150214 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet kissing John via a mirror He was laughing, but we tried to do a kissey-face through a mirror (without being close to each other for a minute).

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150214 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Okay, so NOW he’s going to kiss me in EVERY photo! (What a deal!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150214 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John kiss collage Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone.

And John Yotko, Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you. — with John Yotko

goodreads profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Goodreads
20150214 globe (for public notice)

Galapagos made progress with a book on on Goodreads, and rated Galapagos on Goodreads. 5 stars

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150213 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at Kaiser’s This is the beginning of our V day weekend... (Smooches!) — with John Yotko at Kaiser’s Pizza & Pub.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150213 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 2/4/15 Dan Weinberg feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150213, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals about how terrorism affects a writer, from 20150116 8:07AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon Power Shot video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150213, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals about how terrorism affects a writer, from 20150116 8:07AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon FS200 video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150212 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

the Evolution of Performance Art Riot to C logo 4 @primitiverace (that Lords of Acid follows) ‘cuz I used that pic 4 my the Evolution of Performance Art CD.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150212 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic Time to stock up on March 2015 feature at the Café Gallery poetry open mic! Save the date for the Tom Roby feature - and go to open mic readings at the Café Gallery March 18th 2015! It should be a GREAT night, and I hope EVERYONE can make it!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150212 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic See a great March 2015 feature at the Café Gallery poetry open mic! Save the date for the Jenene Ravesloot feature - and go to open mic readings at the Café Gallery March 4th 2015! It should be a GREAT night, and I hope EVERYONE can make it!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150212 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic See a great March 2015 feature at the Café Gallery poetry open mic! Save the date for the Jenene Ravesloot feature - and go to open mic readings at the Café Gallery March 4th 2015! It should be a GREAT night, and I hope EVERYONE can make it!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150212, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 2015017 7:40 IST about the caste system, live 2/4/15 at her open mic “the Café Gallery” in Chicago (filmed with the Canon Power Shot video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150212, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 2015017 7:40 IST about the caste system, live 2/4/15 at her open mic “the Café Gallery” in Chicago (Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150211 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet about to serve FINALLY! My Periodic Table poem Rhenium has an artvilla web page w/ 10 video links! Awesome!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150211 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet about to serve Had 2 take a break from work; it was just in time 2 C Wawrinka play live tennis @AMRO. I should go back 2 work tho...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150211, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals about sexism, from 20150116 8:07 AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150211, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals about sexism, from 20150116 8:07AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200 camera, with an edge detection filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150210 via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals (women’s bodies found in the river), from 20150114 12:17PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon FS200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150210, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals (women’s bodies found in the river), from 20150114 12:17PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon FS200 camera, Posterize filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150209, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150114 3:26 PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150209, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150114 3:26 PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon FS200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150209, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150114 12:17 PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150209, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150114 12:17 PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon FS200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150209 globe (for public notice)

As a personal note to all people who send me requests to play Facebook games, please, DO NOT ASK ME TO PLAY GAMES ON FACEBOOK. I do not play games on my computer (my computer has better applications than games), and because I - and my computer - have better things to do than play Facebook games, I have to go into my Facebook settings listing every time someone sends me a game request to have the Facebook block any requests for any derivation of the game someone just sent to me as a request. (This just means I have to waste time blocking more game requests, because someone asked me to play a Facebook game - and so far, I have OVER 230 of these “games” blocked on Facebook.) So I ask anyone, ever, in the future, PLEASE, do not send send game requests to me, or send game offers to me, or send game notes to me - please do not ever send me anything to ever play a Facebook game again. Thank you.

facebook profile picture for Carol Hogan Carol Hogan this situation is generated from the apps and not the players. 20150209

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Ah, so Facebook is the culprit of those irritating game requests. 20150209

facebook profile picture for Bob Rashkow Bob Rashkow Janet. will you pway Funny Faces wid me??? 20150209

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Only if it’s not a Facebook game, angel... 20150209
Janet making faces20000508

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Hey, wait a minute... I was searching for photos of me making faces for Bob Rashkow before, and I just remembered I wrote the editorial Drugging ourselves into a stupor, and used photos of my making faces in my signature. 20150210
Janet making faces from drigging ourselves into a stupor editorial signature

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Okay, I found another one... We really have to do this next Wednesday! 20150212
Janet and John making faces Uncle Mike᾿s

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150209 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

JK (as a blonde) o a FL tennis court Thought tennis’ Fed would be on; got ABN AMRO World Tennis Tourn. w/ Gulbis playing in Rotterdam Netherlands - cool!

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150208 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John The only reason I took this pic was to prove that this camera flips photos we take (check, the type is f’ed up)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers with John Yotko at The Brat Stop. 20150208 globe (for public notice)

Janet & John in her glasses So we’re looking at an old Reader newspaper for Savage Love and saw this photo-worthy ads for concealed carry gun courses.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is in Delhi, India.
20150208 globe (for public notice)

Delhi Insia Late last night I was able to complete processing photos from SOME India travels, including my days in Delhi (got to see both New Delhi and Old Delhi - but some of the events were roped off because President Barrack Obama was arriving in India the day I left)... Amongst things I saw, it was cool to see the statue of Gandhi leading people THAT ALSO APPEARS ON THEIR 500 RUPEE BILL!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150208 globe (for public notice)

