2014 poetry


(haiku, on Twitter)

twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku addiction live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube” video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, #8220;civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting” (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio
See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku addiction as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C, flipped, with a heat wave filter)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku addiction as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Ants and Crosses (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Ants and Crosses in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS HAIKU
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku ants and crosses as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic Jaks Tap in Chicago (C, glow and saturated filters)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku ants and crosses as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic Jaks Tap in Chicago (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem Ants and crosses from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem Ants and crosses from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Ants and Crosses (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Ants and Crosses (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems (read to “Dead Man” sampled background music, including love, opening, force, free, jobless, job, the poem “depression” read as two separated haiku pieces, judge, defenses, bear, difference, ants and crosses, enemies, sort, behind, everyone, end, universe, explosions, and mister) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon fs200)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems (read to “Dead Man” sampled background music, including love, opening, force, free, jobless, job, the poem “depression” read as two separated haiku pieces, judge, defenses, bear, difference, ants and crosses, enemies, sort, behind, everyone, end, universe, explosions, and mister) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (from a Sony camera, with a posterize filter)
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See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic 12/17/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video includes this haiku reading)
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See a Vine video
of John reading Janet K.’s haiku ants and crosses, from ScarsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (11/29/15, Samsung, from Austin, Texas)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Arsenic and Syphilis (bonus haiku from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series, on Twitter)
also see this poem at Artvilla

twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Avrom Litin reading the Janet Kuypers haiku Arsenic and Syphilis in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Avrom Litin reading the Janet Kuypers haiku Arsenic and Syphilis in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS POEM) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Arsenic and Syphilis live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Arsenic and Syphilis live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems Arsenic and Syphilis & Juxtaposition, or Irony? from memory; then she read her 2 Periodic Table poems Potassium Chloride and Thallium at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems Arsenic and Syphilis & Juxtaposition, or Irony? from memory; then she read her 2 Periodic Table poems Potassium Chloride and Thallium at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Nikon Coolpix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read her poems “Neon”, “Nickel”, “Arsenic and Syphilis” and “Molybdenum” for her “the Periodic Table of Poetry” book reading @ Austin’s Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read her poems “Neon”, “Nickel”, “Arsenic and Syphilis” and “Molybdenum” for her “the Periodic Table of Poetry” book reading @ Austin’s Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her bonus Periodic Table haiku poem “Arsenic and Syphilis” (for Arsenic, As, #33, while talking about sharing this haiku with bar bouncers on New Year’s Eve in 2016), read from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/4/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her bonus Periodic Table haiku poem “Arsenic and Syphilis” (for Arsenic, As, #33, while talking about sharing this haiku with bar bouncers on New Year’s Eve in 2016), read from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/4/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Hue Cycling filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
video See YouTube video of “Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD Radio 9/7/19”, where, throughout her interview, Janet Kuypers read her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, our Creed” in both new books, but read from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” (starting ~9:40), then from her poem “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (starting ~21:40), “Ocean’s Call to Dive” (starting ~28:42), “Eat your Vegetables, be a Proper Girl” (starting ~30:02), and “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces” (starting ~31:21), from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, plus from memory her Periodic Table bonus poem “Arsenic and Syphilis” (starting ~36:33) (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 video camera).
video See YouTube video of “Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD Radio 9/7/19”, where, throughout her interview, Janet Kuypers read her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, our Creed” in both new books, but read from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” (starting ~9:40), then from her poem “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (starting ~21:40), “Ocean’s Call to Dive” (starting ~28:42), “Eat your Vegetables, be a Proper Girl” (starting ~30:02), and “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces” (starting ~31:21), from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, plus from memory her Periodic Table bonus poem “Arsenic and Syphilis” (starting ~36:33) (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 video camera, and then it was given a Posterize filter).
JanetJanet Hear SoundCloud audio of the full “Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD Radio 9/7/19”. During her interview, Janet Kuypers read her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, our Creed” in both new books, but read from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” (starting ~9:40), then from her poem “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (starting ~21:40), “Ocean’s Call to Dive” (starting ~28:42), “Eat your Vegetables, be a Proper Girl” (starting ~30:02), and “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces” (starting ~31:21), from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, plus from memory her Periodic Table bonus poem “Arsenic and Syphilis” (starting ~36:33). Then she read “Escape to Peace” (starting ~39:41) and “Vase of Tulips” (started ~41:52) from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”. Later in the interview she read her poems “Elaborate Exaltation” (started ~45:51), “Listen to Life” (started ~46:18), the haiku “nature I” (started ~46:44), “after” (started ~47:12), and “quarrel” (started ~47:31), from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”.
JanetJanet Hear SoundCloud audio of all of the poem readings from “Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD Radio 9/7/19”, where Janet Kuypers read her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, our Creed”, “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets”, “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Eat your Vegetables, be a Proper Girl”, “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “Escape to Peace”, “Vase of Tulips”, “Elaborate Exaltation”, “Listen to Life”, “nature I”, “after”, and “quarrel” from 2 new books.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

barbed (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku barbed live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku barbed as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C, flipped, with a heat wave filter)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku barbed as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

bear (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku bear live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku bear live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem bear (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem bear (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “bear” from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue/book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/8/16 (Samsung Galaxy S7).
Vine video videonot yet rated

See facebook video from 1/25/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “bear” from Scars Publications’ Jul./Dec. 2016 Down in the Dirt Issue book “Edible Red”, filmed as a 6 second Vine video (with a Samsung Galaxy S7 camera phone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

behind (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video #1 of U.K. poet Oz Hardwick reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku behind live 5/11/14 near a church in Chicago
video See YouTube video #2 of U.K. poet Oz Hardwick reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku behind live 5/11/14 near a church in Chicago
video See YouTube video #3 of U.K. poet Oz Hardwick reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku behind live 5/11/14 near a church in Chicago
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Oz Hardwick on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku behind in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of Oz Hardwick on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku behind in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem behind (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem behind (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Lumix camera).
video video
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Sony camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Berkelium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Berkelium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Berkelium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Berkelium”, “Radium”, and “Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Berkelium”, “Radium”, and “Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Edge Detection).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Berkelium”, “Radium”, and “Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Berkelium”, “Radium”, and “Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Threshold filter).

blood (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Esteban Colon reading the Janet Kuypers haiku blood in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of Esteban Colon reading the Janet Kuypers haiku blood in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem blood (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem blood (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, reading her poems “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “violation”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “unbounded”, and “quarrel” from the cc&d 9/12 2017 issue collection book anthology “Language of Untamed Spirit”, before reading her 3 haiku poems “eventually”, “enemies” and “blood” from the 2017 Scars Publications poetry and prose collection book anthology “On a Rainy Day” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, reading her poems “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “violation”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “unbounded”, and “quarrel” from the cc&d 9/12 2017 issue collection book anthology “Language of Untamed Spirit”, before reading her 3 haiku poems “eventually”, “enemies” and “blood” from the 2017 Scars Publications poetry and prose collection book anthology “On a Rainy Day” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Bohrium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Bohrium in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Bohrium in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (S)
the 10/8/14 Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace Janet Kuypers chapbook
Download this poem & more in the free PDF
Crossing Borders for International
(and Interplanetary) Peace
w/ Periodic Table of Poetry poems.

bruised (haiku, on Twitter)
This poem was nominated in the 100 Haikus 2014 press release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize

twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku bruised in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku bruised in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (S crop glow)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem bruised live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem bruised live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Lumix camera).
video video
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Sony camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

cage (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem cage from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem cage from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS POEM) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku cage from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “cage” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/25/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “cage” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/22/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

can’t get you (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of poet Elizabeth Harper reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku can’t get you live 6/2/14 in Chicago
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See YouTube video (C) of Elizabeth Harper on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku can’t get you in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Elizabeth Harper on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku can’t get you in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem can’t get you (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem can’t get you (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “can’t get you” from Scars Publications’ 1/17Down in the Dirt v141 issue “Ice King” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/12/17 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

census (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku census in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS HAIKU
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku census as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic Jaks Tap in Chicago (C, glow and saturated filters)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku census as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic Jaks Tap in Chicago (C)
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See YouTube video 2/26/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2017haiku poem “census” in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
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See YouTube video 2/26/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2017 haiku poem “census” in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining people on stage and reading her 4 haiku poems “jumped”, the second haiku from her “Two Not Mute Haikus”, “census” and “civil” in the intro performance 2/26/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining people on stage and reading her 4 haiku poems “jumped”, the second haiku from her “Two Not Mute Haikus”, “census” and “civil” in the intro performance 2/26/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading 7/5/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “On the Rocks” poems “Job of Being Homeless”, “Quiver with no Home”, “out there”, “census”, “judge”, “Nobody Finds Me” and “Cast in Stone” in Half Price Books Community Poetry Sony camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading 7/5/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “On the Rocks” poems “Job of Being Homeless”, “Quiver with no Home”, “out there”, “census”, “judge”, “Nobody Finds Me” and “Cast in Stone” in Half Price Books Community Poetry (Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the Scars book “On a Rainy Day” her poems “Newspaper Ink’s the Blood of a Dying Species” and “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph”, plus her haiku poems “census”, “gone”, and “enjoy” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).#janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the Scars book “On a Rainy Day” her poems “Newspaper Ink’s the Blood of a Dying Species” and “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph”, plus her haiku poems “census”, “gone”, and “enjoy” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (this show intro video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

choke (haiku, on Twitter)
This poem was nominated in the 100 Haikus 2014 press release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize

twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Jenene Ravesloot reading the Janet Kuypers haiku choke in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Jenene Ravesloot reading the Janet Kuypers haiku choke in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem choke (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem choke (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku choke from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “choke” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/20/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera & Sepia Tone); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
Janet See Facebook live video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Legacy” book (set 1) poems “after”, “choke”, “Death comes in waves of threes”, “Princess Diana, One Year Later”, “Explosive Energy”, “Touch (2019 edit)”, and “quake” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Samsung S9 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Legacy” book (set 1) poems “after”, “choke”, “Death comes in waves of threes”, “Princess Diana, One Year Later”, “Explosive Energy”, “Touch (2019 edit)”, and “quake” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

civil (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku civil live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku civil live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
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See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku civil as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku civil as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Sony camera)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin, first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Sony camera; posted onFacebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin, first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
the “Obey” 6/4/16 chapbook
Download all of the show poems in the free chapbook
6/4/16 at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! show in Austin
video See YouTube video 2/26/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2014 haiku poem “civil” in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypershaiku
video See YouTube video 2/26/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2014 haiku poem “civil” in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin(this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypershaiku
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining people on stage and reading her 4 haiku poems “jumped”, the second haiku from her “Two Not Mute Haikus”, “census” and “civil” in the intro performance 2/26/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining people on stage and reading her 4 haiku poems “jumped”, the second haiku from her “Two Not Mute Haikus”, “census” and “civil” in the intro performance 2/26/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

clogged (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku clogged live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku clogged live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypershaiku
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku clogged as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku clogged as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C, hard light saturate)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

close (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of poet Wayne Allen Jones reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku close live 6/2/14 in Chicago
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Wayne Allen Jones on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku close in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of Wayne Allen Jones on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku close in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

coincidence? (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of John reading the Janet Kuypers haiku coincidence? in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of John reading the Janet Kuypers haiku coincidence? in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuyperscoincidence? haiku she read on Jan drive (a street named after her) 6/5/15 @ the tiki hut (Motorola)
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “coincidence?” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 1/17 v141 issue “Ice King” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/13/17 @ Circle (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video 6/25/17 of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her haiku poem “coincidence?” in the intro to Austin’s “Kick Butt Poetry(Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video 6/25/17 of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her haiku poem “coincidence?” in the intro to Austin’s “Kick Butt Poetry(Sony; Edge Det.).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

