the writing of Kuypers


labeled me again
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
videonot yet rated

See YouTube video Live at Twitter Inside Chicago feature 05/21/10
video See this YouTube video of part two of the Janet Kuypers Chicago feature Twitter Inside 5/21/10 in Logan Square, with her poems “labeled me again”, “prefer things soft”, “Became a Jungle”, “Now I’m Strong”, “Spit Me Out”, “Painted Buddhas”, and “Swallowing Sand & Pebbles” (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video
of JUST Labeled Me Again 07/03/11 in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature at “Beach Poets” in Chicago
video See YouTube video
of JUST Labeled Me Again from the lip cam in the live feature 07/03/11 at Chicago’s “Beach Poets”
video See YouTube video
of Escaping Every Cage and Labeled Me Again in the 07/03/11 Beach Poets “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature
video See YouTube video
of Escaping Every Cage and Labeled Me Again from the lip cam live 07/03/11 at Chicago’s “Beach Poets”
video See feature-length YouTube
video of many poems read 07/03/11
at Beach Poets from the live feature
“a Very Goth Beach Party”
video See feature-length YouTube
video of the eye-cam of the entire show at Beach Poets 07/03/11 from the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature
download chapbook PDF filePDF Download the chapbook with this writing in a Very Goth Beach Chapbook
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping Every Cage” (with her mini-poem “Labeled me Again” inside it) and her haiku poem “hold” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her poem “Moonlight” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/25/18 (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Escaping Every Cage” (with her mini-poem “Labeled me Again” inside it) and her haiku poem “hold” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her poem “Moonlight” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/25/18 (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2018 Book Release Reading 9/5/18, where she read her poem “What Have I Won” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then she read her “Twitter Inside” show poems “Out of my Element”, “How He Failed”, “Drinking Their Life Away”, “Labeled Me Again”, “Prefer Things Soft”, “Became a Jungle”, “Now I’m Strong”, “Spit me Out”, and “Painted Buddhas”, and then she sang her song “My Love For You Will Stay the Same” from the poetry performance art collection book “Chapter48 (v1)”, in Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2018 Book Release Reading 9/5/18, where she read her poem “What Have I Won” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then she read her “Twitter Inside” show poems “Out of my Element”, “How He Failed”, “Drinking Their Life Away”, “Labeled Me Again”, “Prefer Things Soft”, “Became a Jungle”, “Now I’m Strong”, “Spit me Out”, and “Painted Buddhas”, and then she sang her song “My Love For You Will Stay the Same” from the poetry performance art collection book “Chapter48 (v1)”, in Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2018 Book Release Reading 9/5/18, where she read her poem “What Have I Won” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then she read her “Twitter Inside” show poems “Out of my Element”, “How He Failed”, “Drinking Their Life Away”, “Labeled Me Again”, “Prefer Things Soft”, “Became a Jungle”, “Now I’m Strong”, “Spit me Out”, and “Painted Buddhas”, and then she sang her song “My Love For You Will Stay the Same” from the poetry performance art collection book “Chapter48 (v1)”, in Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2018 Book Release Reading 9/5/18, where she read her poem “What Have I Won” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then she read her “Twitter Inside” show poems “Out of my Element”, “How He Failed”, “Drinking Their Life Away”, “Labeled Me Again”, “Prefer Things Soft”, “Became a Jungle”, “Now I’m Strong”, “Spit me Out”, and “Painted Buddhas”, and then she sang her song “My Love For You Will Stay the Same” from the poetry performance art collection book “Chapter48 (v1)”, in Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, Posterize).
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Became a Jungle”, “How He Failed”, “labeled me again”, “Spit Me Out”, and “Now I’m Strong” (plus showing multiple live show images one, two, three, and four) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera & b&w Old Film filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Became a Jungle”, “How He Failed”, “labeled me again”, “Spit Me Out”, and “Now I’m Strong” (plus showing multiple live show images one, two, three, and four) from the cc&d 6/22 v322 29-year anniversary issue/book “Eye to Eye” on 6/1/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Before Taking Over the Controls”, “Have You Ever Had”, “Became a Jungle”, “How He Failed”, “labeled me again”, “Spit Me Out”, and “Now I’m Strong” from section 2 of the cc&d 5-8/22 issue collection book “The Wall” on 10/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Before Taking Over the Controls”, “Have You Ever Had”, “Became a Jungle”, “How He Failed”, “labeled me again”, “Spit Me Out”, and “Now I’m Strong” from section 2 of the cc&d 5-8/22 issue collection book “The Wall” on 10/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading

labor (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers hosting the open mic 2/26/14 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago — INCLUDING THIS HAIKU (w/ other haikus)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C, close up, hard light, saturated)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 2/26/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku labor 12/1/16 as a looping JKPoetryVine video in Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt v139 9/10 2016 issue/book “the Relic, the Effort, the Yell”.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera);
this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17 chapbook
View or download the free PDF chapbook
“Drop the Bomb” 4/30/17
of all of the short Janet Kuypers poems she read from her live 4/30/17 reading in Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb (plus one bonus poem).
video See YouTube video from 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers performing her “Drop the Bomb” poems for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with control, earth, enjoy, unbounded, Just Thinking About It, Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, Marne Rifle Poem, No Thank You, He makes me Think about These Things, (and you could hold me), & From Words to Wars (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See Facebook live video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (from a Samsung Galaxy S7 smart phone).
video See YouTube video on 4/30/17 of the first part of Janet Kuypers’ “Drop the Bomb” poem series she read for Austin’s 2017 Poetry Bomb, with the ending of Kick Someone Out, Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Exhaling Toxic Fumes, Jumping from the Mausoleum, Just to be On the Safe Side, Nobody Finds Me, Bored the Night Before 9/11, energy, errors, rescue, This is Only a Test, You, Only Searching, Ugly Babies need the Most Love, Bimbo, Good Escape, Goth Girl Photographer, Koala Porn, Occupy, On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole, On This Ride, and Marne Rifle Poem (facebook live; Threshold filter).
video See this YouTube video 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her new poem “Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls” at “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin as a teaser for her 5/6/17 “Time to Start the Show” feature (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See this YouTube video 4/30/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her new poem “Lades and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls at “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin as a teaser for her 5/6/17 “Time to Start the Show” feature (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 5/6/17 poetry show “Time to Start the Show” at “Honoring Open Mic Hosts” in Austin reading her poems “the Bathroom at the Green Mill” “Frozen Together”, “the Battle at Hand”, “On Ashes”, “Kick Someone Out” and “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls” (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 5/6/17 poetry show “Time to Start the Show” at “Honoring Open Mic Hosts” in Austin reading her poems “the Bathroom at the Green Mill” “Frozen Together”, “the Battle at Hand”, “On Ashes”, “Kick Someone Out” and “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls” (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow
Time to Start the Show - poems from Janet Kuypers Time to Start the Show - poems from Janet Kuypers View or download the free PDF chapbook
Time to Start the Show
of her poems “the Bathroom at he Green Mill” “Frozen Together”, “the Battle at Hand”, “On Ashes”, “Kick Someone Out” and “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls” performed in her 5/6/17 Austin show about hosting poetry open mics.
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Readings 11/1/17 from the cc&d 11/17 book “Warrior’s Light”, with her Time to Start the Show poems “the Bathroom at the Green Mill”, “Frozen Together”, “the Battle at Hand”, “On Ashes”, “Kick Someone Out” and “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls” in Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading<
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Readings 11/1/17 from the cc&d 11/17 book “Warrior’s Light”, with her Time to Start the Show poems “the Bathroom at the Green Mill”, “Frozen Together”, “the Battle at Hand”, “On Ashes”, “Kick Someone Out” and “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls” in Community Poetry (this video was filmed from a Lumix camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems” her poems “our futures”, “Mapping the Way to True Love”, “Kick Someone Out”, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls”, “Xerostomia”, and “You Were Meant” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “December 2017 Book Release Reading” 12/6/17, where she reads from her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems” her poems “our futures”, “Mapping the Way to True Love”, “Kick Someone Out”, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls”, “Xerostomia”, and “You Were Meant” in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

Lambs To Heaven’s Gate
[in French] [in German] [in Italian] [in Portuguese] [in Spanish]
the poetry collection audio CD “Torture & Triumph”
Order this iTunes track from the poetry music CD Torture & Triumph ...Or order the entire CD set from iTunes: Janet Kuypers - Torture & Triumph
the poetry collection audio CD “How Do I Get THere?” Listen to studio mp3 file Janet Kuypers - How Do I Get There? - Lambs To Heaven's Gate
or live mp3 file Janet Kuypers - How Do I Get There? - Lambs To Heaven's Gate tracks from the CD & performance art show
How Do I Get There?”, or order any track off the CD tough iTunes.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
live at the show How Do I Get There 02/15/05, Chicago
video see the entire performance of How Do I Get There? 02/15/05 in Chicago live, via the Internet Archive
video See YouTube video
(1:27) read from the ISBN# book Living in Chaos, live 03/29/11 at the Café in Chicago
video See YouTube video
of the intro to the 3/29/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago (where she is the host), with this poem reading
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem at the open mike 3/14/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, from the Kodak
video not yet rated See YouTube video 5/13/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Lambs To Heaven’s Gate, Why I Didn’t See God and thank you, women who work one, plus her bonus reading of the Ai poem The Good Shepherd at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (from a Canon Power Shot camera).
video video See YouTube video 5/13/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Lambs To Heaven’s Gate, Why I Didn’t See God and thank you, women who work one, plus her bonus reading of the Ai poem The Good Shepherd at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s in Texas (from a Sony camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lambs to Heaven’s Gate” and “Looking For A Worthy Adversary”, then sing her song “In Love I Abide” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1” at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lambs to Heaven’s Gate” and “Looking For A Worthy Adversary”, then sing her song “In Love I Abide” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1” at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “My Kind of Town”, “Unmarried Women and Dead Bodies Everywhere”, “Unique Noise”, “X-raying Metal Under my Skin”, “God Eyes”, “Lambs to Heaven’s Gate”, “Effigy”, “You Have No Idea”, “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, and “Eternal Never Ending Now” from the the 137-page 5½" x 8½" poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now” early, and at the beginning of the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/7/21” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “My Kind of Town”, “Unmarried Women and Dead Bodies Everywhere”, “Unique Noise”, “X-raying Metal Under my Skin”, “God Eyes”, “Lambs to Heaven’s Gate”, “Effigy”, “You Have No Idea”, “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, and “Eternal Never Ending Now” from the the 137-page 5½" x 8½" poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now” early, and at the beginning of the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/7/21” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuypersinstagram
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “My Kind of Town”, “Unmarried Women and Dead Bodies Everywhere”, “Unique Noise”, “X-raying Metal Under my Skin”, “God Eyes”, “Lambs to Heaven’s Gate”, “Effigy”, “You Have No Idea”, “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, and “Eternal Never Ending NowEternal Bever Ending Now from the the 137-page 5½" x 8½" poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now” early, and at the beginning of the “Poetic License virtual open mic 3/7/21” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Language poem on Instagram and Twitter
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “You’ve Left Me on Siesta Beach” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then her new poems “Other People’s Worlds” and “Language” live 1/26/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “You’ve Left Me on Siesta Beach” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then her new poems “Other People’s Worlds” and “Language” live 1/26/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Instagram poem “Language” that will be in her upcoming (August 2919) poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry” and then showed her Instagram and Twitter image from the poem, “Unity for Humanity”, then her upcoming (August 2919) poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry” “Voluptuous, and Intelligent Too6/29/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud(from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Instagram poem “Language” that will be in her upcoming (August 2919) poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry” and then showed her Instagram and Twitter image from the poem, “Unity for Humanity”, then her upcoming (August 2919) poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry” “Voluptuous, and Intelligent Too6/29/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud(from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See the YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keeps Repeating” and “Language” from cc&d 1/21 v305 book “You Won’t See Me”, then “Plot and Wait” and “Waiting to Take the Plunge” from the Down in the Dirt 1/21 v179 book “a Stretch of Highway” for The Café Gallery 1/5/21 Book Reading in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Keeps Repeating” and “Language” from cc&d 1/21 v305 book “You Won’t See Me”, then “Plot and Wait” and “Waiting to Take the Plunge” from the Down in the Dirt 1/21 v179 book “a Stretch of Highway” for The Café Gallery 1/5/21 Book Reading in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video See a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Killing, Loving, and the Power of Women”, “Keeps Repeating”, “Check your Beliefs at the Door”, “Quantum of Evidence”, and “Language” from the “You Won’t See Me” section of the Scars Publications 1-4 2021 cc&d issue collection book “What Lies on the Other Side” (released 4/15/21), read 4/7/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” feature reading (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).  #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Killing, Loving, and the Power of Women”, “Keeps Repeating”, “Check your Beliefs at the Door”, “Quantum of Evidence”, and “Language” from the “You Won’t See Me” section of the Scars Publications 1-4 2021 cc&d issue collection book “What Lies on the Other Side” (released 4/15/21), read 4/7/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

Lanthanum (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Lanthanum in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (C)
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading this Periodic Table poem Lanthanum in her this Poetry is Money feature, live in Chicago 7/7/14 at “Waiting 4 the Bus” (S)

Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants
Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ image), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ image), “Carbon”, “Barium Dateline”, and “Gold for the foolish at heart” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ image), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ image), “Carbon”, “Barium Dateline”, and “Gold for the foolish at heart” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” 2/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants”, “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all”, “Barium Dateline”, ad “Gold for the foolish at heart” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants”, “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all”, “Barium Dateline”, amdns “Gold for the foolish at heart” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an old b&w film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading set 2 of her never-before-read “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (#57 La), “Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”” (#058 Ce, in 141Ce), “Praseodymium: up close and personal” (#59 Pr, in PrScO3), “Neodymium saved from e-waste” (#60, Nd), “Promethium: hail to the orange, hail to the blue” (#61 Pm), “Gadolinium, Save us from Our Mistakes” (#64 Gd), and “Terbium is out of this world” (#65 Tb) before the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22 in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading set 2 of her never-before-read “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (#57 La), “Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”” (#058 Ce, in 141Ce), “Praseodymium: up close and personal” (#59 Pr, in PrScO3), “Neodymium saved from e-waste” (#60, Nd), “Promethium: hail to the orange, hail to the blue” (#61 Pm), “Gadolinium, Save us from Our Mistakes” (#64 Gd), and “Terbium is out of this world” (#65 Tb) before the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22 in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Hue Cycling filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading set 2 of her never-before-read “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (#57 La), “Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”” (#058 Ce, in 141Ce), “Praseodymium: up close and personal” (#59 Pr, in PrScO3), “Neodymium saved from e-waste” (#60, Nd), “Promethium: hail to the orange, hail to the blue” (#61 Pm), “Gadolinium, Save us from Our Mistakes” (#64 Gd), and “Terbium is out of this world” (#65 Tb) before the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22 in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading set 2 of her never-before-read “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (#57 La), “Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”” (#058 Ce, in 141Ce), “Praseodymium: up close and personal” (#59 Pr, in PrScO3), “Neodymium saved from e-waste” (#60, Nd), “Promethium: hail to the orange, hail to the blue” (#61 Pm), “Gadolinium, Save us from Our Mistakes” (#64 Gd), and “Terbium is out of this world” (#65 Tb) before the “Beach Poets bonus week with Janet Kuypers feature” 6/26/22 in Chicago (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon”, “Learning how Love Lasts”, “Evil is Tricky”, “Barium Dateline”, “popular and useless”, “Gold for the foolish at heart ” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), and “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 7/6/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon”, “Learning how Love Lasts”, “Evil is Tricky”, “Barium Dateline”, “popular and useless”, “Gold for the foolish at heart ” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), and “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 7/6/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

last (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku last live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku last live 4/23/14 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video of Janet Kuypers’ haiku last @ a Starbucks 6/7/15 (of the last lines of her poem
the Burning) (filmed with a Motorola)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers
haiku last read from ScarsDown in the Dirt issues book the Intersection
(Samsung 11/23/15)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (Lumix 2500).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (Lumix T56).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera);
this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Last Before Extinction
[in French] or [in German]
This poem is in the Starite Cafe
the poetry 5 CD THE CHAOTIC COLLECTION Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - The Chaotic Collection #01-05 - Last Before Extinction
from the Chaotic Collection
...Or order the entire 5 CD set from the iTunes: CD: Janet Kuypers - Chaotic Elements
the poetry 2 CD setCHAOTIC ELEMENTS
Order this iTunes track:
Janet Kuypers - Chaos In Motion - Chaotic Radio - Last Before Extinction
from Chaots in Motion
(a 6 CD set)...Or order the entire CD set from iTunes:

CD: Janet Kuypers - Chaos In Motion - Chaotic Radio
Listen mp3 file to the DMJ Art Connection,
off the CD Indian Flux
Listen mp3 file to this from the CD release
from the first performance art show
(08/14/97) Seeing Things Differently
video See video:

(05/16/07, 2:20)
not yet rated

This film is from
the Internet Archive

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See YouTube video
(2:31, 05/16/07)
video See video

(05/16/07, 2:17)
not yet rated

This film is from
the Internet Archive
video See video

(05/16/07, 2:16)
not yet rated

This film is from
the Internet Archive
video See YouTube video
video 6:25, of these three poems (White Knuckled, Last Before Extinction and And I’m Wondering) at the Politically UNcorrect poetry open mic at Jesse Oaks in Lake County (north of Chicago) on 05/24/07
video video not yet rated
See YouTube video
(2:12) live 08/05/07 at Beach poets
video video not yet rated
See YouTube video
(2:38) recorded on the Pacific Ocean
12/07 near the Galapagos Islands
Listen: (2:42) mp3 file
to this recording from Fusion
video See YouTube video

live in the show Seeing a Psychiatrist 09/09/08, Chicago at the Cafe
video See YouTube video

of this poem read live in Chicago 09/12/03 at the “the Cycle of Life” DvA art gallery show
Or See FULL video
from the Internet Archive of the whole live the Cycle of Life DvA art gallery 09/12/03 Chicago show
video Listen mp3 file to the live track (1:54, 09/12/03) from the DvA Art Gallery Chicago 09/12/03 performance The Cycle of Life.
See YouTube video

read live10/03/11 in the Waiting 4 the Bus show at Café Ballou for Chicago Calling, with music & video from the HA!man of South Africa
video video See Complete feature video of Kuypers reading poems (including this poem) live 10/03/11 in the Waiting 4 the Bus show at Café Ballou for Chicago Calling, performing poetry with music & video from the HA!man of South Africa
video See YouTube video
live at the Lake County 2010 Poetry Bomb at Independence Grove forest preserve 04/18/10
video See YouTube video
of Jeff Helgeson reading her poem live in Chicago at Café Ballou, thru the Waiting 4 the Bus open mike 4/2/12
the poetry collection audio CD “Torture & Triumph”
Order this iTunes track from the poetry music CD Torture & Triumph ...Or order the entire CD set from iTunes: Janet Kuypers - Torture & Triumph
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Last Before Extinction (from the book Living in a Big World) in Chicago 11/24/13 (C) at her feature Book Expo 2013 Chicago
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Last Before Extinction (from the book Living in a Big World) in Chicago 11/24/13 (S) at her feature Book Expo 2013 Chicago
video video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 4 poems walking home from school, Hancock Suicide, Chicago, December 1994, a woman talking about her rapist friend and Last Before Extinction at Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing (with a “darkness” theme) in Wicker Park, Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
video video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ 4 poems walking home from school, Hancock Suicide, Chicago, December 1994, a woman talking about her rapist friend and Last Before Extinction at Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing (with a “darkness” theme) in Wicker Park, Chicago (Canon fs200)
video See YouTube video from 4/22/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Poem About This” and “Last Before Extinction” at “Poetry Aloud” in Georgetown (from a Lumix camera).
video See YouTube video from 4/22/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Poem About This” and “Last Before Extinction” at “Poetry Aloud” in Georgetown (from a Sony camera).
video See a 36+ minute YouTube video of Janet Kuypers and Thom Woodruff going back and forth with poetry; where Janet Kuypers read her poems “Helping Men in Public Places”, “I Want”, and “Last Before Extinction”, then John Yotko read a poem he just wrote the day before, then Janet Kuypers read her poems “Warren Stories” and “Kurt Irons”, then Thom spoke, then Janet Kuypers read her poems “Never Did the Same”, “All These Reminders”, “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, and “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, then Thom spoke, then Janet Kuypers read her poems “My Mother My Mother My Mother”, then her prose “NASA Project”. and finally her poem “Moonlight”, all read from her performance art collection book “Chapter 38 v1” 4/29/18 at Austin’s the 2018 Poetry Bomb at the Baylor Street Art Wall (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See a 36+ minute YouTube video of Janet Kuypers and Thom Woodruff going back and forth with poetry; where Janet Kuypers read her poems “Helping Men in Public Places”, “I Want”, and “Last Before Extinction”, then John Yotko read a poem he just wrote the day before, then Janet Kuypers read her poems “Warren Stories” and “Kurt Irons”, then Thom spoke, then Janet Kuypers read her poems “Never Did the Same”, “All These Reminders”, “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, and “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, then Thom spoke, then Janet Kuypers read her poems “My Mother My Mother My Mother”, then her prose “NASA Project”. and finally her poem “Moonlight”, all read from her performance art collection book “Chapter 38 v1” 4/29/18 at Austin’s the 2018 Poetry Bomb at the Baylor Street Art Wall (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See YouTube video live 6/16/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Cast In Stone”, “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much” and “Last Before Extinction” from “Chapter 38 v3” at “Recycled Reads” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video live 6/16/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Cast In Stone”, “I’m Thinking About Myself Too Much” and “Last Before Extinction” from “Chapter 38 v3” at “Recycled Reads” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 January/February 2019 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 1-2/19 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” (written on and for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), “Last Before Extinction” (for Endangered Species Day), and “One by One, the Beech Trees Fell” (for D-Day), all from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, 7/28/19 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” (written on and for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), “Last Before Extinction” (for Endangered Species Day), and “One by One, the Beech Trees Fell” (for D-Day), all from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, 7/28/19 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” (written on and for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), “Last Before Extinction” (for Endangered Species Day), and “One by One, the Beech Trees Fell” (for D-Day), all from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, 7/28/19 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” (written on and for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), “Last Before Extinction” (for Endangered Species Day), and “One by One, the Beech Trees Fell” (for D-Day), all from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”;, 7/28/19 at Austin’s “Spoken and Heard” (video Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Janet Kuypers feature 9/6/19 at Chicago’s In one Earshow sharing poetry from 2 book, reading her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” which appears in both of her books, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Ever Get It Back”, and “oceans”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Quilled for Poets”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “”, “One Year After, the Icing on the Cake”, and “Eyes”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Eighteen and Eight Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Last Before Extinction”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Bolt of Lightning”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poems “Feeling of False Ownership”, “Kept my Eye on You”, and “You are Born to Do”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Object to Slavery while Protecting Slave Labor” and “Eternal Never Ending Now” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera);
this video was posted on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Janet Kuypers feature 9/6/19 at Chicago’s In one Earshow sharing poetry from 2 book, reading her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” which appears in both of her books, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Ever Get It Back”, and “oceans”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Quilled for Poets”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “”, “One Year After, the Icing on the Cake”, and “Eyes”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Eighteen and Eight Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Last Before Extinction”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Bolt of Lightning”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poems “Feeling of False Ownership”, “Kept my Eye on You”, and “You are Born to Do”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Object to Slavery while Protecting Slave Labor” and “Eternal Never Ending Now” (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Posterize filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Janet Kuypers feature 9/6/19 at Chicago’s In one Earshow sharing poetry from 2 book, reading her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” which appears in both of her books, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Ever Get It Back”, and “oceans”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Quilled for Poets”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “”, “One Year After, the Icing on the Cake”, and “Eyes”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Eighteen and Eight Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Last Before Extinction”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Bolt of Lightning”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poems “Feeling of False Ownership”, “Kept my Eye on You”, and “You are Born to Do”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Object to Slavery while Protecting Slave Labor” and “Eternal Never Ending Now” (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Janet Kuypers feature 9/6/19 at Chicago’s In one Earshow sharing poetry from 2 book, reading her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” which appears in both of her books, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Ever Get It Back”, and “oceans”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Quilled for Poets”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “”, “One Year After, the Icing on the Cake”, and “Eyes”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Eighteen and Eight Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poem “Last Before Extinction”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poem “Bolt of Lightning”, then her “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” book poems “Feeling of False Ownership”, “Kept my Eye on You”, and “You are Born to Do”, then her “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” book poems “Object to Slavery while Protecting Slave Labor” and “Eternal Never Ending Now” (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Manganese Growing” her poem “Last Before Extinction” (read from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Lightand her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”), and her poem “Catching a Muscovy” (read from the the cc&d May 2008 v184 issue book “That was the Time”) live 9/14/19 at “Poetry Aloud” in Georgetown (Panasonic Lumix T56 video camera, posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter Verse Periodic Table poem “Manganese Growing” her poem “Last Before Extinction” (read from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Lightand her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”), and her poem “Catching a Muscovy” (read from the the cc&d May 2008 v184 issue book “That was the Time”) live 9/14/19 at “Poetry Aloud” in Georgetown (Panasonic Lumix 2500 video camera, posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her animal rights-themed poems “Last Before Extinction”, “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, and “On a High Horse Like This from the 137-page 5½" x 8½" Janet Kuypers poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now” for “The Café Gallery 3/9/21 Book Reading in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).  #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her animal rights-themed poems “Last Before Extinction”, “Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)”, and “On a High Horse Like This” from the 137-page 5½" x 8½" Janet Kuypers book “Eternal Never Ending Now” for “The Café Gallery 3/9/21 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series 2020+ (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).   #janetkuypers   #janetkuyperspoetry   #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

Last Wednesday

Late for a Class

the poetry 2 CD setCHAOTIC ELEMENTS
Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - Chaotic Elements - Late for a Class
from Chaotic Elements
(a 2 CD set)...Or order the entire CD set from iTunes:

CD: Janet Kuypers - Chaotic Elements

lava (lamp) at a rolling boil
Listen mp3 file to the DMJ Art Connection,
off the CD Indian Flux
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her second set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera), w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her second set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago, w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers

Lawrencium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her “Periodic Table” poem Lawrencium in Chicago 12/13/13 (w/ HA!Man of South Africa music, Canon) her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her “Periodic Table” poem Lawrencium in Chicago 12/13/13 (w/ HA!Man of South Africa music, Sony) her feature and chapbookan Artist’s Take on Science” (posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr)
video videonot yet rated
See this YouTube video
of Janet KuypersPeriodic Table poems show “an Artist’s Take on Science” live in Chicago’s Fine Arts building 12/13/13 (HA!Man of South Africa music, C) of “Ytterbium”, “Tantalum” & “Lawrencium
video See this YouTube video
of Janet KuypersPeriodic Table poems show “an Artist’s Take on Science” live in Chicago’s Fine Arts building 12/13/13 (HA!Man of South Africa music, S) of “Ytterbium”, “Tantalum” & “Lawrencium” (posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
chap book Download this free chapbook
an Artist’s Take on Science,
w/ 3 Janet Kuypers Periodic Table of Poetry poems
(“Ytterbium”, “Tantalum”, and “Lawrencium”)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lawrencium from the book Art is not Meant to be Touched live 12/18/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lawrencium from the book Art is not Meant to be Touched live 12/18/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Neon” (Ne, #10), “Tungsten” (W, #74), and “Lawrencium” (Lr, #103) from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/4/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (PL2500; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Neon” (Ne, #10), “Tungsten” (W, #74), and “Lawrencium” (Lr, #103) from her book “The Periodic Table of Poetry” 2/4/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (PL T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video Enjoy this YouTube video from 4/29/23 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Last Before Extinction”, “On All Fours”, & “Finally Found Home” during the Tablerock Poetry Festival in 2023 at Tablerock of Salado, TX (this video was filmed video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). This YouTube video was also filmed from a video Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). This was also released as a Facebook live video stream, filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera, 2023 group and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersfeature #janetkuypersveglife

Lawrencium: were we wrong?
Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter Verse Periodic Table poems “Rhenium: the little element that could”, “Osmium when capitalism prevails”, “Iridium blankets the earth”, “Astatine’s rarity may save us from cancer”, “Francium, of the feline persuasion”, “Radium’s Faint Light”, “Actinium & the next-gen for cancer”, “Protactinium, and voilà... rocks?”, “Curium’s radioactive glitter”, “Berkelium can recycle radioactivity”, “Californium’s a double-edged sword”, “Californium-252: communication, thanks to nuclear”, “Einsteinium from flying through mushroom clouds”, “Nobelium is fought for in transfermium wars”, “Nobelium: war or peace”, “Lawrencium: were we wrong?”, “Rutherfordium, blinked out of existence”, “Meitnerium: For All We Women Must Do”, “Roentgenium, too scarce to waste”, “Copernicium makes the worlds go ‘round”, “Flerovium, doubly magic?”, “Livermorium, vanishing in our grasp”, and “Tennessine is what I get...” (+ showing the images that accompany poems) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” on 11/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poems “Quantum of Evidence”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, and “Ending it with Alexa” live 1/19/19 at “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poems “Quantum of Evidence”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, and “Ending it with Alexa” live 2/16/19 at “Poetry Aloud” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and then given a Hue Cycling filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poems “Quantum of Evidence”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, and “Ending it with Alexa” live 2/16/19 at “Poetry Aloud” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and given an Edge Detection filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her new poems “Quantum of Evidence”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, and “Ending it with Alexa” live 2/16/19 at “Poetry Aloud” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and then given Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” (for Ayn Rand’s birthday, 2/2), “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country” and “Underscore for the Battles” (for Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, 2/12), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” (for Ayn Rand’s birthday, 2/2), “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country” and “Underscore for the Battles” (for Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, 2/12), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew”, read from the v168 2/20 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Aurora” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew”, read from the v168 2/20 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Aurora” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis Forty-Four”, “Genesis Twenty-Three”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew” from the v168Aurora” section of the Down in the Dirt February-April 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Genesis Forty-Four”, “Genesis Twenty-Three”, “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country”, “Underscore for the Battles”, and “Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew” from the v168Aurora” section of the Down in the Dirt 2-4 2020 issue collection book “Foundations” for “The 2020 #poetrybomb” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

Lead (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Canon camera)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Sony camera)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading 5 Periodic Table of Poetry” poems 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago, including this poem (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading 5 Periodic Table of Poetry” poems 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Canon, w#&047; Threshold filter), including this poem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems, “Promethium”, “Ununseptium”, “Helium Addiction”, “Magnesium” and “Lead” in her mini-feature “After the Apocalypse” live 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading 5 Periodic Table of Poetry” poems 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Sony, w/ Posterize filter), including this poem
video See YouTube video of Kuypers hosting the open mic 1/2/13 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus this periodic table poem (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

