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Most responses and 3rd party topics are in the Janet Kuypers facebook page. (This links page also contains additional relevant links that do not exist on the Janet Kuypers facebook pages.)
facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
see the July-Dec. 2024 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2025 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2024 Facebook posts
or the July-Dec. 2023 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2023 Facebook posts
or the July-Dec. 2022 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2022 Facebook posts
or the Sep.-Dec. 2021 Facebook posts
or the April-Aug. 2021 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-March 2021 Facebook posts
or the July-Dec. 2020 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2020 Facebook posts
or the July-Dec. 2019 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2019 Facebook posts
or the July-Dec. 2018 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2018 Facebook posts
or the July-Dec. 2017 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-June 2017 Facebook posts
or the Sept.-Dec. 2016 Facebook posts
or the May-Aug. 2016 Facebook posts
or the Jan.-April 2016 Facebook posts
or Facebook years 2015, or 2014, or 2013, or the 2012, 2011 & 2010

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200630 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her bonus June poem “Your Essence” (written 6/30, on Asteroid Day), read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” on 6/30/20 (on this event date) as a prequel teaser to the the “Poetic License open mic 7/5/20 home edition (Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000630, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “We Listened” (4:25) from her Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café with projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200629 globe (this video was for public notice)

Enjoy this Janet Kuypers 6/29/20 Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Thorium smoothing the moon” (for the element Thorium, #90, Th):

Half our moon
is rocky & rough
& the dark side
is oh so smooth

here’s our theory why

if the moon was formed
from early Earth,
planetary collisions
exploded Thorium,

radioactively unstable,
& generated heat
on early moon
during decay

that reduced rocks
& smoothed
our moon

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverse periodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000629, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Your Minions are Dying” (5:14) from her Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café with projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000628, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis One”, “Genesis Two and Three”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing”, in set 3 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000627, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “get me out of this cage” (4:03) from her Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café with projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200626 globe (this video was for public notice)

Enjoy this Janet Kuypers 6/26/20 Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Manganese can cure us all” (for the element Manganese, #35, Mn):

We fight for our lives,
saving ourselves from viruses—
but now I hear
positively charged
Manganese complexes
protect human proteins
but NOT virus DNA—
making Manganese
antioxidant vaccines
sterilize microscopic bugs,
helping our insides run
& manning the frontlines
to save us too

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverse periodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000626, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Apathy”, “Meant to Be”, “Hard of Hearing”, “Getaway”, “Leaving”, “Over my Skin with such Ease”, “Sadness”, “Sunrise”, “to be Different”, “New Vacuum Cleaner”, “Surprise”, “Where to Go”, and “Reason to Stand”, in set 2 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Sabrina McGregor. 20170626 globe (for public notice)

Janet Kuypers photo on Instagram Happy Birthday, Sabrina! #janetkuypers #freebigpig

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Sabrina McGregor. 20170626 shared with friends

Janet Kuypers photo on Instagram Happy Birthday, Sabrina!

facebook profile picture for Louise Gail Richardson Louise Gail Richardson
20200625 globe (this video was for public notice)


facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Sandi Horton
everyone ettending

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200625 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Voice and Word” (written 6/25/19, on the calendar day George Michael was born, and the calendar day Michael Jackson passed away), read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” on 6/25/20 (on this event date), and then sang the George Michael song “Heal the Pain” acapella, during the Virtual Austin Poetry Society New World Poetry open mic (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200624 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces”, written 6/24/19, on Celebration of the Senses Day and read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” on 6/24/20 (on this event date), as a bonus reading for the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live (this poem also posted via Twitter). 20200624 globe (this video was for public notice)

Enjoy this Janet Kuypers 6/24/20 Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Lithium to Calm my Nerves” (for the element Lithium, #3, Li):

Coca-Cola may have once contained cocaine,
but the original 7 Up had Lithium citrate —
to medicate mood swings. The Howdy Corp
made Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda,
then Howdy became 7 Up. Lithium soda
became illegal, but don’t worry. We’ll
still subvert the system for drugs.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000623, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opens the Way”, “Other People’s Worlds”, and “I Want Love”, her prose “Dandelions for a Passing Stranger” and “Scars”, her poems “the State of the Nation”, “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “The Carpet Factory, The Shoes”, in set 1 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000623, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Key To Survival (the poem of j)” (5:34) from her Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café with projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20200623 shared with friends

Janet #janetkuypers just wanted to thank everyone for the very kind birthday wishes!!!

43 friends posted on Janet Kuypers’ timleline for her birthday. facebook posts for Janet Kuypers

Diana Conces green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy, happy day!

Thomas Paul Althaus green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday! Keep celebrating you...

Inga Johnson green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday Janet!!! smiley

David Scott Pointer green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday, Janet!! All the best.

Robin Fine green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

happy birthday

Sabrina Hicks green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)


Tim W. Brown green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday, you!

Sheri Peterson green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)


Bob Baron green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday

Victor Johnson green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday

Andy Derryberry green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet, HBD!

Ken Allan Dronsfield green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Wishing you a most blessed and Happy Birthday! pie sundae

Tressa Smeltzer green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday Janet!

Charles Darnell green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy birthday!

Sandra Kuypers green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy birthday, kiddo! Hope you have a great day.

Lynn West green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

flower Happy Birthday Janet

Ryan Quinn Flanagan green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday Janet! smiley

facebook profile picture for Jenene Ravesloot Jenene Ravesloot green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday, Janet. Tom and I hope your very special day is a wonderful one. Celebrate!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Lorna Wood green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!

facebook profile picture for Lorelei Jones Lorelei Jones green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

message from Lorelei

Jeffery Wayne Helgeson green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday.

David Jackson green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday....Love you!

Emin Navarro green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Hey Janet!!! Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Erin Sweeney green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy birthday! Keep writing!

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday Janet

Wilda Morris green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Have a wonderful birthday and a poetic year. I read that singing “Happy Birthday: twice is a good way to time hand-washing, so I’ll be singing to you sometime today while I’m washing my hands.

Chuck Kramer green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy birthday!

facebook profile picture for Nancy Fierstien Nancy Fierstien green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

sunset from Nancy Aging’s Great, So...CELEBRATE!

Sterling Jacobs green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy birthday Janet. Hope it’s a good one number 1

Kevin D Blanchard‎ green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday Janet

Avrom Litin green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday Janet!

Phil Collins green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!

facebook profile picture forJoe Broome Joe Broome green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK message from Joe

Rose E. Grier green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday globe (this video was for public notice)

Beatlick Joe Speer green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday from Publishing Pamela Hirst and Beatlick Press!

Larry O. Dean‎ green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday! Be well.

Patrick T. Reardon green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy day!

Zaino Greg green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday, Janet. Peace & Enjoy present emoticon

facebook profile picture for Louise Gail Richardson Louise Gail Richardson green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday, present emoticonparty favor emoticonparty favor emoticon Janet!

Bill Yarrow green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday, Janet!

Steven Zane green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday!

Jenny Bruner green arrow Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy birthday !!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse (Austin, TX). 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet and I went out for a safe late lunch so she could get her birthday Pizzookie at BJ’s Brewhouse.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Janet and I were busy bottling the Chocolate Bon Bon Imperial Stout. She wanted to fill one Ballatore and one Moët Chandon bottle for today and for next year on her birthday.

facebook profile picture for Dave Johnson Dave Johnson is with Cynthia Johnson and Janet Kuypers. 20200622 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday Janet!
Hope you have a great day!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200621 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, written on Father’s day in 2019 from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” at Circle Brewing Company on Father’s day in 2020, 6/21/20, as a bonus reading for the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000621, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video of live show Never before seen on social media, see Archive video (36:39) of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry (including some political poems) in her Chicago performance art show {Stripped} live 6/7/05 at the Café with projected artwork (from the Internet Archive with projected artwork; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200620 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet to Sandy for card Here’s a big thanks to Sandra Kuypers for the early birthday card!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko, via Instagram. 20190620 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet and John with Rylan Everyone (including Laura and Scotty, of course) with Rylan a very happy birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000620, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “On My Own/Successful Woman” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200619 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Feeling of False Ownership”, written on 6/19/19 - Juneteenth, read ON June 19th - Juneteenth - from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” at Circle Brewing Company as a bonus reading for the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Lorna Wood
20200619 globe (this video was for public notice)

Latest publication Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200619 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Feeling of False Ownership”, written on 6/19/19 - Juneteenth, read ON June 19th - Juneteenth - from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” at Circle Brewing Company as a bonus reading for the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000619, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Tall Man” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200618 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Eat your vegetables, be a proper girl”, written on June 17th - Eat Your Vegetables Day, read the day after Eat Your Vegetables Day, 6/18/20, at the produce section of the Tech Ridge HEB grocery store, from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as a bonus reading for the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000618, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “High Roller” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200617 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Eat your vegetables, be a proper girl”, written on June 17th - Eat Your Vegetables Day, read at Circle Brewing ON June 17th - Eat Your Vegetables Day - from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as a bonus reading for the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000617, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “There I Sit” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000616, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Cesium for Certainty”, “Voluptuous, and Intelligent Too”, “Escape to Peace”, “Sledgehammers and Cheers”, “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets”, “Kept my Eye on You”, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and “Feeling of False Ownership” from the Down in the Dirt 6/20 book “Existential Threats” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000616, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “generic images of love” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there? (generic images of love)” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200616 globe (for public notice)

Janet Janet

Janet Janet Janet
Five years ago today I acted in roles in the event for Bloomsday in Chicago (which I rehashed one year ago today on Facebook, since I moved to Texas and could not be a part of this annual Chicago event any longer), and I thanked John for taking select Bloomsday in Chicago photos 6/16/15. That year there were very few women there, doing generic women scenes, and I performed two male roles (including a flower shop scene, and a restaurant scene where I talk about the disgusting manner the men ate meat at the table). I *so* took liberties performing that, but it was nice to be referred to as an actor (by other actors) that night. I miss opportunities like this, and I will always thank Jeffery Wayne Helgeson for the chance to be a part of this.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000615, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Such a Surreal, Ephemeral Feel”, “Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom”, “Unprovable Stories”, “Others Kill For Us”, and “Filed under Fiction” from the cc&d June 2020 27-year anniversary book “Ticket to Paradise” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000615, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “hatred when love should be good” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Joe Brundidge. 20200615 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK & Joe Happy birthday Joe! https://www.facebook.com/ element615/posts /10157066997286969

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Joel McGregor. 20200615 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet and Joel Happy birthday Joel! https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts/ 10218017976814994

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000614, on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Black Lodge Berry Wheat After we made the table surround for the fridge, and after John and I chose beer labels for the fridge door, I had to add beer bottle tops from around the world along the top. #janetkuypers #johnyotko #wakingseed

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000614, on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Black Lodge Berry Wheat Thank you #wakingseed for deciding to call the beer we bottled today #&8220;Black Lodge Berry Wheat”. I’m double-plus thrilled with my beer label design for Walking Seed Brewing too. #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000614, on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Black Lodge Berry Wheat Thank you #wakingseed for deciding to call the beer we bottled today #&8220;Black Lodge Berry Wheat”. I’m double-plus thrilled with my beer label design for Walking Seed Brewing too. #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000614, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Writing Your Name” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Thom Woodruff. 20200614 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet with spoken and Heard hostsd Happy Birthday Thom!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Kate Cullan. 20200614 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet and Kate Happy Birthday Kate! https://www.facebook.com/ kate.cullan/posts /10221082026947839

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000613, on Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

beer label Both #wakingseed and I agree that the Zweiter Lauf 323 Hefeweissbier is a much better beer than the First Take. Thanks to Walking Seed Brewing for letting me design the label - and letting me drink this very good beer.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000613, on Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

beer label I want to thank #wakingseed for letting me design his beer labels, and I’m glad he appreciates the Pennsylvania fall trees in the background of this First Take 323 Hefeweissbier.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000613, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “The Fourteenth” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000612, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Happy New Year, Janet”, “The First Death of the New Millennium”, and “Don’t Forget to Write” from the “New Year’s Unpluggedshow and chapbook, “Swallowing Sand and Pebbles” from the “Twitter Insideshow and chapbook, and “Are they Invincible” and “Motions on the Planet” from the “Death ‘n’s Rebirthshow and chapbook, all read from the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/6/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (this video was from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000612, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “At Least I have This” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow
Inga Johnson 20200612

Janet and Inga at Fog Cutters 20060117 Happy Birthday, Inga!
https://www.facebook.com/ ;inga.johnson.376/posts /3554828311212347

facebook profile picture for Westley Heine Westley Heine is with Janet Kuypers. 20200611 globe (for public notice)

4books It’s been a good year for publishing my writing. Here are some examples minus online journals. Just need to find a home for my full length books

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers That is so sad that the Scars Publications Down in the Dirt book “Aurorais not in the foreground in this collection... Remind anyone they could order “Aurora” through Amazon any time... https://www.amazon .com/dp/1661856055/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000611, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “No Heat in my Heart”, “Three Minutes for Three Dollars”, “Hurt Less Then”, “Pinchy”, “Live in my Imagination”, “Opinions”, “ Somewhere Else”, “Rushed”, “Bar Poem 20100423”, “Just Let It Glide Over Me”, “Bitter Suburbs”, “Teaching Our Children”, “Be Free of You”, and “Out of the Space Program” from the the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/5/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000611, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Here It Goes Again” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000610, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Floating Away with the Tide”, “Faith Comes Only”, “How You Know When You’re the Wrong Height”, “Our Couple in Love”, “Exhaling”, “Menu Poem”, “Translation”, “More Believable That Way”, and “All I Can Capture” from the the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/5/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetislicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000610, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “I Am The Woman Who Loves Pain” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow David Buddha-Hargarten. 20200610 globe (for public notice)

Buddha and Janet 7/24/13 at the Cafe Gallery Happy Birthday, David Buddha-Hargarten!
https://www.facebook.com/ Waiting4theBus/posts/10158468 085543748?__tn__=-R0.g

facebook profile picture for Kottyn Campbell Kottyn Campbell is with Janet Kuypers. 20200609 globe (this video was for public notice)

Kottyn Janet friendship Hugs

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000609, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “That’s Not What I’m Here For” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow to Este Stevie Colon. 20200609 globe (this video was for public notice)

2 pics of Janet and Esteban Colon Happy Birthday, Esteban! https://www.facebook .com/este.cologne/ posts/10157624294338985

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200609 globe (this video was for public notice)

First Tagged Photo Wow, Facebook tells me that 12 years ago today was the day of my First Tagged Photo (when I placed my head in a scanner, then edited it to create this picture).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000608, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “They Never Ask Me” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Marc McMahon Marc McMahon
globe (for public notice)

Poetic License Thank you Janet Kuypers
https://www.facebook.com/ events/546192789348026/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

keytar 4 Star Wars RichXperience, Rise of Skywalker’s Unused Cantina Band Design shows that the keytar even works in a galaxy far, far away... (thought you’d like this.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “ends of the earth”, “Listen to Life”, “Queueing in Line and Shaping Your Life”, “Amber Beads”, her prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Andrew Hettinger”, “Death”, “Anything for the Liquor Fix”, “Chess Game Again”, and “Children, Churches, and Daddies”, in set 4 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis One”, “Genesis Two and Three”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing”, in set 3 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Apathy”, “Meant to Be”, “Hard of Hearing”, “Getaway”, “Leaving”, “Over my Skin with such Ease”, “Sadness”, “Sunrise”, “to be Different”, “New Vacuum Cleaner”, “Surprise”, “Where to Go”, and “Reason to Stand”, in set 2 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opens the Way”, “Other People’s Worlds”, and “I Want Love”, her prose “Dandelions for a Passing Stranger” and “Scars”, her poems “the State of the Nation”, “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “The Carpet Factory, The Shoes”, in set 1 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Cesium for Certainty”, “Voluptuous, and Intelligent Too”, “Escape to Peace”, “Sledgehammers and Cheers”, “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets”, “Kept my Eye on You”, “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant”, and “Feeling of False Ownership” from the Down in the Dirt 6/20 book “Existential Threats” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted through a Facebook event page (from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Such a Surreal, Ephemeral Feel”, “Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom”, “Unprovable Stories”, “Others Kill For Us”, and “Filed under Fiction” from the cc&d June 2020 27-year anniversary book “Ticket to Paradise” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, through a Facebook event page (from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

framed pics of chicago skyline and JK in a Forte jersey To all Chicago Bears fans living in Austin Texas: I just found out that NBC is showing highlights of past Super Bowl games, and THE 1985 CHICAGO BEARS / NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS SUPER BOWL XX is playing on tv RIGHT NOW! I know I’ll miss the end for of it to host the beginning of my “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition”, but I know how it turns out... In the meantime, Chicago Bears fans in Austin, don’t miss the Chicago Super Bowl win live on network tv!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Dave Gecic & 99 others. 20200607 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) is normally held on the first Sunday of every month with the “Poetic License” open mic at the Recycled Reads bookstore in Austin. Since Recycled Reads is still closed during the Coronavirus / Covid19 outbreak, as host of the “Poetic License” open mic, I ask you to join me at the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home editionFacebook event page to share your creativity, where we can ALL get our Poetic License!

Here, it’s true, you need Facebook, but you don’t need Zoom and you don’t need Skype -- you can join any way you’d like through this Facebook event page.

The “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home editionFacebook event page will become open to the public for posts directly ON the page by its usual start time, 3:30 PM CST Sunday, June 7, 2020. Share your creativity with writings posts during the event - audio and video can also be uploaded directly to the page - share videos either as live Facebook videos, or any videos uploaded DURING the event. We provide this space for anyone and everyone (even people outside of Austin) to share their poetry or prose or music! Also, unlike the 3-poem limit AT Recycled Reads, writing posts, audio, and video feeds can be longer for this meeting page as well.

Janet Kuypers will read poetry in Live Facebook videos from her library at home (since we cannot be among the bookshelves at Recycled Reads this month), and videos of the readings will also upload later. Also, whatever cannot be read in the 2-hour open mic time period will then be read in a “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 BONUS home edition”! So everyone, stay safe, and let our creative juices flow!

https://www.facebook.com/ events/546192789348026/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000607, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “generic stereotypes about love” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200606 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Happy New Year, Janet”, “The First Death of the New Millennium”, and “Don’t Forget to Write” from the “New Year’s Unpluggedshow and chapbook, “Swallowing Sand and Pebbles” from the “Twitter Insideshow and chapbook, and “Are they Invincible” and “Motions on the Planet” from the “Death ‘n’ Rebirthshow and chapbook, all read from the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/6/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Dave Gecic & 60 others. 20200606 globe (this video was for public notice)

Existential Threats I am super-stoked to read poetry from the Scars Publications release of the Down in the DirtJune 2020 v172 issue/book “Existential Threats” tomorrow - Sunday, June 7th, 2020 during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” that I am thrilled to be hosting and sharing on its Facebook event page. I hope everyone will join me this Sunday afternoon from 3:30-5:30 PM CST by sharing poetry, or prose, or even songs - via video, audio, live Facebook streams (as mine will transfer from the Janet Kuypers Facebook page after the videos are finished) - or even via straight-up text, because in these Covid19 times, let’s stay safe, get our “Poetic License”, and let the creativity flow!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000606, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “What Do We Say” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Dave Gecic & 80 others. 20200605 globe (this video was for public notice)

Ticket to Paradise I am super-stoked to read poetry from the Scars Publications release of the June 2020 27-year anniversary v298 issue/book from cc&d titled “Ticket to Paradise” This Sunday, June 7th, 2020 during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” that I am thrilled to be hosting and sharing on its Facebook event page. I hope everyone will join me this Sunday afternoon from 3:30-5:30 PM CST by sharing poetry, or prose, or even songs - via video, audio, live Facebook streams (as mine will transfer from the Janet Kuypers Facebook page after the videos are finished) - or even via straight-up text, because in these Covid19 times, let’s stay safe, get our “Poetic License”, and let the creativity flow!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200605 globe (this video was for public notice)

Tartarus Sauce What an Internet bargain! Scars Publications just released the 6"x9" perfect bound ISBN#l; paperback BOOK of horror–love stories by Christopher E Ellington, “Tartarus Sauce”! Grab a copy of Christopher E Ellington’s 2020 book “Tartarus Sauce”! while it’s brand-new at Amazon, for sale throughout the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan and Australia!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200605 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook live video stream video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “No Heat in my Heart”, “Three Minutes for Three Dollars”, “Hurt Less Then”, “Pinchy”, “Live in my Imagination”, “Opinions”, “ Somewhere Else”, “Rushed”, “Bar Poem 20100423”, “Just Let It Glide Over Me”, “Bitter Suburbs”, “Teaching Our Children”, “Be Free of You”, and “Out of the Space Program” from the the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/5/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200605 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook live video stream video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Floating Away with the Tide”, “Faith Comes Only”, “How You Know When You’re the Wrong Height”, “Our Couple in Love”, “Exhaling”, “Menu Poem”, “Translation”, “More Believable That Way”, and “All I Can Capture” from the the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/5/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko & 69 others. 20200605 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Sunday is the big day! Round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) is normally held on the first Sunday of every month with the “Poetic License” open mic at the Recycled Reads bookstore in Austin. Since Recycled Reads is still closed during the Coronavirus / Covid19 outbreak, as host of the “Poetic License” open mic, I ask you to join me at the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home editionFacebook event page to share your creativity, where we can ALL get our Poetic License!

The “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home editionFacebook event page will become open to the public for posts directly ON the page at its usual start time, 3:30 PM CST Sunday, June 7, 2020. Share your creativity with writings posts during the event - audio and video can also be uploaded directly to the page - share videos either as live Facebook videos, or any videos uploaded DURING the event. We provide this space for anyone and everyone (even people outside of Austin) to share their poetry or prose or music! Also, unlike the 3-poem limit AT Recycled Reads, writing posts, audio, and video feeds can be longer for this meeting page as well.