console (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku console live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku console as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C, with a “day to night” filter)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku console as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

defenses (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of poet Bruce Matteson reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku defenses live 6/2/14 in Chicago
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Bruce Matteson (C, posterized) on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku defenses in the “Partial Nudity” book show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Bruce Matteson (S, posterized) on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku defenses in the “Partial Nudity” book show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem defenses (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem defenses (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem defenses (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem defenses (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku defenses with the Down in the Dirt magazine / book the Breaking while she was blindfolded 5/19/16 in Austin TX.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “defenses” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/19/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Hue Cycling).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Edge Detection).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Threshold filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Depth of Field
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose a Life Goes By from the book Don’t Listen. Read. live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose a Life Goes By from the book Don’t Listen. Read. live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Depth of Field from v251 of cc&d magazine, Approaching Front, live 10/8/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Depth of Field from v251 of cc&d magazine, Approaching Front, live 10/8/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Depth of Field from the book Need to Know Basis (extended edition) live 1/7/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from Canon video camera)
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See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the Café Gallery open mic & Patrick Hurley show 1/7/15 at Gallery Cabaret’ in Chicago, INCLDING THIS POEM
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, “Depth of Field”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, & “Lessons from the Simpsons” , 10/16/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot camera.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, “Depth of Field”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, & “Lessons from the Simpsons”, 10/16/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed from a Sony camera).
See YouTube video 11/17/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Anderson”, “Passed Away”, and “Depth of Field” from her v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video 11/17/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Anderson”, “Passed Away”, and “Depth of Field” from her v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in multiple rounds live 11/9/19 at the Grace Heritage Center for the Georgetown “Poetry Aloud“ open mic. In round 1 she read her poem “Depth of Field” from her poetry book “Revealed”, then her Poetry Aloud inspired poems “Undulating Nexus” and “Just too High for Just one Man”. In round 2 she reads her poems “Been a World Leader”, “Enough’s Enough”, and “My kind of Town” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. In round 3 she reads her poem “Loving Four” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in multiple rounds live 11/9/19 at the Grace Heritage Center for the Georgetown “Poetry Aloud“ open mic. In round 1 she read her poem “Depth of Field” from her poetry book “Revealed”, then her Poetry Aloud inspired poems “Undulating Nexus” and “Just too High for Just one Man”. In round 2 she reads her poems “Been a World Leader”, “Enough’s Enough”, and “My kind of Town” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. In round 3 she reads her poem “Loving Four” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

destroy (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video (C) of Michael Hoag reading the Janet Kuypers haiku destroy in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Michael Hoag reading the Janet Kuypers haiku destroy in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem destroy (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem destroy (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “destroy” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v140 issue book “the Bridge” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/15/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video fro 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video from 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
Haiku on the Fly - haiku poems from Janet Kuypers Haiku on the Fly - haiku poems from Janet Kuypers View or download the free PDF chapbook
Haiku on the Fly
of her poems “bruised”, “bruised”, “blood”, “choke”, “can’t get you”, “bear”, “defenses”, “feel”, “fit”, “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” (of haiku poems read from 5/6/17 in Austin).
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See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (video filmed from a Sony camera).
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See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Sony camera video given a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Hue Cycling).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Edge Detection).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Threshold filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera and Sepia Tone); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Just Read a Book”, “destroy”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, and “Exude more in Black” from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Opportunity to Share Globally”, “Just Read a Book”, “destroy”, “Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)”, and “Exude more in Black” from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (Samsung S9).

Diburnium (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Diburnium in her Chicago Calling Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Diburnium in her Chicago Calling Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon (S)
the 10/8/14 Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace Janet Kuypers chapbook
Download this poem & more in the free PDF
Crossing Borders for International
(and Interplanetary) Peace
w/ Periodic Table of Poetry poems.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Diburnium in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem Diburnium in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago, of poems relating to Star Trek including this poem (filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem
video See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago, of poems relating to Star Trek including this poem (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

difference (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of poet Jackie Wolk reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku defenses live 6/2/14 in Chicago
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See YouTube video (C) of Jackie Wolk on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku difference in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Jackie Wolk on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku difference in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem difference (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem difference (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku difference from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under as a looping JKPoetryVine 5/30/16.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “difference” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/5/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “difference” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Dubnium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Dubnium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Dubnium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (S)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem Dubnium live 9/24/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem Dubnium live 9/24/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)

easy (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku easy in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS HAIKU
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers’ haiku easy @ the pond @ Jan & Palos drives 6/5/15 (Motorola)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Twitter video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku easy from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “easy” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/12/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See Vine video after hearing George Michael died of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “easy” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/26/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 11/17 book “Monsters” haiku poems “knife”, “easy”, and “ghosts”, and her poems “Ernesto” “Just Thinking About It”, “Political Merry-Go-Round” and “Verge on Meditation” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 11/17 book “Monsters” haiku poems “knife”, “easy”, and “ghosts”, and her poems “Ernesto” “Just Thinking About It”, “Political Merry-Go-Round” and “Verge on Meditation” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (filmed from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).

eight ball answers all (performance art for 10/7/14 Chicago improvisation show)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her improv of eight ball answers all live 10/7/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her improv of eight ball answers all live 10/7/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)

Eight to Sixteen
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Eight to Sixteen live 10/8/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Eight to Sixteen live 10/8/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Eight to Sixteen in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Eight to Sixteen in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 w/ music from the HA!Man of South Africa (S C G)
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

elusive (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem elusive from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem elusive from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading hr dark matter haiku elusive 6/5/15 @ palm fronds @ the end of Jan drive. (Motorola)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku “elusive” 12/3/16 as a JKPoetryVine video in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v139 9/10 2016 book “the Relic, the Effort, the Yell”.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, & given a Posterize filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

end (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku end live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku end live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem end (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem end (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
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See Vine-styled video through facebook of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “end” in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v139 Book “the Relic, the Effort, the Yell” at Angeli’s in NOLA 10/29/16.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

ends (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem ends from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem ends from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

enemies (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku enemies in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS HAIKU
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem enemies (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem enemies (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “enemies” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 1/17 v141 issue “Ice King” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/13/17 (filmed in Austin Texas at   BJ’s Brewhouse from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her 5 haiku poems “enjoy”, “lost”, “unbounded”, “upside-down” and “enemies” in the intro performance 3/19/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Canon Power Shot SX60 camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her 5 haiku poems “enjoy”, “lost”, “unbounded”, “upside-down” and “enemies” in the intro performance 3/19/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, reading her poems “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “violation”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “unbounded”, and “quarrel” from the cc&d 9/12 2017 issue collection book anthology “Language of Untamed Spirit”, before reading her 3 haiku poems “eventually”, “enemies” and “blood” from the 2017 Scars Publications poetry and prose collection book anthology “On a Rainy Day” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, reading her poems “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “violation”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “unbounded”, and “quarrel” from the cc&d 9/12 2017 issue collection book anthology “Language of Untamed Spirit”, before reading her 3 haiku poems “eventually”, “enemies” and “blood” from the 2017 Scars Publications poetry and prose collection book anthology “On a Rainy Day” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Hue Cycling filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (this show intro video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera), and given a Posterize filter.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera), and given a Threshold filter.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

energy (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku energy live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku energy live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See Facebook live video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (from a Samsung Galaxy S7 smart phone).
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (facebook live video with a Threshold filter).
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17 chapbook
View or download the free PDF chapbook
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17
of all of the short Janet Kuypers poems she read from her live 4/30/17 reading in Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb (plus one bonus poem).
video See YouTube video from 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her “Drop the Bomb” poems for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with control, earth, enjoy, unbounded, Just Thinking About It, Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Erbium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Erbium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Erbium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (S)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Before Locked Doors” book poems “Erbium” (which is also in the book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing the “7/7/14” show images 1 & 2), & “Erbium and REEs from fly ash” (which is also in the book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing “3/30/22” show video images 1 & 2, and poem image) during her “Poetic License 10/6/24 global open mic” she hosted through Zoom & a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera w/ an oversun filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

errors (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku errors live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku errors live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony camera)
video See Facebook live video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (from a Samsung Galaxy S7 smart phone).
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (facebook live video with a Threshold filter).
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17 chapbook
View or download the free PDF chapbook
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17
of all of the short Janet Kuypers poems she read from her live 4/30/17 reading in Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb (plus one bonus poem).
video See YouTube video from 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her “Drop the Bomb” poems for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with control, earth, enjoy, unbounded, Just Thinking About It, Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

escape (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem escape from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem escape from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS HAIKU) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypersescape haiku 6/4/15 (derived from her poem the muse, the messiah) @ the gazebo (Motorola)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escape live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Escape live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Joffre Stewart reading Janet Kuypers’ poem Escape from the October 2009 v201 issue of cc&d magazine live 9/14/15 at the open mic Weeds in Chicago (filmed w/ a Canon fs200 video camera).
video See YouTube video from 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video from 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
Haiku on the Fly - haiku poems from Janet Kuypers
View or download the free PDF chapbook
Haiku on the Fly

of her poems “bruised”, “bruised”, “blood”, “choke”, “can’t get you”, “bear”, “defenses”, “feel”, “fit”, “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” (of haiku poems read from 5/6/17 in Austin).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 6/18/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “escape” and her poems “Learning More”, “Oriental” and “Elusive Imaginary Creature” for Austin “Kick Butt Poetry” open mic (from a Lumix camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 6/18/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “escape” and her poems “Learning More”, “Oriental” and “Elusive Imaginary Creature” for Austin “Kick Butt Poetry” open mic (from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated

See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (video filmed from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated

See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Sony camera video given a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 5/2/18 “May 2018 Book Release Reading” Austin feature reading, reading from the cc&d January-April 2018 issue collection book “Not a Trace” haiku poems “brain”, “escape”, and “don’t”, plus her poems “Xerostomia” & “Utopia Never Happened” from her show “Our Cultural Independence and Achieving Global Freedom” at “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (PLT56).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 5/2/18 “May 2018 Book Release Reading” Austin feature reading, reading from the cc&d January-April 2018 issue collection book “Not a Trace” haiku poems “brain”, “escape”, and “don’t”, plus her poems “Xerostomia” & “Utopia Never Happened” from her show “Our Cultural Independence and Achieving Global Freedom” at “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” PL2500.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

eventually (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku eventually in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS HAIKU
See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku eventually as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Chicago 3/17/14 at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus (Canon, hard light, green filter)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku eventually as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Chicago 3/17/14 at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus (C)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “eventually” from Scars Publications’ 1/17Down in the Dirt v141 issue “Ice King” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/12/17 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video from a Sony camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, reading her poems “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “violation”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “unbounded”, and “quarrel” from the cc&d 9/12 2017 issue collection book anthology “Language of Untamed Spirit”, before reading her 3 haiku poems “eventually”, “enemies” and “blood” from the 2017 Scars Publications poetry and prose collection book anthology “On a Rainy Day” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, reading her poems “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “violation”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “unbounded”, and “quarrel” from the cc&d 9/12 2017 issue collection book anthology “Language of Untamed Spirit”, before reading her 3 haiku poems “eventually”, “enemies” and “blood” from the 2017 Scars Publications poetry and prose collection book anthology “On a Rainy Day” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (this show intro video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census” and “eventually” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

everyone (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku everyone live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku everyone live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem everyone (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem everyone (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