Janet in Agra with the Taj Mahal in her glasses Late last night I was able to complete processing photos from SOME India travels, including my days at Agra (where I spent time at the Taj Mahal, considered by some the 8th wonder of the world, even though it was INSANELY foggy at this shrine, built entirely for love of the queen)... — at Taj Mahal.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram & Twitter
20150207 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John So on a Saturday night I watch the Fed Cup replay from earlier today of USA’s Venus Williams against...http://t.co/dI9NhvGf65

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at RAM Should I discuss that my necklace (that John likes) is of links from my old pair of shoes? Or should I say I’m thinking of my Kurt Irons poem at this bar, where all I want to say is “punch it IN!”? (Okay, I’m not thinking of my poem, but as the Heathers movie infers of Kurt and Ram, “the quarterback, buggering the linebacker”) — with John Yotko at The RAM - Wheeling.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast from the Café Gallery, of the 2/4/15 Joffre Stewart feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150116 8:07AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150116 8:07AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200 camera, with a hue cycling filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150116 8:07AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (recorded with the Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150116 8:07AM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot, with a Threshold filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150112 8:41PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon FS200 camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150112 8:41PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200 camera, with a hue cycling filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150112 8:41PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150112 8:41PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot, with an Edge Detection filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150206, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic and the Joffre Stewart and Dan Weinberg features 2/4/15 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon FS200).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150205 globe (for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and John Today I thought to wear this tee, for old time’s sake — with John Yotko at The Brat Stop.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
201502005, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150111 9:25PM IST, live 2/4/15 at her open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
201502005, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150111 9:25PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon FS200 camera, with a hue cycling filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
201502005, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150111 9:25PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with the Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
201502005, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her India Journals, from 20150111 9:25PM IST, live 2/4/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot, with a Threshold filter)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram & Twitter. 20150205 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and Bob Rashkow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150205 globe (for public notice)

poetry is her forte cover pic Okay, one year ago today I changed my cover photo to this, so of old time’s sake I thought I’d use it again for a bit...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is in Vizianagaram. 20150205 globe (for public notice)

poetry is her forte cover pic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150205 globe (for public notice)

poetry is her forte cover pic Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo (from when she was in Vizianagaram).

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150203 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Red Phosphorous Even my BONUS Periodic Table poem Red Phosphorous has an artvilla web page now w/ 3 videos!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150203 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 2/4/15, from 7-9PM) for the DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT with Joffre Stewart AND Dan Weinberg features, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! The weather outside may be frightful, but that is ALL the more reason to get together for this GREAT evening! Join me and side-kick Bob Rashkow for an open mic celebration TOMORROW NIGHT - Wednesday night, 2/4/15, from 7-9PM at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, so come on by to this open mic and the great double feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150202 globe (for public notice)

Ayn Rand I would say Happy Groundhog in the middle of this horrendous storm a third of the country is going through, but I’d rather say Happy Birthday to Ayn Rand. (The date is even in my Periodic Table poem Ununpentium, so I can’t forget.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20150202 globe (for public notice)

Gallery Cabaret cover pic

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jenene Ravesloot and Tom Roby IV. 20150202 globe (for public notice)

Gallery Cabaret cover pic

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150201 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Since I had no neon green to accentuate my royal blue for my Seahawks tonight, I had to show off my first printing of my book close cover before striking with the neon green cover.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150201, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson):

Enjoying colorful fireworks in Arizona? Thank Aluminum Barium Calcium Chlorine Copper Iron Nitrogen Oxygen Sodium & Strontium

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers @neiltyson After writing poems for every element in the periodic table, it is AWESOME seeing a post like this. (And KNOWING those elements!) 20150201

facebook profile picture for Mark Fleury Mark Fleury
20150201 globe (for public notice)

Treading Water I’m proud to have my poetry included in this new literary collection. Thank you, Janet Kuypers smiley face emoticon

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150201 globe (for public notice)

the Curve of Arctic Air It has finally come - welcome to the first 2015 issue of cc&d magazine! the Curve of Arctic Air is a 2015 Scars Publications cc&d magazine (v253) poetry and short story book by assorted writers and artists. This book/issue of Children, Churches and Daddies (AKA cc&d, subtitle “the UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine”) was just released as a 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only it’s usual ISSN#, but also an ISBN#. Writers and artists in this book include writing by Janet Kuypers, Richard King Perkins II, David S. Pointer, Edee Lemonier, David James, Louie Clay, Tom Schaffer, Marianne Szlyk, CEE, R. N. Taber, Kenneth DiMaggio, Sheryl L. Nelms, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Erren Kelly, Ronald Charles Epstein, T. Allen Culpepper, Ralph Monday, I.B. Rad, Simon Perchik, Aditya Shankar, Oz Hardwick, Alan Catlin, Jane Stuart, David J. Thompson, Catherine B. Krause, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Daniel S. Weinberg, Eric Burbridge, Ean Bevel, Matt LeShay, Mark Herden, Marilyn June Janson, Daniel Stockwell, Robert Finch, John Amendall, Harry Noussias, Joshua Copeland, Bob Strother, and Betty J. Sayles, along with art from the HA!Man of South Africa, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, Peter LaBerge, Rex Bromfield, Cheryl Townsend, Aaron Wilder, Brian Forrest, Brian & Lauren Hosey, David J. Thompson, and Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150201 globe (for public notice)