Janet Kuypers will read poetry in Live Facebook videos from her library at home (since we cannot be among the bookshelves at Recycled Reads this month), and videos of the readings will also upload later. Also, whatever cannot be read in the 2-hour open mic time period will then be read in a “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 BONUS home edition”! So everyone, stay safe, and let our creative juices flow!

https://www.facebook.com/ events/546192789348026/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000604, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers watching the second airing of her half-hour “Texas Nafas Poetry” TV show 5/30/20, watching her interview and her poem readings of “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “the Burning”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, “Us, Actually Touching”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein”, and “And I’m Wondering” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstv #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000604, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “following... or killing” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Olivier Schopfer Olivier Schopfer
20200604 globe (this video was for public notice)

Morning Bus Also happy to have my pic “Morning Bus” in issue v172 of Down in the Dirt, edited by Janet Kuypers. Marc McMahon and Kyle Hemmings are in the issue too: http://scars.tv/dirt/ dirt172jun20/Existential_Threats.htm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200603 globe (this video was for public notice)

Ticket to Paradise As summer finally comes to our doorsteps, Scars Publications releases! the June 2020 27-year anniversary v298 issue of cc&d magazine, now available as not only the 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “Ticket to Paradise”, now available for Amazon sale throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe, but also as a free Internet issue web page!
(Writers and artists in this perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Alan Catlin, Ava Collopy, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bradford Middleton, Catherine Lin, CEE, Christopher J. Bailey, David J. Thompson, Edith Gallagher Boyd, Erren Kelly, Greg G. Zaino, I.B. Rad, James B. Nicola, James Hold, Janet Kuypers, John F. McMullen, Lawrence Pratt, Liam Spence, Linda M. Crate, Lisa McIvor, Mark Blickley, Matej Purg, Michael Preston, Mike Sharlow Michael Miller, Roger N. Taber, Thom Woodruff, Uche Ozo, Allen F. McNair, Christina Culverhouse, David M Jackson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Fabrice Poussin, Helen Bird, Kyle Hemmings, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.)
https://www.facebook.com/scars publications/photos/a. 1480263802085381/267999 5238778892/?type=3&__tn__=-R

facebook profile picture for Marc McMahon Marc McMahon
20200603 globe (this video was for public notice)

Existential Threats Check it out I have a new story out in print today in Down in the Dirt Magazine. It is a fantastic literary journal that you will love if you like to read check it out, love you all.
Thank you Janet Kuypers and the crew at Scars Publication for all of your hard work you do over there supporting us writers.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200603 globe (this video was for public notice)

Existential Threats As summer finally comes to our doorsteps, Scars Publications releases the June 2020 v172 issue of Down in the Dirt, now available as the 6x9 paperback ISBN# book “Existential Threats” - available online anywhere, and in print, in Amazon sales throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe! (Writers and artists in this Scars Publications perfect-bound book include Alek The Poet, Amanda Pugh, Amy Nocton, Anita G. Gorman, Ann Marie Gamble, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bob Meszaros, Briana A., Carla M. Cherry, Chris Norton, Don Kunz, Edmund Marc Weisberg, Franco Cardiello, George Critchlow, Harrison Linklater Abbott, Hope Atlas, jack harvey, James Bate, James Croal Jackson, James Penha, Jane Snyder, Janet Kuypers, Jeff Harvey, Jerry Cunningham, John F. McMullen, John L. Stanizzi, Linda Caradine, madi giovina, Marc McMahon, Mehreen Ahmed, Nancy Diamante Bonazzoli, Peter Grimaldi, Richard Trebilcock, Scott Varengo, Seth Cable, Simon Perchik, Susie Gharib, Thomas Fitzgerald, Travis Green, T. J. Butler, Tristan Young, Winston Derden, Yash Seyedbagheri, Aparna Pathak, David Russell, Denny E. Marshall, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Helen Bird, Kyle Hemmings, and Olivier Schopfer.) https://www.facebook .com/scarspublications/photos/ a.1480263802085381/26799 54522116297/?type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000603, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “An Outline to the Apex of Rites of Passage” (written for prom, held on a later Friday in May) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, read 5/29/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000603, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Lambs To Heaven’s Gate” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000602, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Killing Women for Healing” (written on and for Memorial Day) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, read on Memorial Day, 5/25/20, as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000602, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “love for the stars, for what’s out of reach” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Michael Hoag. 20200602 globe (this video was for public notice)

Michael Hoag feature Happy Birthday, Michael! https://www.facebook .com/michael.hoag.37/posts /10158252990364137

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000601, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Memorial Day (2019 edit)” on Memorial Day from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/25/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000601, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Moonlight” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000531, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Unity for Humanity” (written on 5/23, which is The Declaration of The Báb day) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/23/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000531, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “Macintosh Court” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Edward Kuypers. 20200531 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet with family Happy Birthday, Edward! https://www.facebook .com/ekuypers/posts /10220802674950373

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Brian Lamont. 20200531 globe (this video was for public notice)

Instagram Happy Birthday, Brian. We miss you. https://www.facebook .com/grosz/posts/ 10159425327007069

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20200530 globe (this video was for public notice)

John John putting his own beer label on the back window of his Jeep, and liking how the Zweiter Lauf label looks when it’s done.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200530 globe (this video was for public notice)

nafas live For everyone outside of Austin, TX (and who cannot see Public Access TV in Austin), enjoy this live Facebook streaming video of the Texas Nafas Poetry show, interviewing poet Janet Kuypers (airing 5/30/20). During this TV show interview, Janet Kuypers read her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “the Burning”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, “Us, Actually Touching”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein”, and “And I’m wondering”, all read from assorted Janet Kuypers poetry books.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Dave Gecic & 33 others. 20200530 globe (this video was for public notice)

Whether or not you are in Austin, whether or not you are near a television, and hey, even if (for some unknown reason) you cannot find it ON tv, the Austin Public Access guide online lists that the Janet Kuypers Texas Nafas Poetry show will be aired at 4:00 PM CST today, so I am going to make sure to Facebook live stream the television show for you...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added a 3D photo — eating lunch with Janet Kuypers at Aviator Pizza & Brew Company. 20200530 · Elgin globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John We ran out to Elgin to get a composter for the yard and right down the road is the original Aviator Pizza and Brew Company. We had to stop for lunch.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200530 globe (this video was for public notice)

nafas I am THRILLED that I just went to the Austin Public Access guide online and saw that they are running a BUNCH of Texas Nafas Poetry shows today, including video the Janet Kuypers Texas Nafas Poetry show as the finalé interview! Since we are still quarantined for our own safety, this is a PERFECT way to spend the afternoon with poetry! Look up your channel with the Austin Public Access guide online, and let’s have our own viewing parties!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000530, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the piece “the Job Interview” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200529 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet See Facebook streaming live video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “An Outline to the Apex of Rites of Passage” (written for prom, held on a later Friday in May) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, read 5/29/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000529, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing “the Moon & Astronomy Talk” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200528 globe (this video was for public notice)

scars notice THIS IS A NOTICE to all the contributors and readers of the June 2020 issues of cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt magazine.

With these Coronavirus/Covid 19 times is greatly increased Amazon sales. This month, even though we sent for a proof copy of the June issues at our normal time, Amazon explained (even after we pay extra for expedited next day delivery) that they cannot get proof copies to us until June 3rd, after the usual release date of the first of the month.

There is usually not a problem with the physical proof copies that we review, but we want to make sure there are no errors in the books before we officially release them. So we hope everyone understands our dilemma this month when we explain that the release of the next issue may be a few days late.

We will notify all contributors and subscribers when it is officially approved and released, and we will post it on Facebook when the online and print issues are available as well... thank you for understanding, and again, stay safe, and thank you for being a part of the Scars Publications community through cc&d and Down in the Dirt magazines.

https://www.facebook.com/ scarspublications/posts/ 2665317280246688?__tn__=-R

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000528, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Journals Extinguished” (written on the anniversary of the day Lord Byron’s journals were burned, 5/17/1824) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/17/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000528, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Orion” in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Claire McCormick. 20200528 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Clair photo collage Claire, have a GREAT birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000527, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vexing” (written on 5/14, the day in 1878 of the start of the last Salem, MA witch trial) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/14/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000527, on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video of last live show Never before seen on social media, see Archive video (26:06, ~34 meg) of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in her Chicago performance art show “How do I get there?” live 2/15/05 at the Café with background music and projected artwork (this film from the Internet Archive; on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000526, posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Question show The first time these were released on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr, check out YouTube videos from the Janet Kuypers 10/5/04 poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” at the Café in Chicago - with performances from a show that host Charlie Newman said was “the best feature I’ve ever seen her give”. Watch videos with projected art (and some readings with voice-altering effects), get show tracks from iTunes, with the social media re-introduction to this one-of-a-kind show!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000526, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “After The Wreckage” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200525 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet See Facebook streaming live video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Killing Women for Healing” (written on and for Memorial Day) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, read on Memorial Day, 5/25/20, as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000525, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “Travel Through Space (Outer Space Talk)” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200525 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet See Facebook streaming live video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Memorial Day (2019 edit)” on Memorial Day from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/25/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers. 20200524 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet is enjoying her newly finished vodka stained end tables with a Martini.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Lynn, I just Chocolate Bon Bon label designed (because John is home brewing beer again) a beer label for his Chocolate Bon Bon (chocolate and raspberry, I think) and it included an icon of a woman lounging in a chaise lounge chair, so that was my inspiration for sitting in my lounge chair with a martini for my martini stained tables we just made.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko was with Janet Kuypers. 20200524 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet You may say a martini is a martini but Janet says it’s all a matter of perspective.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000524, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “My Mother My Mother My Mother” on Mother’s Day from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/10/20 as a “Poetic Licensehome edition bonus reading through a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers I hope that Janet Lorelei notices that in a lot of the library readings (including this one about visiting mom) you can sometimes see map birds that Lorelei made for a Thanksgiving family dinner years ago. I kept them, and although I don’t have many, they are always up at the tree in my library in the front of my house...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000524, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “People’s Lives Were At Stake” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added a 3D photo — with Janet Kuypers. 20200523 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Why is Janet sanding this stop sign shaped table? It’s a 50 year old poker table she got from her dad she wanted to restore.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200523 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet See Facebook streaming live video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Unity for Humanity” (written on 5/23, which is The Declaration of The Báb day) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/23/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000523, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Political Talk live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20200523 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John This plant Sandra gave me last year had been nestled with other plants, and when it was losing leaves I wondered if it wouldn’t survive. Just moved it to a place out in the open and I see little new sprouts growing or from the top - cool, it’s surviving! #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000522, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Victory Day, After Midnight” on the day victory was officially declared in World War Two (on May 8th), from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/8/20 as a “Poetic Licensehome edition bonus reading through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, & on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000522, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “True Happiness in the New Millennium” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Judy Kuypers. 20200522 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy Birthday, Judy! We Love you!
https://www.facebook. com/photo.php?fbid= 10221182208678813 &set=p.10221182208678813 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was tagged. 20200522 shared with friends

Happy Birthday, Judy! We Love you!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers/font>
202000521, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Excuses for Celebrating” (written on 5/5 for Cinco de Mayo), “Full Stop” and “Kinds of Interference” (highlighted for 5/4, May the fourth be with you), and “Overtake Me” (written 5/6 during National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week), from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as a bonus reading 5/5/20 the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted through a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000521, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading part of her poem “Communication” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers/font>
202000520, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Legacy” book (set 3) poems “Prescribe them Something, Anything”, “Genesis 28”, “Imagination”, “(from) Sometimes It’s Not”, “Hallucinations”, “Imagining Friends and Loved Ones”, “Imagining Dave”, “No One Gave Me Flowers”, “As I Recovered”, “(from) Any Help At All”, “Will Be Just Fine”, “They Wouldn’t Trust Me with a Razor”, “(from) Get It Over With”, “Like My Motto”, and “Being God” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, through a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000520, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Scars 2000” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000519, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Legacy” book (set 1) poems “after”, “choke”, “Death comes in waves of threes”, “Princess Diana, One Year Later”, “Explosive Energy”, “Touch (2019 edit)”, and “quake” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000519, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Private Lives Four” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Eugene Peppers. 20200519 globe (this video was for public notice)

Eugene & Janet Today I discovered a photo of Eugene Peppers and I when he was the best man at Scott’s wedding from a waterlogged photo album, and it made want to share it today - Happy Birthday!!!
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10221154982998188 &set=p.10221154982998188 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was tagged. 20200519 globe (this video was for public notice)

Eugene & Janet Today I discovered a photo of Eugene Peppers and I when he was the best man at Scott’s wedding from a waterlogged photo album, and it made want to share it today - Happy Birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000518, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Legacy” book (set 1) poems “after”, “choke”, “Death comes in waves of threes”, “Princess Diana, One Year Later”, “Explosive Energy”, “Touch (2019 edit)”, and “quake” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000518, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Burn It In” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200517 globe (this video was for public notice)

See Facebook streaming live video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Journals Extinguished” (written on the anniversary of the day Lord Byron’s journals were burned, 5/17/1824) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/17/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (filmed w/ a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20200517 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet is Done with the vodka stain. Time to bring the tables in to dry and get ready for varnish. As brother Dave likes to say, “Beer me!”

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20200517 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet was afraid the black stain would be too dark and not show the wood details, so I mixed the stain 1:1 with vodka. I think the tables look excellent, and Janet said she looks forward to celebrating the completion of these black vodka stain tables after they’re complete with a vodka martini.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20200516 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Thanks #circlebrewing for the wood & thanks #Walkingseed for the time as we make 2-tier tables 2 soon stain... #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200516 globe (this video was for public notice)

So since I had these garage sale 2-tier end tables I thought we could replace them with butcher block black stained recovered crate wood. Then John discovered those kitch retro tables of mine were $80-125 each, so I suggested we make them to accompany the beer fridge and mirror frames upstairs, and it has been SO fun to work on these tables...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000515, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Burning Bridges” book poem “After”, her editorial “Weighing on my Soul”, and her micro-prose “Dandelions for a Passing Stranger” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000515, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Content With Inferior Men” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200514 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet See Facebook streaming live video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vexing” written on 5/14, the day in 1878 of the start of the last Salem, MA witch trial) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/14/20 as a bonus May reading for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000514, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “the 2020 flash fiction date book” writing (with some writing from her show “Death Comes in Threes”), “Genesis 28”, “In every car accident, there are actually three crashes”, “knees”, “Fences and Straight Jackets”, “Wrapping up the Harness”, “Elvira Doe”, “Every Step”, “Death comes in waves of threes”, and “Poem About This” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000514, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Private Lives One” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000513, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “the 2020 Poetry Review Date Book” poems “mirror”, “Opens the Way”, and “Ominous Day” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera & posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000513, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “All Men Have Secrets” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200512 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 12/2/17 “Who What Where When Why” poetry feature now has videos & poems all on an artvilla/scars web page! Find poems, videos, picture links, & a chapbook all in one place, from Janet Kuypers’ last feature at the Bahá’í Faith Center! https://www.artvilla. com/scars/?p=1426 #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000512, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her cc&d 5/20 “Imagination” book poems “Vexing”, “Just Names”, “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse”, and “Journals Extinguished” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000512, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Russians At A Garage Sale” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000511, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Down in the Dirt 5/20 book “Seasons” poems “Magnesium Burn”, “unsung”, “guard”, “Overtake Me”, “Victory Day, after Midnight”, “Volumes in Flames while the Spirit Lives”, “Vase of Tulips”, “Killing Women for Healing”, and “Unity for Humanity” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted through a Facebook event page (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000511, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her poem “Right There, By Your Heart” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200510 globe (this video was for public notice)

See Facebook live video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “My Mother My Mother My Mother” on Mother’s Day from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” 5/10/20 as a “Poetic Licensehome edition bonus reading. Happy Mother’s Day!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000510, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “On The California Streets” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200509 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 12/2/17 “Who What Where When Why” Austin Bahá’í Faith Center poetry feature now has videos & poems all on an artvilla web page! Find poems, videos & even a chapbook all in one place! https://www.artvilla. com/janet-kuypers-poetry- who-what-where-when-why-feature-12-2-17/
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000509, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Just Read a Book”, “destroy”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, and “Exude more in Black” from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000509, on YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Squid” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200508 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Victory Day, After Midnight” on the day victory was officially declared in World War Two (on May 8th), from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as a “Poetic License” home edition bonus reading.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Waterloo Ice House Burnet Road. 20200508 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John I keep seeing how John took me out on past anniversary weekends, and thought quarantine times would stop us this year. But he found some open restaurants!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200508 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers’ 12/2/17 “Who What Where When Why” Austin Bahá’í Faith Center poetry feature now has its videos all on a YouTube playlist! Poetry from Kuypers in the LAST show at a no-longer available venue (including a bonus poem reading) is now running at this video playlist!
#janetkuypers #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000508, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “And I’m Wondering”, “Death takes many forms”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, and “Us, Actually Touching” from the U.K. 5 Towns Radio reading at the end of the Down in the Dirt magazine February-Aril 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000508, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Ouija board talk” live at her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography to background performance art music (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20200508 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200507 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Dancing to our wedding song...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200507 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John I know I post this wedding photo of us dancing in a gazebo up on our anniversary as my Facebook cover photo today, but I *completely* forgot that just recently we paid to have that photo placed on canvas. It looks really cool, and John and I are still looking for just the right place to hang it.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Scars Publications
20200507 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Xenon & PTSD, to Fight that Spiral”, then “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, “Quarrel over the Constitution”, “Eat Your Words”, “Zones of Comfort and Taking a Chance”, and “Karma and Lollipops” from the v170Formative” section of the Down in the Dirt magazine February-Aril 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). https://youtu.be/2ryzztCUHsw https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10221031954842561 &set=a.10204677365308044 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000507, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Xenon & PTSD, to Fight that Spiral”, then “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, “Quarrel over the Constitution”, “Eat Your Words”, “Zones of Comfort and Taking a Chance”, and “Karma and Lollipops” from the v170Formative” section of the Down in the Dirt magazine February-Aril 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000507, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see Archive video of Janet Kuypers (~21:56) in her poetry feature “Questions in a World Without Answers” 10/5/04 at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography and background performance art music (this film is from the Internet Archive, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20200507 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Facebook says we’ve been together since May 7, 2000, but that’s just our wedding day. We were together before then, and I feel like I have always loved you, since the beginning, and through all time. John, I love you. Happy anniversary.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20200506 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000506, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quickly, Life Can Turn”, “Each Trigger Pull”, “Vanishing Psycho in the Rear Window”, “Value of π”, “Zeal was Unbridled”, and “Xenogeny” from the v169Going Off-Grid” of the Down in the Dirt February-Aril 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000506, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video footage Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video 4:10) of Janet Kuypers singing her song “What We Need In Life” 6/22/04 during her poetry/music show “A Night of Firsts” at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography, and her live streaming her performing on a tv (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200505 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers reads poetry from the May events in the perfect-bound ISBN# collection book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for the “Poetic License open mic 5/5/20 bonus reading”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000505, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vain” and “Know Completeness” from the v169Going Off-Grid” of the Down in the Dirt February-Aril 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000505, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video footage Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (1:41) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Too Far” 6/22/04 during her poetry/music show “A Night of Firsts” at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography, and her live streaming her performing on a tv (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000504, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis Forty-Four”, “Genesis Twenty-Three”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew” from the v168Aurora” section of the Down in the Dirt February-April 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000504, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video footage Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (3:53) of Janet Kuypers singing her song “Tight Rope Affair” 6/22/04 during her poetry/music show “A Night of Firsts” at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography, and her live streaming her performing on a tv (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a photo. 20200504 globe (this video was for public notice)

Instagram of Janet and Yoda May the fourth be with you!
https://www. facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /10217684444756901

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry in the final round from the Down in the Dirt perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Legacy” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry in round 2 from the Down in the Dirt perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Legacy” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry in round 1 from the Down in the Dirt perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Legacy” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry from the Scars Publications perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# 2020 collection book “Burning Bridges” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry from the Scars Publications perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# book “the 2020 flash fiction date book” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry from the Scars Publications perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# book “the 2020 Poetry Review Date Book” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry from the May 2020 cc&d perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# book “Imagination” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers reads poetry from the May 2020 Down in the Dirt perfect-bound 6x9 ISBN# book “Seasons” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 61 others. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) is normally held on the first Sunday of every month with the “Poetic License” open mic at the Recycled Reads bookstore in Austin. Since Recycled Reads is still closed during the Coronavirus / Covid19 outbreak, as host of the “Poetic License” open mic, I ask you to join me at the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home editionFacebook event page to share your creativity, where we can ALL get our Poetic License!

The “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home editionFacebook event page will become open to the public for posts directly ON the page at its usual start time, 3:30 PM CST Sunday, May 3, 2020. Share your creativity with writings posts during the event - audio and video can also be uploaded directly to the page - share videos either as live Facebook videos, or any videos uploaded DURING the event. We provide this space for anyone and everyone (even people outside of Austin) to share their poetry or prose or music! Also, unlike the 3-poem limit AT Recycled Reads, writing posts, audio, and video feeds can be longer for this meeting page as well.

Janet Kuypers will read poetry in Live Facebook videos from her library at home (since we cannot be among the bookshelves at Recycled Reads this month), and videos of the readings will also upload later. Also, whatever cannot be read in the 2-hour open mic time period will then be read in a “Poetic License open mic 5/5/20 BONUS home edition” on Cinco de Mayo! So everyone, stay safe, and let our creative juices flow!

https://www.facebook.com/ events/2040419536101817/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 61 others. 20200503 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) is normally held on the first Sunday of every month with the “Poetic License” open mic at the Recycled Reads bookstore in Austin. Since Recycled Reads is still closed during the Coronavirus / Covid19 outbreak, as host of the “Poetic License” open mic, I ask you to join me at the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home editionFacebook event page to share your creativity, where we can ALL get our Poetic License!

The “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home editionFacebook event page will become open to the public for posts directly ON the page at its usual start time, 3:30 PM CST Sunday, May 3, 2020. Share your creativity with writings posts during the event - audio and video can also be uploaded directly to the page - share videos either as live Facebook videos, or any videos uploaded DURING the event. We provide this space for anyone and everyone (even people outside of Austin) to share their poetry or prose or music! Also, unlike the 3-poem limit AT Recycled Reads, writing posts, audio, and video feeds can be longer for this meeting page as well.

Janet Kuypers will read poetry in Live Facebook videos from her library at home (since we cannot be among the bookshelves at Recycled Reads this month), and videos of the readings will also upload later. Also, whatever cannot be read in the 2-hour open mic time period will then be read in a “Poetic License open mic 5/5/20 BONUS home edition” on Cinco de Mayo! So everyone, stay safe, and let our creative juices flow!

https://www.facebook.com/ events/2040419536101817/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200502 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers live, sharing how she plans to read poetry during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” in Live Facebook video streams starting at 3:30 PM CST, from the books “Seasons”, “Imagination”, “the 2020 Poetry Review Date Book”, “the 2020 flash fiction date book”, “Burning Bridges”, “Imagery of Place”, “Legacy”, “Among the Debris”, and potentially “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200502 globe (this video was for public notice)

Imagination Tomorrow, during the Facebook live video feeds during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”, I look forward to reading poetry from the May 2020 v297 issue of cc&d’s ISBN# paperback 6x9 book “Imagination” (a new Scars Publications book release), and I hope that everyone will be posting on the Facebook event page for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” when the page goes public at the open mic start time, 3:30 PM CST on Sunday, 5/3/20!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200502 globe (this video was for public notice)

Seasons Tomorrow, during the Facebook live video feeds during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition”, I look forward to reading poetry from the May 2020 v171 issue of Down in the Dirt’s 6x9 paperback ISBN# book “Seasons” (a new Scars Publications book release), and I hope that everyone will be posting on the Facebook event page for the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” when the page goes public at the open mic start time, 3:30 PM CST on Sunday, 5/3/20!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 20200502, liked on YouTube; on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this... Never before seen on social media, see Archive video of Janet Kuypers performing the full show of her short story “Crazy”; the full “crazy” show was performed live 10/20/09 at the Café in Chicago 10/20/09 (this video was from the Internet Archive, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersfeature #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 20200502, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this... Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing part 2 of her short story “Crazy”; the full “crazy” show was performed live 10/20/09 at the Café in Chicago 10/20/09 (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersfeature #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 20200502, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this... Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing part 2 of her short story “Crazy”; the full “crazy” show was performed live 10/20/09 at the Café in Chicago 10/20/09 (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersfeature #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 20200502, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this... Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing part 1 (the introduction) of her short story “Crazy”; the full “crazy” show was performed live 10/20/09 at the Café in Chicago 10/20/09 (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersfeature #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000501, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video footage Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (2:40) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “the Little Differences” 6/22/04 during her poetry/music show “A Night of Firsts” at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography, and her live streaming her performing on a tv (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this streaming YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her short story “Crazy” (with an introduction by Jeffery Wayne Helgeson, as part 1 of the show with music from Francois Le Roux) in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (this video was filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this streaming YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her short story “Crazy” (with an introduction by Jeffery Wayne Helgeson, as part 1 of the show with music from Francois Le Roux) in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (this video was filmed from a Kodak camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this streaming YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her short story “Crazy” (with an introduction by Jeffery Wayne Helgeson, as part 1 of the show with music from Francois Le Roux) in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) is normally held on the first Sunday of every month with the “Poetic License” open mic at the Recycled Reads bookstore in Austin. Although Austin is allowing some businesses to open, Recycled Reads will remain closed for the safety of its staff and the public during the Coronavirus / Covid19 outbreak this weekend in May. So, as host of the “Poetic License” open mic, I ask you to join me at the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home editionFacebook event page to share your creativity, where we can ALL get our Poetic License!

The “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home editionFacebook event page will become open to the public for posts directly ON the page at its usual start time, 3:30 PM CST Sunday, May 3, 2020. Share your creativity with writings posts during the event - audio and video can also be uploaded directly to the page - share videos either as live Facebook videos, or any videos uploaded DURING the event. We provide this space for anyone and everyone (even people outside of Austin) to share their poetry or prose or music! Also, unlike the 3-poem limit AT Recycled Reads, writing posts, audio, and video feeds can be longer for this meeting page as well.