evil (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem evil from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem evil from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku evil from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitude as a looping JKPoetryVine video after Poetry Plus in Georgetown 5/27/16.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku evil from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitude as a looping JKPoetryVine video after Poetry Plus in Georgetown 5/27/16.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Twitter video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku evil from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “evil” from Scars Publicationscc&d Jan./June 2016 collection book Clouds over he Moon as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/3/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “evil” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/12/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “evil” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/25/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

existence (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku existence in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS HAIKU
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “existence” from Down in the Dirt’s “the Breaking” for the 2016 Poetry Bomb at Bagdad Cemetery in Texas.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku existence 4/24/16 at the end of her readings at Chicago’s 2016 Poetry Bomb at Bagdad Cemetery in Leander Texas (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku existence 4/24/16 at Chicago’s 2016 Poetry Bomb at the end of her readings at Bagdad Cemetery in Leander Texas (filmed with a Sony camera).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “existence” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/21/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “existence” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/18/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

explosions (haiku with bonus line, on Twitter)
This poem was nominated in the 100 Haikus 2014 press release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize

twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Bob Lawrence reading the Janet Kuypers haiku explosion in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Bob Lawrence reading the Janet Kuypers haiku explosion in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem explosions (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem explosions (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku explosions from cc&d’s v264 July/August 2016 issue/book Being Real as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/6/16 at BB Rover’s (Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “explosions” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/24/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “explosions” from Scars Publications’ Jul./Dec. 2016 cc&d Issue book “After the Blues” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/14/17 @ Circle Brewing Company (Austin Texas, w/ a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

extinct (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku extinct live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku extinct as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C, flipped and posterized)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku extinct as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video 3/10/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “extinct”, then covering the Leonard Cohen song “Coming Back To You” with John on acoustic guitar live
at “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic
video See YouTube video 3/10/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “extinct”, then covering the Leonard Cohen song “Coming Back To You” with John on acoustic guitar live
at “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuypersmusic
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, & given a Posterize filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

fader, his mädchen and the Führer
video video
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem fader, his mädchen and the Führer from the cc&d book Idols live 5/21/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video video
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem fader, his mädchen and the Führer from the cc&d book Idols live 5/21/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/1/17 poetry show “Our Cultural Independence and Achieving Global Freedom” in Austin, with her poems “fader, his mädchen and the Führer”, “of independence or freedom”, “Xerostomia”, and “Utopia never happened” (with background music from Janet’s electric bass and bow, then the HA!Man of South Africa) (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 7/1/17 poetry show “Our Cultural Independence and Achieving Global Freedom” in Austin, with her poems “fader, his mädchen and the Führer”, “of independence or freedom”, “Xerostomia”, and “Utopia never happened” (with background music from Janet’s electric bass and bow, then the HA!Man of South Africa) (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
Download all of the poems from the free chapbook
Our Cultural Independence
and Achieving Global Freedom

the “Our Cultural Independence and Achieving Global Freedom” 7/1/17 chapbook the “Our Cultural Independence and Achieving Global Freedom” 7/1/17 chapbook of the poems she performed in her 7/1/17 “Our Cultural Independence and Achieving Global Freedom” poetry feature/show, including both classic and new poems “fader, his mädchen and the Führer”, “of independence or freedom”, “Xerostomia”, and “Utopia never happened”.

faith (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku faith in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS HAIKU
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku faith as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic Jaks Tap in Chicago (C)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku faith as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic Jaks Tap in Chicago (Canon, negative w and saturated filters)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).

falling (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku falling in Chicago 3/17/14 (C) at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d magazine, titled Beyond the Gates live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d mag, titled Beyond the Gates live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon Power Shot)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin, first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Sony camera; posted onFacebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin , first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
the “Obey” 6/4/16 chapbookthe “Obey” 6/4/16 chapbook
Download all of the show poems in the free chapbook
6/4/16 at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman!
show in Austin
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2017 Book Release Reading 12/6/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 12/17 book “the Lighthouse” haiku poems “falling”, “xeric”, and “instead”, and her poem “Earth was Alive and Dying” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video> See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2017 Book Release Reading 12/6/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 12/17 book “the Lighthouse” haiku poems “falling”, “xeric”, and “instead”, and her poem “Earth was Alive and Dying” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Hue Cycling filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her poems “Cast in Stone”, “Death”, “Children, Churches and Daddies”, and “Russians at a Garage Sale” from her “Book Expo 2013 Chicago” reading 11/24/13, then her haiku poems “enemies”, “faith”, “ants and crosses”, “census”, “easy”, “existence”, “falling”, and “eventually”, from her “Unlucky 13 on St. Patrick’s Day” reading 3/17/14 , all appearing in her poetry performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v 2)”, in Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was recorded from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

feel (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku feel live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku feel live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterize)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku feel from cc&d’s Scars Publications book a Perfect Solitude live outdoors in New Orleans 5/29/16.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku feel from cc&d’s Scars Publications collection book Clouds over the Moon 8/2/16 in Austin TX.
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video from a Sony camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

fit (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of poet Charlie Newman reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku fit live 6/2/14 in Chicago
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See YouTube video (C) of Charlie Newman on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku fit in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Charlie Newman on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku fit in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem fit (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem fit (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “fit” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/12/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & a Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

floor (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku floor live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku floor live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
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See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku floor as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Canon camera)
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku floor as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Sony camera)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku floor from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book The Hive as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “floor” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/11/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “floor” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ BlackHeart bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

fog (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Tom Roby reading the Janet Kuypers haiku fog in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of Tom Roby reading the Janet Kuypers haiku fog in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” WITH THIS HAIKU READING (C) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku fog in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku fog in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (S crop glow)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry feature “Nerves of a Poet” (of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems like this one) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14 (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “fog” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/23/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “fog” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/21/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera w/ a Hue Cycling).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Polarize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).

force (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku force live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku force live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony camera)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem force (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem force (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
video See YouTube video fronm 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems (Lumix)keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video from 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
Haiku on the Fly - haiku poems from Janet Kuypers Haiku on the Fly - haiku poems from Janet Kuypers View or download the free PDF chapbook
Haiku on the Fly
of her poems “bruised”, “bruised”, “blood”, “choke”, “can’t get you”, “bear”, “defenses”, “feel”, “fit”, “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” (of haiku poems read from 5/6/17 in Austin).
video videonot yet rated

See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (video filmed from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated

See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Sony camera video given a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

forever (haiku, on Twitter)
book book
Find this in Janet Kuypers’ “Partial Nudity” collection book or in the her haiku
book “100 Haikus”.
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku forever live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku forever live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku forever as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku forever as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C, hard light saturate)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku forever from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book the Breaking live outdoors in New Orleans 5/29/16.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “forever” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/17/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “forever” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/18/16 (filmed in Austin Texas at   BJ’s from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

form (haiku, on Twitter)
book book
Find this in Janet Kuypers’ “Partial Nudity” collection book or in the her haiku
book “100 Haikus”.
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku form live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku form live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterize)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “form” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/22/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video videonot yet rated

See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (video filmed from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated

See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Sony camera video given a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

fought (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku fought live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku fought live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku fought as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku fought as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Sony camera)
Janet Vine video not yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku fought from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “fought” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/8/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersMay 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her haiku “fought”, then her Life and Death and everything between poems “Violations Tested”, “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much”, “Only Half the Story”, and “Build Your Own Cross”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersMay 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her haiku “fought”, then her Life and Death and everything between poems “Violations Tested”, “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much”, “Only Half the Story”, and “Build Your Own Cross”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

found (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku found live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku found as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon camera, video flipped and posterized)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video

of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku found as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed with a Canon camera)
Vine video not yet rated See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “found” from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue/book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/8/16 (Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

found haiku (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Joffre Stewart reading the Janet Kuypers’l found haiku in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of Joffre Stewart reading the Janet Kuypers’l found haiku in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem Found Haiku from memory in conversation live 8/27/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic 8/27/14 (w/ 2 features!) at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago - where this poem was read
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length found haiku from the Café Gallery book the Chosen Few 1/22/16 as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Austin, TX (Samsung)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video from 2/1/16 of
Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length found haiku from Scars Publicationsthe Café Gallery book the Chosen Few as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Austin, TX (Samsung)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku “found haiku” 12/5/16 as a JKPoetryVine video in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v139 9/10 2016 book “the Relic, the Effort, the Yell”.
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading on 7/5/17, where she read her poems “Einsteinium”, “Ununseptium”, “Tellurium”, “keep”, “found haiku”, and “know” in her “The Chosen Few” book reading @ Austin’s Half Price Books Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading on 7/5/17, where she read her poems “Einsteinium”, “Ununseptium”, “Tellurium”, “keep”, “found haiku”, and “know” in her “The Chosen Few” book reading @ Austin’s Half Price Books Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Hue Cycling).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Edge Detection).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Found Poem”, “Found Haiku” and “Quoting Twitter with a Found Haiku” from the book “Unlocking the Word”, them her poem “Erasure Poem: ‘One of the most Hated Women in America’” from her “Life and Death and Everything Between” show, read from her book “Chapter 48 (v2)”, live 9/15/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads(filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Found Poem”, “Found Haiku” and “Quoting Twitter with a Found Haiku” from the book “Unlocking the Word”, them her poem “Erasure Poem: ‘One of the most Hated Women in America’” from her “Life and Death and Everything Between” show, read from her book “Chapter 48 (v2)”, live 9/15/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads(filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Hitler-themed haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

free (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video (C) of Jerry Pendergast reading the Janet Kuypers haiku free in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Jerry Pendergast reading the Janet Kuypers haiku free in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem free (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem free (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku free 12/2/16 as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v139 9/10 2016 issue/book “the Relic, the Effort, the Yell”.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

G Block (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem G Block in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (S)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem G Block in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (C)
the 10/8/14 Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace Janet Kuypers chapbook
Download this poem & more in the free PDF
Crossing Borders for International
(and Interplanetary) Peace
w/ Periodic Table of Poetry poems.

gone (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku gone live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook
Download this poem included in the free PDF file chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
of poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio.
Vine video See Vine video
9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku gone live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon)
Vine video See Janet KuypersVine video of her reading her haiku gone from cc&d’s v264 July/August 2016 issue/book Being Real as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/6/16 at NXNW (Samsung Galaxy S7).
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “gone” from Scars Publications’ Jul./Dec. 2016 cc&d Issue book “After the Blues” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/14/17 @ Circle Brewing Company (in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Lumix camera).
video video
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Sony camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the Scars book “On a Rainy Day” her poems “Newspaper Ink’s the Blood of a Dying Species” and “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph”, plus her haiku poems “census”, “gone”, and “enjoy” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the Scars book “On a Rainy Day” her poems “Newspaper Ink’s the Blood of a Dying Species” and “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph”, plus her haiku poems “census”, “gone”, and “enjoy” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

greatest (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku greatest live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku greatest live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin, first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Sony camera; posted onFacebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin, first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
the “Obey” 6/4/16 chapbook the “Obey” 6/4/16 chapbook
Download all of the show poems in the free
Obey chapbook
6/4/16 at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman!, Austin
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem greatest from the cc&d magazine v265 book the Blind Eye 10/8/16 (filmed from a Samsung S7).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video from 10/23/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem “greatest” from the cc&d book “the Blind Eye” live at Austin’s open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Thom’s intro to Austin’s open mic Kick Butt Poetry, with Janet Kuypers reading her poems “greatest” and “opening” from the cc&d book “the Blind Eye” live 10/23/16 (w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku greatest 12/3/16 as a JKPoetryVine video in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v139 9/10 2016 book “the Relic, the Effort, the Yell”.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku greatest from Scars Publications’ Jul./Dec. 2016 cc&d Issue book “After the Blues” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/14/17 @ B.B. Rover’s (Austin Texas, w/ a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

groove (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem groove from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem groove from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “groove” from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue/book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/10/16 (Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “groove” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/1/17 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku “groove” from Scars Publications’ Jul./Dec. 2016 Down in the Dirt Issue book “Edible Red” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/15/17 (in Austin Texas, from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

guide (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of poet R. Gibbons reading Janet Kuypers’ twitter-length haiku guide live 6/2/14 in Chicago
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of R. Gibbons on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku guide in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of R. Gibbons on video reading the Janet Kuypers haiku guide in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS POEM) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem guide (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem guide (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku guide from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “guide” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/24/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Hafnium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Hafnium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Hafnium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (S)
video YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “This Be the Scripture” book poems “Hafnium” (which is also in the book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing the poem image & show images 1, 2, & 3), & “Hafnium attacks” (which is also in the book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing reading images 1 & 2, + the poem image) during her “Poetic License 1/5/25 Global Open Mic” she video hosted through Zoom & a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S24 camera w/ a Green Screen filter, and posted on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Hassium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Hassium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Hassium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (S)

heaviness (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem heaviness from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem heaviness from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Twitter video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku heaviness from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “heaviness” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/12/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “heaviness” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/28/16 (filmed at Carino’s Italian in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “heaviness” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ l’estelles bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

hold (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku hold live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku hold live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
Vine video See Vine video
9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku hold live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon)
Vine video See Vine video
9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku hold live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Sony)
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku hold @ the Blue Sky’ls sign 6/8/15 (from looking for a worthy adversary — and looking for a worthy adversary (an extreme sestina variation)), for John (Motorola)
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku hold, from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul.-Dec. issues book the Intersection (11/28/15, Samsung, from Austin, Texas)
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See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (video filmed from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated

See Janet KuypersYouTube video of her reading her haiku poems “escape”, “force” and “destroy”, then later reading her haiku poems “form” and “hold” 7/2/17 in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Sony camera video given a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping Every Cage” (with her mini-poem “Labeled me Again” inside it) and her haiku poem “hold” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her poem “Moonlight” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/25/18 (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping Every Cage” (with her mini-poem “Labeled me Again” inside it) and her haiku poem “hold” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her poem “Moonlight” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/25/18 (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Hue Cycling).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Edge Detection).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

holding hands (expanded, extreme sestina variation)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem holding hands in Chicago 3/17/14 at the open mic Waiting 4 the Bus
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading many of her poems live (8 haiku poems, 4 poems, and a Periodic Table poem) in Chicago 3/17/14 at the Waiting 4 the Bus open mic INCLUDING THIS POEM
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Holding Hands live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Holding Hands live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video 1/22/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems One who Has Too Much & or my happiness, or my life, and Holding Hands (from her book Let me see you Stripped) at the Round Rock Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video 1/22/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems One who Has Too Much & or my happiness, or my life, and Holding Hands (from her book Let me see you Stripped) at the Round Rock Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (this video was filmed from a Nikon Cool Pix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video not yet rated See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she reads from her book “Let me See You Stripped” her poems “Like I was Never There”, “Scratch the Surface”, “You are a Force”, “You Repel Me”, and “Holding Hands”, in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she reads from her book “Let me See You Stripped” her poems “Like I was Never There”, “Scratch the Surface”, “You are a Force”, “You Repel Me”, and “Holding Hands”, in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together” first in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, then her poem “Holding Hands (expanded extreme Sestina variation)” originally from cc&d v252 issue/book “Beyond the Gates” and read from her cc&d v5 poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her 2019 poem “Learning how Love Lasts” (written on her parent’s wedding anniversary) 2/23/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together” first performed in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, then her poem “Holding Hands (expanded extreme Sestina variation)” originally from cc&d v252 issue/book “Beyond the Gates” and read from her cc&d v5 poetry book “On the Edge”, then her 2019 poem “Learning how Love Lasts” (written on her parent’s wedding anniversary) 2/23/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

humans (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku humans live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook
Download this poem and others in
the free PDF file chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
of all poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio in her “Partial Nudity” book interview
Vine video See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku humans live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon, flipped)
Vine video See Vine video
9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku humans live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “humans” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v140 issue book “the Bridge” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/16/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

instead (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku instead live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku instead live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video 9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku instead live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon fs200)
Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video
9/27/14 of Janet Kuypers’ haiku instead live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Sony)
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2017 Book Release Reading 12/6/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 12/17 book “the Lighthouse” haiku poems “falling”, “xeric”, and “instead”, and her poem “Earth was Alive and Dying” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2017 Book Release Reading 12/6/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 12/17 book “the Lighthouse” haiku poems “falling”, “xeric”, and “instead”, and her poem “Earth was Alive and Dying” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

I started writing this poem when
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem I started writing this poem when from her “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem I started writing this poem when from her “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 5/13/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems
Knelt and Cried”, “Philosopher at the Blue Note” and “I Started Writing This Poem When
at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(Lumix).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 5/13/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems
Knelt and Cried”, “Philosopher at the Blue Note” and “I Started Writing This Poem When
at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(Sony).

jabbed into an open nerve
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her improv of Jabbed into an Open Nerve live 10/7/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her improv of Jabbed into an Open Nerve live 10/7/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (SCG)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cfs200)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem jabbed into an open nerve from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cps)
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersBook Release Reading 4/5/17 of cc&d book poetry in Austin’s National Poetry Month Community Poetry at Half Price Books, including “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph” from the Statue, “I’m Really Going This Time” from Give What You Can, “Human Construct of Time” from Sea Drift, “White Knuckled” from Forever Bound, “Entire Town’s Baseball Team” from Suggested Torture, “Jabbed in an Open Nerve” from Idea, “Observing Theories of the Universe” from Idea, and “Entering the Lake of Fire” from Nighttime City (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersBook Release Reading 4/5/17 of cc&d book poetry in Austin’s National Poetry Month Community Poetry at Half Price Books, including “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph” from the Statue, “I’m Really Going This Time” from Give What You Can, “Human Construct of Time” from Sea Drift, “White Knuckled” from Forever Bound, “Entire Town’s Baseball Team” from Suggested Torture, “Jabbed in an Open Nerve” from Idea, “Observing Theories of the Universe” from Idea, and “Entering the Lake of Fire” from Nighttime City (this video filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera and given a Posterize filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).

“Jimbo” (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “Jimbo” live in Nashville (to people who knew Jimbo) 10/18/14 (iPhone camera)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “Jimbo” live in Nashville (to people who knew Jimbo) 10/18/14 (Posterized)
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Hue Cycling filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Hitler-themed haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

job (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Bob Rashkow reading the Janet Kuypers haiku job in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of Bob Rashkow reading the Janet Kuypers haiku job in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem job (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem job (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku job from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book the Breaking (New Orleans 5/29/16, 1).
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku job from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book the Breaking (New Orleans 5/29/16, 2).
book book
Order this haiku in the Janet Kuypers book 100 Haikus, or in the 2014 collection book Partial Nudity.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “job” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/16/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

jobless (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku jobless live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku jobless live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem jobless from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem jobless from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem jobless (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem jobless (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku jobless from Scars Publicationscc&d book “Clouds over the Moon” as a looping JKPoetryVine video on 7/23/16 (filmed with an FG smart phone @ a bamboo forest).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

John’s Mind (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem John’s Mind from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem John’s Mind from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

judge (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku judge live 3/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku judgelive 3/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem judge (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem judge (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading 7/5/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “On the Rocks” poems “Job of Being Homeless”, “Quiver with no Home”, “out there”, “census”, “judge”, “Nobody Finds Me” and “Cast in Stone” in Half Price Books Community Poetry (Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading 7/5/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “On the Rocks” poems “Job of Being Homeless”, “Quiver with no Home”, “out there”, “census”, “judge”, “Nobody Finds Me” and “Cast in Stone” in Half Price Books Community Poetry Sony camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2018 Book Release Reading 4/4/18, where she first read her haiku “He’s An Escapist” from the 4/18 book “War of Water” from cc&d, then she read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “My Name Is Nobody” haiku and short poems “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, before reading her longer poem “Quivering against the Invading Enemy”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2018 Book Release Reading 4/4/18, where she first read her haiku “He’s An Escapist” from the 4/18 book “War of Water” from cc&d, then she read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “My Name Is Nobody” haiku and short poems “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, before reading her longer poem “Quivering against the Invading Enemy”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and then it was given an Edge Detection filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2018 Book Release Reading 4/4/18, where she first read her haiku “He’s An Escapist” from the 4/18 book “War of Water” from cc&d, then she read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “My Name Is Nobody” haiku and short poems “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, before reading her longer poem “Quivering against the Invading Enemy”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2018 Book Release Reading 4/4/18, where she first read her haiku “He’s An Escapist” from the 4/18 book “War of Water” from cc&d, then she read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “My Name Is Nobody” haiku and short poems “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, before reading her longer poem “Quivering against the Invading Enemy”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold).
video See YouTube video from 7/4/18 of Janet KuypersJuly 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “You Were Meant”, “enemy”, “A Happy Ending to Everything”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video from 7/4/18 of Janet KuypersJuly 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “You Were Meant”, “enemy”, “A Happy Ending to Everything”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (P L T56; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video from 7/4/18 of Janet KuypersJuly 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “You Were Meant”, “enemy”, “A Happy Ending to Everything”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video from 7/4/18 of Janet KuypersJuly 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “You Were Meant”, “enemy”, “A Happy Ending to Everything”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “judge”, “quarrel”, “Every Street Corner”, and “Poem About This”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (P L 2500; Threshold).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2018 Book Release Reading 12/5/18, where she read her haiku poems “oil”, “quarrel”, “judge”, and “rush”, and then her poems “Knew I Had to be Ready” and “On a High Horse Like This”, all from the Scars Publications 2018 collection book “Natural Light” during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (Panasonic L2500).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2018 Book Release Reading 12/5/18, where she read her haiku poems “oil”, “quarrel”, “judge”, and “rush”, and then her poems “Knew I Had to be Ready” and “On a High Horse Like This”, all from the Scars Publications 2018 collection book “Natural Light” during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (P L 2500; Posterize).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “judge” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (this show intro video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “judge” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera), and given an Edge Detection filter.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “judge” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “judge” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera), and given a Threshold filter.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

jumped (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku jumped live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku jumped live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterized)
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See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Lumix camera).
video video
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersAugust 2017 Book Release Reading 8/2/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Ancient Colors” poems “Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks”, “Step”, “jumped”, “behind”, “gone”, “bruised” and “oceans” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Sony camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Junk at the beginning of the evening live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Junk at the beginning of the evening live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Junk in the middle of the evening live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Junk in the middle of the evening live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Junk from cc&d v256, “Testament” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Shot)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Junk from cc&d v256, “Testament” live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)
video video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from cc&d v256, “Testament” (Including Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Mental Nervous, Michael Lee Johnson’s poem Possum Slim (V2), G. A. Scheinoha’ poem Silver Anniversary, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal’s poem “Atonement”, Ronald Charles Epstein’s poem After Alberta’s Centennial, Eric Burbridge’s poem Minute, and Janet Kuypers’s poem Junk) live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
video video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from various writers from cc&d v256, “Testament” (Including Sheryl L. Nelms’ poem Mental Nervous, Michael Lee Johnson’s poem Possum Slim (V2), G. A. Scheinoha’ poem Silver Anniversary, Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal’s poem “Atonement”, Ronald Charles Epstein’s poem After Alberta’s Centennial, Eric Burbridge’s poem Minute, and Janet Kuypers’s poem Junk) live 8/5/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)