Treading Water It has finally come - welcome to the first 2015 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine! Treading Water is a 2015 Scars Publications poetry and prose book with material from assorted writers and artists, as the January/ February 2015 issue release of the literary magazine Down in the Dirt (with not only it’s usual ISSN#, but also an ISBN#) from Scars Publications as a perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book (that is now available for sale throughout the United States as well as through the U.K. and continental Europe). Writers and artists include (in order in the book) Mark Scott, Lisa Gray, Norm Hudson, Thom Mahoney, Ralph Monday, Paul Smith, Eric Erickson, Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with art), Shubhangi Joshi, Don Stockard, Mel Waldman, Ava Collopy, Michael B. Tager, Mike Brennan, Michael Lee Johnson, Jack Herbert, Simon Hardy Butler, Barry Hill, Liam Spencer, A.J. Huffman, Sam Wilder, Allan Onik, Mark Fleury, Robert Bates, Judith Ann Levison, and Janet Kuypers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150201 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Mr. Todu Man in the Veggie Pride Parade I noticed when looking back through my past facebook listings, I noticed that (back in 2013) the facebook photo of me in the Veggie Pride Parade with Tofu Man was missing from Facebook, so I thought I’d add it to the facebook listing again.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150201, 2:44 AM CST shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Had to put on my kilt-esque plaid skirt after Murray tied the sets won.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150201, 2:44 AM CST shared with friends

Instagram of Janet The announcer just said, “For those of you in the States who are up all night or set you alarms, you’re loving the twists and turns” - and it’s true...

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150201, 2:44 AM CST shared with friends

Instagram of Janet John said, “You shouldn’t’ get liquored up before a tennis match”, but he was referring to Djokovic because he is slipping so much on the court during this final.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150201, 2:44 AM CST shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Murray had three breaks of serve chances and STILL lost the game on Djokovic’s serve (razzin frazzin)...

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150201, 2:44 AM CST shared with friends

Instagram of Janet Finishing the wine here before the men’s finals live (you can’t see it in this photo but my wine glass has a little chalkboard on it and i drew a tennis racket and ball on it with colored chalks).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150131 globe (for public notice)

Christ tree with candy cane nutcracker After being out of town for so long, TODAY was the day we took down the Christmas tree (and remove the nutcracker minions en masse) - and I even removed the tall thin tree in the stairwell with all of the map bird Lorelei made for decorations this past Thanksgiving (I am SO going to keep those birds for use on that second slim tree every year, they’re so cool). Once again,we will be getting 6 hours of sleep tonight so we can wake up for the Australian Open finals, starting at 2 AM EST (we even bought champagne to be ready in the middle of the night, while watching the Andy Murray / Novak Djokovic tennis match). It worked last night, getting up to watch tennis (we both agreed while out for breakfast in the morning - when the women’s finals was being replayed - that it was really cool to get up to watch the first finals match live).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150131 globe (for public notice)

Sabrina and Lucy and Joel Oh my gosh all 3 of them together, I love Sabrina and Joel with my little Lucy!!!

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150131, 2:43am CST shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John I usually wear my long Sharapova earrings for my tennis matches, but I added only one of them (you can’t see in this picture, but I’m holding it out in my right hand) to my larger “I’m rooting for Serena” earring to watch this Australian Open women’s final match live.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150130, via Instagram globe (for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and John @timothyotooles before a nap before the women’s finals in the Australian Open (2AM CST, joy) http:/t/co/kfDsamPbmg

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150130 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast this time is a jam-packed RETRO podcast, and is of the Janet Kuypers 6/18/14 “Partial Nudity” poetry collection feature (filmed from the Sony camera) from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, and it’s now available! This is a packed show which included music, and guest readers Tom Roby, Bob Rashkow, Bob Lawrence, Jenene Ravesloot, Jerry Pendergast, Avrom Litin, John, Esteban Colon, Kottyn Campbell, Joffre Stewart (with a GREAT reading), Michael Hoag and Robin Fine, with video guest reading appearances by Bruce Matteson, Charlie Newman, Elizabeth Harper, R. Gibbon, Wayne Allen Jones, Wackie Wolk, and U.K. poet Oz Hardwick... Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150130 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Protactinium I just find out Lords of Acid’s on twitter, I follow them. The next day @pragakhan (of LofA) follows BACK! Excellent! http://t.co/AWj6uAk5qP

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150130 globe (for public notice)

Janet at the Western & Southern Open in 2014     I figured that since the finals for women are 2AM CST Saturday morning (with Sharapova playing Serena Williams) and the finals for men are 2AM CST Sunday morning, we may have to wake up early with champagne for live Australian Open coverage this weekend.
    I have heard that when Murray and Djokovia play each other in finals like this, they both have a 2 in 4 record. Cool to see who beats that record and wins the final.
    I know they will replay bot finals at 8am (during my breakfast) and 7pm (during the Superbowl for men finals), so we’re on a mission to watch the, live this time.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150130 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet & John Recouping from India time & can’t sleep, so @walkingseed & I watch Djokovic & Wawrinka play live Aus Open tennis now. http://t.co/p0oYbFA2Zd

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150130 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Retweeted Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson):

You can neither cajole nor charm the laws of physics into agreeing with you if your ideas aren’t based in objective realities