Janet Kuypers will read poetry in Live Facebook videos from her library at home (since we cannot be among the bookshelves at Recycled Reads this month), and videos of the readings will also upload later. So we hope everyone remains safe as we let our creative juices flow!

https://www.facebook.com/ events/2040419536101817/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

Imagination April showers may bring May flowers, but lucky for us, May also bring us new Scars Publications book releases! The May 2020 v297 issue of cc&d magazine, now available as not only the 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “Imagination”, now available for Amazon sale throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe, but also as a free Internet issue web page!
(Writers and artists in this perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Alan Swyer, Angela Gualtieri, ayaz daryl nielsen, Charles Hayes, Cheryl L. Caesar, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, Greg G. Zaino, James Mulhern, Janet Kuypers, Jerry Pendergast, Linda M. Crate, M.L. Fenton, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Summerleigh, R. N. Taber, Ronald Charles Epstein, Sylvia Leong, Thom Woodruff, Tyler Marable, Yasmin Hemmat, Allen F. McNair, Christina Culverhouse, and Üzeyir Lokman Çayci.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

Seasons April showers may bring May flowers, but lucky for us, May also bring us new Scars Publications book releases! The May 2020 v171 issue of Down in the Dirt, now available as the 6x9 paperback ISBN# book “Seasons” - available online anywhere, and in print, in Amazon sales throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe! (Writers and artists in this Scars Publications perfect-bound book include Alison Ogilvie-Holme, Amanda Steel, Ava Collopy, Ave Ventresca, Avery Goodman, ayaz daryl nielsen, B. Lawrence, Carla M. Cherry, Connor White, Curtis A. Bass, David Sapp, Dawid Juraszek, Don Tassone, Dorian Sinnott, Dylan Snyder, Eric Robert Nolan, Genn Barrett, Giovanni Mangiante, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, Jazzy Colbert, John F. McMullen, John Rachel, Jonathan Hine, Jenny-Lynn Ellis, Karen Stacy, Kassandra Heit, Keith Falconer, Lee Zumpe, M.L. Fenton, Melissa McKay, Michael R. Morris, Mike Schneider, Mike Sharlow, Nancy Jo Allen, Patrick Douglas Lega, Peter Grimaldi, RC deWinter, Robert Spielman, Sam Evans, Sarah Henry, Scott Boyd, Scott Waters, Terry J. Allen, Thulisile Ngomane, Tom Merrill, Travis Green, Wayne Burke, William C. Blome, William Doreski, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Fabrice Poussin, Kyle Hemmings, Radoslav Rochallyi, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Jack McCabe. 20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Jack Happy Birthday, Magic Jack!
https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /10217659869702540?__tn__=-R

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

It was wonderful interviewing Susan Rogers for the Texas Nafas Poetry cable access television show, on TV right now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

I got to interview Susan Rogers and talk about the strength of women in poetry, and it’s live on TV now!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200501 globe (this video was for public notice)

Texas Nafas Poetry TV SHOW is live right now!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with 63 others. 20200430 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) is normally held on the first Sunday of every month with the “Poetic License” open mic at the Recycled Reads bookstore in Austin. Although Austin is allowing some businesses to open tomorrow, Recycled Reads will remain closed for the safety of its staff and the public during the Coronavirus / Covid19 outbreak this weekend in May. So, as host of the “Poetic License” open mic, I have started the Facebook event pagePoetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” as a place for everyone to share your creativity, where we can ALL get our Poetic License!

The “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home editionFacebook event page is private now, but will become open to the public for posts directly ON the page at its usual start time, 3:30 PM CST Sunday, May 3, 2020. Share your creativity with writings posts during the event - audio and video can also be uploaded directly to the page - share videos either as live Facebook videos, or any videos uploaded DURING the event. We provide this space for anyone and everyone (even people outside of Austin) to share their poetry or prose or music! Also, unlike the 3-poem limit AT Recycled Reads, writing posts, audio, and video feeds can be longer for this meeting page as well.

Janet Kuypers will read poetry in Live Facebook videos from her library at home (since we cannot be among the bookshelves at Recycled Reads this month), and videos of the readings will also upload later. So we hope everyone remains safe as we let our creative juices flow!

https://www.facebook.com/ events/2040419536101817/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000430, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying (Oz Hardwick edit)” from the U.K. 5 Towns Radio reading at the end of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000430, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video footage Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (3:48) of Janet Kuypers singing her song “In Love I Abide” 6/22/04 during her poetry/music show “A Night of Firsts” at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography, and her live streaming her performing on a tv (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200430 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this streaming YouTube video from 4/23/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her short story “Crazy” in her feature “Crazy” (with the intro by Brian Lamont) at Kick Butt open mic Spoken and Heard (filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 video; video cut off during the performance).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200430 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this streaming YouTube video from 4/23/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her short story “Crazy” in her feature “Crazy” (with the intro by Brian Lamont) at Kick Butt open mic Spoken and Heard (this video was filmed from a Canon FS200 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200430 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this streaming YouTube video from 4/23/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her short story “Crazy” in her feature “Crazy” (with the intro by Brian Lamont) at Kick Butt open mic Spoken and Heard (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200430 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wednesday I heard that because of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 2020 outbreak and movie theaters are less frequented, the Academy Awards (the Oscars) will this year also consider online/streaming films. With this in mind, I would like to hope that someone may consider nominating this streaming YouTube video from 4/23/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her short story “Crazy” in her feature “Crazy” (with the intro by Brian Lamont) at Kick Butt open mic Spoken and Heard (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers globe (for public notice) David Lester Young 20200430 globe (for public notice)

Janet @ Kick Butt Happy Birthday to Ben Franklin himself, David Lester Young! https://www.facebook.com /davidlesteryoung/posts /10158527014153708

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers globe (for public notice) Bring Back Chief Illiniwek 20200429 globe (this video was for public notice)

Hi there. I have been (slowly) working on re-designing a nutcracker to look like Chief Illiniwek. I have the color and the fringe and the teepees down the legs and the patterns on the tops of the arms, but I (A) have no idea how to replicate tiny feathers for his headband, and (B) I cannot find a clean and clear copy of the turquoise forearm bands to his costume. I reached out to the people who designed the costume and never heard back from them. I heard a replica (and print out) of the details of the costume are at a Native-American library in (I believe) South Dakota, but they did not have email access so I could not reach out to them for it. So, I have a painted and partially finished Chief Illiniwek nutcracker, and cannot finish it. Does ANYONE have a replica (better than the tiny partial images of the costume in motion I find online, which are do not have enough detail to properly replicate) of the TURQUOISE FOREARM BANDS FROM THE COSTUME? Any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.
(P.S.: because this nutcracker had a bend in his arm, I took an ornament-sized nutcracker, painted him the Chief Illiniwek beige and placed him in the hand of the big nutcracker, and no, I am not going to add fringe and feathers to the tiny one, but I may draw/marker some additional print on his mini costume too.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000429, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Hide from the World”, “Zynski’s Manifesto”, “Journalists Revealing the World”, “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, “Earth was Alive and Dying”, and “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from the v296Aesthetic” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000429, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video footage Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (1:36) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Under the Sea” 6/22/04 during her poetry/music show “A Night of Firsts” at the Café in Chicago, with her projected photography, and her live streaming her performing on a tv (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000428, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “March Forth”, “Equality for Women”, “Vortexes Indenting our World”, “Once They were Moved to This Foreign Land”, and “Oppression on Every Front” from the v296Another Lifetime” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000428, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see Archive video of the television display of Janet Kuypers performing in her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago (13:44), live streaming her reading her poems on television throughout the show (from the Internet Archive; this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000428, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see Archive video of Janet Kuypers performing in her featured 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry show at the Café in Chicago (20:19), containing her poetry plus her images and videos projected on a screen, plus a tv live streaming her reading her poems during the show (this video is on the Internet Archive, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000428, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in the introduction (and also the set up, and checking sound levels, 2:52) to her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000427, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Queasy Feeling”, “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, “Opposite”, “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, “(Less Than) Two Minutes With Ayn Rand”, and her prose “Valentine’s Day Over 25 Days Away” from the v294Mask” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000427, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (1:11) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 4” from the television screen broadcast during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000427, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 4” (1:10) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Just Read a Book”, “destroy”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, and “Exude more in Black” from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (Samsung S9).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “And I’m Wondering”, “Death takes many forms”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, and “Us, Actually Touching” from the U.K. 5 Towns Radio reading at the end of the Down in the Dirt magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (Samsung S9).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Xenon & PTSD, to Fight that Spiral”, then “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, “Quarrel over the Constitution”, “Eat Your Words”, “Zones of Comfort and Taking a Chance”, and “Karma and Lollipops” from the v170Formative” section of the Down in the Dirt magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (Samsung S9).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quickly, Life Can Turn”, “Each Trigger Pull”, “Vanishing Psycho in the Rear Window”, “Value of π”, “Zeal was Unbridled”, and “Xenogeny” from the v169Going Off-Grid” of the the Down in the Dirt magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (Samsung).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vain” and “Know Completeness” from the v169Going Off-Grid” of the the Down in the Dirt magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (Samsung).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis Forty-Four”, “Genesis Twenty-Three”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew” from the v168Aurora” section of the Down in the Dirt 2-4 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (Samsung).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying (Oz Hardwick edit)” from the U.K. 5 Towns Radio reading at the end of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (live video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Zynski’s Manifesto”, “Journalists Revealing the World”, “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, “Earth was Alive and Dying”, and “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from the v296Aesthetic” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (live video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “March Forth”, “Equality for Women”, “Vortexes Indenting our World”, “Once They were Moved to This Foreign Land”, and “Oppression on Every Front” from the v296Another Lifetime” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (live video filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Queasy Feeling”, “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, “Opposite”, “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, “(Less Than) Two Minutes With Ayn Rand”, and her prose “Valentine’s Day Over 25 Days Away” from the v294Mask” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (this live video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June) Today is the big day! I am so thrilled to be reading this afternoon for The 2020 #poetrybomb - a Chicago-founded poetry-sharing event on the final Sunday of April, 4/26/20 starting @ 3:30 PM CST. If I have the time, I hope to read March (and maybe a May) event poems from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”... remember to look for my Facebook event page for this (which will open to public mass posting 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM CST). My Facebook live streams will appear first on my own Facebook Janet Kuypers page but will be uploaded to that events page afterward. So when the time comes, start hash-tagging every poem with #poetrybomb, and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet with tons of poetry!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

Foundations Today is the big day! I am so thrilled to be reading this afternoon for The 2020 #poetrybomb - a Chicago-founded poetry-sharing event on the final Sunday of April, 4/26/20 starting @ 3:30 PM CST. I am thrilled to read in multiple multi-poem Facebook live streams (and additional video recordings) of poems from the newly-released (and huge) Down in the Dirt book “Foundations”, so remember to look for my Facebook event page for this (which will open to public mass posting 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM CST). My Facebook live streams will appear first on my own Facebook Janet Kuypers page but will be uploaded to that events page afterward. When the time comes, start hash-tagging every poem with #poetrybomb, and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet with tons of poetry!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000426, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (1:07) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Realistic Dreams” from the television screen broadcast during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000426, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Realistic Dreams” (1:08) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with 54 others. 20200426 globe (this video was for public notice)

2020 -poetrybomb Today is the big day! The “Poetry Bomb” is annually on the last Sunday of April, starting at 3:30 PM, with the message to share poetry where you least expect it. It is great to find different venues annually, but in Covid 19 times, the Chicago “Poetry Bomb” founders ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts on my Facebook event page for “The 2020 #poetrybomb”... and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200425 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Hyped to share poetry tomorrow from the cc&d book “Aiming at Immortality”, the Down in the Dirt book “Foundations”, and the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for The 2020 #poetrybomb!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200425 globe (this video was for public notice)

Aiming at Immortality Tomorrow is the big day! I am so thrilled to be reading tomorrow for The 2020 #poetrybomb - a Chicago-founded poetry-sharing event on the final Sunday of April, tomorrow, 4/26/20 starting @ 3:30 PM CST. This weekend, I am TOTALLY STOKED to start my readings with multiple multi-poem Facebook live streams (and additional video recordings) of poems from the newly-released (and huge) cc&d 2-4 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” that has a front cover image of the Sears (never Willis) Tower peeking out above a bed of clouds! Remember to look for my Facebook event page for this (which will open to public mass posting 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM CST), start hash-tagging every poem with #poetrybomb, and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet with tons of poetry!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000425, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Zucchini Versus Sausage: Different Choices Today”, “Open Flame of the Celebration”, and “Spring”, read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 3/4/20 in her March 2020 Book Release Reading through “Community Poetry” at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram (twice) and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000425, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (3:40) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Dream” from the television screen broadcast during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000425, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Dream” (3:46) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200424 globe (this video was for public notice)

2020 -poetrybomb The “Poetry Bomb” is annually on the last Sunday of April, starting at 3:30 PM, with the message to share poetry where you least expect it. It is great to find different venues annually, but in Covid 19 times, the Chicago “Poetry Bomb” founders ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts on my Facebook event page for “The 2020 #poetrybomb”... and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr Janet Kuypers, via Tumblr & Instagram. 20200424 globe (this video was for public notice)

flamingos In 2012, I read 6 poems in different videos at different L train stops in Chicago for the 2012 Poetry Bomb (with Janet KuypersPeriodic Table of Poetry chapbook of the poems slated for reading that day. Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask in social distancing time in 2020 for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my Facebook event page for this, which will go public for mass posting 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM, and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet! #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000424, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Zucchini Versus Sausage: Different Choices Today”, “Open Flame of the Celebration”, and “Spring”, read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 3/4/20 in her March 2020 Book Release Reading through “Community Poetry” at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000424, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (:43) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 5” the television screen broadcast during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000424, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 5” (:44) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, 20200424, via twitter globe (this video was for public notice)

boron lights  video photons, building blocks of light,
are our quantum messenger

quantum light-matter interactions
need finely-tuned colors

atomically-thin hexagonal Boron nitride
stretches for the biggest color-tuning ranges

so change quantum lights
like Christmas lights—
& watch the qubits glow

Janet Kuypers 4/24/20 Periodic Table Twitter Verse poemBoron nitride stretching” (#5, B)

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverse periodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000423, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vanishing Psycho in the Rear Window”, “Value of Pi”, “Zeal was Unbridled”, and “Xenogeny”, read from the v169 2/20 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Going Off-Grid”, live 3/4/20 in her March 2020 Book Release Reading through “Community Poetry” at Half Price Books in Austin (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000423, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (3:17) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Transcribing Dreams 3” from the television screen broadcast during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000423 , liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Transcribing Dreams 3” (2:46) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram. 20200422 globe (this video was for public notice)

Sandy gave me this earth t-shirt that glows in the dark, so I wore it today, not only because it is Earth Day but also because it is the day I bought my electric car. Yay for a year with the Volt, and yay for seeing this t-shirt in the dark. #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with 49 others. 20200422 globe (this video was for public notice)

2020 -poetrybomb The “Poetry Bomb” is annually on the last Sunday of April, starting at 3:30 PM, with the message to share poetry where you least expect it. It is great to find different venues annually, but in Covid 19 times, the Chicago “Poetry Bomb” founders ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts on my Facebook event page for “The 2020 #poetrybomb”... and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000422, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vanishing Psycho in the Rear Window”, “Value of Pi”, “Zeal was Unbridled”, and “Xenogeny”, read from the v169 2/20 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Going Off-Grid”, live 3/4/20 in her March 2020 Book Release Reading through “Community Poetry” at Half Price Books in Austin (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200422 globe (this video was for public notice)

flamingos In 2013, I read 8 poems in different videos - and different locations - at the Lincoln Park Zoo for the 2013 Poetry Bomb (with Janet KuypersPeriodic Table of Poetry chapbook of the poems read that day. Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my Facebook event page for this - and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000422, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (1:20) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Dreams 3” from the television screen broadcast during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000422, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Dreams 3” (1:19) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (& posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000422, posted on Twitter, Instagram, & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Strontium and 3-D time A box for a watch?

For Strontium atoms
jam-packed in an itty-bitty 3-D cube
1,000 times more dense
than our measly 1-D clocks,
means we’ll have this
ultra-controlled quantum gas
for eons of precision.

We’ll make it measure what we want
right down to Planck time.
Don’t be late.

Janet Kuypers 4/21/20 Periodic Table Twitter Verse poemStrontium and 3-D time” (#38, Sr)

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverse periodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200421 globe (this video was for public notice)

2020 -poetrybomb The “Poetry Bomb” is annually on the last Sunday of April, starting at 3:30 PM, with the message to share poetry where you least expect it. It is great to find different venues annually, but in Covid 19 times, the Chicago “Poetry Bomb” founders ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts on my Facebook event page for “The 2020 #poetrybomb”... and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000421, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “March Forth”, “Equality for Women”, “Vortexes Indenting our World”, and “Oppression on Every Front”, read from the 2/20 v295 cc&d issue/book “Another Lifetime”, live 3/4/20 in her March 2020 Book Release Reading through “Community Poetry” at Half Price Books in Austin (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000421, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video (1:50) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 9” from the television screen broadcast during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000421, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “He Told Me His Dreams 9” (1:52) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20200421 shared with friends

Instagram The night of 4/20/20 we watched a Hitler documentary and drank Spaten Optimator (Hitler’s favorite beer before he became a teetotaler), and I saw his Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels say, “The artist’s work must conform to the needs to the people”. I thought I’d share this if my artist friends need inspiration... (P.S.: I hope you get my wry humor.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with 46 others. 20200420 globe (this video was for public notice)

2020 -poetrybomb The “Poetry Bomb” is annually on the last Sunday of April, starting at 3:30 PM, with the message to share poetry where you least expect it. It is great to find different venues annually, but in Covid 19 times, the Chicago “Poetry Bomb” founders ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts on my Facebook event page for “The 2020 #poetrybomb”... and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000420, posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

2015 Poetry Bomb In 2014, I read 7 poems in different videos (in round robin readings) outside in Chicago’s Lincoln Square for the 2014 Poetry Bomb (with a Janet Kuypers “Attacking with Poetry” chapbook of all the poems slated for potential reading that day. Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my Facebook event page for this - and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM! (Posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000420, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “March Forth”, “Equality for Women”, “Vortexes Indenting our World”, and “Oppression on Every Front”, read from the 2/20 v295 cc&d issue/book “Another Lifetime”, live 3/4/20 in her March 2020 Book Release Reading through “Community Poetry” at Half Price Books in Austin (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000420, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “A Dream About Murder” (2:33) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000420, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

Never before seen on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “People’s Rights Misunderstood” (1:21) during her 2/3/04 “Dreams” poetry feature/show at the Café in Chicago, that is also in her CD “Dreams 02/03/04” and her book “Dreams” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000419 globe (this video was for public notice)

Aiming at Immortality What a perfect book to pick up for spring! Scars Publications just released a huge cc&d magazine collection book of just the February-April 2020 issues of cc&d, titled “Aiming at Immortality”! This 322-page volume is a great way to stock up on 2019 issues if you didn’t buy all of the issues, which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. (and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan - and I just heard that Amazon now mails this book to Australia too)... The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include Aaron Wilder, Allen F. McNair, Amirah Al Wassif, Andree Gendron, Andy Botterill, Anupom Kumar Hazarika, Brian Hosey and Lauren Braden, CEE, Charles Hayes, Christina Culverhouse, Dan O’Neill, Daniel S. Weinberg, Danielle Cralle, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, David Russell, DC Diamondopolous, Deirdre Miller, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, DS Maolalai, Edith Gallagher Boyd, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Erica Hernandez, Finn Briscoe, Greg G. Zaino, H. Lynn Dowless, Helen Bird, I.B. Rad, J. Ross Archer, James Hold, Janet Kuypers, Jeremy Siemens, John Amendall, John F. McMullen, Judson Blake, Karen Breen, KJ Renk, Kyle Hemmings, Linda M. Crate, Lisa Short, Mary Ellen Gambutti, Matthew Licht, Max Johansson, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Summerleigh, Nancy J. Dahl, Oz Hardwick, Phelan Tinsley, R. N. Taber, Randall Rogers, Ray Strawn III, Robin Barratt, Rose E. Grier, Sally Mitchell, Samuel Ekanem, Thom Woodruff, Thomas Elson, Tom Sheehan, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000419 globe (this video was for public notice)

Foundations What a perfect book to pick up for spring! Scars Publications just released the Down in the Dirt magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Foundations”! This 322-page volume is a great way to stock up on issues if you didn’t buy all of the issues - which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. (and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan - and I just heard that Amazon now mails this book to Australia too)... The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include Abby-Hope Jihye Park, Abigail Kipp, AGNA, Alan Swyer, Alejandro Gonzales, Alex de Cruz, Amanda Pugh, Amber Descy, Anabel Varghese, Andrew Miller, Anita Lekic, Annabelle Baptista, Annette Gagliardi, Anthony Koranda, Anthony Watkins, Aparna Pathak, Ariadne Wolf, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bonnie E. Carlson, Bonnie Stanard, Brett Dixon, Brian Rihlmann, Bruce Hodder, C. Angelo Caci, Carolyn Poindexter, Catherine McAllister, Chris Cooper, Christina Culverhouse, Clark Zlotchew, Conor O’Brian Barnes, Daniel de Culla, Danielle Hark, Dave Somerset, David Boski, Deirdre Baird, Delvon T. Mattingly, Denny E. Marshall, Donna Dallas, Doug Hawley, E. Martin Pedersen, Edward M. Cohen, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leone Bennett, Ellie Rose McKee, Elodie Rose Barnes, Enda Boyle, Eric Cook, Erica Smith, Fabrice Poussin, Frederick Pollack, Gary Zenker, Hank Stanton, Heather Hunt, Helen Bird, Inguna Broze, Isabel Alzate, J. Ray Paradis, J. Ray Paradiso, James Bates, James Hold, James Kelly, james kenneth blaylock, Jamey Boelhower, Janet Kuypers, Joan Cashin, Johann van der Walt, John Daugherty, John F. McMullen, John Tuttle, John Zedolik, John Zurn, Jon Carter, Joshua Medsker, Joshua Prater, Juanita Rey, Karen Howard, Kassandra Heit, Kevin Victor, Kimberley Flanagan, Kirsty A. Niven, Kristy Gherlone, Kyle Hemmings, Layla Lenhardt, Lola Stansbury-Jones, Lou Faber, Lyle Estill, Lynn Katz, Madlynn Haber, Mahala Spillers, Marieke Steiner, Marilee Pritchard, Marilyn Flower, Mark J. Mitchella, Mark Young, Marlon Jackson, Matej Purg, Matthew Licht, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Howard, Mike Schneider, Milenko Zupanovic, Munzie, Niles Reddick, Olivia Ariet, Olivier Schopfer, Pat Raia, Patricia Tramble, Patrick T. Reardon, Paul Stansbury, Pawel Markiewicz, Punam Sharma, Rachael Dickzen, Rachel Medina, Randall Rogers, Rene Diedrich, Roger G. Singer, Roopa Raveendran Menon, S. Preston Duncan, Sally Mitchell, Samuel Ekanem, Samuel Swauger, Sarah Henry, Sarah Lauren, Sarah Tun, Scott Waters, Stephen Emmanuel Ogboh, Sterling Warner, Susan N Aassahde, Susie Gharib, Tapeshwar Amef, Tiffany Renee Harmon, Travis Green, Ute Carson, Westley Heine, William Ade, Woody Fran, and Yasmin Hemmat.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live. 20200419 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Stay tuned for Scars Publications releasing the issue collection books, Aiming at Immortality from cc&d, and Foundations from Down in the Dirt!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000419, posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

2015 Poetry Bomb In 2015 (my last year for the Poetry Bomb in Chicago), I read 7 different baseball-themed poems in different videos (+ one long compilation video) outside right at Wrigley Field (before the Cubs won the World Series) for the 2015 Poetry Bomb (with the only Janet Kuypers poems about baseball). Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my Facebook event page for this - and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet & the world on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM! (This was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000419, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video of live show Never before shard on social media, see archive video of Janet Kuypers in her entire live show “The Other Side” (37:01) 10/21/03 at the Café in Chicago, a poetry feature discussing travel to 8 European countries after the war on terror began, performed with her projected artwork (later released on the CD “The Other Side” and in her book “The Other Side”). This video is from the Internet Archive; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
shared a post. 20200419 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Bob Happy Birthday, Bob! https://www. facebook.com/bob. lawrence.104/posts/ 10219413679246709

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200418 globe (this video was for public notice)

Aeon Flux in a mask If my favorite cartoon heroine of the 90s Aeon Flux ever wore a surgical mask, then I suppose I would have to relent to our government’s edicts. So we had to search episodes tonight until I found the evidence.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers I even sort of Janet dressed as a sort of her one year for Halloween (albeit very incompletely). http://scars.tv /thecafe/the-cafe/2012/ 20121031/20131031jk1.jpg

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000418, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies” in honor of the April 12th date the U.S. Civil War begins, “Quarrel over the Constitution” on Thomas Jefferson’s birthday April 13th, “from Other Souls” for the April 14th date the Titanic hit an iceberg, 3 poems in honor of Arbor Day on April 24th: “nature I”, “Climbing Trees”, and “I’m Sure We Killed It”, the poem “Zouk or Xibelani” for the April 29th International Dance Day, and “People’s Lives Were at Stake” representing the April 29th Los Angeles riots, April event poems read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” during her “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000418, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “On an Airplane With a Frequent Flyer” live 10/21/03 during her ~35+-minute show “the Other Side” at the Café in Chicago (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000418, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “Done This Before” live 10/21/03 during her ~35+-minute show “the Other Side” at the Café in Chicago (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers globe (for public notice) Laine Thompson 20200418 globe (for public notice)

Janet  and Mike Happy Birthday Laine!!! https://www.facebook .com/mike.thompson. 900/posts/2963489413708332?__tn__=-R

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200417 globe (this video was for public notice)