Lead the way
Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read 36 of her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems (including this one) as her select “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” poems from her book “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” in her “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” feature (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream from 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read 36 of her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems (including this one) as her select “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” poems from her book “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” in her “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” feature (this video was filmed & streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

Learn To Do That Too
This poem is in the Starite Cafe
videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
live at the 2009 Cana-Dixie Union 05/09/09, Memphis w/ C Ra McGuirt

Learning how Love Lasts
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together” first in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, then her poem “Holding Hands (expanded extreme Sestina variation)” originally from cc&d v252 issue/book “Beyond the Gates” and read from her cc&d v5 poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her 2019 poem “Learning how Love Lasts” (written on her parent’s wedding anniversary) 2/23/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Everyone Celebrates Together” first performed in her ”Akitu” poetry feature and read from her poetry book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”, then her poem “Holding Hands (expanded extreme Sestina variation)” originally from cc&d v252 issue/book “Beyond the Gates” and read from her cc&d v5 poetry book “On the Edge”, then her 2019 poem “Learning how Love Lasts” (written on her parent’s wedding anniversary) 2/23/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video ofJanet Kuypers reading her poem “Ocean’s Call to Dive” originally from her book “Antarctica: Wildlife” but read the edited poem read from her contest-winning poetry in the book “Animal Takes XII 2019”, her poem “Escaping the Atmosphere Any Way We Can” (written on Werner Von Braun’s birthday) read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Learning how Love Lasts” from her poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” during her hosting her the “Poetic License” open mic at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 8/4/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video ofJanet Kuypers reading her poem “Ocean’s Call to Dive” originally from her book “Antarctica: Wildlife” but read the edited poem read from her contest-winning poetry in the book “Animal Takes XII 2019”, her poem “Escaping the Atmosphere Any Way We Can” (written on Werner Von Braun’s birthday) read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Learning how Love Lasts” from her poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” during her hosting her the “Poetic License” open mic at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” 8/4/19 (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
video See YouTube video 8/24/19 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Xanthoxenite in St. Mary’s Lake”, “Learning how Love Lasts”, and “Check Your Clock” from her 2019 book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video 8/24/19 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Xanthoxenite in St. Mary’s Lake”, “Learning how Love Lasts”, and “Check Your Clock” from her 2019 book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Learning how Love Lasts” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Learning how Love Lasts” from the Scars Publications 2/22 v192 issue of Down in the Dirt, “And I Disappear” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 2/6/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with an old b&w film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon”, “Learning how Love Lasts”, “Evil is Tricky”, “Barium Dateline”, “popular and useless”, “Gold for the foolish at heart ” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), and “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 7/6/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a b&w Old Film filter). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), “Carbon”, “Learning how Love Lasts”, “Evil is Tricky”, “Barium Dateline”, “popular and useless”, “Gold for the foolish at heart ” (+ shared the image from the online release of the poem), and “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 7/6/22, the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

Learning More - a poem about Kuypers’ father
This poem is in the Starite Cafe
video video not yet rated
See YouTube video
(5:19 studio session etc. book reading for audio CD 08/14/07
the poetry audio CD set etc. Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - Etc - Learning More
from the poetry audio CDetc.
...Or order the entire CD set
from iTunes:

CD: Janet Kuypers - Etc
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Learning More live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (from a Canon fs200 camera)
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Learning More live 9/17/15 at Story Teller Night at Roots Room in Chicago (filmed with a Canon Power Shot)
video See YouTube video 6/18/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “escape” and her poems “Learning More”, “Oriental” and “Elusive Imaginary Creature” for Austin “Kick Butt Poetry” open mic (from a Lumix camera).
video See YouTube video 6/18/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku “escape” and her poems “Learning More”, “Oriental” and “Elusive Imaginary Creature” for Austin “Kick Butt Poetry” open mic (from a Sony camera).

Learning More (2019 edit)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (written on Nature Photography Day) “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” (written 6/16, the day in 1940 when a Communist government took over Lithuania), and “Learning More (2019 edit)” (edited on Father’s Day), live 6/16/19 at “Spoken and Heard” in Austin (PLT56).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (written on Nature Photography Day) “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” (written 6/16, the day in 1940 when a Communist government took over Lithuania), and “Learning More (2019 edit)” (edited on Father’s Day), live 6/16/19 at “Spoken and Heard” in Austin (P2500).
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Learning More (2020 edit)”, written on Father’s day in 2019 from the Janet Kuypers poetry book Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” at Circle Brewing Company on Father’s day in 2020, 6/21/20, as a bonus reading for the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Learning More (2020 edit)”, “Vortex Sucks Us In”, “Uphill Battles lead to Changing it Up”, “Voice and Word”, and “Your Essence” from the v184 May 2021 Down in the Dirt book “Sprung from Grief”, read 6/2/21 during the usual first Wednesdays time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” feature reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersinstagram
video See this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Learning More (2020 edit)”, “Vortex Sucks Us In”, “Uphill Battles lead to Changing it Up”, “Voice and Word”, and “Your Essence” from the v184 5/21 Down in the Dirt book “Sprung from Grief”, read 6/2/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” feature reading (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “On the Surface”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Over the Lives”, “Elaborate Exaltation”, “Quesadich in our Underworld”, “Extra Blade”, “Learning More (2020 edit)”, “Vortex Sucks Us In”, and “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces” from the Down in the Dirt May-August 2021 issue collection book “Lockdown’s Over” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “On the Surface”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Over the Lives”, “Elaborate Exaltation”, “Quesadich in our Underworld”, “Extra Blade”, “Learning More (2020 edit)”, “Vortex Sucks Us In”, and “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces” from the Down in the Dirt May-August 2021 issue collection book “Lockdown’s Over” 10/6/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

Leather Jacket
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See YouTube video
Live at One Acts (camera#1, 07/06/09
video videonot yet rated
See another YouTube video
Live at One Acts (camera#2, 07/06/09
One Acts full show camera 1 Watch the full show One Acts
(from camera #1) live 7/6/09
This film is from the Internet Archive
(this video appearing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperschicago #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersfeature
One Acts full show camera 1 Watch the full show of One Acts (7/5/09, camera @#035;2).
(this video appears on
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperschicago #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersfeature
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Leather Jacket” and “The Joshua Tree” (2 poems read for the future Oeuvre audio CD release) and “Protecting Peace can Put you in Prison” at Austin’s Recycled Reads 7/15/17 (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Leather Jacket” and “The Joshua Tree” (2 poems read for the future Oeuvre audio CD release) and “Protecting Peace can Put you in Prison” at Austin’s Recycled Reads 7/15/17 (video filmed from a Sony camera).

video See YouTube video
live at the Café in Chicago 06/22/10
40 chapbook
video See YouTube video
of part one of the “40” show live at the Café in Chicago 06/22/10
video See YouTube video
of pt. 1 of the “40” show w/ camera 2 @ the Café twith this piece 06/22/10
video See Full Video

from camera#1 as a downloadable mp4 file, live at the Café w/ this piece 06/22/10, from the Internet Archive.
video See Full Video

from camera#2 as a downloadable mp4 file, live at the Café w/ this piece 06/22/10, from the Internet Archive.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Leaving” read live at the 07/19/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago (from her book “Close Cover Before Striking”)
video See YouTube video
of the intro to the 07/19/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, & 3 poems (including this one) from her book Close Cover Before Striking
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poems “Apathy”, “Hard of Hearing”, “Getaway”, “Leaving”, “Meant to Be”, “New Vacuum Cleaner”, “Over my Skin with Such Ease”, “Sadness”, “Sunrise”, “to be Different”, “Surprise”, “Reason to Stand”, and “Where to Go”, all from the poetry insert section in the back of the re-release of cc&d v79 May 1996 retro-release titled “Poetry and Prose”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poems “Apathy”, “Hard of Hearing”, “Getaway”, “Leaving”, “Meant to Be”, “New Vacuum Cleaner”, “Over my Skin with Such Ease”, “Sadness”, “Sunrise”, “to be Different”, “Surprise”, “Reason to Stand”, and “Where to Go”, all from the poetry insert section in the back of the re-release of cc&d v79 May 1996 retro-release titled “Poetry and Prose”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and given a Sepia Tone filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Apathy”, “Meant to Be”, “Hard of Hearing”, “Getaway”, “Leaving”, “Over my Skin with such Ease”, “Sadness”, “Sunrise”, “to be Different”, “New Vacuum Cleaner”, “Surprise”, “Where to Go”, and “Reason to Stand”, in set 2 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (this video was from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Apathy”, “Meant to Be”, “Hard of Hearing”, “Getaway”, “Leaving”, “Over my Skin with such Ease”, “Sadness”, “Sunrise”, “to be Different”, “New Vacuum Cleaner”, “Surprise”, “Where to Go”, and “Reason to Stand”, in set 2 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (video streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).

left living (on Twitter and instagram)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “left living"”, then John’s 2 poem reading, then Janet comes back and reads her poem “One Year After, the Icing on the Cake” 9/25/18 during the Chicago open mic she guest hosted for Poetry at The Gallery Cabaret (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “left living"”, then John’s 2 poem reading, then Janet comes back and reads her poem “One Year After, the Icing on the Cake” 9/25/18 during the Chicago open mic she guest hosted for Poetry at The Gallery Cabaret (video from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 January/February 2019 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersFebruary 2019 Book Release Reading 2/6/19, where she read her her haiku and short poems “Every Step”, “Left Living”, and “knees”, then her “Seeing Things Differently” show poems “He Told Me His Dreams 1”, “He Told Me His Dreams 4”, “He Told Me His Dreams 9”, “Headache”, “Helping Men in Public Places”, “Last Before Extinction”, and “Packing” from the Down in the Dirt v. 162 1-2/19 ISBN# book “Fallen Kingdom”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poems “Quarrel Over the Constitution”, “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, and her Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr poem “Just Names”, along with the online image for the poem (all of which will appear in her upcoming poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for many holidays and annual events), plus her Twitter and instagram poem “every step”, her Twitter and instagram haiku “left living”, her haiku “mirror”, and her Twitter and instagram bonus line haiku “our differences”, from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her poems “Quarrel Over the Constitution”, “Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies”, and her Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr poem “Just Names”, along with the online image for the poem (all of which will appear in her upcoming poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” for many holidays and annual events), plus her Twitter and instagram poem “every step”, her Twitter and instagram haiku “left living”, her haiku “mirror”, and her Twitter and instagram bonus line haiku “our differences”, from the Down in the Dirt 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection bookThe Flickering Light”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

Left with a Hole
This poem was nominated in the Revealed 2014 release for the (40 year) Pushcart Prize
video See YouTube video
live in Death ‘n’ Rebirth 07/11/10 at Beach Poets
video Enjoy the full video of the Beach Poets Death ‘n’ Rebirth 7/11/10 show from (on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging #janetkuyperschicago #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersfeature
PDF download the free chapbook Death ‘n’ Rebirth
with all of the writing in the live show
video See YouTube video
11/23/10, live at the Café in Chicago
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 4/8/13 at the Frankenstone art center in Chicago (Sony)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 4/8/13 at the Frankenstone art center in Chicago (Canon)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers performing poetry in a poetry reading, as she was called the “Headliner” 4/8/13 at Chicago’s Frankenstone art center this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Kuypers performing poetry in a poetry reading, as she was called the “Headliner” 4/8/13 at Chicago’s Frankenstone art center (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Left with a Hole live 9/18/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Left with a Hole live 9/18/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Jumping from the Skyline to the Clouds in Nashville 10/26/13 in her Nashville Halloween feature
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Periodic Table” poems (and two original songs) live in her Chicago 10/20/13 feature Nashville Halloween feature, including this writing
Nashville Halloween feature chapbook Download this free chapbook of the
Nashville Halloween feature,
w/ Tag Team and Periodic Table poems in this show.
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, Left with a Hole, “So”, & Scratch the Surface from her book let me see you Stripped, 1/17/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, Left with a Hole, “So”, & Scratch the Surface from her book let me see you Stripped, 1/17/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Nikon Cool Pix S7000 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Coslow’s”, “a woman talking about her rapist friend” and “Left with a Hole” from her book “Rape, Sexism Life & Death” at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic 1/13/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Coslow’s”, “a woman talking about her rapist friend” and “Left with a Hole” from her book “Rape, Sexism Life & Death” at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” open mic 1/13/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “The Things They Did to You”, “Isn’t That What it’s all About”, and “Left with a Hole” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” 12/15/18 @ “Recycled Reads” in Austin (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “The Things They Did to You”, “Isn’t That What it’s all About”, and “Left with a Hole” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” 12/15/18 @ “Recycled Reads” in Austin (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).

Lessons from the Simpsons
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video live at the Yammer Chicago mini-feature 11/17/99
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lessons from the Simpsons live 9/11/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lessons from the Simpsons live 9/11/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers hosting the open mic 9/11/13 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, which includes her readng this poem
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, “Depth of Field”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, & “Lessons from the Simpsons”, 10/16/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems, “Depth of Field”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, & “Lessons from the Simpsons” , 10/16/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot camera.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Valentine’s Day, every Day” from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask”, then her poems “Barbie” and “Lessons from the Simpsons”, both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera & posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Valentine’s Day, every Day” from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask”, then her poems “Barbie” and “Lessons from the Simpsons”, both read from her cc&d volume 2 poetry collection book “a Wake-Up Call from Tradition”, live 2/15/20 at the Austin “Open Mic Showcase” at Recycled Reads (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

(Less Than) Two Minutes With Ayn Rand
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Grandmother Charged with Murder” and “One Summer Traveled” on the release date of her v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her poem “(Less Than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” at “Recycled Reads” 8/18/18 in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Grandmother Charged with Murder” and “One Summer Traveled” on the release date of her v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her poem “(Less Than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth” at “Recycled Reads” 8/18/18 in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the intro poem to Poetic License open mic 2/2/20, hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; also posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the intro poem to Poetic License open mic 2/2/20, hosting “Poetic License” monthly at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera & Sepia Toned; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” (for Ayn Rand’s birthday, 2/2), “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country” and “Underscore for the Battles” (for Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, 2/12), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand” (for Ayn Rand’s birthday, 2/2), “Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country” and “Underscore for the Battles” (for Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, 2/12), all read from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/8/20 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, read from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “(less than) Two Minutes with Ayn Rand”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, read from the 2/20 v294 cc&d issue/book “Mask” that also all appear in the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, live 2/5/20 in her February 2020 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Queasy Feeling”, “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, “Opposite”, “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, “(Less Than) Two Minutes With Ayn Rand”, and her prose “Valentine’s Day Over 25 Days Away” from the v294Mask” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for the “2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See Facebook streaming video live from 4/26/20 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Queasy Feeling”, “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed”, “Valentine’s Day, Every Day”, “Opposite”, “We Didn’t Start the Fire”, “(Less Than) Two Minutes With Ayn Rand”, and her prose “Valentine’s Day Over 25 Days Away” from the v294Mask” section of the cc&d magazine February-April 2020 issue collection book “Aiming at Immortality” for the “2020 #poetrybomb” (filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