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150129 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Protactinium Cool! My Periodic Table poem “Protactinium” just got an artvilla web page, w/ 5 video links!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150129 · YouTube · globe (for public notice)


twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, where 3 brothers, 6 sisters, parents, grandparents, 6 kids, 2 other uncles, & 2 grand-kids stay @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Best Moon Shine in Four Counties @midnight #RedneckABook fav1

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Frank, um pour me a Stein from the Still @midnight #RedneckABook fav1

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Lord of the Flies Circling Around, but I Just Showered Two Weeks Ago @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

the Bible for Dummies @midnight #RedneckABook fav1

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

George Bush and Billi Bob’s Travel @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Billy Ray Cyrus and the Red Necks of the Round Table @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Rubella Lou’s Adventures in Wedding at 12 @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

All Supper Roadkill Great and Small @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, ‘cuz he’s About to be my Supper @midnight #RedneckABook fav1

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

the Adventures of Thistle and Betty Lynn @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

the Grapes of my Gin Mill in the Bathroom @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

On the Origin of Moonshine @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Animal Farm in my Yard @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Getting Tanked and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance @midnight #RedneckABook fav1

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

A Journey to the Center of the Still @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Great Expectations for Me and my Cousin (or else Me and My Second Cousin) @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

A Tale of Two Sisters, Fourteen Kids, three Grand-kids, six Cousins, Gallons of Moonshine and One G.E.D. @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

of Mice and Possum @midnight #RedneckABook

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine, via Twitter
20150129 globe (for public notice)

Moonshine in the Rye @midnight #RedneckABook

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Out of Place (dreams 12/3/13)” from the book “Need to Know Basis (extended edition)” live 1/7/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Depth of Field” from the book “Need to Know Basis (extended edition)” live 1/7/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from Canon video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading writing appearing in the v252 issue of cc&d magazine, titled Beyond the Gates (including the David Hernandez poems “Drinking from the Chalice of Silver” and “The Age I Fear”, then the Zoe Broome poem “Veteran”, followed by three Janet Kuypers haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn”) 1/7/15 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d magazine, titled Beyond the Gates live 1/7/15 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d mag, titled Beyond the Gates live 1/7/15 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “octopi and brains” and “octopi and dogs” from the v126 issue of Down in the Dirt mag, titled a Rural Story live 1/7/15 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (Canon camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “octopi and brains” and “octopi and dogs” from the v126 issue of Down in the Dirt mag, titled a Rural Story live 1/7/15 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (Canon Power Shot camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading writing appearing in the v252 issue of cc&d magazine, titled Beyond the Gates (including the David Hernandez poems “Drinking from the Chalice of Silver” and “The Age I Fear”, then the Zoe Broome poem “Veteran”, followed by three Janet Kuypers haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn”) 1/7/15 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading writing appearing in the 2015 “need to know” literary date book (including Henry Soznowski’s poem “Wrong Reflection”, Mel Waldman’s poem “Oblivion”, Linda Webb Aceto’s poem “Six of One...”, Mike Brennan’s "“inner Reservations”, CEE’s poem “Think About It... How Do We Really Know?”, Andrew L. Miller’s poem “Shadow Key”, and Cheryl Townsend’s poem “my stepfather tried”) live 1/7/15 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon video camera)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading writing appearing in the 2015 “need to know” literary date book (including Henry Soznowski’s poem “Wrong Reflection”, Mel Waldman’s poem “Oblivion”, Linda Webb Aceto’s poem “Six of One...”, Mike Brennan’s "“inner Reservations”, CEE’s poem “Think About It... How Do We Really Know?”, Andrew L. Miller’s poem “Shadow Key”, and Cheryl Townsend’s poem “my stepfather tried”) live 1/7/15 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon Power Shot)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150128, via YouTube globe (for public notice)

video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the Café Gallery open mic & Patrick Hurley show 1/7/15 at Gallery Cabaret’ in Chicago

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150127 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Potassium Chloride Groovy! My latest Periodic Table bonus poem “Potassium Chloride” now has an artvilla web page! http://t.co/gjVcsRQyEp http://t.co/aSFtQjcEDH

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150127 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast this time is a RETRO podcast (available only a few days), and is of the 5/21/14 poetry open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, and it’s now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150125 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery
the Cafe Gallery
When John paid (probably too much for our auto (the petrol rickshaw) that took us shopping before we went to the airport, he took a few shots of me before I got out of the most bumpy “taxi” ride I ever took (but I never took his phone for snapshots of him, sniff)...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150125 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery John did this grip and grin outside the airport but forgot to geo-tag it — with John Yotko at Mumbai Airport.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Jagadamba. 20150124 shared with friends

Janet and John in an auto rickshaw Janet gets her first ride in an “auto” rickshaw

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150124 shared with friends

Janet and John at the Square, at Mumbai International Airport John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Mumbai International Airport Adheri.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150123 shared with friends

Janet’s last Vizag breakfast Janet’s last breakfast before heading home so she’s going all Indian and chiding me for having an omelette and pancakes. — with Janet Kuypers at Novotel Visakhapatnam Varun Beach.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150123 shared with friends

Janet and John at Infinity View Bar and Kitchent Last night in India. — with Janet Kuypers at Infinity View Bar and Kitchen.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150123 globe (for public notice)

Janet at poetry plaque in Vizag Oh, I feel SO drained after watching the Federer match just now...

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150122 globe (for public notice)

Janet and John at Infinity View Bar and Kitchent this is how we spent part of our final night here...