Bagdad Cemetery In 2016 (the year of my first Poetry Bomb in Texas), I read a ton of poems in many different videos (including a Vine video of a haiku at the end) at the Bagdad Cemetery in Leander Texas (the site of some filming of the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) for the 2016 Poetry Bomb, reading poems about death, then sharing never-before-read Janet Kuypers poems. Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag it #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my Facebook event page for this - and let’s #poetrybomb the Internet on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000417, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies” in honor of the April 12th date the U.S. Civil War begins, “Quarrel over the Constitution” on Thomas Jefferson’s birthday April 13th, “from Other Souls” for the April 14th date the Titanic hit an iceberg, 3 poems in honor of Arbor Day on April 24th: “nature I”, “Climbing Trees”, and “I’m Sure We Killed It”, the poem “Zouk or Xibelani” for the April 29th International Dance Day, and “People’s Lives Were at Stake” representing the April 29th Los Angeles riots, April event poems read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” during her “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000417, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Packing” live 10/21/03 during her ~35+-minute show “the Other Side” at the Café in Chicago (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000417, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sometimes The Light” live 10/21/03 in her show “the Other Side” at the Café in Chicago (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Merritt Waldon Merritt Waldon is with Janet Kuypers and Klaus J. Gerken. 20200416 globe (this video was for public notice)

Reading a lot of older chapbooks from SCARS PUBLICATIONS and finally reading as many Yrrsgradsil issues as well

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers An archive of all chapbooks from Scars Publications is online for anyone to read at any time (http://scars.tv/chapbooks/), which is nice to have since right now there is a temporary hiatus of chapbook production here.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000416, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Victims of Violence for Lending a Hand” for Victims of Violence Wholly/Holy Day on April 4th, “Red Matter” for First Contact Day on April 5th, verse II ‘the Martyr’ of “I Never Took a Life Until I Took My Own, part II: “the martyr”” for the day Kurt Cobain killed himself on April 5th, and “Quote Unquote Holiday for us Beer Drinkers” for National Beer day on April 7th, April event poems read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” during her “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000416, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Venture to the Unknown” live 10/21/03 during her ~35+-minute show “the Other Side” at the Café in Chicago (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000416, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Too Much Light” live 10/21/03 during her ~35+-minute show “the Other Side” at the Café in Chicago (video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200416 globe (this video was for public notice)

Graffiti Poetry Bomb In 2018, I read (in 3 video rounds, plus a live Facebook video stream) poetry (that I read from the Janet Kuypers performance art collection book “Chapter 38 v1”) while dressed in spray-painted banners at the LAST installment for Graffiti Wall at Castle Hill outdoors 4/29/18 before it was shut down, for Austin’s 2018 Poetry Bomb (I think Thom is even reading in one of the videos, while postulating that spray paint cans may spread fluorocarbons into the atmosphere). Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my future Facebook event page for this event, and let’s #poetrybomb on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200415, via Twitter globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers’ 4/15/20 Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Iron Leaking out of Earth” (for #26, Fe):

Earth’s magnetic field
our solar radiation protector
is thanks to its molten Iron core

but researchers said in a study
that heavy Iron isotopes
are leaking from our core,
dropping 1000+° to escape

please don’t join erupting lava
& mantle plumes to create
your NEW signature now

#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverse periodictablepoem

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200415, via Twitter globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers I just posted this on Twitter:

@GeorgeMOfficial quotes “Heal the Pain”, and I even closed my “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” with a live Facebook video where I sang part of this song (@~2:10) as my message to remain safe during Covid 19 seclusion.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000415, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Victims of Violence for Lending a Hand” for Victims of Violence Wholly/Holy Day on April 4th, “Red Matter” for First Contact Day on April 5th, verse II ‘the Martyr’ of “I Never Took a Life Until I Took My Own” for the day Kurt Cobain killed himself on April 5th, and “Quote Unquote Holiday for us Beer Drinkers” for National Beer day on April 7th, April event poems read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” during her “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000415, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I’m A Record Now” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000415, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Death Takes Many Forms” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000415, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Weren’t Even Married” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000414, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ask Me if I’m a Truck (2019 April Fool’s Edit)” for April Fool’s Day on April 1st, “Zynski’s Manifesto” for the day the Unabomber was arrested on April 3rd , and “Journalists Revealing the World” for Hug a Newsperson day on April 4th , April event poems read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” during her “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000414, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000414, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Last Before Extinction” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000414, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “My Dead Daughter” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200414 globe (this video was for public notice)

Circle Poetry Bomb In 2017, I read (in 3 video rounds) poetry (that went into the Janet Kuypers chapbook “Drop the Bomb”) at Graffiti Wall at Castle Hill outdoors 4/30/17 for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb. Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my future Facebook event page for this event, and let’s #poetrybomb on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Kottyn Campbell Kottyn Campbell is with Saundra Williams. 20200414 globe (this video was for public notice)

Kottyn Campbell feature CHICAGO
Thank you Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000413, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ask Me if I’m a Truck (2019 April Fool’s Edit)” for April Fool’s Day on April 1st, “Zynski’s Manifesto” for the day the Unabomber was arrested on April 3rd , and “Journalists Revealing the World” for Hug a Newsperson day on April 4th , April event poems read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” during her “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000413, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “My Mother My Mother My Mother” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000413, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “After The Wreckage” live in her “the Cycle of Life” show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000413, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, see the FULL video (29+ minutes) of the whole Janet Kuypersthe Cycle of Life” poetry show at the DvA art gallery 9/12/03 in Chicago through The Beatsville Cafe, accompanied by background music and 2 changing tv image displays, from the Internet Archive (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200412 globe (this video was for public notice)

Circle Poetry Bomb In 2019, I read (in 5 video rounds) poetry from the v5 cc&d Janet Kuypers poetry collection book “On the Edge” at Circle Brewing Company for Austin’s 2019 Poetry Bomb. Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my future Facebook event page for this event, and let’s #poetrybomb on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000412, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Story Telling” (for 3/20, World Storytelling Day), “Under the Sea” (for last Wednesday of March, Manatee Appreciation Day), “Poetry on a Stick” (for 3/28, National Anything on a Stick Day), and “Unlocking History, One Asteroid at a Time” (for 3/28, the Discovery date of the asteroid Pallas), March event poems read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” during her “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200412 globe (this video was for public notice)

rainbow In these times when we cannot go out, I took a walk this morning to find a rainbow greet me.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter, a wonderful day, .and a wonderful weekend.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000412, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video of last live show Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video 6/17/03 of Janet Kuypers performing poems and journal entries in her 45-minute-plus show Changing Gears about travel around the U.S.A. from 1997 through 1998 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000412, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:25) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Jackson Square/Bourbon Street” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000412, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:34) of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her poem “In The Air (in the part that references Fort Myers Florida) live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a photo. 20190412 globe (for public notice)

Janet and the Yotkos in NT Happy Birthday, Angie! Stay safe, and we love you!
https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts /10217522637671825

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200412 globe (this video was for public notice)

eggs I didn’t color hard boiled eggs for Easter this year, so when we made potato veggie egg and cheese tacos in Austin this morning, I thought the least I could do was color the food as we cooked it. Happy Easter!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000411, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her cc&d 4/20 v296 Amazon book “Aesthetic” poems “Zynski’s Manifesto”, “Journalists Revealing the World”, “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, “Earth was Alive and Dying”, and “Eat your vegetables, be a proper girl” during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000411, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (2:22) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “My Mother My Mother My Mother ” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000411, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:40) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Diane Talking About Her Trip To Mexico City” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200411 globe (this video was for public notice)

Lake County Poetry Bomb In 2010, I performed for “2010 Poetry Bomb” by reading poetry at the Independence Grove forest preserve in Lake County, IL. Because this annual event asks poets to perform poetry publicly where people don’t expect poetry, the founders of the Chicago-based Poetry Bomb ask for this year to be a “social media bomb” - to stay safe and at home, but read poetry to post like mad on Sunday, April 26th, starting at 3:30 PM CST, & hashtag #poetrybomb. So get ready for my live video AND later video posts for the “2020 Poetry Bomb”... look for my future Facebook event page for this event, and Austinites, let’s #poetrybomb on 4/26/20 @ 3:30 PM!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000410, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her cc&d 4/20 v296 Amazon book “Aesthetic” poems “Zynski’s Manifesto”, “Journalists Revealing the World”, “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, “Earth was Alive and Dying”, and “Eat your vegetables, be a proper girl” during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000410, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:54) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “All The Details” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000410, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (3:35) of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Type A Person” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000409, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her cc&d 4/20 v296 Amazon book “Aesthetic” poems “Zynski’s Manifesto”, “Journalists Revealing the World”, “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, “Earth was Alive and Dying”, and “Eat your vegetables, be a proper girl” during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix t56 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000409, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:48) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ways To Spend Your Money” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000409, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:54) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Bridge To New Orleans” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000408, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Down in the Dirt 4/20 v170 Amazon book “Formative” poems “Xenon & PTSD, to Fight that Spiral”, “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, “Quarrel over the Constitution”, “Eat Your Words”, “Zones of Comfort and Taking a Chance”, and “Karma and Lollipops” during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000408, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (6:32) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything was Alive and Dying” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000408, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:31) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “On The California Streets” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Chad Maier. 20200408 globe (this video was for public notice)

Chad Maier and Martin Gore I cannot claim this photo as my own, but it is the only pic I know of Chad with Martin Gore of Depeche Mode, which is SO worth sharing. Happy Birthday, Chad Maier!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10220685680425917 &set=p.10220685680425917 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000407, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Down in the Dirt 4/20 v170 Amazon book “Formative” poems “Xenon & PTSD, to Fight that Spiral”, “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, “Quarrel over the Constitution”, “Eat Your Words”, “Zones of Comfort and Taking a Chance”, and “Karma and Lollipops” during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000407, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:53) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “A Match” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000407, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (:30) of Janet Kuypers reading portions of her poem “In The Air” (with references to mountains) live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000407, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video (3:53) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “God Eyes” live at her “Changing Gears” feature 6/17/03 at the Café in Chicago (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000406, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video of last live show Never before shard on social media, see archive video of over a half-hour (31:34) of the Janet Kuypers 3/18/03 performance art show “Death Comes in Threes” live at the Café in Chicago (from where Kuypers talks about accident number 3 to the end of the show), which includes not only original readings but also the poems “Their Crutches”, “Someone Give Me The Answers” “Sometimes It’s Not” “Will Be Just Fine”, “Any Help At All”, “Get It Over With”, “What Do You Do,” “Like My Motto”, “Being God” “Medication”, and “I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well” (in a show w/ 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film is from the Internet Archive, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000406, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Like My Motto” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000406, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I’m Not Sick, But I’m Not Well” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000406, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Death takes many forms. (Concrete Mist edition)” and “Our Color, Our Gender, our Creed” from the recently-released Concrete Mist Press Anthology, followed by her cc&d 4/20 v296 Amazon book “Aesthetic” poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic”, at the beginning of the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000406, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Any Help At All” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000406, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Isn’t That What It’s All About” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Marc McMahon Marc McMahon shared a memory. 20200405 globe (for public notice)

olixier art So cool to look back on memories of stories I have written then but forgot about until reminded. Thank you, Janet Kuypers and Scars Publications for Down in the Dirt Magazine and all that it has done for me. Heres a link to my story in that issue stay blessed and remember Masks do help stop the spread of the Corona Virus. Love you.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I have been reading a BUNCH of poems for April events from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, including (dates/events/poems only, not links to the poems online, there are too many):
April 1 April Fool’s Day: “Ask Me if I’m a Truck (2019 April Fool’s edit)
April 3 the day the Unabomber’s arrested: “Zynski’s Manifesto
April 4 National Hug a Newsperson Day: “Journalists Revealing the World
April 4 Victims of Violence Wholly Day: “Victims of Violence for Lending a Hand
April 5 First Contact Day: “Red Matter
April 5 the day Kurt Cobain died: “I Never Took a Life Until I Took My Own (verse 3: The Martyr)
April 7 National Beer Day: “Quote Unquote Holiday for us Beer Drinkers
April 7 The Birth of the World Wide Web: “Opportunity to Share Globally
2nd full week of April National Library Week: “Just Read a Book
April 12 Day of Silence: 2 poems, “destroy” and “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)
April 12 the U.S. Civil War begins : “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies
April 13 Thomas Jefferson’s birthday: “Quarrel over the Constitution
April 14 the Titanic hits an iceberg: “from Other Souls
April 24 Arbor Day: 3 poems, “nature I” and “climbing trees” and “I’m Sure We Killed It
April 29 International Dance Day: “Zouk or Xibelani
April 29 Los Angeles riots: “People’s Lives Were at Stake
I have been reading ALL of these during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition”, and videos for them will appear on the Janet Kuypers Facebook feed as well as on the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” event page.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers I even ended with a song (like I sometimes do at the Poetic License open mics), and converted the George Michael song “Heal the Pain” into a message of being there for each other during the current self-quarantine for the Coronavirus/Covid 19 outbreak. Everyone, stay strong, STAY SAFE, and, of course, stay creative!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I just read poetry to video that will upload later from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” March event poems
Story Telling” (for 3/20, World Storytelling Day),
Under the Sea” (for last Wednesday of March, Manatee Appreciation Day),
Poetry on a Stick” (for 3/28, National Anything on a Stick Day),
Unlocking History, One Asteroid at a Time” (for 3/28, the Discovery date of the asteroid Pallas)
during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition”...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I just read poetry to video that will upload later from the cc&d 4/20 v296 Amazon book &“Aesthetic” poems
Zynski’s Manifesto”,
Journalists Revealing the World”,
Opportunity to Share Globally”,
Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”,
Earth was Alive and Dying”,
Eat your vegetables, be a proper girl
during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition”...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I just read poetry to video that will upload later from the Down in the Dirt 4/20 v170 Amazon book “Formative” poems
Xenon & PTSD, to Fight that Spiral
Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies
Quarrel over the Constitution
Eat Your Words
Zones of Comfort and Taking a Chance
Karma and Lollipops
during the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition”!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Enjoy the first poems LIVE for Poetic License!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 11/4/17 “Finding where we’re From and the Future” Austin Bahá’í Faith Center poetry feature now has videos & poems all on an artvilla/scars web page! Find poems, a video playlist & even a chapbook all in one place! https://www.artvilla .com/scars/?p=1422
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 11/4/17 “Finding where we’re From and the Future” Austin Bahá’í Faith Center poetry feature now has videos & poems all on an artvilla/scars web page! Find poems, a video playlist & even a chapbook all in one place! https://www.artvilla .com/scars/?p=1422
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Jerry Pendergast and 8 others. 20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

poetic license cards When I had my “Partial Nudity” book release feature 6/18/14 at the Café Gallery in Chicago, I invited Chicago poets to read haiku during the feature - and that is when I designed “Poetic License” cards for all the readers. I know that I gave my Austin monthly open mic the namePoetic License”, but today I just found the template card for making “Poetic License” cards for the Chicago poets who read at my book release feature. So I have to ask (in order on my printout), Tom Roby, Bob Lawrence, Bob Rashkow, Jenene Ravesloot, Michael Hoag, Lennart Lundh, G.P.A. (James Gordon), Avrom Litin, and Jerry Pendergast - do any of you still have your Poetic License cards? (Jerry, I think you said you still do, which is SO excellent...) Well, ALL my Chicago poets - AND all my Austin poets (and everyone around the world, for that matter) is welcome to post poetry, prose, and even songs, as text posts, audio or video uploads, starting at 3:30 CST this afternoon, the starting time of the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home editionFacebook event page! I will start with a live Facebook video stream or two, so let’s show the poetic world what we can DO today!
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers P.S.: If anyone looks at this card sheet, it the Cafe Gallery url bkgndshows the original old url for the Chicago poetry open mic - ignore that, and remember the longer-running and more permanent url for the Café Gallery: http://scars.tv/thecafe/

facebook prifile picture for Michael Lee Johnson Michael Lee Johnson green arrow Heath Brougher and 2 others. 20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

https://www. amazon.com/dp/ 1734440996
ADMINISTRATIVE ANNOUNCEMENT (read all way down). Did you know our member, poet, editor, publisher, Heath Brougher & Patricia Carragon have a new poetry anthology released with many of your own members in it? I just found out I’m the lead off 2 poems in the book. I purchased my copy today! Tap images 2 enlarge-go to the site make your purchase, only $9.00, 217 pages.
Just a few of our poems in this anthology: Michael Lee Johnson, Janet Kuypers, Duane Vorhees, Scott Thomas Outlar, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Christine Tabaka, Paul Brookes, & too many others to list here, but contributor list is on purchase link above.

facebook prifile picture for Michael Lee Johnson Michael Lee Johnson green arrow Heath Brougher 20200405 globe (this video was for public notice)

https://www. amazon.com/dp/ 1734440996
ADMINISTRATIVE ANNOUNCEMENT (read all way down). Did you know our member, poet, editor, publisher, Heath Brougher & Patricia Carragon have a new poetry anthology released with many of your own members in it? I just found out I’m the lead off 2 poems in the book. I purchased my copy today! Tap images 2 enlarge-go to the site make your purchase, only $9.00, 217 pages.
Just a few of our poems in this anthology: Michael Lee Johnson, Janet Kuypers, Duane Vorhees, Scott Thomas Outlar, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Christine Tabaka, Paul Brookes, & too many others to list here, but contributor list is on purchase link above.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200404 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 11/4/17 “Finding where we’re From and the Future” Austin Bahá’í Faith Center poetry feature now has videos & poems all on an artvilla web page! Find poems, a video playlist & even a chapbook all in one place! https://www.artvilla.com/janet-kuypers-poetry-finding-where-were-from-and-the-future-feature-11-4-17/
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers shared a live video. 20200404 globe (this video was for public notice)

Now 24 hours away, I hope everyone is getting ready to get their Poetic License and share their poetry (or prose, or music) via text, audio file, video, starting at 3:30 PM CST on the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home editionFacebook events page! The page will become public when the open mic starts, so get ready to share!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/1536333733214050/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000404, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Xenogeny” (written for Lent), read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, as the ending to her “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr Janet Kuypers
globe (this video was for public notice)

Instagram of plastic glove I know this city girl may miss the plastic bags floating in leafless trees in Chicago winters (and the city of Austin allows no plastic or paper grocery store bags), but now, thanks to Covid19 / the Coronavirus, a different kind of plastic on the streets is now the new normal. #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000404, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Get It Over With” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000404, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Medication” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000404, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Being God” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000404, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shard on social media, See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Their Crutches” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film is from the Internet Archive, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20200404 shared with friends

twin peaks finale season 2 I chose the final (when most chose the pilot). I just want to hear Bob/evil Coop say “How’s Annie?” again...
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Maybe because 2 years ago John Janet & John and I went to NOLA for Halloween as the tulpa of Diane and FBI Director Denise from season 3, that could be another reason I want that finale episode to watch Wednesday (to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of the premiere of Twin Peaks).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Harris Ridge. 20200403 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet The ingredients have arrived, they’re passing through the mill and I found a way to get Janet to have some oatmeal. She’s even adding it to the mix. Tomorrow rather brew starts and the 2020 version of Chocolate Bon Bon an “Imperial” Russian Imperial Stout with chocolate and berries. It should round out to a smooth 14.6% ABV beverage.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200403 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet Kuypers’ 11/4/17 “Finding where we’re From and the Future” Austin Bahá’í Faith Center poetry feature now has its videos all on a YouTube playlist! Poetry from a no-longer available venue is now available here!
#janetkuypers #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuyperspoetryshow

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000403, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Xenogeny” (written for Lent), read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, as the ending to her “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200402 globe (this video was for public notice)

John and Janet John wanted to dress for another “date night” last night, and I decided on all silver-themed jewelry. The silver lipstick was a last-minute choice, but at least there’s a silly photo with the silver lipstick before it completely disappeared with dinner.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000402, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Will Be Just Fine” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000402, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sometimes It’s Not” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000402, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video of last live show Never before shard on social media, see archive video of part (1:59) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The One at Mardi Gras” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film is from the Internet Archive, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000402, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video of last live show Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “For My Car Or My Life” during her 3/18/03 poetry feature “Death Comes in Threes” at the Café in Chicago (using 2 displays of her photography plus two lightning-bolt displays; this film was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200402 globe (this video was for public notice)

I thank Heath Brougher for including me in this Concrete Mist Press Anthology, and I look forward to starting the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” at 3:30 CST with my Facebook live video of me reading my two poems IN this book, “Death takes many forms. (Concrete Mist edition)” and “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”. I will post more videos to the “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” events page Sunday afternoon, and I hope everyone - from Austin to Chicago, and around the world - share poetry and prose and music with posts and links so we can all get our “Poetic License” together!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff. 20200401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was fun showing off Instagram images from inside the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” at Community Poetry 3/4/20 (showing the mix of technology with the printed book), and it is a shame Thom can’t host Community Poetry this month at Austin’s Half Price Books, but I’m glad he posted this photo with “Austin Artmosphere Artists”.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158441016070362& set=pcb.1826496094150009 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000401, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of part 4 (less than 10 minutes, but no the end of the show) of Janet Kuypers’ 9/10/02 poetry/music show “Stop” live at the Café in Chicago, including the song “Dreamlike State” (originally by Erasure), and the poems “With You”, “Waiting for You”, “Walking with You”, “Watching You”, and “Without You”. With her projected art & photography throughout the show, this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000401, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of part 3 (less than 10 minutes) of Janet Kuypers’ 9/10/02 poetry/music show “Stop” live at the Café in Chicago, including the poem “Loved You the Most”, portions of the song “Vintage Wine” (originally by Feedback), and the poems “All These Reminders” and “Number 136”. With her projected art & photography throughout the show, this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000401, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of part 2 (less than 10 minutes) of Janet Kuypers’ 9/10/02 poetry/music show “Stop” live at the Café in Chicago, including the song “Someday You’ll Call My Name” (originally by Hank Williams Sr.), the poems “Sorry Flowers”, “Never Did the Same”, the song “These Boots are Made for Walking” (originally by Nancy Sinatra), and the poems “You & Me & Your Girlfriend”, and “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”. With her projected art & photography throughout the show, this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000401, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of part 1 (less than 10 minutes) of Janet Kuypers’ 9/10/02 poetry/music show “Stop” live at the Café in Chicago, including the intro and explanation, “Love Has Tendrils”, “Here It Goes Again”, the song “True Happiness This Way Lies” (originally by The The), “I Am the Woman who loves Pain”, and “Run Faster”. With her projected art & photography throughout the show, this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Olivier Schopfer Olivier Schopfer
20200401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Stairs Happy to have my photograph “Two Bridges” in the v170 of Down in the Dirt, edited by Janet Kuypers: http://scars.tv/dirt /dirt170apr20/Formative.htm
http://scars.tv/art/Olivier_ Schopfer/pages/Two-Bridges.htm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200401 globe (this video was for public notice)

War of Water Welcome to spring! This is no April Fools, because Scars Publications just released the April 2020 v296 issue of cc&d magazine, now available as not only the 6x9 ISBN# paperback book “Aesthetic” with cover artwork of a string painting by Sandra Kuypers, now available for Amazon sale throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe, but also as a free Internet issue web page!
(Writers and artists in this perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Finn Briscoe, Greg G. Zaino, I.B. Rad, Jeremy Siemens, Janet Kuypers, John Amendall, John F. McMullen, Karen Breen, Lisa Short, Max Johansson, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Summerleigh, Randall Rogers, Ray Strawn III, Sally Mitchell, Samuel Ekanem, Thom Woodruff, Tom Sheehan, Aaron Wilder, Allen F. McNair, Christina Culverhouse, David Russell, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Kyle Hemmings, Rose E. Grier, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200401 globe (this video was for public notice)

Frrmative Welcome to spring! This is no April Fools, because Scars Publications just releases the April 2020 v170 issue of Down in the Dirt, now available as the 6x9 paperback ISBN# book “Formative” - available online anywhere, and in print, in Amazon sales throughout the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe! (Writers and artists in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Abby-Hope Jihye Park, Amber Descy, Anabel Varghese, Annette Gagliardi, Anthony Watkins, Ariadne Wolf, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bonnie E. Carlson, Brian Rihlmann, Clark Zlotchew, Danielle Hark, Delvon T. Mattingly, Donna Dallas, Doug Hawley, Ellie Rose McKee, Inguna Broze, Isabel Alzate, James Bates, james kenneth blaylock, Janet Kuypers,, John Daugherty, John F. McMullen, John Tuttle, Jon Carter, Karen Howard, Kirsty A. Niven, Layla Lenhardt, Lola Stansbury-Jones, Lyle Estill, Mahala Spillers, Marilee Pritchard, Mark Young, Matej Purg, Mike Schneider, Milenko Zupanovic, Munzie, Niles Reddick, Patricia Tramble, Pawel Markiewicz, Roopa Raveendran Menon, Samuel Swauger, Sarah Lauren Sarah Crump, Scott Waters, Sterling Warner, Susan N Aassahde, Susie Gharib, Tapeshwar Amef, Travis Green, Yasmin Hemmat, Carolyn Poindexter, Daniel de Culla, Denny E. Marshall, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leone Bennett, Fabrice Poussin, Olivier Schopfer, Kyle Hemmings, Olivier Schopfer, and Rene Diedrich.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000401, on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see Archive.org video of the entire ~45-minute Janet Kuypers 9/10/02 poetry/music show “Stop” live at the Café in Chicago, with her reading many of her poems and singing a number of covers with John on guitar all relating video (somehow) to love), plus projected PowerPoint artwork display during her live performance. (.mov / .mp4 / .ogv files from the Internet Archive; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Mynx Suzanne, after Mynx got up, she tried to pose for you. That’s about all she can do from afar as we wish you a happy birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Mynx Mynx got up to wish Suzanne Hettinger a happy birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000331, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “Love is Stronger than Death” (originally by “The The”) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Mynx Mynx got up to wish Suzanne Hettinger a happy birthday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000331, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “Love is Stronger than Death” (originally by “The The”) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000331, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “How do I Explain It” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000331, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “the Bottom Line” (originally by Depeche Mode) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000331, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Deep End” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff. 20200331 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet It was fun reading from the v295 March 2020 cc&d issue/book “Another Lifetime” at Community Poetry 3/4/20, and it is a shame I won’t be able to read April issues at Half Price Books this month, but Thom, thanks for posting this photo on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158441023585362& set=pcb.1826496094150009 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000330, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Without You” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000330, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Watching You” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000330, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Walking with You” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000330, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Waiting for You” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000330, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “With You” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000330, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “Dreamlike State” (originally by Erasure) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added a 3D photo — at Harris Ridge. 20200329 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Even though the social distancing rules are still in place we decided to get dressed up “and go out” for dinner. Janet is looking beautiful in her polka-dot dress.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000329, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Number 136” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000329, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “All These Reminders” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000329, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “Vintage Wine” (originally by Feedback) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000329, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Loved You the Most” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 28 others. 20200329 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Because round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) is normally held on the first Sunday of every month at Recycled Reads in Austin - and many outdoor venues are closed in Austin right now for protection from the Coronavirua/Covid19 outbreak, the Facebook event page “Poetic License open mic 4/5/20 home edition” is a suggestion to everyone to share your creativity right here, and get your Poetic License!