Let Me Be
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Cutting Room Floor at the Palos Park Public Library 10/07/09
video videonot yet rated
or see the full 10/07/09 Video
at the Palos Park Public Library of the Cutting Room Floor
via the Internet Archive
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 4/8/13 at the Frankenstone art center in Chicago (Sony)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 4/8/13 at the Frankenstone art center in Chicago (Canon)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers performing poetry in a poetry reading, as she was called the “Headliner” 4/8/13 at Chicago’s Frankenstone art center this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Kuypers performing poetry in a poetry reading, as she was called the “Headliner” 4/8/13 at Chicago’s Frankenstone art center (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 16th anniversary cc&d v197 re-release “The Unknown Satisfaction” 2024 book poem “Let Me Be” (& sharing the bonus chapbook front cover image) to close her videoPoetic License 8/4/24 global open mic” she hosted through a Zoom meeting & a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream (that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Color Film filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

from the poems about mom - let’s go
This poem is published with a series of poem about Kuypers’ mother
the Starite Cafe
videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
(2:42) read live 01/18/11 from the ISSN# & ISBN# book Finally, Literature for the Snotty and Elite, live at the Café in Chicago
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Let’s Go” from in her book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 06/28/11 on WZRD radio, from the mini camera
video See feature-length YouTube
video 06/26/11 of ~45 minutes of the WZRD radio show with her reading poetry (including this poem) from the mini cam

letter, 4/14/95 one
video See YouTube video

live in the show Seeing a Psychiatrist 09/09/08, Chicago at the Cafe
video See YouTube video
Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 06/28/11 live at the Café
video See feature-length YouTube
video 06/28/11 of her performing her poetry & live Janet Kuypers & John Yotko songs @ Chicago’s the Café
video See YouTube video
of the intro to the 06/28/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus her Close Cover Before Striking prose & poem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Mary’s Perspective on How that Whole Jesus thing Turned Out”, “letter, 4/14/95 one”, “letter, 4/14/95 two”, “letter, 4/14/95 three”, “letter, 4/19/95”, “Us Creative Types”, and “How People Interpret My Words” from the Janet Kuypers 2023 poetry book “Testament” on 4/30/23 in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Austin for the 2023 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). video This was also released as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

letter, 4/14/95 two
video See YouTube video

Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
video See the full YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ feature “Triple Threat” at Trunk Fest, live outdoors in Evanston IL 7/24/11, which includes this writing (this video post appears on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersfeature
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Mary’s Perspective on How that Whole Jesus thing Turned Out”, “letter, 4/14/95 one”, “letter, 4/14/95 two”, “letter, 4/14/95 three”, “letter, 4/19/95”, “Us Creative Types”, and “How People Interpret My Words” from the Janet Kuypers 2023 poetry book “Testament” on 4/30/23 in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Austin for the 2023 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). video This was also released as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

letter, 4/14/95 three
video videonot yet rated
YouTube video
live, Mercury Cafe 08/09/08, Chicago
video see the entire performance live, Mercury Cafe 08/09/08, Chicago
with film from the Internet Archive
video See YouTube video
Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, read (for future audio CD release) 06/28/11 live at the Café
video See feature-length YouTube
video 06/28/11 of her performing her poetry & live Janet Kuypers & John Yotko songs @ Chicago’s the Café
video See YouTube video
of the intro to the 06/28/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, plus her Close Cover Before Striking prose & poem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Mary’s Perspective on How that Whole Jesus thing Turned Out”, “letter, 4/14/95 one”, “letter, 4/14/95 two”, “letter, 4/14/95 three”, “letter, 4/19/95”, “Us Creative Types”, and “How People Interpret My Words” from the Janet Kuypers 2023 poetry book “Testament” on 4/30/23 in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Austin for the 2023 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). video This was also released as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

letter 4/19/95
video (1:43, 07/03/11)
Or See
YouTube video
video (Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking) 07/05/11 at the Café
video See feature-length YouTube
video 07/05/11 of Janet Kuypers performing her poetry @ Chicago’s the Café
video See YouTube video
of the intro to the 07/05/11 open mic at the Café in Chicago, with poems and her Close Cover Before Striking poems
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Mary’s Perspective on How that Whole Jesus thing Turned Out”, “letter, 4/14/95 one”, “letter, 4/14/95 two”, “letter, 4/14/95 three”, “letter, 4/19/95”, “Us Creative Types”, and “How People Interpret My Words” from the Janet Kuypers 2023 poetry book “Testament” on 4/30/23 in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Austin for the 2023 Poetry Bomb (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). video This was also released as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

Let the War Begin
video video not yet rated
See YouTube video
(1:29) studio session “etc.” book reading for audio CD 08/14/07
video video not yet rated
See YouTube video
(1:39) live at Mercury Cafe, live in Chicago 11/30/07
the poetry audio CD set etc. Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - Etc - Let the War Begin
from the poetry audio CDetc.
...Or order the entire CD set
from iTunes:

CD: Janet Kuypers - Etc
Listen: (2:32) mp3 file
to this recording from Fusion
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her v215 2/24 Down in the Dirt issue/book “Where Icarus Went” poems “Expecting the Stoning” (+ show image), “Let the War Begin” (+ show image), & “Moonlight” (+ show images 1,2, 3, 4, & 5) video during her “Poetic License 2/4/24 global open mic” she hosted through a Zoom meeting & a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Starburst filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Letting Ourselves Go
video See YouTube video
of this in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 07/03/11 at “Beach Poets”
video See YouTube video
of the eye cam recording of this in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature, live 07/03/11 at “Beach Poets”
video See feature-length YouTube
video of many poems read 07/03/11
at Beach Poets from the live feature
“a Very Goth Beach Party”
video See feature-length YouTube
video of the eye-cam of the entire show at Beach Poets 07/03/11 from the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature
download chapbook PDF filePDF Download the chapbook with this writing in a Very Goth Beach Chapbook
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Gary’s Blind Date”, “Scratch the Surface”, and “Letting Ourselves Go” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Gary’s Blind Date”, “Scratch the Surface”, and “Letting Ourselves Go” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Posterize).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Gary’s Blind Date”, “Scratch the Surface”, and “Letting Ourselves Go” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Gary’s Blind Date”, “Scratch the Surface”, and “Letting Ourselves Go” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Threshold).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Upstage Everyone Else”, “Letting Ourselves Go”, and “You Carried It” from the cc&d v5 boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” live 10/7/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Upstage Everyone Else”, “Letting Ourselves Go”, and “You Carried It” from the cc&d v5 boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” live 10/7/18 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).

Letting Time Tick By
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Letting Time Tick By 4/24/16 at Chicago’s 2016 Poetry Bomb at Bagdad Cemetery in Leander Texas (filmed with a Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Letting Time Tick By 4/24/16 at Chicago’s 2016 Poetry Bomb at Bagdad Cemetery in Leander Texas (filmed with a Sony camera).

Life 1987

Life (a haiku) 2000
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
live at Cana-Dixie to Chi-town 12/15/09
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (Lumix 2500).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (Lumix T56).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera);
this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

life (a 2014 Periodic Table haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table haiku “life” live 2/23/14 at her “Chemistry, Poetry, and a Brat” feature reading in Kenosha WI at the Brat Stop, with an audience including both chemists and teachers requesting the elements poems (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypershaiku #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table haiku life live 2/23/14 at Chemistry, Poetry and a Brat in Kenosha WI at the Brat Stop (C, Threshold filter)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (Lumix 2500).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/17/17 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” book reading at the AIPF booth / 2017 Awesmic City Expo, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches (Lumix T56).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera);
this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Life Can Slip Away
Listen mp3 file to the DMJ Art Connection,
off the CD Manic Depressive or Something
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video live at Café Ballou (Waiting 4 the Bus, w/ Buddha 309) in Chicago 05/03/10

Life got in the Way
video See YouTube video 2/26/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems Life got in the Way & newspaper ink’s the blood of a dying species, and her Periodic Table poem Tin at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers
video See YouTube video 2/26/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 new poems Life got in the Way & newspaper ink’s the blood of a dying species, and her Periodic Table poem Tin at Georgetown’s Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s (this video was filmed from a Nikon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Life got in the Way” 11/6/16 at “Recycled Reads” open mic, at a book store affiliated with the Austin Public Library (video filmed from a Sony camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Life got in the Way” 11/6/16 at “Recycled Reads” open mic, at a book store affiliated with the Austin Public Library (from a Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 9/23/17 reading her poem “Knew I Had to be Ready”, then her poems “or my happiness, or my life” and “Life got in the Way” from her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” at Georgetown Public Library’s “Poetry Aloud” (Sony).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 9/23/17 reading her poem “Knew I Had to be Ready”, then her poems “or my happiness, or my life” and “Life got in the Way” from her book “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” at Georgetown Public Library’s “Poetry Aloud” (Lumix).

like cheesecake
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem like cheesecake (C, read from her book Twitterati, now globally on sale) live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem like cheesecake (S, read from her book Twitterati, now globally on sale) live 10/22/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery

Like Daggers
See YouTube video

read live 09/06/11, at the Café open mike she hosts in Chicago
video video See Complete feature video of Kuypers live 09/06/11, at the Café open mike in Chicago, performing readings (including this writing) from the book “Contents Under Pressure”.

Like I Was Never There
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem “Like I Was Never There” (guitar by John, fashioned from Dueling Banjos (“Feudin’ Banjos”, by Arthur Smith) in her feature “New Year’s Unplugged” in Chicago 1/15/10 at Regina’s Place in Logan Square (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing the third third of her feature “New Year’s Unplugged” in Chicago 1/15/10, with Janet and John also playing background music throughout the show (at Regina’s Place in Logan Square), which included her poems “Like I Was Never There” and “Don’t Forget to Write” (this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video
llive at the Café in Chicago 08/10/10
video See YouTube video
of the intro from the open mic @ the Café in Chicago 08/10/10, w/ Kuypers reading her poems “Kurons” with guitar
video See YouTube video
read 11/30/10, live at the Café in Chicago
video See YouTube video
of the intro and the poem Like I was Never There live 11/30/10 from the open mic at the Café in Chicago
video See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Canon Power Shot camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Sony camera w/ a Hue Cycling filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Where Does The Love Go, Don’t Go To Denny’s and Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her 3 poems Where Does The Love Go, Don’t Go To Denny’s and Like I Was Never There 5/22/16 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (from a Sony camera).
video not yet rated See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she reads from her book “Let me See You Stripped” her poems “Like I was Never There”, “Scratch the Surface”, “You are a Force”, “You Repel Me”, and “Holding Hands”, in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2017 Book Release Reading 11/1/17, where she reads from her book “Let me See You Stripped” her poems “Like I was Never There”, “Scratch the Surface”, “You are a Force”, “You Repel Me”, and “Holding Hands”, in “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” (this video was filmed from a Sony camera).
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like I was Never There” and “The Things Warren Says” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, plus her poem “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like I was Never There” and “The Things Warren Says” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, plus her poem “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Hue Cycling filter).
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like I was Never There” and “The Things Warren Says” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, plus her poem “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like I was Never There” and “The Things Warren Says” from her book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, plus her poem “Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta” live 6/23/18 at Georgetown’s “Poetry Aloud(Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Cyan Tone filter).
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like I Was Never There”, “Don’t Go To Denny’s”, “Finding Faith in a Grocery Store”, and “Painted Buddhas” from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 8/3/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like I Was Never There”, “Don’t Go To Denny’s”, “Finding Faith in a Grocery Store”, and “Painted Buddhas” from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 8/3/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

Like My Motto
This poem is in the Starite Cafe
Listen mp3 file to the DMJ Art Connection,
off the CD the DMJ Art Connection Disc One
video of live show
videonot yet rated

YouTube video

from Death Comes In Threes, live 03/18/03 in Chicago
video of live show
videonot yet rated

Watch half of the show video

from Death Comes In Threes, with this writing, via the Internet Archive (31:34)
Listen mp3 file to the CD recording of this piece used with the performance art show Death Comes in Threes 03/18/03
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Legacy” book (set 3) poems “Prescribe them Something, Anything”, “Genesis 28”, “Imagination”, “(from) Sometimes It’s Not”, “Hallucinations”, “Imagining Friends and Loved Ones”, “Imagining Dave”, “No One Gave Me Flowers”, “As I Recovered”, “(from) Any Help At All”, “Will Be Just Fine”, “They Wouldn’t Trust Me with a Razor”, “(from) Get It Over With”, “Like My Motto”, and “Being God” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
Janet See Facebook live video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Legacy” book (set 3) poems “Prescribe them Something, Anything”, “Genesis 28”, “Imagination”, “(from) Sometimes It’s Not”, “Hallucinations”, “Imagining Friends and Loved Ones”, “Imagining Dave”, “No One Gave Me Flowers”, “As I Recovered”, “(from) Any Help At All”, “Will Be Just Fine”, “They Wouldn’t Trust Me with a Razor”, “(from) Get It Over With”, “Like My Motto”, and “Being God” during the “Poetic License open mic 5/3/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (filmed from a Samsung S9 camera).

like nothing ever happened
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Touching Cobalt” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her new poem “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, then her prose “Type A Person” from her performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, all live 11/17/18 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poem “Touching Cobalt” from her v5 cc&d poetry collection book “On the Edge”, then her new poem “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, then her prose “Type A Person” from her performance art collection book “Chapter 48 (v1)”, all live 11/17/18 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix 2500; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her Tiananmen Square poem “'Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom” she wrote on 6/2/19, then her poem “Ever Felt Safe” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her cc&d v290 May-June 2019 26-year anniversary issue/book “a Rose in the Dark” poems “Ominous Day”, “Bamboo” and “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; appearing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJune 2019 Book Release Reading 6/5/19, where she read her Tiananmen Square poem “'Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom” she wrote on 6/2/19, then her poem “Ever Felt Safe” for the Brian Lamont dedication (that will appear in her book “(pheromemes) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, released August 2019), then her cc&d v290 May-June 2019 26-year anniversary issue/book “a Rose in the Dark” poems “Ominous Day”, “Bamboo” and “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; appearing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading<
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her Instagram and Twitter poem “Ominous Day”, then her poems “Bamboo” and “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, from the cc&d 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection booka Revolution of Modern Life”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersJuly 2019 Book Release Reading 7/3/19, where she read her Instagram and Twitter poem “Ominous Day”, then her poems “Bamboo” and “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, from the cc&d 1-6 2019 issue and chapbooks collection booka Revolution of Modern Life”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Like Nothing Ever Happened”, “For Far Too Many Years”, “Other People’s Worlds”, “left living”, “our differences”, “Prescribe Them Something, Anything”, and “choke”, all read from the Scars Publications 2019 collection book “Burning Bridges”, during her January 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video Enjoy this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems (including this one) in her “Taking off the Maskfeature and chapbook (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems (including this one) in her “Taking off the Maskfeature and chapbook (this video was filmed & streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “found pandemic haiku”, “Everyone’s Afraid”, “Out to the Horizon”, “jar for my beating heart”, “Because of Fire”, “Underground History”, “Quieting Anechoic Chamber”, “No One Reports for Women”, “like nothing ever happened”, “United We Wonder”, “Knew the Word”, and “Eighteen and Eight, Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen” in her poetry feature “Taking off the Mask” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera and zoomed; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this YouTube video 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read her poems “Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan”, “found pandemic haiku”, “Everyone’s Afraid”, “Out to the Horizon”, “jar for my beating heart”, “Because of Fire”, “Underground History”, “Quieting Anechoic Chamber”, “No One Reports for Women”, “like nothing ever happened”, “United We Wonder”, “Knew the Word”, and “Eighteen and Eight, Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen” in her poetry feature “Taking off the Mask” (this video was filmed from a Samsung S7 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Coslow’s”, “Escaping Rapeugees”, and “Like Nothing Ever Happened” from the book “Shattering the Glass Ceiling” to close her “Poetic License 8/6/23 global open mic” through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, video Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperswomensrights #janetkuypersfeminism #janetkuypersshatteringtheglassceiling #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Like Nothing Ever Happened (The Universe is in your Hands edit)