JY asks (a two haiku twitter-length poem)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 haiku poem JY asks in her 3/14/15 show #8220;India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ HA!Man of South Africa music
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See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video (Cfs200) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem JY asks from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
video See this YouTube video 5/2/18 of Janet KuypersMay 2018 Book Release Reading, where she first read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “The Church” poems “JY asks”, “zoo / putting on a show”, “You and I, Walking Through Georgetown”, and “Returning to Georgetown”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersMay 2018 Book Release Reading 5/2/18, where she first read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “The Church” poems “JY asks”, “zoo / putting on a show”, “You and I, Walking Through Georgetown”, and “Returning to Georgetown”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with an Edge Detection filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersMay 2018 Book Release Reading 5/2/18, where she first read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “The Church” poems “JY asks”, “zoo / putting on a show”, “You and I, Walking Through Georgetown”, and “Returning to Georgetown”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersMay 2018 Book Release Reading 5/2/18, where she first read her Down in the Dirt 5/18 book “The Church” poems “JY asks”, “zoo / putting on a show”, “You and I, Walking Through Georgetown”, and “Returning to Georgetown”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).

keep (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video (C) of Robin Fine reading the Janet Kuypers haiku keep in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Robin Fine reading the Janet Kuypers haiku keep in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem keep (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem keep (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku keep from Scars Publicationsthe Café Gallery book the Chosen Few 2/11/16 as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Austin, TX (Samsung)
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku keep from Scars Publicationsthe Café Gallery book the Chosen Few 2/11/16 by a pool as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Austin, TX (Samsung)
video See YouTube video from 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems (Lumix)keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
video> See YouTube video from 5/6/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” in her “Haiku on the Fly” reading (filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoetry
Haiku on the Fly - haiku poems from Janet Kuypers Haiku on the Fly - haiku poems from Janet Kuypers View or download the free PDF chapbook
Haiku on the Fly
of her poems “bruised”, “bruised”, “blood”, “choke”, “can’t get you”, “bear”, “defenses”, “feel”, “fit”, “keep”, “escape”, “force”, “drowning”, “oceans” and “destroy” (of haiku poems read from 5/6/17 in Austin).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading on 7/5/17, where she read her poems “Einsteinium”, “Ununseptium”, “Tellurium”, “keep”, “found haiku”, and “know” in her “The Chosen Few” book reading @ Austin’s Half Price Books Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading on 7/5/17, where she read her poems “Einsteinium”, “Ununseptium”, “Tellurium”, “keep”, “found haiku”, and “know” in her “The Chosen Few” book reading @ Austin’s Half Price Books Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Keeping a Record of Going Too Far (audition performance of a 2-poem adaptation)
This poem was nominated in the Revealed 2014 release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing from memory her poem Keeping a Record of Going Too Far in her 4/5/14 Beast Women audition in Chicago’s the Den Theatre (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing from memory most of her poem Keeping a Record of Going Too Far in her 4/5/14 Beast Women audition in Chicago’s the Den Theatre (iPhone)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Keeping a Record of Going Too Far from memory live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Keeping a Record of Going Too Far from memory live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing Keeping a Record of Going Too Far, Made Any Difference (to John’s song), and How People Interpret My Words 1/31/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Nikon).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing Keeping a Record of Going Too Far, Made Any Difference (to John’s song), and How People Interpret My Words 1/31/16 at the Austin music open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Cps).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Falling From the Sky” and “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far” from her bookRevealed”, plus her poem “Zenith of the Night Sky” @ Austin’s Recycled Reads 3/18/17 (filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Falling From the Sky” and “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far” from her bookRevealed”, plus her poem “Zenith of the Night Sky” @ Austin’s Recycled Reads 3/18/17 (filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera).
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See YouTube video from 3/20/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far” with a live jazz band for “Austin Rhythm Fire” at Southern Hospitality Catering & Dining (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
video Enjoy this YouTube video from 3/20/17 of Janet Kuypers2017 Austin Rhythm Fire show, reading her poems “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far”, “Yearning to Break Free”, “Entering the Lake of Fire” and “Only an Observer” with live jazz music for “Austin Rhythm Fire” at Southern Hospitality Catering & Dining (this video was filmed with a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video video
See YouTube video on 3/20/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far”, “Yearning to Break Free”, “Entering the Lake of Fire” and “Only an Observer” with live jazz music for “Austin Rhythm Fire” at Southern Hospitality Catering & Dining (filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera, & given a Sepia Tone filter).
video Enjoy this YouTube video from 3/20/17 of Janet Kuypers2017 Austin Rhythm Fire show, reading her poems “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far”, “Yearning to Break Free”, “Entering the Lake of Fire” and “Only an Observer” with live jazz music for “Austin Rhythm Fire” at Southern Hospitality Catering & Dining (this video was filmed with a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video video
See YouTube video on 3/20/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far”, “Yearning to Break Free”, “Entering the Lake of Fire” and “Only an Observer” with live jazz music for “Austin Rhythm Fire” at Southern Hospitality Catering & Dining (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60, & given a Posterize filter).
video not yet rated
See YouTube video on 3/20/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far”, “Yearning to Break Free”, “Entering the Lake of Fire” and “Only an Observer” with live jazz music for “Austin Rhythm Fire” at Southern Hospitality Catering & Dining (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60, & given a Threshold filter).
2017 Austin Rhythm Fire chapbook 2017 Austin Rhythm Fire chapbook
View or download the free PDF chapbook
2017 Austin Rhythm Fire
with her poems “Keeping a Record of Going Too Far”, “Yearning to Break Free”, “Entering the Lake of Fire” and “Only an Observer” performed in her 3/20/17 show.

key (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem key from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem key from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “key” from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue/book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/7/16 (Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & a Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

kids wielding freedom and sin
video video
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem kids wielding freedom and sin from the cc&d book Friction live 5/21/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video video
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem kids wielding freedom and sin from the cc&d book Friction live 5/21/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video 6/24/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems The One At Mardi Gras & kids wielding freedom and sin; then her flash fiction A Dream About Murder at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (Canon P.S.).
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See YouTube video 6/24/16 of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems The One At Mardi Gras & kids wielding freedom and sin; then her flash fiction A Dream About Murder at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (Sony).

kill (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem kill from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem kill from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS HAIKU) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “kill” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/25/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

kindness (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku kindness live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku kindness as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon fs200)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku kindness from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “kindness” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/9/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “kindness” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ BlackHeart bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

knees (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku knees live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku knees live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony camera)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 January/February 2019 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 1-2/19 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (PL T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “every step”, “knees”, “mirror”, and “keyboard” from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light” during the multi-person intro 9/15/19 at “Spoken and Heard” in Austin (Panasonic Lumix T56 video camera, posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “every step”, “knees”, “mirror”, and “keyboard” from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light” during the multi-person intro 9/15/19 at “Spoken and Heard” in Austin (Panasonic Lumix T56 video w/ Sepia; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “the 2020 flash fiction date book” writing (with some writing from her show “Death Comes in Threes”), “Genesis 28”, “In every car accident, there are actually three crashes”, “knees”, “Fences and Straight Jackets”, “Wrapping up the Harness”, “Elvira Doe”, “Every Step”, “Death comes in waves of threes”, and “Poem About This” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr).
Janet See Facebook live video of Janet Kuypers reading her “the 2020 flash fiction date book” writing (with some writing from her show “Death Comes in Threes”), “Genesis 28”, “In every car accident, there are actually three crashes”, “knees”, “Fences and Straight Jackets”, “Wrapping up the Harness”, “Elvira Doe”, “Every Step”, “Death comes in waves of threes”, and “Poem About This” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Samsung S9 camera).

knife (2014 haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku knife live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbookthe 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Download this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku knife as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku knife in Scars Publications’ 2016 Down in the Dirt book the Breaking as a looping JKPoetryVine video 2/23/16 (filmed w/ a Samsung smartphone)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “knife” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/15/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “knife” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/18/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX @ Jim’s diner on a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 11/17 book “Monsters” haiku poems “knife”, “easy”, and “ghosts”, and her poems “Ernesto” “Just Thinking About It”, “Political Merry-Go-Round” and “Verge on Meditation” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (filmed from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she read her Down in the Dirt 11/17 book “Monsters” haiku poems “knife”, “easy”, and “ghosts”, and her poems “Ernesto” “Just Thinking About It”, “Political Merry-Go-Round” and “Verge on Meditation” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

know (haiku, on Twitter)
This poem was nominated in the 100 Haikus 2014 press release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize

twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem know from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem know from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku know, in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul-Dec issue book the Intersection (filmed 12/11/15 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku know in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Nov./Dec. 2015 issue/book Planets Apart (12/14/15 from a Motorola in Austin Texas)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku know @ her Partial Nudity Chicago show 6/18/14 at the Gallery Cabaret (Sony HW)
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku know @ her Partial Nudity Chicago show 6/18/14 at the Gallery Cabaret (Canon, day2nite)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku know from light to dark, from Scars Publicationsthe Café Gallery book the Chosen Few 2/12/16 as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Austin, TX (Samsung)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video as Janet Kuypers blows out a candle after reading her haiku know, in Scars Publicationsthe Café Gallery book the Chosen Few 2/12/16 as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Austin, TX (Samsung)
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading on 7/5/17, where she read her poems “Einsteinium”, “Ununseptium”, “Tellurium”, “keep”, “found haiku”, and “know” in her “The Chosen Few” book reading @ Austin’s Half Price Books Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading on 7/5/17, where she read her poems “Einsteinium”, “Ununseptium”, “Tellurium”, “keep”, “found haiku”, and “know” in her “The Chosen Few” book reading @ Austin’s Half Price Books Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

knowing (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem knowing from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem knowing from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Twitter video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku knowing from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “knowing” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/12/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “knowing” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ Craft Pride bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading 6/6/18, where she read her Down in the Dirt 6/18 book “The Painting” poems “oil”, “Hunting for Life”, “knowing”, “Violations Tested”, and “Violations in the name of love”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading 6/6/18, where she read her Down in the Dirt 6/18 book “The Painting” poems “oil”, “Hunting for Life”, “knowing”, “Violations Tested”, and “Violations in the name of love”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2018 Book Release Reading 12/5/18, where she read her haiku poems “escape”, “knowing”, and “He’s an Escapist”, and then her poem “The Way You Tease Me”, all from the Scars Publications 2018 collection book “Still Life” during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2018 Book Release Reading 12/5/18, where she read her haiku poems “escape”, “knowing”, and “He’s an Escapist”, and then her poem “The Way You Tease Me”, all from the Scars Publications 2018 collection book “Still Life” during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinstagram
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & a Sepia Tone filter); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

labor (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C, close up, hard light, saturated)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor 12/1/16 as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v139 9/10 2016 issue/book “the Relic, the Effort, the Yell”.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Lanthanum (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Lanthanum in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Lanthanum in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (S)

last (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku last live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku last live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers’ haiku last @ a Starbucks 6/7/15 (of the last lines of her poem
the Burning) (filmed with a Motorola)
Janet Vine video
videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers
haiku last read from ScarsDown in the Dirt issues book the Intersection
(Samsung 11/23/15)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

life (a 2014 Periodic Table haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table haiku “life” live 2/23/14 at her “Chemistry, Poetry, and a Brat” feature reading in Kenosha WI at the Brat Stop, with an audience including both chemists and teachers requesting the elements poems (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypershaiku
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table haiku life live 2/23/14 at Chemistry, Poetry and a Brat in Kenosha WI at the Brat Stop (C, Threshold filter)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Lord Have Mercy
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (S c glow)
video See YouTube video video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” (of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” (of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video
video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” (S crop, of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM
video See YouTube video
video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” (S crop glow, of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

lost (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem lost (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem lost (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, negative filter)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, cropped and color balanced)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, x-ray filter)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading, with her poems “Only Half the Story”, “lost”, “rush”, & “you were meant” from the Down in the Dirt 1/18 book “Farewell to Seafaring”, then her poem “My Brain Was (2017 Streamline)” from the cc&d 1/18 book “the End of the World” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading, with her poems “Only Half the Story”, “lost”, “rush”, & “you were meant” from the Down in the Dirt 1/18 book “Farewell to Seafaring”, then her poem “My Brain Was (2017 Streamline)” from the cc&d 1/18 book “the End of the World” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed fro a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56ED.
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56ST.
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56Th.