Janet Kuypers hosts this monthly event, and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space. Because this event cannot go on AT Recycled Reads in April, this page is designed as a forum for people to share their creativity, with writings posts during the event. Audio and Video can also be uploaded - share videos either as live Facebook videos, or videos recorded DURING the event that are posted here later.

Janet Kuypers will read in her library at home (since we cannot be among the bookshelves at Recycled Reads this month), and videos of the readings will follow. Also, unlike the 3-poem limit AT Recycled Reads, writing posts, audio, and video feeds can be longer for this meeting page as well.

We provide this space as an open forum (which will become open for all to post when the open mic starts, 4/5/20 at 3:30 PM CST) for anyone and everyone (even people outside of Austin) to share their poetry or prose or music, and we hope everyone remains safe as we let our creative juices flow!

https://www.facebook.com/ events/1536333733214050/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000328, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Who You Tell Your Dreams To” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000328, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “You & Me & Your Girlfriend” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000328, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “These Boots are Made for Walking” (originally by Nancy Sinatra) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000328, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Never Did the Same” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000328, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Sorry Flowers” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000328, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “Some Day You’ll Call My Name” originally by Hank Williams Sr.) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers was live.
20200328 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200327 globe (this video was for public notice)

beer fridge table and mirror It is hard to see the table around John’s little beer fridge (& we have labels from around the world to decorate the fridge door), but it SO looks perfect hiding the fridge next to the 1st mirror frame we made. (And Hope Yotko’s coffee bean lamp on it is perfect!)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000327, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Run Faster” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000327, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “I Am the Woman who loves Pain” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000327, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing the song “True Happiness This Way Lies” (originally by “The The”) in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200326 globe (this video was for public notice)

frames up To matching framed mirrors that even match the height of the bed frame!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200326 globe (this video was for public notice)

frame From designing the frames, staining them, and setting the mirrors in the frames...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko added a 3D photo — with Janet Kuypers at Harris Ridge. 20200326 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet is busy converting some more crate pieces into frames for some mirrors. A thanks to Circle Brewing for letting us take the crates off their hands.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000326, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Here It Goes Again” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000326, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Love Has Tendrils” in her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000326, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in the intro and the explanation at the beginning of her 9/10/02 show “Stop. Look. Listen.” at Café Aloha in Chicago (a show with Janet Kuypers poetry and her covering songs with John playing guitar, with her projected art & photography throughout the show; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Annabelle Echo
20200326 globe (for public notice)

You know the rest...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Sop up the whale... and you know Orca 20171119 what

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Cathleen Ann Schandelmeier Sop odolphins 12-29-05 up the whale and dolphin... (I was just waiting until I could find my dolphin photo, I knew where my whale photo was, but now that I also have my dolphin photo my posting can be complete! Start with this mass-underwater dolphins photo...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers but I should end with all dolphins penguins porpoising leaping through the air!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Vittorio Carli, it’s funny. I have dolphins 12-28-07 collage pictures of penguins porpoising, and I SO wanted to share that, but penguins aren’t in her poem, so I didn’t have the excuse. But thank you for GIVING me an excuse...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200326 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Jeff Happy Birthday, Jeffery Wayne Helgeson!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200326 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Light lagers and cream ales are considered “lawnmower” beers because they are so light and refreshing that they are good to drink after mowing your lawn. So after I moved our front and back years this morning, John suggested I try the (uncarbonated) extra bottle of his “5720 Anniversary Cream Ale”. I saw that it was good, but it was only 8:20 in the morning CST when I finished mowing the lawn and trying his beer... then I realized that it’s always after 5 PM somewhere - like it is in Nairobi (Kenya), Minsk (in Belarus next to Lithuania), and Baghdad and Al Başrah (Iraq). If that’s not enough, it was after 6 PM in Tehrān (Iran), so even if I’m not welcome in some of those places, at least it’s late enough there to try a light refreshing beer.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr Janet Kuypers
20200325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Now officially shared on many social media platforms (though it was said to be on Facebook in 2016 and 2013), see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ first show in the new millennium (thanks to David Rubin), the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with background music and sound effects, plus a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry). This includes not only prose and commentary, but also the second Janet Kuypers poem ever written, a poem partially read during her 5/7/00 wedding - and writing on many other topics, all in her first multimedia poetry show. (This video was this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr.) #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Fantastic Car Crash” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “after 7/11 part four” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Death is a Dog” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “after 7/11 part three” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Changing Garments” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “after 7/11 part two” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “King of the Universe” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “after 7/11 part one” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Death Takes Many Forms.” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Burning” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Right There, By Your Heart” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Effects of 9/11” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “New To Chicago” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “The Battle At Hand” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “Work Journal Two” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
#janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Why I’ll Never Get Married” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Work Journal one” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
#janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Looking for a Worthy Adversary” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
#janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Moonlight” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
#janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, 202000325, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video Never before shared on social media, see YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “the NASA Project” in her first show in the new millennium, the 6/11/02 show “6/11” at Café Aloha in Chicago (the first Janet Kuypers show with a projector displaying artwork to accompany poetry; this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
#janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200325 globe (this video was for public notice)

the many face of Janet Kuypers I cannot claim credit for this phrase, but since this professional performance artist as of today (thanks to the Austin government) is quarantined to my own residence, I suppose now I can now say I am literally an artist in residence... I understand the safety concerns, so now I’ll start sharing video highlights from past shows, starting at the beginning of the new millennium.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet John, thanks for taking this with my phone, because we had to stain it today so we might be able to use the beer fridge stained table tomorrow, on technically the first day of Austin’s forced quarantine.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14 (video was filmed from the Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14 (Sony cropped video with a glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube vide of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14 (cropped video is from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Caf! Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14 (this video filmed from the Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “jabbed into an open nerve” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “jabbed into an open nerve” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Sony, cropped, glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “bruised” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “bruised” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (cropped video from a Sony camera, with a glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Eight to Sixteen” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Eight to Sixteen” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (cropped Sony camera video, w/ a glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “fog” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “fog” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (cropped video from a Sony camera, with a glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lord Have Mercy” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (filmed w/ a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lord Have Mercy” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Sony, cropped, glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “pant” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “pant” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (cropped video from a Sony camera, with a glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “violent affair” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “violent affair” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (cropped video from a Sony camera, with a glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “Translation (2014 haiku)” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (filmed with a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200324 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “Translation (2014 haiku)” in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (Sony, cropped, glow filter).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20200324 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Circle Brewing Company. 20200323 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I now realize how many cool things John had been able to do on his birthday (past years he wax dipped his Maker’s Mark from his cask, or joined the 101 beer club, or even skydove indoors). It’s a shame that Covid19 stops us from being as crazy this year, but... Happy birthday, John! I love you!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (then) new “Periodic Table poems accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (then) new “Periodic Table poems accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (then) new “Periodic Table poems accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon, Posterized).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (then) new “Periodic Table poems accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony, “Romantic”).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (then) new “Periodic Table poems accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony, Day to Night).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (then) new “Periodic Table poems accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon, Vignette).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her (then) new “Periodic Table poems accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony Edge Det.).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “G Block” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “G Block” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Bohrium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Bohrium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Diburnium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Diburnium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Rhenium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Rhenium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Ununseptium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Ununseptium” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Manganese” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with his music over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this “Periodic Table poem “Manganese” accompanied by “entering the ruines” hotel music from the HA!Man of South Africa in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/8/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200323 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet For those who cannot recognize it, this is a table frame to hold the mini beer fridge John just got, with air vents while resting on carpet. Thanks for ALL the work on this John, and I hope you’ll like it when it’s done!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypersupdated her cover photo. 20200323 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers Happy Birthday, John!

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200322 globe (this video was for public notice)

After I painted the giant wood frames for the door-height mirrors today, I suggested chopping the palette boards into 5.5" square pieces to make the tabletop over the new beer fridge look more like a butcher block (thanks John for making that happen). Yeah, the original stamped writing from the wood is perfect there too, and I hope it shows through when I stain it all tomorrow...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20200322 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Janet is busy filling the bottles with our 5720 Anniversary Cream Ale while I cap. The next step is about four weeks at room temperature to carbonate and then a couple weeks to cold condition. It should be ready for our 20th wedding anniversary.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube video of the entire Janet Kuypers showGames We Play” (a Pilsen feature with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa live 3/17/12 at Cafe Mestizo in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Games We Play” - the final poem of the show, and the poem the show is named after, the show titled “Games We Play” (a Pilsen feature with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein” during my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Flooded War Memories” during my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Just Let It Glide Over Me” during my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Know You Only Got Me” during my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Love Affair with the Moon 2012” during my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “grandmother charged with murder” in my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted thateight years ago today I released YouTube YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Now That You Got Me” during my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos to his music over the years... and I found out that four years ago today I posted that eight years ago today I released YouTube YouTube video of me reading the Janet Kuypers poem “Ever Since You Got Me” during my Pilsen show “Games We Play” (with videos and accompanied by music from the HA!Man of South Africa 3/17/12 in Chicago).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Tom Roby 20190322 globe (for public notice)

Janet at open mic 3/18/2015 Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet So every day until his birthday, John is going to compare (with BJCB guidelines) his “First Take 323 Hefeweisbier” to different German beers. Today it will be Hofbräu and Erdinger. I’m looking forward to sampling his beer with him.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers at Circle Brewing Company. 20200321globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John We had to put on our motorcycle shirts for the party at Cuznbob’s that isn’t happening today, so we swing by Circle Brewing to get a couple six packs to practice social distancing.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers posted on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr. 20200321 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I just found out that my interviewing Susan Rogers for Texas Nafas Poetry television will appear on Public Access TV (Channel 10 or 16, depending on your TV provider) on April 1st (no joke) 2020 from (I believe) 8:30 PM - 9:00 PM in a half-hour interview. I can’t wait to see how it turned out!
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperstv

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet KuypersPeriodic Table poems show, reading 3 Periodic Table poems “Ytterbium”, “Tantalum” and “Lawrencium” in her show / mini-feature at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago 12/13/13 (w/ music in the background by HA!Man of South Africa in her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet KuypersPeriodic Table poems show reading 3 Periodic Table poems “Ytterbium”, “Tantalum” and “Lawrencium” in her show / mini-feature at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago 12/13/13 (w/ music in the background by HA!Man of South Africa in her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Periodic Table” poem “Tantalum” in Chicago 12/13/13 accompanied by “hotel music” from the HA!Man of South Africa during her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Tantalum” at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago 12/13/13 accompanied by “hotel music” from the HA!Man of South Africa during her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Ytterbium” at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago 12/13/13 accompanied by “hotel music” from the HA!Man of South Africa during her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Periodic Table” poem “Ytterbium” in Chicago 12/13/13 accompanied by “hotel music” from the HA!Man of South Africa during her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Lawrencium” at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago 12/13/13 accompanied by “hotel music” from the HA!Man of South Africa during her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200321 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Periodic Table” poem “Lawrencium” in Chicago 12/13/13 accompanied by “hotel music” from the HA!Man of South Africa during her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is at Harris Ridge. 20200321 globe (this video was for public notice)

christmas lights on beer bottle tree My dear love, Janet, could not resist decorating the bottle tree as we prepare to bottle our 5720 Anniversary Cream Ale. A beer that I last brewed as a gift to our fathers 20 years ago when we got married. I should make it more often.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20200320 globe (this video was for public notice)

Jellyfish to KMFDM Janet says to the AppleTV, “watch RuPaul” and this is what happens.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads 9 of her “Periodic Table” poems in her Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 feature for “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; this video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Zinc” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Calcium” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Chlorine” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Arsenic” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Sulfur” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; this video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Osmium” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Platinum” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; from a Canon).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Iridium” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past poetry show videos with music from the HA!Man of South Africa over the years... See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers reads her “Periodic Table” poem “Silver” at the Chicago Cultural Center 1/30/13 in her feature “Poetry Saloon at Noon” (with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “Wayward Waltz of the Fractured Wind”; C).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200320 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Jerry Happy Birthday Jerry Pendergast!
https://www. facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10218680186849831 &set=a.10204677365308044 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (this video was for public notice)

Francois After hearing about a potential quarantine in South Africa, I HAVE to share a solo video of Francois Le Roux... See YouTube video of the HA!Man of South Africa in his 10/16/11 AIDS Awareness music show, with many music instruments (like cello, piano, and flute, in addition to pre-mastered recordings to accompany) during the day as the highlight of the NorthEastern Illinois University / WZRD AIDs Prevention/Awareness forum. (Peter Bartels joined him at multiple points during her performance, and I was honored to join him at one point to perform the Janet Kuypers poem “Death Takes Many Forms” too.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “Smelling Sulfur on Nine One One” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Alex”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “Beauty in the Eyes of Einsteinium in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “Quiet Stream”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “White Phosphorus” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “on a gallop”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “Titanium” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “very short hymn”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (Sony).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “Rubidium” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “burnt forest”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “Gallium” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “azzuu”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers (S) reading this Periodic Table poem “Samarium” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “jumping all up and down”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “Europium” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “insectal reflection”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200319 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem “Gadolinium” in her Opening Act feature (with music by the HA!Man of South Africa, with “stroking flute”) before his full show in Chicago at Cathleen’s, live 10/4/13 (filmed from a Sony camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and Gaynelle Roach, at Circle Brewing Company. 20200319globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John & Gaynelle I completely forgot to upload these photos from March 6th (before places were closed down to stop the potential spread of the Coronavirus). When John and ran into Gaynelle Roach, thought to take a “group” photo - but I thought we could even add just the right cardboard cutout...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading/performing her short story “Crazy” introduced by Jeffery Wayne Helgeson in the live show “Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s The Gallery Cabaret 20121003 (Samsung camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Everything Else Falls Away” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Everything Else Falls Away” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (video filmed from a Kodak camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “And I’m Wondering” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “And I’m Wondering” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (video filmed from a Kodak camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “The Way You Tease Me” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (filmed from a Canon camera) with live music from Francois Le Roux.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “The Way You Tease Me” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (filmed from a Kodak camera) with live music from Francois Le Roux.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Us, Actually Touching” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (from a Canon camera) with live music from Francois Le Roux

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Us, Actually Touching” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (w/ a Kodak camera) with live music from Francois Le Roux.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “You Are a Force” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “You Are a Force” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (video filmed from a Kodak camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Games We Play” in the live show “the Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (video filmed from a Canon camera).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Been a World Leader” in the live show “Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (from a Samsung camera) with live music from Francois Le Roux.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Enough’s Enough” in the live show “Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (from a Samsung camera) with live music from Francois Le Roux.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “My Kind of Town” in the live show “Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (from a Samsung camera) with live music from Francois Le Roux.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200318 globe (for public notice)

video In honor of Francois Le Roux’s 3/18 birthday, I thought I’d share some past HA!Man of South Africa performances with me over the years... See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading most of her poem “Communication 2012” in the live show “Janet Kuypers with the music of HA!” at Chicago’s Gallery Cabaret 10/3/12 (Samsung) with live music from Francois Le Roux.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 9 others. 20200317 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Because of Austin mayor Steve Adler’s recent order to close all Austin diners, restaurants and bars - and people have been asking, Recycled Reads (the Austin Public Library bookstore) is closed through April 2nd. This means they MAY be open Sunday, April 5th, for the next “Poetic License” poetry open mic - BUT THAT MAY CHANGE. We will only post a Facebook events page AFTER April 2nd if Recycled Reads will be open then. We will be there is they are open, so keep checking in April for the next “Poetic License”!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000317, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Flooded War Memories” and “Once They were Moved to This Foreign Land” (2nd poem written 3/17 for Saint Patrick’s Day), then “Zeal was Unbridled”(written 3’18, the day Hitler signed the Nero Decree), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, during the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse (10515 Mopac Express- way, Austin, TX). 20200316 globe (this video was for public notice)

John An early birthday treat!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse (10515 Mopac Express- way, Austin, TX). 20200316 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John John suggested we go out tonight, for who knows if Austin will follow Chicago, or even Dallas’, footsteps with Covid19 restaurant closings.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200316 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Whether I am reading from a book or looking at the audience, I think it is wild seeing a huge eyeball on the cover of the v295 March 2020 cc&d issue/book “Another Lifetime” as I am reading March-themed poetry at the 3/4/20 Community Poetry. Thom, thanks for posting this photo on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158441020770362& set=pcb.1826496094150009 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000316, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Flooded War Memories” and “Once They were Moved to This Foreign Land” (2nd poem written 3/17 for Saint Patrick’s Day), then “Zeal was Unbridled”(written 3/18, the day Hitler signed the Nero Decree), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, during the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Circle Brewing Company. 20200315 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Since we think we will be in a wine making class on Saint Patrick’s Day, we thought that while it’s still the weekend, we’d dress up for the occasion.

facebook profile picture for John Yotko Thom Woodruff is with Janet Kuypers. 20190315 globe (video for public notice)

Janet TUESDAYS 6-9pm=CENOTO OPEN MIC Cameron Rd then HIDEAWAY HULLABALOO 7-11pm with DEX!-Come out to BOTH!
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers Thom, don’t know what plans John and I have for Saint Patrick’s day, but thanks for sharing the anniversary photo from a few years ago of the first photo two of us are both in...

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20200315 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Sizing up the frames to make sure Janet will fit when I’m done so I can hang on the wall. A thanks to Circle Brewing Co. for the recycled pallets so we can make these frames.
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers frame Janet Kuypers Okay, here is the first one framed. We have 2 more to make.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200314 globe (this video was for public notice)

I finally got to try the First Take 323. John didn’t want to give it to me... but at least our beer glass shelves are framed behind me in this photo (how approps).
And I figured if we were having pizza a red shirt was good, and Dave’s beer shirt was perfect.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20200314 globe (this video was for public notice)

John took my Giordano’s hefe glass to pour his first “First Take 323 Hefeweisebier”, so I figured deep dish pizza was in order for the celebration.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200313 globe (this video was for public notice)

John printed a few labels for his first 6-pack of beer he made in over a decade (glad I got to design the labels for his “First Take 323 Hefeweisebier” too).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200313 globe (this video was for public notice)

It wasn’t “off-grid” of me to read my poetry from the Down in the Dirt 3/20 v169 issue/book “Going Off-Grid” at the 3/4/20 Community Poetry, but my nail polish was actually housepaint (which is, if nothing else, a little off, I guess). Thom, thanks for posting this photo on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10158441019165362& set=pcb.1826496094150009 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200312 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for sharing this group photo to advertise your next Community Poetry, where I will have new issues of cc&d and Down in the Dirt as books to share with people at Half Price Books.
https://www.facebook.com/ worldpoet/posts/10158465916810362 ?notif_id=1584049906799992 &notif_t=story_reshare&ref=notif

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200312 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for posting this group photo from 3/4/20 Community Poetry on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo .php?fbid=10158441015840362& set=pcb.1826496094150009 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000312, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Value of π” (written on 3/14, on & for π day) and “Eliminating the Endangered Species List” (written on 3/16, on & for National Panda Day), both read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her prose poem “Exactly Where She Belonged (dreams 2/29/20)”, during the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting her “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200312, via Twitter globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers tv news said
that masturbating
doesn’t cure
the Coronavirus

the French government
issued a statement
saying snorting cocaine
won’t cure the Coronavirus

Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen
are in semen, cocaine— & the Coronavirus

It’s elementary
wash your hands, hope it’s enough

Janet Kuypers 3/11/20 Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Elementary, the Coronavirus”, mentioning elements Carbon (#6, C), Hydrogen (#1, H), Nitrogen (#7, N), and Oxygen (#8, O)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200311 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet playing tennis With so many Tennis events canceled (or at least postponed) now through maybe half of May, I then wonder if Federer having to take a break right now for knee surgery may mean he will not have to cancel all of these now postponed events after all. Because of these cancellations, the Tennis Channel now plays past year events (like Indian Wells), where Federer was playing like mad against contenders and winners like Del Potro and Thiem.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000311, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Value of π” (written on 3/14, on & for π day) and “Eliminating the Endangered Species List” (written on 3/16, on & for National Panda Day), both read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her prose poem “Exactly Where She Belonged (dreams 2/29/20)”, during the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Debbie Bradac Panichi. 20200311 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Wow, what a blast from the past to see this photo from visiting a Round Rock Wine bar that led to us having a 2-hour music show in Texas - it is also funny because I am wearing my cassette take t-shirt while my cassette tape necklace is held up for the photos. I hope John likes all of his guitars (electric and acoustic, plus bass guitar and mandolin) hanging on display here, because I think we both enjoyed our time here, sharing music with everyone.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000310 globe (this video was for public notice)

video Wow, John F. McMullen, thank you for sharing my YouTube video post I made a year ago today from us talking on the JohnMac Radio show 3/4/29, and thanks for saying that it was a good interview. It was an honor to be interviewed on the radio with you! https://www.facebook.com/ johnmac13/posts/1010025358942 2316?notif_id=1583872462273701 &notif_t=story_reshare&ref=notif

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Scars Publications is with Janet Kuypers. 202000310, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “The One at Mardi Gras” and “Equality for Women” (written on 3/8 for International Women’s Day), both read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Strontium shows Schrödinger’s cat”, during the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000310, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “The One at Mardi Gras” and “Equality for Women” (written on 3/8 for International Women’s Day), both read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Strontium shows Schrödinger’s cat”, during the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200309 globe (this video was for public notice)

Ccloudy super moon Glad I was able to capture the super moon tonight...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200309 globe (this video was for public notice)

Chiek Illiniwek nutcracker I am still letting parts to the fringe and printing on my Chief Illiniwek nutcracker cure so the glue holds (his arms are drying separately). I now need to find feathers for his headdress...
(While asking for insights on finishing touches, with the chest panels of the turquoise forearm segments of the costume, I also asked people at the “Bring Back Chief Illiniwek” page...
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ chief.illiniwek/permalink/ 10158438752763291/)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200309 globe (this video was for public notice)