like the dreams in your heart
Listen mp3 file to this with
the Second Axing

Like the Whiteness
This poem is in the Starite Cafe

Listen to Life poem on Instagram and Twitter
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Fermium” originally read in her “Interview to Poetry through “Poetry Saloon at Noon” and read from her v5 cc&d poetry book “On the Edge”, then her poems “Not Knowing”, and “Listen to Life” live 2/3/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table poems “Fermium” originally read in her “Interview to Poetry through “Poetry Saloon at Noon” and read from her v5 cc&d poetry book “On the Edge”, then her poems “Not Knowing”, and “Listen to Life” live 2/3/19 at Austin’s “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, “That Dress”, “Escape to Peace”, and “Uncharted Land” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (this video was filmed live from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ “Beach Poets bonus feature at the Armadillo’s Pillow” reading poetry from 2 books, including her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed” from her 2019 poetry books “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” and “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “nonetheless”, “brittle”, “brain”, “Quiver in Thought”, “Opens the Way”, “Became a Circus”, and “Listen to Life”, all read from her 2019 poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”, then her haiku and poems “know”, “extinct”, “This is Only a Test”, “elusive”, “Vase of Tulips”, and “That Dress” from her 20019 poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” as the feature to the “Beach Poets 9/1/19 with Janet Kuypers” in Chicago (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Posterize filter).
JanetJanet Hear SoundCloud audio of the full “Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD Radio 9/7/19”. During her interview, Janet Kuypers read her poem “Our Color, Our Gender, our Creed” in both new books, but read from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” (starting ~9:40), then from her poem “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets” (starting ~21:40), “Ocean’s Call to Dive” (starting ~28:42), “Eat your Vegetables, be a Proper Girl” (starting ~30:02), and “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces” (starting ~31:21), from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, plus from memory her Periodic Table bonus poem “Arsenic and Syphilis” (starting ~36:33). Then she read “Escape to Peace” (starting ~39:41) and “Vase of Tulips” (started ~41:52) from her book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”. Later in the interview she read her poems “Elaborate Exaltation” (started ~45:51), “Listen to Life” (started ~46:18), the haiku “nature I” (started ~46:44), “after” (started ~47:12), and “quarrel” (started ~47:31), from her book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”.
JanetJanet Hear SoundCloud audio of all of the poem readings from “Janet Kuypers on Chicago’s WZRD Radio 9/7/19”, where Janet Kuypers read her poems “Our Color, Our Gender, our Creed”, “Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets”, “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, “Eat your Vegetables, be a Proper Girl”, “Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “Escape to Peace”, “Vase of Tulips”, “Elaborate Exaltation”, “Listen to Life”, “nature I”, “after”, and “quarrel” from 2 new books.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 3 poetry readings for Community Poetry at Half Price Books 10/2/19. In part 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Ends of the Earth”, then her poems based on The Bible: “Genesis One”, “Genesis Two and Three”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing”, then her poem “Listen to Life”, all read from the cc&d v292 (Sept.-Oct. 2019 issue) perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “In The Fall”. In part 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poems “Someone Give Me the Answers” and “Their Crutches” from the 3/18/03 poetry show “Death Comes In Threes”, then her poems #8220;Touch (2019 edit)” and Explosive Energy”, all read from the Down in the Dirt v166 (Sept.-Oct. 2019 issue) perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Climate Change” - then she read her poems “Volumes of Philosophical Masterpieces”, “Just the Right Words”, “Vastness of Just the Right Moon”, and her two Notre Dame poems “Xystus to Foundation” and “Xyresic Flames”, all read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”. In part 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poems “”, “Eat Your Words”, “Xenon and PTSD, to Fight that Spiral”, and “Kept my Eye on You”, all read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 3 poetry readings for Community Poetry at Half Price Books 10/2/19. In part 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Ends of the Earth”, then her poems based on The Bible: “Genesis One”, “Genesis Two and Three”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing”, then her poem “Listen to Life”, all read from the cc&d v292 (Sept.-Oct. 2019 issue) perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “In The Fall”. In part 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poems “Someone Give Me the Answers” and “Their Crutches” from the 3/18/03 poetry show “Death Comes In Threes”, then her poems #8220;Touch (2019 edit)” and Explosive Energy”, all read from the Down in the Dirt v166 (Sept.-Oct. 2019 issue) perfect-bound paperback ISBN# book “Climate Change” - then she read her poems “Volumes of Philosophical Masterpieces”, “Just the Right Words”, “Vastness of Just the Right Moon”, and her two Notre Dame poems “Xystus to Foundation” and “Xyresic Flames”, all read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry”. In part 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poems “”, “Eat Your Words”, “Xenon and PTSD, to Fight that Spiral”, and “Kept my Eye on You”, all read from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)” (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “ends of the earth”, “Listen to Life”, “Amber Beads”, her prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Andrew Hettinger”, “Death”, “Anything for the Liquor Fix”, “Chess Game Again”, and “Children, Churches, and Daddies”, in set 4 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin through a Facebook event page (this video was from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “ends of the earth”, “Listen to Life”, “Queueing in Line and Shaping Your Life”, “Amber Beads”, her prose “Driving By His House”, and her poems “Andrew Hettinger”, “Death”, “Anything for the Liquor Fix”, “Chess Game Again”, and “Children, Churches, and Daddies”, in set 4 from the cc&d July-December 2018 expanded issue collection book “Among the Debris” during the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted in Austin, but globally through a Facebook event page (from a Samsung S9 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “ends of the earth”, “Listen to Life”, “Queueing in Line and Shaping Your Life”, and and “Keep Our Country and Save Ourselves” from the cc&d July-December 2018 issue collection book “Imagery of Place” live 8/5/20 in her Tuesday night “Builders Book Club” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “ends of the earth”, “Listen to Life”, “Queueing in Line and Shaping Your Life”, and and “Keep Our Country and Save Ourselves” from the cc&d July-December 2018 issue collection book “Imagery of Place” live 8/5/20 in her Tuesday night “Builders Book Club” reading (this video was streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera).
video See a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Listen to Life”, and “Xenon, Stranger than Strange” from the February 2021 v180 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine/book “Eclipsed” for The Café Gallery 2/3/21 Book Reading in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).  #janetkuypers   #janetkuyperspoetry   #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Listen to Life”, and “Xenon, Stranger than Strange” from the February 2021 v180 issue of Down in the Dirt magazine/book “Eclipsed” for The Café Gallery 2/3/21 Book Reading (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).   #janetkuypers   #janetkuyperspoetry   #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Listen to Life”, “Xenon, Stranger than Strange”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing” from the “Eclipsed” section of the Scars Publications 1-4 2021 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Excerpts from the Plague Years”, read 5/5/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” feature reading (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).  #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersinstagram
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Listen to Life”, “Xenon, Stranger than Strange”, and “Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing” from the “Eclipsed” section of the Scars Publications 1-4 2021 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “Excerpts from the Plague Years”, read 5/5/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” feature reading (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).  #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersinstagram
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Zap My Will” (+ image) and her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Ruthenium for Free” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden”, then her poem “Listen to Life” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” to start hrt “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers janertkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Zap My Will” (+ image) and her Twitter-length Periodic Table poem “Ruthenium for Free” from the v320 4/22 cc&d book “Seaweed Garden”, then her poem “Listen to Life” (+ image) from the Scars Publications 2022 collection book “Regarding Utopia” to start her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Listen To What You’re Not Hearing
Kiki, Jake &a mp; Hatystack
Listen mp3 file to this track from Kiki, Jake & Haytstack off the CD an american portrait, or order ANY track through iTunes of the CD an american portrait.
video not yet rated

See YouTube video
(1:10) studio session “etc.” book reading
for audio CD 08/14/07
the poetry audio CD set etc. Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - Etc - Listen to What You're Not Hearing
from the poetry audio CDetc.
...Or order the entire CD set
from iTunes:

CD: Janet Kuypers - Etc

Listening to the Cancer Ads
Listen mp3 file to the DMJ Art Connection,
off the CD Manic Depressive or Something
video See YouTube video
Live at Getting Wired (camera#1 at Starbucks, Chicago, 08/08/09)
video See YouTube video
Live at Getting Wired (camera#2 at Starbucks, Chicago, 08/08/09)
video See the full Getting Wired show video w/ this poem (camera#1)
videonot yet rated
This film is from the Internet Archive
video See the full Getting Wired show video w/ this writing (camera#2)
This film is from the Internet Archive
video video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Listening to the Cancer Ads (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)
video video See YouTube video of the poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Listening to the Cancer Ads (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of the 3/28/15 Janet Kuypers show “Journey” (w/ John playing guitar) at “Sisters on a Journey” in Chicago’s Hyde Park of 14 poems about her mother, including this poem (filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video Enjoy this YouTube video of the 3/28/15 Janet Kuypers show “Journey” (w/ John playing guitar) at “Sisters on a Journey” in Chicago’s Hyde Park of 14 poems about her mother, including this poem (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
the Resistance is Futile 3/28/15 chapbook
Download these poems in the free chapbook
“Journey”, w/ poems read 3/28/15
at Sisters on a Journey show in Hyde Park (Chicago)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her cc&d 5-8/24 “The Lives We Deserve” bonus book poems “Manic Depressive or Something”, “Listening to the Cancer Ads”, & “Key To Survival” (& sharing the bonus “Getting Wired” 8/8/09 chapbook front cover image) to close video her “Poetic License 11/3/24 global open mic” she hosted through a Zoom meeting & a Facebook event page (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera w/ a Charcoal filter; on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Lithium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

te 2012 poetry bomb chapbook Download the free chapbook with this poem of the 2012 Poetry Bomb, with the Periodic Table of Poetry poems.
video See YouTube video
of this poem read live outdoors
at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading ALL Periodic Table of Poetry poems (including this poem) at the Chicago “L” train for the 2012 Poetry Bomb 4/29/12
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 11/7/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 11/7/12 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Sony)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers hosting the open mic 11/7/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus this poem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video See this YouTube video (posted 5/11/22, a Wednesday like The Café Gallery open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lithium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/10/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video See this YouTube video (posted 5/10/22, a Tuesday like The Café open mic dates) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lithium” from the Down in the Dirt v194 4/22 book “Seahorse when visiting Chicago 3/29/22 for “The Café Gallery 5/11/22 Book Reading” in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Zap My Will” (+ image), “Ruthenium for Free” (+ image), and “Ruthenium” from the cc&d 1-4/22 issue collection book “Unfinished Business”, then her poems “Boron’s Birth” (+ image), “Boron nitride stretching” (+ image), “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Nitrogen with an icy heart” (+ image) from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 8/3/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers#janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Zap My Will” (+ image), “Ruthenium for Free” (+ image), and “Ruthenium” from the cc&d 1-4/22 issue collection book “Unfinished Business”, then her poems “Boron’s Birth” (+ image), “Boron nitride stretching” (+ image), “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Nitrogen with an icy heart” (+ image) from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 8/3/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

Lithium Desperation poem on Facebook and Twitter
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 8/7/19 reading her Periodic Table Twitter poems “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Helium Rising”, “Helium Addict”, “Lithium Desperation”, and “Beryllium Shimmers” in front of a Buddha statue in Chicago (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 8/7/19 reading her Periodic Table Twitter poems “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Helium Rising”, “Helium Addict”, “Lithium Desperation”, and “Beryllium Shimmers” in front of a Buddha statue in Chicago (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500; Posterize).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 8/7/19 reading her Periodic Table Twitter poems “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Helium Rising”, “Helium Addict”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Carbon Based Life Forms”, “Carbon Copy”, “Nitrogen Needs”, “Oxygen Save Me”, and “Oxygen Feeds” in front of a Buddha statue in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 8/7/19 reading her Periodic Table Twitter poems “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Helium Rising”, “Helium Addict”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Carbon Based Life Forms”, “Carbon Copy”, “Nitrogen Needs”, “Oxygen Save Me”, and “Oxygen Feeds” in front of a Buddha statue in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera and was given a Hue Cycling filter).
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poemsEinsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Lithium Desperation”, and “Helium Rising” from the v185 7/21 Down in the Dirt book “Desert Bloom” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/4/21” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersinstagram
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poemsEinsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Lithium Desperation”, and “Helium Rising” from the v185 7/21 Down in the Dirt book “Desert Bloom” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 7/4/21 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoeticlicense #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Einsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Helium Rising”, and “Versatile Females in Athletics” from the Down in the Dirt magazine 5-8/21 issue collection book “Lockdown’s Over” 12/1/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Einsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Helium Rising”, and “Versatile Females in Athletics” from the Down in the Dirt magazine 5-8/21 issue collection book “Lockdown’s Over” 12/1/21 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a bubble filter). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Over the Lives”, “Elaborate Exaltation”, “On the Surface”, “Einsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Scandium, Held Tightly”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Helium Rising”, “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “Just a Little Crazy”, and “Katie” from the Scars Publications 2021 collection book “Regarding Utopia” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Over the Lives”, “Elaborate Exaltation”, “On the Surface”, “Einsteinium’s Mysteries”, “Scandium, Held Tightly”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Helium Rising”, “Manganese Growing”, “Manganese can cure us all”, “Just a Little Crazy”, and “Katie” from the Scars Publications 2021 collection book “Regarding Utopia” 1/5/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for the “Community Poetry” open mic (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a lava flow filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Hydrogen laced with Pi/π”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Deuterium: How Sweet It Is”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Helium Addict”, “Helium Rising”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Boron’s Birth”, and “Boron nitride stretching” from the Scars Publications 2021 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Hydrogen laced with Pi/π”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Deuterium: How Sweet It Is”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Helium Addict”, “Helium Rising”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Boron’s Birth”, and “Boron nitride stretching” from the Scars Publications 2021 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

Lithium to Calm my Nerves poem on Facebook and Twitter
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Lithium to Calm my Nerves” live 6/24/20 (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Lithium to Calm my Nerves” live 6/24/20 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Hue Cycling filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Lithium to Calm my Nerves” live 6/24/20 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Sepia Tone filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
Janet See Facebook live streaming video of Janet Kuypers reading her Periodic Table Twitter Verse poem “Lithium to Calm my Nerves” live 6/24/20 (this video was filmed in her library from a Samsung S9 camera).
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Like I Was Never There” from the v194 4/22 Down in the Dirt book “Seahorse” during her “Poetic License global open mic 4/3/22 she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Hydrogen laced with Pi/π”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Deuterium: How Sweet It Is”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Helium Addict”, “Helium Rising”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Boron’s Birth”, and “Boron nitride stretching” from the Scars Publications 2021 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems Hydrogen laced with Pi/π”, “Hydrogen: One On One”, “Hydrogen: One Against One”, “Hydrogen to Nothing”, “Hydrogen Cyanide Escape”, “Deuterium: How Sweet It Is”, “Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me”, “Helium Addict”, “Helium Rising”, “Lithium Desperation”, “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Beryllium Shimmers”, “Boron’s Birth”, and “Boron nitride stretching” from the Scars Publications 2021 book release “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” 4/6/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM CST during the usual time for and in honor of the “Community Poetry” reading (filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Zap My Will” (+ image), “Ruthenium for Free” (+ image), and “Ruthenium” from the cc&d 1-4/22 issue collection book “Unfinished Business”, then her poems “Boron’s Birth” (+ image), “Boron nitride stretching” (+ image), “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Nitrogen with an icy heart” (+ image) from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 8/3/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers#janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperspoetry
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Zap My Will” (+ image), “Ruthenium for Free” (+ image), and “Ruthenium” from the cc&d 1-4/22 issue collection book “Unfinished Business”, then her poems “Boron’s Birth” (+ image), “Boron nitride stretching” (+ image), “Lithium to Calm my Nerves”, “Lithium”, and “Nitrogen with an icy heart” (+ image) from the Down in the Dirt 1-4/22 Down in the Dirt issue collection book “The Ice that Was” on 8/3/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; posted on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