love (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem love from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem love from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem love (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem love (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Hue Cycling filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Hitler-themed haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Meitnerium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
This poem was nominated in the Periodic Table of Poetry 2014 release for the Pushcart Prize
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Meitnerium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Meitnerium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (S)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Oxygen”, “Touching Cobalt”, and “Meitnerium” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Oxygen”, “Touching Cobalt”, and “Meitnerium” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Oxygen”, “Touching Cobalt”, and “Meitnerium” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” ((this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera and given a Posterize filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Oxygen”, “Touching Cobalt”, and “Meitnerium” from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 1/20/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Edge Detection filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Meitnerium” the cc&d July - Dec. 2014 issue collection book “One Solitary Word” as the intro to her Poetic License open mic 12/1/19, hosting “Poetic License” on 12/1/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Meitnerium” the cc&d July - Dec. 2014 issue collection book “One Solitary Word” as the intro to her Poetic License open mic 12/1/19, hosting “Poetic License” on 12/1/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

mirror (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku mirror live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku mirror live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku mirror as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Canon fs200)
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku mirror as a looping JKPoetryVine video live live on WZRD Chicago radio 9/27/14 (Sony)
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See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku mirror from ScarsDown in the Dirt ISBN Book the Relic, the Effort, the Yell as a looping JKPoetryVine video 10/15/16 (from a Samsung at B.B. Rover’s in Austin TX)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her poem “Outsider” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her Down in the Dirt v164 May-June 2019 issue/book “The Deep Woods” poem “Poetry on a Stick”, and her haiku poems “mirror”, “keyboard” and “our differences”, then her "“Seeing Things Differently” show poems “Philosopher at the Blue Note”, “She was a Woman”, “Too Far”, and “Transcribing Dreams Three”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her poem “Outsider” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her Down in the Dirt v164 May-June 2019 issue/book “The Deep Woods” poem “Poetry on a Stick”, and her haiku poems “mirror”, “keyboard” and “our differences”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “Philosopher at the Blue Note”, “She was a Woman”, “Too Far”, and “Transcribing Dreams Three”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poems “Quarrel Over the Constitution”, “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, and her Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr poem “Just Names”, along with the online image for the poem (all of which will appear in her upcoming poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for many holidays and annual events), plus her Twitter and instagram poem “every step”, her Twitter and instagram haiku “left living”, her haiku “mirror”, and her Twitter and instagram bonus line haiku “our differences”, from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poems “Quarrel Over the Constitution”, “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, and her Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr poem “Just Names”, along with the online image for the poem (all of which will appear in her upcoming poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for many holidays and annual events), plus her Twitter and instagram poem “every step”, her Twitter and instagram haiku “left living”, her haiku “mirror”, and her Twitter and instagram bonus line haiku “our differences”, from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “every step”, “knees”, “mirror”, and “keyboard” from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light” during the multi-person intro 9/15/19 at “Spoken and Heard” in Austin (Panasonic Lumix T56 video camera, posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “every step”, “knees”, “mirror”, and “keyboard” from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light” during the multi-person intro 9/15/19 at “Spoken and Heard” in Austin (Panasonic Lumix T56 video w/ Sepia; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “the 2020 Poetry Review Date Book” poems “mirror”, “Opens the Way”, and “Ominous Day” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
Janet See Facebook live video of Janet Kuypers reading her “the 2020 Poetry Review Date Book” poems “mirror”, “Opens the Way”, and “Ominous Day” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Samsung S9 camera).

misogyny (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku misogyny live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku misogyny live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

mister (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku mister live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku mister live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic 2/26/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, where she also read many poems INCLUDING THIS HAIKU.
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem mister (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem mister (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku mister from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book The Hive as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “mister” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/10/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “mister” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/27/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

much (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku much live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku much live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterize)
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic and the Deborah Rosen feature 4/9/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago WITH THIS HAIKU
Janet Vine video
videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers
haiku much from ScarsDown in the Dirt issues book the Intersection
(Samsung 11/20/15)
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See YouTube video 3/5/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poemmuch” during the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
video See YouTube video 3/5/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 haiku poems “much”, “need” and “essence”w/ people on stage during the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypershaiku
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

My brain was
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem My brain was from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem My brain was from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery

need (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku need live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku need live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku need as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (on a Canon fs200 video camera)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku need as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (on a Sony Super Steady Shot camera)
video See YouTube video 3/5/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poemneed” during the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuyperspoem
video See YouTube video 3/5/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 haiku poems “much”, “need” and “essence”w/ people on stage during the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypershaiku
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

nightmares (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem nightmares from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem nightmares from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Vine video
not yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku nightmares from Down in the Dirt’s v138 July/August 2016 issue/book Suicidal Birds as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/7/16 (Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

observer’s improv
Janet Kuypers performs her poetry as improv...
Rather read it? Then read the original poems seven and seven, plus eighteen, observations: nine and six, ten and ten, plus two, eleven and two, plus eight, and observer’s love poem
video video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her observer’s improv (S, based on the poems seven and seven, plus eighteen, observations: nine and six, ten and ten, plus two, eleven and two, plus eight, and observer’s love poem) live 10/7/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her observer’s improv (C, based on the poems seven and seven, plus eighteen, observations: nine and six, ten and ten, plus two, eleven and two, plus eight, and observer’s love poem) live 10/7/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery

Observing Theories of the Universe (“twi-tweet” poem, on Twitter)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Observing Theories of the Universe live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Observing Theories of the Universe live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, Edge Detection filter)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video (Cfs200) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersBook Release Reading 4/5/17 of cc&d book poetry in Austin’s National Poetry Month Community Poetry at Half Price Books, including “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph” from the Statue, “I’m Really Going This Time” from Give What You Can, “Human Construct of Time” from Sea Drift, “White Knuckled” from Forever Bound, “Entire Town’s Baseball Team” from Suggested Torture, “Jabbed in an Open Nerve” from Idea, “Observing Theories of the Universe” from Idea, and “Entering the Lake of Fire” from Nighttime City (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersBook Release Reading 4/5/17 of cc&d book poetry in Austin’s National Poetry Month Community Poetry at Half Price Books, including “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph” from the Statue, “I’m Really Going This Time” from Give What You Can, “Human Construct of Time” from Sea Drift, “White Knuckled” from Forever Bound, “Entire Town’s Baseball Team” from Suggested Torture, “Jabbed in an Open Nerve” from Idea, “Observing Theories of the Universe” from Idea, and “Entering the Lake of Fire” from Nighttime City (this video filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera and given a Posterize filter).

octopi and brains (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku octopi and brains live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku octopi and brains live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterize)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “octopi and brains”, and “octopi and dogs” from the v126 issue of Down in the Dirt mag, titled a Rural Story live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “octopi and brains”, and “octopi and dogs” from the v126 issue of Down in the Dirt mag, titled a Rural Story live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (Cps)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “guard(written 9/26, on and for National Situational Awareness Day), then her poems “Vampires and Blood-Sucking Mosquitos Alike(written 10/6, on and for Garlic Lover’s Day), “From Orpheus to Nuking the Moon(for mid-October’s Astronomy Day), “Kill with Impunity(written 10/7, on and for the 1900 birthday of Heinrich Himmler), “Octopi and Brains” and “Octopi Target McDonald’s(for 10/8, World Octopus Day), “Because of Fire(written 10/8, on and for the start of the 1871 Great Chicago Fire, that lasted 2 days), “Judging the Chicago Seven(written 10/9, on and for the day of the beginning of the 1969 trial against the Chicago Seven), and “‘the Robot Zombie Witch Girl’ revisited(for 10/10, National Zombie Day) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” for The Café Gallery 10/6/20 Book Reading in The Café Gallery 2020 book reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “guard”, then her poems “Vampires and Blood-Sucking Mosquitos Alike”, “From Orpheus to Nuking the Moon”, “Kill with Impunity”, “Octopi and Brains” and “Octopi Target McDonald’s”, “Because of Fire”, “Judging the Chicago Seven”, and “‘the Robot Zombie Witch Girl’ revisited” from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” for The Café Gallery 10/6/20 Book Reading in The Café Gallery 2020 book reading series (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera).

octopi and dogs (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku octopi and dogs live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku octopi and dogs live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterize)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “octopi and brains”, and “octopi and dogs” from the v126 issue of Down in the Dirt mag, titled a Rural Story live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “octopi and brains”, and “octopi and dogs” from the v126 issue of Down in the Dirt mag, titled a Rural Story live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery (Cps)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

of his thirst (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku of his thirst live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku of his thirst live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku of his thirst as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku of his thirst as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Sony Super Steady Shot)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku of his thirst, read from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v133 issue book Planets Apart. (filmed 12/3/15 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku of his thirst, in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul-Dec issue book the Intersection (filmed 12/3/15 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “of his thirst” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v140 issue book “the Bridge” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/16/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Hue Cycling).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Edge Detection).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “of his thirst” and “found haiku”, then her haiku poems “defenses”, “hold”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Spoken and Heard” 9/2/18 (P L 2500 camera; Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku “of his thirst”, then her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” show poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Spring edit)”, “Violations Tested”, & “Poem About This”, all from the cc&d 3&4 2019 v289 book “Equal”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku “of his thirst”, then her “to the Bottom of the Earth and Back” show poems “True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Spring edit)”, “Violations Tested”, & “Poem About This”, all from the cc&d 3&4 2019 v289 book “Equal”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

oil (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem oil from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem oil from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku oil from cc&d’s 23 year anniv. Scars Publications book the 23 enigma as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “oil” from cc&d’s Scars Publications collection book Clouds over the Moon as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/5/16.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading 6/6/18, where she read her Down in the Dirt 6/18 book “The Painting” poems “oil”, “Hunting for Life”, “knowing”, “Violations Tested”, and “Violations in the name of love”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading 6/6/18, where she read her Down in the Dirt 6/18 book “The Painting” poems “oil”, “Hunting for Life”, “knowing”, “Violations Tested”, and “Violations in the name of love”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2018 Book Release Reading 12/5/18, where she read her haiku poems “oil”, “quarrel”, “judge”, and “rush”, and then her poems “Knew I Had to be Ready” and “On a High Horse Like This”, all from the Scars Publications 2018 collection book “Natural Light” during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (Panasonic L2500).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersDecember 2018 Book Release Reading 12/5/18, where she read her haiku poems “oil”, “quarrel”, “judge”, and “rush”, and then her poems “Knew I Had to be Ready” and “On a High Horse Like This”, all from the Scars Publications 2018 collection book “Natural Light” during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (P L 2500; Posterize).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard (twitter-length poem)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the new poem “on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard” 1/20/14 at Waiting4the Bus at Jak’s Tap in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading the new poem on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard 1/20/14 at Waiting4the Bus at Jak’s Tap, Chicago (Posterized video)
video not yet rated
See YouTube video of Michael Lee Johnson reading two Janet Kuypers poems, on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard (read after he read eyes)

only (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku only live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku only as a looping JKPoetryVine video 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

on the back of a touring bike
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See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem on the back of a touring bikein her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon fs200) w/ background guitar from John
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her poem on the back of a touring bike in her 3/14/15 show “India Stories” at the Art Colony in Chicago (Canon Power Shot) w/ background guitar from John
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “India stories” poems
Us Creative Types”, “unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere”, and “on the back of a touring bike”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” at “Recycled Reads” open mic 11/4/18 (filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “India stories” poems
Us Creative Types”, “unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere”, and “on the back of a touring bike”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” at “Recycled Reads” open mic 11/4/18 (filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).