I may look a little starry-eyed, but it is only because I love hosting the “Poetic License” monthly open m ic. Thom, thanks for posting this Poetic License open mic 3/1/20 photo on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158432872865362 &set=pcb.1823862947746657& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000309, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “The One at Mardi Gras” and “Equality for Women” (written on 3/8 for International Women’s Day), both read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Strontium shows Schrödinger’s cat”, during the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera and also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is attending Basketball GameWatch, Iowa v. Illinois at Greater Austin Illini Club with Janet Kuypers. 20200308 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I got only one Janet photo with another Illini fan, but she was at least pleased with the fighting Illini reference.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200308 globe (this video was for public notice)

MLJ and Janet Thank you to Michael Lee Johnson, Admin for the Audio Video Poetry/ Songs Online Out Loud... Listen In page, for posting his YouTube link of him reading two Janet Kuypers poems, “Eyes” and “on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard”. I have this video posted on my writing vault page for both of these poems, but you sharing it again is extra cool - and thanks for posting it with my Facebook cover photo, turned right-side up too - thank you!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000307 globe (this video was for public notice)

video I also saw last night that John F. McMullen shared my YouTube video post from us talking on his JohnMac Radio show.. Thanks for sharing, and it was great talking on the radio with you! https://www.facebook.com/ johnmac13/posts/1010025259162 1916?notif_id=1583551813182701 &notif_t=story_reshare&ref=notif

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000307 globe (this video was for public notice)

How cool that we all saw each other last night at Circle Brewing Company, so of course we had to get the replica out for a photo... I will have to post my photo up soon too.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10217266810482350&set= a.10207740519051018&type=3 &theater&notif_t=mention&notif _id=1583564847667900

Gaynelle Roach is with John Yotko and Janet Kuypers in Austin, Texas. 202000307 globe (this video was for public notice)

Look who we found in the office @circlebrew!! It was almost as good as having my arms around her soon! Thanks to Janet for remembering where we left her!! @maevesmyname @rusenas @keating_kathleen Janet Kuypers & John!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000306 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet How cool to see poetry infiltrating last month! Facebook made a collage of February moments, and although it missed out on my Texas Nafas Poetry Television show 2/1/20, it did include images of not only my listening to my 5 Towns Radio 2/2/20 show highlighting my poetry, my hosting my Poetic License open mic 2/2/20, my February 2020 Book Release Reading 2/5/20, my Animal Tales 2020 readings 2/6/20, and even videos from my reading poetry 1/18/20 at the Open Mic Showcase, 1/26/20 at Spoken and Heard, and 2/8/20 at Georgetown’s Poetry Aloud! With all of the poetry events last month, it’s understandable that not even everything was covered in this display...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000306, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan” as the intro poem to “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads”, followed by John reading Janet Kuypers’ poem “Each Trigger Pull” from the the Down in the Dirt 3/20 v169 issue/book “Going Off-Grid” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000306, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan” as the intro poem to “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”, hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads”, followed by John reading Janet Kuypers’ poem “Each Trigger Pull” from the the Down in the Dirt 3/20 v169 issue/book “Going Off-Grid” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200305 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for posting this group photo from the Poetic License open mic 3/1/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page. Thanks to listening to poetry from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” - and thank everyone who attended and shared that day!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158432872315362 &set=pcb.1823862947746657& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000304 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group So Thom often brings many pairs of reading glasses with multi-colored frames to monthly Community Poetry, and today I noticed that even though he was wearing green (the theme of spring in March, and maybe St. Patrick’s Day), he was not wearing his green-rimmed glasses he brought. So I cleaned them off before suggesting he wear them.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000304 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group I got there late (forgot my books), but it was fun hearing everyone read today at Thom’s Community Poetry this afternoon at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX). Thank you got giving me the opportunity to read March-themed poetry from the v295 March 2020 cc&d issue/book “Another Lifetime”, the Down in the Dirt 3/20 v169 issue/book “Going Off-Grid”, and the Janet Kuypers Scars Publications poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”. It was great hearing poetry from everyone today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000304, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Equality Manifesto” (written February 26th, for the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto) from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “This you Don’t Hate” (originally in v101 cc&d) and “How Do I Explain It” (originally in the cc&d v105-116 book Rinse and Repeat), both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, live 2/22/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000304, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube> video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Equality Manifesto” (written February 26th, for the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto) from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “This you Don’t Hate” (originally in v101 cc&d) and “How Do I Explain It” (originally in the cc&d v105-116 book Rinse and Repeat), both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, live 2/22/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000304 globe (this video was for public notice)

Every Event of the Year (Volume one: Today is the big day! I am looking forward to being a featured reader today, March 4th, 2020 (3/3/20) at Thom’s Community Poetry from 1:00-3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX), held the first Wednesday afternoon of every month, where I am hoping I can read poetry from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”), including poems never performed before - so what perfect poems to share! I hope to see everyone at this great Austin bookstore there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Brad Woodard. 20200304 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Brad Happy Birthday, Brad Woodard!!!
https://www.facebook. com/photo.php?fbid =10217252754404912&set=a. 1601561992 956& type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko
20200303 globe (video for public notice)

Janet It was fun to catch my journalist wife Janet Kuypers hosting her first Nafas poetry television show, interviewing Susan Rogers. Look for it in the upcoming months on Texas cable television!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000303, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Valentine’s Day, every Day” from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask”, then her poems “Barbie” and “Lessons from the Simpsons”, both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000303, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Valentine’s Day, every Day” from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask”, then her poems “Barbie” and “Lessons from the Simpsons”, both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera & posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000303 globe (this video was for public notice)

Going Off-Grid Tomorrow is the big day! I am looking forward to being one of the featured readers Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 (3/3/20) at Thom’s Community Poetry from 1:00-3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) (held the first Wednesday afternoon of every month), where I am hoping I can read poetry from the Down in the Dirt 3/20 v169 issue/book “Going Off-Grid” (which contains a few March-themed poems that also appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”) - what perfect poems to share! I hope to see everyone at this great Austin bookstore there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000302 globe (this video was for public notice)

Another Lifetime Wednesday is the big day! I am looking forward to being one of the featured readers Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 (3/3/20) at Thom’s Community Poetry from 1:00-3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) (held the first Wednesday afternoon of every month), where I am hoping I can read poetry from the v295 March 2020 cc&d issue/book “Another Lifetime” (which contains a few March-themed poems that also appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”) - what perfect poems to share! I hope to see everyone at this great Austin bookstore there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000302, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Climbing Trees”, then her poem “Stairs” read with John, both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, then she sings the Depeche Mode song “Breathe” a cappella, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000302, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Climbing Trees”, then her poem “Stairs” read with John, both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, then she sings the Depeche Mode song “Breathe” a cappella, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200302, via Twitter globe (this video was for public notice)

twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers An electron is as elusive as Schrödinger’s cat;
until we detect it, we can’t know where it is.

See a Strontium ion, missing electrons —
remaining electrons wonder which orbit to take.

A high one? A Low one? A smear of both? In
1,000,000th of a second, it shows the quantum leap.

Janet Kuypers 2/29/20 Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Strontium shows Schrödinger’s cat” (#38, Sr)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000301, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing “Love is Stronger than Death” by “The The” with John on guitar, finishing with his song and her poem/song “Made any Difference”, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; & on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000301, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers singing “Love is Stronger than Death” by “The The” with John on guitar, finishing with his song and her poem/song “Made any Difference”, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; & on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is attending Poetic License open mic 3/1/20 with Thom Woodruff at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20200301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group Poetic License was great today, and we all had a wonderful time at the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20”! Thanks for listening to select March poems from the Janet Kuypers Scars Publications poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, and thanks to John for sharing a poem from the Down in the Dirt 3/20 v169 issue/book “Going Off-Grid” - it was great hearing everyone read, and it was an added bonus to hear Mulan sing!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Another Lifetime It is almost time for spring, which means Scars Publications has just released the v295 March 2020 issue of cc&d magazine, now available as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Another Lifetime”, which is available online anywhere, and from Amazon in the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Australia and Japan (and yeah, they ship to India too) - grab a copy today! (Writers and artists in this book include Andy Botterill, Anupom Kumar Hazarika, CEE, Charles Hayes, Dan O’Neill, David J. Thompson, Deirdre Miller, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, H. Lynn Dowless, I.B. Rad, Janet Kuypers, James Hold, John F. McMullen, Judson Blake, Mary Ellen Gambutti, Matthew Licht, Max Johansson, Nancy J. Dahl, Thom Woodruff, Tom Sheehan, Allen F. McNair, Christina Culverhouse, David M Jackson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Helen Bird, Kyle Hemmings, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Olivier Schopfer Olivier Schopfer
20200301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Stairs Happy to have my photograph “Stairs” in the March issue of Down in the Dirt, edited by Janet Kuypers: http://scars.tv/dirt /dirt169mar20/Going_Off-Grid.htm

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Going Off-Grid It is almost time for spring, which means Scars Publications has just released the v169 March 2020 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, now available as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Going Off-Grid”, which is available online anywhere, and from Amazon in the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Australia and Japan (and yeah, they ship to India too) - grab a copy today! (Writers and artists in this book include Alan Swyer, Alex de Cruz, Annabelle Baptista, Anthony Koranda, Bonnie Stanard, Clark Zlotchew, Conor O’Brian Barnes, Danielle Hark, Dave Somerset, Enda Boyle, Gary Zenker, Hank Stanton, Heather Hunt, Inguna Broze, James Bates, Jamey Boelhower, Janet Kuypers, Joan Cashin, John Zedolik, John Zurn, Jon Carter, Joshua Medsker, Juanita Rey, Lynn Katz, Madlynn Haber, Marieke Steiner, Matthew Licht, Niles Reddick, Olivia Ariet, Pat Raia, Patrick T. Reardon, Paul Stansbury, Rachael Dickzen, Roger G. Singer, S. Preston Duncan, Sally Mitchell, Samuel Ekanem, Sarah Tun, Stephen Emmanuel Ogboh, Travis Green, Ute Carson, William Ade, Woody Fran, Carolyn Poindexter, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leone Bennett, Fabrice Poussin, Helen Bird, J. Ray Paradiso, and Olivier Schopfer.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 27 others. 20200301 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join us this afternoon (on the first Sunday of the month), March 1st, 2020 (3/1/20, or 20200301) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/2618862301565118/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000229 globe (this video was for public notice)

making beer I first thought John was building a space rocket, but no, this is his brewing system for beer #2, the 5720 Cream Ale. (The “First Take 323” Hefeweissebier is already bottled for later release.)
Janet Kuypers It’s just 1st Take label starting today, hopefully running closer to 5/7/20... we’ll have to see how the first batch comes out too, in a few weeks. 20200229

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000229, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading majority of her prose poem “I Remember” read from her poetry book “Close Cover Before Striking” live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000229, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading majority of her prose poem “I Remember” read from her poetry book “Close Cover Before Striking” live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 25 others. 20200229 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License What are you doing tomorrow? I’ve got the perfect plan! Join us Sunday afternoon (the first Sunday of the month), March 1st, 2020 (3/1/20, or 20200301) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/2618862301565118/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000228, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Equality Manifesto” (written February 26th, for the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto), read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Content with Inferior Men” read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, then, from the same book, sings her poem/song “Where I Belong” (melody based on the Depeche Mode song “Home”), 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (on a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000228, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Equality Manifesto” (written February 26th, for the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto), read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Content with Inferior Men” read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, then, from the same book, sings her poem/song “Where I Belong” (melody based on the Depeche Mode song “Home”), 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (on a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 25 others. 20200228 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Got any plans this weekend? I have the perfect way to start March - join us Sunday afternoon (the first Sunday of the month), March 1st, 2020 (3/1/20, or 20200301) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/2618862301565118/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000227, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Española Lore” for the “Tablerock poetry festival 2020” 2/6/20 in Salado, TX for the “Tablerock Poetry Festival!” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, & posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000227, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Española Lore” for the “Tablerock poetry festival 2020” 2/6/20 in Salado, TX for the “Tablerock Poetry Festival!” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, & posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 25 others. 20200227 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Join us this Sunday (the first Sunday of the month), March 1st, 2020 (3/1/20, or 20200301) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/2618862301565118/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000226, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “One Lonesome Whale” for the “Tablerock poetry festival 2020” 2/6/20 in Salado, TX for the “Tablerock Poetry Festival!” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, & posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000226, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “One Lonesome Whale” for the “Tablerock poetry festival 2020” 2/6/20 in Salado, TX for the “Tablerock Poetry Festival!” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Hue Cycling filter, & posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200226 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Join us this Sunday (the first Sunday of the month), March 1st, 2020 (3/1/20, or 20200301) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/2618862301565118/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000225, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Until I Choose Life” for the “Tablerock poetry festival 2020” 2/6/20 in Salado, TX for the “Tablerock Poetry Festival!” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, & posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000225, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Until I Choose Life” for the “Tablerock poetry festival 2020” 2/6/20 in Salado, TX for the “Tablerock Poetry Festival!” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, & posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200225 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Join us this Sunday (the first Sunday of the month), March 1st, 2020 (3/1/20, or 20200301) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/2618862301565118/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000224, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, read from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Austin’s Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000224, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, read from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 25 others. 20200224 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Join us this Sunday (the first Sunday of the month), March 1st, 2020 (3/1/20, or 20200301) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 3/1/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/2618862301565118/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200223 globe (this video was for public notice)

This morning, instead of going out to a diner for breakfast, we got fast food, because Carl᾿s Jr. has the egg Impossible Sausage and cheese biscuits. While standing at the register, I was STILL so inclined to explicitly say “without the meat”, because that᾿s usually my only choice. It was really refreshing for once to not have to ask people to not include meat in a breakfast selection.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000223, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew”, read from the v168 2/20 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Aurora” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000223, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew”, read from the v168 2/20 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Aurora” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200222 globe (this video was for public notice)

Because of having to move janetkuypers.com, the web browser first asked me (which it never did before):

Name the country of origin for this website:
the United States
(which it is)
the Netherlands (where my father᾿s family is from, Kuypers)
Lithuania (which is where my mother᾿s family is from), and
Singapore (I have NO idea why it asked me about this, is Singapore spamming my site like mad?)

I found it eerily spooky that it asked about my countries my mother and my father are from (when my name is Dutch, not Lithuanian), but since then people have been bombing the new server location so I cannot get janetkuypers.com fully online again. It will hopefully come soon, though...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000222, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems &“Genesis Six-Nine: an Apocalypse/Doomsday Prepper’s Take”, “Genesis Eleven: the Tower of Babble”, and “Genesis Eighteen to Nineteen” from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, as one of the readings in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (filmed w/ a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000222, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems &“Genesis Six-Nine: an Apocalypse/Doomsday Prepper’s Take”, “Genesis Eleven: the Tower of Babble”, and “Genesis Eighteen to Nineteen” from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, as one of the readings in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (filmed w/ a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 3 others at Grace Heritage Center. 20200222 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group It was fun attending Poetry Aloud today... I am sorry we had to leave early, but thank you for giving me the opportunity to read poetry from the Janet Kuypers book “Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)” and the cc&d Volume 2 collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Thomas Paul Althaus. 20200222 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Tom Althaus Thomas Paul Althaus, have a WONDERFUL Birthday!!!
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10217187261807638 &set=a.1601561992956&type=3 &theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000221, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis One”, “Genesis Two and Three”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing” from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, as one of the readings in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000221, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis One”, “Genesis Two and Three”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing” from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, as one of the readings in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram 20200221 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for posting this photo when I was showing off the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask” as I was about to read poetry in it that also appears in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” (that I also shared; thank you for that chance) during “Community Poetry” 2/5/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
#janetkuypers #janetkuypersinstagram
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158352110570362 &set=pcb.1799937596805859amp; type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000220, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Waiting to Take the Plunge” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” (for Polar Bear Plunge Day, 1/1), live 2/8/20 @ “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000220, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Waiting to Take the Plunge” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” (for Polar Bear Plunge Day, 1/1), live 2/8/20 @ “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Sarah DeMenge. 20200220 globe (for public notice)

Janet and Sarah Sarah DeMenge, I hope you have a GREAT Birthday!!!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10217167212986430&set=a. 1601561992956 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000220 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Rich The times I make it to Chicago and the times Rich makes it to Austin are few and far between, and I am sorry I cannot be with you now, but Rich X Emerson, have a GREAT birthday today!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=2575039049244566&set=a. 269141523167675 &type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000219 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for posting this photo when I was showing off the brand-new Scars Publications v168 February 2020 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Aurora” for “Community Poetry” 2/5/20 on “Austin Artmosphere Artists”.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158352110745362 &set=pcb.1799937596805859amp; type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000219, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poem “Do the Dead Still Live",”, then her poems “Valentine’s Day, Every Day” (for Valentine’s Day, 2/14) and “Queasy Feeling” (for World Sword Swallowing Day, 2/24), both read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 @ “Poetry Aloud” (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000219, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poem “Do the Dead Still Live",”, then her poems “Valentine’s Day, Every Day” (for Valentine’s Day, 2/14) and “Queasy Feeling” (for World Sword Swallowing Day, 2/24), both read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 @ “Poetry Aloud” (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000218 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for posting this photo when I was showing off the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place” during “Community Poetry” 2/5/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158352112815362 &set=pcb.1799937596805859amp; type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000218, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems (less than) “Video Killed the Radio Star” (for World Radio Da, 2/14), “The Fourteenth” and “Violations in the Name of Love” (for Valentine’s Day, 2/14), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 @ “Poetry Aloud” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000218, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems (less than) “Video Killed the Radio Star” (for World Radio Da, 2/14), “The Fourteenth” and “Violations in the Name of Love” (for Valentine’s Day, 2/14), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 @ “Poetry Aloud” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000217 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Since I was reading from a poetry book with a mural of a famous painting on the cover, I thought I would make Thom’s photo LOOK like a painting... so Thom, thanks for posting this photo when I was reading from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place” during “Community Poetry” at Half Price Books 2/5/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158352112065362 &set=pcb.1799937596805859& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000217, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems (less than) “Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” (for Ayn Rand’s birthday, 2/2), “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country” and “Underscore for the Battles” (for Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, 2/12), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000217, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems (less than) “Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” (for Ayn Rand’s birthday, 2/2), “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country” and “Underscore for the Battles” (for Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, 2/12), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000216 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for posting this photo when I was about to read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place” during “Community Poetry” 2/5/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158352111850362 &set=pcb.1799937596805859& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000216, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Extra Blade”, and “XTC from Found “Candy””, then she finished the open mic with her poem “Eternal Never Ending Now”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, live at the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000216, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Qualms with a Headache”, “Extra Blade”, and “XTC from Found “Candy””, then she finished the open mic with her poem “Eternal Never Ending Now”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, live at the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff, John Yotko, Louise Gail Richardson, and 2 others at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20200215 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group Yay for the Open Mic Showcase today, and thanks for letting me share poetry from my books “Close Cover Before Striking” and “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”... it was great hearing everyone perform today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff, John Yotko, Louise Gail Richardson, and 2 others at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20200215 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group I had a great time reading poetry and singing songs today at the Open Mic Showcase - and how serendipitous that Robin was there to see the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask” named for her poem in the book!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000215, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Fantastic Car Crash”, “Us, Actually Touching”, and “Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the hand”, originally from the Nafas television chapbook “Public Access Poetry” and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, during the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000215, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Fantastic Car Crash”, “Us, Actually Touching”, and “Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the hand”, originally from the Nafas television chapbook “Public Access Poetry” and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, during the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko at Circle Brewing Company. 20200214 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet People can spend big money on cards, but when I have photos of all the places we᾿ve been together and the good times we᾿ve had, I couldn’t help but make my own little multi-page card for John myself...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is globe (this video was for public notice) feeling in love with John Yotko at Circle Brewing Company. 20200214 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John When Maria saw this was our theme for Valentine’s Day at Circle, she borrowed my camera for reenactment photos.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is globe (this video was for public notice) feeling loved with John Yotko at Citizen Eatery. 20200214 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John Dinner was nice... and it was so much nicer with my love.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000214 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thom, thanks for posting this photo when I was reading from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place” during “Community Poetry” 2/5/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158352111615362 &set=pcb.1799937596805859& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000214, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, and “We Didn’t Start the Fire” from the cc&d 2/20 v294 issue/book “Mask” 2/2/20 during her Poetic License open mic 2/2/20, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000214, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, and “We Didn’t Start the Fire” from the cc&d 2/20 v294 issue/book “Mask” 2/2/20 during her Poetic License open mic 2/2/20, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000213 globe (this video was for public notice)

Thom, thanks for posting this photo when I was about to read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place” during “Community Poetry” 2/5/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158352112245362 &set=pcb.1799937596805859& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000213, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2020 Animal Tales poems “Española Lore”, “One Lonesome Whale”, and “Until I Choose Life” during the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000213, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2020 Animal Tales poems “Española Lore”, “One Lonesome Whale”, and “Until I Choose Life” during the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20”, while hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000212 globe (this video was for public notice)

I submitted my 3 poems to Animal Tales (in addition to reading them all at the Animal Tales Festival in Salado), so Thom, thanks for posting this photo from 2/6/20 on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page. I just finished processing the separate videos of my reading “Española Lore”, “One Lonesome Whale”, and “Until I Choose Life”, but I have so many videos to still upload that I don’t know when they’ll all finally get to YouTube... Thanks for appreciating that I wrote about different kinds of animals for this contest.
https://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=10158356909780362 &set=pcb.1801417069991245& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000212, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem (less than) “Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the intro poem to Poetic License open mic 2/2/20, hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000212, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem (less than) “Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the intro poem to Poetic License open mic 2/2/20, hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Toned; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000211 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet John, it so blew my mind over the weekend to see YouTube on my phone with closed-caption for my older videos. So thanks for catching this last night, when I saw YouTube on my phone showing my full half-hour-long Texas Nafas Poetry Television show from 2/2/20 with closed captions too. It is great to see that YouTube even provides video with an avenue for the hearing impaired - and it is wonderful that this means more people can get more out of my videos - and my television show. Thank you.
https://www.facebook.com/john. yotko/videos/2817837294964739/ ?notif_id=1581383617910326&notif _t=video_tag

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000211, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Española Lore” and “Until I Choose Life”, live 1/26/20 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000211, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Española Lore” and “Until I Choose Life”, live 1/26/20 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko was live — with Janet Kuypers. 20200210 globe (video for public notice)

Janet Janet watched her show on TV and she was just surprised to see it pop up on YouTube with the closed captioning.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000210 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet John, thanks for catching this yesterday, because it was the coolest thing to open YouTube on my phone and see a past show of mine (like “Striking with Nature and Humanity” in the Evanston IL “Trunk Fest” show 6/25/11) and see that YouTube even provided closed captioning for my performance, which totally blew my mind...
https://www.facebook.com/john. yotko/videos/2815368128544989/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000210, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube videoJanet Kuypers reading her poems “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “brewery”, and “Just Desperation”, then her haiku poem “rush”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” live 1/26/20 during the multi-person intro to “Spoken and Heard” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000210, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Juxtaposition, or Irony?”, “brewery”, and “Just Desperation”, then her haiku poem “rush”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” live 1/26/20 during the multi-person intro to “Spoken and Heard” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko was live. 20200209 globe (video for public notice)

Janet Ahhh... periodic table poem. Janet is marveling at how YouTube is able to automatically close caption. It’s great that it extends the audience.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
I think that was a video of my and David Buddha-Hargarten during our “Science vs. Mysticism” show at Let Then Eat Chocolate 5/10/13. because I was watching YouTube translate me reading my poem “Vanadium”...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000209, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Violations Tested”, “Violations in the Name of Love”, and “Out of Wedding Dresses” for National Penguin Day (1/20) from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” live 1/18/20 the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000209, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Violations Tested”, “Violations in the Name of Love”, and “Out of Wedding Dresses” for National Penguin Day (1/20) from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” live 1/18/20 the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video filmed ffrom a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and Michael Gullickson at Grace Heritage Center. 20200208 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group I had a wonderful time today at Poetry Aloud, it was great hearing so many cool voices, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to read poems from the Janet Kuypers Scars Publications poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)”...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000208, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “From Hydrogen to Nothing” for National Nothing Day (1/16), “Opposite” for National Opposite Day (1/20), and “Ocean’s Call to Dive” for National Penguin Day (1/20) from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” live 1/18/20 the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000208, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “From Hydrogen to Nothing” for National Nothing Day (1/16), “Opposite” for National Opposite Day (1/20), and “Ocean’s Call to Dive” for National Penguin Day (1/20) from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” live 1/18/20 the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is with Janet Kuypers. 20200207 globe (video for public notice)

Janet &anmp; John I thought the glasses went well with Janet’s black jacket.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000207 globe (this video was for public notice)