Live in my Imagination
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “No Heat in my Heart”, “Three Minutes for Three Dollars”, “Hurt Less Then”, “Pinchy”, “Live in my Imagination”, “Opinions”, “ Somewhere Else”, “Rushed”, “Bar Poem 20100423”, “Just Let It Glide Over Me”, “Bitter Suburbs”, “Teaching Our Children”, “Be Free of You”, and “Out of the Space Program” from the the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/5/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “No Heat in my Heart”, “Three Minutes for Three Dollars”, “Hurt Less Then”, “Pinchy”, “Live in my Imagination”, “Opinions”, “ Somewhere Else”, “Rushed”, “Bar Poem 20100423”, “Just Let It Glide Over Me”, “Bitter Suburbs”, “Teaching Our Children”, “Be Free of You”, and “Out of the Space Program” from the the Scars Publications 2010 poetry book “She’s an Open Book” 6/5/20 as a prequel to the “Poetic License open mic 6/7/20 home edition” she hosted and shared on a Facebook event page (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).
video See the video from YouTube read from cc&d (v213), the 10/10 issue and the 6" x 9" ISBN# book Out of the Web, live at the Café in Chicago 10/12/10

Livermorium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Canon camera)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Sony camera)
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems, “Livermorium”, “Beryllium”, “Astatine”, “Francium”, and “Dysprosium”, live in her 2nd “After the Apocalypse” mini-feature 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading 5 Periodic Table of Poetry” poems 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Canon, w/ Threshold filter), including this poem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 5 of her “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems, “Livermorium”, “Beryllium”, “Astatine”, “Francium”, and “Dysprosium”, live in her 2nd “After the Apocalypse” mini-feature 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading 5 Periodic Table of Poetry” poems 1/2/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (from the Sony, w/ Posterize filter), including this poem
video See YouTube video of Kuypers hosting the open mic 1/2/13 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus this periodica table poem
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading 3 “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems (Promethium, Livermorium, & Lead, recorded from a Android camera) read live in Chicago 1/9/13 at Elizabeth’s Crazy Little Thing

Livermorium, vanishing in our grasp
Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr

video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter Verse Periodic Table poems “Rhenium: the little element that could”, “Osmium when capitalism prevails”, “Iridium blankets the earth”, “Astatine’s rarity may save us from cancer”, “Francium, of the feline persuasion”, “Radium’s Faint Light”, “Actinium & the next-gen for cancer”, “Protactinium, and voilà... rocks?”, “Curium’s radioactive glitter”, “Berkelium can recycle radioactivity”, “Californium’s a double-edged sword”, “Californium-252: communication, thanks to nuclear”, “Einsteinium from flying through mushroom clouds”, “Nobelium is fought for in transfermium wars”, “Nobelium: war or peace”, “Lawrencium: were we wrong?”, “Rutherfordium, blinked out of existence”, “Meitnerium: For All We Women Must Do”, “Roentgenium, too scarce to waste”, “Copernicium makes the worlds go ‘round”, “Flerovium, doubly magic?”, “Livermorium, vanishing in our grasp”, and “Tennessine is what I get...” (+ showing the images that accompany poems) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry” on 11/2/22 on the 1st Wednesday of the month (1:00-3:00 PM CST) in honor of ‘Community Poetry’ (filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem

video See YouTube video live at the Winking Lizard in Ohio 10/10/08
video See YouTube video
of this poem 08/28/11, first in in her book Contents Under Pressure, read on WZRD radio, from the Canon camera
video See YouTube video
of this poem 08/28/11, first in in her book Contents Under Pressure, read on WZRD radio, from the Sony camera
video See feature-length YouTube
video 08/26/11 of the majority of the WZRD radio show with her reading poetry (incliding this writing) from the Canon camera
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, welcomed on stage by Thom, where she performed her poems “Didn’t Know What it Was”, “On the California Streets” and “Loggers” 9/25/16 with music at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers, welcomed on stage by Thom, where she performed her poems “Didn’t Know What it Was”, “On the California Streets” and “Loggers” 9/25/16 with music at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (on a Canon Power Shot camera & given a Threshold filter).

Look at the Downs
video See YouTube video
of this in a live performance in Chicago of the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature 07/03/11 at “Beach Poets”
video See YouTube video
of the eye cam recording of this in the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature, live 07/03/11 at “Beach Poets”
video See feature-length YouTube
video of many poems read 07/03/11
at Beach Poets from the live feature
“a Very Goth Beach Party”
video See feature-length YouTube
video of the eye-cam of the entire show at Beach Poets 07/03/11 from the “a Very Goth Beach Party” feature
download chapbook PDF filePDF Download the chapbook with this writing in a Very Goth Beach Chapbook

Looking For A Worthy Adversary
[in French] [in Italian] [in Spanish]
This poem is in the Starite Cafe
video See YouTube video

read live on her wedding day (May 7, 2000)
the poetry “Oh.” audio CD” Order this iTunes track
from the poetry audio CD
“Oh.” audio CD
...Or order
the entire CD set from iTunes:
Janet Kuypers - “Oh.” audio CD
the poetry audio CD set etc. Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - Etc - Looking for a Worthy Adversary
from the poetry audio CDetc.
...Or order the entire CD set
from iTunes:

CD: Janet Kuypers - Etc
Listen mp3 file Janet Kuypers - Six Eleven - Looking for a Worthy Adversary to the CD recording for
the 06/11/02 performance art show 6/11
Listen mp3 file Live at the Cafe,
now available in a 3 CD set
Listen mp3 file Live at the Cafe,
now available in a 3 CD set
video video not yet rated
See YouTube video
6:11 at the live Jesse Oaks live
UNcorrect” feature 06/21/07
Listen: (4:54) mp3 file
to this recording from Fusion
video See 3:34 video from the show 6/11 06/11/02
from the Internet Archive
See YouTube video

live at 6/11 in Chicago 06/11/02
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
of the Cutting Room Floor at the Palos Park Public Library 10/07/09
video videonot yet rated
or see the full 10/07/09 Video
at the Palos Park Public Library of the Cutting Room Floor
via the Internet Archive
video videonot yet rated
See the YouTube ½ Show

of the 1st 10 minutes of the show the Cutting Room Floor, at the Palos Park Public Library 10/07/09
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers performing this poem with the HA!man of South Africa 10/16/11 live in Chicago (from Canon camera)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers performing this poem with the HA!man of South Africa 10/16/11 live in Chicago (from the Sony camera)
See Complete feature video

of the HA!man of South Africa 10/16/11 evening music show with this poem at Chapel at the Chapel of the Chicago Theological Seminary (from Canon)
See Complete feature video

of the HA!man of South Africa 10/16/11 evening music show with this poem at Chapel at the Chapel of the Chicago Theological Seminary (from Sony)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 10/16/11 on WZRD radio (filmed from the Canon camera)
video See the full YouTube video
10/16/11 of the Janet Kuypers appearance on WZRD radio, with her talking about and reading poetry, which includes this poem performed live (filmed from the Canon camera)
video See YouTube video 9/11/15 of Janet Kuypers at the Chicago’s Roots Room reading her poems operation diligence and Looking fora Worthy Adversary, then singing her original song What we Need in Life, then reading her poem I dreamt about you last night, then covering the 1925 song (a capella) Brother, Can you Spare a Dime, & finishing with her poem Under the Sea (Canon fs200, cropped/saturated w/ sci-fi filter).
video See YouTube video 9/11/15 of Janet Kuypers at the Chicago’s Roots Room reading her poems operation diligence and Looking fora Worthy Adversary, then singing her original song What we Need in Life, then reading her poem I dreamt about you last night, then covering the 1925 song (a cappella) Brother, Can you Spare a Dime, & finishing with her poem Under the Sea (Canon fs200, cropped & saturated).
videonot yet rated

See YouTube video (Nikon CoolPix S7000) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Looking For A Worthy Adversary 12/20/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
video See YouTube video 12/20/15 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Being God, Looking For A Worthy Adversary, and True Happiness in the New Millennium at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Nikon CoolPix S7000).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Looking For A Worthy Adversary in the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (Canon Power Shot camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Looking For A Worthy Adversary in the fourth round at the final Austin installment (at her house) of the Poetry Plus open mic 7/22/16 (filmed w/ a Sony camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lambs to Heaven’s Gate” and “Looking For A Worthy Adversary”, then sing her song “In Love I Abide” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1” at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Lambs to Heaven’s Gate” and “Looking For A Worthy Adversary”, then sing her song “In Love I Abide” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1” at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Looking For A Worthy Adversary” and “Fantastic Car Crash” from her show “the Cutting Room Floor”, then her poem “How Do I Explain It” from her show “Death & Rebirth”, all read from her poetry performance art show book “Chapter 48 (v1)” at “Recycled Reads” 11/17/18 (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Looking For A Worthy Adversary” and “Fantastic Car Crash” from her show “the Cutting Room Floor”, then her poem “How Do I Explain It” from her show “Death & Rebirth”, all read from her poetry performance art show book “Chapter 48 (v1)” at “Recycled Reads” 11/17/18 (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).

Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” live 3/13/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 3/13/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Watercolor, Canon)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 3/13/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Threshold, Canon)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” live 3/13/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 3/13/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Film Age - older, Sony)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 3/13/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago (Posterize, Sony)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers hosting the open mic 3/13/13 at the Café Gallery in Chicago, plus her reading this poem
video See YouTube video 2/12/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation) at the Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s on the Square in Georgetown TX (Canon Power Shot).
video See YouTube video 2/12/16 of Janet Kuypers reading her 2 poems The Fourteenth & Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation), and then her 2 poems There I Sit & Writing Your Name as one, at the Poetry Plus open mic at Cianfrani’s on the Square in Georgetown TX (video filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 10/7/17 show “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” @ “Expressions Welcomes Autumn!” in Austin, performing her poems “Sepia Leaves”, “Autumn (2017 Dripping Springs/Bahá’í Center edit)”, “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, “The Way You Tease Me”, “And I’m Wondering”, “Just by Holding his Hand”, “Marry You in Autumn”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, performed with the HA!Man of South Africa’s music “the Ice is Melting” and a rotating art display (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers in her 10/7/17 show “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” @ “Expressions Welcomes Autumn!” in Austin, performing her poems “Sepia Leaves”, “Autumn (2017 Dripping Springs/Bahá’í Center edit)”, “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, “The Way You Tease Me”, “And I’m Wondering”, “Just by Holding his Hand”, “Marry You in Autumn”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, with background music from the HA!Man of South Africa’s “the Ice is Melting”, cricket sounds in the background and a random rotating art display (Lumix camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
View the 10/7/17 show poems in the free PDF file chapbook
in Autumn, Love is in the Air chapbook in Autumn, Love is in the Air chapbook in Autumn, Love is in the Air
containing the poems &“Sepia Leaves”, “Autumn (2017 Dripping Springs/Bahá’í Center edit)”, “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, “The Way You Tease Me”, “And I’m Wondering”,
Just by Holding his Hand”, “Marry You in Autumn”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”.
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56ED.
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56ST.
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56Th.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” & “Observer’s Love Poem” from her chapbook “Eleven”, and then her eleven-themed new poem “popular and useless” (with a selfie with the audience) live 6/10/18 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” & “Observer’s Love Poem” from her chapbook “Eleven”, and then her eleven-themed new poem “popular and useless” (with a selfie with the audience) live 6/10/18 at “Spoken and Heard” @ Kick Butt Coffee (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers in her 6/11/18 poetry show “Eleven” in Austin, with her poems “Under the Sea”, “The Burning”, “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 & 6)”, “What We Need in Life”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “The Things They Did To You (5/8/18 edit)”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Death is a Dog”, and “September 11, 2001” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500; appearing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersfeature
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers in her 6/11/18 poetry show “Eleven” in Austin, with her poems “Under the Sea”, “The Burning”, “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 & 6)”, “What We Need in Life”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “The Things They Did To You (5/8/18 edit)”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Death is a Dog”, and “September 11, 2001(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and then it was given an Edge Detection filter).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers in her 6/11/18 poetry show “Eleven” in Austin, with her poems “Under the Sea”, “The Burning”, “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 & 6)”, “What We Need in Life”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “The Things They Did To You (5/8/18 edit)”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Death is a Dog”, and “September 11, 2001(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and then it was given a Hue Cycling filter).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers in her 6/11/18 poetry show “Eleven” in Austin, with her poems “Under the Sea”, “The Burning”, “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 & 6)”, “What We Need in Life”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “The Things They Did To You (5/8/18 edit)”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Death is a Dog”, and “September 11, 2001(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and then it was given a Posterize filter).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers in her 6/11/18 poetry show “Eleven” in Austin, with her poems “Under the Sea”, “The Burning”, “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 & 6)”, “What We Need in Life”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “The Things They Did To You (5/8/18 edit)”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Death is a Dog”, and “September 11, 2001(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and then it was given a Sepia Tone filter).
video See YouTube video of Chicago poet Janet Kuypers in her 6/11/18 poetry show “Eleven” in Austin, with her poems “Under the Sea”, “The Burning”, “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 & 6)”, “What We Need in Life”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “The Things They Did To You (5/8/18 edit)”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Death is a Dog”, and “September 11, 2001(this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and then it was given a Threshold filter).
Eleven chapbook Read all of the poems from the Janet Kuypers poetry show in her 6/11/18 poetry chapbook for her show
Eleven chapbookEleven containing her poems “Under the Sea”, “The Burning”, “Right There, By Your Heart (verses 2 & 6)”, “What We Need in Life”, “Fantastic Car Crash”, “The Things They Did To You (5/8/18 edit)”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Death is a Dog”, and “September 11, 2001”, “Ocean’s Call to Dive”, and “Observer’s Love Poem”.
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2018 Book Release Reading 9/5/18, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poetry “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, “The Way You Tease Me”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” from the cc&d 9-10/18 book “Faces”, in Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2018 Book Release Reading 9/5/18, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poetry “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, “The Way You Tease Me”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” from the cc&d 9-10/18 book “Faces”, in Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poetry “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, “The Way You Tease Me”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” from the cc&d 9-10/18 book “Faces”, then her poem “And I’m Wondering” from the Down in the Dirt 9-10/18 book “Spitfire”, during Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 ca,era).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersOctober 2018 Book Release Reading 10/3/18, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poetry “Who You Tell Your Dreams To”, “You and Me and Your Girlfriend”, “The Way You Tease Me”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (extreme sestina variation)” from the cc&d 9-10/18 book “Faces”, then her poem “And I’m Wondering” from the Down in the Dirt 9-10/18 book “Spitfire”, during Community Poetry! at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video 12/2/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “And I’m Wondering”, & “Just by Holding His Hand”, from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Still Life” at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video 12/2/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “And I’m Wondering”, & “Just by Holding His Hand”, from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Still Life” at “Recycled Reads” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video 12/8/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “The Way You Tease Me”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, & “Just by Holding His Hand”, from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Still Life” at “Poetry Aloud” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video 12/8/18 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “The Way You Tease Me”, “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, & “Just by Holding His Hand”, from the Scars Publications 2018 collections book “Still Life” at “Poetry Aloud” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersMay 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Sepia Leaves”, “And I’m Wondering”, “Marry you in Autumn” and “Just by Holding His Hand”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersMay 2019 Book Release Reading 5/1/19, where she read her “in Autumn, Love is in the Air” poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)”, “Sepia Leaves”, “And I’m Wondering”, “Marry you in Autumn” and “Just by Holding His Hand”, all read from the cc&d September-December 2018 issue and chapbook collection book “This is Where I Live”, during Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Just By Holding His Hand”, “The Way You Tease Me”, “There I Sit”, “And I’m Wondering”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary(an extreme sestina variation)” from the 137-page 5½" x 8½" Janet Kuypers poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now”, read 4/7/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Looking for a Worthy Adversary(an extreme sestina variation)” and “Us, Actually Touching” from the 137-page 5½" x 8½" Janet Kuypers poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now”, read 4/7/21 during the Chicago “In One Ear” open mic Zoom meeting (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
video See a YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “Just By Holding His Hand”, “The Way You Tease Me”, “There I Sit”, “And I’m Wondering”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)” from the 137-page 5½" x 8½" Janet Kuypers poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now”, read 4/7/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” (video from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).  #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Just By Holding His Hand”, “The Way You Tease Me”, “There I Sit”, “And I’m Wondering”, and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)” from the 137-page 5½" x 8½" Janet Kuypers poetry book “Eternal Never Ending Now”, read 4/7/21 during the usual time for Austin’s “Community Poetry” (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading

Looking Out For Number One

Lord Have Mercy
video video yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (C)
video video yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Lord Have Mercy in her Chicago feature “Nerves of a Poet” live at Café Cabaret at Café Ballou 11/21/14 with music from the HA!Man of South Africa (S c glow)
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersNovember 2018 Book Release Reading 11/7/18, where she read her “Nerves of a Poet” poems “Jabbed into an Open Nerve”, “bruised”, “Eight to Sixteen”, “Lord Have Mercy”, “Violent Affair”, “fog”, “pant”, and “translation (2014 haiku)”, all from the Janet Kuypers 2014-2015 Chicago poetry performance art book “a year long Journey”, during Community Poetry at Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize).
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video live 10/19/19 at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase”, where Janet Kuypers read poems from a variety of books in multiple rounds to the live audience at the bookstore. In round 1, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “On This Day” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Eight to Sixteen” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her Periodic Table poem “Einsteinium” from The Cafe Gallery poetry book “the Chosen Few”. In round 2, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Empty Chocolate Counter” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Lord have Mercy” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Andrew Hettinger” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, In round 3, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Star Trek, Star Wars, and Storm Troopers” from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “Chess Game Again” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”, then her bonus poem “Every Day is Sweetest Day”, written that morning, on Sweetest Day, 10/19/19. In round 4, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Young Dreams from a Potential Legend” (for her “Bases Loaded” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “All These Reminders” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 5, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Uphill Battles lead to Changing It Up” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poem “Violent Affair” (for her “Nerves of a Poet” feature) from her poetry book “a year long Journey”, and then her poem “She Told Me Her Dreams (one)” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 2008 v184 book “That was the Time”. In round 6, Janet Kuypers reads her poem “Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic” from her poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume one: January-June)”, then her poems “People’s Rights Misunderstood”, and “New Vacuum Cleaner” from the cc&d 2019 re-release of the May 1996 v79 book “Poetry and Prose” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

from poems with David Jarvie — losing my best friend
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See YouTube video
live at the Café in Chicago 03/02/10
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See YouTube video
(with the “line drawing” filter)
live at the Café in Chicago 03/02/10
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See YouTube video
(recorded with a metallic filter)
live at the Café in Chicago 03/02/10
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See YouTube video
(with the Pastel Sketch filter)
live at the Café in Chicago 03/02/10
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See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem at the open mike 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers’ open mike 6/20/12 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, which includes this poem

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See YouTube video Live at Twitter Inside Chicago feature 05/21/10
video See this YouTube video of part three of the Janet Kuypers Chicago feature Twitter Inside 5/21/10 in Logan Square, reading her poem “Loss” and singing her Mom’s Favorite Vase song my love for you will stay the same” with John on guitar (this was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuyperssinging
video See YouTube video
live at the Café in Chicago 06/22/10
40 chapbook
video See YouTube video
of part three of the “40” show live at the Café w/ this piece 06/22/10
video See YouTube video
of part 3 of the “40” show w/ camera 2 @ the Café in Chicago 06/22/10
video See Full Video

from camera#1 as a downloadable mp4 file, live at the Café w/ this piece 06/22/10, from the Internet Archive.
video See Full Video

from camera#2 as a downloadable mp4 file, live at the Café w/ this piece 06/22/10, from the Internet Archive.

lost (2014 haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem lost (in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
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See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem lost (in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, crop & color)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon camera)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, negative filter)
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See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, cropped and color balanced)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her series of her haiku poems INCLUDING THIS ONE live 12/3/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (on a Sony camera, x-ray filter)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading, with her poems “Only Half the Story”, “lost”, “rush”, & “you were meant” from the Down in the Dirt 1/18 book “Farewell to Seafaring”, then her poem “My Brain Was (2017 Streamline)” from the cc&d 1/18 book “the End of the World” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books” Austin feature reading, with her poems “Only Half the Story”, “lost”, “rush”, & “you were meant” from the Down in the Dirt 1/18 book “Farewell to Seafaring”, then her poem “My Brain Was (2017 Streamline)” from the cc&d 1/18 book “the End of the World” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56ED.
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56ST.
video See YouTube video from 6/6/18 of Janet KuypersJune 2018 Book Release Reading, where she read her Down in the Dirt Jan.-Apr. 2018 issue collection book “At Midnight” poems “rush”, “lost”, and “Only Half the Story”, then two poems from her “Eleven” chapbook, “Under the Sea” and “Looking for a Worthy Adversary (sestina)”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books, PLT56Th.

lost (2017 haiku, on Twitter and Instagram)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her 5 haiku poems “enjoy”, “lost”, “unbounded”, “upside-down” and “enemies” in the intro performance 3/19/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Canon Power Shot SX60 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers joining Thom & others on stage and reading her 5 haiku poems “enjoy”, “lost”, “unbounded”, “upside-down” and “enemies” in the intro performance 3/19/17 to “Kick Butt Poetry” in Austin (Canon Power Shot SX700 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Carpool” haiku poems “soul”, “earth”, “lost”, and “jumped”, and then her poems “Exempt from the Draft”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)” and “Only an Observer” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
video video See YouTube video of Janet KuypersSeptember 2017 Book Release Reading 9/6/17 of Down in the Dirt’s book “Carpool” haiku poems “soul”, “earth”, “lost”, and “jumped”, and then her poems “Exempt from the Draft”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)” and “Only an Observer” in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (Sony, TH).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers at her 1/3/18 “ January 2018 Book Release Reading” feature through “Community Poetry @ Half Price Books”, with “exterior”, “soul”, “earth”, “lost (2017)”, “jumped”, “essence”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Only an Observer”, “You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)”, “upside-down”, “enjoy”, “imprisoned / ignorance”, “Elusive Imaginary Creature”, “Masquerade”, “knife (2014)”, “ghosts”, “easy”, “falling”, “xeric”, “instead”, and “Earth was Alive and Dying” from the Down in the Dirt magazine’s 9-12 2017 issue collection book “the Light in the Sky” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Violation”, “Exterior”, “Eminence”, “Earth”, “Lost”, “Jumped”, “Uphill”, “Essence”, “Upside-Down”, “Enjoy”, “Ghosts”, “You Do What You’re Told”, “Control”, “Enemy”, “Quarrel”, “Xeric”, “Oceans”, “Escape (2017 haiku)”, and “Aflame”, all read from her poetry collection book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” 8/13/19 outside Grant Park with the Millennium Bean in the background in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Violation”, “Exterior”, “Eminence”, “Earth”, “Lost”, “Jumped”, “Uphill”, “Essence”, “Upside-Down”, “Enjoy”, “Ghosts”, “You Do What You’re Told”, “Control”, “Enemy”, “Quarrel”, “Xeric”, “Oceans”, “Escape (2017 haiku)”, and “Aflame”, all read from her poetry collection book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” 8/13/19 outside Grant Park with the Millennium Bean in the background in Chicago (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Sepia Tone filter).

Lost Cross
video See the YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Eternal Salvation in Hieroglyphics”, “Up for the Challenge”, “Lost Cross”, “Quenched Bloodlust”, “Underground History”, and “Extension of “Him”” from the cc&d 11/20 v303 book “What He’s Trying to Paint” live 11/4/20 in honor of “Comunity Poetry” (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Eternal Salvation in Hieroglyphics”, “Up for the Challenge”, “Lost Cross”, “Quenched Bloodlust”, “Underground History”, and “Extension of “Him”” from the cc&d 11/20 v303 book “What He’s Trying to Paint” live 11/4/20 in honor of “Comunity Poetry” (video filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vanity Plates saying NO WAR” and “Lost Cross” from the cc&d 9-12 2020 issue collection book “Roll the Bones” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 12/6/20” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Vanity Plates saying NO WAR” and “Lost Cross” from the cc&d 9-12 2020 issue collection book “Roll the Bones” during the “Poetic License virtual open mic 12/6/20” she hosted through a Zoom meeting and a Facebook event page (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuyperspoeticlicense
video See the YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems Key to a Storyline(written 12/21, on and for National Short Story Day), “Overturn the Futility(written 12/22, on and for the 1849 date Fyodor Dostoyevsky was supposed to be killed for crimes against the Czar), “Vaulted to Silhouette the Sky(written 12/23, on and for the 583 date the Maya queen Yohl Ik’nal is crowned ruler of Palenque), “Usual Conquest Style(written 12/24, on and for the 1777 date that Kiritimati, AKA Christmas Island, is discovered by James Cook), “Exploit the Island(written 12/25, on and for the 1643 date that Christmas Island was discovered), “Lost Cross(for Christmas), and “Dilemmas in Gift Giving(for Christmas) from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” for The Café Gallery 12/23/20 Book Reading in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery
video See a Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Key to a Storyline”, “Overturn the Futility”, “Vaulted to Silhouette the Sky”, “Usual Conquest Style”, “Exploit the Island”, “Lost Cross”, and “Dilemmas in Gift Giving” from the Janet Kuypers poetry book “Every Event of the Year (Volume Two: July-December)” for The Café Gallery 12/23/20 Book Reading in The Café Gallery Book Reading series (this video was filmed and streamed from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersthecafegallery

Lost in the Breeze
also see this poem at Ygdrasil
This poem is in the Starite Cafe
the poetry CD Side A Order this iTunes track from the collection poetry music CD
Side A ...Or order the entire CD from iTunes: Janet Kuypers - Side A
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
Live at Creation Relation (reading poetry live outdoors in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana & Illinois 05/10/09
Listen mp3 file to the CD recording
of this, from the CD Change/Rearrange
the poetry “Oh.” audio CD” Order this iTunes track
from the poetry audio CD
“Oh.” audio CD
...Or order
the entire CD set from iTunes:
Janet Kuypers - “Oh.” audio CD
the poetry CD Tick Tock Order this iTunes track from the 5D/5D poetry music CD
Tick Tock ...Or order the entire CD from iTunes: Janet Kuypers - Tick Tock
the poetry audio CD set etc. Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - Etc - Lost In the Breeze
from the poetry audio CDetc.
...Or order the entire CD set
from iTunes:

CD: Janet Kuypers - Etc
video See YouTube video 7/23/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lost in the Breeze” at Austin TX’s “Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera).
video See YouTube video 7/23/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Lost in the Breeze” at Austin TX’s “Kick Butt Poetry (from a Sony camera).
video See YouTube video 7/23/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Military Police”, “People’s Lives were at Stake” and “Lost in the Breeze” at Austin TX’s “Kick Butt Poetry(filmed from a Panasonic Lumix camera).
video See YouTube video 7/23/17 of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Military Police”, “People’s Lives were at Stake” and “Lost in the Breeze” at Austin TX’s “Kick Butt Poetry(video filmed from a Sony camera).

Lost my Breath (twitter-length poem)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 1/11/13 at Poetry Love Letters in Chicago (from the Canon camera)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading the 3 poems Astatine in a Fantastioc Car Crash, Argon and the twitter-length poem Lost my Breath, 1/11/13 at the open mic “Poetry Love Letters” at Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading the 3 poems Astatine in a Fantastioc Car Crash, Argon and the twitter-length poem Lost my Breath, 1/11/13 at the open mic “Poetry Love Letters” at Let Them Eat Chocolate in Chicago (this video was filmed from an Android camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 1/11/13 at Poetry Love Letters in Chicago (from the Canon cameram with the Film Old Age {older} filter)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 1/11/13 at Poetry Love Letters in Chicago (from the Canon cameram with the Hue Cycling filter)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers reading this poem 1/11/13 at Poetry Love Letters in Chicago (from the Canon cameram with the Posterize filter)
video See YouTube video
of Kuypers reading this poem 1/11/13 at Poetry Love Letters in Chicago (from the Canon cameram with the Watercolor filter)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the poem Lost my Breath from cc&d mag, v244 live 8/14/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (C)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the poem Lost my Breath from cc&d mag, v244 live 8/14/13 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (S)
video See YouTube video of Kuypers hosting the open mic 8/14/13 at Gallery Cabaret’s the Café Gallery in Chicago, which contains this poem
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Under the Sea” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then her poem “Lost my Breath” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/11/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated

See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Under the Sea” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then her poem “Lost my Breath” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/11/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).

love (haiku, on Twitter)
twitter 4 jk twitter 4 jk Visit the Kuypers Twitter page for short poems— join
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (S) her poem love from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading (C) her poem love from her “Partial Nudity” book release feature live 6/18/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem love (originally in her books Partial Nudity and 100 Haikus) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
video videonot yet rated

See Vine video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem love (originally in her books 100 Haikus and Partial Nudity) live 12/17/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, posterize)
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Hue Cycling filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Posterize filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “falling”, “Arsenic and Syphilis”, “love”, ““Jimbo””, and “enemies” from the cc&d v252 issue book “Beyond the Gates” during the Thom multi-person intro 8/12/18 to Austin’s Kick Butt Poetry (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet KuypersApril 2019 Book Release Reading 4/3/19, where she read her haiku poems “defenses”, “pleading”, “destroy”, “relegated”, “jumped”, “found haiku”, “instead”, “falling”, “upturn”, “sort”, and “love”, all from her poetry performance art collection book “On the Edge”, in Community Poetry @ Half Price Books (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Hitler-themed haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Sepia Tone filter).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Hue Cycling filter).
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poems “found haiku”, “Jimbo”, and “love” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at the “Spoken and Heard” open mic at Austin’s Kick Butt Coffee 6/18/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, with a Threshold filter).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera);
this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, console, form, knowing, oil, cage, evil, faith, guide, behind, sort, barbed, difference, predator, blood, easy, existence, judge, fog, upturn, Translation (2014 haiku), sting, enemies, Deity Discipline (stretched haiku), Ants and Crosses, energy, knees, force, you, this is only a test, misogyny, ourselves, key, scorches, only, bear, census, clogged, end, falling, relegated, “Jimbo”, eventually, progress, labor, mister, over, rescue, octopi and brains, octopi and dogs, universe, and love (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera with a Sepia Tone filter); this video was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera); video posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 11/6/19 reading every poem in her “100 Haikus” section (plus bonus haiku) in her poetry book “Partial Nudity” during her November 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books, including much, out, can’t get you, of his thirst, know, pleading, coincidence?, found haiku, close, defenses, destroy, floor, hold, forever, jumped, study, Even with no Wish Bone, addiction, stagger, everyone, last, bruised, organs, choke, ends, explosions, fit, fought, heaviness, extinct, feel, escape, opening, pant, strike, civil, found, need, kill, kindness, run, pet, John’s Mind, humans, mirror, elusive, keep, greatest, instead, Arsenic and Syphilis, life (Periodic Table haiku), life (2000), timing, Two Not Mute Haikus, He’s An Escapist, Ending a Relationship, nightmares, knife, free, years, groove, errors, job, jobless, out there, gone, and console (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; Sepia Tone); posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr.