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150122, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Janet, first tritter profile picture My twitter #FirstProfile Picture had no color 2 glasses or lips (& no added birds), but it otherwise stayed the same. http://t.co/zEAEnp3MQ0

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150122 globe (for public notice)

Janet photograhps Empire State Bldg My tweet of my “first profile pic” came through on Facebook, but it was of a Facebook profile picture of a drawing of me as a South Park character... My "first profile picture" through Facebook that was actually a picture was of me from 2011 taking a picture of the Empire State building in Manhattan. — at Empire State Building

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20140122 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet as a South Park character A Vizag Times of India article today shared the trending tweet, “first profile picture”. Mine’s me from “South Park”. http://t.co/Y5rJGZHOMq

facebook profile picture for Kiley Brown Kiley Brown
20150122 globe (for public notice)


Contact the effervescent Janet Kuypers for details.


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Apparently Kiley Brown says I’m effervescent. (The first definition of effervescent is - of a liquid) bubbly or fizzy. The second definition of effervescent is vivacious and enthusiastic.) Okay, I’ll take that...

the Cafe GalleryFor anyone who want a potential feature during the 2015 schedule for the Chicago open mic at the Café Gallery - and we can have up to two features on any given night), send me an email in February through the links on the web site (not through Facebook), and we can add you to the future schedule.

The extra-groovy-cool thing about having a feature at the Café Gallery is that I also video record open mics and features to be a part of the weekly podcast - so you would not only get to be on a YouTube video link, but you’d also get your own downloadable podcast of your feature. (What a deal!) People have told me that it is cool that family or friends outside of Chicago could check out the feature, and these podcast links *do* get downloaded (I didn’t think people would want to download poetry open mic features, but it *does* happen), and the podcast link are available everywhere, including iTunes — so be a part of the Chicago poetry / performance art revolution!
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150122 globe (for public notice)

jane’s feet in the Bay of Bengal I looked at the Bay of Bengal across the street and remember that I made John walk out into the Bay the first time he visited this country.
    He did, he thought it was disgusting, and then he returned to his hotel.
    Now, I know people who live here hang out in that water (they also think the Ganges is a sacred river, but it is so polluted, and people still want to experience the holy water), so I think if I made John do it, that I should do it.
    So okay, I put on all beige clothes (I’m wearing a beige shirt with sleeves short enough to read half of “Janet” in Hindi on my left arm and half of “scars” in Hindi on my right arm), I’ll bring a towel to clean my feet when I’m done, and maybe I’ll bring a camera, to prove I did this.

20150122 2:45PM IST (20150122 3:15AM CST)

Hee hee hee, I just got back. I brought a towel, a bag (for the towel, then my socks and shoes while I was in the water), my key card and my small camera. Then I just decided to just go out there, act like I know exactly what I’m going, exude extreme confidence, and just go.
    Nobody get in my way, I am on a mission.
    So I crossed the street, looked for a pathway so I could get to the lower walkway. I walked back to it and made my way toward the little strip of park that separates the street from the beach. I walked toward where I thought it would just slide down to the beach, and saw it was a cliff, and the beach was about twenty feet below. So I scanned and found what looked like an area where a truck once drove down to the beach, and walked there. Then I found a little circular concrete/marble-like seating area surrounding an ugly looking totem-like statue, so I wiped as much red sand as I could off one area, sat down, and removed my shoes and socks, placing them in the bag that was now empty (since I took out the towel and flung it over my shoulder).
    Then I got up, made sure the key was still in my left pocket, my camera was still in my right (yes, I’m that analytical and methodical, but Hell, I’m alone on the other side of the planet, I can check for my belongings), turned toward that red clay slope toward the beach, and started walking barefoot.
    (Okay, there were pieces of red clay pottery and broken glass in the sand, and also stones - I avoided foreign objects under my feet like glass, but I couldn’t escape all of the rocks.)
    So I figured, okay, this has to be like micro-abrasion for my feet (and I haven’t had dead skin cleaned off my feet since hundreds of little fish ate most of the dead skin off near Agra), made sure my being pants were rolled to my knees, and kept walking toward the shoreline.
    I walked on the wet sand, and then the tide came in from the Bay of Bengal - and I was surprised that I walked as far in as I did, because the first tide came in and got water easily up to my knees and got my pants wet.
    But I’m in.
    So I took a few steps back, pulled out the camera, and started taking pictures of my feet in the water. It was hard to see the viewfinder in the sunlight, but I noticed that I could see over half of my shadow in the water, so then I started trying to get all of my shadow in the water, while still keeping at least one foot ticking out of the water in the pictures.
    After I figured I took close to ten photos, I put the camera in my pocket, turned and made my way to dryer land.