opening (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Kottyn Campbell reading the Janet Kuypers haiku opening in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Kottyn Campbell reading the Janet Kuypers haiku opening in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS HAIKU) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem opening (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem opening (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem opening from the cc&d magazine v265 book the Blind Eye 10/8/16 (filmed from a Samsung S7).
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See YouTube video from 10/23/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “opening” from the cc&d book “the Blind Eye” live at Austin’s open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
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See YouTube video of Thom’s intro to Austin’s open mic Kick Butt Poetry, with Janet Kuypers reading her poems “greatest” and “opening” from the cc&d book “the Blind Eye” live 10/23/16 (w/ a Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “opening” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v140 issue book “the Bridge” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/15/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku opening from Scars Publications’ Jul./Dec. 2016 cc&d Issue book “After the Blues” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/14/17 (in Austin Texas, from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

organs (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem organs from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem organs from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

ourselves (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku ourselves live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku ourselves live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

out (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku out live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku out live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterized)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic and the Deborah Rosen feature 4/9/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (where she reads this haiku)
Janet Vine video
videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers
haiku out from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt issues book the Intersection
(S 11/22/15)
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See YouTube video from 4/2/17 of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her 3 haiku poems “out”, “uphill” and “upside-down” in the intro performance to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video from 4/2/17 of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her 5 haiku poems “out”, “uphill” and “upside-down” in the intro to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Canon Power Shot SX700).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

outsourcing the American dream 2014 edit
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem outsourcing the American dream 2014 edit (in the chapbook “Attacking with Poetry”) 4/27/14 at Chicago’s 2014 Poetry Bomb in Lincoln Square (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem outsourcing the American dream 2014 edit (in the chapbook “Attacking with Poetry”) 4/27/14 (C) at Chicago’s 2014 Poetry Bomb (in Lincoln Square), Threshold

out there (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku out there live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
videoYouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading 7/5/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “On the Rocks” poems “Job of Being Homeless”, “Quiver with no Home”, “out there”, “census”, “judge”, “Nobody Finds Me” and “Cast in Stone” in Half Price Books Community Poetry (Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2017 Book Release Reading 7/5/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “On the Rocks” poems “Job of Being Homeless”, “Quiver with no Home”, “out there”, “census”, “judge”, “Nobody Finds Me” and “Cast in Stone” in Half Price Books Community Poetry Sony camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Random Thoughts” haiku poems “oceans”, “gone”, “bruised”, “out there”, “judge”, “escape”, “ever get it back”, “opposite”, and “need”, and then her poems “Oh, She Was a Woman” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Lumix).(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, while hosting the Poetry Aloud open mic 4/27/19 in Georgetown TX, reads her poems “Xyresic Flames” (originally written about the Notre Dame) and “United we Wonder”, then her haiku poems “civil”, “mirror”, “hold”, “gone”, “out there”, and “found”, read from her 2014-2016 Chicago poetry performance art book “A Year-Long Journey”, all read to a live audience for National Poetry Month (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

over (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku over live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku overlive 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)

pant (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (C) of Esteban Colon reading the Janet Kuypers haiku pant in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (S) of Esteban Colon reading the Janet Kuypers haiku pant in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku pant in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku pant in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (S crop glow)
video See YouTube video video of Janet Kuypers’ poetry chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” (of 4 poems and 4 haiku poems) with music from the HA!Man of South Africa live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou in Chicago 11/21/14, INCLUDING THIS POEM (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “pant” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v140 issue book “the Bridge” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/17/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX @ B.B. Rover’s on a Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera w/ a Hue Cycling).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Polarize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

pet (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku pet live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Pleading (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku pleading live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
videonot yet rated

See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku Pleading as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200 camera, video flipped)
videonot yet rated

See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku Pleading as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon fs200 camera, heat wave filter)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the new poem “Pleiades” 1/20/14 at Waiting4the Bus at Jak’s Tap in Chicago a href="https://twitter.com/janetkuypers/status/1352673531809705984" target="new">Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading the new poem Pleiades 1/20/14 at Waiting4the Bus at Jak’s Tap, Chicago (Posterized video)
video See YouTube video from 12/16/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “He Makes me Think About These Things”, “Escape my Brain Somehow”, “Keeps Pounding Against Walls”, “Each Half is the Enemy”, “from Orpheus to Nuking the Moon”, and “Pleiades” (cut off) from her book “Give Me the News” @ the AIPF booth during the Awesmic City Expo (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video from 12/16/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “He Makes me Think About These Things”, “Escape my Brain Somehow”, “Keeps Pounding Against Walls”, “Each Half is the Enemy”, “from Orpheus to Nuking the Moon”, and “Pleiades” (cut off) from her book “Give Me the News” @ the AIPF booth during the Awesmic City Expo <(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).

Potassium Chloride (bonus haiku from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her Periodic Table bonus poem Potassium Chloride live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her Periodic Table bonus poem Potassium Chloride live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, Edge Det. filter)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems Arsenic and Syphilis & Juxtaposition, or Irony? from memory; then she read her 2 Periodic Table poems Potassium Chloride and Thallium at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems Arsenic and Syphilis & Juxtaposition, or Irony? from memory; then she read her 2 Periodic Table poems Potassium Chloride and Thallium at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Nikon Coolpix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her v206 4/23 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Floating Island” poems “Oganesson, bending time inside” (which is also in her book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”), “Potassium Chloride” (which is also in her book “Periodic Table Poetry”), “Only If She Had a Choice” and “Evil of What They’ve Done” (which is also in the 2023 CyberWit.net book “Testament”) during her “Poetic License 4/2/23 global open mic” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). video This was also a Facebook live video stream (on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperswomensrights #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem

predator (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem predator (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem predator (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, negative filter)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, cropped and color balanced)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, x-ray filter)
book book
Order this book in the Janet Kuypers haiku collection book 100 Haikus, or in the 2014 collection book Partial Nudity.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “predator” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/25/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

progress (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem progress from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem progress from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin, first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Sony camera; posted onFacebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 6/4/16 show “Obey” at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! in Austin, first reading her haiku poems progress, extend, falling, civil, and greatest, then reading her poems Earth is a Topiary (her 1st of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), On Becoming a Woman (an editing and expansion of her 1999 poem Becoming a Woman), Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph (an editing of her 1991 poem Photograph, Nineteenth Century and her 2nd of 2 poems where she used a voice modulator to reads parts of her poem in a male voice), Content With Inferior Men, portions of her poem In The Air with slightly altered wording, and Oh, She Was a Woman (an editing of her 1997 poem She Was a Woman) (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
the “Obey” 6/4/16 chapbook
Download all of the show poems in the free chapbook
6/4/16 at Expressions 2016: June is a Woman! show in Austin
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Protactinium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Protactinium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Protactinium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (S)

Questioning Atoms through Inference (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Questioning Atoms through Inference live at Ruffled Feathers at Reno in Chicago 12/8/14 (Canon camera, with balance, crop, and saturate filters)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Questioning Atoms through Inference live at Ruffled Feathers at Reno in Chicago 12/8/14 (Canon, balance)
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems “Violations tested” and “Violations in the name of love” then her intro poem “Questioning Atoms through Inference” to her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” (read from the book) 2/10/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems “Violations tested” and “Violations in the name of love” then her intro poem “Questioning Atoms through Inference” to her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” (read from the book) 2/10/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).

Questioning Religion, Father and Son
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the new poem “Questioning Religion, Father and Son” 1/20/14 at Waiting4the Bus at Jak’s Tap, Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading the new poem Questioning Religion, Father and Son 1/20/14 at Waiting4the Bus at Jak’s Tap, Chicago (Posterized video)
video video
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem Questioning Religion, Father and Son from the cc&d book a new era live 5/21/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video video
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem Questioning Religion, Father and Son from the cc&d book a new era live 5/21/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery

Red Phosphorus (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her Periodic Table bonus poem Red Phosphorus live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her Periodic Table bonus poem Red Phosphorus live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, Edge Detection filter)

relegated (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku relegated live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbookthe 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook
Download this in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
all read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku relegated as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon, flipped, with a heat wave filter)
video See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku relegated as a looping JKPoetryVine video on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (filmed on a Canon fs200 video camera)
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “relegated”, “pleading”, “jumped”, “instead”, and “destroy” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

rescue (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku rescue live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku rescuelive 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See Facebook live video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (from a Samsung Galaxy S7 smart phone).
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (facebook live video with a Threshold filter).
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17 chapbook
View or download the free PDF chapbook
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17
of all of the short Janet Kuypers poems she read from her live 4/30/17 reading in Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb (plus one bonus poem).
video See YouTube video from 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her “Drop the Bomb” poems for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with control, earth, enjoy, unbounded, Just Thinking About It, Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Rhenium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Rhenium in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Rhenium in her Crossing Borders for International (and Interplanetary) Peace feature, live in Chicago 10/9/14 at Cup & Spoon, for Chicago Calling (S)

run (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem run from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem run from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS POEM) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Twitter video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku run from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “run” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/10/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “run” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ Banger’s bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Rutherfordium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Rutherfordium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Rutherfordium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (S)

scorches (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku scorches live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku scorches live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
the Breaking Read Janet KuypersTwitter-length poem scorches in the Jan./Feb. 2016 issue (v134) of Down in the Dirt magazine titled the Breaking.
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku scorches from Scars PublicationsJan./Feb. 2016 issue (v134) of Down in the Dirt magazine titled the Breaking as a looping JKPoetryVine video 2/27/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Droid Maxx)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “scorches” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/16/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “scorches” from Scars Publications’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/18/16 (filmed in Austin Texas at Little Woodrow’s Techridge from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Seaborgium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Seaborgium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Seaborgium in her Visionaries Behind the Stars feature, live in Chicago 9/12/14 at “Poetry ‘Love Letter’” (S)

sort (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku sort live 3/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku sortlive 3/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem sort from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem sort from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d magazine, titled Beyond the Gates live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d mag, titled Beyond the Gates live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon Power Shot)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

stagger (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku stagger live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook
Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
which contains many poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio, including this poem.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku stagger from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book the Breaking live in New Orleans 5/29/16.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku stagger from Down in the Dirt’s Scars Publications book 6 Feet Under as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “stagger” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/13/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “stagger” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ Lil’ Woodrow’s (Tech Ridge) bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “stagger” at her “Partial Nudity” interview 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (originally filmed from a Canon camera, then made into a Vine video with a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of the Janet Kuypers reading her Star Trek poem Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers in her 3/20/15 show “Resistance is Futile” at Ch Fi 2015 in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
the Resistance is Futile 3/20/15 chapbookthe Resistance is Futile 3/20/15 chapbook
Download this poem in the free chapbook “Imzadi”,
w/ poems read on 3/21/15 at Chicago’s Ch Fi 2015
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “middle eastern man in front of me”, “Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers”, and “Outer Space and the Sound of Silence” from the v101 11/22 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Reaching for the Stars” on 11/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) for ‘Community Poetry’ (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “middle eastern man in front of me”, “Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers”, and “Outer Space and the Sound of Silence” from the v101 11/22 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Reaching for the Stars” on 11/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Down in the Dirt 9-12/22 issue collection book “The Paths Less Traveled” poems “Iron in my Eyes” (+ also showing its online image for the poem that also appears in her book “Periodic Table Poetry”), “Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers”, and “Outer Space and the Sound of Silence” to close her “Poetic License 3/5/23 global open mic” through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). video This video was also released as a Facebook live video stream (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