I know that whenever you have fun-colored glasses sitting around I want to try them on, but I think John was proving that he took a better picture. (Speaking of, where did that picture go, John?) So Thom, thanks for posting this photo of the two of us 1/26/20 at “Spoken and Heard” on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10158320784620362&set= pcb.1791252434341042&t ype=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000207, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vanishing Scars” for William Stafford and to highlight her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems”, then her poem “Dance Among the Ashes” from her 2019 book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her new poem “Española Lore”, live 1/26/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000207, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Vanishing Scars” for William Stafford and to highlight her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems”, then her poem “Dance Among the Ashes” from her 2019 book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her new poem “Española Lore”, live 1/26/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000207 globe (this video was for public notice)

5 Towns Radio Hi there! I have great news for anyone who missed out on listening to the “5 Towns Classics” U.K. radio show with host Trevor Wainwright on “5 Towns Radio” for the 2/2/20 - 2 Fb - 2:30 - 3:30pm UK time (8:30 -9:30 am CST). This show highlights my poems “And I’m wondering” with the DMJ Art Connection music (that was also used in my poetry feature “Conflict, Contact, Control”), “Death Takes Many Forms” (also with music from the DMJ Art Connection off the CD “Manic Depressive or Something”), PLUS two Janet Kuypers Nafas television poems, “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Us, Actually Touching” (that I read live at the Poetry Aloud open mic 12/14/19). I am THRILLED that U.K. host Trevor just shred with me a link to the entire U.K. Radio show on Mixcloud! Now you can tune into this U.K. radio show broadcast of classical music that featured my poetry throughout any time!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000206 globe (this video was for public notice)

It was great joining the “Tablerock poetry festival 2020” for the “Tablerock Poetry Festival!” tonight for round-robin poetry; it’s just a shame that my taking a selfie with everyone was the only way we could get everyone in the photo - and STILL some people were hidden or hit by too much light! Thank you everyone for letting me share my poems “Española Lore”, “One Lonesome Whale”, and “Until I Choose Life” in 3 readings potentially for the 2020 Animal Tales anthology. It was great hearing such a great variety of voices for poetry tonight in Salado!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000206 globe (this video was for public notice)

globe in hands for Tablerock I am looking forward to representing Austin at this open mic get-together for contest submission poems for the “Animal Tales XIII 2020 anthology” (released later in 2020) in Salado, Texas, where I will share my poems “Española Lore”, “One Lonesome Whale”, and “Until I Choose Life” in an amphitheater to a live audience. I won in 2019 with 3 poems in the “Animal Tales XII 2019 anthology” and was unable to video record the readings after the book was released (only select photos exist from the book release and reading), but we will try to video record this reading in case people are not nearby and cannot make it to this unique annual event.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000206, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the hand” rom her chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, then her “Nomad’s Choir” vol. 28 issue 1 poem “Other people’s Worlds” that also appears in the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, then her new poem “Until I Choose Life”, live 1/25/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000206, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the hand” rom her chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, then her “Nomad’s Choir” vol. 28 issue 1 poem “Other people’s Worlds” that also appears in the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, then her new poem “Until I Choose Life”, live 1/25/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000205 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Thom I am glad I got this photo with Thom at “Community Poetry” today at Half Price Book, and thanks you so much for giving me the chance to share poetry from both the v168 February 2020 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine issue/book “Aurora” as well as the the v294 February 2020 issue of cc&d magazine issue/book “Mask”  - both of which contained poems that all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for poetry about February events. Thank you Thom, Half Price Books, and all poetry lovers!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000205, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nomad’s Choir” vol. 28 issue 1 poem “Other people’s Worlds” that also appears in the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, then her new poem “Until I Choose Life”, live 1/25/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000205, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nomad’s Choir” vol. 28 issue 1 poem “Other people’s Worlds” that also appears in the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, then her new poem “Until I Choose Life”, live 1/25/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Posterized Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000205 globe (this video was for public notice)

Today is the big day! I am looking forward to being one of the featured readers TODAY (that’s February 5th, 2020, 2/5/20) at Thom’s Community Poetry from 1:00-3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) (held the first Wednesday afternoon of every month), where I am hoping I can read poetry from the v294 February 2020 issue of cc&d magazine, now available as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Mask”, because this book also contains a few February-themed poems that also appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” - what a perfect time to share! I hope to see everyone at Austin’s grooviest bookstore today!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000204, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers watching her feature on a half-hour “Texas Nafas Poetry” TV show February 1st, 2020 (2/1/20, or 20200201), watching her interview and her poem readings of “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “the Burning”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, “Us, Actually Touching”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein”, and “And I’m Wondering” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000204, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers watching her feature on a half-hour “Texas Nafas Poetry” TV show February 1st, 2020 (2/1/20, or 20200201), watching her interview and her poem readings of “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “the Burning”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, “Us, Actually Touching”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein”, and “And I’m Wondering” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000204 globe (this video was for public notice)

Tomorrow is the big day! I am looking forward to being one of the featured readers TOMORROW at Thom’s Community Poetry February 5th, 2020 from 1:00-3:00 PM at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) (held the first Wednesday afternoon of every month), where I am hoping I can read poetry from the v168 February 2020 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Aurora” — because this book, as well as the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, contains poetry in honor of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (2/12), so this is a perfect time to share! I hope to see everyone at Austin’s grooviest bookstore for these readings tomorrow!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000203, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers listening to the U.K.’s 5 Towns Radio 2/2/20, where the host of the show highlighted her and shared her readings poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Us, Actually Touching” in Georgetown, along with radio poetry commentary (Samsung S9 camera & Sepia Toned; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000203, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers listening to the U.K.’s 5 Towns Radio 2/2/20, where the host of the show highlighted her and shared her poem “Death Takes Many Forms” to music from the DMJ Art Connection (also off her CD “Manic Depressive of Something”), with commentary on the poem (Samsung S9 camera with a Sepia Tone filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000203, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers listening to 5 Towns Radio (based in the U.K.) 2/2/20, where the host shared her bio and her poem “And I’m Wondering” to music from the DMJ Art Connection (first performed in the Chicago show “Conflict • Contact • Control”), along with commentary on the poem and music (video filmed with a Samsung S9 camera & given a Sepia Tone filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is attending Poetic License open mic 2/2/20 with Thom Woodruff, Louise Gail Richardson, Reed Mindy, and Linda Gordon at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20200202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group Had a great time today at Poetic License!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20200202 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Louise Gail Richardson Louise Gail Richardson
20200202 globe (for public notice)

Poetic License Poetic License
3:30 PM Today
Recycled Reads
5335 Burnet Road
Hosted by Janet Kuypers

Be there!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 21 others. 20200202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License After a stellar Australian Open for tennis hours ago, and to save yourself from the Super Bowl madness tonight, join us in Austin TODAY, on the first Sunday of the month, February 2nd, 2020 (2/2/20, or 20200202) from 3:30-5:50 CST for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/169201401090645/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 21 others. 20200202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License After a stellar Australian Open for tennis hours ago, and to save yourself from the Super Bowl madness tonight, join us in Austin TODAY, on the first Sunday of the month, February 2nd, 2020 (2/2/20, or 20200202) from 3:30-5:50 CST for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/169201401090645/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet How cool! Thank you Trevor Wainwright, it was great to heart my recent Poetry Aloud readings of the Janet Kuypers poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Us, Actually Touching”, and it was great to hear audience members responding to my readings too. What a perfect cap to this weekend, and thank you again!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet I am honored that I just got to hear the DMJ Art Connection playing music to the Janet Kuypers poem “Death Takes Many Forms.” on U.K. radio. And Trevor Wainwright, what great classical music you share on 5 Towns Radio too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Just heard on the radio the Janet Kuypers poem “And I’m wondering” with music from the DMJ Art Connection. Thanks Trevor!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000202 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Oh, U.K. radio host Trevor Wainwright is already saying my Facebook messages I sent to him live on the radio. I hear I’ll be broadcast soon!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000202 globe (this video was for public notice)

5 Towns Radio Last night there was a half-hour television show about me and my poetry, and I wake up this morning to my poetry highlighted on U.K. radio (what a wonderful wake-up call!). I am so toked that this in about half an hour; host Trevor Wainwright of the show “5Towns Classics” on “5 Towns Radio” at https://www.ukonlineradio.com/5-towns-radio or facebook.com/5townsradio for the 2 Fb 2:30 - 3:30pm UK time 8:30 -9:30 am CST show will highlight Janet Kuypers poetry, including “And I’m wondering” with music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection (that was also used in my poetry feature “Conflict, Contact, Control”), “Death Takes Many Forms” (also with music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection off the CD “Manic Depressive or Something”), PLUS two poems that were on TV last night, “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Us, Actually Touching”, that I read live at the Poetry Aloud open mic 12/14/19. I am THRILLED this will all air soon, so all my U.K. AND American friends can listen live to this globally broadcast U.K. Radio show!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000201, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video when Janet Kuypers was featured in a half-hour Texas Nafas Poetry television show February 1st, 2020 (2/1/20, or 20200201), where, while being interviewed about her poetry, Janet Kuypers read her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “the Burning”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, “Us, Actually Touching”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein”, and “And I’m wondering” (this DVD of the entire TV show was also posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Olivier Schopfer Westley Heine
20200201 globe (this video was for public notice)

Readers, Pink Floyd fans, Gallery Cabaret friends... I have some new writing in Down in the Dirt (through Scars which was the first publication to dig my work way back in 2010.) Thanks again to my ole friend Janet Kuypers who used to host the poetry night at The Gallery. Included is a piece of mine called The Night Syd Barrett Died about the Pink Floyd founder. It takes place at my Chicago home office the Gallery Cabaret. Follow the link or order on Amazon. You don’t have to scroll through this one. My work is on page one!

facebook profile picture for Olivier Schopfer Olivier Schopfer
20200201 globe (this video was for public notice)

Happy to have my photograph “Flame” in issue v168 of Down in the Dirt, edited by Janet Kuypers. Aparna Pathak and Kyle Hemmings are in the issue too::

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000201 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Tonight’s the night! My Texas Nafas poetry and interview TELEVISION SHOW will be broadcast at 8:30 tonight (confirmed it on the Austin Film website)! Check out your public access station, but I will do my post to also post the television show on YouTube so anyone can check it out any time too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000201 globe (this video was for public notice)

What a perfect way to ring in the new decade! Scars Publications has just released the v168 February 2020 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine, now available as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Aurora”, which is available online anywhere, and from Amazon in the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Australia and Japan (and yeah, they ship to India too) - grab a copy today! (Writers and artists in this book include Abigail Kipp, AGNA Nafeesa Ghazal, Alejandro Gonzales, Amanda Pugh, Andrew Miller, Anita Lekic, Aparna Pathak, Brett Dixon, Bruce Hodder, C. Angelo Caci, Carolyn Poindexter, Catherine McAllister, Chris Cooper, Christina Culverhouse, Daniel de Culla, Dave Somerset, David Boski, Deirdre Baird, Doug Hawley, E. Martin Pedersen, Edward M. Cohen, Edward Michael O᾿Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Bennett, Elodie Rose Barnes, Eric Cook, Erica Smith, Fabrice Poussin, Frederick Pollack, J. Ray Paradiso, James Hold, James Kelly, Janet Kuypers, Johann van der Walt, Joshua Prater, Kassandra Heit, Kevin Victor, Kimberley Flanagan, Kristy Gherlone, Kyle Hemmings, Lou Faber, Marilyn Flower, Mark J. Mitchella, Marlon Jackson, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Howard, Olivier Schopfer, Patrick T. Reardon, Punam Sharma, Rachel Medina, Randall Rogers, Sarah Henry, Tiffany Renee Harmon, Travis Green, Westley Heine, and Yasmin Hemmat.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000201 globe (this video was for public notice)

What a perfect way to ring in the new decade! Scars Publications has just released the v294 February 2020 issue of cc&d magazine, now available as the 6" x 9" perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Mask”, which is available online anywhere, and from Amazon in the U.S., the U.K., all of Europe, and even Australia and Japan (and yeah, they ship to India too) - grab a copy today! (Writers and artists in this book include Aaron Wilder, Allen F. McNair, Amirah Al Wassif, Andree Gendron, Andy Botterill, Brian Hosey and Lauren Braden, CEE, Christina Culverhouse, Daniel S. Weinberg, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, David Russell, DC Diamondopolous, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, DS Maolalai, Edith Gallagher Boyd, Edward Michael O᾿Durr Supranowicz, Eric Bonholtzer, Erica Hernandez, Helen Bird, I.B. Rad, J. Ross Archer, Janet Kuypers, John F. McMullen, KJ Renk, Kyle Hemmings, Linda M. Crate, Michael Ceraolo, Oz Hardwick, Phelan Tinsley, Robin Barratt, R. N. Taber, Rose E. Grier, Thomas Elson, Tom Sheehan, Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, and Westley Heine.)

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000201 globe (this video was for public notice)

promo for 5 Towns Radio Host Trevor Wainwright of the show “5Towns Classics” on “5 Towns Radio” at https://www.ukonlineradio.com/5-towns-radio or facebook.com/5townsradio shared a live promo with me for the 2 Fb 2:30 - 3:30pm UK time 8:30 -9:30 am CST show highlighting my poetry, including “And I’m wondering” with music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection (that was also used in my poetry feature “Conflict, Contact, Control”), “Death Takes Many Forms” (also with music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection off the CD “Manic Depressive or Something”), PLUS my “Public Access Poetry” poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Us, Actually Touching” live at the Poetry Aloud open mic 12/14/19. I am THRILLED this will all air, and now all my American AND U.K. friends can check out a U.K. Radio show Sunday!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000131 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Make sure no static is coming through on your TV tomorrow... because I just found out that my Texas Nafas poetry and interview TELEVISION SHOW will be broadcast tomorrow! Check out your public access station, but I will do my post to also post the television show on YouTube so anyone can check it out any time...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000131, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poem “One Lonesome Whale”, then her poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, originally from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but appearing in and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000131, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poem “One Lonesome Whale”, then her poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, originally from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but appearing in and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera/ Hue Cycling; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko. 20200131 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & John John thought it would be weird if we both wore our Nitzer Ebb concert shirts to Spoken and Heard at Kick Butt 1/26/20, but no one noticed... and I thought it totally rocked the free world when Ernie played that song on John’s shirt for his intro music. So Thom, thanks for posting this photo of the two of us on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10158320788230362&set= pcb.1791252434341042&type= 3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000130, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Public Access Poetry” poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)” from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000130, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Public Access Poetry” poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)” from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera/Sepia Tone; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000130 globe (this video was for public notice)

5 Towns Radio I am stoked that this weekend on “5 Towns Radio” at https://www.ukonlineradio.com/5-towns-radio on February 2nd at 14:30 (2:30-3:30 PM U.K. time, 8:30-9:30 AM CST), Trevor will broadcast his hour-long poetry show that will include poetry of mine, including my poems “And I’m wondering” with music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection (that was also used in my poetry feature “Conflict, Contact, Control”), “Death Takes Many Forms” (also with music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection off the CD “Manic Depressive or Something”), PLUS my “Public Access Poetry” poems “Fantastic Car Crash” and “Us, Actually Touching” live at the Poetry Aloud open mic 12/14/19. I am THRILLED this will all air, and now all my American AND U.K. friends can check out a U.K. Radio show Sunday!

facebook profile picture for John Yotko John Yotko is eating dinner with beloved family at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse (10515 Mopac Expressway, Austin, TX). 20200129 globe (video for public notice)

Janet &anmp; John 21 years ago today on our first date I took Janet to a brewery (Harrison’s), it was so snowy I wore my boots so I could drop her off at the door. I’m wearing those same boots today at THIS brewery, as Janet wears the same shirt she wore on our first date. It was more like two friends out for some beers. Little did we know then that we’d be best friends for life. I love you Janet.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000129 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet How cool to be able to share my poem poem “Other People’s Worlds” that appears in BOTH the Winter 2020 (Vol. 28 Issue 1) of “Nomad’s Choir” AND the Scars Publications recently-released 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” 1/25/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud”... So Thom, thanks for posting this photo on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10158312716165362&set=pcb. 1788780441254908&type= 3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000129, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Earthrise”, (from) “Queen of the Night Sky”, and (from) “Quest Beyond an Icy Tail” (recently in her finalé feature & chapbook “Night Sky”) from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000129, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Earthrise”, (from) “Queen of the Night Sky”, and (from) “Quest Beyond an Icy Tail” (recently in her finalé feature & chapbook “Night Sky”) from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 23 others. 20200129 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Only a few days away, join us this Sunday (the first Sunday of the month), February 2nd, 2020 (2/2/20, or 20200202) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/169201401090645/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200128 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Okay, I don’t look exactly the same as my Kindergarten photo on the cover of the Janet Kuypers 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, but it was fun to later read from that book my Twitter and Instagram poem “Dance Among the Ashes” (written about the Chernobyl disaster) 1/25/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud”. So Thom, thanks for posting this photo on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10158312722730362&set=pcb. 1788780441254908& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000128, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “True Happiness in the New Millennium” from the Down in the Dirt 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Legacy”, then her poems “Other People’s Worlds” and “Opens the Way”, read from the cc&d 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000128, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “True Happiness in the New Millennium” from the Down in the Dirt 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Legacy”, then her poems “Other People’s Worlds” and “Opens the Way”, read from the cc&d 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200127 globe (this video was for public notice)

John (@walkingseed and #walkingseed) and I met 21 years ago today, which means our meeting is now old enough to drink. Here’s to you, John! I love you!
#janetkuypers #walkingseed #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000127, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers sings the Depeche Mode song “One Caress”, then reads her poem “Thirteen Seconds” from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges” (a poem reflective of the book’s front cover image), then sings her song “In Love I Abide”, live 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (video filmed on a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000127, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video as Janet Kuypers sings the Depeche Mode song “One Caress”, then reads her poem “Thirteen Seconds” from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges” (a poem reflective of the book’s front cover image), then sings her song “In Love I Abide”, live 1/18/20 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (video filmed on a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 24 others. 20200127 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Now less than a week away, join us this Sunday (the first Sunday of the month), February 2nd, 2020 (2/2/20, or 20200202) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/169201401090645/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200127 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Vito Vittorio Carli, Happy Birthday!!!
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid= 10216985813971568&set=a. 1601561992956&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. 202000126 globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers listening to 5 Towns Radio (based in the U.K.) on January 26th, 2020 (or 1/26/20, or 20200126), where host Trevor Wainwright hosted a show highlighting a reading by Oz Hardwick of edited portions of her poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying” to music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection, along with commentary about both Oz and her, as well as details about the significance of this poem (Samsung S9 camera with a Sepia Tone filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000126 globe (this video was for public notice)

listening 2 5 Towns Radio Right at the ends of the 5 Towns Radio broadcast in the U.K., I am pleased to share hearing Oz Hardwick, with music from Dave Jackson of the DMJ Art Connection, reading his edit of the Janet Kuypers poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying”, which was excellent to hear!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000126 globe (this video was for public notice)

5 Towns Radio TODAY is the big day! Good morning to all my U.S. poets, and good afternoon to all my U.K. poets, tune to “5 Towns Radio” at https://www.ukonlineradio.com/5-towns-radio at 14:30 (2:30-3:30 PM U.K. time, 8:30-9:30 AM CST), Trevor will air as a preview to my poems broadcast my U.K. friend Oz Hardwick reading a condensed and altered version of my poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying” (altered for U.K. politicians, of course). This is double-plus cool, so if you’re in the U.S. having breakfast this morning (1/26/20), check out his radio show on “5 Towns Radio” for this most-excellent poetic diversion!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and 6 others. 202000125 globe (this video was for public notice)

JK 3 Poetry Aloud group photos Had a great time today at Poetry Aloud! It was great hearing both poets and musicians perform today... and thank you all for my chance to read poems from the ccc&d 7-12 2019 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”), plus my poetry books “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” and “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, AND new poems written for the 2020 animal tales book! You guys are the best!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200125 globe (this video was for public notice)

5 Towns Radio Okay, so I was wrong by a day (good thing I didn᾿t miss it)... I am thrilled that U.K. poet and friend Trevor Wainwright has chosen 4 of my poems for playing on his 1-hour-long U.K. Internet radio show. My poems will run later, but SUNDAY on “5 Towns Radio” at https://www.ukonlineradio.com/5-towns-radio at 14:30 (2:30-3:30 PM U.K. time, 8:30-9:30 AM CST), Trevor will air as a preview to my poems broadcast my U.K. friend Oz Hardwick reading a condensed and altered version of my poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying” (altered for U.K. politicians, of course). This is double-plus cool, so if you’re in the U.S. having breakfast this morning (1/26/20), check out his radio show on “5 Towns Radio” for this most-excellent poetic diversion!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000125 globe (this video was for public notice)

5 Towns Radio I am thrilled that U.K. poet and friend Trevor Wainwright has chosen 4 of my poems for playing on his 1-hour-long U.K. Internet radio show. My poems will run later, but TODAY on “5 Towns Radio” at https://www.ukonlineradio.com/5-towns-radio at 14:30 (2:30-3:30 PM U.K. time, 8:30-9:30 AM CST), Trevor will air as a preview to my poems broadcast my U.K. friend Oz Hardwick reading a condensed and altered version of my poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying” (altered for U.K. politicians, of course). This is double-plus cool, so if you’re in the U.S. having breakfast in the morning (1/25/20), check out his radio show on “5 Towns Radio” for this most-excellent poetic diversion!
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
Janet Kuypers Okay, we were out for over the entire hour of the other show on the radio, and even though we turned in quite regularly, it was really loud at the diner, and I never heard the promo with Oz Hardwick reading his slant on my poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying”. I don’t know if anyone else heard it... but Trevor Wainwright, I imagine you have a sampled mp3 file of the promo with your commentary on it - I would love to hear it and spread the word on your radio show if you have a copy of the now-played promo to share with me. Let me know, and thank you a TON!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200124 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet KuypersCommunity Poetry November 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17 now has videos & poems all on an artvilla/scars web page too! See poems, videos, & a video playlist all in one place! https://www.artvilla. com/scars/?p=832/
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000124, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Jumping Genes and the Infiltration of my DNA”, written on and for the day that DNA was discovered and read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 1/12/20 at Austin’s “Poetry at Parsons” reading (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000124, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Jumping Genes and the Infiltration of my DNA” , written on and for the day that DNA was discovered and read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 1/12/20 at Austin’s “Poetry at Parsons” reading (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 26 others. 20200124 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Join us on the first Sunday of the month, February 2nd, 2020 (2/2/20, or 20200202) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 2/2/20Facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/169201401090645/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000123, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video, In honor of her poetry published in issues of “The Enigmatist” and “Blue Hole”, of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 “Blue Hole” poem “Eternal Never Ending Now” ; (read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”), her 2016 “The Enigmatist” poem (from) “the Burning” (appearing in her Texas Nafas Poetry chapbook “Public Access Poetry” and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”), and for her 2018 “The Enigmatist” poem “Eyes”, her expanded 2015 poem “Eyes” (read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”), live 1/12/20 at Austin’s “Poetry at Parsons” reading (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000123, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video, In honor of her poetry published in issues of “The Enigmatist” and “Blue Hole”, of Janet Kuypers reading her 2019 “Blue Hole” poem “Eternal Never Ending Now” (read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”), her 2016 “The Enigmatist” poem (from) “the Burning” (appearing in her Texas Nafas Poetry chapbook “Public Access Poetry” and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”), and for her 2018 “The Enigmatist” poem “Eyes”, her expanded 2015 poem “Eyes” (read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”), live 1/12/20 at Austin’s “Poetry at Parsons” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr) — and thanks for making a point to “like” this post in its “Poets On Fire Worldwide” page too...