    As I got to sit down to start drying my legs off, I first started wringing out my pants, then I started drying my calves (which were not covered in red sand, like my feet). But that’s when an Indian family started walking along the road by my seating area, and one man from the group walked over to me while I was drying my legs.
    He didn’t say a word; he just stood there and looked at me.
    So I eventually said hi.
    He didn’t say a word (and I saw the woman and the one child standing there, waiting for him).
    Since he didn’t speak, I let a moment pass (while still drying my legs and removing the sand from the bottoms of my feet), and I eventually said, “i’m just drying my feet off.”
    More silence.
    I have no idea what he wanted (if he wanted money, I didn’t have any, and he didn’t ask, he didn’t say a word), so when my feet were dry I just got up (with my shoes and socks still in the bag) and started walking away.
    Good thing I usually walk at a good clip (must be my long legs and my height, and I am not an Indian local here who seems to relish in taking their time in everything they do), because even though those people walked the same direction as me, I easily got well in front of them. I got to a point where I could sit and pull my things out of the bag and put socks and shoes on and place the towel in the bag and get up and go again, and they still hadn’t caught up to me.
    (Not like they were trying; I was just explaining...)
    And I got to the hotel and came up here; I changed out of my pants and put them on the only hook in this hotel room, and decided to relay my adventure.
    It’s just water. I don’t know why John made such a big deal out of having to do it, like it was the most disgusting thing known to mankind, it’s not like anyone’s skin burned off in the process or anything, it’s just water.
    It’s water from the Bay of Bengal, that’s all. And that’s why I told him to do it - and I figured that if this is my first time here, I should do it too. (I’ll just accidentally get in up to my knees and get my pants wet too.)
    But it’s cool to say I did it, and no one chided me into doing it (other than me, and I am my best critic - and motivator).
    And it was cool that after I was done I had to wring out my pants, from getting in too deep.

    P.S.: John said that after he did it, he washed his feet. Okay, I’ll wash my feet and calves in the sink - with the water I shouldn’t drink, before I dry off.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150121 shared with friends

Janet and John at Infinity View Bar and Kitchent John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Infinity View Bar and Kitchen.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150121 shared with friends

Janet and John in front of the Zaffran restaurant
Janet and John in front of the waterfall at Zaffran restaurant
John Yotko added 2 new photos — with Janet Kuypers at Zaffran, Novotel.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150121 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet holding a giant tennis racketWalk-on Tim Smyczek (ranked 112, from Milwaukee) is giving Nadal a run for his money, & it’s kind of blowing my mind. http://t.co/WOD2SfZlY9

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150121 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet press photo for her Stories of Women show I am imprisoned /
on earth’s dirty side, due to /
their ignorance /

(@janetkuypers’s ‘India series’ haiku “imprisoned / ignorance”) http://t.co/xwpqW1v02z

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150120 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & music & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 1/21/15, from 7-9PM) for the Jeff Helgeson feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Because I cannot make this event (and I’m afraid I cannot video record it either), join side-kick Bob Rashkow and guest host Dave Gecic for an open mic celebration TOMORROW NIGHT - Wednesday night, 1/21/15, from 7-9PM at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It should be a GREAT night, and I’m so jealous that I cannot make this night... In the meantime, come on by to the one-time only open mic and the great feature night!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150120 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet with her hand in her hair don’t drink their water, /
never show legs or shoulders. /
or go out at night /

alone /
(@janetkuypers’s ‘India series’ haiku “don’t”) http://t.co/UgvE3wCbkt"

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150120 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet holding a tennis racket This Monfils match live right now is just unbelievable. (That’s all I’ll say so as not to spoil it for highlights.) http://t.co/AcNACgN0yC"

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150119 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet (Laura Palmer stencil) our only choice is /
to destroy ourselves. it’s our /
choice. and so we do /
(Kuypers’s ‘India series’ haiku “choice”) http://t.co/5PkQEeXHmz

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150119 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet with magnifying glass in NSA shirt doctors found gene to /
extend life; plan to use for /
anti-aging cream /
(@janetkuypers’s ‘India series’ haiku “extend”) http://t.co/2HCX6gmvPx

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150119 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet college h portrait feel warmth from the sun /
touching legs, shoulders, your skin //

unless you’re woman /

(JK’s ‘India series’ haiku “unless”) http://t.co/htE42w1rEv

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150119 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet on the beach destroyers, frigates /
swarm Visakhapatnam’s bay /
patrolling beaches /
(JK’s ‘India series’ haiku “Visakhapatnam”) http://t.co/yjyrlOHyfH

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150119 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet, high school, frame employ poor - make them /
hand-paint curbs, tie fronds to lights /
so streets look nicer

(JK India series haiku, “poor”) http://t.co/PtaUU6PLzWQ

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150119 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet, 2 hands (1998) cover shoulders, legs /
women are second class, so /
cover your spirit
(@janetkuypers ‘India series’ haiku “cover”) http://t.co/2mSD8X1xPQ

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150119 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Both Nadal & Federer have colorful reflective stripes down the side of their shorts @ the Australian Open. Spooky. http://t.co/1AHK8jV1c2

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150118 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

#5 Ana Ivanovic lost1st round (WHAT?); #3 Nadal vs Youzhny now 4 stellar match. Great mind blowing tennis on 1st day. http://t.co/47BGpGRQrG

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150118 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Sad 2 read in Deccan Register that Del Potro’s out of Aus. Open 4 wrist injury. He loses 100x, wins 1x, then injured. http://t.co/4Y4LEXn1II

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150118, via Twitter globe (for public notice)

Janet and Federer images Both Nadal & Federer have colorful reflective stripes down the side of their shorts @ the Australian Open. Spooky.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150118 near Waltair, India. shared with friends

Janet and John while sightseeing Out for some dinner at Flying Spaghetti Monster. — with Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150118 shared with friends

Janet hanging from a banyan tree Janet with Indian people who wanted a photo with her (because she’ tall and wearing a hat)
Janet and John while sightseeing Janet and John while sightseeing
Doing a little site seeing — with Janet K.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150117 shared with friends