sting (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku sting live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook Get this poem in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Twitter video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku sting from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “sting” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/12/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “sting” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ BlackHeart bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “sting” @ her “Partial Nudity” interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio 9/27/14 (originally filmed from a Canon camera, then made into a Vine video with a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

strike (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku strike live 9/27/14 on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio (Canon)
video See YouTube video 9/27/14 of the Janet Kuypers “Partial Nudity” book release & interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio, where during her interview on the air she read her haiku and poetry “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “Eight People Outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “My New Grocery List”, “Couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “addiction”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersinterview #janetkuypersradio (Canon)
the 9/27/12 6 Second Poems chapbook
Download this poem
in the free chapbook
“6 Second Poems”,
w/ poems read on 9/27/14 WZRD 88.3 FM radio
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku strike, in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul-Dec issue book the Intersection (filmed 12/4/15 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku strike, read from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v133 issue book Planets Apart. (filmed 12/4/15 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “strike” @ her “Partial Nudity” interview on Chicago’s WZRD 88.3 FM radio 9/27/14 (originally filmed from a Canon camera, then made into a Vine video with a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from ther 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, and “couldn’t”, all from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (PL2500; Polarize).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, reading her “WZRD” poems “civil”, “mirror”, “instead”, “need”, “eight people outside”, “floor”, “of his thirst”, “hold”, “fought”, “strike”, “console”, “relegated”, “extinct”, “couldn’t”, “ruminating”, “barbed”, “gone”, “out there”, “knife”, “pet”, “kindness”, “found”, “pleading”, “only”, “humans”, “stagger”, “At the Camp”, “Suicide (heat) Poem”, and “sting”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

study (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku study live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku study live 4/9/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (posterized)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku titled study from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./Feb. 2016 issue book the Breaking (filmed 2/24/16 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku titled study from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./Feb. 2016 issue book the Breaking (filmed 2/24/16 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “Study” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/13/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “study” from Scars’ 2016 collection book “the Chamber” @ Container bar as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/31/16 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Thallium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Thallium” live 2/23/14 at her “Chemistry, Poetry, and a Brat” feature reading in Kenosha WI at the Brat Stop, with an audience including both chemists and teachers requesting the elements poems (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem Thallium live 2/23/14 at Chemistry, Poetry and a Brat in Kenosha WI at the Brat Stop (C, Edge Detection)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems Arsenic and Syphilis & Juxtaposition, or Irony? from memory; then she read her 2 Periodic Table poems Potassium Chloride and Thallium at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 2 poems Arsenic and Syphilis & Juxtaposition, or Irony? from memory; then she read her 2 Periodic Table poems Potassium Chloride and Thallium at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s 2/26/16 (this video was filmed from a Nikon Coolpix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Autumn” & “Periodic Table Poetry” book poem “Gadolinium” (+ showing the poem image & Opening Act image), her “Institutionalized” & “Periodic Table Poetry” book poem “Thallium” (+ showing poem image & video 2/23/14 show images 1 & 2), and her “Institutionalized” & “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” book poem “Thallium’s a real killer” ( + showing the poem image & 3/30/22 show images 1 & 2) during her “Poetic License 9/1/24 global open mic” she hosted through Zoom & a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream from a Samsung S9 camera w/ a Bad Signal-B filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

this is only a test (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku this is only a test live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku this is only a test live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See Facebook live video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (from a Samsung Galaxy S7 smart phone).
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (facebook live video with a Threshold filter).
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17 chapbook
View or download the free PDF chapbook
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17
of all of the short Janet Kuypers poems she read from her live 4/30/17 reading in Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb (plus one bonus poem).
video See YouTube video from 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her “Drop the Bomb” poems for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with control, earth, enjoy, unbounded, Just Thinking About It, Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Thorium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Thorium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Thorium in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (S)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Shadows of Sanity” book poems “Thorium” (which is also in the book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing poem image & show images 1, 2, & 3), & “Thorium smoothing the moon” (which is also in the book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” & “The Universe is in Your Hands”, + showing the video poem image) during her “Poetic License 11/3/24 global open mic” she hosted through Zoom & a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). Also enjoy this Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera w/ a Charcoal filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstheuniverseisinyourhands #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

timing (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku timing live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku timinglive 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic and reading this poem 2/12/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago — including reading this poem
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku timing as a 6 second JK Poetry Vine live 2/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Translation (2014 haiku) (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video (C) of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Translation (2014 haiku) in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 w/ HA!Man of South Africa music.
video See YouTube video (SCG) of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Translation (2014 haiku) in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14; w/ HA!Man of South Africa music.
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “Translation (2014 haiku)” from Scars Publications’ 1/17Down in the Dirt v141 issue “Ice King” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 1/12/17 (filmed in Austin Texas from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2017 Book Release Reading 6/7/17, where she read Down in the Dirt’s book “Study in Black” poems “One and Six” “feel”, “eventually” and “Translation”, then cc&d’s book “Things Found in Books” poems “Oxygen to Flame the Fire”, “Fuming in the Morning” & “Vanishing Scars” for “Community Poetry” @ Austin’s Half Price Books (video from a Sony camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from the book “Negative Space” her haiku and short poems “coincidence?”, “translation (2014 haiku)”, “oceans”, “behind”, “out there”, “opposite”, and “addiction”, her micro prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Earth was Crying”, “Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams”, “Just by Holding His Hand”, and “Only an Observer” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera w/ a Hue Cycling).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Polarize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Nerves of a Poet” show poems “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, then her “6 second poems” show poem “eight people outside”, all read from her 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey” during the Thom multi-person intro to the “Spoken & Heard” open mic 11/4/18 @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

universe (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
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See YouTube video (C) of Bob Lawrence reading the Janet Kuypers haiku universe in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See YouTube video (S) of Bob Lawrence reading the Janet Kuypers haiku universe in the “Partial Nudity” book release show 6/18/14 at Chicago’s the Café Gallery
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem universe (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem universe (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers practicing her twitter-length haiku universe as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5/7/16 for her poetry show today at Austin’s the Baha’i Center.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers practicing her twitter-length haiku universe as a looping JKPoetryVine video 5during her Expressions 2016 show, her 1st Austin poetry show 5/7/16.
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 5/7/16 show “Love in the Universe” in her first scheduled feature at Expressions 2016: Reasons to be Cheerful in Austin, first singing (with John singing and on guitar) the Depeche Mode song The Bottom Line (with altered chorus lyrics for heir wedding), then with her poems Pluto, Plutonium & Death (a bonus Periodic Table poem), her haiku universe, observer’s love poem (2016 edit), everything is my home, Wanted To Play, and electricity (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuyperssinging
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 5/7/16 show “Love in the Universe” in her first scheduled feature at Expressions 2016: Reasons to be Cheerful in Austin, first singing (with John singing and on guitar) the Depeche Mode song The Bottom Line (with altered chorus lyrics for heir wedding), then with her poems Pluto, Plutonium & Death (a bonus Periodic Table poem), her haiku universe, observer’s love poem (2016 edit), everything is my home, Wanted To Play, and electricity (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
the “Love in the Universe” 5/7/16 chapbook
Download all of the show poems in the free chapbook
Love in the Universe
5/7/16 at Expressions 2016: Reasons to be Cheerful show in Austin, including her poems Pluto, Plutonium & Death (a bonus Periodic Table poem), her haiku universe, observer’s love poem (2016 edit), everything is my home, Wanted To Play, and electricity.
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Twitter video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku universe from Down in the Dirt’s v137 Scars Publications book The Hive 5/30/16.
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See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length haiku “universe” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt Jan./June 2016 issue collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 12/12/16 (Austin; Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video 2/25/17 of Janet Kuypers saying her haiku “universe”, then reading her poems “elusive imaginary creature” and “violence and peace both work” for “Poetry Aloud” at the Georgetown Public Library (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers
video See YouTube video 2/25/17 of Janet Kuypers saying her haiku “universe”, then reading her poems “elusive imaginary creature” and “violence and peace both work” for “Poetry Aloud” at the Georgetown Public Library this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX60 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “census”, “eventually”, “universe”, and “judge” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 7/29/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (this show intro video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera), and given a Posterize filter.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “enemies” and “universe” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, live 3/31/19 through “Spoken and Heard” at Kick Butt Coffee (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera), and given a Threshold filter.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

upturn (haiku, on Twitter)
This poem was nominated in the 100 Haikus 2014 press release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize

twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku upturn live 3/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku upturnlive 3/12/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C, Postrize)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d magazine, titled Beyond the Gates live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems, “falling”, “sort”, and “upturn” from the v252 issue of cc&d mag, titled Beyond the Gates live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon Power Shot)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku upturn, read from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v133 issue book Planets Apart. (filmed 12/2/15 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video videonot yet rated

See a Vine video of Janet Kuypershaiku upturn, in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 Jul-Dec issue book the Intersection (filmed 12/2/15 from a Motorola in Austin, Texas)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Value from Nothingness (a two-tweet poem)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Value from Nothingness/U> live 8/27/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (C)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Value from Nothingness live 8/27/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (S)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Value from Nothingness from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (filmed with a Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose Value from Nothingness from Down in the Dirt v129, “a Bad Influence” live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (from a Canon Power Dhow)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her v202 12/22 Down in the Dirt, issue/book “The Cool Cold” poems “Aluminum” (the first poem also appearing in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Periodic Table Poetry”), “Value from Nothingness”, “Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt”, and “X-ing out lives” (that is also slated for appearance in the CyberWit.net 2023 Janet Kuypers poetry book “Testament”) on 12/7/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (from a video Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). This was also released from a Samsung S9 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersfeminism #janetkuyperswomensrights #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersequalityforwomen #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “uncuffed and printed”, “Value from Nothingness”, and “Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt” from the book “The Paths Less Traveled” for the 4/5/23 ‘Community Poetry’ honorary book reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, video & Tumblr) This was also a Facebook live video stream, filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

violent affair
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem violent affair in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video videohttp://scars.tv/av/Not yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem violent affair in her Chicago chapbook and feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (S crop glow)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Violent Affair (Cfs) from the cc&d magazine 2015 issue collection book Salvation (issues and chapbooks edition) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ poem Violent Affair (Cps) from the cc&d magazine 2015 issue collection book Salvation (issues and chapbooks edition) live 7/22/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

years (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem years from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem years from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Janet Kuypers book release feature “Partial Nudity” (S, CONTAINING THIS POEM) live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length poem “years” from Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt collection book “a Stormy Beginning” as a looping JKPoetryVine video 8/14/16 (this video filmed in Austin TX from a Samsung Galaxy S7).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

you (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join http://twitter.com/janetkuypers.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku you live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon camera)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku you live 3/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony camera)
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the later part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poems she read for the Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera).
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the later part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poems she read for the Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (Lumix video with an Edge Detection filter).
video See Facebook live video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (from a Samsung Galaxy S7 smart phone).
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (facebook live video with a Threshold filter).
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17 chapbook
View or download the free PDF chapbook
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17
of all of the short Janet Kuypers poems she read from her live 4/30/17 reading in Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb (plus one bonus poem).
video See YouTube video from 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her “Drop the Bomb” poems for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with control, earth, enjoy, unbounded, Just Thinking About It, Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches + more (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

my hand to jkchair with moving hands, anim

Kuypers’ Bio    Kuypers’ Books    Kuypers’ Poems    Kuypers’ Prose    Chicago Poet and Poetry