Love Affair With The Moon
video See this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading 3 poems (“Love Affair With The Moon”, “The View of the Alley” and “fast food makes finger food”) 2/3/14 at Waiting 4 the Bus at Jak’s Tap in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the poem Love Affair With The Moon 2/3/14 at Waiting 4 the Bus at Jak’s Tap, Chicago (Canon)
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading the poem Love Affair With The Moon 2/3/14 at Waiting 4 the Bus at Jak’s Tap, Chicago (posterized)

Love Affair With The Moon 2012
video See YouTube video
of this poem read live in her Pilsen feature “Games We Play” 3/17/12 at Café Mestizo (music from Francois Le Roux, the HA!man of South Africa)
video Enjoy this feature-length YouTube video of many poems read 3/17/12 at Café Mestizo from the live feature “Games We Play”, including this poem (posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “Letter 09/16/06” and her poems “Ever Since You Got Me” and “Love Affair with the Moon 2012” from her book “Chapter 48 (v2)” live 10/20/18 at “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix 2500).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her prose “Letter 09/16/06” and her poems “Ever Since You Got Me” and “Love Affair with the Moon 2012” from her book “Chapter 48 (v2)” live 10/20/18 at “Recycled Reads” (Panasonic Lumix T56).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Universe... Now In Color”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein” and “Love Affair With The Moon 2012” in her “Revealed” book reading at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” 11/17/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Universe... Now In Color”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein” and “Love Affair With The Moon 2012” in her “Revealed” book reading at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” 11/17/19 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers live at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” 11/17/19 reading poetry in 3 sets from her her “Revealed”. In set 1 she read her poems “Seven and Seven, Plus Eighteen”, “Observations: Nine and Six” and “Eleven and Two, Plus Eight”. In set 2 she read her poems “Scratch the Surface”, “Freedom just Past the Fence” and “Before Taking Over the Controls”. In set 3 she read her poems “Universe... Now In Color”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein” and “Love Affair With The Moon 2012” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers live at Austin’s “Open Mic Showcase” 11/17/19 reading poetry in 3 sets from her her “Revealed”. In set 1 she read her poems “Seven and Seven, Plus Eighteen”, “Observations: Nine and Six” and “Eleven and Two, Plus Eight”. In set 2 she read her poems “Scratch the Surface”, “Freedom just Past the Fence” and “Before Taking Over the Controls”. In set 3 she read her poems “Universe... Now In Color”, “Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein” and “Love Affair With The Moon 2012” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr).

Loved You the Most
[in French] [in German] [in Italian] [in Portuguese] [in Spanish]
Listen live mp3 file from the 03/03/02 CD
& the Chicago 09/10/02 performance
art show Stop. Look. Listen.
videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
from the show Stop. live 09/10/02 in Chicago
videonot yet rated

Or see the full “Stop” show

including the performance of this piece, as a .mov file, an .mp4 file, or as a raw .ogv file, from the Internet Archive
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of a 10 minute portion of the 09/10/02 poetry show Stop, includeing this piece
video videonot yet rated See YouTube video
live 11/05/08, finale feature in Chicago at St. Paul’s, a desanctified church
video video
See complete St. Paul’s 11/05/08 show in Chicago, with 11 poems live, filmed from above in the choir seating of this desanctified church
(23:58, from the Internet Archive)
St. Pauls 11/05/08 final feature
See complete feature video from the St. Paul’s 11/05/08 show in Chicago
video not yet rated

(23:58) from the Internet Archive
See YouTube video

read live10/03/11 in the Waiting 4 the Bus show at Café Ballou for Chicago Calling, with music & video from the HA!man of South Africa
video video See Complete feature video of Kuypers reading poems (including this poem) live 10/03/11 in the Waiting 4 the Bus show at Café Ballou for Chicago Calling, performing poetry with music & video from the HA!man of South Africa
Fusion Listen: (2:05) mp3 file to this recording from Fusion, or order ANY track from the CD Fusion from iTunes. iTunes
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Love Poem” and “Loved You the Most”, then sing her song “Tight Rope Affair” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1”, then John reading his poem at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Love Poem” and “Loved You the Most”, then sing her song “Tight Rope Affair” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1” then John reading his poem at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her v217 3/24 Down in the Dirt issue/book “The Darkness Within” poems “Decorating the Lockers” (+ 11/5/08 show image), “Wedding Lost” (+ 11/5/08 show image), & videoLoved You the Most” (+ 5/3/02 show image) during her “Poetic License 3/3/24 global open mic” she hosted through a Zoom meeting & a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with THE REAL GLITCH filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypers #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Love Has Tendrils
[in French] [in German] [in Italian] [in Portuguese] [in Spanish]
[electronically translated from English to Spanish, then back to English]
Listen live mp3 file from the 03/03/02 CD
& the Chicago 09/10/02 performance
art show Stop. Look. Listen.
videonot yet rated

See YouTube video
from the show Stop. live 09/10/02 in Chicago
videonot yet rated

Or see the full “Stop” show

including the performance of this piece, as a .mov file, an .mp4 file, or as a raw .ogv file, from the Internet Archive
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of a 10 minute portion of the 09/10/02 poetry show Stop, includeing this piece
Listen: (:54) mp3 file
to this recording from Fusion
video See YouTube video

Live at the 2009 Poetry Game Show, live in Chicago 04/14/09
the 2009 Poetry Game Show

Or see the complete feature video with Kuypers & 6 readers, w/ 15 poems & prose poems live at the 2009 Poetry Game Show 04/14/09 in Chicago.
This video is w/ the Internet Archive
video footage
video not yet rated

Or view the the 2009 Poetry Game Show mpeg video (from another camera) at
the Internet Archive
See YouTube video

read live 09/06/11, at the Café open mike she hosts in Chicago
video video See Complete feature video of Kuypers live 09/06/11, at the Café open mike in Chicago, performing readings (including this writing) from the book Contents Under Pressure
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her v218 4/24 Down in the Dirt issue/book “The Unbridgeable Canyon” poems “here it goes again” (+ show image), “i am the woman who loves pain” (+ show image), & “Love Has Tendrils” (+ show image) video during her “Poetic License 4/7/24 global open mic” she hosted through a Zoom meeting & a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
You can also enjoy this as a Facebook live video stream filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera with a Charcoal filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr. #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love (dreams 12/14/20)
video See this YouTube video 4/25/21 of Janet Kuypers reading her poem “Love, Love, Love, Love, Love (dreams 12/14/20)” for the 2021 Poetry Bomb at the Alamo (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuyperspoetrybomb
video See this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading the beginning of her poem “Love, Love, Love, Love, Love (dreams 12/14/20)” (live stream cut off) for the 2021 Poetry Bomb 4/25/21 at the Alamo (this video was filmed and streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuyperspoetrybomb

love poem
the poetry 2 CD setCHAOTIC ELEMENTS
Order this iTunes track: Janet Kuypers - Chaotic Elements - Love Poem
from Chaotic Elements
(a 2 CD set)...Or order the entire CD set from iTunes:

Janet Kuypers - Chaotic Elements
video See YouTube video
live at the Café in Chicago 07/06/10
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Love Poem” and “Loved You the Most”, then sing her song “Tight Rope Affair” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1”, then John reading his poem at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Love Poem” and “Loved You the Most”, then sing her song “Tight Rope Affair” with John on acoustic guitar, all from her book “Chapter 38 v1” then John reading his poem at “Poetry Aloud” 5/12/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersmusic #janetkuyperssinging

Loving Four
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
live at the Cafe in Chicago 01/19/10
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers speaking her Instagram-length poems “Every Step” and “Brittle”, then reading her poems “Been a World Leader” and “My Kind of Town” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then her poem “Loving Four” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/11/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers speaking her Instagram-length poems “Every Step” and “Brittle”, then reading her poems “Been a World Leader” and “My Kind of Town” from her interview/journal/poetry book “In Depth”, then her poem “Loving Four” from the v5 cc&d boss lady poetry collection book “On the Edge” at “Poetry Aloud” 8/11/18 (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in multiple rounds live 11/9/19 at the Grace Heritage Center for the Georgetown “Poetry Aloud“ open mic. In round 1 she read her poem “Depth of Field” from her poetry book “Revealed”, then her Poetry Aloud inspired poems “Undulating Nexus” and “Just too High for Just one Man”. In round 2 she reads her poems “Been a World Leader”, “Enough’s Enough”, and “My kind of Town” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. In round 3 she reads her poem “Loving Four” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. (Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poetry in multiple rounds live 11/9/19 at the Grace Heritage Center for the Georgetown “Poetry Aloud“ open mic. In round 1 she read her poem “Depth of Field” from her poetry book “Revealed”, then her Poetry Aloud inspired poems “Undulating Nexus” and “Just too High for Just one Man”. In round 2 she reads her poems “Been a World Leader”, “Enough’s Enough”, and “My kind of Town” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. In round 3 she reads her poem “Loving Four” from her poetry book “Revealed”, accompanied by Ron on guitar. (Panasonic Lumix T56 camera, and posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).

low-end lipo
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her second set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Canon fs200 camera), w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation.
video See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her second set of poetry at her “UnreadBeach Poets feature 7/26/15 in Chicago, w/ the poems lava (lamp) at a rolling boil, low-end lipo, Octopi Target McDonald’s, organic sex toy, Basic Investment Question, Pinchy, Opening Our Own Doors, Saving Yourself, Protect Ourselves from Ourselves, Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet, and Evaluation (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers

Lucille Ann (haiku, on Twitter)
video See YouTube video of the haiku poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Lucille Ann to make a Vine video in the middle of her poem reading for old school and high-tech monuments (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon fs200)
video See YouTube video of the haiku poem reading by Janet Kuypers of Lucille Ann to make a Vine video in the middle of her poem reading for old school and high-tech monuments (w/ John playing guitar) in her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku Lucille Ann as a looping JKPoetryVine video (w/ John playing guitar) during her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed on a Samsung smart phone)
video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her twitter-length haiku Lucille Ann as a looping JKPoetryVine video (w/ John playing guitar) as practice hours before her 3/28/15 show “Journey” at Sisters on a Journey in Hyde Park in Chicago (filmed on a Samsung smart phone)
video video Enjoy this YouTube video of the 3/28/15 Janet Kuypers show “Journey” (w/ John playing guitar) at “Sisters on a Journey” in Chicago’s Hyde Park of 14 poems about her mother, including this poem (filmed from a Canon fs200 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
video Enjoy this YouTube video of the 3/28/15 Janet Kuypers show “Journey” (w/ John playing guitar) at “Sisters on a Journey” in Chicago’s Hyde Park of 14 poems about her mother, including this poem (filmed from a Canon Power Shot camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow
the Resistance is Futile 3/28/15 chapbook
Download this poems in the free chapbook
“Journey”, w/ poems read 3/28/15
at Sisters on a Journey show in Hyde Park (Chicago)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video
of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon fs200)
video videonot yet rated
See a Vine video
of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku poem Lucille Ann as a looping JKPoetryVine video live 4/1/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Canon Power Shot)
Janet Vine video videonot yet rated
See Vine video of Janet Kuypers reading her haiku Lucille Ann 11/24/15, in
Scars PublicationsDown in the Dirt 2015 issues book the Intersection (Samsung)

Lutetium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla

the 7/22/12 Beach Poets chapbookthe 7/22/12 Beach Poets chapbook
Download this poem in the free chapbook On the Edge of the Table, w/ the Periodic Table of Poetry poems toward the end of the Periodic Table.
video See YouTube video
of this “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem read live in Chicago 12/14/12 (Canon) at her feature On the Edge of the Table
video See YouTube video
of this “Periodic Table of Poetry” poem read live in Chicago 12/14/12 (Sony) at her feature On the Edge of the Table
video See YouTube video of poems read from Janet Kuypers’ “Periodic Table of Poetry” series, live in Chicago 12/14/12 at her feature On the Edge of the Table (this video was filmed from a Canon camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video See YouTube video of poems read from Janet Kuypers’ “Periodic Table of Poetry” series, live in Chicago 12/14/12 at her feature On the Edge of the Table (this video was filmed from a Sony camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersperiodictablepoetry
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “In Love With Erosion” book poems “Lutetium” (which is also in the book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing On the Edge of the Table show images 1 & 2), & “Lutetium and the crude truth” (which is also in the book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing poem image & 3/30/22 show video images 1 & 2) & “Lutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is” (+ 10/2/22 images 1 & 2, + poem image) during her “Poetic License 12/1/24 Global Open Mic” she hosted through Zoom & a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S24 camera w/ a Toxic Glitch filter; on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Lutetium and the crude truth
Twitter-length poem on Facebook & video post, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr

video Enjoy this YouTube video from 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read 36 of her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems (including this one) as her select “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” poems from her book “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” in her “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” feature (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this Facebook live video stream from 3/30/22 of Janet Kuypers during her “Poetry & Open Mic at The Gallery Cabaret 3/30/22” feature night in Chicago, where she read 36 of her Twitter-length Periodic Table poems (including this one) as her select “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” poems from her book “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” in her “Twitter Verse periodic Table Poetry” feature (this video was filmed & streamed live from a Samsung S9 camera with a Lava Lamp filter; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetryshow #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “In Love With Erosion” book poems “Lutetium” (which is also in the book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing On the Edge of the Table show images 1 & 2), & “Lutetium and the crude truth” (which is also in the book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing poem image & 3/30/22 show video images 1 & 2) & “Lutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is” (+ 10/2/22 images 1 & 2, + poem image) during her “Poetic License 12/1/24 Global Open Mic” she hosted through Zoom & a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S24 camera w/ a Toxic Glitch filter; on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

Lutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is
Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr

Enjoy this Facebook live video stream of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter Verse Periodic Table PoemLutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is(#71, 177Lu) on the roof of the Mohawk outdoor amphitheater right before the KMFDM industrial concert in Austin, TX 10/2/22 (filmed & streamed from a Samsung S9 camera; linked on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Twitter Verse Periodic Table PoemLutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is(#71, 177Lu) on the roof of the Mohawk outdoor amphitheater right before the KMFDM industrial concert in Austin, TX 10/2/22 (Samsung S9 camera; on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoem #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem
video Enjoy this YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her “In Love With Erosion” book poems “Lutetium” (which is also in the book “Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing On the Edge of the Table show images 1 & 2), & “Lutetium and the crude truth” (which is also in the book “Twitter Verse Periodic Table Poetry”, + showing poem image & 3/30/22 show video images 1 & 2) & “Lutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is” (+ 10/2/22 images 1 & 2, + poem image) during her “Poetic License 12/1/24 Global Open Mic” she hosted through Zoom & a Facebook event page (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; on Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr).
Also enjoy this Facebook live video stream that was filmed & streamed from a Samsung S24 camera w/ a Toxic Glitch filter; on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin, Instagram, & Tumblr). #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuyperstwitterverseperiodictablepoem #janetkuypersbookreading #janetkuypersperiodictablepoem #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoeticlicense

my hand to jkchair with moving hands, anim

Kuypers’ Bio    Kuypers’ Books    Kuypers’ Poems    Kuypers’ Prose    Chicago Poet and Poetry