Janet Janet My inappro- priately timed photos

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150117shared with friends

Janet Not sure who this woman is... But she does seem to be fitting in here

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150117 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Day sessions 4 the Australian Open start 4 me Monday morning @ 5:30AM here (evening sessions start @ 1:30PM) - cool! http://t.co/URayX9OXcm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150117 globe (for public notice)

janet soundcloud clip Taking some of my spare time to generate tracks of Esteban Colon vocals of my poetry (from when he was in studio with me) and Francois Le Roux hotel music tracks to generate tracks for the future "What She Said" release. (Approaching 15 tracks done so far.) I even sampled him reading “And I’m Wondering” in two styles (one more manic than the other), set to two HA!Man tracks, “marimba meandering” and “awakening” - here is the sample on soundcloud for you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150116 globe (for public notice)

janet Vito just made a Facebook event for this March art colony show, where I am one of the features. Come on by for a great performance space!
My last reading here was in a “Mega Reading” of Periodic Table poems, but this may be a performance of a series of very short poems set to music. I look forward to seeing you there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150116 globe (for public notice)

janet playing tennis As I was writing Star Trek poetry (believe it or not) for my feature the opening day of Chi-Fi 2015, I turned on the TV here and saw Kvitova playing tennis with Pliskova live in Sydney before the Australian Open! (And it was cool to hear Pliskova’s coach giving advice in their native tongues at break...)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150115 globe (for public notice)

janet in hindi on her arm janet in hindi on her arm Forgot that last night they also wrote “Janet” on my arm in Hindi. Later they it in Telugu above the Hindi name but my shirt smudged it and only a third of my name in Telugu remained.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150115 shared with friends

Janet with scars in hindi hennaed on her arm They say it’s Hindi for scars. — with Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150115 globe (for public notice)

Janet in front of an ape statue holding an ice cream come

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150115 globe (for public notice)

Janet at poetry plaque in Vizag The globe matched the Sandra Kuypers peas on earth shirt.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150114 shared with friends

Janet and John at Grand Bay Hotel We opted for genuine southern Indian food instead of Chinese food — with Janet Kuypers at Grand Bay Hotel.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150114 globe (for public notice)

Nadal and Verdasco Rafael Rafa Nadal plays Fernando Verdasco! (but he first plays the Junior Champion Omar Jasika, and then Mark Philippoussis) at FAST4 Tennis matches (yes, 3 opponents for Raphael Nadal, but they are in 4 game fast sets), on 14/01/2015 19:00 (UTC/GMT +11:00) in Melbourne, Australia. From where I’m sitting, I can watch it live this afternoon - it’s a fast format game structure for tennis, and they have dancers and music and stuff to really change the feel of the matches. Dancers are dancing right now to “All About that Base (no Treble)”. This is going to be a strange event to check out.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150114 globe (for public notice)

Janet at poetry plaque in Vizag Though this fella may give a more accurate representation of my personality at times...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150114 globe (for public notice)

Janet at poetry plaque in Vizag My hair is too short to go topless like these hideous mermaid on display along the beach.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150114 globe (for public notice)

Janet at poetry plaque in Vizag
Janet at poetry plaque in Vizag Janet at poetry plaque in Vizag
Took tons of pics of statues of poets here, then decided to be a part of the poetry commemoration here.

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150113 globe (for public notice)

Sabrina & Lucy I HAD to put this link on my site, because Sabrina McGregor look SO wonderful with her Lucy so close to her!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150113 globe (for public notice)

fire in Vizag Saw what looked like smoke from heating an apartment; then was told it was probably a house fire.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150113 globe (for public notice)

Djokovic as crossing guard And by the way, to those who make fun of my “crossing guard” style hitting of the tennis ball (like Gulbis, I think), check out Djokovic doing the exact same thing. I saw this when looking for the schedule of play for the 2015 Australian Open.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150112 globe (for public notice)

Janet eating I am having breakfast here and see the pool is just outside and can see the waterfront past the floor to ceiling windows. But someone just started swimming the width of the pool and it looks like (from this hotel
Janet eating view) that they’re about to swim out into the sea of Bengal. (Good thing I forgot my swimsuit; John told me that the only time he saw a woman in the pool was when she was fully clothes, i.e., wearing a dress.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150112 globe (for public notice)

Janet eating After cucumber juice I tried old school sprouts with my papaya and pineapple (also had my usual tomato chutney with idley and wada Isley infused with saffron and other spices, punululu and paneer parata, which was a patty with the crumbly cheese inside).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150111 globe (for public notice)

It’s awesome going downstairs for Monday morning breakfast and choosing things like Aloo Bondi and dipping it in tomato chutney, then reading about Federer before the Australian Open begins. There is even a newspaper article saying top designers are pleading first lady Michelle Obama to wear Indian ensembles on her next trip to India. (This really is a blast.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150111 globe (for public notice)

Our guide today saw my large backpack purse with the Saturn car emblem replacing the Gucci logo on the front of my purse, and said to Jen, “At least we know where she’s from. ”

Which I thought was the funniest thing ever.