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200123 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Laura & Rylan Happy Birthday, Laura!
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=1021695 8663292818&set=a.1601 561992956&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000122, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Christmas Eve” (recently in the cc&d retro books “That was the Time”, then her poems (from) “Queen of the Night Sky”, and (from) “Quest Beyond an Icy Tail” (recently in her chapbook “Night Sky”) all read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/11/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000122, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Christmas Eve” (recently in the cc&d retro books “That was the Time”, then her poems (from) “Queen of the Night Sky”, and (from) “Quest Beyond an Icy Tail” (recently in her chapbook “Night Sky”) all read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, live 1/11/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200121 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading for Community Poetry 11/1/17 now has videos & poems all on an artvilla web page! Now find poems, videos, & a video playlist are now all in one place! https://www.artvilla. com/janet-kuypers-poetry-november-2017-book-release-reading-11-1-17/
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000121, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Our Society, Glossed Over”, then her poems “Earthrise” and (from) “from Orpheus to Nuking the Moon” (2 poems from her chapbook “Night Sky”) read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, 1/11/20 at “Poetry Aloud” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000121, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Our Society, Glossed Over”, then her poems “Earthrise” and (from) “from Orpheus to Nuking the Moon” (2 poems from her chapbook “Night Sky”) read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, live 1/11/20 at “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers added 92 new photos to the album: Janet Kuypers’ cc&d “Imagery of Place” book @ Poetry Aloud 1/11/20. 20200121 globe (for public notice)

Janet, Poetry Aloud Janet, Poetry Aloud
Janet, Poetry Aloud Janet, Poetry Aloud Janet, Poetry Aloud
Thank you to Thom Woodruff for photographing Janet Kuypers reading 2 of her poems from the cc&d 7-12 2019 Scars Publications issue collection book “Imagery of Place”. She read her poems “Opens the Way” and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and Sin from Killing” (and she enjoyed hearing reactions to the end of her Genesis vegetarian slant poem).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200120 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Kuypers’ 11/1/17 Book Release Reading for Community Poetry now has 10 videos all on a YouTube playlist! Poem videos from 5 different Scars Publications books are now all in one place!
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYa-AZK78_h qQoy8FokrQ5KseaUbCwheC
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000120, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Opens the Way”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and Sin from Killing”, read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, 1/11/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Instagram).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000120, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Opens the Way”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and Sin from Killing”, read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d issue collection book “Imagery of Place”, 1/11/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Instagram).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20200119 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20200119 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000119, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video in a low-key start to “Poetic License” for the Poetic License open mic 1/5/20, where host Janet Kuypers played music with John on guitar instead of reading poetry. Here Janet Kuypers sang the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds”, the Don McLean song “American Pie” (a song they haven’t covered since their Round Rock concert nearly two years ago), and the Depeche Mode song “The Bottom Lone” sung together with altered chorus lyrics (as performed in their wedding) at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000119, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video in a low-key start to “Poetic License” for the Poetic License open mic 1/5/20, where host Janet Kuypers played music with John on guitar instead of reading poetry. Here Janet Kuypers sang the Sinead O’Connor song “Black Boys on Mopeds”, the Don McLean song “American Pie” (a song they haven’t covered since their Round Rock concert nearly two years ago), and the Depeche Mode song “The Bottom Lone” sung together with altered chorus lyrics (as performed in their wedding) at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers green arrow Oz Hardwick. 20200119 globe (for public notice)

Janet & Oz Oz Hardwick, happy birthday!!!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with John Yotko and Louise Gail Richardson at Recycled Reads, Austin Public Library. 20200118 globe (this video was for public notice)

Glad I was able to catch a few photos with the host today - Louise Gail Richardson, thanks for another great get-together for the Open Mic Showcase at Austin’s Recycled Reads!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000118, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video in a low-key start to “Poetic License” for the Poetic License open mic 1/5/20, where host Janet Kuypers played music with John on guitar instead of reading poetry. Here Janet Kuypers sang the George Michael song “Waiting (Reprise)”, the Wham! song “Last Christmas”, and the Eurythmics song “I Need You” at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000117, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video in a low-key start to “Poetic License” for the Poetic License open mic 1/5/20, where host Janet Kuypers played music with John on guitar instead of reading poetry. Here Janet Kuypers sang the George Michael song “Waiting (Reprise)”, the Wham! song “Last Christmas”, and the Eurythmics song “I Need You” at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000116 globe (this video was for public notice)

It was nice that John was able to join me at my January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin 1/1/20, where I was able to share poetry from both of the Scars Publications 2019 collection books. But thanks for taking photos before I read my poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)” (originally from my cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but appearing in and read from the 7-12 2019 expanded cc&d issue collection book “Among the Debris”) on the 25-year anniversary of my becoming a vegetarian. And btw, even thought there᾿s a champagne glass there, it᾿s not mine (it᾿s Thom᾿s for 1/1/20...).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000116, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ominous Day”, “Being God”, “Poem About This”, “ends of the earth”, and (from) “Sometimes It’s Not”, then her prose “Imaging Friends and Loved ones”, , then her poems “keyboard” and “quake”, and her prose “Scars”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Art House”, during her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000116, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Ominous Day”, “Being God”, “Poem About This”, “ends of the earth”, and (from) “Sometimes It’s Not”, then her prose “Imaging Friends and Loved ones”, , then her poems “keyboard” and “quake”, and her prose “Scars”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Art House”, during her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000116 globe (this video was for public notice)

By the way Thom, thanks for taking a few photos of me while I read “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” poems for the Poetry Aloud reading 12/28/19 at the Grace Heritage Center!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000115, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000115, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000114, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, then her poems “Death Takes Many Forms (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, and “Us, Actually Touching”, originally from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but appearing in and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, as one of the readings in her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000114, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, then her poems “Death Takes Many Forms (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, and “Us, Actually Touching”, originally from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but appearing in and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris”, as one of the readings in her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000113, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, originally from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but appearing in and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” - read because this day was also her 25-year anniversary of being a vegetarian - as one of the readings in her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000113, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, originally from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry” but appearing in and read from the Scars Publications 7-12 2019 cc&d expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” - read because this day was also her 25-year anniversary of being a vegetarian - as one of the readings in her January 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and Joyce Gullickson at Parsons House. 202000112 globe (this video was for public notice)

3 group photos Thanks to everyone for the opportunity to read poetry at the Parsons House today! Of course, it was cool to read 3 poems previously published in the Enigmatist and Blue Hole, but this time I had to read “Eternal Never Ending Now” from the Janet Kuypers book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, “the Burning” from the cc&d expanded 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Among the Debris”, and the expanded (2015) poem “Eyes” from the Last Janet Kuypers Chicago book, “A Year-Long Journey”... and yes, it was also cool to come back and read a poem for the day DNA was discovered, “Jumping Genes and the Infiltration of my DNA”, from my poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”. It was also great hearing different poets read too, so thanks again to everyone!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000112, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Waiting for a Sign (verses 1 & 3)” read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” (in the book for January 8, Earth’s Rotation Day), while John played guitar w/ a bow, live 12/28/19 at “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000112, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Waiting for a Sign (verses 1 & 3)” read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” (in the book for January 8, Earth’s Rotation Day), while John played guitar w/ a bow, live 12/28/19 at “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram, is with Thom Woodruff and 3 others. 20200111 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet in group Had a great time today at Poetry Aloud! I’m glad I got the chance to read poetry from the cc&d issue collection books “Among the Debris” and “Imagery of Place”, and it was great hearing many poets read today! #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000110, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together”, “A New Life”, and “Check Your Clock”, all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 12/28/19 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via Instagram
20200109 shared with friends

Instagram of Janet and John Happy Birthday, Westley Heine! (btw, on your Facebook page, I LOVE that one of your permanent photos is of you reading poetry at the Gallery Cabaret. Rock on (which seems an inappropriate thing to write for my blues musician reading poetry when I hosted that open mic for over half a decade, but revel in the juxtaposition)... Have a great birthday! #janetkuypers

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000109, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together”, “A New Life”, and “Check Your Clock”, all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 12/28/19 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000108 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thom, thank you for posting this photo from while I was reading Janet Kuypers poetry the cc&d magazine 7-12 2019 issues plus retro issues & chapbooks collection book “Among the Debris”. It was cool to read chapbook materials from this 494-page volume on 1/1/20 during Community Poetry (especially when the poems are readings from the chapbook “Public Access Poetry” for readings for a 3/1/20 Texas Nafas Poetry television show). Thanks for posting this on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10158241000595362&set=pcb. 1764681646998121& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000108, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Fighting for Freedom on Christmas” (written on the calendar day of George Washington’s birthday) and read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then singing the Pudding Head mix of “Last Christmas” by Wham! with John on acoustic guitar, then John read his poem ”It Wasn’t My Intent” while Janet played background guitar music with a bow, live 12/28/19 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic at the Grace Heritage Center (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000108, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Fighting for Freedom on Christmas” (written on the calendar day of George Washington’s birthday) and read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then singing the Pudding Head mix of “Last Christmas” by Wham! with John on acoustic guitar, then John read his poem ”It Wasn’t My Intent” while Janet played background guitar music with a bow, live 12/28/19 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic at the Grace Heritage Center (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera w/ a Sepia Tone filter, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000107 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Yay! Reading poetry while people on AND offstage listen! Thom, thank you for posting this photo of me while I was reading haiku and poetry from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” at the beginning of the “Spoken and Heard” open mic in Austin 12/29/19 on the “The Austin Poets Association” page...
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=101582259801203 62&set=pcb.26623 73950508296&type=3&theater

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000107 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet What? I’m supposed to perform soon? Well, Thom, thank you for posting this photo of me getting ready to read the Janet Kuypers poem “Waiting to Take the Plunge” from my poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, before singing “Last Christmas” by Wham! with John on guitar (where I then got to play his guitar with a bow for his reading) - and it was cool to wear my “last Christmas” pin during the “Spoken and Heard” open mic in Austin 12/29/19. It was cool to see it on the “The Austin Poets Association” page...
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10158225979780362& set=pcb.662373950508296& type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers updated her cover photo. 20200107 globe (this video was for public notice)

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers

facebook cover picture for Janet Kuypers
facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers 202000107, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 haiku “unbounded” and “dreams”, and her poem “Over the Lives”, all read from her poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” live 12/29/19 at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic in Austin (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000106 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thom, thank you for posting this photo from while I was showing off the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges” 1/1/20 during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10158241002990362&set=pcb. 1764681646998121 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000106 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thom, thank you for posting this photo from while I was reading from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges” 1/1/20 during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) on your “Austin Artmosphere Artists” page.
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10158241003365362& set=pcb.1764681646998121 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000106, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 haiku “unbounded” and “dreams”, and her poem “Over the Lives”, all read from her poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” live 12/29/19 at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera w/ a Sepia Tone filter; on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 22 others. 20200105 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Today is the big day! Join me today (Sunday, January 5th, 2020, that’s 20200105, or 1/5/20) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 1/5/20” at Austin’s Recycled Reads bookstore!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 1/5/20facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/633689547369128/

facebook profile picture for Louise Gail Richardson Louise Gail Richardson
20200105 globe (for public notice)

Janet in group A New Year at Recycled Reads
Janet Kuypers (in Santa cap) hosts Poetic License today at 3:30.
Moi (to her left and your right) will host the Showcase at 3:30 on January 18th.
Welcome all to 5335 Burnet Road, first Sundays and third Saturdays!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000105, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Waiting to Take the Plunge” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then John played guitar while she covered “Last Christmas” by Wham!, then John read his poem “It Wasn’t my Intent” while Janet payed his guitar with a bow, then John played his song “I Won’t Say Thank You/What I’ve Been Through” live 12/29/19 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 23 others. 20200104 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Join us TOMORROW - Sunday, January 5th, 2020 (20200105, or 1/5/20) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 1/5/20” at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 1/5/20facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/events/ 633689547369128/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000104, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Waiting to Take the Plunge” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then John played guitar while she covered “Last Christmas” by Wham!, then John read his poem “It Wasn’t my Intent” while Janet payed his guitar with a bow, then John played his song “I Won’t Say Thank You/What I’ve Been Through” live 12/29/19 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Imagery of Place Wait a minute, Scars Publications just released a huge cc&d magazine collection book, I don᾿t know if I want a book with all of those retro issues or chapbooks in it. Can’t Scars Publications do something for ME? Okay then, your wish is my command. Scars Publications also just released the cc&d magazine collection book of just the 7-12 2019 issues of cc&d, titled “Imagery of Place”! This 318-page volume is a great way to stock up on 2019 issues if you didn’t buy all of the issues, which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. (and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan - and I just heard that Amazon now mails this book to Australia too)...
The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include Aaron Wilder, Ahsan Jilani, Allen F. McNair, ayaz daryl nielsen, Catherine Zickgraf, CEE, Charles Hayes, Cheyanne Brabo, Christina Culverhouse, D. D. Renforth, David J. Thompson, David M Jackson, Deborah L. Wymbs, Don Maurer, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, Greg G. Zaino, James Hold, James Mulhern, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, Jim Meirose, Joe Frey, John F. McMullen, Joseph D. Reich, Kate Rose, Ken Fisher, Kyle Hemmings, Linda M. Crate, Meredith A. Lang, Michael Ceraolo, Michael H. Brownstein, Nathan Godwin, Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Paul Telles, Pushkar Bisht, Riley Smith, R. N. Taber, Rose E. Grier, Roseann Geiger, Thom Woodruff, Thomas Elson, Tom Sheehan, W. Dean Marple, Westley Heine, and Xanadu.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Among the Debris What a perfect book to pick up for the new year! Scars Publications just released the cc&d magazine HUGE July-December 2019 issues PLUS retro issues PLUS chapbooks collection book “Among the Debris”! This 494-page volume is a great way to stock up on issue if you didn’t buy all of the issues - plus you get no longer printed chapbooks, which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. (and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan - and I just heard that Amazon now mails this book to Australia too)... The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include Aaron Wilder, Adam Joseph Ortiz, Ahsan Jilani, Allen F. McNair, ayaz daryl nielsen, Ben Ohmart, Ben Whitmer, Bill Hemmig, Carol Brown, Catherine Wright, Catherine Zickgraf, CEE, Charles Hayes, Cheryl Townsend, Cheyanne Brabo, Christina Culverhouse, Chuck Taylor, D. D. Renforth, David J. Thompson, David M Jackson, David McKenna, Deborah L. Wymbs, Don Maurer, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, G. A. Scheinoha, Greg G. Zaino, Holly Cross, J. Speer, James B. Nicola, James Hold, James Mulhern, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, Jim Meirose, Joe Frey, John F. McMullen, Joseph D. Reich, Joseph Verrilli, Julia O’Donovan, Kate Rose, Ken Fisher, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kyle Hemmings, Laurie Calhoun, Linda M. Crate, Meredith Lang, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Estabrook, Michael H. Brownstein, Michael Lee Johnson, Michael McNeilley, Michaela Sefler, Nathan Godwin, Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Pat Dixon, Paul Baker, Paul Glaze, Paul Telles, Peter Scott, Pushkar Bisht, Ray Heinrich, Riley Smith, Roger N. Taber, Rose E. Grier, Roseann Geiger, Shannon Krol, Sydney Anderson, Tanya Rucosky Noakes, Thom Woodruff, Thomas Elson, Tom Sheehan, W. Dean Marple, Westley Heine, and Xanadu.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000103, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein”, and “And I’m wondering”, all read from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry”, of poems that were performed during her appearance on a half-hour long Texas Nafas Poetry 2020 television show (that will air 3/1/20 on tv), live at the Poetry Aloud open mic at the Grace Heritage Center 12/14/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Thom, with all of the books you bring with you everywhere, thanks for taking this photo of me with the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume One: January-June)” (I might bring a book of my own too)...
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=10158225977765362 &set=pcb.2662373950508296 &type=3&theater&ifg=1

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Legacy What a perfect book to pick up for the new year! Scars Publications just released the Down in the Dirt magazine July-December 2019 issue collection book “Legacy”! This is a great way to stock up on issue if you didn’t buy all of the issues - which makes this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. (and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan - and I just heard that Amazon now mails this book to Australia too)...
And for those way too curious to wait, contributors to this collection book include A. Elizabeth Herting, Abigael Tanui, Ahsan Jilani, Alex Fitzgerald, Alison McBain, Allan Onik, Amber Stafford, Andre Carter, Andrew Miller, Anita G. Gorman, Annin Brothers, Aparna Pathak, Ashley Clark, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bego Montesinos, Ben Rasnic, Benjamin Steinhorn, Bill Arnott, Bojana Stojcic, Cameron Patterson, Carol Anne Perini, Carolyn Poindexter, Charles Edwards, Charles S. Manuel, Chris Cooper, Christine-Marie Liwag Dixon, Conjeevaram J. Nandakumar, Dah, Daniel de Culla, Daniel Owens, Darren Mileto, David Boski, David Russell, David Wyma, Dawid Juraszek, Denny E. Marshall, Donna M. Davis, Doug Hawley, DS Maolalai, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Emily Jo Scalzo, Eric Stone, Fabrice Poussin, Felix Purat, Fred Chandler, Heath Brougher, Helen Bird, J. Ray Paradiso, Jack Coe, James Hold, Janet Kuypers, Jaquayah Williams, Jeff Bakkensen, Jennifer Benningfield, Jo Szewczyk, Joe Seale, John Conaway, John F. McMullen, John L. Stanizzi, John Raffetto, John Tustin, John Yotko, Jon Beight, Jon Brunette, Judge Santiago Burdon, Jules Elleo, Karen Norrell, Karen Stacy, Katie Everson, Keely O’Shaughnessy, Ken Massicotte, Kyle Hemmings, L. Carina Bracamontes, Latoya Kid, Laura Johnson, Lauren Haynes, LJ Phillips, Loretta Majoy, Lynne Knight, Marie McCloskey, Marilee Dahlman, Mark A. Murphy, Marlon Jackson, Matt Pasca, Matthew Matkowski, Mbizo Chirasha, Michael Fitzgerald, Michaiah Vosberg, Mike Schneider, Mike Zakrajsek, Milenko Zupanovic, Natalie Singletary, Nick Sweeney, Norm Hudson, Olivier Schopfer, Pamela J. Picard, Paul Bernstein, Pawel Markiewicz, Peter Silverman, R. Riley, Rene Diedrich, Riley Smith, Robbi Moolji, Robert Levin, Robert Steward, Roger G. Singe, Sam Norman, Sean Lause, Simon Perchik, Stanley Zhao, Stephanie Bradbury, Sushumna Kannan, Susi Bocks, Susie Gharib, T. J. Butler, Ted Jackins, Thom Woodruff, Todd Mercer, Tom Ball, Travis Green, Warren Paul Glover, Westley Heine, and Wil Michael Wrenn.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Heath Brougher
20200103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Legacy I would like to thank, yet again, Janet Kuypers, editor of Scars Publications, for including 3 of my poems in another amazing anthology. I CANNOT thank her enough. If you␁ve never experienced a SCARS Publication in print you really should take a gander. You will not be disappointed. Click below to purchase this new anthology titled “Legacy.”

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200103 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet & Kottyn Happy Birthday Kottyn, my angel!!!
https://www.facebook.com/ janetkuypers/posts/ 10216823836402230?__tn__=-R

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is with Thom Woodruff and 25 others. 20200102 globe (this video was for public notice)

Poetic License Join us this Sunday, January 5th, 2020 (1/5/20, or 20200105) from 3:30-5:50 for round-robin poetry (or short prose, or acoustic music) for “Poetic License open mic 1/5/20” live at Recycled Reads!

Janet Kuypers hosts the monthly open mic event “Poetic License” at Recycled Reads (5335 Burnet Rd, Austin, Texas 78756) and all are welcome for an all-ages reading and performance space (where people of all ages can be in the bookstore). All readers are welcome to 3 poems (or 2 poems and a song, or 2 songs); micro-prose is also welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there at this monthly open mic at an affiliate bookstore to the Austin Public Library! Check out the “Poetic License open mic 1/5/20facebook events page, and join us to read, share, or listen this Sunday at “Poetic License”!
https://www.facebook.com/ events/633689547369128/

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000102, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein”, and “And I’m wondering”, all read from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry”, of poems that were performed during her appearance on a half-hour long Texas Nafas Poetry 2020 television show (that will air 3/1/20 on tv), live at the Poetry Aloud open mic at the Grace Heritage Center 12/14/19 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
202000102 globe (this video was for public notice)

Janet Garrison, it is so funny that you happened to visit Community Poetry when I wore the same hat that you photographed years ago at another Community Poetry. Thanks so much for taking this photo of me reading from a proof copy of a cc&d collection book that will be released tomorrow (and catching the video camera screen too) - and it is so nice hearing you recite poetry when I see you... I hope to see you there more often - and maybe at “Poetic Licensethis Sunday too!

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Tumblr instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers twitter profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers, via twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. 20200102 globe (this video was for public notice)

November 2017 Book Release Reading” 11/1/17 videos from Janet Kuypers are now all on a YouTube playlist! Enjoy poem videos live at Community Poetry, held at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX)! These multiple videos include readings from the books “Warrior’s Light” from cc&d magazine, “Monsters” from Down in the Dirt magazine, plus the Janet Kuypers books “Part of my Pain”, “Twitterati”, and “Let me See You Stripped” - and these show videos are now all together in one place!
#janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersinstagram

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers
20200101 globe (this video was for public notice)

Art House What a perfect book to pick up after the Christmas rush for the new year! Scars Publications JUST released the annual poetry, flash fiction, select prose, and artwork collection book Art House! This 2019 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book contains select material chosen from accepted writings in 2019 issues of cc&d magazine and Down in the Dirt magazine. A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. (and can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan - and I just heard that Amazon now mails this book to Australia too)...
And for those way too curious to wait, contributors to this collection book include A. Elizabeth Herting, Aaron Wilder, Abrianna Johnson, Alberto J. Montero, Alison McBain, Alistair Forrester, Allan Onik, Andre Lewis Carter, Armine Zohrabian, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bill Arnott, Bill Butler, Bill Hemmig, Bojana Stojcic, C. Angelo Caci, C. D. White, Caitlin Cherniak, Carolyn Poindexter, Catherine Zickgraf, Chris Butler, Christina Culverhouse, Christina M Jackson, Christine Seery, Corrina-Corinna, Dan Fitzgerald, Darren Mileto, David Boski, David Francis, David J. Thompson, David Russell, David Sapp, Dawid Juraszek, DC Diamondopolous, Deborah L. Wymbs, Denny E. Marshall, Dev Pati, DL Shirey, Don Tassone, Donna M. Davis, Doug Hawley, Doug Van Hooser, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Eli Tomitch, Emily Jo Scalzo, Eric Bongoltzer, Author Eric Burbridge, Eric Fisher Stone, Erren Kelly, Fabrice Poussin, Felix Purat, Fiona Wagner, Fred Chandler, Greg G. Zaino, Gregg Dotoli, Griffin Silver, Harrison Jackson, Heath Brougher, Helen Bird “Inksanity”, I.B. Rad, Ian Mullins, J.B. Stone, J.T. Siemens, James Mulhern, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, Joan McNerney, Joe Seale, John (“Jake”) Cosmos Aller, John F. McMullen, John L. Stanizzi, John Maurer, John Raffetto, John Sweet, John Tustin, Josephine Sourgnes, Judge Santiago Burdon, Kate Rose, Keith LaFountaine, Keith Mark Gaboury, Kelleye Robinson, Kevin Richard White, Kyle Hemmings, Lanette Sweeney, Latoya Kidd, Laurie Calhoun, Linda M. Crate, Lisa Gray, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Marc Livanos a/k/a Panhandle Poet, Marianne Brems, Mark A. Murphy, Mark Antony Ross, Marlon Jackson, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael H. Brownstein, Michael Lee Johnson, Mike L. Nichols, Mike Schneider, Mike Zakrajsek, Milenko Zupanovic, Natalie N. Aydin, Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nick Sweeney, Norm Hudson, Olivier Schopfer, Paul Bernstein, Pushkar Bisht, R. N. Taber, RC deWinter, Richard Sensenbrenner, Roger G. Singer, Scott Thomas Outlar, Sean Lause, Seward Ward, Stephanie Bradbury, T. J. Butler, Thom Woodruff, Tom Ball, Travis Green, Tris Matthews, Vaughan Wesley, Vern Fein, Victoria Otto Franzese, Vincent Bennett, Westley Heine, Wil Michael Wrenn, Winston Derden, Wyeth Renwick, and Xanadu.

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers
YouTube twitter Pinterest profile picture for Janet Kuypers instagram profile picture for Janet Kuypers tumblr
Janet Kuypers
202000101, liked on YouTube; posted on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr. globe (this video was for public notice)

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, and “Us, Actually Touching”, all read from her Scars Publications bonus cc&d chapbook “Public Access Poetry”, of poems that were performed during her appearance on a half-hour long Texas Nafas Poetry 2020 television show (that will air 3/1/20 on tv), live at the Poetry Aloud open mic at the Grace Heritage Center 12/14/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

facebook profile picture for Janet Kuypers Janet Kuypers is attending Community Poetry with Thom Woodruff and 2 others at Half Price Books (5555 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX) 20200101 globe (video for public notice)

Janet in group It was fun hearing everyone read today at Community Poetry! Thank you all for giving me the chance to read my poetry from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges” that was released yesterday, the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Art House” that is released today, and the expanded cc&d 7-12 2019 issue collection book “Among the Debris” set to release Friday!

facebook profile picture for Victor Johnson Victor Johnson was heart to hand celebrating friendship with with Janet Kuypers. 20200101 globe (video for public notice)

Janet and Victor

See the top of this listing for expanded facebook listings.