(I won’t mention in this post what attractions we saw, but photos are on my good camera, and should be on the web in February.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
guitars Thought of John Yotko after seeing the sitars at the one shop we were pretty much forced to visit after our tour.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150110 globe (for public notice)

swastika desk partitions Noticed the desk partitions here are an aerial view of a swastika. (I’m not geo tagging this so you won’t know where this is...)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko with Janet Kuypers at Secaucus, NJ 20150109 shared with friends

Janet with camera Back to the airport

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150109 shared with friends

Janet and John at Village 38 John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Village 38.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150109 shared with friends

Janet and John at Ted’s John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers at Ted’s Food/Drink/Lounge.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers · Twitter · 20150108 globe (for public notice)

Janet, the Cafe Gallery

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150108 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast this time is for TWO WEEKS, and is of the 1/7/15 poetry and music open mic AND the Patrick Hurley feature from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret, and it’s now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers · Twitter · 20150107 globe (for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and John Tressa and I were “clockwork orang”ing it after my open mic was over... @gallerycabaret http://t.co/Y3L9IGjVx9

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150106 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem mister (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150106 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem mister (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150106 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem mister (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, pastorate)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150106 globe (for public notice)

Interesting to hear the Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr covering not only Smiths songs live, but also Depeche Mode’s “I Feel You” (at about the 8-minute mark, from this live recording).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150106 globe (for public notice)

the Café Gallery poetry open mic This is a call-out to all Chicago poetry & music & performance art lovers... This is your FINAL WARNING — I would love to see EVERYONE out TOMORROW NIGHT (Wednesday night 1/7/15, from 7-9PM) for the Patrick Hurley feature, with a great open mic at the Café Gallery! Come join me and side-kick Bob Rashkow for an open mic celebration TOMORROW NIGHT - Wednesday night, 1/7/15, from 7-9PM at the Café Gallery, held at the Gallery Cabaret bar in Chicago (2020 N. Oakley Ave, right by Armitage and Western and at the Blue line “L” stop, with tons of free parking)... It will be a GREAT night, and I’d love to see you at the open mic and the great feature night!

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150106 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem explosions (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150106 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem explosions (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150106 globe (for public notice)

Atlas Shrugged III: Who Is John Galt? Was stunned to see an ad on Fox News this morning for DVD release of Atlas Shrugged III: Who Is John Galt? on television. The final movie in the Ayn Rand trilogy an TV ad (granted, it was Fox News, but I’ll take what I can get)...

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150106 shared with friends

Instagram photo After a snow-free December in Chicago, we can now finally say that the weather outside is frightful...

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150106 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem universe (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150106 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem universe (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150104 shared with friends

John close up (with Janet) John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150104 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet This is how I feel.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150104 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John This is what I get when I try to take a “selfie”.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150104 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John A nice break from the Colts game. @bratstop

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
shared with friends

Cafe Gallery From when Francois Le Roux (the HA!Man of South Africa) performed with Joke Debaere 20131007. I see Jerry Pendergast seated, and I *think* I see Daniel Weinberg at the bar and John Yotko standing at the bar... That was a fun bonus evening of raw improv at the Café Gallery.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150103 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Lanthanum artvilla Excellent! My Periodic Table poem “Lanthanum” just got an artvilla web page with 5 video links! http://t.co/IaWjZStatR http://t.co/hjAfTxAINW

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150102 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem end (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine posted a video on vine 20150102 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem end (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150102 shared with friends

Janet at White Castle I don’t know if her legs are long enough. — beer drinking beer with Janet Kuypers at Bakes Pub.

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150102 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John The bartender was kind enough to take this so I could do Optimator product placement... @bakes

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150102 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John The foggy surreal background is appropriate for this bar (Fogcutters) - I haven’t been here since we were here with Inga Johnson!!!

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150102 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John So on our 1st stop, he takes this vegetarian to White Castle.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20150102 shared with friends

Janet at White Castle I decided to take Janet out for some fine dining to celebrate her 20 years as a vegetarian. —  eating vegetarian with Janet Kuypers at White Castle Restaurant.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150102 globe (for public notice)

cc&d Check out the brand-new 2015 sale of the FIRST cc&d book ever released as an ISBN# BOOK! We have just reduced the price of the 2010 book “Give What You Can” (with a cool cover image of Uncle Sam asking for money because the United States is in debt, of cc&d magazine, issue 210, July 2010) by OVER 20% - now you can order the 6"x9" perfect-bound ISBN# book (available for sale anywhere in the U.S.) for only $9.99!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150102 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet dot ocm See the animation of all main pics 4 janetkuypers dot com (instead of refreshing the page) at http://t.co/e5GLsmP14m http://t.co/yStexGfH1m

instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20150102 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Decided to start the 20 year vegetarian anniversary date today by eating a “Dandie” vegan marshmallow (since marshmallows normally contain gelatin).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150102 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem everyone (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150102 globe (for public notice)

video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem everyone (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers JKPoetryVine
20150102 globe (for public notice)

the Cafe Gallery Hey, check it out — the weekly podcast this week is of the 12/3/14 poetry and music open mic from Chicago’s the Café Gallery at the Gallery Cabaret is now available! Find it through iTunes, or directly through the xml link online... You can even check out the mp4 podcast directory, download this podcast - or ANY podcast - from 2010 to right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20150101 · Twitter · globe (for public notice)

Janet tennis Am watching the 1st tennis of 2015 - the Mubadala World Championships (early round w/ Murray vs Lopez, in Abu Dhabi). http://t.co/4ZZk4sHAdo